CRAFT Aquaponics Calculations
CRAFT Aquaponics Calculations
CRAFT Aquaponics Calculations
Enter values:
Fish tank area 100 M2
Important notes:
1. Only for media bed or raft systems 6. Minimum area 150 sqm
2. Actual calculations may vary from case to case 7. These calculation should refers only as guidelines
3. Based on Tilapia and Spinach production only 8. Any doubts or for clarification, WhatsApp on +91 8767 01 3131
4. No vertical farming involved 9. This sheet is only for CRAFT training attendees. Sharing is prohibit
5. The Opex and Capex are based on our experience 10. Lower (Aprox 20) fish density is recommended for easier operati
Vegetable growth per kg of fish 2.6 Kg/kg Fish feedings per day
Vegetable growth per kg of feed 1.73 Kg/kg Fish feed weight per time feeding
Revenue from vegetable sales per yr 0 Rs/yr Feed consumption per sq m grow area
33 gm/week
74 gm/week
According to pH
According to pH
3 Nos `
2.9 kg
80 gm/day