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One of the most enduring contributions of ASTM standards is their role in supporting a healthy and

sustainable environment. ASTM technical committees have hundreds of standards that promote the
environment. The results are clear: cleaner air and water; eco-friendly homes and office buildings;
enhanced waste management and recycling programs; innovations in oil spill response and cleanup;
improved environmental assessments and much more.

Balancing Environmental Protection and Economic Growth

Sustainability — achieving economic prosperity while protecting the natural systems of the planet — has
become one of the most important issues for our world. The past several years have brought an increase
in consumer, corporate and government interest in sustainability programs and initiatives globally.

Supporting the current drive toward sustainable development is an important focus of ASTM standards
development activities.

Committee E60 on Sustainability, which formed in 2008 and includes more than 700 members, focuses
on developing standards to promote and integrate sustainability across multiple industries.

ASTM’s leadership in sustainability standards is evident in industrial sectors like building construction,
where Subcommittee E60.01 on Buildings and Construction has played an important role. E60.01 has
contributed standards such as the guide to building sustainability principles (E2432), which helps
industry leaders make decisions to pursue sustainability, and the practice for water conservation in
buildings through water reclamation (E2635). Water reclamation and reuse offer an effective means of
conserving the earth’s limited high quality freshwater supplies while helping to meet the ever growing
demands for water in residential, commercial and institutional development.

Additional standards are underway to promote sustainability in buildings, the use of green roofs and
purchasing products.

In addition, to respond to the need to understand sustainable product claims and to establish credibility
in this growing market, manufacturers can assess the true greenness of their products with
environmental product declarations. EPDs detail a product’s effect on the environment over its lifetime;
product category rules (PCRs) are the guidelines for developing environmental declarations for products
that can fill equivalent functions. ASTM is a Program Operator for verifying EPDs (www.astm. org/EPD).
EPDs are verified in accordance with an International Organization for Standardization standard (14025)
as well to ensure that life cycle assessment data accurately describe the environmental aspects of a
product. ASTM helps many construction industries develop PCRs and verify new EPDs.

For the hospitality industry, E60 has completed a suite of standards to help implement “green” meetings
and events. The most recently organized E60 subcommittee, E60.13 on Sustainable Manufacturing, has
begun work on a group of standards addressing such topics as evaluating and improving the
sustainability of manufacturing processes, among others.

The committee has also developed an overview on the topic and compiled sustainability standards that
have been developed by numerous ASTM International committees: www.astm.org/sustainability.

Healthier Water with ASTM Standards

Two longstanding ASTM committees that support the environment are D19 on Water and D18 on Soil
and Rock. Both separately and cooperatively, these committees make substantial contributions to issues
such as water quality testing and groundwater monitoring. The two committees also have begun work in
such areas as hydraulic fracturing: A D19 subcommittee is considering new and revised standards
related to assessing related water quality, and a D18 subcommittee is working on standards related to
the geologic and geotechnical aspects of hydraulic fracturing.

Committee D19 on Water, formed in 1932, includes more than 325 technical experts and professionals
who oversee over 350 standards covering the sampling and analysis of water, waterborne materials and
wastes; measurement of surface and groundwater; performance of materials used to modify the
characteristics of water and measurement of corrosives or deposit-forming properties in water. (All
ASTM standards related to water are compiled online at www.astm.org/waterportals).

A major thrust for Committee D19 is the development of test methods for water quality. Whether it’s
drinking water, surface water for recreational purposes or wastewater, standards such as D932 help
identify potentially harmful bacteria and other elements in water. Test and measurement of water
purity is the focus of other notable standards such as D1193, which addresses microbiological

ASTM's atmospheric analysis standards are instrumental in the analysis of certain properties of the
atmosphere or air. These atmospheric analysis standards discuss various tests and practices used in
determining certain materials and chemicals present in the atmosphere or air. These materials and
chemicals may include particulates, dusts, residues, airborne fibers and single-crystal ceramic whiskers,
volatile organic compounds, aerosols, toxic gases, and vapors. Some properties of the atmosphere or air
discussed include air quality, surface pressure, surface temperature, and humidity. The atmospheric
analysis standards also discuss calibration and performance of certain measuring instruments which
include rotameter, air filter, air analyser, Type S Pitot tubes, sonic anemometer, sonic thermometer, and
diffusive samplers.

D1357 - 95(2019) Standard Practice for Planning the Sampling of the Ambient Atmosphere
D1607 - 91(2018)e1 Standard Test Method for Nitrogen Dioxide Content of the Atmosphere (Griess-
Saltzman Reaction)

D1608 - 16 Standard Test Method for Oxides of Nitrogen in Gaseous Combustion Products (Phenol-
Disulfonic Acid Procedures)

D1739 - 98(2017) Standard Test Method for Collection and Measurement of Dustfall (Settleable
Particulate Matter)

D2010 / D2010M - 98(2017) Standard Test Methods for Evaluation of Total Sulfation Activity in the
Atmosphere by the Lead Dioxide Technique

D2913 - 14 Standard Test Method for Mercaptan Content of the Atmosphere

D2914 - 15 Standard Test Methods for Sulfur Dioxide Content of the Atmosphere (West-Gaeke

D3154 - 14 Standard Test Method for Average Velocity in a Duct (Pitot Tube Method)

D3162 - 12 Standard Test Method for Carbon Monoxide in the Atmosphere (Continuous
Measurement by Nondispersive Infrared Spectrometry)

D3249 - 95(2019) Standard Practice for General Ambient Air Analyzer Procedures

D3266 - 91(2018) Standard Test Method for Automated Separation and Collection of Particulate
and Acidic Gaseous Fluoride in the Atmosphere (Double Paper Tape Sampler Method)

D3267 - 12 Standard Test Method for Separation and Collection of Particulate and Water-Soluble
Gaseous Fluorides in the Atmosphere (Filter and Impinger Method)

D3268 - 91(2018) Standard Test Method for Separation and Collection of Particulate and Gaseous
Fluorides in the Atmosphere (Sodium Bicarbonate-Coated Glass Tube and Particulate Filter Method)

D3270 - 13 Standard Test Methods for Analysis for Fluoride Content of the Atmosphere and Plant
Tissues (Semiautomated Method)

D3464 - 96(2014) Standard Test Method for Average Velocity in a Duct Using a Thermal

D3608 - 19 Standard Test Method for Nitrogen Oxides (Combined) Content in the Atmosphere by
the Griess-Saltzman Reaction

D3685 / D3685M - 13 Standard Test Methods for Sampling and Determination of Particulate Matter in
Stack Gases

D3796 - 09(2016) Standard Practice for Calibration of Type S Pitot Tubes

D3824 - 12 Standard Test Methods for Continuous Measurement of Oxides of Nitrogen in the
Ambient or Workplace Atmosphere by the Chemiluminescent Method

D4096 - 17 Standard Test Method for Determination of Total Suspended Particulate Matter in the
Atmosphere (High–Volume Sampler Method)

D4323 - 15 Standard Test Method for Hydrogen Sulfide in the Atmosphere by Rate of Change of

D5011 - 17 Standard Practices for Calibration of Ozone Monitors Using Transfer Standards

D5012 - 01(2013) Standard Guide for Preparation of Materials Used for the Collection and
Preservation of Atmospheric Wet Deposition

D5015 - 15 Standard Test Method for pH of Atmospheric Wet Deposition Samples by Electrometric

D5085 - 02(2013) Standard Test Method for Determination of Chloride, Nitrate, and Sulfate in
Atmospheric Wet Deposition by Chemically Suppressed Ion Chromatography

D5086 - 20 Standard Test Method for Determination of Calcium, Magnesium, Potassium, and
Sodium in Atmospheric Wet Deposition by Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry

D5110 - 98(2017) Standard Practice for Calibration of Ozone Monitors and Certification of Ozone
Transfer Standards Using Ultraviolet Photometry

D5111 - 12 Standard Guide for Choosing Locations and Sampling Methods to Monitor Atmospheric
Deposition at Non-Urban Locations

D5149 - 02(2016) Standard Test Method for Ozone in the Atmosphere: Continuous Measurement
by Ethylene Chemiluminescence

D5156 - 02(2016) Standard Test Methods for Continuous Measurement of Ozone in Ambient,
Workplace, and Indoor Atmospheres (Ultraviolet Absorption)

D5280 - 96(2013) Standard Practice for Evaluation of Performance Characteristics of Air Quality
Measurement Methods with Linear Calibration Functions

D5835 - 95(2013) Standard Practice for Sampling Stationary Source Emissions for the Automated
Determination of Gas Concentrations

D5953M - 16 Standard Test Method for Determination of Non-methane Organic Compounds (NMOC)
in Ambient Air Using Cryogenic Preconcentration and Direct Flame Ionization Detection

D6060 - 17 Standard Test Method for Sampling of Process Vents with a Portable Gas
D6209 - 13 Standard Test Method for Determination of Gaseous and Particulate Polycyclic Aromatic
Hydrocarbons in Ambient Air (Collection on Sorbent-Backed Filters with Gas Chromatographic/Mass
Spectrometric Analysis)

D6216 - 12 Standard Practice for Opacity Monitor Manufacturers to Certify Conformance with
Design and Performance Specifications

D6328 - 18 Standard Guide for Quality Assurance Protocols for Chemical Analysis of Atmospheric
Wet Deposition

D6331 - 16 Standard Test Method for Determination of Mass Concentration of Particulate Matter
from Stationary Sources at Low Concentrations (Manual Gravimetric Method)

D6348 - 12e1 Standard Test Method for Determination of Gaseous Compounds by Extractive Direct
Interface Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) Spectroscopy

D6363 - 98(2013) Standard Test Method for Determination of Hydrogen Peroxide and Combined
Organic Peroxides in Atmospheric Water Samples by Peroxidase Enzyme Fluorescence Method

D6420 - 18 Standard Test Method for Determination of Gaseous Organic Compounds by Direct
Interface Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry

D6522 - 11 Standard Test Method for Determination of Nitrogen Oxides, Carbon Monoxide, and
Oxygen Concentrations in Emissions from Natural Gas-Fired Reciprocating Engines, Combustion
Turbines, Boilers, and Process Heaters Using Portable Analyzers

D6784 - 16 Standard Test Method for Elemental, Oxidized, Particle-Bound and Total Mercury in Flue
Gas Generated from Coal-Fired Stationary Sources (Ontario Hydro Method)

D6830 - 02(2016) Standard Test Method for Characterizing the Pressure Drop and Filtration
Performance of Cleanable Filter Media

D6831 - 11(2018) Standard Test Method for Sampling and Determining Particulate Matter in Stack
Gases Using an In-Stack, Inertial Microbalance

D7036 - 16 Standard Practice for Competence of Air Emission Testing Bodies

D7295 - 18 Standard Practice for Sampling Combustion Effluents and Other Stationary Sources for
the Subsequent Determination of Hydrogen Cyanide

D7392 - 07(2013) Standard Practice for PM Detector and Bag Leak Detector Manufacturers to
Certify Conformance with Design and Performance Specifications for Cement Plants

D7459 - 08(2016) Standard Practice for Collection of Integrated Samples for the Speciation of
Biomass (Biogenic) and Fossil-Derived Carbon Dioxide Emitted from Stationary Emissions Sources
D7520 - 16 Standard Test Method for Determining the Opacity of a Plume in the Outdoor Ambient

D7614 - 12 Standard Test Method for Determination of Total Suspended Particulate (TSP)
Hexavalent Chromium in Ambient Air Analyzed by Ion Chromatography (IC) and Spectrophotometric

F778 - 88(2014) Standard Methods for Gas Flow Resistance Testing of Filtration Media

Environmental Assessment Standards and Risk Management Standards

ASTM's environmental assessment and risk management standards provide the proper procedures for
carrying out specific evaluation procedures for identifying and predicting the possible biophysical, social,
and other relevant impacts that certain products and projects may have on the natural environment, as
well as on the health and safety of the immediate users of such. These environmental assessment and
risk management standards are valuable to environmental scientists and engineers, impact assessment
institutions, and real estate firms in implementing the appropriate environmental impact designs to
ensure overall prevention of the associated contamination risks.

List of environmental assessment standards and risk management standards developed by ASTM:

Designation Title

E2060 - 06(2014) Standard Guide for Use of Coal Combustion Products for
Solidification/Stabilization of Inorganic Wastes

E2201 - 13(2020) Standard Terminology for Coal Combustion Products

E2243 - 13(2019) Standard Guide for Use of Coal Combustion Products (CCPs) for Surface Mine
Reclamation: Re-contouring and Highwall Reclamation

E2277 - 14(2019) Standard Guide for Design and Construction of Coal Ash Structural Fills

E2278 - 13(2019) Standard Guide for Use of Coal Combustion Products (CCPs) for Surface Mine
Reclamation: Revegetation and Mitigation of Acid Mine Drainage

E3033 - 16 Standard Guide for Beneficial Use of Landfills and Chemically Impacted Sites

E3183 - 19 Standard Guide for Harvesting Coal Combustion Products Stored in Active and Inactive
Storage Areas for Beneficial Use

ASTM's waste management standards provide the guides, practices, and test methods pertinent to the
process of handling residential, commercial, and industrial wastes. This process involves the collection,
transport, processing, and recycling or disposal (whichever is applicable) of waste materials for health,
environmental, and/or aesthetic purposes. These waste management standards are indispensable to
local government authorities, who are responsible for residential and metropolitan wastes, and
industrial plants and laboratories, who are responsible for the wastes they generate.

List of waste management standards developed by ASTM:

D4843 - 88(2016) Standard Test Method for Wetting and Drying Test of Solid Wastes
D5198 - 17 Standard Practice for Nitric Acid Digestion of Solid Waste

D5232 - 19 Standard Practice for Determining the Stability and Miscibility of a Solid, Semi-Solid, or
Liquid Waste Material

D5513 - 15 Standard Practice for Microwave Digestion of Industrial Furnace Feed Streams and
Waste for Trace Element Analysis

D5530 - 15 Standard Test Method for Total Moisture of Hazardous Waste Fuel by Karl Fischer

D5830 - 14 Standard Test Method for Solvents Analysis in Hazardous Waste Using Gas

D5839 - 15 Standard Test Method for Trace Element Analysis of Hazardous Waste Fuel by Energy-
Dispersive X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometry

D6050 - 09(2016) Standard Test Method for Determination of Insoluble Solids in Organic Liquid
Hazardous Waste

D6052 - 97(2016) Standard Test Method for Preparation and Elemental Analysis of Liquid
Hazardous Waste by Energy-Dispersive X-Ray Fluorescence

D7858 - 13(2018) Standard Test Method for Determination of Bisphenol A in Soil, Sludge, and
Biosolids by Pressurized Fluid Extraction and Analyzed by Liquid Chromatography/Tandem Mass

D7968 - 17a Standard Test Method for Determination of Polyfluorinated Compounds in Soil by Liquid
Chromatography Tandem Mass Spectrometry (LC/MS/MS)

D8018 - 15(2020) Standard Test Method for Determination of (Tri-n-butyl)-n-

tetradecylphosphonium chloride (TTPC) in Soil by Multiple Reaction Monitoring Liquid
Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry (LC/MS/MS)

D8064 - 16 Standard Test Method for Elemental Analysis of Soil and Solid Waste by Monochromatic
Energy Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometry Using Multiple Monochromatic Excitation Beams

D8174 - 18 Standard Test Method for Finite Flash Point Determination of Liquid Wastes by Small-
Scale Closed Cup Tester

D8175 - 18 Standard Test Method for Finite Flash Point Determination of Liquid Wastes by Pensky-
Martens Closed Cup Tester

D8310 - 20 Standard Test Method for Analysis of Target Phenols (TPs) in Soil by Multiple Reaction
Monitoring Liquid Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry (LC/MS/MS)
Water Testing Standards
ASTM's water testing standards are instrumental in specifying and evaluating the methods and facilities
used in examining the various characteristics of and contaminants in water for health, security, and
environmental purposes. These water testing standards allow concerned local government authorities,
water distribution facilities, and environmental laboratories to test the quality of water and ensure safe

List of water testing standards developed by ASTM:

D511 - 14 Standard Test Methods for Calcium and Magnesium In Water

D512 - 12 Standard Test Methods for Chloride Ion In Water

D513 - 16 Standard Test Methods for Total and Dissolved Carbon Dioxide in Water

D516 - 16 Standard Test Method for Sulfate Ion in Water

D857 - 17 Standard Test Method for Aluminum in Water

D858 - 17 Standard Test Methods for Manganese in Water

D859 - 16 Standard Test Method for Silica in Water

D888 - 18 Standard Test Methods for Dissolved Oxygen in Water

D1067 - 16 Standard Test Methods for Acidity or Alkalinity of Water

D1068 - 15 Standard Test Methods for Iron in Water

D1126 - 17 Standard Test Method for Hardness in Water

D1179 - 16 Standard Test Methods for Fluoride Ion in Water

D1246 - 16 Standard Test Method for Bromide Ion in Water

D1253 - 14 Standard Test Method for Residual Chlorine in Water

D1292 - 15 Standard Test Method for Odor in Water 

D1426 - 15 Standard Test Methods for Ammonia Nitrogen In Water

D1429 - 13 Standard Test Methods for Specific Gravity of Water and Brine

D1687 - 17 Standard Test Methods for Chromium in Water

D1688 - 17 Standard Test Methods for Copper in Water

D1691 - 17 Standard Test Methods for Zinc in Water

D1886 - 14 Standard Test Methods for Nickel in Water

D1971 - 16 Standard Practices for Digestion of Water Samples for Determination of Metals by Flame
Atomic Absorption, Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption, Plasma Emission Spectroscopy, or Plasma
Mass Spectrometry

D1976 - 19 Standard Test Method for Elements in Water by Inductively-Coupled Plasma Atomic
Emission Spectroscopy

D2972 - 15 Standard Test Methods for Arsenic in Water

D3082 - 15 Standard Test Method for Boron in Water

D3223 - 17 Standard Test Method for Total Mercury in Water

D3352 - 15 Standard Test Method for Strontium Ion in Brackish Water, Seawater, and Brines

D3372 - 17 Standard Test Method for Molybdenum in Water

D3373 - 17 Standard Test Method for Vanadium in Water

D3557 - 17 Standard Test Methods for Cadmium in Water

D3558 - 15 Standard Test Methods for Cobalt in Water

D3559 - 15 Standard Test Methods for Lead in Water

D3561 - 16 Standard Test Method for Lithium, Potassium, and Sodium Ions in Brackish Water,
Seawater, and Brines by Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry

D3590 - 17 Standard Test Methods for Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen in Water

D3645 - 15 Standard Test Methods for Beryllium in Water

D3651 - 16 Standard Test Method for Barium in Brackish Water, Seawater, and Brines

D3697 - 17 Standard Test Method for Antimony in Water

D3859 - 15 Standard Test Methods for Selenium in Water

D3866 - 18 Standard Test Methods for Silver in Water

D3867 - 16 Standard Test Methods for Nitrite-Nitrate in Water

D3868 - 15 Standard Test Method for Fluoride Ions in Brackish Water, Seawater, and Brines
D3869 - 15 Standard Test Methods for Iodide and Bromide Ions in Brackish Water, Seawater, and

D3875 - 15 Standard Test Method for Alkalinity in Brackish Water, Seawater, and Brines

D3919 - 15 Standard Practice for Measuring Trace Elements in Water by Graphite Furnace Atomic
Absorption Spectrophotometry

D3920 - 18 Standard Test Method for Strontium in Water

D3986 - 17 Standard Test Method for Barium in Brines, Seawater, and Brackish Water by Direct-
Current Argon Plasma Atomic Emission Spectroscopy

D4025 - 18 Standard Practice for Reporting Results of Examination and Analysis of Deposits Formed
from Water for Subsurface Injection

D4127 - 18a Standard Terminology Used with Ion-Selective Electrodes

D4130 - 15 Standard Test Method for Sulfate Ion in Brackish Water, Seawater, and Brines

D4190 - 15 Standard Test Method for Elements in Water by Direct-Current Plasma Atomic Emission

D4191 - 15 Standard Test Method for Sodium in Water by Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry

D4192 - 15 Standard Test Method for Potassium in Water by Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry

D4309 - 18 Standard Practice for Sample Digestion Using Closed Vessel Microwave Heating
Technique for the Determination of Total Metals in Water

D4327 - 17 Standard Test Method for Anions in Water by Suppressed Ion Chromatography

D4328 - 18 Standard Practice for Calculation of Supersaturation of Barium Sulfate, Strontium

Sulfate, and Calcium Sulfate Dihydrate (Gypsum) in Brackish Water, Seawater, and Brines

D4382 - 18 Standard Test Method for Barium in Water, Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry,
Graphite Furnace

D4458 - 15 Standard Test Method for Chloride Ions in Brackish Water, Seawater, and Brines

D4520 - 18 Standard Practice for Determining Water Injectivity Through the Use of On-Site Floods

D4638 - 16 Standard Guide for Preparation of Biological Samples for Inorganic Chemical Analysis

D4658 - 15 Standard Test Method for Sulfide Ion in Water

D4691 - 17 Standard Practice for Measuring Elements in Water by Flame Atomic Absorption
D5257 - 17 Standard Test Method for Dissolved Hexavalent Chromium in Water by Ion

D5463 - 18 Standard Guide for Use of Test Kits to Measure Inorganic Constituents in Water

D5673 - 16 Standard Test Method for Elements in Water by Inductively Coupled Plasma—Mass

D5907 - 18 Standard Test Methods for Filterable Matter (Total Dissolved Solids) and Nonfilterable
Matter (Total Suspended Solids) in Water

D6501 - 15 Standard Test Method for Phosphonate in Brines

D6508 - 15 Standard Test Method for Determination of Dissolved Inorganic Anions in Aqueous
Matrices Using Capillary Ion Electrophoresis and Chromate Electrolyte

D6581 - 18 Standard Test Methods for Bromate, Bromide, Chlorate, and Chlorite in Drinking Water
by Suppressed Ion Chromatography

D6800 - 18 Standard Practice for Preparation of Water Samples Using Reductive Precipitation
Preconcentration Technique for ICP-MS Analysis of Trace Metals

D6850 - 18 Standard Guide for QC of Screening Methods in Water

D6919 - 17 Standard Test Method for Determination of Dissolved Alkali and Alkaline Earth Cations
and Ammonium in Water and Wastewater by Ion Chromatography

D6994 - 15 Standard Test Method for Determination of Metal Cyanide Complexes in Wastewater,
Surface Water, Groundwater and Drinking Water Using Anion Exchange Chromatography with UV

D7781 - 14 Standard Test Method for Nitrite-Nitrate in Water by Nitrate Reductase

D7980 - 15 Standard Guide for Ion-Chromatographic Analysis of Anions in Grab Samples of

Ultrapure Water (UPW) in the Semiconductor Industry

D8234 - 19 Standard Test Method for Anions in High Ionic Water by Ion Chromatography using
Tandem Suppressed Conductivity and UV Detection

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