Sleep/Eating Habits, Stress Management, Physical Activity 1 2 3 4

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Module 1- Health -related fitness (HRF)

II. Objective: Self-Assesses health-related fitness (HRF) status, barriers to physical activity assessment
participation and one’s diet.
III. Lecture:

To optimize health, one must be active. Besides regular participation in physical activity, other healthy habits
that are equally important include eating healthily, managing our stress, and sleeping adequately. These habits are
acquired over time-but it starts with a choice.

Choosing to live healthily requires constant effort: you must assess you current behaviors, be well-informed of
their consequences commit to and plan the necessary changes, and employ sound techniques to modify these
behaviors. Once established, these habits become part of your lifestyle. This present lifestyle will ultimately impact
your future health.

IV. Activity
A. Healthy Lifestyle Assessment

Assess you habits in sleeping, eating and physical activity. Along with how you manage your stress, these factors
influence your health, which in turn affect your capacity as a student to think, remember, process information and learn.
Rate yourself using the following scale by checking the corresponding box: 1-Rarely if ever; 2-Sometimes; 3-Most of the
time; 4-Always

Sleep/Eating Habits, Stress Management, Physical Activity 1 2 3 4

I sleep between 7 to 9 hours on most nights.
I often feel tired during the day.
I drink 6-8 glasses of water each day.
I eat a variety of fruits and vegetables each day.
I feel stress when I am in school.
When I feel stress, I have difficulty concentrating.
I have faith in a greater power of being (God)
I perform active household chores (mopping or scrubbing floors
fetching water in a pail) a day.
I do not have time for exercise, sports or dance.

B. Inventory of Barriers to Being Active

Listed below are common reasons of individuals why they do not get as much physical activity as they should. Please
read each statement carefully and indicate how likely you are to say to each of the following: 3-Very likely; 2-Somewhat
likely; 1-Somewhat unlikely; 0-Very unlikely

How likely you are to say…. 3 2 1 0

None of my family members or friends likes to do anything active, so I
do not have a chance to exercise.
I have thinking about getting more exercise, but I just cannot seem to
get started.
I do not have enough exercise because I have never learned the skill for
any sport.
I am afraid I might hurt or injure myself during exercise or while playing.
I do not have access to gym facilities, jogging trails, swimming pools,
bike path, etc.
V. Assessment:
I. Multiple Choice
1. According to the Activity Pyramid for Filipinos, this type of exercise should be performed three to five
times a week.
a. Aerobic exercise b. resistance exercise c. stretching exercise
2. A type of physical activity performed during leisure that aims to improve fitness.
a. Daily activities b. exercise c. sedentary activities
3. Physical inactivity increases the risks of the following except _____________.
a. Breast cancer b. pneumonia c. type 2 diabetes
4. The ability to move the joint throughout its entire range of motion without pain.
a. Aerobic capacity b. muscular strength c. flexibility
5. The stage of change when the individual is able to sustain the behavior for more than 6 months.
a. Contemplation b. action c. maintenance

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