Message From The Graduating Students
Message From The Graduating Students
Message From The Graduating Students
Now, the final year has come and the final term it is. It is full of excitement and all of us
are looking forward to that moment where our hearts are going to beat fast while we
hear the sound of the marching song as our eyes get teary, reminiscing all the
hilariousness and hardships we had. However, the book is not yet closed. We still have
some transactions to account for.
Here, we want to share with you our feelings toward the journey we had over the five
years of studying accounting…
“I was once part of anybody, until I found a place where I can finally call myself through
my own name and found my special designation. It is when I entered Accountancy that I
got know more about myself, my capacity, and my principles. The weights incumbent in
this program has made me aware of what more I can give and what more I can share.
When you had the belief that the things you wanted were really meant for you and you
keep on striving, hoping that you can reach the most impossible thing, then God and
fortune will make a way to make it possible.”
~ Maria Desiree O. Pastor
“One thing is for sure, Accountancy students are bright… And what makes us unique is
that we put the numbers along with the right words to present a good analysis and
convince the crowd that we have something to offer.”
“JPIA is an institution for learning and sharing. Through JPIA one will have a chance to
meet and interact with accountancy students from different year levels and schools.
JPIA created camaraderie among accountancy students.”
~ Sarah R. Panganiban
“Nothing can beat that sense of accomplishment you get knowing you can do
something and actually did it. It’s sort of the same feeling you get when your balance
sheet’s really balanced.”
~ Olive Miranda
“Accounting is a tough program to take, and it is that very fact that it makes a student
fulfilled and all but if you caged yourself and did nothing but compute, analyze, and eat
numbers you will start to wither, you will start to stagnate, or worst you will crack under
pressure. “All work and no play makes jack a dull boy" I strongly believe in this phrase,
nobody wants to be reduced to a boring accounting machine right? So go out. Live. But
don't forget that you are studying accounting. It doesn't have any mercy on those who
are too carefree.”
“In everything I do, I only consider three things. First, what I need to do; second, why I
need to do it; and third, for whom am I doing it. If you are fully aware of your reason for
doing things, you are confident that you’re making sense and you sure will not regret
anything in the end since you did it with your heart. Whatever the result of your action is,
be it the simplest or the greatest, just always offer it to your creator because in that way,
you are making Him happy.”
~ Ronalyn V. Mayamaya
“The first thing one must do is accept that accountancy program does not only intend to
gauge one’s intellect, but also to test each students’ desire to continue even things are
getting harder. Accountancy is for those whose guts are strong enough to accept that
we may not always balance and life cannot be forced. Those who remain are those who
Choose Paths Accordingly.”
“Accountancy students do not just balance their worksheets but also adjust their
activities and lifestyle by engaging in sports and social gatherings.”
“In practicum, we choose the companies we want to work with. Later, we will make them
choose us.”
“With all the academic and organization stuffs to-do list that we have, being both an
accountancy student and JPIA officer is no piece of cake. As future leaders in the
corporate world, we have to know that leadership is not about the titles and positions, it
is about taking actions and being accountable for its results - a virtue that we've learned
as accounting students.”
~ Melanie S. Manzano
“Restate prior period errors, hedge those disturbances, and you will earn prospectively
– that’s accounting in life.”
“The best way to pass is to accept the fact that you may not. But you must have the
persistence to beat the odds.”
~ Kelvin Zarate
Thank you, oh God Almighty. These are all because of Your support, guidance and
blessings. May You continue to give us, Accountancy students, strong mind and calm