Sleep/Eating Habits, Stress Management, Physical Activity 1 2 3 4
Sleep/Eating Habits, Stress Management, Physical Activity 1 2 3 4
Sleep/Eating Habits, Stress Management, Physical Activity 1 2 3 4
To optimize health, one must be active. Besides regular participation in physical activity, other healthy habits
that are equally important include eating healthily, managing our stress, and sleeping adequately. These habits are
acquired over time-but it starts with a choice.
Choosing to live healthily requires constant effort: you must assess you current behaviors, be well-informed of
their consequences commit to and plan the necessary changes, and employ sound techniques to modify these
behaviors. Once established, these habits become part of your lifestyle. This present lifestyle will ultimately impact
your future health.
IV. Activity
A. Healthy Lifestyle Assessment
Assess you habits in sleeping, eating and physical activity. Along with how you manage your stress, these factors
influence your health, which in turn affect your capacity as a student to think, remember, process information and learn.
Rate yourself using the following scale by checking the corresponding box: 1-Rarely if ever; 2-Sometimes; 3-Most of the
time; 4-Always
Listed below are common reasons of individuals why they do not get as much physical activity as they should. Please
read each statement carefully and indicate how likely you are to say to each of the following: 3-Very likely; 2-Somewhat
likely; 1-Somewhat unlikely; 0-Very unlikely