An Application Based On Spatial-Relationship To Ba
An Application Based On Spatial-Relationship To Ba
An Application Based On Spatial-Relationship To Ba
7 62
4 authors, including:
Jason C. Hung
National Taichung University of Science and Technology
All content following this page was uploaded by Jason C. Hung on 03 April 2015.
Dept. of Computer Science and Information Engineering,
Tamkang University
Tamsui, Taipei Hsien, Taiwan 251, R.O.C.
Department of Information Management
Northern Taiwan Institute of Science and Technology
Peitou, Taipei, Taiwan 112, R.O.C.
Abstract. This paper aims to develop a simulated system used for teaching and
training basketball defensive strategies. Respectively, defensive strategies can
be described within one method by editing video recorded from basketball
games into desired clips for analysis and storing them into the database. In this
paper, we used Spatial-Temporal Relationships to describe the local defensive
movements by the basketball players in a game. The system will automatically
capture tracks of defensive movements by the basketball players in the video
clips, from which basketball coaches and players can learn various defensive
strategies within the shortest period of time. The simulated system is expected
to become a computerized educational aid to basketball teaching and training
and to replace the unscientific and stereotyped system of basketball teaching
and training.
1 Introduction
Basketball is an open sport. In this paper, we aim to develop a simulated system used for
teaching and training basketball defensive strategies [1]. No matter whether on defense or
offense, basketball players have to react according to their opponent’s movements [2].
The success of a team depends on the degree of teamwork. A coach must have
professional knowledge of basketball and he or she directly tells the players the
training topics, from which the players can learn the key to successful defense.
Therefore, the coach’s pre-training preparation in collecting as well as sorting the
information concerning the opponent teams, and how to oppose each tactic, plays an
extremely important role in the field of basketball [3].
When it comes to basketball tactics, what we basically understand are no more than
concepts of space, ball, and players (offensive as well as defensive). How to move?
When to dribble? And when to pass the ball to teammates? If we can utilize a
computer assisted teaching module, with theories of basketball tactics installed in the
program, we are confident that the establishment of a simulated system concerning
basketball tactics will facilitate the coach’s preparation work. Figure 1 shows the
overview of the system.
2 Background
People in love with basketball would definitely know that a tactics-board is a white
board on which marker pens or colored magnets are used to demonstrate specific
tactics. Oftentimes, we see coaches draw the route or move the colored magnets to
inform the players of the tactic message. Coaches have to express the tactics and draw
the routes or move the colored magnets at the same time. The situation will go like
this: Now, Position 1 dribbles the ball to the baseline, and meanwhile, Position 2
should…, and Position 3 needs to… Movements of the five players change
accordingly, but coaches cannot draw five routes or move five magnets at the same
time. Besides, the speed of each player and the position after the movement cannot be
clearly displayed in terms of the relative space among the player, the teammates, and
the ball. Those players who have a tacit understanding of the coaches’ directions may
quickly reach an agreement with the coaches; however, for newcomers or players who
need time to accustom themselves to the situation, it would be totally different from
the former.
The physical strength of a player is limited. Players are capable of experiencing a
five to eight-hour training days. In addition to the tiresome training, a method with
scientific basis to improve the players’ abilities is needed. Nations with strong athletic
programs such as the United States, Russia, and China all invest huge amounts of
money in scientifically researching the most effective method to improve sports
performance. However, the scientific research concerning psychology, physiology, or
movement analysis, from either magazines or The Discovery Channel, emphasizes the
importance of strengthening personal quality and sports performance. It is strange that,
when compared to players of other Asian countries, Taiwanese basketball players
have comparable strength, skills, conception, training duration, and training intensity.
However, players seem not to be able to optimize their potential. The underlying
factor behind this lies in the success rate of teamwork coordination and tactical
Therefore, the purpose of the present study aims to establish a simulated system
used for teaching and training basketball defensive tactics. With the facilitation of the
system, the players not only have a more profound understanding of the tactics but
also maintain a clearer concept in executing the tactics, without the coaches’ repeating
The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. The next Section presents the
method for capturing the moving objects and defining the spatial relationship. Section
4 describes the Experimentation and Result. Finally conclusions and future work are
drawn in Section 5.
Tracking objects in an image sequence has been discussed in many papers [4] [5] [6].
The method we used to track objects is similar as in [7]. However, [7] treats two or
more objects as one object when they may move too close to each other. In our
system, we discriminate objects as individuals, and use the colors of sportswear to
distinguish one team from the other. Then, we extract the trajectories and movements
of the players from the video which is recorded from an overhead view as shown in
figure 2. The purpose of doing so is to avoid the heavy collision of players brushing
past one another. In analyzing a sequence of players, players are represented by using
silhouette images. In this paper, we used Spatial-Temporal Relationships [8] to describe the
local defensive movements by the basketball players in a game, since each silhouette image
needs to be assigned a unique number initially, as it will help us to conveniently
identify the spatial relationship between each object. According to figure 3, we can
define the 12 spatial relationships between each defensive player. The spatial
relationship can be appropriately applied to basketball defensive strategy. Then, we
reconstruct a spatial relationships table which represents a unique ID number for each
spatial relationship as shown in table 1.
Fig. 2. To Film the basketball game with an overhead view
This matrix represents the spatial relationship for the i th frame of video clip j. For our
system, we have n SP matrix, since we choose n frames from every chip equally. The
set of SP matrix can be represented as follows.
We could calculate the similarity among different defensive clips. The distance dist
between SP matrixes of each frames of different clip is obtained according to table 2.
dist ( i ) = SPi j ⇔ SPi k 1≤ i ≤ n (1)
For example, if
0 4 5 2 1 10 A
0 0 5 7 5 1 B
0 0 0 4 7 2 C
SPi k =
0 0 0 0 5 5 D
0 0 0 0 0 4 E
0 0 0 0 0 0 F
j k
Then dist(i) between SPi and SPi is
dist ( i ) = (0 + 0 + 9 + 0 + 4)
+ (0 + 0 + 0 + 0)
+ (0 + 0 + 9)
+ (0 + 0)
+ (0) = 22
Table 1. 12 spatial relationships
ID Relationships Judgments(X,Y)
1 A is on the top of B (=,>)
2 A is under of B (=,<)
3 A is right side of B (>,=)
4 A is left side of B (<,=)
5 A is up right side of B (>,>)
6 A is up left side of B (<,<)
7 A is bottom left side of B (<,>)
8 A is bottom right side of B (>,<)
9 A is on the top of B and close to B (=,m)
10 A is under of B and close to B (=,mi)
11 A is right side of B and close to B (mi,=)
12 A is left side of B and close to B (m,=)
Table 2. The distance between each spatial relationships
ID 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
1 0 6 6 6 3 9 3 9 5 1 5 5
2 6 0 6 6 9 3 9 3 1 5 5 5
3 6 6 0 6 3 9 9 3 5 5 1 5
4 6 6 6 0 9 3 3 9 5 5 5 1
5 3 9 3 9 0 12 6 6 8 4 4 8
6 9 3 9 3 12 0 6 6 4 8 8 4
7 3 9 9 3 6 6 0 12 8 4 8 4
8 9 3 3 9 6 6 12 0 8 4 4 8
9 5 1 5 5 8 4 8 8 0 4 4 4
10 1 5 5 5 4 8 4 4 4 0 4 4
11 5 5 1 5 4 8 8 4 4 4 0 4
12 5 5 5 1 8 4 4 8 4 4 4 0
And the similarity SoD(Similarity of Defensive) between two defensive clips j and
k is shown as followed:
1 1
SoD = =
1 n 1 n
∑ dist (i ) n ∑
( SPi j ⇔ SPi k )
n i =1 i =1
According the value of SoD, we could find similar defensive strategies in the
database. The system supports a GUI to display the active similar defensive shot. This
mechanism helps coaches to find the standard defensive technique for teaching and
they could learn the usage frequency of the defensive strategy by the opponent.
In our system, we need camera installation and proper clip editing, since we will just
evaluate the defensive strategies. We should pre-edit the video and cut out the
suitable clips that we want. The average time period of each clip is 20 seconds.
However, the number of frames is probably different among clips which would
impede comparison between defensive strategies. To solve this problem, we should
choose enough average frames to make sure each clip would have an equal or close
on number of frames. The figure shows the GUI and the results of a query. We
experimented with a desktop PC of Pentium-4 3.0 GHz. In this system, we marked the
goals first before we extracted the locations of the players as shown in the video in the
figure 6. The upper right side of figure 6 shows the defensive location of the players.
After extracting the locations, the system would record the spatial relationships of
every frame in the database. And we can query for the similarity of defensive
strategies from the database. Presently, our database has 361 specimens. We still
collect and film basketball games for expanding the number of specimens to be stored
in the database.
In this paper, we track objects moving in basketball game video sequence and record
the locations of the defensive players. After extracting the locations, we used Spatial
Relationships to define the relationships between players for evaluating basketball
defensive strategies. The system could retrieve the similar defensive strategies
efficiently. It will help coaches and players to learn how they carried out the tactics
via continuous frames. The coaches could teach players to learn various defensive
strategies within the shortest time through the system and without using a white board
on which marker pens or colored magnets are used to demonstrate specific tactics.
The next work we will proceed to analyze is offensive tactics. A ball game includes
offense and defense both which are crucial to win or lose. In addition, coaches can, by
using another program to position correct defensive reactions, evaluate players'
understanding towards specific tactics from their chosen defensive positions and
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