BS 03288 3 1989 1999
BS 03288 3 1989 1999
BS 03288 3 1989 1999
Specification for
Insulator and
conductor fittings for
overhead power lines —
Part 3: Dimensions of ball and socket
couplings of string insulator units
UDC 621.315.1:621.315.62/.65
The preparation of this British Standard was entrusted by the Power Electrical
Engineering Standards Committee (PEL/-) to Technical Committee PEL/70
upon which the following bodies were represented:
The following bodies were also represented in the drafting of the standard,
through subcommittees and panels:
Aluminium Federation
British Railways Board
Electricity Supply Industry in England and Wales
National Association of Malleable Ironfounders
Overhead Transmission Line Contractors
Committee reference PEL/70
Draft for comment 86/30888 DC
Committees responsible Inside front cover
Foreword ii
1 Scope 1
2 Object 1
3 Plan of the standard 1
4 Pin ball 1
5 Socket 1
6 Hook-on “GO” gauge 1
7 Lower part of the insulator 1
8 Locking device 2
9 Dimensions of the pin ball 2
10 Dimensions of the socket end 3
11 Dimensions of the hook-on “GO” gauge 4
12 Dimensions of twin-balled pins 6
13 Clearance between the pin ball and the socket end 7
14 Effectiveness of locking the pin ball 8
15 Dimensions of the hole for the split-pin 9
16 Dimensions of the hole for the W-clip 10
Appendix A Sliding position and over-tilting position of the pin
ball in the socket end 11
Appendix B Recommended gauges 11
© BSI 07-1999
Copyright British Standards Institution
Provided by IHS under license with BSI
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BS 3288-3:1989
This Part of BS 3288 has been prepared under the direction of the Power
Electrical Engineering Standards Committee. It is technically equivalent to
IEC 120:1984, published by the International Electrotechnical Commission
(IEC), except that the more compact British design of the size 28 coupling has
been added as size 28B.
This Part of BS 3288 implements CENELEC Harmonization Document HD 474
and includes the 28B ball and socket coupling which the UK has been permitted
to retain as a national type.
It is not envisaged that split-pins will be used in 28B couplings and the
dimensions of the corresponding holes have not been included.
For ease of production the text of the IEC publication has been used. Some
terminology and certain conventions are not identical with those used in British
Standards; attention is drawn especially to the following.
The comma has been used as a decimal marker. In British Standards it is current
practice to use a full point on the baseline as the decimal marker.
A British Standard does not purport to include all the necessary provisions of a
contract. Users of British Standards are responsible for their correct application.
Summary of pages
This document comprises a front cover, an inside front cover, pages i and ii,
pages 1 to 24 and a back cover.
This standard has been updated (see copyright date) and may have had
amendments incorporated. This will be indicated in the amendment table on the
inside front cover.
ii © BSI 07-1999
Copyright British Standards Institution
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BS 3288-3:1989
1 Scope
This standard applies to string insulator units of the cap and pin and long rod types and their associated
metal fittings.
2 Object
The object of this standard is to define the dimensions of a series of standard ball and socket couplings
using the standard locking devices (see BS 3288-4) in order to permit the assembly of insulators or metal
fittings supplied by different manufacturers.
NOTE Only the dimensions necessary for assembly are dealt with in this standard. Properties of material and working loads are
not specified. The co-ordination of dimensions with strength classes is specified in BS 137-2.
4 Pin ball
The pin ball shall conform to the dimensions specified in Clause 9. The main dimensions governing the
shape of the pin ball are h1, d2, r1 and r2. Dimension r3 is given for guidance because its accurate value may
be obtained only by the drawing. In addition, the shank diameter d1, shall not exceed the specified values
within a length equal to H3 of the corresponding worn hook-on “GO” gauge (see Clause 11).
NOTE There are two designs for the 28 mm ball and socket coupling. The one adopted by IEC is listed in this standard as “28”; the
more compact British design is listed as “28”. The 28B coupling is available only with a W-clip.
5 Socket
The socket interior shall conform to the dimensions specified in Clause 10, which also specifies the
minimum thickness of the locking device.
NOTE 1 Sockets according to the clause mentioned are shown with flat bottoms. Sockets with rounded bottoms with radii of
curvature not less than the dimensions r2 of the pin balls can also be used. In this case, the dimensions R5 have to be correspondingly
NOTE 2 The 16 mm standard size according to Clause 10 includes two alternative sockets. The reason for this is that, on the one
hand, there is a need for a socket fitting exactly the standard pin ball and its predecessors with r1 = 23 (alternative A) and, on the
other hand, there is a need for a socket also accepting pin balls with r2 = 50 (alternative B). Alternative A and alternative B are
identical except for dimensions H1, H2 and T. Alternative A, having the smaller dimensions, is preferable where assembly with
existing pin balls does not require alternative B.
NOTE 3 See Note to Clause 4 for an explanation of 28 and 28B couplings.
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BS 3288-3:1989
8 Locking device
The locking device, i.e. a split-pin or W-clip, shall be designed for locking the minimum-size pin ball in the
maximum size socket. This requirement is fulfilled if the locking devices standardized in BS 3288-4 are
Designated size of
d1 d2 h1
r1 r2 r3a r4
0 0 +1
11 11,9 22,8 – 1,3 9,1 – 01,2 35 35 3,5 1,5
1,1 0
16 17 0
33,3 – 1,5 13,4 – 01,3 23 50 3 3 –+ 0,5
0 0
20 21 0
41 – 1,6
19,5 – 1,4 27 60 5,7 3,5 –+11
0 0 0
24 25 1,4 49 – 1,8 21 – 1,7 40 70 6,6 4 +1,5
– 1,0
0 0 0
28b 29 1,5 57 – 1,9
23,5 – 1,8 55 80 8 4,5 –+1,5
0 0 0 +1,5
28Bb 29 1,5 56 – 1,8
21 50 100 64 4,5 – 1,0
– 1,7
0 0 0
32 33 1,6
65 – 2,1
27 70 90 10 5 + 1,5
– 1,9 – 1,0
a Given for guidance.
b See Note to Clause 4.
2 © BSI 07-1999
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BS 3288-3:1989
Designated D1 D2 D3 H1 H2 H2 c R1 R3 R4 R5 Tb
size of for W-clips and for
coupling alternative standard
split-pins split-pins
Min. Min. Min. Min. Min.
+ 2,5
58 58 + 2,5
32,5 — 50 5 5 10 8,7
28Bd 31,5 0 23,5 0
© BSI 07-1999
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BS 3288-3:1989
size of Gauge D1 D2 D3 D4 H1 H2 H3 R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6
Max. contoura 12,000 22,950 25,322 60,15 9,250 17,775 23,775 35,075 35,075 3,631 1,450 49,70 2,80
11 New Nominal contour 11,980 22,920 25,348 59,95 9,220 17,860 23,860 35,060 35,060 3,616 1,460 49,80 2,70
Min. contoura 11,960 22,890 25,374 59,75 9,190 17,945 23,945 35,045 35,045 3,601 1,470 49,90 2,60
Wornb 11,900 22,800 25,400 59,55 9,100 18,000 24,000 35,000 35,000 3,556 1,500 50,00 2,50
Max. contoura 17,122 33,490 35,326 90,59 13,572 20,686 31,786 23,086 50,086 3,071 2,939 71.70 2,80
New Nominal contour 17,096 33,450 35,351 90,39 13,536 20,768 31,868 23,068 50,068 3,055 2,952 71,80 2,70
Min. contoura 17,070 33,410 35,376 90,19 13,500 20,850 31,950 23,050 50,050 3,039 2,965 71,90 2,60
Wornb 17,000 33,300 35,400 89,99 13,400 20,900 32,000 23,000 50,000 2,993 3,000 72,00 2,50
Max. contoura 21,150 41,220 45,484 120,95 19,702 25,551 42,151 27,101 60,101 5,845 3,425 89,55 3,45
New Nominal contour 21,120 41,170 45,523 120,65 19,656 25,678 42,278 27,078 60,078 5,824 3,440 89,70 3,30
Min. contoura 21,090 41,120 45,561 120,35 19,610 25,805 42,405 27,055 60,055 5,803 3,455 89,85 3,15
Max. contoura
Nominal contour
Min. contoura
Wornb 25,000 49,000 50,600 140,00 21,000 26,300 46,500 40,000 70,000 6,615 4,000 105,00 3,00
Max. contoura 29,190 57,290 66,870 165,94 23,770 29,100 51,100 55,135 80,135 7,994 4,414 129,55 3,45
New Nominal contour 29,150 57,215 66,915 165,64 23,708 29,250 51,250 55,104 80,104 7,967 4,432 129,70 3,30
Min. contoura 29,110 57,140 66,960 165,34 23,646 29,400 51,400 55,073 80,073 7,938 4,450 129,85 3,15
Wornb 29,000 57,000 67,000 165,04 23,500 29,500 51,500 55,000 80,000 7,864 4,500 130,00 3,00
Max. contoura 29,190 56,280 79,850 170,90 21,242 28,000 43,900 50,130 100,150 6,473 4,914 169,55 3,45
New Nominal contour 29,150 56,210 79,900 170,60 21,186 28,101 44,000 50,100 100,100 6,448 4,932 169,70 3,30
Min. contoura 29,110 56,140 79,950 170,30 21,130 28,203 44,100 50,070 100,050 6,423 4,950 169,85 3,15
Wornb 29,000 56,000 80,000 170,00 21,000 28,305 44,200 50,000 100,000 6,360 5,000 170,00 3,00
Max. contoura 33,220 65,310 85,800 198,45 27,300 34,000 61,400 70,150 90,150 9,719 4,914 149,55 3,45
BS 3288-3:1989
New Nominal contour 33,170 65,230 85,850 198,22 25,225 34,175 61,600 70,112 90,113 9,683 4,932 149,70 3,30
Min. contoura 33,120 65,150 87,900 197,98 27,150 34,350 61,800 70,075 90,075 9,647 4,950 149,85 3,15
Wornb 33,000 65,000 86,000 197,83 27,000 34,500 62,000 70,000 90,000 9,572 5,000 150,00 3,00
The counter of the new gauge should fall between the maximum and minimum contours.
See Clause B.1.
See Note to Clause 4. --`,``-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---
11 47– 2,5
16 63 – 03,0
20 0
83– 3,2
24 0
90– 3,5
28 97– 03,5
32 0
120– 4,0
6 © BSI 07-1999
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BS 3288-3:1989
Designated size
of coupling
D1 – d1
D2 – d2 D3 – d2 P Qa
Designated size of S
11 0,9
16A 1,5
16B 1,4
20 2,5
24 2,0
28 a 2,8
28Ba 2,0
32 3,3
See Note to Clause 4.
8 © BSI 07-1999
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BS 3288-3:1989
Standard D5 K L
couplings D4 H3
Min. Min. Max.
© BSI 07-1999
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BS 3288-3:1989
Standard B2 L
couplings B1 H3
Min. Max.
Dimension B2 is the length of the recess over which the height H3 shall be maintained. Beyond B2, the
shape of the recess is not important.
10 © BSI 07-1999
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BS 3288-3:1989
Appendix A Sliding position and over-tilting position of the pin ball in the
socket end
A.1 Sliding position of the pin ball in the socket end
Designated µ°
size of average
11 1,3
16A 4,0
16B 4,0
20 3,3
24 2,7
28b 2,5
28Bb 2,7
32 2,0
11 12,0
16A 9,5
16B 12,0
20 9,0
24 10,0
28b 9,0
28Bb 10,0
32 9,0
a¶ values assume reasonable
tolerances for H2.
b See Note to Clause 4.
manufacture are liable to vary from one manufacturer to another. Therefore, the following
recommendations are given only for general guidance:
— the thickness of the pin gauges should be not less than 5 mm;
— gauges provided with round holes should be somewhat thicker;
— the material should be a non-shrinking, oil-hardening steel;
— the Rockwell C hardness number should be 62 to 63 in order to reduce deformations and wear;
— the surface roughness should be less than 4 4m;
— hard chromium plating can, in certain cases, increase resistance to wear.
NOTE The socket gauges should be provided with a ground shaft, diameter D1, or with centre holes in order to facilitate checking
of the gauges. A centre hole removes part of the curved surface, and this reduces the manufacturing tolerance.
B.3 Checking the pin ball
a) Ball and shank shall pass in at least one direction through “GO” gauge for ball height, shank diameter
and shank length (see Clause B.5).
b) Ball shall pass through “GO” gauge for ball diameter (see Clause B.6).
c) Ball and shank shall not pass in any direction through “NOT GO” gauge for ball height
(see Clause B.7).
d) Ball shall not pass in any direction through “NOT GO” gauge for ball diameter (see Clause B.8).
e) Shank shall not enter in any direction through “NOT GO” gauge for shank diameter (see Clause B.9).
12 © BSI 07-1999
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BS 3288-3:1989
a) Socket entry shall accept “GO” gauge for entry height, entry width and neck width (see Clause B.10).
b) Internal height and internal diameter of socket shall allow rotation through 180° inside the socket of
the “GO” gauge for internal height and internal diameter (see Clause B.11).
c) Socket entry height shall refuse the “NOT GO” gauge for entry height (see Clause B.12).
d) Socket entry shall refuse “NOT GO” gauge for neck width (see Clause B.13).
NOTE Marked contour to accept hook-on “GO” gauge (see Clause 11).
B.5 Pin “GO” gauge for ball height, shank diameter and shank length
size of Gauge d1 d2 d4 h1 h3 r1 r2 r3 r4
Min. contoura 11,826 22,712 22,5 9,008 24,11 34,954 34,954 3,509 2,537
New Nominal contour 11,836 22,728 25,0 9,024 24,08 34,962 34,962 3,517 2,532
Max. contoura 11,846 22,744 24,5 9,040 24,05 34,970 34,970 3,525 2,527
Wornb 11,900 22,800 24,0 9,100 24,00 35,000 35,000 3,556 2,500
Min. contoura 16,922 33,204 35,5 13,304 32,14 22,952 49,952 2,945 4,039
New Nominal contour 16,932 33,222 35,0 13,320 32,10 22,960 49,960 2,952 4,034
Max. contoura 16,942 33,240 34,5 13,336 32,06 22,968 49,968 2,959 4,029
Wornb 17,000 33,300 34,0 13,400 32,00 23,000 50,000 2,993 4,000
Min. contoura 20,916 40,900 45,5 19,400 42,64 26,950 59,950 5,703 4,542
New Nominal contour 20,928 40,920 45,0 19,418 42,60 26,959 59,959 5,711 4,536
Max. contoura 20,940 40,940 44,5 19,436 42,56 26,968 59,968 5,719 4,530
Wornb 21,000 41,000 44,0 19,500 42,50 27,000 60,000 5,753 4,500
Min. contoura 24,912 48,890 50,5 20,888 46,65 39,944 69,944 6,558 5,544
New Nominal contour 24,924 48,912 50,0 20,908 46,61 39,954 69,954 6,567 5,538
Max. contoura 24,936 48,934 49,5 20,928 46,57 39,964 69,964 6,577 5,532
Wornb 25,000 49,000 49,0 21,000 46,50 40,000 70,000 6,615 5,500
Min. contoura 28,906 56,881 68,5 23,380 51,66 54,940 79,940 7,803 6,044
New Nominal contour 28,919 56,905 68,0 23,402 51,62 54,951 79,951 7,814 6,038
Max. contoura 28,932 56,929 67,5 23,424 51,58 54,962 79,962 7,825 6,032
Wornb 29,000 57,000 67,0 23,500 51,50 55,000 80,000 7,864 6,000
Min. contoura 28,912 55,888 81,5 20,888 44,34 49,949 99,940 6,305 6,044
New Nominal contour 28,924 55,912 81,0 20,908 44,30 49,950 99,950 6,313 6,038
Max. contoura 28,936 55,936 80,5 20,928 44,26 49,960 99,960 6,322 6,032
Wornb 29,000 56,000 80,0 20,000 44,20 50,000 100,000 6,362 6,000
Min. contoura 32,899 64,871 87,5 26,868 62,16 69,934 89,934 9,506 6,544
New Nominal contour 32,913 64,897 87,0 26,892 62,12 69,946 89,946 9,517 6,538
Max. contoura 32,927 64,923 86,5 26,916 62,08 69,958 89,958 9,528 6,532
Wornb 33,000 65,000 86,0 27,000 62,00 70,000 90,000 9,572 6,500
The contour of the new gauge should fall between the maximum and minimum contours.
See Clause B.1.
See Note to Clause 4.
14 © BSI 07-1999
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BS 3288-3:1989
size of Gauge d2
Worna 22,800
New 33,223 ± 0,012
Worn a 33,300
New 40,920 ± 0,013
Worn a 41,000
New 48,913 ± 0,014
Worna 49,000
New 56,908 ± 0,015
Worna 57,000
New 55,913 ± 0,015
Worna 56,000
New 64,903 ± 0,016
Worna 65,000
SeeClause B.1.
See Note to Clause 4.
size of Gauge d1 d4 d5 h1 h4 r1 r6
Max. contoura
Nominal contour
Max. contoura
Min. contoura 28,36 36,3 23,3 18,082 29,5 26,991 6,7
20 Nominal contour 28,42 36,0 23,0 18,100 30,0 27,000 7,0
Max. contour a 28,48 35,7 22,7 18,118 30,5 27,009 7,3
Min. contour a 34,48 42,3 28,3 19,280 31,5 39,990 7,7
24 Nominal contour 34,54 42,0 28,0 19,300 32,0 40,000 8,0
Max. contoura 34,60 41,7 27,7 19,320 32,5 40,010 8,3
Min. contoura 36,9 47,3 32,3 21,678 44,5 54,989 9,7
28b Nominal contour 37,0 47,0 32,0 21,700 45,0 55,000 10,0
Max. contoura 37,1 46,7 31,7 21,722 45,5 55,011 10,3
Min. contoura 39,90 49,3 34,3 19,280 31,5 49,990 7,7
28Bb Nominal contour 40,00 49,0 34,0 19,300 32,0 50,000 8,0
Max. contour a 40,10 48,7 33,7 19,230 32,5 50,010 8,3
Min. contour a 40,88 52,3 36,3 25,076 47,5 69,988 11,7
32 Nominal contour 41,00 52,0 36,0 25,100 48,0 70,000 12,0
Max. contoura 41,12 51,7 35,7 25,124 48,5 70,012 12,3
The contour of the new gauge should fall between the maximum and minimum contours.
See Note to Clause 4.
16 © BSI 07-1999
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BS 3288-3:1989
Designated d2 h4 h5 r6
size of
Designated d1 d4 h4 h5
size of
B.10 Socket “GO” gauge for entry height, entry width and neck width
Coupling 11, 16A, 24, 28Ba Coupling 16B, 20, 28, 32
See Note to Clause 4.
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BS 3288-3:1989
Min. contoura
Wornc 27,500 51,000 23,500 54,0 40,000 70,000 7,821 4,000 —
Max. contoura 32,144 59,166 26,170 60,5 55,085 80,085 8,083 4,429 10,083
New Nominal contour 32,122 59,138 26,135 60,0 55,067 80,068 8,069 4,440 10,069
Min. contoura 32,100 59,110 26,100 59,5 55,050 80,050 8,055 4,451 10,055
Wornc 32,000 59,000 26,000 59,0 55,000 80,000 8,000 4,500 10,000
Max. contoura 31,640 58,166 23,652 55,5 50,090 100,090 7,667 4,935 —
New Nominal contour 31,620 58,140 23,622 55,0 50,075 100,075 7,650 4,945 —
Min. contoura 31,000 58,114 23,592 54,5 50,060 100,060 7,663 4,955 —
Wornc 31,500 58,000 23,500 54,0 50,000 100,000 7,590 5,000 —
Max. contoura 36,158 67,680 30,190 70,5 70,095 90,095 10,090 4,923 11,890
New Nominal contour 36,134 67,650 30,150 70,0 70,075 90,075 10,075 4,935 11,875
Min. contoura 36,110 67,620 30,110 69,5 70,055 90,055 10,060 4,947 11,860
Wornc 36,000 67,500 30,000 69,0 70,000 90,000 10,000 5,000 11,800
The contour of the new gauge should fall between the maximum and minimum contours.
See Note to Clause 5.
See Clause B.1.
See Note to Clause 4.
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BS 3288-3:1989
B.11 Socket “GO” gauge for internal height and internal diameter
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BS 3288-3:1989
Designed Gauge D1 D3 H2 H2 d H5 R1 R2 R3 R4 R5
size of with standard
coupling W-clip split-pin
Max. contoura 12,584 24,590 15,596 16,396 30,5 35,048 35,048 4,045 1,458 4,045
New Nominal contour 12,572 24,578 15,580 16,380 30,0 35,040 35,040 4,039 1,464 4,039
Min. contour a 12,560 24,566 15,564 16,364 29,5 35,032 35,032 4,033 1,470 4,033
Worn c 12,500 24,500 15,500 16,300 29,0 35,000 35,000 4000 1,500 4,000
Max. contoura 19,294 34,602 20,608 21,708 40,5 23,054 50,054 3,051 2,953 3,051
New Nominal contour 19,280 34,588 20,588 21,688 40,0 23,044 50,044 3,044 2,960 3,044
Min. contoura 19,266 34,574 20,568 21,668 39,5 23,034 50,034 3,037 2,967 3,037
Wornc 19,200 34,500 20,500 21,600 39,0 23,000 50,000 3,000 3,000 3,000
Max. contoura 19,294 34,602 25,108 25,608 40,5 23,054 50,054 3,051 2,953 3,051
New Nominal contour 19,280 34,588 25,088 25,588 40,0 23,044 50,044 3,044 2,960 3,044
Min. contour a 19,266 34,574 25,068 25,568 39,5 23,034 50,034 3,037 2,967 3,037
Wornc 19,200 34,500 25,000 25,500 39,0 23,000 50,000 3,000 3,000 3,000
Max. contoura 23,116 42,630 28,632 29,432 50,5 27,066 60,066 6,065 3,442 6,065
New Nominal contour 23,098 42,610 28,606 29,406 50,0 27,053 60,053 6,055 3,451 6,055
Min. contour a 23,080 42,590 28,580 29,380 49,5 27,040 60,040 6,045 3,460 6,045
Worn c 23,000 42,500 28,500 29,300 49,0 27,000 60,000 6,000 3,500 6,000
Max. contour a 27,630 51,150 32,652 33,652 55,5 40,076 70,076 5,075 3,935 8,075
New Nominal contour 27,610 51,126 32,622 33,622 55,0 40,061 70,061 5,063 3,945 8,063
Min. contoura 27,590 51,102 32,592 33,592 54,5 40,046 70,046 5,051 3,955 8,051
Wornc 27,500 51,000 32,500 33,500 54,0 40,000 70,000 5,000 4,000 8,000
Max. contoura 32,144 59,166 36,670 37,570 60,5 55,085 80,085 8,083 4,429 8,083
New Nominal contour 32,122 59,138 36,635 37,535 60,0 55,067 80,068 8,069 4,440 8,069
Min. contour a 32,100 59,110 36,600 37,500 59,5 55,050 80,050 8,055 4,451 8,055
Worn c 32,000 59,000 36,500 37,400 59,0 55,000 80,000 8,000 4,500 8,000
Max. contoura 31,640 58,166 32,652 —e 55,5 50,090 100,090 5,075 4,935 —
New Nominal contour 31,620 58,140 32,622 —e 55,0 50,075 100,075 5,063 4,945 —
Min. contoura 31,600 58,114 32,592 —e 54,5 50,060 100,060 5,051 4,955 —
Worn c 31,500 58,200 32,500 — e 54,0 50,000 100,000 5,000 5,000 —
Max. contour a 36,158 67,680 42,190 43,190 70,5 70,095 90,095 10,090 4,923 10,090
New Nominal contour 36,134 67,650 42,150 43,150 70,0 70,075 90,075 10,075 4,935 10,075
Min. contoura 36,110 67,620 42,110 43,110 69,5 70,055 90,055 10,060 4,967 10,060
Wornc 36,000 67,500 42,000 43,000 69,0 70,000 90,000 10,000 5,000 10,000
a The contour of the new gauge should fall between the maximum and minimum contours.
b See Note to Clause 5.
c See Clause B.1.
d When gauging sockets for use with standard split-pins, the gauge designed for checking sockets with W-clips may be used,
supplimented by a flat gauge such that the total height corresponds to the value of H2 with split-pin.
e See Note to Clause 4.
© BSI 07-1999
Copyright British Standards Institution
Provided by IHS under license with BSI
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale
BS 3288-3:1989
22 © BSI 07-1999
Copyright British Standards Institution
Provided by IHS under license with BSI
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale
BS 3288-3:1989
Max. contoura 10,9 17,05 12,3 11,816 30,5 35,008 35,008 1,8
11 Nominal contour 10,8 17,00 12,0 11,800 30,0 35,000 35,000 1,5
Min. contoura 10,7 16,95 11,7 17,784 29,5 34,992 34,992 1,2
Max. contoura 15,9 30,1 18,3 16,120 40,5 23,010 50,010 3,3
16A Nominal contour 15,8 30,0 18,0 16,100 40,0 23,000 50,000 3,0
Min. contoura 15,7 29,9 17,7 16,080 39,5 22,990 49,990 2,7
Max. contoura 15,9 30,1 18,3 18,620 40,5 23,010 50,010 3,3
16B Nominal contour 15,8 30,0 18,0 18,600 40,0 23,000 50,000 3,0
Min. contoura 15,7 29,9 17,7 18,580 39,5 22,990 49,990 2,7
Max. contoura 19,8 36,1 23,3 22,626 50,5 27,013 60,013 3,8
20 Nominal contour 19,7 36,0 23,0 22,600 50,0 27,000 60,000 3,5
Min. contour a 19,6 35,9 22,7 22,574 49,5 26,987 59,987 3,2
Max. contour a 23,7 42,1 28,3 26,030 55,5 40,015 70,015 4,3
24 Nominal contour 23,6 42,0 28,0 26,000 55,0 40,000 70,000 4,0
Min. contoura 23,5 41,9 27,7 25,970 54,5 39,985 69,985 3,7
Max. contoura 27,6
47,1 32,3 28,935 60,5 55,018 80,018 4,8
28b Nominal contour 27,5 47,0 32,0 28,900 60,0 55,000 80,000 4,5
Min. contoura 27,4 46,9 31,7 28,865 59,5 54,982 79,982 4,2
Max. contoura 27,7 48,1 32,3 26,030 55,5 50,015 100,015 5,3
28Bb Nominal contour 27,6 48,0 32,0 26,000 55,0 50,000 100,000 5,0
Min. contour a 27,5 47,9 31,7 25,970 54,5 49,985 99,985 4,7
Max. contour a 31,5 52,1 36,3 33,340 70,5 70,020 90,020 5,3
32 Nominal contour 31,4 52,0 36,0 33,300 70,0 70,000 90,000 5,0
Min. contoura 31,3 51,9 35,7 33,260 69,5 69,980 89,980 4,7
The contour of the new gauge should fall between maximum and minimum contours.
See Note to Clause 4.
© BSI 07-1999
Copyright British Standards Institution
Provided by IHS under license with BSI
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale
BS 3288-3:1989
Designated D1 H5 H6
size of
24 © BSI 07-1999
Copyright British Standards Institution
Provided by IHS under license with BSI
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale
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