El-Tesoro-De-Atahualpa Ingles

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The story begins with

theconquest of the Inca

Empirein1532 by the Spaniards.
Francisco Pizarro He founded
the city ofSan Miguel de Piura
and he began the conquest
ofInca empire.When Atahualpa
learned of the arrival of the
Spaniards, he was invited to
meet him in Cajamarca. Relying
on the overwhelming
superiority of his army not think
it was necessary to fight with
weapons, he thought he would
show his power enough for the
Spaniards surrendered.
Atahualpa arrived in the square
of Cajamarca on a loaded their
servers berth, accompanied by
an entourage of 30,000 men,
who were so confident that they
were unarmed.
Already in Cajamarca and apparent signs of peace FriarVicente de
Valverde, Atahualpa was addressed with an open hand breviary, he
began a ceremonyRequest. First, he asked the Inca to accept
theChristianityasreligiontrue and submit to the authority ofkingCarlos
I of SpainandPopeClement VII. Atahualpa asked the monk to hand him
thebreviary, He examined it and threw it to the ground, showing
contempt. At her response, hundreds of Spanish soldiers appeared
from hiding, making a slaughter in the town square. The order was to
kill all the guards Inca but without hurting him under penalty of death.

The Inca sat on his litter carried

by his servants while the
soldiers killed the Indians who
rushed to be changed when one
died. When the Inca fell litter
was captured by the Spaniards.
Although he was taken prisoner
never lost his cool. He was
friendly, cheerful and talkative
with their captors. His captors
allowed him to have comfort
and be cared for by their
servants and their wives. They
also allowed to continue
managing your empire. Many
chiefs came to the prison to
have audience with him.

Atahualpa realized that the

precious metals had a great
value for the Spaniards. Who
offered a lot of gold and silver
in exchange for his freedom. He
promised to fill with gold pieces
was the room where, as far as
reaching its freehand, and twice
the same room, with silver
objects. The room, now known
as theRansom Room, Measured
22 feet long and 17 wide.
Atahualpa agreed to gather all
that amount of precious metals
within two months. Pizarro
accepted and embodied the
promise in writing in the
minutes before a notary.

Atahualpa sent the order to the speed hauling. General

whole Inca empire that they Rumiñahui was responsible for
sent the widest possible set of bringing all that amount of
gold and silver to Cajamarca. In precious metals. Before the
the following days were the first rooms were filled, the Spaniards
shipments arriving. Two began to melt the gold and
contingents of Spaniards went silver pieces, except the Inca
toPachacámacandCuzcoto throne. The pieces of gold and
silver were taken from all
corners of the empire, jewelry,
ornaments figures, all that was
found was taken in the

It is not yet finished filling the

rooms with the ransom offered
when the Spaniards decided to
kill the Inca. Atahualpa was
judged by acourt-martialchaired
by Pizarro himself. This was
sentenced on charges of
idolatry, fratricide, polygamy,
incest, betrayal, hidden
treasure and conspiracy against
the Spanish crown. He did not
understand that was what was
happening or that accused him
until he was tied to a pole in a
fire. He believed that if he could
not get burned to the other
world, so I accept to be
baptized and then hanged so
that his body could be buried

When general Rumiñahui his man could only carry a load

way to Cajamarca with 750 tons equivalent to 50 pounds
of gold for ransom. He learned
that they had killed Atahualpa.
Then return to Quito. At that
time that was the name of the
territory now called Ecuador. It
is said that men went with him
to carry the treasure. Because a

They went through the Andes,

to what is now the Píllaro
Canton. They chose the
Llanganates to hide there all
the gold shipment. Since this is
a place of difficult access and is
always covered by a blanket of
fog. It is believed that threw the
entire cargo to the bottom of a
pond or buried in a cave. But no
one knows exactly where the
gold was deposited.

At that time Milin river flow had

been diverted to irrigate crops.
When the general arrived to
Llanganates. First women hid in
their homes. After I destroy the
dam to flood the passage and
the Spaniards could not reach
the hideout. He then proceeded
to hide the gold somewhere in
the vast territory of the now
Llanganates National Park.
The ridge was one of the oldest
roads and strategic that existed
enters the inter-Andean and
Amazon basins. It is a protected
areaEcuadorlocated between
the provinces
Pastaza andI napo. His name,
"Llanganates" comes from the
"Beautiful Mountain", located
inside the park its highest
elevation is called with the
same name, Cerro Hermoso is.
This hill is a crater that is now
filled with water forming a
lagua, where they believe that
the treasure is hidden.

Rumiñahui returned to
Cajamarca to fight against the
Spaniards. It would have been
successful if the Pichincha
volcano eruption would not
miss at that time. The Incas
believed that the eruption was
due to a punishment of the
gods and left the battlefield.
Then he was taken prisoner and
tortured to confess where he
hid the gold, but he never
revealed it. Everyone who knew
about the possible whereabouts
were also killed.
Spaniards searched for a long
time lost gold. They tortured
many people but nobody told
them where he had hidden.
Eventually they forgot this
treasure, and devoted
themselves to plunder the gold
remained in the cities.
Atahualpa's hidden treasure
achieved fame when he
unveiled a map of a Spanish-era
conquest surnamed Valverde,
who was married to the
daughter of a cacique, who was
the head of this area.

The Spanish did not have many to hide the treasure in what is
resources. Seeing the now the Llanganates National
precarious situation in which Park, which the father of
they lived, the girl's father tells Valverde was the main
his son Mr. Valverde. A story in executor.
which the path followed by the
General Rumiñahui detailing,
bringing the treasure of Quito
serving for the ransom of
Atahualpa. When executed
Atahualpa, Rumiñahui decided
The cacique invited Valverde to make a day 5 days. The expedition
left from Píllaro to where the Incas hid the treasure was. The only
condition was that Valverde never reveal where the treasure was. The
stories indicate that Valverde entered repeatedly sack large amounts
of treasure. Valverde became a very rich and return to live in Spain

After living many years in path also he mentioned the

Spain, Valverde revealed the topography of the site, but did
secret of such treasures in a not say how hard it was to get
manuscript to the King of Spain. there.
This manuscript from that
period is known as the
Derrotero of Valverde. In the
parchment detailing how to get
to the place where the gold
was. Furthermore, this paper
had mapped. Off the beaten
The King of Spain
commissioned a priest named
Longo to organize an expedition
governed by the Tacunga
(Latacunga). Father Longo
came to Ecuador and met with
the governor and months later
the expedition begins; They
traveled with 100 Indians laden
with provisions. The first day
out of Píllaro and make the trip
to Cerro Guapa, which today
corresponds to Huagraguasi,
where they must spend the
night night. After the early bird
should be with their backs
towards the city of Ambato and
look to the east where they will
locate a mountain with five
peaks that is where you should
arrive at the end of the fifth
day, where the treasure of the
Incas is .

The second day the mountains the expedition give up and

and come back to Laguna decide to return. Tacunga
Spectacled. Also in the morning Governor writes to the King of
they have to do the same on Spain that the document
the first day. the third day the Derrotero is totally false
expedition reaches of Laguna because the expedition was a
de Yanococha, then its descent failure because I ended with the
through the Desaguadero River disappearance and possible
hit. At dawn on the fourth day death of Father Longo.
the priest Longo mysteriously
disappears without finding any
trait. After a fruitless search,
A copy of Derrotero of Valverde found, some decades later, the
English botanist Richard Spruce, in the town of Banos. Spruce worked
in a research focused on the cure of malaria Alfred Russel Wallace.
This copy may have been modified from the original, even distorted.
First copy, according Anhalzer, "disappeared twenty years before
Latacunga files". However, what remains of it, is the English
translation, as Spruce had translated into this language for

Then literally transcribing the triangle, whose slopes there is a

Course of Valverde: Located in lake , made by the hand of
the village of Píllaro question man, in which the former threw
Hacienda La Moya, and sleep the gold he had prepared for
the first night at a good the rescue of the Inca, when
distance from it, ask there for they learned of his death. From
the mountain of Guapa. From the Cerro Guapa, you can also
its summit, if the day was clear, see the forest, and in it a patch
you'll look eastward, so that of Sangurimas protruding from
your back is to the city of the said forest, and another
Ambato, and from there you patch called "arrows". These
can make out the three hills blotches are the leading brand
Llanganati in the form of a by which you will follow,
Go forward from Guapa in the
direction indicated and
according to the signals. After
you've gone a long way, and
having spent some cattle
ranches, you'll find the edge of
a swamp dilated upon which
you have to cross. You stumble
across, you will see on the left a
little way out of a juncal on a
hillside, through which you
must pass. Having left the
rectory, you will see two small
lakes called 'glasses', having
between them a point of land
as a nose.

From here, you'll again make out the Llanganatis hills, as you saw
from the top of Guapa, and I warn you to leave the said gaps left, and
in front of the tip or 'nose' is a plain, which is the place to spend the
night. There you will leave the horses, because they can not go any
further. Following now on foot in the same direction, you will come to
a big black lagoon, which leave left, and beyond them, comes down
the slope, so that you can reach a gorge through which lowers a
jabot. Here you will find a bridge three-masted, or if it no longer
exists, put one in the most convenient location and spend about it.
Having pursued a short distance into the woods, find the hut that
served as sleeping, or the remains of it.
Having spent the night, keep along and see a mountain that
going on your way the next day is all her margaritas which
through the forest, in the same leave to the left and I warn you
direction. You must reach that you surround him in this
another deep and dry ravine way (here's a strange symbol).
through which you must build a On this side you will find a
bridge and pass over it, slowly pajonal and a small plain,
and with great caution because which, having gone, you come
the gorge is very deep; this is if to a encañonado between two
you fail to find the way there. hills,
Go ahead and look for the
remains of another place to
spend the night, which, I assure
you, can not fail to find
fragments of pots and other
brands, because the Indians
continually passing by. Go

From there, as you follow, you

will see the entrance to the
tunnel, in the form of the cover
of a church. Having left the
encañonado and gone a good
distance beyond, you will
perceive a waterfall that
descends from a hijuelo of
Cerro Llanganati and runs into Scrapie much gold, so that
quicksand right hand; and putting your hand so you can
without passing the stream in grasp the background
such everything is gold grains. To
climb the mountain, leaving
scrapie and continues to the
right and passes over the
waterfall, going around the is the same thing pass behind
mountain hijuelo. If by chance him, because the water of the
the mouth of the tunnel were lagoon falls within it.
closed with certain herbs they
call "wild" Remove them, and
find the entrance. On the left
hand of the mountain you will
see the "Guaira" (so called
ancient oven where they
melted metals), which is
studded with gold. To reach the
third mountain, but you could
come to the front of the adit, it

If you were lost in the forest,

looking the river, follow it to the
right hand; below, making the
beach and reach the
encañonado in such a way that
even if you try to pass it, you
will not find where; climb
therefore the mountain on the
right hand, and thus in no way
can lose your way. Apparently,
the instructions are simple
Derrotero of Valverde.
However, many people have
lost their lives in the pursuit of
such a treasure. Even the same
Anhalzer, one of the most
respected expeditionary of
Ecuador, took almost nine days
to get out of the place, of which
six were without food.

Since then they continue to be made many expeditions to the site, as

rivers that are born in this part of the mountain range and going to
the Amazon carry gold nuggets in the sand. Many people are engaged
in washing gold on the banks of these rivers. For this reason it is still
believed that here lies hidden the treasure. But fortune to meet the
precious metal reaches that point, because no one has yet been able
to find. It is also said that if he enters the place with a mind full of
ambition the hill denies the way and the person is lost.

30 years ago an expedition US

led the Llanganates empty
boxes, but nobody knows what
those boxes again. It is
speculated whether they were
plants, animals or the treasure
of Atahualpa. This expedition
left San Andres de poalo. But
many of the foreign
expedicioncitas that have
reached the place have died.
They have even gone planes
seeking the way in Zic Zac

There are many people who have tried to enter this inhospitable
place, but few who succeed. Among them is Oswaldo Soria who is an
educator for 33 years and native of Patate, a graduate in Chemistry
and Biology, PhD in research and masters degree in projects who
noted that one of his hobbies are 27 expeditions he made to
Llanganates, five of which reached the Cerro Hermoso to develop
their research work, of which only two could meet the rising data. He
said that to meet the most important expeditions is to have
documents he has in his possession: the itinerary of Valverde.

Soria said on expeditions has

had many findings and
highlights caverns with huge
domes that qualify special. He
says are lined up about 200
skeletons have been adults and
adolescents. In addition, he
found stone axes, archeology
campaign (which have ears so
that they can carry).

Popular stories tell that in the winter hitting him. The range is
range of Llanganates usually enormous, almost infinite, wet
there are two seasons: winter and enveloped by the mist with
and flood. Obviously there that a great lakebed. In the midst of
that geography should be
hidden the treasure of
Atahualpa. But the inhabitants
of the place will have a lot of
respect to the hill, and they say
that if there be a treasure
hidden, already has an owner
and is the same hill. And it's the
same hill who makes them lose
those who go in search of

Currently the region is it turned

into Llanganates National Park
in Ecuador is a protected area
covering parts of the provinces
of Cotopaxi, Napo, Pastaza and
Tungurahua; The park can be
accessed from several
directions, but visitors often
come across towns like Salcedo,
Patate, Píllaro, bathrooms, and
Verde River; Because of their
inaccessibility, it preserves
almost intact its flora and
fauna. Until recently only he
attracted daring adventurers
seeking the treasure of
Atahualpa, but today visitors
are scientists seeking to study
their plants and birds. It is
working to become a biological
corridor to integrate the Sangay
National Park, in any way more
than the hidden gold, it is the
largest natural treasure that
Ecuadorians must handle

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