Respond - Recover - Thrive
Respond - Recover - Thrive
Respond - Recover - Thrive
We are in the middle of the mother of all “black swan” events in recent times as COVID-19 takes the world by complete
surprise with an impact like one has never seen before. While the full effect of this pandemic on businesses is still unknown,
the current focus is primarily on protecting employees, understanding the risks to business and managing business
disruptions caused by efforts to contain the spread of COVID-19.
Finance and liquidity availability is the life blood of any organization. The key decisions that you take in this
regard during these trying times, would form the basis to secure your organization’s resilience.
In this session, we will touch upon elements of the response strategy that leaders may like to consider while addressing the circumstances facing
their organization. Recommendations are primarily focused on helping organizations putting in place the groundwork to enable them to develop
forecasts in an agile manner to keep the business running, generate and preserve cash and most of all keep the lights on through the crisis.
©2020 Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu India LLP. Respond – Recover – Thrive 2
Managing working capital and cash flows during crisis
Agenda for our conversation
Build structure and framework for agile Minimize supply side disruptions through
forecasting re-imagined payable processes
• Make it cross functional and collaborative • Identify suppliers essential to operational
lines of business
• Model the impact of all working capital
levers to assess cash-flow impact and • Prioritize share of business based on credit
preserve liquidity arrangements
• Build forecasts for expected crisis tenure • Maintain transparent communication with
across impacted lines of business suppliers
• Determine cash & cost saving levers to • Evaluate alternate financing mechanisms
minimize impact
Build scenarios for expected crisis tenure across affected lines/territories of business
• Carry out agile forecast refresh for changes in demand
• Minimize supply side disruptions through identifying essential and at risk suppliers
• Model working capital levers to assess cash-flow impact and preserve liquidity
This material is prepared by Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu India LLP (DTTILLP) for the specific purpose of a webinar for Covid19 - Addressing
challenges around Working Capital Planning and Cash Flow Management on 2 April 2020. This material (including any information contained in it) is
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©2020 Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu India LLP. Member of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited