KAFD Programmed Abnormal Event Report Form
KAFD Programmed Abnormal Event Report Form
KAFD Programmed Abnormal Event Report Form
Days Away from Work Restricted Work Day Fatality First Aid Medical Treatment
Motor Vehicle Accident Near Miss Property Damage Recordable Restricted Work Day
Actual Severity NM 1 2 3 4 5 Worst Potential Severity 1 2 3 4 5
General Information
A. Incident:
A vehicle from supply manpower with reg.# 3819 ZVB came into contact with the wall located at A-02 B-2/B-1 ramp
access and resulted into significant damages to the right front bumper of the car & minor scratches to the wall. The car was
driven by Mr. Hussen Abdala who is a rental employee of Al Bawani and works as laborer at C22. According to his
statement, while leaving the site from basement-2, he lost control of the vehicle due to mechanical failure and hit the wall
in the ramp access. No personal injury.
The investigation revealed that, Mr.Hussen Abala is an employee leased by Al Bawani Co for C22 project. As he stated
that, While leaving the site from basement-2, he lost control of the vehicle due to mechanical failure and hit the wall in the
ramp access. No personal injury.
Shows the
Shows the scratches to
damages to the wall
the car
Met the driver and conducted general health checks by Male Nurse, found him fine.
Barricaded the area with warning tape, to ensure smooth and safe traffic continuity
Called the concern logistic personnel to assess the damages cost etc.
Informed security in charge at the time and he called the traffic police.
Asked the witnesses for possible statement to assist the investigation.
C. Conclusion:
a) Competency of the driver, checked and found experienced with valid KSA license.
b) Access road, no obstruction or slippery surfaces found at the route to parking.
c) Direction sign, all traffic relevant signs are displayed.
d) Access control, car wasn’t having the entrance pass or access permission to the site and nor was checked by main
security guard while entering.
e) The driver wasn’t having enough information about the traffic management rules and routes directions.
Name Occupation Employer Witness Statement provided
Mr. Hussen Abala Driver Al Bawani - Rental
Injury Nature
Immediate Causes (i.e. what unsafe act or condition led to the event such as weather, plant and equipment, competency etc.):
Personal factors:
1.6 Work or motion at improper speed, he didn’t maintain the speed hence vehicle went beyond his control.
4.1 Lack of judgment/ improper decision making, we have evaluated the competency of the driver and found him competent enough however he
wasn’t having any information about the routes to C22 or possibly forgot the way to C22. He made this decision by his own without consulting or asking
anyone. He didn’t judge or evaluated the width of the track and availability of columns.
Contributory factors:
2.5 Operating plant / equipment at improper speed
5.1 No or inadequate guard and protective system, no security guard at the entrance to check the vehicle entries.
10.1 Well trained, wrong reaction
12.2 Skill not applied
Remedial Actions to Prevent a Recurrence (what has been done or must be done to control the causes?)
We recommend the following but not limited to: