OpenFog Reference Architecture 2 09 17 PDF
OpenFog Reference Architecture 2 09 17 PDF
OpenFog Reference Architecture 2 09 17 PDF
February 2017
OPFRA001.020817 © OpenFog Consortium. All rights reserved.
Use of this Document
Copyright © 2017 OpenFog Consortium. All rights reserved. Published in the USA.
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OpenFog Consortium and the OpenFog Consortium logo are registered trademarks
of OpenFog Consortium in the United States and other countries. All other
trademarks used herein are the property of their respective owners.
The OpenFog Reference Architecture is the product of the OpenFog Architecture
Workgroup, co-chaired by Charles Byers (Cisco) and Robert Swanson (Intel). It
represents the collaborative work of the global membership of the OpenFog
Consortium. We wish to thank these organizations for contributing to this work and
to the advancement of fog computing technology, research and innovation: Aalto
University; ABBALab; Arizona State University; ARM; AT&T; Caltech; Cisco; Dell;
FogHorn Systems; Fujitsu; GE Digital; Hitachi; Foxconn; Indian Institute of
Technology; Industrial Technology Research Institute; Institute for Information
Industry; Institute of Network Coding; The Chinese University of Hong Kong; Intel;
Internet Initiative Japan Inc.; ITOCHU techno-Solutions Corporation; Kii; LGS
Innovations; MARSEC; Microsoft; Mitsubishi Electric Corporation; National Chiao
Tung University; National Taiwan University; Nebbiolo Technologies; NEC
Corporation; NGD Systems; NTT Communications; OSIsoft; Princeton University;
PrismTech; Real-Time Innovations; relayr; SAKURA Internet; Schneider Electric;
Shanghai Institute of Microsystem and Information Technology; ShanghaiTech
University; Singapore University of Technology and Design; SRC Inc.; Stichting
imec Nederland; The Chinese University of Hong Kong; Toshiba; Technische
Universität Dresden; TTTech; University of Colorado Boulder; University of Georgia;
University of Pisa; University of Southern California; Vanderbilt University; Wayne
State University.
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OpenFog Overview
Digital innovation from the Internet of Things (IoT), Artificial Intelligence,
Virtual Reality, Tactile Internet and 5G applications is transforming the way
we work, commute, shop and play. Data from newly-connected factories,
homes, communities, cars, hospitals and more is expected to grow from 1.1
zettabytes (or 89 exabytes) per year in 2016 to 2.3 zettabytes (or 194
exabytes) per year by 2020.1 Current “cloud-only” architectures cannot keep
up with the volume and velocity of this data across the network, thereby
reducing the value that can be created and captured from these
Fog computing is a:
Fog computing also is often erroneously called edge computing, but there
are key differences. Fog works with the cloud, whereas edge is defined by
the exclusion of cloud. Fog is hierarchical, where edge tends to be limited to
a small number of layers. In additional to computation, fog also addresses
networking, storage, control and acceleration.
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The OpenFog Consortium was formed on the principle that an open fog
computing architecture is necessary in today’s increasingly connected world.
Through an independently run open membership ecosystem of industry, end
users and universities, we can apply a broad coalition of knowledge to these
technical and market challenges. We believe that proprietary or single
vendor solutions can limit supplier diversity and ecosystems, resulting in a
detrimental impact on market adoption, system cost, quality and innovation.
It is our intent to ensure the OpenFog reference architecture results in fully
interoperable and secure systems, supported by a vibrant supplier
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Use of this Document ........................................................................................................................... 2
Acknowledgements ................................................................................................................................ 2
OpenFog Overview ................................................................................................................................. 3
1 About Fog Computing and the Consortium ........................................................................................... 9
OpenFog Reference Architecture Overview.................................................................................... 9
2 Areas of Opportunity ............................................................................................................................ 10
OpenFog Reference Architecture Content .................................................................................... 10
The Internet of Things, Cloud and the OpenFog RA ...................................................................... 10
OpenFog and Other Consortia ...................................................................................................... 12
3 Use Cases for Fog ................................................................................................................................. 13
Transportation Scenario: Smart Cars and Traffic Control ............................................................. 14
Visual Security and Surveillance Scenario ..................................................................................... 17
Smart Cities Scenario ..................................................................................................................... 19
3.3.1 Smart Buildings ........................................................................................................................... 20
Additional Use Cases ..................................................................................................................... 21
4 Pillars of OpenFog RA ........................................................................................................................... 22
Security Pillar ................................................................................................................................. 23
Scalability Pillar.............................................................................................................................. 24
Openness Pillar .............................................................................................................................. 26
Autonomy Pillar ............................................................................................................................. 27
Programmability Pillar ................................................................................................................... 29
Reliability, Availability, and Serviceability (RAS) Pillar .................................................................. 29
Agility Pillar .................................................................................................................................... 31
Hierarchy Pillar .............................................................................................................................. 31
4.8.1 Hierarchical Fog Deployment Models ......................................................................................... 34
5 Reference Architecture Overview ........................................................................................................ 38
Functional Viewpoint .................................................................................................................... 38
Deployment Viewpoint ................................................................................................................. 39
5.2.1 OpenFog Deployment Types ....................................................................................................... 39
5.2.2 N-Tier Fog Deployment ............................................................................................................... 39
OPFRA001.020817 © OpenFog Consortium. All rights reserved.
OpenFog Architecture Description ................................................................................................ 43
Perspectives (Cross Cutting Concerns) .......................................................................................... 46
5.4.1 Performance and Scale Perspective............................................................................................ 46
5.4.2 Security Perspective .................................................................................................................... 47
5.4.3 Manageability Perspective .......................................................................................................... 51
5.4.4 Data, Analytics, and Control ....................................................................................................... 54
5.4.5 IT Business and Cross-fog Applications ....................................................................................... 56
Node View ..................................................................................................................................... 56
5.5.1 Network ...................................................................................................................................... 58
5.5.2 Accelerators ................................................................................................................................ 65
5.5.3 Compute...................................................................................................................................... 66
5.5.4 Storage ........................................................................................................................................ 67
5.5.5 OpenFog Node Management...................................................................................................... 68
5.5.6 OpenFog Node Security .............................................................................................................. 69
System Architecture View ............................................................................................................. 73
5.6.1 Hardware Platform Infrastructure .............................................................................................. 74
5.6.2 Hardware Virtualization and Containers .................................................................................... 77
Software Architecture View .......................................................................................................... 77
5.7.1 Software View Layers .................................................................................................................. 77
6 Adherence to OpenFog Reference Architecture .................................................................................. 89
7 An End-to-End Deployment Use Case .................................................................................................. 91
Airport Visual Security ................................................................................................................... 91
7.1.1 Cloud and Edge Approaches ....................................................................................................... 92
7.1.2 Fog Computing Approach ........................................................................................................... 93
7.1.3 Application to Airport Visual Security ....................................................................................... 103
8 Additional Opportunities .................................................................................................................... 120
9 Summary and Next Steps ................................................................................................................... 121
10 Appendix – Deeper Security Analysis ................................................................................................. 122
Security Aspects ........................................................................................................................ 122
10.1.1 Cryptographic Functions ........................................................................................................... 122
10.1.2 Node Security Aspect ................................................................................................................ 127
OPFRA001.020817 © OpenFog Consortium. All rights reserved.
10.1.3 Network Security Aspect........................................................................................................... 130
10.1.4 Data Security Aspect ................................................................................................................. 137
11 Glossary .............................................................................................................................................. 143
References ........................................................................................................................................ 159
Figure 1 Unfettered Cloud Computing .................................................... 11
Figure 2 OpenFog Consortium and Other Consortia ................................. 12
Figure 3 OpenFog Transportation: Smart Car and Traffic Control System ... 15
Figure 4 Opportunities for Smart Cities .................................................. 19
Figure 5 Pillars of OpenFog .................................................................. 22
Figure 6 Layered Architecture View of an IoT System .............................. 32
Figure 7 IoT System Deployment Models ............................................... 34
Figure 8 Fog Hierarchy Example ........................................................... 36
Figure 9 Fog Hierarchical Deployment Model .......................................... 36
Figure 10 Multi-Tier Deployment ........................................................... 39
Figure 11 Intelligence from data ........................................................... 41
Figure 12 Fog Node East/West Communication ....................................... 43
Figure 13 Architecture Description with Perspectives ............................... 44
Figure 14 OpenFog Architecture Perspectives ......................................... 46
Figure 15 OpenFog Security Layers ....................................................... 48
Figure 16 Example Threats and Attacks ................................................. 49
Figure 17 Management Lifecycle ........................................................... 52
Figure 18 Management Layer ............................................................... 54
Figure 19 Business Intelligence ............................................................ 55
Figure 20 Cross Fog Application ............................................................ 56
Figure 21 Node View ........................................................................... 57
Figure 22 System Architecture View ...................................................... 74
Figure 23 Software Architecture View .................................................... 78
Figure 24 Application Support .............................................................. 82
Figure 25 Containerization for Application Support .................................. 82
Figure 26 Application Services Layer ..................................................... 85
Figure 27 Containerization for Application Support .................................. 86
Figure 44 OpenFog Technology Ready ................................................... 89
Figure 43 OpenFog Ready .................................................................... 89
Figure 28 Airport Scenario ................................................................... 91
Figure 29 Key pillars of the OpenFog Architecture ................................... 93
Figure 30 OpenFog Architecture Description ........................................... 94
OPFRA001.020817 © OpenFog Consortium. All rights reserved.
Figure 31 Node view for Visual Security ................................................. 95
Figure 32 OpenFog Approach to Visual Security Scenario ....................... 104
Figure 33 OpenFog realized for Visual Security ..................................... 105
Figure 34 Training and Classification system for Machine Vision .............. 106
Figure 35 Airport License Plate Capture ............................................... 107
Figure 36 Integrated Air Travel Infrastructure - Assumptions ................. 108
Figure 37 Garage Gate Entrance ......................................................... 109
Figure 38 Central System Analytics ..................................................... 110
Figure 39 Terminal Entrance .............................................................. 111
Figure 40 Baggage flow ..................................................................... 113
Figure 41 Departure Gate .................................................................. 116
Figure 42 Arrival Gate ....................................................................... 117
Figure 50 OpenFog Node Security Architecture ..................................... 127
Figure 45 OpenFog Security Functional Layers and Operational Planes .... 131
Figure 46 OpenFog Secure Communication Pathways ............................ 132
Figure 47 Protocol Suites for Secure Node-to-Node Communications ....... 133
Figure 48 Protocol Suites for Secure Node-to-Node Communications ....... 133
Figure 49 Protocol Suites for Secure Node-to-Device Communications ..... 135
OPFRA001.020817 © OpenFog Consortium. All rights reserved.
1 About Fog Computing and the
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2 Areas of Opportunity
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Current deployment models emphasize mandatory cloud connectivity;
however, this is not feasible in many real-world situations. These are two of
the primary issues with connecting edge devices to the cloud for all services:
While the cloud itself may play a vital role in many deployments, fog
computing represents a shift from traditional closed systems and a reliance
on cloud-only focused models. Fog computing is complementary to, and an
extension of, traditional cloud-based models.
The fog computing model moves computation from the cloud closer the
edge, and potentially right up to the IoT sensors and actuators. The
computational, networking, storage and acceleration elements of this new
model are known as fog nodes. These are not completely fixed to the
physical edge, but should be seen as fluid system of connectivity.
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OpenFog and Other Consortia
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3 Use Cases for Fog
Fog computing targets cross-cutting concerns like the control of
performance, latency and efficiency are also key to the success of fog
networks. Cloud and fog computing are on a mutually beneficial, inter-
dependent continuum.
Certain functions are naturally more advantageous to carry out in fog nodes,
while others are better suited to cloud. The traditional backend cloud will
continue to remain an important part of computing systems as fog
computing emerges. The segmentation of what tasks go to fog and what
goes to the backend cloud are application specific. This segmentation could
be planned, but also change dynamically if the network state changes in
areas like processor loads, link bandwidths, storage capacities, fault events,
security threats, cost targets, etc.
A quick use case example to illustrate the value of fog: Consider an oil
pipeline with pressure and flow sensors and control valves. One could
transport all those sensor readings to the cloud (perhaps using expensive
satellite links) analyze the readings in cloud servers to detect abnormal
conditions, and send commands back to adjust the positon of the valves.
There are several problems with this scenario: the bandwidth to transport
the sensor and actuator data to and from the cloud could cost many
thousands of dollars per month; those connections could be susceptible to
hackers; it may take several hundred milliseconds to react to an abnormal
sensor reading (during which time a major leak could spill significant oil);
and if the connection to the cloud is down, or the cloud is overloaded,
control is lost.
OPFRA001.020817 © OpenFog Consortium. All rights reserved.
Now, consider placing a hierarchy of local fog nodes near the pipeline. They
can connect to sensors and actuators with inexpensive local networking
facilities. Fog nodes can be highly secure, lessening the hacker threat. Fog
nodes can react to abnormal conditions in milliseconds, quickly closing
valves to greatly reduce the severity of spills. Local control in the fog nodes
produces a more robust control system. Moving most of the decision-making
functions of this control system to the fog, and only contacting the cloud
occasionally to report status or receive commands, creates a superior control
The smart car and traffic control use case presents an opportunity to
examine a fog environment containing a rich set of interactions among
multiple fog domains as well as multiple cloud domains. Among other things,
this use case demonstrates:
OPFRA001.020817 © OpenFog Consortium. All rights reserved.
A rich set of interactions among multiple fog domains, as well as
multiple cloud domains, including Element Management Systems
(EMS), service provider (SP), metro traffic services, and system
manufacturer clouds.
Mobile fog nodes supporting vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V), vehicle-to-
infrastructure (V2I), and vehicle-to-x (V2X) interactions.
Multiple fog networks owned and operated by different authorities
providing similar (and different) functionality
Multi-tenancy across fog nodes will also be a burgeoning opportunity
to consolidate multiple fog networks, improving efficiency.
Both private and public fog and cloud networks used by a single end
point device.
This use case shows also shows the hierarchical and distributed advantages
of a fog architecture. As shown in the figure above, the system includes
several types of sensors (and actuators) that we refer to as “things.”
The vehicles connect to the cloud and a hierarchy of fog nodes that service
the autonomous vehicle or traffic control systems.
The goal of the OpenFog RA for smart cars and traffic control is to ensure an
open, secure, distributed, and scalable architecture that optimizes real time
capabilities within a multi-supplier ecosystem. The transportation example
shows a complex system of autonomous things and infrastructure generating
massive amounts of data. We believe that this use case highlights the need
for fog computing to enable safe and effective operations in IoT, 5G, AI and
other advanced scenarios.
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The visual security for airports use case requires all of these fog capabilities
to meet its performance, reliability, security and efficiency goals. This
includes vehicle detection, people detection, smart retail, and other areas
where machine vision via video analytics is important for fog computing.
Please see the detailed analysis in chapter 7 for many more details including
an application of the OpenFog RA.
Smart cities are using technology to deal with many challenges, including
traffic congestion, public safety, energy consumption, sanitation, and public
internet connectivity.
OPFRA001.020817 © OpenFog Consortium. All rights reserved.
While most modern cities have one or more cellular networks providing city-
wide coverage, these networks often have capacity and peak bandwidth
limits that just barely meet the needs of their existing subscribers. This
leaves little bandwidth for the advanced municipal services envisioned in a
smart city. OpenFog RA deployments coupled with 5G technologies provide
an opportunity to address this concern. Fog nodes can provide local
processing and storage, and optimize network usage.
Smart city planning also includes critical public safety and security
requirements. For example:
Municipal networks carry sensitive traffic and citizen data (e.g., police
dispatches), and operate life-critical systems (e.g., first responder
Video security and surveillance systems capture suspicious or unsafe
conditions (e.g., utility network problems, unauthorized use of public
spaces, etc.)
Note that smart cars and traffic congestion, which is covered as a separate
use case, are also top priorities for smart cities.
By providing secure data and distributed analytics, fog computing will play a
key role in addressing public safety and security issues for smart cities.
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The OpenFog RA model can be extended into the building’s control hierarchy
to create a number of smart, connected spaces within each building. Using
the hierarchical design of the OpenFog RA, each floor, wing, or even
individual room could contain its own fog node.
Locally stored operational history can be aggregated and sent to the cloud
for large-scale analytics. These analytics can be applied to machine learning
to create optimized models, which are then downloaded to the local fog
infrastructure for execution.
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4 Pillars of OpenFog RA
The OpenFog RA is driven by a set of core principles called pillars. These
pillars form the belief, approach and intent that guided the definition of the
reference architecture. They represent the key attributes that a system
needs to embody the OpenFog definition of a horizontal, system-level
architecture that provides the distribution of computing, storage, control,
and networking functions closer to the data source (users, things, et al)
along the cloud-to-thing continuum.
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Security Pillar
Many IoT applications supported by the OpenFog RA have privacy critical,
mission critical, and even life critical aspects. As such, any security
compromise in the fog network can have severe consequences. The OpenFog
RA, as it abstracts these technologies, will enable the flexible creation of
computing environments that address a broad spectrum of security concerns
spanning from IoT devices to cloud and the fog networks in between.
The security pillar of the OpenFog RA starts with a clear definition of base
building blocks. All fog nodes must employ a hardware-based immutable
root of trust. The Hardware Root of Trust is a trusted hardware component
which receives control at power-on. It then extends the chain of trust to
other hardware, firmware, and software components. The root of trust
should then be attestable by software agents running within and throughout
the infrastructure. Because of the proximity to the edge, nodes in fog
networks often act as the first node of access control and encryption. This
OPFRA001.020817 © OpenFog Consortium. All rights reserved.
means they must provide contextual integrity and isolation, and control
aggregation of privacy-sensitive data before it leaves the edge.
Scalability Pillar
The scalability pillar addresses the dynamic technical and business needs
behind fog deployments. Elastic scalability cuts across all fog computing
applications and verticals. The hierarchical properties of fog and its location
at logical edges of networks add additional scaling opportunities.
Because of the variability in the use cases for fog computing, the OpenFog
RA enables elastic scaling of modest deployments through large mission
critical deployments based on demand. This scalability is essential for fog
computing implementations to adapt to workload, system cost, performance,
and other changing business needs.
OPFRA001.020817 © OpenFog Consortium. All rights reserved.
interfaces. You can also add capacity through software and various
pay-as-you-grow licensing. The converse is also true.
Scalable reliability permits the inclusion of optional redundant fog
capabilities to manage faults or overloads. Redundant fog nodes also
ensure a large deployment’s integrity and reliability at scale, which is
part of the reliability, availability, and serviceability (RAS) pillar. There
are hardware and software aspects to scalable reliability. The
scalability mechanisms supporting the reliability of fog networks must
themselves be highly reliable. Availability (which is a scaling measure
closely related to reliability) scales through similar methods.
Scalable security is often achieved through the addition of modules
(hardware and software) to a basic fog node as its security needs
become more stringent. Capabilities like scalable distribution, rights
access, crypto processing capacity, and autonomous security features
contribute to scalable security.
Scalable hardware involves the ability to modify the configuration of
the internal elements of fog nodes, as well as the numbers of and
relationships between fog nodes in networks.
o Processors scale from modest single core CPUs to specialized
accelerator chips with thousands of cores or millions of gates.
o Networking scales from a single wireless or wire line interface to
large arrays of wireless, wire line, and fiber interfaces with
aggregate capacities of many Gb/s.
o Storage can scale from a simple flash chip to large arrays of
flash / rotating disks and network attached file systems.
Openness Pillar
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compute-intensive application developed in fog architecture can
leverage hundreds of gigabytes sitting idle on nearby laptops,
systems, and set-top boxes in a household every evening, or among
the passengers of a public transit system. The open discovery of these
nearby compute resources is critical. Doing the functional work nearest
the edge avoids additional network taxes when moving up the stack
towards the cloud. We define network taxes as the cost of
Location transparency of any node instance to ensure that nodes
can be deployed anywhere in the hierarchy. Location transparency
provides an alternative to network operator control. This means that
any IoT device, such as a smart watch, does need its own carrier-
owned data plan. Each thing or software entity can observe its local
conditions and make decisions on which network to join. Each endpoint
in a fog network can optimize its path to the computational,
networking and storage resources it needs (no matter if those
resources are in the hierarchical layers of the fog, or in the cloud).
Autonomy Pillar
The autonomy pillar enables fog nodes to continue to deliver the designed
functionality in the face of the external service failures. In this architecture,
autonomy is supported throughout the hierarchy. Decision making will be
made at all levels of a deployment’s hierarchy including near the device or
higher order layers. Centralized decision-making in the cloud is no longer the
only option. Autonomy at the network edge means intelligence from local
devices and peer data can be used to fulfill the business’ mission at the point
where it makes the most business sense.
OPFRA001.020817 © OpenFog Consortium. All rights reserved.
the operational lifecycle and decommissioning. Autonomy of O&M
entails a number of actions including: instantiation of services;
provisioning the environment around the services, such as routing of
data flows; and keeping track of the health and status of the
resources. All these actions should be as automated as possible
through programmability and policies. The architecture includes an
autonomous and scalable O&M function that is set up to handle any
surge of demand for resources, without real-time reliance on the cloud
or the need for significant human labor.
Autonomy of security enables devices and services to come online,
authenticate themselves against a minimal set of fog security services,
and perform their designed functions. In addition, these security
services can store records for future audits. With autonomy, these
actions can be performed where they are needed, when they are
needed, and regardless of connectivity to the cloud. Fog nodes can
autonomously react to evolving security threats, such as updating
virus screening algorithms, determination of denial-of-service (DoS)
attacks, etc. without administrator involvement.
Autonomy of operation supports localized decision making by IoT
systems. Sensors provide data, which is the basis for autonomous
actions at the edge. If the cloud or a single place in the system’s
hierarchy is the only location where decisions can be made, this
violates the ability to ensure reliability and as such, the architecture
ensure operational autonomy.
Cost savings is a key motivator for autonomy. Connectivity today
costs money. The more data that is sent through the network, the
higher the costs are for businesses due to network taxes. This drives
the need for more processing at the edge of the network, with just-in-
need and just-in-time data sent to the cloud as required for additional
business insights. For example, when an oil rig generates 30,000 data
points a second, not all of the data must be sent through an expensive
satellite link. Local and fog domain analytics and pre-processing can
autonomously filter out the unimportant data points and extract the
more mission critical ones to be delivered to the next layer in the
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Programmability Pillar
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o Ease of access/swap-out of the hardware (component
o Ease of secure upgradeability of software, BIOS, and applications
locally or remotely and in real time.
o Replication of system configuration over cloud on replaced/swap-
out systems.
Support for redundant configurations for persistent productivity.
Agility Pillar
Hierarchy Pillar
The figure below shows a logical view of the IoT system from a
computational perspective. Each layer in the hierarchy addresses a specific
concern of the IoT system.
Devices in the hierarchy: Sensors and actuator devices are the physical
things and produce telemetry data to be consumed by the monitoring and
control layer. This layer analyzes the telemetry and generates actuation
commands if the process being monitored deviates from the desired state.
Note that the term “process” is used in an abstract sense that it is
represented by a set of measured parameters that depend on a set of
actuator settings. Depending on the domain problem, some systems may
not have any actuators. Similarly, for scenarios like mobile network
acceleration, the core function is to accelerate content delivery and not
OPFRA001.020817 © OpenFog Consortium. All rights reserved.
monitoring and control. On the other hand, systems like building operations
may have actuators to change the HVAC and lighting based on occupancy.
OPFRA001.020817 © OpenFog Consortium. All rights reserved.
4.8.1 Hierarchical Fog Deployment Models
The figures below show a subset of the combination of fog and cloud
deployed to address various domain scenarios as framed by the layered view
of IoT systems. Each fog element may represent a hierarchy of fog clusters
fulfilling the same functional responsibilities. Depending on the scenario,
multiple fog and cloud elements may collapse into a single physical
deployment. Each fog element may also represent a mesh of peer fog nodes
in use cases like connected cars, electrical vehicle charging, and closed loop
traffic systems. In these use cases, fog nodes may securely discover and
communicate with each other for exchanging context-specific intelligence.
OPFRA001.020817 © OpenFog Consortium. All rights reserved.
reasons such as low event to action time window, regulatory compliance,
military grade security and privacy, and unavailability of a central cloud in a
particular geography. Examples include armed forces combat systems, drone
operations, some healthcare systems, hospitals, and ATM banking systems.
Figure 2 shows the cloud used for information processing related to decision
making that may have event-to-action time window ranging from hours to
days to months. Operation-centric information processing is done by fog
deployments located close to the infrastructure/process being managed. Use
cases include commercial building management, commercial solar panel
monitoring, and retail.
Figure 4 supports use cases like agriculture, connected cars, and remote
weather stations. These use cases leverage the cloud for the entire stack
due to the constrained environments in which the deployment of fog
infrastructure may not be feasible or economical. Fog nodes at the device
layer may get some of the monitoring and control function for safety related
control. The enterprise systems integrate with cloud for business operations.
Note that the functional boundaries shown in Figures 1-3 are fluid and can
be physically deployed in multitude of combinations based on the
architecture of the domain-specific solutions. In real world deployments as
we discussed earlier, there may be many combinations of physical
deployments that involve multi-tenants, fog, and cloud deployments owned
by multiple entities. The following diagram illustrates some those models:
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Figure 8 Fog Hierarchy Example
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Many of the usages will occur as represented in Figures 2 and 3. The three-
layer fog hierarchies shown here are for illustrative purposes only. Real-
world fog deployments may have more or fewer levels. Different vertical
application use cases may use a fog hierarchy differently. For example, in a
smart city, there may be fog nodes in a region, neighborhood, street corner,
and building level. In a smart factory, the hierarchy may be divided by
assembly lines, manufacturing cells, and machines.
OPFRA001.020817 © OpenFog Consortium. All rights reserved.
5 Reference Architecture Overview
Functional Viewpoint
The first end-to-end scenario we will address is the visual security scenario.
Our intent will be to define how that scenario works, and then work through
various testbeds associated with those aspects to validate or modify the
OPFRA001.020817 © OpenFog Consortium. All rights reserved.
Deployment Viewpoint
How fog software and fog systems are deployed to address a given scenario
is also very important. There are many deployment types ranging from
embedded to large clustered systems that are fully interconnected. The
deployment type(s) chosen are scenario specific, but key aspects of the
architecture remain visible regardless of deployment type. However, some
may grow or shrink in importance.
In most fog deployments, there are usually several tiers (N-tiers) of nodes.
For this example, we will use a simple food processing plant to help solidify
the logical tiers. There is a conveyor belt on which food is processed before
moving on to the next level of packaging and shipment.
OPFRA001.020817 © OpenFog Consortium. All rights reserved.
millisecond and sub-millisecond granularity from sensing to
actuation to avoid product contamination and to ensure safety of
Nodes in the next higher tier are focused on data filtering,
compression, and transformation. They may also provide some edge
analytics required for critical real time or near real time processing. As
we move away from the true network edge, we see higher level
machine and system learning (analytics) capabilities.
o Using our previous example, we can easily see that this tier
needs to operate on a slightly higher level. It should be ensuring
that the conveyor belt and others around it are operating more
efficiently. This may still be in the latency of milliseconds. The
key aspect of OpenFog RA to enable migration of applications,
and functionality between the lowest tiers and the middle tiers
as required by the scenario.
Nodes at the higher tiers or nearest the backend cloud are typically
focused on aggregating data and turning the data into knowledge. It’s
important to note that the farther from the true edge, the greater the
insights that can be realized.
Fog deployments will come large-scale and small, based upon the given
scenario being addressed. The number of tiers in a fog deployment will be
dictated by the scenario requirements, including:
OPFRA001.020817 © OpenFog Consortium. All rights reserved.
physical instantiations of hardware nodes, and change over time to address
the needs of a given scenario. For this to be securely and safely achieved we
need to address not only the software, but also the hardware on which that
software is executed.
The architectural elements of a node will vary based on its role and position
within an N-tier fog deployment. As described previously, nodes at the edge
may be architected with less processing, communications, and storage than
nodes at higher levels. However, I/O accelerators required to facilitate
sensor data intake at the edge may be much larger in aggregate than I/O
accelerators designed for higher level nodes.
OPFRA001.020817 © OpenFog Consortium. All rights reserved.
Figure 12 Fog Node East/West Communication
The next step is to describe the requirements for each stakeholder in the fog
computing continuum. This includes the silicon manufacturer, system
manufacturer, system integrator, software manufacturer, and application
developer. We also believe that this architecture will help align the various
disparate edge based computing but potentially divergent work under a
singular vernacular so that we can have a common baseline and work
towards fulfilling our desire of a multi-vendor interoperable fog computing
ecosystem. The OpenFog RA description is a composite representation of
these various stakeholder concerns which we call views. We have primarily
identified these stakeholders and their associated views because they are
required to facilitate any successful fog based deployment. Before going into
OPFRA001.020817 © OpenFog Consortium. All rights reserved.
the lower level details of the view we believe it is important to first look at
the composite architecture description.
Note: The fog platform coupled with the fog software creates the complete
fog node. One or more fog nodes comprises a solution in a given market
segment or scenario.
The following sections go into more detail about the structural aspects
(views) and perspectives of the RA.
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Perspectives (Cross Cutting Concerns)
OPFRA001.020817 © OpenFog Consortium. All rights reserved.
resources to specific applications or services dynamically. For example, high
priority network traffic can be marked and classified by the network
interface, the computational elements, and the appropriate higher-layer
Network bandwidth and local storage can also be given higher priority on a
dynamic basis. For example, if the fog node is used for traffic inspection,
CPU/memory is assigned higher priority than storage and preservation of
Policies specify who or what can access which resource under what
circumstances. Security mechanisms then implement the policy. Some
policies may be embedded in the node’s hardware and software. Other
policies may be pushed from the fog management system to the node; they
can be added, changed, or deleted by an authorized management or
orchestrator administrator. Each layer in a fog deployment requires security
as represented in the figure below.
OPFRA001.020817 © OpenFog Consortium. All rights reserved.
Figure 15 OpenFog Security Layers
Different use case models, even within a single use case vertical, may
require different types and levels of security. Many different types of assets
need to be protected against different levels of threats specific to their
intended use and location. Assets may include:
Threat model: Specifies the types of threats that the system defends
against, as well as threats that are not considered. A threat model should
clearly specify what assumptions are being made about the system, its
users, and potential attackers. A threat model need not describe the details
of the attacks that it protects against. It should specify whether attacks on
the operational system in the field are the only ones considered, or considers
attacks during the development by an insider. Insider attacks are typically
much harder to protect against, because the designer can build in a back
door that can be exploited later.
OPFRA001.020817 © OpenFog Consortium. All rights reserved.
Integrity: The prevention of unauthorized modification of protected data or
code without detection. Privacy
Hashes can be used to verify the integrity of code modules by taking the
hash of the good known code module and using that to identify the module
OPFRA001.020817 © OpenFog Consortium. All rights reserved.
(like a unique global name). The same code module infected with malware
would have a different identity or hash value. Two identical code modules or
data, but with different filenames, would have the same hash value, which
means the same identity.
The private key of someone’s key pair is like their digital identity. For
example, an operation executed with Alice’s private key can authenticate the
person as Alice. Private keys must be kept confidential in order to protect
someone’s digital identity.
OPFRA001.020817 © OpenFog Consortium. All rights reserved.
platform, an OOB manageability interface can still be used
communicate with the platform and perform things like inventory
control, system health, power it one, etc. Examples include BMCs as
defined by the IPMI specification. OOB management has potential
security advantages, especially for business-critical IoT applications.
OPFRA001.020817 © OpenFog Consortium. All rights reserved.
entity must also be scalable upon provisioning. It must have the ability to
support a multitude of hierarchies.
Operate: When a fog node is in normal operation. Manageability
requirements cover all aspects of reliability, availability, and serviceability.
Recovery: When a fog node is operating out of expected norms, it must be
autonomous in its ability to recover. It should attempt to self-heal and
perform recovery operations. Other fog nodes may also assist with the
recovery action, which is why the architecture defines both OOB and IB
manageability interfaces.
De-Commission: Since many aspects of fog nodes may have Personally
Identifiable Information (PII), the architecture specifies an ability for
cleansing all aspects of hardware. This includes the ability to decommission
fog node instances and re-use them for another deployment. It includes
ways to securely wipe out all of the Non-Volatile (NV) storage so that future
applications may not access the previous tenant’s data.
OPFRA001.020817 © OpenFog Consortium. All rights reserved.
Figure 18 Management Layer
The most commonly used manageability aspects of a fog node are system
software and firmware update and remote alerts of abnormal system
operation. As fog-based systems often operate in harsh or remote
environmental conditions, it is usually a requirement to provide “over the
air” (OTA) firmware and software updates. The manageability layer is
responsible for these updates.
The figure above shows the integration of and open data exchange across all
elements of the business process. This integration and exchange is
necessary for the success and accuracy of business intelligence analysis. The
OpenFog Consortium is working on developing (and evolving) various
solutions around security and identity to facilitate this type of
communication within an enterprise and between the enterprise and its
partners and suppliers. Business intelligence will depend on well-defined
flows, secure boundaries, facilitating data capture and exchange among the
various data processing elements, and the data science capable of making
sense of it all.
OPFRA001.020817 © OpenFog Consortium. All rights reserved.
5.4.5 IT Business and Cross-fog Applications
Fog applications and services should have the flexibility to span and
interoperate with various levels in a fog hierarchy. This is a foundational
aspect of fog computing that enables a multi-vendor ecosystem. In addition,
the data that is collected or generated by one fog node should be shareable
with other nodes in the hierarchy. The figure below shows a cross-fog
application spanning east to west nodes (it would also be able to span north
to south).
Node View
As previously described, the OpenFog RA description is a composite of
multiple stakeholder views. The node view is the lowest level view we
currently utilize in the architectural description. The stakeholders involved in
formulating the viewpoint (and subsequently this view) are the system on a
OPFRA001.020817 © OpenFog Consortium. All rights reserved.
chip designers, silicon manufacturers, firmware architects, and system
Before bringing a node into a fog computing network, the following aspects
should be addressed:
Node Security: As described previously, node security is essential to the
overall security of the system. This includes protection for interfaces,
compute etc. In many cases a node will act as a gateway for legacy sensors
and actuators to higher-level fog functions and therefore can act as a
security gateway. It is important to note that Node security is shown as both
a vertical perspective as well as a horizontal requirement for this view. This
is an important concept as security must be considered at all levels from
silicon to software.
Node management: A node should support the management interfaces,
provided by the node being managed. Management interfaces enable higher-
level system management agents to see and control the lowest level node
silicon. The same management protocol can be used across many different
physical interfaces.
Network: Every fog node must be able to communicate through the
network. Since many fog applications are time sensitive and time aware,
some fog computing networks may need to support Time Sensitive
Networking (TSN).
Accelerators: Many fog applications utilize accelerators to satisfy both
latency and power constraints as it relates to a given scenario.
Compute: A node should have general purpose compute capabilities. It is
also important that standard software (e.g., Commercial off the Shelf or
open source) be able to run on this node. This enables a higher level of
interoperability between fog nodes.
Storage: An autonomous node must be able to learn. Before any learning is
possible, it must have the ability to store data. Storage devices attached or
embedded to this node need to meet the required performance, reliability,
and data integrity requirements of the system and scenario. In addition,
OPFRA001.020817 © OpenFog Consortium. All rights reserved.
storage devices should also provide information and early warnings about
the health of the media, support self-healing properties, and support ID-
based performance allocation. Some kind of local, standalone storage will be
required for local context data, logging, code images, and to service
applications that run on the node. There will often be more than one kind of
storage required – e.g., local hard disk, SSD, and secure storage for keys
and other secret material.
5.5.1 Network
Fog nodes generally are of most value in scenarios where data needs to be
collected at the edge and where the data from thousands or even millions of
devices is analyzed and acted upon in micro and milliseconds. In these
scenarios, various networks facilitate communication within the fog nodes to
OPFRA001.020817 © OpenFog Consortium. All rights reserved.
sensors and up to higher levels in the hierarchy up to and including the
In the following sections, we will explore various network elements from the
point-of-view of a fog node’s connectivity and communications requirements.
Note: Depending upon the deployment scenario, fog nodes will most likely
exist within a network element, such as an access point, gateway, or router.
In the architecture, we assume that the network requirements will be the
same regardless of the placement of the fog node. This clearly will change
based upon deployment and we will refine this through Testbed and other
open deployments.
The network connectivity model for a fog node will depend on the node’s
purpose and location. For example:
There are many standards, types, and interfaces for physical connectivity
that can be utilized to connect a fog node. Physical connectivity is typically
one or more Ethernet links supporting speeds ranging from 10 Mbps to 100
Gbps, supported on copper or fiber links to serve various reach
requirements. We typically see copper connectivity used for links up to 100
meters in length and supporting speeds ranging from 10 Mbps up to 1 Gbps.
For connections requiring higher speeds and longer reach, optical fiber
cables may be used. Optical fiber support different wavelengths and
transmission modes to support the required distances and capacities. For
OPFRA001.020817 © OpenFog Consortium. All rights reserved.
example, a single mode optical fiber cable (utilizing a single ray of light)
supports longer distances than a multimode fiber (utilizing multiple rays and
multiple wavelengths).
For connecting a fog node to IoT devices or sensors, there are a variety of
standards and interfaces that are vertical or solution dependent (non-
Ethernet protocols). For example, in an industrial environment, the fog node
may be required to support a Controller Area Network (CAN) bus or other
fieldbus standards for communicating with lower layer applications and
For industrial automation uses, guaranteed data delivery is critical. This type
of networking (usually using Ethernet) is called Time Sensitive Networking
(TSN) also known as Deterministic Ethernet. TSN uses standards-based time
synchronization technology (e.g., IEEE 1588) and bandwidth reservation
(class-based QoS) to prioritize control traffic in a standard Ethernet
Wireless connectivity can be grouped into three major areas: Wireless WAN
(WWAN), Wireless LAN (WLAN), and Wireless Personal Area Networks
Cellular technologies, including 3G, 4G LTE, and 5G, feature high data
transfer rates (>1Gbps). They also cost more (as a licensed spectrum)
and are less power efficient. The majority of cellular communication is
standardized by the Third Generation Partnership Project (3GPP).
o Note: 5G promises higher speeds, higher capacity, and much
lower latency than the current cellular systems. With 5G it may
be possible to deliver double-digit Gbps speeds (10+ Gbps). 5G
promises to facilitate higher adoption of IoT solutions and
OPFRA001.020817 © OpenFog Consortium. All rights reserved.
devices. Fog nodes aggregating data from cars, mobile devices,
and sensors will most likely need to support 5G.
Fog nodes may be required to support cellular technologies for
southbound or northbound traffic or both. Fog nodes may use cellular
technology to back-haul sensor traffic. Most types of mobile fog nodes
will use cellular northbound interfaces. Many software defined radio
technologies that physically connect into the fog node address some of
these scenario requirements.
Narrow Band IoT (NB-IoT) is a 3GPP standard that addresses a variety
of IoT applications and requirements and delivers on the promise of
long-range and lower power requirements. NB-IoT is not widely
available yet.
Low-Power Wide Area Networks (LPWAN) have low data transfer rates,
higher power efficiency, and are low cost. Proprietary LPWAN
implementations are being tested by various organizations, such as
the LoRa Alliance and Sigfox. LPWANs are currently being investigated
for agriculture applications because of their ability to cover large areas
of farming and rural lands.
Wireless connectivity to the fog node allows the ability of various sensors
and data to flow into the node where it will be processed. As node
capabilities grow, it enables higher level secure communication functions to
be utilized in the architecture.
As the number of sensors and data sources increase, the need to manage all
assets, nodes, and resources increases in importance. The ability of fog
nodes to be supported by out-of-band (OOB) network management will help
manage resources, security, health of the fog node, and the ability to adapt
to changing conditions in the environment. The protocols and mechanisms
available to manage sensors, nodes, and network devices vary based on the
communication protocol used and the availability of connectivity options and
CPU/memory resources. In some cases these are separate managed
networks; in other cases the management communication is sent on the
host network. There are multiple ways information is provided to the node,
OPFRA001.020817 © OpenFog Consortium. All rights reserved.
and to ensure continued secure, reliable, and safe operation, it is important
that these things and associated networks are capable of being managed
with both sophistication and simplicity.
Fog nodes may not always be capable of protecting against these types of
attacks. They will most likely depend on the network or adjacent devices to
help protect them. The following are some of the common examples for
network devices that help protect the fog node:
Several instances of massive DoS attacks that used network attached IoT
devices could have been detected much faster and potentially mitigated by
utilizing fog driven network security.
Please refer to the Section for detailed discussions on the network
and data security aspects of OpenFog architecture.
5.5.2 Accelerators
In addition to traditional CPUs, some fog nodes, especially those engaged in
enhanced analytics, require CPU throughput in excess of what can be
economically (power or processing efficient) provided by standard current
server and enterprise CPU chips. In these cases, accelerator modules will be
configured next to the processor modules (or tightly integrated) to provide
supplementary computational throughput. Here are some examples:
Graphics Processing Unit (GPUs) often contain thousands of simple
cores. For applications that can efficiently exploit their massive
parallelism, they can be an order of magnitude faster and provide
significant power and space savings. Multiple GPUs can be equipped on
each standard CPU. However, to achieve this capability power delivery
and physical and electrical connection to the node would need to be
increased which can increase the overall node power consumption.
Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) are large collections of gate-
level programmable hardware resources. They can be configured with
custom logic designs to solve very specific problems very efficiently.
However, depending upon deployment the additional power reduction
compared with other accelerators may require additional lower level
knowledge (e.g. VHDL). In many cases FPGA provide better power
efficiency compared with discrete GPUs.
DSPs are specialized processors optimized to operate on signals. Some
DSPs are general purpose, while others are optimized for special
functions, like video compression and manipulation.
OPFRA001.020817 © OpenFog Consortium. All rights reserved.
When choosing an accelerator for a given node, you must balance the
Interfaces to the node (electrical throughput and power delivery).
General applicability to multiple scenarios. This means the dynamic
ability to change (programmability pillar) the accelerator to address a
new use case.
Dynamically changing requirements.
Environmental constraints.
Higher level software programming interfaces and API support,
especially the orchestration needed to discover an accelerator’s
existence and capabilities
The programmability pillar implies the node’s ability to be flexible in how it is
defined to address a given problem. This late binding is especially important
in many of the areas of interest to the OpenFog consortium.
5.5.3 Compute
As more and more data is processed at the edge, this will increase the
computational requirements at the true edge of the network. Having general
purpose computation at the edge will continue to be important. Additionally,
larger amounts of system DRAM paired with this compute will also grow in
importance. To ensure higher reliability and accuracy of computation we will
start to see ECC memory start to become more prominent in the compute.
Another key importance of fog computing is that deployment lifecycles may
be longer so it is important that long life and compute performance is
calculated to be sufficient throughout a deployments lifecycle. Compute is
likely to be implemented as one or more multi-core CPU. While other
architectures exist, it is important to balance the programmability aspects
when considering different architectures.
The compute function embodies many requirements for fog nodes. Following
are some examples of computational requirements:
OPFRA001.020817 © OpenFog Consortium. All rights reserved.
Memory management units may be required in fog to manage large
virtual memory space, to isolate platform from application space, and
to isolate applications from each other in multi-tenant environments.
High performance I/O subsystems are required in fog in order to
connect each CPU with its associated accelerators, storage, and
network peripherals.
In some fog node designs, the hardware root of trust is located within
the CPU complex itself and verification of code only happens after the
CPU verifies the signature.
5.5.4 Storage
RAM Arrays: As data is created from sensors, the node will need to
operate on that data in close to real time operation. RAM arrays satisfy
this requirement versus additional latency when accessing non-volatile
storage. Many fog nodes will also have on-package memory to satisfy
the latency aspects required for certain scenarios.
Solid State Drives: Flash-based storage may be used for the majority
of fog applications because of its reliability, IOPs, low power
requirements, and environmental robustness. These include PCIe and
SATA attached SSDs. Additionally, new classes of solid state media are
beginning to emerge with new programming models. These include
3DXpoint and NVDIMM-P.
Fixed Spinning Disks: For large, cost sensitive storage applications,
fog nodes may contain rotating disks, sometimes arranged as
Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks (RAID) arrays.
The actual storage medium chosen depends upon the use case; within a
given fog node, there will typically be a hierarchy of storage options.
Ultimately, storage devices need to meet the cost, performance (IOPS,
bandwidth, and latency), reliability, and data integrity requirements of the
system. In addition, storage devices in fog computing need to support the
OpenFog pillars, particularly the security and RAS pillars. However, the
biggest advancements will come as flash based storage technologies
continue the march to cost/byte and access latency times of DRAM.
Storage devices should provide support for encryption and key management
and authentication by supporting standards such as AES-256 and TCG Opal
OPFRA001.020817 © OpenFog Consortium. All rights reserved.
etc. The storage device should also provide real-time information and early
warnings about the health of the media and support self-healing properties.
Finally, in virtualized fog computing environments the storage device should
support ID-based performance allocation by providing adjustable storage
resources (IOPS or bandwidth) to specific applications or virtual machines.
Supporting data encryption at rest is also important in most fog deployments
as they will be deployed in areas where physical protection mechanism seen
in the data center are no longer true.
Most fog nodes will include a HPM that is responsible for controlling and
monitoring the other components inside the node (e.g. storage, accelerators,
et al). The HPM is typically a small auxiliary processor on the main CPU or
motherboard. It has various sensors and monitoring points to track variables
like temperature, voltage, current, and various errors. These readings may
periodically be reported to external RAS system. If serious errors are
detected, alarm notifications can be escalated by the HPM subsystem.
The HPM system is also responsible for controlling the internal configuration
of fog nodes. It may set communication parameters like IP addresses and
line speeds. It can configure new hardware modules. If modules fail, it can
isolate them and attempt to recover their functions. The HPM subsystem also
cooperates with a trusted component in the chain of of trust to securely
download software updates for the entire node. Sensors associated with the
physical operation of fog node hardware, including ambient temperature,
airflow, fan speed (if used), supply voltage, supply current, moisture,
cabinet door tamper, etc., also send data through the HPM subsystem.
In many deployments because the HPM can operate out of band with the
main computational elements, it too will have its own TPM and go through a
secure boot process. The HPM just like other entities should support a HW
root of trust.
OPFRA001.020817 © OpenFog Consortium. All rights reserved.
5.5.6 OpenFog Node Security
The level of physical security supported by a fog node should be aligned with
the security policy for that device and threat level. This will depend on how
difficult it is to access system components and what the consequences are if
the system is breached. The location of the fog node and the degree of
physical access available in that location will play a role in the evaluation.
Fog nodes located in open public spaces such as shopping malls, street
corners, utility poles, and even in a personal vehicle will provide greater
opportunity for a physical attack. Note: There may be industry specific
standards and requirements for providing physical security for these devices.
These are not addressed here.
OPFRA001.020817 © OpenFog Consortium. All rights reserved.
All of these tamper detection mechanisms typically provide a hardware
security violation signal to a security monitor when they are tripped.
OPFRA001.020817 © OpenFog Consortium. All rights reserved.
hardware so that it cannot be circumvented. The Hardware Root of Trust
(HW-RoT) is the key to a fog node’s TCB. Secure or Verified Boot (HW-RoT for Verification)
Minimally, fog nodes should support a HW-RoT for verification of the boot
process. Secure or verified boot is an architecture for loading and verifying
signed firmware images, boot loaders, kernels, and modules. It is important
to note that this does not necessarily make use of a TPM even if one is
There are many implementations of verified boot. The process begins
execution with code loaded from an immutable Read Only Memory (ROM);
the compute entity in the fog node may only operate upon cryptographically
signed images. Secure boot implementations may be proprietary in nature.
It is recommended that system architects verify the capabilities and validate
the security strengths of a verified boot implementation. There should be no
mechanism to circumvent the signature method. Additionally, it is important
that the HW-RoT not execute non-verified code. This includes option ROMs
from PCIe devices and other elements that comprise the node view. Trusted or Measured Boot (HW-RoT for Measurement)
It is critical that the fog node has a method to securely establish a root of
trust, and that trust is authenticated and extended through the remainder of
the boot process in order to ensure that the node can be trusted.
A fog node must provide a method for ensuring that the firmware and
system software have not been tampered with before components are
executed. There are various methods in which this can be achieved. The
selected and implemented solution to this requirement should be in
OPFRA001.020817 © OpenFog Consortium. All rights reserved.
agreement with your organization’s findings during the security analysis and
threat assessment. Identification
A fog node must be able to identify itself to other entities within the
network, and entities that request services from the fog node must be able
to identify themselves to the fog node. The best method for this
identification is to have an immutable identifier with attestation. Attestation
is the ability of a system to provide some non-forgeable evidence to a
remote third-party verifier. One such approach that can enable fog systems
to verify or attest to credentials of a given system while preserving privacy
is the use of a Direct Anonymous Attestation (DAA) implementation. Attestation
Fog platforms must provide robust mechanical support and protection for
their internal components. This first starts with components selected in the
Node view and extends into the system view. In many deployments, fog
platforms must survive in harsh environmental conditions, as described in
the next section. Some requirements for fog platform enclosures (called the
hardware platform infrastructure in the system architecture) include:
OPFRA001.020817 © OpenFog Consortium. All rights reserved. Environmental Conditions Thermal
Depending upon deployment, fog platforms for harsh location deployment
may be environmentally sealed. They should not require any fans or other
active elements to maintain safe internal temperatures. They should not
require air filters. However, due to the high-power dissipation and high
packaging density of some higher performance fog nodes, especially those
with large accelerator arrays, active cooling options are allowed. If forced-air
cooling is used, air filters are required to reduce particulate contamination.
Fans on critical fog nodes should be redundant, so that if a single fan fails,
the fog node can continue at full capacity on the remaining fan(s). The
thermal deployment scenario will dictate the enclosure used.
There is a strong correlation to power delivery, performance, and heat
dissipation. This needs to be taken in consideration when designing the
overall solution. Modularity
Most fog nodes will be modular. On smaller designs, modularity could consist
of a motherboard containing the common fixed components, and a few
modular sockets into which configurable components may be installed. Most
modular systems also have to trade-off capabilities for that modularity. For
example, a modular adapter may require the use of a different enclosure to
enable the in-field upgrade, but this modularity can also provide more levels
of serviceability.
In the largest fog platform, one or two fabric modules can be used as a
central hub. The CPU, accelerator, storage and networking modules are used
as spokes in a star topology. Ideally these interconnect facilities should
conform to open standards like PCI Express or Ethernet to facilitate a widely
interoperable hardware ecosystem.
OPFRA001.020817 © OpenFog Consortium. All rights reserved.
5.6.2 Hardware Virtualization and Containers
As shown in the figure below, the software of the fog node can be separated
into three layers that sit on top of the platform hardware layer.
Application Support: Infrastructure software that does not fulfill any use
case on its own, but helps to support and facilitate multiple application
OPFRA001.020817 © OpenFog Consortium. All rights reserved.
Node Management and Software Backplane: General operation and
management of the node and its communications with other nodes and
systems. IB in the diagram refers to In Band management. This is generally
how software interacts with the management subsystem.
The software backplane is required to run any software on the node and
facilitate node-to-node communications (east-west as well as north-south).
This includes:
OPFRA001.020817 © OpenFog Consortium. All rights reserved.
Software containers provide a good mechanism for fine-grained separation
of applications and micro services running on the software backplane. A
software container, unlike a VM, often does not require or contain a separate
OS. A container uses resource isolation of the CPU, memory, block I/O,
network, etc., and separate namespaces to isolate the application's view of
the operating system.
Within a container, applications can be configured, resources isolated, and
services restricted. Multiple containers share the same kernel, but each
container can be constrained to only use a defined amount of resources,
such as CPU, memory, or I/O.
Containers facilitate highly distributed systems by allowing multiple
applications to run on a single physical compute node, across multiple VMs,
and across multiple physical compute nodes. This is a critical capability for
the elastic compute environment needed for fog computing.
OPFRA001.020817 © OpenFog Consortium. All rights reserved.
Figure 24 Application Support
While not required, elements within the application support layer may often
be containerized deployed in some form of virtualization as provided by the
software backplane. As examples, a message broker or NoSQL database
which are used by several applications (within the applications services layer
– see the figure below) within the Fog node, may itself be independently
containerized and offer its supporting capability via the bounds of that
o Encoding/decoding/transcoding:
o Information persistence/cache
OPFRA001.020817 © OpenFog Consortium. All rights reserved.
Figure 27 Containerization for Application Support
Fog connector services are used at the "south side" of the architectural
application layer – that is the interfaces in the direction of the IoT things.
This includes legacy transports like Modbus et al. These micro services
contain a set of APIs for enabling higher-layer fog services to communicate
with devices, sensors, actuators, and other platforms using the edge
protocol of choice. Fog connectors operate on top of the protocol abstraction
layer to translate the data produced and communicated by the physical
things into a common data structures/formats and then send that into the
core services.
Core services separate the edge from the enterprise. Core services collect
data from the edge and make it available to other services and systems
above, such as the cloud. Core services often route enterprise and other
system requests to the appropriate edge resource, sometimes translating
the requests for edge devices. This translation is a function of the fog
connectors, which contain a set of APIs for receiving and translating
commands from higher-level fog computing services (or the cloud) to edge
devices for actuation.
OPFRA001.020817 © OpenFog Consortium. All rights reserved.
Reactive analytics look at the raw incoming data and monitors for change =
outside of expected norms. This includes but is not limited to:
Integration services allow outside fog nodes to register for data of interest
collected or generated by the fog note and dictate where, when, how, and in
what format the data should be delivered. For example, a client may request
that all temperature-related data be sent via REST to a prescribed address,
every hour, encrypted, and in JSON format. Integration services then
provide the means to deliver the data using a pipe/filter mechanism as
specified at the time of client registration.
User interface services are micro services dedicated to the display of:
OPFRA001.020817 © OpenFog Consortium. All rights reserved.
Data collected and managed at the fog node
Status and operation of services operating at the fog node
Results of analytics processing at the fog node
System management and fog node operations
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6 Adherence to OpenFog Reference
The OpenFog Consortium intends to partner with standards development
organizations and provide detailed requirements to facilitate a deeper levels
of interoperability. This will take time, as establishing new standards are a
long and ongoing process. Prior to finalization of these detailed standards,
the Consortium is laying the groundwork for component level interoperability
and eventually certification. The OpenFog Testbed working group, in
conjunction with the Technical Committee, will provide the details for
OpenFog adherence to the architectural principles and various views that will
be shown through our testbed initiatives. They will be used for the various
technologies that can support the OpenFog RA and overall solutions to a
given scenario. A technology that is used to facilitate part of a fog solution is
termed OpenFog Technology Ready.
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7 An End-to-End Deployment Use Case
Earlier, we described how the OpenFog RA would be used by developers,
designers, and architects to create solutions for vertical market use cases. In
the chapters that followed, the OpenFog RA provides the details of a generic
fog platform. In this section, we address an end-to-end use case.
This travel scenario is without incident. But when we introduce any type or
number of threats into this scenario, the visual security requirements
become infinitely more complicated. For example:
Advantages Disadvantages
Edge-to- Store shared data Latency (inability to process
Cloud in a common images and alert authorities with
Approach location millisecond turnaround)
Historical High cost of data transfer
analytics for Reliance on always available cloud
threat prevention
Edge-only Low latency Limitations in sharing data and
Approach information across systems within
the airport.
Limitations with sharing data
between airports in near real time
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7.1.2 Fog Computing Approach
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Scalability: is essential for OpenFog implementations to adapt with
the business needs as it relates to system cost and performance.
When you add a new airport terminal, gate, or additional sensors and
equipment the solution must scale and not require a completely new
Open: Openness is essential for the success of a ubiquitous fog
computing ecosystem for IoT platforms and applications. Proprietary or
single vendor solutions can result in limited supplier diversity, which
can have a negative impact on system cost, quality and innovation.
RAS: The various aspects of the solution must be reliable, available,
and serviceable which includes orchestration of existing or new
resources. As new object recognition models are trained for visual
analytics, these inference engine models should be updated on near
edge devices without impacting availability of the solution.
Programmability: Visual analytics is utilized to facilitate this scenario
and hence programming at the hardware is utilized. In our
implementation, we may utilized accelerators such as FPGAs to
perform inference on images as they are seen in the scenario.
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OPFRA001.020817 © OpenFog Consortium. All rights reserved.
Network: Each IP-connected camera (and many other sensors) is
connected to a fog node using Ethernet. In our scenario cameras represent
the largest population of sensors. We believe that a singular fog node can
aggregate four to eight camera streams with a 1Gb (camera to node) and
10/1Gb (fog-to-fog) interconnect. Fog nodes require a minimum of 16
Ethernet ports to support camera-to-node, node-to-node, and node-to-cloud
communications. First-level fog nodes may also support multiple non-IP
protocols for aggregating both IP and non-IP traffic (e.g., BLE, Z-Wave, and
badge reader information). Time-sensitive networking (TNS)/ deterministic
communication is supported by the network and the fog node to prioritize
alerts across a busy or noisy network.
Storage: For a given camera feed, a fog computing design should capture
24 hours of rolling data. This requires ~1TB of localized storage for each
camera feed. The interface to these devices is either SATA or PCIe; the
medium is either flash-based or spinning disk. In one topology, you can see
how a single fog node can act as the storage for approximately eight camera
feeds. This is a traditional Network Video Recorder (NVR) function.
OPFRA001.020817 © OpenFog Consortium. All rights reserved.
capabilities in the same fog node. However, this will increase the compute
capability requirements at the next level in the hierarchy.
This section describes how the components of the fog system view interact
to support this end-to-end use case.
System View Security: At the system level, all the fog nodes in the
hierarchy must cooperate to ensure the network remains secure. This
System View Network: The network links that interconnect the nodes in
the visual security architecture transport multiple types of traffic.
OPFRA001.020817 © OpenFog Consortium. All rights reserved.
At the lowest level is the interconnection of adjacent near-edge fog
nodes. These are typically direct point-to-point Ethernet links,
operating at 1 or 10Gbs. They link together the composite picture of
the fused sensor readings across all nodes. For example, stitching
together all camera images on a given fog node with a subset of the
images from selected cameras on adjacent fog nodes.
Another type of interconnect is between each near-edge fog node and
the second level fog node that serves it. These links usually carry
higher level messages and analytics data that has been distilled by the
near-edge fog nodes.
Another interconnect type is between the second and third level fog
nodes. The third level fog nodes are master controllers for the entire
visual security implementation. Redundant links are provided for load
balancing and fault tolerance. These links can carry significant traffic
bandwidth, and run for kilometer lengths (usually over fiber). They are
typically 10 or 100GE IP connections.
Finally, there a set of links between the third-level fog nodes and the
cloud backbone.
System View Storage: Storage will be required at all levels of the fog
hierarchy. During the normal operation of the system, some visual data will
be transmitted from the lower levels of the hierarchy to upper levels and
eventually to the cloud.
The storage on the near edge fog nodes should be sized to keep
approximately 24 hours of full-resolution video online locally. For a typical
fog node with about eight 4K resolution cameras, assuming a compressed
data rate of 10Mb/s per camera, this requires just under one terabyte of
storage. Note: data from the non-camera sensors on the fog nodes does not
contribute significantly to the storage requirement. This storage may be
implemented in many different ways (there are NVR solutions that address
this capture requirement). However, storage is finite and the RA balances
the need to retain older data while addressing near term concerns. In these
cases, we believe it is acceptable to have a mechanism to reclaim older
storage for new purposes providing the user explicitly opts in for this
Before old data is overwritten on each near edge fog node, the
recommendation is to convert it to a lower resolution (e.g., 720P or 480P)
and forwarding the data to the second level fog nodes. The second level fog
nodes accept these down-sampled streams from all the near-edge fog nodes
they support, and store it for 30 days (in this scenario). This may require
approximately 20TB of storage (assuming down-sampling of all video
streams to 1Mb/s), requiring the second level fog nodes to have significantly
larger storage arrays, perhaps using rotating disks and RAID array
techniques. The third-level fog nodes are basically big servers, and will
probably require big data style storage strategies. The benefits of keeping
this older data in the fog is that we can reduce cloud transmission costs. If
we do decide to transmit the down-sampled data, the cost of transport is
less than if we had to send up the 4K or 1080P image. As described earlier,
“data at rest” on the storage device should be encrypted to protect against
physical theft and compromise of PII (Personally Identifiable Information).
The same fog network design can be scaled for small airports to hub
New algorithms will be introduced continually, requiring additional
compute, accelerator, network and storage capabilities; the fog
architecture is designed so that most modules can be upgraded
without requiring the complete replacement of the infrastructure.
Using the Fog as a Service (FaaS) model, the fog hierarchy will scale
to support many different tenants with widely different needs, all on a
single hierarchical network owned by a single landlord (e.g., airport
OPFRA001.020817 © OpenFog Consortium. All rights reserved. Software Infrastructure View for Visual Security
As shown in figure below, the software of a fog node can be separated into
three layers. The functions that facilitate the general operation and
management of the node and its communications with other nodes/systems
are found in the backplane and node management layers.
Infrastructure software that does not fulfill any use case on its own, but
helps to support and facilitate multiple application services is found in the
application support layer.
The following picture provides a simple view of an airport terminal for our
scenario. There are entrances, parking structures, security stations, etc. We
OPFRA001.020817 © OpenFog Consortium. All rights reserved.
will refer to the diagram for various usages like License Plate Recognition as
vehicles enter the airport property.
We will also deploy multiple fog nodes in each airport and at different levels
in the hierarchy. There may also be a fog node that is responsible for the
entire airport and ensuring that interoperability across systems to achieve
the visual security mandate is in upheld. This is also important so that
airports can share normalized information. Additionally, each fog node may
be connected to another level in the hierarchy. These fog nodes work in
concert to satisfy the requirements of the scenario.
We have several areas to address which we include but are not limited to:
1. License Plate Recognition as vehicles enter the airport property.
2. Passenger Arrival/Departure
a. Parking structures where passengers may exit vehicles and walk
into the airport facility.
b. Arrivals is also a location where passengers may walk into the
airport facility.
3. Passenger Security screening where the passengers are required to
provide identification and boarding passes.
4. Terminals where screened passengers may walk to their gate, shop,
and eventually leave the airport.
OPFRA001.020817 © OpenFog Consortium. All rights reserved.
When the passengers leave the airport, their information should be made
available to the airport where the plane is landing. This is represented in the
following figure with the fog node at a higher level in the hierarchy.
The following is a description of the various physical fog nodes that would be
deployed in our scenario.
Fog nodes for License Plate Recognition (LPR):
o Fog nodes that are surrounding the airport property. In our
example, these are cameras and security devices. These nodes
will be thin in nature and report in adjacent fog nodes. We
estimate that we can service 4 video streams with a singular fog
Fog nodes that are stationed around the parking structure and arrival
o These nodes will be comprised of video cameras, and as in the
LPR case and those cameras are connected to fog nodes for
visual analytics.
Fog nodes that are in the arrivals and departure area (just prior to
security screening). These are the same as the parking structure.
Fog nodes that support the screening process
o These fog nodes are connected to both passive RFID readers and
other sensors as well as cameras.
Fog nodes that are in the terminal
o These nodes are connected to cameras and additional sensors.
Fog nodes that watch ingress and egress of passengers to planes.
o These nodes are connected to cameras and additional sensors.
Hierarchical fog nodes that support and monitor a grouping of fog
OPFRA001.020817 © OpenFog Consortium. All rights reserved.
o These fog nodes work on pre-processed data and perform higher
level functions that support the overall mission of safety and
security of the airport.
Fog computing dictates that we process the image at the appropriate level in
the hierarchy versus sending it to the cloud for analysis. A good mechanism
to address machine vision requirements for LPR, passenger tracking, people
counting and other usages in this specific scenario is the use of a
Convolutional Neural Network (CNN).
When dealing with CNNs it is common to discuss both training systems and
classification systems. Training systems are used to build a CNN network
topology and compute weights against which the image classifications are
validated. This iteration process of adjusting weights or fine tuning weights
are continued till we achieve satisfactory level of accuracy in classifying.
Once we get to this satisfactory level of accuracy (Say a minimum of 98%
accuracy), we push both the both the topology and the corresponding
weights to Target or classification system (aka inference or scoring). AlexNet
which is a well-known CNN for Object recognition and uses a 1.2 million
training image set to build a 1000 different classifications. This gives an
estimation of images required for given number of classifications. Higher
number of images is always better for training.
OPFRA001.020817 © OpenFog Consortium. All rights reserved.
In the LPR case as vehicles are going through the various lanes there will be
a LPR camera and illumination so that we can capture the license plate
image and send that information to the fog node. There are multiple options
for this part. The camera can just capture and send the picture of the vehicle
and license plate doing more work at the edge of the network or the entire
video stream can be compressed and sent to the fog node for additional
The LPR fog nodes will be trained on license plate images and once the
license plate is capture the fog node will perform 1) Localization 2) Character
segmentation and 3) Optical Character Recognition (OCR) to determine the
license plate state.
The following diagram show several assumptions in how we will get various
information shared between different agencies and private entities. While
this is a simplification of a real scenario it provides the base requirement of
an optimal system where we can securely share information.
OPFRA001.020817 © OpenFog Consortium. All rights reserved.
Figure 38 Integrated Air Travel Infrastructure - Assumptions
There is a fog node associated with each group of cameras that monitors
vehicles as they come onto the airport. This node is responsible for capturing
the license plate image, performing video analytics, and capturing the face
of the driver as they enter the airport property. Fog nodes should also have
the ability interface directly with RFID readers and other data acquisition
devices and sensors to provide local, high performance identification of
people and objects in the vehicle.
OPFRA001.020817 © OpenFog Consortium. All rights reserved.
If a stolen or suspicious car is detected as it enters airport property
authorities should be notified to address the situation.
Images that cannot be accurately detected should be saved and used
for retraining.
At the garage gate entrance where the passenger collects his parking garage
ticket, the cameras catch the first images and persistent data objects in this
end-to-end scenario. The following figure illustrates the software applications
and edge devices that are collecting useful information for this threat
Fog node hardware and software performs video analytics on the camera
feeds. This involves an image processing pipeline that can be split across
multiple layers of fog nodes in the hierarchy, or multiple peer nodes to
balance load. The fog network processes the images, and recognizes certain
people or objects. For example, if a license plate is detected that falls on a
“bad vehicle” list, the system can discover this with less than a second
latency, and use that information to control traffic gates (without significant
delay). Similarly, the fog network can perform facial recognition, and detect
people on the no-fly list. Fog is valuable in this case, because the latency is
low (permitting automatic actuation of turnstiles, etc.), and the local
processing and storage of the fog nodes can protect passenger privacy.
OPFRA001.020817 © OpenFog Consortium. All rights reserved.
Objects (like abandoned luggage, for example) can be detected and reacted
to quickly and securely by the fog network.
• Data Filter: Cleans and filters incoming data from a variety of fog
nodes capturing raw sensor data.
• Anomaly Detection (machine learning): Detects different types of
anomaly and asynchronously generates models to provide to the
risk scoring system, for example the detection of a person on the
no-fly list, or abandoned luggage
• Critical Event Processor: Rules engine that monitors incoming
data flags events of importance (based upon airport policies
stored in the fog network) and passes them to the risk scoring
• Risk Scoring System: Generates a risk score for vehicles,
passengers, baggage or other entities known to the system.
Passes high-risk targets to decision support systems.
• Decision Support System: Receives high-risk targets from the
risk scoring system; takes actions automatically or raises alerts.
• Operating actuators (for example, running parking lot gates,
turnstiles, alarms, etc.).
OPFRA001.020817 © OpenFog Consortium. All rights reserved.
• Training System for edge algorithms as described in the earlier
section on machine vision.
At the airport entrance the security system will have to have multiple
cameras to cover all of the vehicles pulling up and people getting out of cars,
grabbing bags and entering the airport. This can also be after the passenger
parks his car and proceeds to the screening area. A key attribute of this
phase of the process is the tracking of the passenger, and everything he
brought to the airport from his vehicle, through the airport departure area
and to baggage check. Notice how the local fog nodes perform sensor fusion
and data checking/correlation to efficiently implement this step.
The software components for the entrance have many overlaps with the
parking garage software. However, there are many more instances of the
capture components as there are many more cameras. Consequently, fog
node processing is much higher here.
Also, since we are seeing new vehicles we will re-use the Bad Vehicle
System. As the passenger proceeds from the garage to the entrance, the
facial capture and baggage capture components will have received updates
of his face and baggage data objects through their subscription through the
software backplane and related data sharing software services. Multiple
instances of each of these software components will be supported by the
OPFRA001.020817 © OpenFog Consortium. All rights reserved.
software backplane. The agility of fog systems make this sort of re-
use/multiuse possible.
Sophisticated analytics systems process all the information gathered by the
fog hierarchy, normalize it, and send it to the next higher level of the
hierarchy for further processing. These analytics algorithms may employ
machine learning techniques to continuously adapt to ever-changing
conditions and threat models. Each level of the hierarchy will combine the
inputs of cameras and other sensors into a more holistic view of the airport,
further digest the view into a more “concentrated” form, which is then sent
to higher levels, where ultimately airport security policies can be applied,
and any necessary enforcement actions (like denying passage of a vehicle or
person through a barrier) will be carried out. This is how processed data
becomes wisdom
After the visual analytics is performed at the node, it can cross check the
information learned about the driver, car status, and flight status if
applicable and package this information for more detailed processing at the
next level. From there, the fog network can determine if the issue requires
security personnel to be alerted.
Throughout the time when the passenger entered the airport property, a
database should be created with all of the various information obtained. This
includes LPR information, car, and images of the passenger and associated
people. The fog network appends the previously processed images and
database entry with new surveillance images of the luggage area, facial
recognition, and other data related to this passenger, such as bag scans,
updated ticket information, etc. Using this additional information, the fog
network analytics can predict where the passenger should be going,
associate any time he is recognized where his bag is not visible, and/or
associate other risks with his behavior, appearance, etc. This correlation of
multiple security camera images with the output of various other sensors
and the database of information about the passenger is an example of fog’s
advanced sensor fusion capability.
OPFRA001.020817 © OpenFog Consortium. All rights reserved.
Figure 42 Baggage flow
The system needs to alert the pilot, or in future scenarios the autonomous
plan to not take off. This will be solely based upon the entire suite of
analysis performed in the fog. If the passenger is determined to pose a
minimal threat, all barriers in his path will open with sub-second latency,
and he can board his plane without delay. If he is determined to pose a
threat, several levels of escalation are possible. The system could alert
airport authorities (either in central security control, or by locating and
informing the officer physically nearest to Bob). Barriers he may pass
through like turnstiles or mantraps could hold him. Many other fully
automated or semi-automatic responses are possible, depending upon the
treat level detected by the fog, and airport policy.
OPFRA001.020817 © OpenFog Consortium. All rights reserved.
Figure 43 Departure Gate
o The above figure describes some of the steps the fog network
will take as Bob makes his journey to the plane.
System Components
o Facial Capture: Converts camera images into a unique person
identifier. Provides APIs for other systems to request raw image
based on the identification.
o Behavior Monitor: Uses various camera feeds to monitor for bad
behavior. Any actions that raise flags are passed to the Data
Fusion for correlation with facial and passenger data.
o Baggage Capture: Converts camera images into unique baggage
identifier. Provides APIs for other systems to request raw image
based on the identification.
o Tarmac Capture: Uses various camera feeds to monitor the
aircraft and tarmac for unusual behavior, security breaches, and
potential aircraft damage.
o Data Fusion: Associates passengers in gate area (by facial
recognition) with baggage and behavior alerts.
o Airline Passenger Manifest System: Provides data about
passengers that are checked onboard the plane.
o Airline Passenger Baggage System: Provides data about
passenger checked baggage.
o Checker: Final assembly and correlation of data from all
available system sources.
OPFRA001.020817 © OpenFog Consortium. All rights reserved.
Passenger appears to match credentials provided and face
consistently matches with images captured since entering
the system.
Passenger baggage is accounted for and consistently
matches baggage captured since entering the system.
Aircraft does not appear to have been tampered with.
No warnings or issues have been detected by other
systems since the passenger entered the airport space.
o Export: Responsible for sending all relevant passenger data to
the destination Central Tracking / Action System
o Alerter: Responsible for signaling possible issue detected to
centralized tracking system
Security cameras at the arrival airport have data about the passenger. As
early as the arrival gate, the fog computing network can determine if the
passenger arrived and has retrieved his baggage.
OPFRA001.020817 © OpenFog Consortium. All rights reserved.
• Facial Capture: Converts camera images into unique person
identifier. Provides API for other systems to request raw image
based on the identification.
• Behavior Monitor: Uses various camera feeds to monitor for
anomalous behavior. Any events are passed to the Data Fusion
system for correlation with facial and passenger data.
• Baggage Capture: Converts camera images into unique baggage
identifiers. Provides APIs for other systems to request raw image
based on the identification.
• Data Fusion: Associates passengers in gate area (by facial
recognition) with baggage and behavior alerts.
• Checker: Correlates data from facial capture and baggage
capture final with incoming (imported) passenger data received
from the origin airport. Ensures all passengers originally on the
aircraft exit the aircraft and all expected baggage also exits the
• Import: Responsible for receiving all relevant passenger data
from the origin central tracking / action system into the
destination central tracking / action system
• Alerter: Responsible for signaling possible issue detected to
centralized tracking system
Note that throughout this process, many fog nodes within an airport, and fog
networks at two different airports must maintain high performance, highly
secure fog node-fog node communications. This is possible because of the
highly secure fog infrastructure on all nodes, and the strong cryptography
applied on all node-node traffic.
The data collected required interoperability such that each node can operate
upon and gain higher-level insights to protect. In many cases this data
obtained throughout passenger’s journey can be shared with local
governmental agencies to also track if they can only be in the country for a
certain amount of time, if he is on parole, etc. Assuming he is not a threat in
his destination, they are cleared to rent a car, and the rental car company
can have much higher levels of confidence that the passenger is who he says
he is, and poses minimal danger, because this information is selectively
shared between the arriving airport’s fog systems and its car rental
OPFRA001.020817 © OpenFog Consortium. All rights reserved.
The above scenario about a passenger’s journey serves to illustrate
some of the key attributes of fog. Fog’s distributed processing
capabilities and hierarchy support the sophisticated analytics and sensor
fusion algorithms that analyze their appearance and actions. Fog’s low
latency permits nearly instantaneous reaction to his actions (for
example, opening a barrier in milliseconds, where cloud-based
processing of the same sophistication could take seconds). The highly
secure nature of the OpenFog implementation insures that the
passenger’s privacy is maintained and visibility up to higher levels in the
system hierarchy are constrained. Fog’s reliability insures the system
will continue operating even if a fog node, inter-node link or the
connection to the cloud goes down. Fog’s bandwidth efficiency insures
high bandwidth traffic like video traverses only the most capable links.
OPFRA001.020817 © OpenFog Consortium. All rights reserved.
8 Additional Opportunities
The OpenFog Consortium collaborates tightly between its academia/research
and traditional industry members. This allows the Consortium to leverage
the research and publishing focus of academics with the business
requirements of industry. Among the additional areas of fog computing
research are:
OPFRA001.020817 © OpenFog Consortium. All rights reserved.
9 Summary and Next Steps
The OpenFog Reference Architecture (OpenFog RA) is the baseline document
in developing an open, interoperable architecture for fog computing. It is the
first step in creating new industry standards to enable interoperability in IoT,
5G, Artificial Intelligence, Tactile Internet, Virtual Reality and other complex
data and network intensive applications.
For more information on the work of the OpenFog Consortium, please visit
OPFRA001.020817 © OpenFog Consortium. All rights reserved.
10 Appendix – Deeper Security Analysis
This appendix currently contains an initial discussion of several security
aspects in an OpenFog computing environment. This important discussion
was placed here for a couple of reasons. First, security is perhaps the largest
technical concern among critical IoT systems; hence, we wanted to discuss it
in a special section of the document. Second, the discussion contains highly
specialized technical details, which, if included in the main body of the
document, may impact its readability. Thus, we decided to collect the
materials that are most interested to the security professionals in one place.
Security Aspects
OPFRA001.020817 © OpenFog Consortium. All rights reserved.
storage, and communications.
The current version of the document describes the initial base list of required
standard cryptographic algorithms that MUST be available on all OpenFog
nodes. Requiring this minimum set of algorithms is intended to guarantee
interoperability among OpenFog nodes. We understand that this initial list is
limited in its ability to enable global interoperability. Going forward OpenFog
is making it a priority to develop a more complete list that includes the set
of standard algorithms of regional standards bodies from, for example,
Europe, China, Japan, and the US.
The NIST FIPS 140-2 specification [ref-a] defines the security requirements
for cryptographic modules. This specification covers a list of approved
cryptographic functions as well as a formal process for validating the
implementation of these functions in conformance to the specification. The
OpenFog Reference Architecture adopts a subset of FIPS 140-2 approved
cryptographic functions as described below in order to guarantees a base
level of interoperability among its components. The formal validation of the
cryptographic module (i.e. FIPS 140-2 certification) is left as an option for
each vendor. Due to the growing importance of FIPS 140-2, vendors are
encouraged to subject their products to FIPS 140-2 certification.
OPFRA001.020817 © OpenFog Consortium. All rights reserved.
o ℤ𝑝 , ℤ∗𝑛 Based: DH, RSA, DSA
o Elliptic Curve Based: ECDH, ECDSA, ECQV4
Cryptographic Hash Functions5
o SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512, SHA-512/224, SHA-
Random Number Generators
o See Annex C:
Approved Random Number Generators for FIPS PUB 140-2,
Security Requirements for Cryptographic Modules
Message Authentication Codes
OPFRA001.020817 © OpenFog Consortium. All rights reserved.
context specific to each virtual instance and providing access protection for
each address space that “owns” the virtual interface.
Almost all cryptographic protocols require the generation and use of secret
values that must be unknown to attackers. For example, random number
generators are required to generate public/private key pairs for asymmetric
(public key) algorithms including RSA, DSA, and Diffie-Hellman. Keys for
symmetric and hybrid cryptosystems are also generated randomly. RNGs are
used to create challenges, NONCE (salts) values.
Because security protocols rely on the unpredictability of the keys they use,
random number generators for cryptographic applications must meet
stringent requirements. The most important property is that attackers,
including those who know the RNG design, must not be able to make any
useful predictions about the RNG outputs.
The major use for hardware random number generators is data encryption,
for example to create random cryptographic keys to encrypt data. They are
a more secure alternative to pseudorandom number generators (PRNGs) -
software programs commonly used in computers to generate "random"
numbers. PRNGs use a deterministic algorithm to produce numerical
sequences. Although these pseudorandom sequences pass statistical pattern
tests for randomness, by knowing the algorithm and the conditions used to
initialize it, called the "seed", the output can be predicted. Because the
sequence of numbers produced by a PRNG is predictable, data encrypted
with pseudorandom numbers is potentially vulnerable to cryptanalysis.
Hardware true random number generators (TRNGs) produce sequences of
numbers that are not predictable, and therefore provide the greatest
security when used to encrypt data.
OPFRA001.020817 © OpenFog Consortium. All rights reserved. Secure Key Generation, Encryption and Storage
The PSP may act as a secure vault for certificates, keys and passwords,
negating the need for costly tokens.
The previous figure is divided into four horizontal “zones”: First, at the
bottom, is the hardware component layer (including external devices). A
number of optional (depending on use case requirements) hardware
accelerators may be present here. Shown is an encryption device on the SoC
(it may also be an external device or present as special instructions in the
processors ISA). Other generic accelerators are also shown here. The system
OPFRA001.020817 © OpenFog Consortium. All rights reserved.
mmu and iommu (which may be a single implementation or split) are also
located at this level along with the physical cores. The Hardware Root-of-
Trust (HW-RoT) is also a part of the hardware infrastructure and may be
embedded on-chip or in an external device which provides this function.
At the next level up is the system Firmware, Option ROMs, and Platform
NVRAM. The exact nature and existence of these components is platform
dependent. In order to support the HW-RoT and the extension of the Chain
of Trust, there must be an immutable firmware implementation resident on
trusted system ROM that is the first code to execute on the platform after
power on.
Above that is the Hypervisor layer. It instantiates and manages the virtual
device instances, e.g., the vSoC devices shown, and assigns them to the
virtual machines as directed by the OAM (Operations, Administration, and
Management) system. It also instantiates other virtual devices representing
physical external devices (such as the vNICs shown). These virtual devices
may be entirely supported by hardware that bypasses the hypervisor for
data (such as a sr-iov compliant device) or as software emulated virtual
instances (such as a hard disk that is shared). The virtual cores, which may
or may not be hardware threads if SMT (Simultaneous Multi-Threading) is
supported by the physical core, allow for the presentation of additional
virtual cores.
The final layer is the layer where VMs are instantiated. The physical
resources are mapped here as virtual resources by the hypervisor. The OS in
the VM manages the application address spaces which may be instantiated
as separate application address spaces or as [Linux] containers.
There are a number of functions which connect the layers and provide
system services that help create a secure Chain of Trust comprised of
trusted components. These are represented by the vertical arrows between
the layers.
OPFRA001.020817 © OpenFog Consortium. All rights reserved.
The Trusted Boot/Trusted Loader mechanism is meant to ensure that each
successive code load, be it firmware or software, is trusted allowing for the
extension of the Chain of Trust.
Around the perimeter of the abstract fog node system diagram pictured in is
a red line used to describe Physical Security and anti-tamper boundaries
implemented by the physical security and anti-tamper mechanisms. We will
start with that discussion and then proceed to the Root-of-Trust discussion
and work outward from there.
Secure or measured boot do not ensure that the software that has been
securely instantiated is either free of bugs, infection or remains
uncompromised during execution. The intent of Runtime Integrity Checking
(sometimes called [Hypervisor] Introspection) is to monitor and detect
changes to code and static data in the image during execution. This is done
by “understanding” the image construction, i.e., where code and static data
pages are, by running a set of RTIC specific tools over them before
execution. The hypervisor hosts the RTIC mechanism. The underlying
assumption is that the hypervisor itself is trusted. RTIC is only used to check
VMs. The mechanisms used are mostly passive as the page tables are
modified to detect writes to pages that should not be written to. The action
on detecting an unauthorized modification is driven by policy. Typically, the
VM is terminated.
The other approach that can address this problem in part is memory
encryption as discussed previously. This protects the code and data in an
encrypted “container” (not to be confused with Linux containers) from
outside attacks. It still may be possible for bugs to be exploited or for
previously infected images to be compromised. These “containers” are also
OPFRA001.020817 © OpenFog Consortium. All rights reserved.
vulnerable to compromised services when they have to go outside the
container for services or data. While the code and data (static and dynamic)
can be protected in this way, none of the code or data or data outside of the
container(s) are protected.
When a more mature solution to this problem is available, fog nodes should
implement an RTIC approach to protect the node from being compromised.
This does not necessarily prove more useful for nodes in public places than
those in protected areas as the attacks do not necessarily require physical
OPFRA001.020817 © OpenFog Consortium. All rights reserved.
Figure 46 OpenFog Security Functional Layers and Operational Planes8
8 The three security layers conform to the reference architecture of both Open Network
Foundation (ONF) and ITU-X.805 recommendation.
OPFRA001.020817 © OpenFog Consortium. All rights reserved.
The communications occurring in the Device-Fog-Cloud Computing
continuum can be categorized into three kinds of Secure Communication
Node-to-Cloud Secure Communication Pathways
Node-to-Node Secure Communication Pathways
Node-to-Device Secure Communication Pathways
Since the fog nodes often function as the proxies of cloud servers towards
their associated frontend devices while aggregating and representing these
frontend devices to the cloud servers, these pathways shall cooperate to
preserve the interoperability among the frontend devices and the cloud
servers. The following paragraphs highlight the expected functions and the
recommended practice of each kind of pathway.
Like the node-to-cloud pathways, the node-to-node pathways expect the fog
nodes as the communication endpoints to implement all the X.800 commu-
nication security services including non-repudiation. Strong authentication
and non-repudiation services shall be implemented using security credentials
derived from the hardware root-of-trust installed in the fog nodes. Channel
Access Control shall be enforced according to the communication security
policies established among the fog node managers as part of their service
level agreements. All cryptographic operations shall be performed by the
crypto accelerators embedded in the fog nodes while the cryptographic keys
shall be managed by the security monitoring and management operation.
OPFRA001.020817 © OpenFog Consortium. All rights reserved. Node-to-Device Secure Communication Pathways
Often function as the proxies of the cloud servers, the fog nodes communi-
cating are expected to preserve the communication protocols and APIs used
by the frontend devices. Unfortunately, the choices of device communication
protocols are diversified among different applications and communication
media. Efforts on protocol convergence among wireless, powerline
communication and industrial automation have been made through
adaptation of the Internet (TCP/UDP/IP) protocol suite.
However, among many frontend devices that are not Internet savvy and
often resource-constrained, only limited cryptographic capability such as
symmetric ciphers using manually installed keys is available. These devices
must be installed in physically protected environments and connected via
hardware connections to one or more fog nodes that can provide most of the
X.800 communication security services.
OPFRA001.020817 © OpenFog Consortium. All rights reserved.
Transport/Network UDP over IPv6
Layers TCP over IPv6
uIPv6 Stack
Application Layer CoAP
(Publish-Subscribe MQTT
Messaging) AMQP
Routing RPL
LISP (Cisco)
Security 802.1AR – Secure Device Identity
802.1AE - Media Access Control (MAC) Security
802.1X – Port-Based (Authenticated) Media
Access Control
IPsec AH & ESP, Tunnel/Transport Modes
(D)TLS – (Datagram) Transport Layer Security
Figure 50 Protocol Suites for Secure Node-to-Device Communications
This layer offers information security services that are provided traditionally
by network security appliances such as the following:
Deep Packet Inspection (DPI)
Application Layer Proxy
Lawful Message Intercept
Intrusion Detection and Protection Systems (IPS/IDS)
System/Network Event and State Monitoring
Content Filtering and Parental Control
It may also offer networking services often bundled with security services
such as:
WAN Accelerators
Network Address Translators (NAT)
Content Delivery Servers
In addition:
The NSH can contain arbitrary metadata fields (fixed or variable
length), added by the original classifier or by the SFs or SFFs as the
SFP is traversed. These are used to communicate context information
that might be useful to other SFs in the chain.
This introduces another data Confidentiality and Privacy condition. Since the
metadata can contain any data that one of the components in the SFP
deems needed, it is also not clear how to selectively hide (or encrypt) some
fields from one SF (when the packet may cross a service provider, customer,
or department boundary where certain information is considered proprietary,
secret, or sensitive) to others in the chain. The architecture has not yet
addressed these issues. It is a complex problem involving dynamic, unknown
Encrypted Memory
OPFRA001.020817 © OpenFog Consortium. All rights reserved.
Memory encryption is not without a cost. The dynamic decryption/encryption
of memory as it is fetched into cache and written back to memory from
cache affects memory response times.
A process for monitoring who, what, where, when and how data is accessed
from within databases, applications, and the OS/file system should be put in
place. Both access to sensitive information and unauthorized access
attempts should be monitored. All security events should be logged for
subsequent forensic analysis and use by the Operations, Administration, and
Maintenance (OAM) system – e.g., it may use the access data to determine
if an attack is underway. The policies are specified by the OAM system.
OPFRA001.020817 © OpenFog Consortium. All rights reserved.
There are generally three methods of securing and encrypting data at rest:
OPFRA001.020817 © OpenFog Consortium. All rights reserved.
file system is used here. Most of this type of access control will be similar in
other systems.
The Basic File Permissions are applied to Permission Groups using Permission
Types. This is not intended to be a complete or extensive discussion of file
system permissions, but is intended for discussion purposes in the
Permission Groups - Each file and directory has three user based permission
owner - The Owner permissions apply only the owner of the file or
directory. They do not impact the actions of other users.
group - The Group permissions apply only to the group that has been
assigned to the file or directory. They do not affect the actions of other
all users - The All Users permissions apply to all other users on the
system. This is the permission group that is usually most important.
Permission Types - Each file or directory has three basic permission types:
read - The Read permission refers to a user’s capability to read the
contents of the file.
write - The Write permissions refer to a user’s capability to write or
modify a file or directory.
execute - The Execute permission affects a user’s capability to execute
a file or view the contents of a directory.
These mechanisms are important controls within the context of the OS that
defines userids and groupids. Usually an administrator. Operating from the
OAM, will specify access permissions when a userid and/or groupid is set up
for a specific OS file system environment. This may or may not be used in a
given fog system. It may be important if different applications are running in
the same OS (VM) context, each with the need to different access to the
data in a shared file system (e.g., read-only for some, and read-write for the
data producing application.
OPFRA001.020817 © OpenFog Consortium. All rights reserved.
in motion: using VPNs, SSL and other technologies which can protect data
from being compromised or seen in plaintext form while in transit.
There are two ways to use encryption when trying to protect data in motion:
using an encrypted connection or using an encrypted file.
OPFRA001.020817 © OpenFog Consortium. All rights reserved.
11 Glossary
OPFRA001.020817 © OpenFog Consortium. All rights reserved.
Architecture “The fundamental organization of a [IEEE-1471-
system embodied in its components, 2000]
their relationships to each other,
and to the environment, and the
principles guiding its design and
Architecture Work product used to express [ISO/IEC
Description architecture. 42010:2011]
Architecture Conventions, principles and ISO/IEC
Framework practices for the description of 42010:2011
architectures established within a
specific domain of application and/or
community of stakeholders
Architecture ”A high-level, aspirational view of [TOGAF9]
Vision the target architecture.”
Aspiration “Stakeholder Aspirations are [E-FRAME]
statements that express the
expectations and desires of the
various stakeholders for the services
that the final [system]
implementation will provide.”
Authentication Authentication is the process of Nexus IoT
verifying a user’s true identity. This Glossary
may involve the use of one or more
means of proof of identification, also
known as factors, such as PIN codes
and smart cards.
Authorization Granting of rights, which includes [ISO 7498-
the granting of access based on 2:1989]
access rights.
OPFRA001.020817 © OpenFog Consortium. All rights reserved.
business purpose. Business Logic
can define the behavior of a single
Thing, a group of Things, or a
complete business process.
Choreography Type of composition whose elements ISO/IEC DIS
interact in a non-directed fashion 18834-1
with each autonomy part knowing
and following an observable
predefined pattern of behavior for
the entire (global) composition.
Collaboration Type of composition whose elements ISO/IEC DIS
interact in a non-directed fashion, 18834-1
each according to their own plans
and purposes without a predefined
pattern of behaviour
Confidentiality Property that information is not ISO/IEC
made available or disclosed to 27000:2014
unauthorized individuals, entity, or
Cloud Or, "The Cloud," is generally used as IoT Guide
shorthand for Cloud Computing. The
name "Cloud" comes from the fluffy
cloud typically used in Visio-style
network diagrams to represent a
connection to the Internet.
Cloud A general term for the delivery of IoT Guide
Computing various hosted services over the
Internet. The "as-a-Service"
moniker is used for cloud services
such as Software-as-a-Service,
Platform-as-a-Service and
Infrastructure-as-a-Service. The
back-end for many IoT devices may
be delivered via the Cloud.
Communication The communication model aims at IOT-A
Model defining the main communication
paradigms for connecting elements.
This model provides a set of
communication rules to build
interoperable stacks, together with
insights about the main interactions
among the elements of the domain
OPFRA001.020817 © OpenFog Consortium. All rights reserved.
Composition Result of assembling a collection of ISO/IEC DIS
elements for a particular purpose 18834-1
Constrained A constrained network is a network IOT-A
Network of devices with restricted capabilities
regarding storage, computing
power, and / or transfer rate.
Controller Anything that has the capability to IOT-A
affect a Physical Entity, like
changing its state or moving it.
Credentials A credential is a record that contains IOT-A
the authentication information
(credentials) required to connect to
a resource. Most credentials contain
a user name and password.
Cryptography Discipline that embodies principles, ISO/IEC 18014-
means, and mechanisms for the 2:2009
transformation of data in order to
hide its information content, prevent
its undetected modification and/or
prevent its unauthorized use
Data-centricity Scalable, real- Object
time, dependable, high- Management
performance and interoperable data Group
exchanges between publishers and
OPFRA001.020817 © OpenFog Consortium. All rights reserved.
unknown resources/entities/services
based on a rough specification of the
desired result. It may be utilized by
a human or another service.
Credentials for authorization are
considered when executing the
Edge Gateway Endpoint that provides an entry IIC
point into enterprise or service
provider core networks
Element Unit that is indivisible at a given ISO/IEC DIS
level of abstraction and has a clearly 18834-1
defined boundary
OPFRA001.020817 © OpenFog Consortium. All rights reserved.
traditional cloud based architectures
or solely intelligent edge devices.
Fog Node The physical and logical network OpenFog
element that implements fog Consortium
computing services. It is somewhat
analogous to a server in cloud
Gateway A Gateway is a forwarding element, IOT-A
enabling various local networks to
be connected.
OPFRA001.020817 © OpenFog Consortium. All rights reserved.
Information “An information model is a [AutoI]
Model representation of concepts,
relationships, constraints, rules, and
operations to specify data semantics
for a chosen domain of discourse.
The advantage of using an
information model is that it can
provide sharable, stable, and
organized structure of information
requirements for the domain
OPFRA001.020817 © OpenFog Consortium. All rights reserved.
information resources and services,
most notably the inter-linked
hypertext documents of the World
Wide Web (WWW) and the
infrastructure to support electronic
OPFRA001.020817 © OpenFog Consortium. All rights reserved.
a device.
LTE Long Term Evolution commonly
used in 4G.
Microservices Microservices can be considered a Wikipedia
specialization or extension
of service-oriented
architectures (SOA) used to
build distributed software systems.
As with SOA, services in a
microservice architecture
are processes that communicate
with each other over a network in
order to fulfill a goal. Also, like SOA,
these services use technology-
agnostic protocols. The
microservices' architectural style is
a first realization of SOA that
followed the introduction
of DevOps and is becoming more
popular for building continuously
deployed systems. SOA is more
focused on reusability and
segregation whereas microservices
focus on replacing a large
application(s), with a system that
can incrementally evolve and is
easier to manage.
OPFRA001.020817 © OpenFog Consortium. All rights reserved.
Computing equipping computational resources
(MEC) at or near base stations in mobile /
cellular networks
Modularity A property of network elements OpenFog
where individual capabilities can be Consortium
added or removed without
substantial impact of other
Multi-tenancy Software Multitenancy refers to a Wikipedia
software architecture in which a
single instance of a software
application runs on a server and
serves multiple tenants. A tenant is
a group of users who share a
common access with specific
privileges to the software instance.
With a multitenant architecture, a
software application is designed to
provide every tenant a dedicated
share of the instance including its
data, configuration, user
management, tenant individual
functionality and non-functional
Network Resource hosted somewhere in the IOT-A
resource network, e.g., in the cloud.
On-device Resource hosted inside a Device IOT-A
Resource and enabling access to the Device
and thus to the related Physical
On-Premises On-premises software (sometimes
Software abbreviated as "on-prem") is
installed and runs on computers on
the premises (in the building) of the
person or organization using the
software, rather than at a remote
facility such as a server farm or
OPFRA001.020817 © OpenFog Consortium. All rights reserved.
alter the physical state of a system,
such as the control system for a
power station or the control
network for a rail system. The term
has become established to
demonstrate the technological and
functional differences between
traditional IT systems and Industrial
Control Systems environment, the
so-called "IT in the non-carpeted
OPFRA001.020817 © OpenFog Consortium. All rights reserved.
Reference A reference model is an abstract [OASIS-RM]
Model framework for understanding
significant relationships among the
entities of some environment. It
enables the development of specific
reference or concrete architectures
using consistent standards or
specifications supporting that
environment. A reference model
consists of a minimal set of unifying
concepts, axioms and relationships
within a particular problem domain,
and is independent of specific
standards, technologies,
implementations, or other concrete
details. A reference model may be
used as a basis for education and
explaining standards to non-
Reliability Ability of a system or component to ISO/IEC
perform its required functions under 27040:2015
stated conditions for a specified
period of time.
Resilience The condition of the system being IIC
able to avoid, absorb and/or
manage dynamic adversarial
conditions while completing
assigned mission(s), and to
reconstitute operational capabilities
after casualties.
Resource Computational element that gives IOT-A
access to information about or
actuation capabilities on a Physical
Requirement A quantitative statement of [TOGAF9]
business need that must be met by
a particular architecture or work
Scalability A property of networks where their OpenFog
capabilities can grow or shrink Consortium
without undue expense of loss of
Sensor A sensor is a special Device that IOT-A
OPFRA001.020817 © OpenFog Consortium. All rights reserved.
perceives certain characteristics of
the real world and transfers them
into a digital representation.
Security The correct term is 'information [ISO27001]
security' and typically information
security comprises three
component parts:
OPFRA001.020817 © OpenFog Consortium. All rights reserved.
Viewpoint A definition of the perspective from [TOGAF 9]
which a view is taken. It is a
specification of the conventions for
constructing and using a view
(often by means of an appropriate
schema or template). A view is
what you see; a viewpoint is where
you are looking from - the vantage
point or perspective that
determines what you see.
Virtual Entity Computational or data element IOT-A
representing a Physical Entity.
Virtual Entities can be either Active
or Passive Digital Entities.
Wireless Wireless communication is the [Wikipedia WI]
communication transfer of information over a
technologies distance without the use of
enhanced electrical conductors or
"wires". The distances involved may
be short (a few meters as in
television remote control) or long
(thousands or millions of kilometers
for radio communications). When
the context is clear, the term is
often shortened to "wireless".
Wireless communication is
generally considered to be a branch
of telecommunications.
Wire line A term associated with a network or [setzer-
communication terminal that uses metallic wire messtechnik2010]
technologies conductors (and/or optical fibers)
for telecommunications.
Wireless Wireless sensor and actuator [OECD2009]
Sensors and networks (WSANs) are networks of
Actuators nodes that sense and, potentially,
Network control their environment. They
communicate the information
through wireless links enabling
interaction between people or
computers and the surrounding
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Online at:
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Online at:
Online at:
Online at:
Online at:
[OGS] Open GeoSpatial portal, the OpenGIS abstract specification Topic 12:
the OpenGIS Service architecture.
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[Sclater2007] Sclater, N., Mechanisms and Mechanical Devices Sourcebook,
4th Edition (2007), 25, McGraw-Hill
[Ref-a] -
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