IP66 Isolator: Description Pack Qty
IP66 Isolator: Description Pack Qty
IP66 Isolator: Description Pack Qty
3 pole
20A 2 pole IP66 utility isolator 1 JG320U
32A 2 pole IP66 utility isolator 1 JG332U
40A 2 pole IP66 utility isolator 1 JG340U
Rating: AC23A
2 pole
20A 2 pole IP66 isolator 1 JG220IN
32A 2 pole IP66 isolator 1 JG232IN
40A 2 pole IP66 isolator 1 JG240IN
63A 2 pole IP66 isolator 1 JG263IN
3 pole
20A 2 pole IP66 isolator 1 JG320IN
32A 2 pole IP66 isolator 1 JG332IN
40A 2 pole IP66 isolator 1 JG340IN
220-240V AC 50Hz 1 XC001
Floor mounting socket
Floor mounting socket Complies with Technical data • Terminals capable of taking:
Single and Twin BS1363 Socket outlets • 250V 13A 3 x 2.5 mm2 or
un-switched sockets outlets MS589 2 x 4 mm2 cables
SS145 • Single and Twin
Hager products are designed and
manufactured to the relevant IEC
standards and the high level of
quality is made possible by the
use of advanced equipment and
a quality assurance system man-
aged by a team of highly qualified
men and women.
Technical information
Product standard P. 74 - 76
CE marking P. 77
Ingress Protection P. 78
Circuit diagram P. 79 - 84
IP product - dimension P. 85
IP65 / 66 isolatior P. 86
Index P. 87 - 88
Product standards
Regulation 511-01-01 of BS 7671 : Requirements for Electrical Installations, CENELEC European standards are pre-fixed EN (European Norm).
IEE Wiring Regulations Sixteenth Edition is of particular importance to Adoption of the European Standard within the EC is mandatory
specifiers and installers with respect to product standards. and member countries of CENELEC are obliged to publish them
unchanged. In the UK such standards are further endorsed with the
Regulation 511-01-01 requires every item of equipment to comply additional prefix ‘BS’, for example BS EN 60669-1 : 1996 is the British
with the relevant requirements of the applicable British Standard, or Standard European Norm for Switches for household and similar fixed
Harmonised Standard appropriate to the intended use of the equipment. electrical installations.
British Standards are drawn up by all those who have a par- Founded in 1906 the International Electrotechnical Commission
ticular interest in the subject i.e. manufacturers, users, research (IEC) is the world organisation that prepares and publishes
organisations, government departments and consumers. This international standards for all electrical, electronic and related
work is co-ordinated by BSI staff, acting as secretaries to the technologies. The membership consists of 60 participating
committees where the work is done. All standards are made countries, including all the worlds major trading nations and a growing
available for public comment before they are published. number of industrialising countries.
Product standards
Switches BS EN 60669-1 : 2000 Switches for household and similar fixed electrical installations
Fused connection unit, cord outlets BS 5733 : 1995 Switches for household and similar fixed electrical installations
with particular requirements for timedelay switches (TDS)
Dimmers BS EN 60669-2-3: 2006 Switches for household and similar fixed electrical installations
with particular requirements for timedelay switches (TDS)
Frames and plates BS 5733 : 1995 Switches for household and similar fixed electrical installations
with particular requirements for timedelay switches (TDS)
Boxes BS 4662 : 1980 or Specification for boxes for the enclosure of electrical accessories
BS 5733 : 1995
Product standards
10 Amp Wall switch BS EN 60669-1: 2000 Switches for household and similar fixed electrical installations
IEC 60669-1 Ed.3.2b:2007
CB certificate
Dimmer switches BS EN 60669-2-1: 2004 Electronic variable control switches (dimmer switches) for tungsten
IEC 60669-2-1 Ed.4.0b: 2002 filament lighting
CB certificate
13 Amp Socket Outlets BS 1363 : Part 2 : 1995 13A plugs, socket-outlets, adaptors and connection units
15 Amp Switched Socket BS 546 : 1950 (1988) Specification. Two-pole and earthing-pin plugs, socket-outlets and socket-
outlet adaptors
20 Amp D.P. Switches BS EN 60669-1 : 2000 Switches for household and similar fixed electrical installations
IEC 60669-1 Ed.3.2b: 2007
13 Amp Fused Connection Unit BS 1363 : Part 4 : 1995 Specification for 13A fused connection units switched and unswitched
45 Amp D.P. Switches BS EN 60669-1 : 2000 Switches for household and similar fixed electrical installations
BS 3676 : 1 : 2000
Shaver Socket Outlet BS EN 61558-2-5: 1998 General Requirements Isolating transformers and safety isolating
IEC 61558-2-5: 1997 Electromagnetic compatibility, immunity requirements for household
CB certificate appliances tools and similar apparatus.
25 Amp/ Amp Flex Outlet Plate BS 5733: 1995 General Requirements for Electrical Accessories
Ceiling rose BS 67
CE marking
A directive is a piece of mandatory European Legislation European Council Directive 73/23/EEC with an amendment 93/68/EEC
implemented by regulations in all member countries. Its purpose is is known as the Low Voltage Directive.
to allow free movement of goods that are safe and fit for use into and
within the European Union. The Low Voltage Directive has been implemented into UK law by
the “ Electrical Equipment (Safety) Regulations 1994” and apply
CE marking is not a quality mark and it does not indicate that any test- to all electrical / electronic equipment operating at a voltage of
ing or certification has been carried out. 50-1000 V a.c. or 75-1500 V d.c.. They do not apply to plugs,
socket outlets and adapters which are covered by the Plugs and
Sockets (Safety) Regulations 1994.
The marking.
CE marking is a statement by the manufacturer that the product
complies with the essential requirements of all relevant Directives, Relationship between the Electrical Equipment (Safety)
notably in the area of technical safety and conformity assessment. Regulations, Harmonised standards and the IEE Wiring
Regulations Sixteenth Edition.
CE marking can appear on the product or packaging or
documentation or combination thereof dependant upon which
directive it has to comply with.
The Electrical Equipment (Safety) Regulations requires electrical
CE marking is a very specific graphical symbol and must be clearly equipment to be safe. Electrical equipment which satisfies the safety
separated from other marks. provisions of Harmonised standards shall be taken to comply with this
requirement, unless there are reasonable grounds for suspecting that
the equipment does not so comply.
It is the responsibility of the manufacturer or his authorised
representative who places the product onto the EC market to decide
which Directive(s) apply and to ensure the CE marking is affixed by the
dates stated in the relevant directive(s)
Ingress protection
1 Protected against A large surface of the 1 Protected a gainst Dripping water (vertically)
solid objects body, such as a hand dripping water falling drops) shall have no
greater than (but no protection harmful effect
∅ 50mm 50mm against deliberate
access) solid objects
exceeding 50mm in
2 Protected against Fingers or similar objects 2 Protected against Vertically dripping water
solid objects not exceeding 80mm in dripping water shall have no harmful
greater than length; solid objects when titled up effect when the enclosure
∅ 12.5mm 12,5mm exceeding 12,5mm in to 15° is titled at any angle up to
diameter 15° from its normal position
3 Protected against Tools, wires, etc...., of 3 Protected against Water falling as a spray at
solid objects diameter or thickness spraying water an angle up to 60° from
greater than greater than 2,5 mm; greater than 60° the vertical shall have no
∅ 2.5mm 2,5 mm solid objects exceeding harmful effect
2,5 mm in diameter
6 Dust - light No ingress of dust 6 Protected against Water from heavy seas
heavy seas or water projected in
powerful jets shall not
enter the enclosure in
harmful quantities
Circuit diagram
Intermediate Switch
Dimmer Switch
Fan Control
Circuit diagram
Double Pole Control Switch Double Pole Control Switch with Neon
Double Pole Control Switch 20AX Double Pole Control Switch 20AX
with Neon + 10AX without Neon + 20AX with Neon
Circuit diagram
600W 1 Gang Large Dolly Dimming 400W 2 Gang Large Dolly Dimming
Switch with Neon(cycle Action) Switch with Neon(cycle Action)
Circuit diagram
Circuit diagram
Jack pin A B
1 White/Green White/Orange
2 Green/White Orange/White
3 White/Orange White/Green
4 Blue/White Blue/White
5 White/Blue White/Blue
6 Orange/White Green/White
7 White/Brown White/Brown
8 Brown/White Brown/White
Jack pin A B
1 White/Green White/Orange
2 Green/White Orange/White
3 White/Orange White/Green
4 Blue/White Blue/White
5 White/Blue White/Blue
6 Orange/White Green/White
7 White/Brown White/Brown
8 Brown/White Brown/White
Circuit diagram
Size 1 Size 2
Dimension: 87mm x 87mm Dimension: 87mm x 147mm
Mounting: 60.3mm Mounting: 120.6mm
87mm 87mm
60.3mm 120.6mm
87mm 147mm
IP product dimension
XRW6130 Fused Spur with Flex outlet 13 A IP66 120.5 110.0 81.5
IP55 IP66
IP55 hager
IP 66 isolator
2 pole
Reference Current H W D
JG220U 20 A 170 84 87
JG232U 32 A 170 84 87
JG240U 40 A 170 84 87
JG220U 63 A 170 84 87
• All dimensions are in mm
3 pole
Reference Current H W D
OFF JG320U 20 A 170 84 87
JG332U 32 A 170 84 87
JG340U 40 A 170 84 87
• All dimensions are in mm
IP 66 isolator
2 pole
Reference Current H W D
JG220IN 20 A 170 84 87
JG232IN 32 A 170 84 87
JG240IN 40 A 170 84 87
JG220IN 63 A 170 84 87
hager • All dimensions are in mm
3 pole
Reference Current H W D
JG320IN 20 A 170 84 87
JG332IN 32 A 170 84 87
JG340IN 40 A 170 84 87
• All dimensions are in mm
3 pole + switched neutral
Reference Current H W D
JG420IN 20 A 170 84 87
JG432IN 32 A 170 84 87
JG440IN 40 A 170 84 87
JG420IN 63 A 170 84 87
• All dimensions are in mm