GRIHA For Affordable Housing - Abridged Manual: December 2018

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GRIHA for Affordable Housing - Abridged Manual

Chapter · December 2018


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11 authors, including:

Bishal Goswami
Indian Institute for Human Settlements (IIHS)


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GRIHA for Affordable Housing: v.1 GRIHA for Affordable Housing: v.1



GRIHA Council
A-260, Bisham Pitamah Marg,
Defence Colony,
New Delhi – 110024
A GRIHA Council Publication
A GRIHA Council - TERI Initiative

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A GRIHA Council Publication

GRIHA for Affordable Housing: v.1

Copyright/ Published by /Printed by

© GRIHA Council 2017

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means
without prior written permission of GRIHA Council.

Published by
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GRIHA for Affordable Housing: v.1

President GRIHA Council
The urban population of India has been rising sharply over the past decade
and is projected to reach 814 million by 2050. The exponential increase
in the population is set to pose severe challenges in terms of providing
affordable, safe and sustainable housing for all in the burgeoning urban
centers all over the country.
Government initiatives such as the Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana – Housing
for All (Urban) strives to overcome the housing shortage by the year 2022. I
am pleased to see the launch of a new rating variant, “GRIHA for Affordable
Housing”, aligned to the Government of India’s target of providing
affordable housing for all. This rating variant is specifically developed to
ensure that the new construction under the scheme is not only affordable
but also sustainable. The rating has been prudently designed to stimulate
resource efficiency and enhanced occupant comfort in the affordable
housing segment.
Since its inception, the GRIHA rating has been instrumental in driving India’s
green building movement. India’s “Nationally Determined Contributions”
(NDCs) submitted to the United Nations Framework Convention on
Climate Change (UNFCCC) highlight GRIHA as a tool to evaluate
reduction in emission intensity through habitats. It is our endeavour at the
GRIHA Council, to showcase indigenous strategies and easy to implement
solutions which are not only sustainable but also economically viable for
the end users.
I acknowledge the contribution of the technical team and industry
experts, who shared their valuable insights throughout the development
process. I hope that this rating will serve as a valuable learning resource
for the building industry and developers to promote sustainable affordable
housing for all.

Ajay Mathur

GRIHA for Affordable Housing: v.1

Affordable, climate resilient and sustainable buildings are the need of the
hour. The GRIHA rating system was created to integrate resource efficiency,
enhanced occupant comfort and efficient construction management in
the building industry. So far, the GRIHA variants focused on all segments
of new construction with its mission “Inspire, enable and engage with
society to achieve sustainable habitats” and the existing building sector
with the introduction of GRIHA for existing buildings.
We, at the GRIHA Council are pleased to introduce the “GRIHA for
Affordable Housing” rating as a dedicated assessment cum rating tool
to evaluate performance and provide solutions for enhanced energy
and water efficiencies, increased thermal & visual comfort and social
integration. While focusing on the above, the tool has been developed as
a simplified system to assist in designing as well as rating the affordable
housing projects.
This abridged version of “GRIHA for Affordable Housing” has been
developed through a consultative process across all stakeholders, ranging
from facility managers, green building consultants, academia and building
practitioners. With the introduction of economically viable advanced
technologies and practices, the rating would keep evolving over time. This
would drive the affordable housing stock towards attaining higher levels
of sustainability with better livability.
I gratefully acknowledge the support of all those associated with the
development of this rating and look forward to their continued guidance
for its enhancement.

Sanjay Seth

GRIHA for Affordable Housing: v.1

Technical Advisory Committee
Mr Sanjay Seth (CEO, GRIHA Council)
Ms Hina Zia (Professor, Department of Architecture, Faculty of Architecture & Ekistics, Jamia
Millia Islamia University)
Mr K Chakravarthy (General Manager, National Housing Bank)
Ar Vinod Gupta (Founder, Space Design Consultants Ltd.)
Ms Sunita Pursnani (Chief General Manager, National Building Construction Corporation)
Mr A K Tripathi (Director General, National Institute of Solar Energy)
Ar Deependra Prasad (Principle Architect, Deependra Prasad Architects and Planner)
Mr Paritosh C Tyagi (Former Chairman, Central Pollution Control Board)
Ar Ashok B Lal (Principal Architect, Ashok Lall & Associates)
Ms Shabnam Bassi (Secretary, GRIHA Council)

Technical Advisors
Mr Sanjay Seth (CEO, GRIHA Council)
Ms Shabnam Bassi (Secretary, GRIHA Council)
Ms Minni Sastry ( Fellow & Associate Director, TERI)

GRIHA for Affordable Housing: v.1

GRIHA Council
Mr Ankit Bhalla (Dy Manager, Technical) : Project Principal Investigator
Ms Chitrangada Bisht (Manager, IT, BD & Marketing)
Ms Ashu Dehadani (Manager, Technical & Publications)
Ms Namrata Mahal (Manager, BD, RR & Training)
Mr Gagan Kechira (Manager, BD, RR & Training)
Mr Ravi Prakash Kurkiya (Dy Manager, RR)
Mr Bishal Goswami (Dy Manager, Technical)
Mr Santhosh Ramkumar (Senior Project Officer)
Ms Prathama Dolas (Project Officer)
Ms Aakriti Sachdeva (Project Officer)
Mr Gautam Aswani (Senior Project Officer)
Mr Ashutosh Pathak (Advisor)

Sustainable Buildings, TERI

Mr Pardeep Chauhan (Research Associate)
Mr Akhil Singhal (Research Associate)
Mr Dhruvak Aggarwal (Research Associate)

Transport & Urban Governance, TERI

Ms Raina Singh (Fellow )

GRIHA for Affordable Housing: v.1

GRIHA for Affordable Housing: v.1

This document is a self-explanatory guideline for the all building stakeholders and the construction
managers and intends to improve the management practices among sustainable affordable
housing construction in the country especially under the PMAY scheme “Housing for All” and
elsewhere. GRIHA Council team would like to thank Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs, for
setting up the vision to develop a sustainable and healthy future for affordable housing segment;
Building Materials and Technology Promotion Council (BMTPC), Central Public Works Department
(CPWD) and National Buildings Construction Corporation Limited (NBCC) for their guidance in
development of the rating.
We also gratefully note the inputs provided by Mr. Saurabh Diddi, Director – BEE; Dr. M. Ravi Kanth,
IAS, CMD –HUDCO; Shri. Anoop Kumar Mittal, CMD – NBCC; Dr. Mahua Mukherjee, Associate
Professor - IIT Roorkee; Dr. Rajkumar, In Charge - Centre for Excellence & Futuristic Development,
L&T; Mr. Hitesh Vaidya, Country Director - UN Habitat; Mr. Sameer Maithel, Director - Greentech
Knowledge Solutions Pvt Ltd; Ar. Anurag Bajpai, Director - GreenTree Building Energy Pvt Ltd;
Mr. Sameer Divekar, Director – dbHMS; and Mr. Abdullah Nisar Siddiqui, Senior Project Manager-
UNDP, which helped in developing specific sections of the rating framework.
Point weightage of the entire rating system is based on Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), which
was conducted to define point thresholds. GRIHA council would like to thank all the participants
of the survey for taking out their valuable time and sharing their responses. We would like to place
our sincere gratitude to Mr. Rajan Rawal, Ar. Sanjay Prakash, Dr. Ajitabh Ambastha, Ms. Anamika
Prasad, Mr. Nilesh Pojge, Ms. Chaitali Basu, Ms. Vaishali Tambat, Mr. Sunil Kumar Jyothi, Mr. Vikas
Chand Sharma, Mr. Gurneet Singh, Ms. Mukta Rai Saxena, Mr. Jayesh Vira, Dr. Cesare Saccani, Ms.
Kavita Gusain, Ar. Nilesh Gandhi, Ms. Shweta Manchanda, Mr. Dheeraj Kumar Yadav, Dr. Meenakshi
Rathore, Ms. Swati Puchalapalli, Ms. Kanchan Sidhaye, Mr. Rana Pratap Poddar, Ms. Alankrita Soni,
Ms. Sangita Das, Mr. Gaurav Shorey, and Ms. Swati Chokshi for sharing valuable inputs.
This document would have not been complete without the sincere efforts and technical inputs
from the entire Sustainable Habitat team: GRIHA Council, Sustainable Buildings and Transport &
Urban Governance.
We deeply appreciate the vision and leadership of Mr. Amit Kumar, Vice President, Mr. Sanjay Seth,
CEO and Ms. Shabnam Bassi, Secretary GRIHA Council. We also extend our sincere gratitude to
Dr Ajay Mathur, President, GRIHA Council, for providing his leadership, without which this rating
would not have come to fruition.

GRIHA for Affordable Housing: v.1

List of tables.......................................................................................................................................................xi
Abbreviations..................................................................................................................................................... xii
Definitions ........................................................................................................................................................ xiii
Introduction ....................................................................................................................................................... 1
Rating Process....................................................................................................................................................3
Criteria and their weightage............................................................................................................................5

Eligibility for AH rating ......................................................................................................................................7
Site Planning....................................................................................................................................................... 9
Energy & Occupant Comfort .......................................................................................................................17
Water Savings .................................................................................................................................................. 27
Waste Management ....................................................................................................................................... 35
Sustainable Building Materials ......................................................................................................................41
Social Aspects ................................................................................................................................................. 49
Bonus Points ................................................................................................................................................... 59

Appendix ..........................................................................................................................................................60

GRIHA for Affordable Housing: v.1

Table A: Rating thresholds under GRIHA for Affordable Housing...........................................................5
Table B: List of criteria under GRIHA for Affordable Housing...................................................................5
Table 1.1: Site planning criteria....................................................................................................................... 9
Table 1.2: Point weightages for number of strategies adopted............................................................. 11
Table 2.1: Energy & Occupant Comfort criteria .......................................................................................17
Table 2.2: Building Envelope Peak Heat Gain Factor (W/sq.m)..............................................................19
Table 2.3: Peak Cooling Load (W/sq.m)......................................................................................................19
Table 2.4: Points distribution for Peak Cooling Load reduction.......................................................... 20
Table 2.5: UDI requirement thresholds........................................................................................................21
Table 2.6: Efficiency class of motors for respective BEE star ratings................................................... 23
Table 2.7: Rating Schemes for Transformers............................................................................................. 24
Table 2.8 Point thresholds for total calculated installation.................................................................... 25
Table 3.1: Water savings criteria................................................................................................................... 27
Table 3.2 Thresholds for building water reduction.................................................................................. 30
Table 3.3 Thresholds for landscape water reduction...............................................................................31
Table 3.4: Thresholds for water reuse......................................................................................................... 32
Table 4.1 Waste management criteria......................................................................................................... 35
Table 5.1 : Sustainable Building Materials Criteria.................................................................................... 42
Table 6.1: Social Aspects Criteria ................................................................................................................ 49
Table 6.2: Thresholds for average distance of basic services from the main entrance of project.....53
Table 6.3: Point distribution for provision of facilities within project................................................... 53
Table 1 A : List of Passive Design Measures...............................................................................................60
Table 2 A: Soil fertility test parameters....................................................................................................... 66
Table 3A : BMTPC 8+8 technologies for faster and affordable construction.................................... 67
Table 4A: Inorganic industrial/mine solid wastes in India....................................................................... 70
Table 5A:VOC of interior and exterior coating......................................................................................... 70
Table 6A: Limits for low-VOC content in adhesives in interior applications.......................................71
Table 7A: Limits for low-VOC content in interior sealants......................................................................71
Table 8A Test Characteristics For Drinking Water ( Clause 3.1 )............................................................ 72

GRIHA for Affordable Housing: v.1

BEE Bureau of Energy Efficiency
BIS Bureau of Indian Standards
BMTPC Building Materials & Technology Promotion Council
CAGR Compound Annual Growth Rate
CFCs Chlorofluorocarbons
CPCB Central Pollution Control Board
CPWD Central Public Works Department
CRRI Central Road Research Institute
ECBC Energy Conservation Building Code
EPD Environmental Product Declaration
EPS Expanded polystyrene
FR Flow rate
FSC Forest Stewardship Council
GDP Gross Domestic Product
GFRG Glass Fibre Reinforced Gypsum
GHG Greenhouse gas
HCFCs Hydro chlorofluorocarbons
HUDCO Housing and Urban Development Corporation
HVAC Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning IRC Indian Roads Congress
INDC Intended Nationally Determined Contributions
IRC Indian Roads Congress
KL Kilolitres
KLPD Kilolitres per Day
LGSFS Light Gauge Steel Framed Structure
LGSFS-ICP Light Gauge Steel Framed Structure with Infill Concrete Panels
LPF Litres per Flush
LPM Litres per Minute
MPD Metres per Day
MT Metric tonnes
NBC National Building Code
NBCC National Buildings Construction Corporation Limited
ODP Ozone Depletion Potential
OPC Ordinary Portland Cement
PSI Pounds per Square Inch
STP Sewage Treatment Plant
Sq.M Square Metre
VOC Volatile Organic Compound
UDI Useful Daylight Illuminance
UNDP United Nations Development Programme
UNFCCC United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change

GRIHA for Affordable Housing: v.1

Artificial groundwater recharge
Artificial recharge is the planned, human activity of augmenting the amount of groundwater
available through works designed to increase the natural replenishment or percolation of surface
waters into the groundwater aquifers, resulting in a corresponding increase in the amount of
groundwater available for abstraction.

Biomass energy
Biomass energy or ‘‘bioenergy’’ includes any solid, liquid or gaseous fuel, or any electric power or
useful chemical product derived from organic matter, whether directly from plants or indirectly
from plant-derived industrial, commercial or urban wastes, or agricultural and forestry residues.

Biodegradable Waste
Waste which is capable of being decomposed by the action of biological processes is categorised
as biodegradable waste.

Carbon Footprint
A ‘carbon footprint’ is a measure of the greenhouse gas emissions associated with an activity,
group of activities or a product.

Cool roof
A cool roof is designed to reflect more sunlight and absorb less heat than a standard roof. A high
solar reflectance-albedo is the most important characteristic of a cool roof.

Cavity Wall
The term ‘cavity wall’ is applied to a type of masonry wall construction in which a continuous air
space or cavity is provided inside the wall. A cavity wall therefore is actually two walls separated by
an air space, but joined by means of metal ties for structural strength.

Courtyard can be defined as an enclosed area surrounded by a building or wall, which is open to
the sky.

Day lighting
Day lighting is controlled admission of natural light, direct sunlight, and diffused-skylight into a
building to reduce the need for electric lighting and to save energy. By providing a direct link to
the dynamic and perpetually evolving patterns of outdoor illumination, day lighting helps create a
visually stimulating and productive environment for building occupants, while reducing as much as
one-third of total building energy costs.

GRIHA for Affordable Housing: v.1

Embodied energy
Embodied energy is the energy consumed by all of the processes associated with the production of a
building or a product, from the acquisition of natural resources to product delivery, including mining,
manufacturing of materials and equipment, transport and administrative functions.

Energy efficiency
Energy efficiency is the use of technology that requires less energy to perform the same function.

Products classified as either vertical fenestration or skylights and sloped glazing, installed in such
a manner as to preserve the weather resistant barrier of the wall or roof in which they are installed.
Fenestration includes products with glass or other transparent or translucent materials.

Geothermal energy
Geothermal energy is energy from the heat of the earth’s core. Geothermal energy can be harnessed
through direct use of heat, ground source heat pumps.

Greenhouse Effect
The exchange of incoming and outgoing radiation that warms the Earth is often referred to as the
greenhouse effect. The  greenhouse effect  happens when certain  gases—known as  greenhouse
gases—collect in Earth’s  atmosphere. These gases include  carbon dioxide(CO2),  methane,  nitrous
oxide (N2O), fluorinated gases, and ozone.
Greenhouse gases let the sun’s light shine onto the Earth’s surface, but they trap the heat that reflects
back up into the atmosphere. In this way, they act like the glass walls of a greenhouse. This greenhouse
effect keeps the Earth warm enough to sustain life. 

Light Shelf
Light shelf is a passive architectural element that serves the dual purpose of providing shade and
reflecting light. The main component of the light shelf is a horizontal element that is positioned either
on the exterior or interior side of window façade, or both.

Luminous efficacy
The total luminous flux emitted by the light source divided by the lamp wattage; expressed in lumens
per watt (lm/W).

Ozone Depleting Potential

Ozone Depleting Potential is defined as “the integrated change in total ozone per unit mass emission
of a specific ozone-depleting substance relative to the integrated change in total ozone per unit mass
emission of CFC-11”, i.e. the ratio of global loss of ozone due to a given substance and global loss of
ozone due to CFC-11 of the same mass.

Passive Design
“Passive design” is an approach to building design that uses the building architecture to minimize energy
consumption and improve thermal comfort. The building form and thermal performance of building
elements (including architectural, structural, envelope and passive mechanical) are carefully considered
and optimized for interaction with the local microclimate. The ultimate vision of passive design is to
fully eliminate requirements for active mechanical systems (and associated fossil fuel-based energy
consumption) and to maintain occupant comfort.

Renewable Energy
Renewable energy uses energy sources that are continually replenished by nature—the sun, the wind,
water, the Earth’s heat, and plants. Renewable energy technologies turn these fuels into usable forms of
energy—most often electricity.

GRIHA for Affordable Housing: v.1

Solar Access
Solar access is the ability of one property to continue to receive sunlight across property lines without
obstruction from another’s property (buildings, foliage or other impediment).

Solar Reflectance Index 

The Solar Reflectance Index (SRI) is a measure of the solar reflectance and emissivity of materials that
can be used as an indicator of how hot they are likely to become when solar radiation is incident on their
surface. The lower the SRI, the hotter a material is likely to become in the sunshine.

Surface runoff
Surface runoff is water, from rain, snowmelt, or other sources, that flows over the land surface, and is a
major component of the water cycle.

Soil Erosion
Soil erosion refers to the wearing away of a field’s topsoil by the natural physical forces of water and

Solar chimney
A solar chimney uses the sun’s heat to provide cooling, using the stack effect. Solar heat gain warms
a column of air, which then rises, pulling new outside air through the building. They are also called
thermal chimneys, thermosiphons, or thermosyphons.

Shading Coefficient
The shading coefficient is a measure of the total amount of heat passing through the glazing compared
with that through a single clear glass. Shading coefficient is defined as the ratio of the solar energy that
passes through a glazed unit and the energy that passes through a 0.3 mm clear glass.
Solar Heat Gain Coefficient
Solar Heat Gain Coefficient (SHGC) is the ratio of total transmitted solar heat to incident solar energy.
A value of 1.0 indicates that 100% of the solar gain enters the building. A value of 0.0 indicates no solar
gain is entering the space.

Solar Wall
A solar wall is a South oriented black painted glazed wall. The wall catches the sun radiation and by the
glass covering, the wall remains insulated from the climate outside so the heat is stored and migrates
slowly to the inside.

Solid Waste
Solid waste means any garbage or refuse, resulting from industrial, commercial, mining, and agricultural
operations, and from community activities. Nearly all anthropogenic activities generate waste.

Solarium/ Sunspace
A sunspace—also known as a solar room or solarium—is a versatile approach to passive solar heating.
It is a room or area in a building, with glass roof and walls, intended to maximize the power of the sun’s
rays. A sunspace optimizes heat gain and minimizes heat loss during cold times, and avoids excess heat
gain during hot times.

Sustainable Drainage Systems

Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) is a design philosophy that uses a range of techniques to manage
surface water as close to its source as possible. To produce a workable and effective scheme, SuDS must
be incorporated into the development at the earliest site-planning stage. SuDS include source control,
pre-treatment, and retention.

Trombe Wall
Trombe wall is an “indirect-gain” system which works on the basic greenhouse principle that heat from

GRIHA for Affordable Housing: v.1

the sun in the form of shorter-wavelength & higher-energy U.V radiation passes through glass panel in
front of the wall and is absorbed by the wall. The air in between the wall and glass is heated through

Urban Heat Island Effect

The term “Urban Heat Island Effect” describes built up urban areas that are hotter than nearby rural

Urban Flooding
Urban flooding is essentially due to urbanization , which leads to developed catchments and increases
the flood peaks from 1.8 to 8 times and flood volumes by up to 6 times. Consequently, flooding occurs
very quickly due to faster flow times.

Useful Daylight Illuminance

Useful Daylight Illuminance is defined as the annual occurrence of illuminances across the work plane
where all the illuminances are within the range 100-3000 lux.

The U-Value of a system is defined as the heat flow rate per unit area, divided by the temperature
difference between the surroundings on each side of the system.

Visible Light Transmittance

The percentage of visible light that passes through a window or other glazing unit is called the Visible
Light Transmittance (VLT).

Visual Comfort
Visual comfort criteria measure the ability of an individual to carry out tasks comfortably in terms of
their photo-sensory perception of their environment.  They are dependent on many factors including:
light intensity, direction of light source, reflection of surfaces, contrast of surfaces, the nature of the
task being undertaken and the photo-sensory response of the eye.

Volatile Organic Compound

Volatile organic compounds (VOC) mean any compound of carbon, excluding carbon monoxide,
carbon dioxide, carbonic acid, metallic carbides or carbonates, and ammonium carbonate, which
participates in atmospheric photochemical reactions. These are organic chemical compounds whose
composition makes it possible for them to evaporate under normal indoor atmospheric conditions of
temperature and pressure.

Wind Tower
A windcatcher/wind tower is an architectural device used for many centuries to create natural
ventilation in buildings. The function of this tower is to catch cooler breeze that prevail at a higher level
above the ground and to direct it into the interior of the buildings.

Vegetated Roof
A green roof or vegetated roof is a planted roof top that provides benefits of water harvesting, storm
water management, energy conservation, pollution abatement and aesthetic value.

GRIHA for Affordable Housing: v.1

Urbanisation has been the most prominent global trend of the last decade. The rapid growth of
cities in the developing world, coupled with increasing rural to urban migration, has led to a boom
in mega-cities. By 2030, the number of mega cities will increase to 41 and out of these, 7 will be in
India.1 It is expected that 40% of India population will be urban by 2030, as against 30% currently.
This is going to create a huge demand for infrastructure including housing. The shortage of urban
housing stood at 18.8 million units in 2012 and is expected to grow with a CAGR of 6.6% to 34.1
million units by 2022.2 The Government of India has taken several steps to address this demand,
one among many being the ‘Housing for All’ or Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (PMAY) scheme which
aims to bring ‘pukka’ house to every family in urban cities by 2022.
The demand and supply gap in terms of housing is especially prominent in the lower income
groups of the country. Sky rocketing land prices and ever-increasing cost of building materials
and labour have been some of the key challenges in bringing down the housing cost effectively
and make housing affordable. The government is taking several steps to catalyse the affordable
housing sector in India. Various working groups have been constituted under the PMAY to develop
policy templates for house ownership and rental models to be adopted by the states. Schemes
have also been launched to improve investment and provide financial support to low cost housing
sector. There is a technology sub-mission to promote innovative technologies for low-cost and
faster construction.
The construction activity though a necessity for the economic and social growth of the country,
does have a negative impact on the environment. Until recently, environmental sustainability and
affordable housing have been two separate policy objectives. However, the scenario is changing
and environment sustainability is being integrated in most of the affordable housing policies
globally. For instance, the Sustainable Development Goal 11, i.e. sustainable cities and communities,
strives to minimize the environmental impact while ensuring access for all to adequate, safe and
affordable housing. In the context of affordable housing, environmental sustainability serves two
objectives. On one hand the negative impact on the environment is minimized and on the other
hand adoption of green construction strategies significantly improves the living conditions of
the poor by ensuring better thermal and visual comfort. Sustainable affordable housing thus is a
habitat where the poor have the possibility and the desire to reside beyond the short-term, which
is conducive to their socio-economic development and respectful of the natural environment.3
India is conscious that environmental and social considerations must be kept in mind while
pursuing rapid economic growth. A comprehensive set of policies have been adopted by India to

World Cities Report 2016, Urbanization and Development: Emerging Futures, United Nations Human Settlements
Programme (UN-Habitat), 2016, Nairobi
Report of the Technical Group on Urban Housing Shortage, Ministry of Housing & Urban Poverty Alleviation
(MoHUPA), 2012, New Delhi
Sustainable Social Housing Initiative – Stakeholder Assessment Report, Development Alternatives (DA), 2014, New

GRIHA for Affordable Housing: v.1

move the country to a low-carbon growth path. One of the latest developments is the introduction
of a new chapter on “Sustainability” in the National Building Code (NBC) of India established by the
Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS), to lay guidelines for green construction in the country. Another
major step towards exploiting energy efficiency potential in India was the enactment of the Indian
Energy Conservation Act in 2001, under which a dedicated Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) was
created. The BEE has since launched a number of policies targeting the buildings sector, including
the development of the Energy Efficiency Building Code (ECBC) to ensure minimum energy
performance of commercial buildings, but ECBC for residential buildings is still under development.
Mandatory green building policies of the government are pushing the market for compliance
with the minimum performance benchmarks while, at the same time, voluntary market driven
mechanisms such as rating systems are creating a pull factor by encouraging the adoption of
sustainability beyond the mandatory requirement.
Most of the internationally devised rating systems have been tailored to suit the building industry
of the country where they were developed. In 2005, together with The Ministry of New and
Renewable Energy (MNRE), Government of India, TERI developed the country’s own green building
rating system, GRIHA (Green Rating for Integrated Habitat Assessment), specifically tailored to suit
the Indian climatic condition and building industry. GRIHA stresses passive solar techniques for
optimizing visual and thermal comfort indoors, and encourages the use of refrigeration-based and
energy-demanding air conditioning systems only in cases of extreme thermal discomfort.
In line with its philosophy and with the purpose of taking sustainability to the masses, GRIHA has
developed a new rating variant for “Affordable Housing” which is aligned to the PMAY. The GRIHA
Rating variants so far have catered to the new and existing buildings to make them more resource
efficient by minimizing the wastage of resources. In contrast to high end residential and commercial
projects, design features are minimized in affordable housing projects for reducing as much cost
as possible. Developing a green rating for affordable housing is a challenge considering that green
buildings are commonly perceived to be more expensive. GRIHA for Affordable Housing strives to
break this myth of perceived cost and hence the rating is tailor made to incorporate cost-effective
sustainability measures. Unlike the commercial buildings and high-end residential projects, the
affordable housing occupants do not have access to air-conditioners to ensure thermal comfort
and GRIHA has always emphasized the importance of no-cost design interventions for enhancing
This rating has been developed with special focus to reduce any additional cost that the project
proponent incurs to obtain green certification. It has been experienced that one of the big costs
incurred for certification is on expensive design assistance softwares. The rating will be available to
the project proponents in the form of a simplified calculator based design tool offsetting the cost and
dependency for softwares for analysis.
“Affordability” is a relative term and “Affordable Housing” may be perceived differently by different
individuals. All projects that are in-line with the PMAY requirements will be eligible for GRIHA for
Affordable Housing Rating, which shall strive to enhance the possibilities of the targeted residents
and integrate sustainability in their residences in line with the PMAY.

GRIHA for Affordable Housing: v.1

1 Online Registration – The project proponent can initiate the registration process by filling the
expression of interest (EOI) form available on the GRIHA website. The registration is complete
after the feasibility checklist is successfully completed by the project proponent. Once the
project is registered, the project proponent will be provided with a username and password for
documentation on the online panel.
2 Orientation workshop – The registration is followed by an orientation workshop conducted by
GRIHA Council, which intends to provide detailed information of the rating along with all the
criteria and to address specific queries of the project team. Orientation workshop is an optional
service which can be availed by the project team on additional remuneration
3 1st Due Diligence site visit – A due diligence site visit shall be conducted by the GRIHA Council
to validate site planning parameters during construction. The due diligence report shall be
uploaded on the panel within 15 working days from the site visit, followed by upload of a
compliance report by the project proponent within the next 15 working days.
4 Submission of documents – As the project is nearing completion, the project proponent will
upload documents for all criteria on the online panel with the username and password provided
during registration.
5 Preliminary evaluation – After online submission of documents, the preliminary evaluation
is carried out by a team of professionals from GRIHA Council as well as external evaluators
who are experts in the respective field. The documentation must be complete in all aspects
for all attempted criteria. Any attempted criteria with incomplete documentation shall not be
evaluated. Online calculators provided for specific criteria need to be filled in and submitted.
The GRIHA Council professionals shall first review compliance of all criteria and establish
compliance with mandatory criteria; followed by estimation of the total number of achievable
points. A preliminary evaluation report shall be submitted within 25 working days after document
6 Final Due diligence site visit – A due diligence site visit shall be conducted by GRIHA Council
to verify the submitted documentation with onsite implementation. The visit will be done once
the project is complete and all equipment’s are installed. The due diligence report shall be
uploaded on the panel within 15 working days from the site visit.
7 Final evaluation – GRIHA Council along with external evaluators shall evaluate submitted
documentation and final due diligence site visit report in response to the preliminary evaluation.
On the basis of this evaluation, GRIHA Council shall prepare a final score card within 25 working
days after the project team furnishes requisite information sought during preliminary evaluation
and due diligence site visit. Final rating will be awarded based on the final evaluation.
8 Additional Due diligence site visit/Green Awareness Drive – GRIHA Council shall conduct
an additional Due Diligence Visit post rating, for green awareness and education amongst
occupants. This awareness program will be organized post 70% occupancy of the project.

GRIHA for Affordable Housing: v.1

GRIHA for Affordable Housing: v.1

GRIHA Affordable Housing rating is a performance-oriented system where points are awarded for
meeting the intent (appraisals) of the criteria. Each criterion has certain number of points assigned.
Compliances, as specified in the relevant criterion, have to be submitted in the prescribed format.
While the intent for some of the criteria is self-validating in nature, there are other criteria such
as facilities for construction workers, environmental awareness, energy and water metering, etc.
which need to be validated on-site through due diligence visit conducted by GRIHA Council
during construction. The points related to these criteria (specified under the relevant sections) are
awarded after verification through monitoring, validation, and submitted documents/photographs
to demonstrate compliance.
GRIHA Affordable Housing rating system is a 100 point system consisting of 30 criteria categorized
under six sections such as, Site Planning, Energy & Occupant Comfort, Water Saving, Waste
Management, Sustainable Building Materials, Social Aspects and Bonus Points. Out of these 30
criteria, three are mandatory and eight are partly mandatory, while the rest are optional. Each criterion
except for the mandatory criteria; has points assigned to it. It means that a project intending to meet
the criterion would qualify for the points.
Different levels of certification (one star to five stars) are awarded based on the number of points
earned. The minimum points required for certification is 25.

Table A: Rating thresholds under GRIHA for Affordable Housing

Rating threshold GRIHA for Affordable Housing rating

25 – 40 *
41 – 55 **
56 – 70 ***
71 – 85 ****
86 and above *****

Table B: List of criteria under GRIHA for Affordable Housing

Sr. No. Criterion Appraisal Points

Eligibility for AH rating
A Liveability index (AH built up area thresholds) Essential —
B Site Selection Mandatory —
C Optimum availability of water Indicative —
1. Site Planning 16
1 Low Impact Design — 6
2 Design to mitigate UHIE — 3

GRIHA for Affordable Housing: v.1

Sr. No. Criterion Appraisal Points

Preservation and Protection of Landscape during
Partly mandatory 3
3 Construction
4 Storm Water Management Partly mandatory 2
Reduction in Air and Soil Pollution during
Partly mandatory 2
5 Construction
2. Energy & Occupant Comfort 25
6 Envelope Thermal Performance — 8
7 Occupant Visual Comfort (Daylight) Partly mandatory 5
8 Efficient Lighting — 2
9 Energy Efficient Equipment — 2
10 Renewable Energy — 6
11 Energy Metering Partly mandatory 2
3. Water Savings 19
12 Efficient use of water during construction — 2
13 Optimization of building & Landscape water demand Partly mandatory 9
14 Water reuse — 7
15 Water Metering Partly mandatory 1
4. Waste Management 7
16 Construction waste management — 1
17 Post construction waste management — 6
5. Sustainable Building Material 17
18 Reduction in environmental impact of construction — 6
19 Use of low-environmental impact materials in
— 5
building interiors
20 Use of recycled content in roads and pavements — 4
21 Low VOC paints, adhesives, sealants and composite
— 2
wood products
22 Zero ODP materials Mandatory —
6. Social Aspects 16
23 Facilities for Construction workers Partly mandatory 1
24 Universal accessibility — 2
25 Proximity to Transport and Basic Services — 10
26 Environmental awareness — 2
27 Tobacco Smoke Control Mandatory —
28 Water Quality Mandatory —
29 Provision of access to clean sources of cooking fuel — 1
30 Bonus Points — 4
Total points 104

GRIHA for Affordable Housing: v.1

1. Livability index (Affordable housing built-up area thresholds) - Essential
Approval letter issued by government agency (Central/State) confirming that the project is
being developed as per Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana scheme/guidelines must be submitted.*
2. Site Selection - Mandatory
The site plan must be in conformity with the development plan/master plan/UDPFI guidelines.
Compliance must be demonstrated with the provisions of eco-sensitive zone regulations,
coastal zone regulations, heritage areas (identified in the master plan or issued separately
as specific guidelines), water body zones (in such zones, no construction is permitted in the
water spread and buffer belt of 30 meter minimum around the FTL), various hazard prone area
regulations, and others if the site falls under any such area.
3. Optimum availability of water - Indicative
Total water requirement estimation for the site and approval document (with assurance on the
supply of the required water quantity) from the local municipal authority highlighting the total
water which will be available for the development must be submitted.

* As on the date of registration

GRIHA for Affordable Housing: v.1

GRIHA for Affordable Housing: v.1

Site Planning
Section Intent:
Construction sector contributes to about 23% of air pollution, 40% of water pollution, and 50%
of landfill wastes.1 According to the estimates of McKinsey Global Institute’s report on India’s
urbanisation, 700-900 million square meters of commercial and residential space needs to be built
and 2.5 billion square meters of roads will have to be paved by 2030.2 The paved roads along with the
choked drainage systems will add to the recurring urban flooding issue. The unprecedented growth
of the construction sector will have only adverse effects if we follow ‘business as usual’ approach.
Therefore, preventive design approach is needed instead of the cost intensive curative approach.
Sustainable site design imbibes the physical characteristics of the site, functional design objectives
and sensitivity towards the environment to ensure protection of existing natural resources on site,
manage the storm water runoff on site, reduce the pollution caused due to construction activities,
harness the micro climate of the surroundings and reduce the contribution to the Urban Heat Island
Effect. If site planning is done sensibly and the building design respects the prevailing site conditions,
it can save up to 40-50% of total project cost which is incurred due to installation of equipment and
their operation and maintenance.
This section suggests cost-effective guidelines to avail maximum advantage of the existing natural
site features while preserving them to the extent possible. It rewards measures promoting building
design according to the site conditions, balance of perviousness and imperviousness on site to check
heat gain and urban flooding, preservation of natural site features to maintain a healthy ecosystem
and better site management during construction to check any form of pollution arising out of it.
All these measures will have greater probability of providing occupant comfort while encouraging
interaction with the natural surroundings
This section consists of five criteria as mentioned in the table below:
Table 1.1: Site planning criteria

Criterion Number Criterion Name Maximum Points

Criterion 1 Low-impact design 6
Criterion 2 Design to mitigate UHIE 3
Criterion 3 Preservation and protection of landscape during 3
Criterion 4 Storm water management 2
Criterion 5 Reduction in air and soil pollution during 2
Total Weightage 16

McKinsey Global Institute (2010). India’s urban awakening: Building inclusive cities, sustaining economic growth.
McKinsey & Company.

GRIHA for Affordable Housing: v.1

GRIHA for Affordable Housing: v.1

Criterion 1

Intent: To adopt passive architectural design strategies in the building design and incorporate
natural site features (topographical/microclimatic) to create climate sensitive design with reduced
energy consumption while maintaining occupant comfort
Maximum Points: 6

1.1 Appraisals:
1.1.1 Demonstrate reduction in environmental impact through design by adoption of various
passive design and low-impact site planning strategies. –4 points
Table 1.2: Point weightages for number of strategies adopted (Refer Appendix Table 1A)

No. of strategies adopted Points

2 1
3 2
4 4

1.1.2 Demonstrate use of active, low-energy cooling/heating systems in the building. – 2 points

1.2 Compliances:
1.1.2 Submit architectural drawings highlighting key passive design measures and active, low-
energy cooling/heating systems adopted in the building.
1.2.2 Submit narrative, supported by calculations, conceptual sketches, and assumptions used
for the adopted strategies.
Site Planning SP

GRIHA for Affordable Housing: v.1

Criterion 2

Intent: To ensure incorporation of site design strategies which assist in reduction of hard paving
on site to mitigate Urban Heat Island Effect (UHIE).
Maximum Points: 3

2.1 Appraisals:
2.1.1 More than 25% of the site surfaces visible to sky (including building roofs but not the
landscape area*) are either soft paved/covered with high SRI coating (SRI > 0.5)/shaded by
trees/shaded by vegetated pergolas/shaded by solar panels or any combination of these
strategies. – 1 Point
2.1.2 More than 50% of the site surfaces visible to sky (including building roofs but not the
landscape area*) are either soft paved/covered with high SRI coating (SRI > 0.5)/shaded by
trees/shaded by vegetated pergolas/shaded by solar panels or any combination of these
strategies. – 3 points

2.2 Compliances:
2.2.1 Submit calculations to demonstrate compliance with Appraisal 2.1.1/2.1.2.
2.2.2 Submit site plan, with area statements, highlighting the site surfaces (as mentioned in
Appraisal 2.1.1/2.1.2) which are soft paved/covered with high SRI coating/shaded by trees/
vegetated pergolas/solar panels.
2.2.3 Submit purchase orders for high SRI paints/tiles (if used in the project).
2.2.4 Submit photographs, with description, of the measures implemented.
Site Planning SP

* Landscape area in this criterion refers to green/vegetated area

GRIHA for Affordable Housing: v.1

Criterion 3
Intent: To ensure preservation of mature trees and fertile top soil on site, thereby minimizing the
impact of construction activities on existing landscape.
Maximum Points: 3

If there are no existing mature trees on site, then the project is exempt from appraisal
3.1.1 and 3.1.2.
If top soil (top 8 inches) present on site is not fertile and cannot be made fertile by adding
organic manure then the project is exempt from appraisal 3.1.3.

3.1 Appraisals:
3.1.1 Ensure that no existing mature tree is cut on site.
Transplant mature trees within the site and ensure their survival.
Plant 3 trees of native/naturalised species for every 1 tree cut.
Any combination of these for all existing mature trees on site. – Mandatory
3.1.2 Increase total number of trees on site by 25% above the pre-construction phase.
Plant 4 trees of native/naturalised species for every 1 tree cut. – 1 Point
3.1.3 Preserve top soil during construction; maintain its fertility (during construction phase) and
use for landscape post-construction (Refer Appendix Table 2A). – 2 Points

3.2 Compliances:
Site Planning SP

3.2.1 Submit site plan highlighting (in different colour coding/layer) the following:
• Existing trees which have been protected and preserved, along with table listing their

GRIHA for Affordable Housing: v.1

• Existing trees which have been transplanted.

• Existing trees which have been cut.
• Area from where top soil has been removed.
• Location on site (or off-site) where top soil will be preserved.
3.2.2 3.2.2 Submit AutoCAD drawing of proposed landscape plan highlighting (in different colour
coding/layer) the following:
• Compensatory plantation of new trees in the ratio of 1:3 for each tree which has been
cut, with details about the species that have been planted.
• Compensatory plantation of new trees done in excess of 25% than the minimum
requirement, with details of the species that have been planted.
• Landscape area where top soil has been reapplied.
3.2.3 Submit soil fertility test report of site’s top soil from an ICAR (Indian Council of Agricultural
Research) accredited laboratory.
3.2.4 Submit date stamped photographs, with description, of the measures implemented.

GRIHA for Affordable Housing: v.1

Criterion 4
Intent: To ensure that storm water runoff from the project site, prior to and post construction,
remains the same to avoid urban flooding.
Maximum Points:2

4.1 Appraisal :
4.1.1 Ensure that the excess runoff generated above the pre-construction run off is managed
within the site. – 1 Point
4.1.2 Ensure that 100% post construction storm water runoff quantity is managed within project
premises. – 1 Point
4.2 Compliances:
4.2.1 Submit narrative of strategies being implemented for managing surplus storm water runoff
post construction.
4.2.2 Submit drawings of storm water runoff management system design and supply scheme of
delivery for harvested rainwater to designated areas of use.
4.2.3 Submit date stamped photographs of installed storm water runoff management system.
4.2.4 Perform calculations in the in-built calculators made available on the online panel to
demonstrate compliance.

Site Planning SP

GRIHA for Affordable Housing: v.1

Criterion 5
Intent: To minimize air and soil pollution during construction on site.
Maximum Points: 2

5.1 Appraisals:
5.1.1 Adopt at least 3 measures on site to curb air pollution during construction – Mandatory
• Provision of 3 meter high barricading around the construction area. – Mandatory
• Wheel washing facility at the vehicular entrance/exit of the site.
• Covering of fine aggregate and excavated earth on site with plastic/geotextile sheets.
• Water sprinkling on fine aggregate (sand) and excavated earth.
• All diesel generator sets on site to have proper chimneys with their outlet covered from
above to disperse smoke equally in all directions.
5.1.2 Develop and implement a spill prevention plan (to control effects of spill from hazardous
materials like bitumen, diesel etc.) on site. – 1 Point
5.1.3 Adopt staging during construction on site, and strategies to prevent/reduce movement of
soil (not top soil) outside the site through adoption of various strategies (like soil erosion
channels, sedimentation control etc.)
– 1 Point
5.2 Compliances:
5.2.1 Submit relevant sections of tender document showing that air pollution prevention
measures are required to be implemented by the contractor during construction on site.
5.2.2 Submit narrative describing the spill prevention plan, with description of spill control
measures, adopted on site.
5.2.3 Submit date stamped photographs, with description, of the measures implemented.
5.2.4 Submit narrative detailing the following practices on site:
• Staging practices adopted during construction.
• Strategies implemented to reduce soil erosion from site.
Site Planning SP

5.2.5 Submit a site plan highlighting the following:

• Site boundary, proposed building footprint and staging boundary on site.
• Location of measures, such as sedimentation tank, soil erosion channels etc.
implemented to check soil erosion from site.

GRIHA for Affordable Housing: v.1

Energy & Occupant Comfort

Section Intent:
Electricity consumption of residential sector in India has increased threefold over a decade, in
line with the increasing number of electrified households.1 Thus, promotion of energy efficiency
measures in households has become crucial, to reduce the energy cost burden on the occupants.
Considering massive construction under the affordable housing segment in near future, ensuring
comfort to the building occupants through integration of passive design strategies is desirable.
In this section, thermal performance of the envelope is assessed for buildings such that, the
geographical location of the city, temperature variations over a period of time, climatic conditions,
etc. are accounted to compute the overall heat gain. Correspondingly, passive design strategies
are encouraged to harness optimum amount of daylight ensuring thermal and visual comfort to
the occupants.
Further, the section thrusts on use of energy efficient lighting and equipment in order to reduce the
building energy consumption. It fosters the use of renewable energy technologies to enable on-
site energy generation to offset project’s dependency on conventional sources of energy, which
is in sync to the government’s initiatives. Finally, monitoring through metering is emphasized to
further optimize and manage the energy consumption.
This section consists of six criteria as mentioned in the table below:

Table 2.1: Energy & Occupant Comfort criteria

Criterion Number Criterion Name Maximum Points

Criterion 6 Envelope Thermal Performance 8
Criterion 7 Occupant Visual Comfort (Daylight) 5
Criterion 8 Efficient Lighting 2
Criterion 9 Energy Efficient Equipment 2
Criterion 10 Renewable Energy 6
Criterion 11 Energy Metering 2
Total Weightage 25


GRIHA for Affordable Housing: v.1

GRIHA for Affordable Housing: v.1

Criterion 6
Intent: To ensure thermal comfort by minimizing the overall heat gain from the envelope through
suitable construction materials and optimal fenestration design.
Maximum Points: 8

6.1 Appraisals:
6.1.1 Ensure peak heat gain through building envelope meets the thresholds of Building
Envelope Peak Heat Gain Factor. – 2 points

Table 2.2: Building Envelope Peak Heat Gain Factor (W/sq.m)

Climate Threshold
Composite 55
Hot & Dry 50
Warm & Humid 40
Moderate 30

6.1.2 Demonstrate reduction in peak cooling load (percentage) over the base
case as mentioned below. – 6 points

Table 2.3: Peak Cooling Load (W/sq.m) Energy & Occupant Comfort EO

Climate Threshold
Composite 210
Hot & Dry 270
Warm & Humid 350
Moderate 220

GRIHA for Affordable Housing: v.1

Table 2.4: Points distribution for Peak Cooling Load reduction

% Reduction in cooling load Points

3 1
6 2
9 4
12 6

6.2 Compliances:
6.2.1 Submit building drawings with elevations, sections, floor plans, and Door & Window
6.2.2 Submit electrical ceiling plan highlighting internal lighting (including common areas) and
ventilation fans.
6.2.3 Submit technical specification sheet/test report of all materials used in the building
envelope highlighting their respective U values.
6.2.4 Submit section drawings for each type of window.
6.2.5 Submit technical specification sheet/ test report of glass used in the fenestration
highlighting VLT, U value, SC/SHGC.
6.2.6 Submit purchase orders and BOQs of all materials used in the building envelope.
6.2.7 Submit occupancy calculation for all dwelling units in the project.
6.2.8 Submit technical specification sheet, BOQ and purchase order for all internal lighting
fixtures and ventilation fans installed.
6.2.9 Submit photographs of the building materials as installed on site.

GRIHA for Affordable Housing: v.1

Criterion 7
Intent: To harness the available daylight and provide adequate, equally distributed and diffused
day light for better visual comfort.
Maximum Points: 5

7.1 Appraisals:
7.1.1 Ensure that a minimum percentage of total built up area meets the UDI requirement for
90% of the potential day light time as per the below mentioned thresholds. – 5 Points
Table 2.5: UDI requirement thresholds

Percentage of area meeting UDI requirements Points

25% 1
50% 2
75% 3
90% and above 5

7.2 Compliances:
7.2.1 Submit the Door & Window schedule for typical design cases.
7.2.2 Submit manufacturer cut sheet/ technical specifications of the glass/fenestration.
7.2.3 Perform calculation on the lighting calculator provided on GRIHA’s website.
7.2.4 Submit photographs, with description of the measures implemented. Energy & Occupant Comfort EO

Method for Calculation of daylit area:

The method for calculation of daylight area has been developed in accordance with ECBC 2017.
Percentage Daylight area meeting UDI = [[ (X1*X2)*(Y+2)]/(Area of the Room)]*100
Where: X1: DEF - Daylight Extent Factor; X2: Head height of Window; Y: Width of the fenestration
DEF: Daylight Extent Factor (DEF) can be defined as the ratio of light level inside the structure to
the light level outside the structure, and depends on the orientation of the opening, glazing and
projection factor (PF)/shading type used in the building.
PF: Projection Factor (PF) can be defined as the ratio of the distance the overhang projects from
the window surface (H) to its height above the sill of the window it shades (V).
PF = H/V

GRIHA for Affordable Housing: v.1

Criterion 8

Intent: To promote use of energy efficient lighting in outdoor spaces and indoor common areas.
Maximum Points: 2

8.1 Appraisals:
8.1.1. All lighting fixtures installed in outdoor spaces and indoor common areas shall have a
minimum luminous efficacy of 75 lumen/watt. – 2 points

8.1.2. Automatic controls must be provided for 100% of outdoor lights – Mandatory

8.2 Compliances:
8.2.1 Submit specification sheet of each type of lighting fixture installed in outdoor spaces and
indoor common areas.
8.2.2 Submit site and building plans indicating locations of all types of fixtures.
8.2.3 Submit outdoor lighting layout with manufacturers’ details of lamps, ballasts, luminaires,
automatic controls, wiring diagram and placement of automatic switch (es) for outdoor

Method for Calculation of Luminous efficacy:

Energy & Occupant Comfort EO

Luminous efficacy of a lamp/ballast combination is usually mentioned in lamp specifications

by the manufacturer.
It can also be calculated from other specifications provided by the manufacturer, namely
the lamp lumen output and wattage.
Further, the ballast losses may be added to the total wattage to determine the total wattage.
Total lamp wattage = rated lamp wattage + (% loss from ballast x rated lamp wattage)
Luminous efficacy (lm/W) = lamp lumen output / total lamp wattage

GRIHA for Affordable Housing: v.1

Criterion 9
Intent: To promote use of energy efficient equipment.
Maximum Points: 2

9.1 Appraisals:
9.1.1 All the following equipment falling under the scope of the developer must be at least BEE
3-star rated/labelled: – 2 points
• Motors
• Transformer(s)

9.2 Compliances:
9.2.1 Submit specification sheet of all motors and transformer(s) installed.

The BEE rates induction motors as per standard efficiency classes.
Table 2.6: Efficiency class of motors for respective BEE star ratings**

Star rating Motor efficiency class

Energy & Occupant Comfort EO

1 star ≥IE2 & <IE2(+)*

2 star ≥IE2(+) & <IE3
3 star ≥IE3 & <IE3(+)
4 star ≥IE(+) & IE(++)
5 star ≥IE3(++)

* IE = International Efficiency

GRIHA for Affordable Housing: v.1

The BEE rates distribution transformers on basis of half-load and full-load losses. The
following table describes the rating scheme:
Table 2.7: Rating Schemes for Transformers**

1 star 2 star 3 star 4 star 5 star

Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Max
losses losses losses losses losses losses losses losses losses losses
at 50% at at 50% at at 50% at at 50% at at 50% at
load 100% load 100% load 100% load 100% load 100%
(Watts) load (Watts) load (Watts) load (Watts) load (Watts) load
(Watts) (Watts) (Watts) (Watts) (Watts)
16 200 555 165 520 150 480 135 440 120 400
25 290 785 235 740 210 695 190 635 175 595
63 490 1415 430 1335 380 1250 340 1140 300 1050
100 700 2020 610 1910 520 1800 475 1650 435 1500
160 1000 2800 880 2550 770 2200 670 1950 570 1700
200 1130 3300 1010 3000 890 2700 780 2300 670 2100

**This table is indicative and will change with respect to the amendments made in the applicable codes.

GRIHA for Affordable Housing: v.1

Criterion 10
Intent: The intent of this criterion is to promote the use of renewable energy technologies and
enable energy generation on site*.
Maximum Points: 6

10.1 Appraisals:
10.1.1 Rated capacity of the renewable energy system (Solar PV/Solar hot water** system/
Biomass/Geothermal/Wind turbine) installed on site conforms to installation @1kWp per
500 sq.m of total built-up area thresholds as established in the table below:

Table 2.8: Point thresholds for total calculated installation

Percentage of total calculated installation Points

@1kWp per 500 sq.m (on site only)
25% 1
50% 2
75% 4
100% 6

10.2 Compliances:
10.2.1 Submit purchase order (reflecting full quantities) of the renewable energy system installed
along with its technical specification sheet highlighting the panel performance (as tested
Energy & Occupant Comfort EO

under standard test conditions).

10.2.2 Submit drawings demarcating the location of renewable energy systems.
10.2.3 Submit photographs, with description, of the measures implemented.

* Points are not awarded for Offsite R.E installation

** 100 LPD solar hot water system will be equivalent to 1.5 kWp

GRIHA for Affordable Housing: v.1

Intent: To promote energy consumption monitoring through metering.
Maximum Points: 2

11.1 Appraisals:
11.1.1 Install a dedicated energy meter for each dwelling unit. – Mandatory
11.1.2 Install dedicated energy meters, each for outdoor spaces and indoor common area
lighting. – 1 point
11.1.3 Install energy meter on renewable energy system to measure the energy generated (if
installed*). – 1 point

11.2 Compliances:
11.2.1 Submit drawings indicating the location of various meters in the building.
11.2.2 Submit photograph of each meter installed in the building.
11.2.3 Submit technical specification sheets and purchase orders of metering system installed in
the building.
Energy & Occupant Comfort EO

* If the project is not installing renewables, then they shall lose points under criterion 10
and 1 point under this criterion.

GRIHA for Affordable Housing: v.1

Water Savings

Section Intent:
Whilst the models of affordable housing revolve around minimum area and cost considerations,
provision of basic amenities such as adequate water supply and sanitation to the dwelling units
becomes extremely crucial given the varied challenges encountered such as disparity in supply,
deteriorating water quality and so on.
63 million Indians in rural areas live without access to clean water.1 The census data of 2011 reveals
that 47% of the households have the source of water within the premises and about 53.42% of the
households still have to fetch water from a source located either nearby or away from the premises
(500 meters or more in rural areas and 100 meters in urban areas).2 This significantly impacts the
sanitation and hygiene practices and the situation is even worse in areas which are drought prone
or have perennial water shortage. World Bank estimates that 21% of contagious diseases in India
are linked to unsafe water and the lack of hygiene practices.
In this background, supplying the required quantity of water as per NBC (National Building Code)
of India 2016 becomes imperative as part of the rating system and over and above the section
rewards efforts taken to reduce the building and landscape water demand, implement strategies for
efficient use of water during construction, water harvesting and reuse. Lastly, the section mandates
monitoring the water consumption at project level.
This section consists of four criteria as mentioned in the table below:
Table 3.1: Water savings criteria

Criterion Number Criterion Name Maximum Points

Part A : Construction phase
Criterion 12 Efficient use of water during construction 2
Part B : Post Construction phase
Criterion 13 Optimization of building and landscape water 9
Criterion 14 Water reuse 7
Criterion 15 Water metering 1
Total Weightage 19

Wild Water, State of the World’s Water 2017, a new report by WaterAid, a global advocacy group on water and sanitation

GRIHA for Affordable Housing: v.1

GRIHA for Affordable Housing: v.1

Criterion 12
Intent: To minimize the requirement of potable water during construction by deploying effective
construction management practices on site.
Maximum Points: 2

12.1 Appraisals :
12.1.1 Adopt strategies (at least 2 from the list below) to reduce the consumption of potable
water during construction: – 1 Point
• Use of gunny bags/hessian cloth and ponding technique for curing.
• Use of additives to reduce water requirements during curing.
• Monitoring for leaks and water wastage.
12.1.2 Use of treated waste water/captured rain water in construction activities. - 1 Point

12.2 Compliance:
12.2.1 Submit narrative, along with date stamped contextual site photographs demonstrating
the strategies implemented onsite to reduce the requirement of potable water during

Water Savings

GRIHA for Affordable Housing: v.1

Criterion 13
Intent: To reduce the overall water demand of the building through system optimization, which
includes installation of water efficient systems such as low flush toilets equipped with dual flush
functionality and water faucets with aerators. Additionally, this criterion emphasizes on reducing
the landscape water demand through use of regionally appropriate, xerophyte (low water using
native species of flora) plant species and efficient irrigation systems.
Maximum Points: 9

Non-applicability: All faucets, which are installed in spaces with water head height less than
5 meter or 17 feet, in a gravity fed system, are exempt from calculations in appraisal 13.1.1

13.1 Appraisals:
13.1.1 Reduce the total water requirement in the building by the following thresholds over the
base case. 5 Points
Table 3.2: Thresholds for building water reduction
Threshold for building water reduction Points
20% Mandatory
25% 1
35% 3
50% 5

Methodology for calculating, water consumption and water use reduction is as follows:
Water consumption = N×FR×U
• N = Total occupants
• FR = Flow rate of each type of fixtures (liters per flush/liters per minute)
Water Savings

• U = Number of uses of each type of fixtures (fixed)

Water use reduction (%)
• A = Annual Water Demand of Base case*

• B = Annual Water Demand of Design case

GRIHA for Affordable Housing: v.1

(*In the base case, flow rates of conventional fixtures have been considered, and the same
has been preset in the online calculator. Whereas in the design case, flow rates of the fixtures
installed onsite must be fed.)
13.1.2 Reduce the total landscape water requirement by the following thresholds over the base
case. 4 Points
Table 3.3: Thresholds for landscape water reduction
Threshold for landscape water reduction Points
25% 1
35% 2
50% 4

Methodology for calculating landscape water requirement and reduction is as follows:

Landscape water requirement =
• Plant factor refers to water requirement of the plants.
• Evapotranspiration rate refers to the amount of water required by the plant for
healthy growth and determines the rate at which the plant losses water through
• Canopy area refers to the area covered by shrubs, grass covers, and trees in the plan
• Irrigation system efficiency refers to the ability of an irrigation system to deliver water
to plants without any water loss.
Landscape water use reduction (%)
A = Annual landscape water demand of base case*
B = Annual landscape water demand of design case
(* Base case would be 100% lawn area, whereas design case would be as done on site.)

13.2 Compliances:
13.2.1 Submit calculation sheet demonstrating percentage savings through water efficient fixtures.
13.2.2 Submit purchase orders (reflecting full quantities) of the low-flow fixtures used in the
13.2.3 Submit specification details of the low-flow fixtures (make, model no, flow rates etc).
13.2.4 Submit calculation sheet demonstrating percentage savings through use of native species
of flora and water efficient irrigation system.
13.2.5 Submit landscape plan indicating plant species and area covered under each species.
13.2.6 Submit manufacturer cut-sheets and purchase orders (reflecting full quantities) of the
irrigation systems installed on site indicating the efficiency, in case different from the GRIHA
recommended values.
13.2.7 Submit date stamped photographs of the landscaped area, installed irrigation system,
installed low flow fixtures in the building.

GRIHA for Affordable Housing: v.1

Criterion 14
Intent: To ensure the availability of appropriate facilities for tertiary- level treatment of waste-
water generated, artificial groundwater recharge and rainwater storage; and maximum utilization
of treated and harvested water within the project site to reduce the overall dependence on fresh
water supply from concerned authorities.
Maximum Points: 7

14.1 Appraisals:
14.1.1 Sewage treatment plant (STP) should be provided to treat 100% of the sewage water (grey
water and black water combined)1 generated on site. – 2 points
14.1.2 Re-use of treated water (from STP) and rainwater (from storage tanks) to meet the water
requirement of the project as per the thresholds mentioned below. – 5 Points

Table 3.4: Thresholds for water reuse

Water reuse (% of the water demand) Points
> 25% 1
>50% 3
> 75% 5

14.2 Compliances:
14.2.1 Submit water balance chart for the project.
14.2.2 Submit narrative on the sewage treatment along with block flow/process flow drawings,
quantity of wastewater to be treated, and treatment efficiency of STP.
14.2.3 Submit drawing for dual plumbing system in case of treated water being re- used for
flushing and landscaping purpose.
Water Savings

Grey Water - Water that has been used for bathing, washing, laundry, dishwashing etc. but does not contain excreta.
Black Water - Combined domestic effluent including liquid and solid human body waste and the water discharged from

the toilet usage.

GRIHA for Affordable Housing: v.1

Criterion 15
Intent: To ensure that a monitoring mechanism is in place for supply of fresh water from concerned
authority and at STP outlet line.
Maximum Point: 1

15.1 Appraisals:
15.1.1 Installation of water meters at the following locations: - Mandatory
• Fresh water inlet : municipal supply/bore well
• STP outlet (If installed)
15.1.2 Installation of sub water meters at each dwelling unit within the project site – 1 Point

15.2 Compliances:
15.2.1 Submit drawing earmarking location of installed water meters on site.
15.2.2 Submit purchase orders of water meters installed on site.
15.2.3 Submit date stamped photographs of installed water meters.

Water Savings

GRIHA for Affordable Housing: v.1

GRIHA for Affordable Housing: v.1

Waste Management

Section Intent:
The country’s rapid economic growth has resulted in a massive waste management challenge.
Over 377 million urban people live in 7,935 towns and cities and generate 62 million tonnes of
municipal solid waste per annum1. Only 43 million tonnes (MT) of the waste is collected, out of
which 11.9 MT is treated and 31 MT is dumped at landfill sites2. This implies that 75-80% of the
municipal waste gets collected and only 22-28 % of this waste is processed and treated. Due to
continual rapid economic growth, Indian cities are expected to only intensify their consumption
patterns and it is estimated that the waste generation will increase to about 165 MT by 2030.
The key to efficient waste management is to ensure proper segregation of waste at source and
further channelization through different streams of recycling and resource recovery. Thereafter,
the reduced final residue should be deposited scientifically in sanitary landfills. The biodegradable
component of India’s solid waste is currently estimated at a little over 50 per cent. Installation of
organic waste converters, biogas plants would further reduce the pressure on the landfills.
Therefore, segregating and managing waste from the initiation of construction to the operation of
the building has become an integral part of the rating system. The section rewards efforts taken
to reduce, reuse, segregate and recycle the waste generated on site during construction and
This section consists of two criteria as mentioned in the table below:
Table 4.1: Waste management criteria

Criterion Number Criterion Name Maximum Points

Criterion 16 Construction waste management 1
Criterion 17 Post construction waste management 6
Total Weightage 7

Planning Commission Report. (2014). Reports of the task force on waste to energy (Vol-I) (in the context of Integrated
MSW management). Retrieved from

GRIHA for Affordable Housing: v.1

GRIHA for Affordable Housing: v.1

Criterion 16
Intent: To ensure segregation, safe storage, recycle, reuse and disposal of construction waste
during construction.
Maximum Points: 1

16.1 Appraisals:
16.1.1 Develop and implement a construction waste management plan in compliance with the
norms laid under Construction and Demolition Waste Management Rules, 2016. – 1 point

16.2 Compliances:
16.2.1 Submit narrative detailing the construction waste management procedure, reuse/
recycling measures adopted to manage construction waste.
16.2.2 Submit drawing showing locations of collection, segregation, storage and disposal of
construction waste within the project site.
16.2.3 Submit date stamped photographs, with description, of the measures implemented.

Waste Management

GRIHA for Affordable Housing: v.1

Criterion 17
Intent: To adopt and implement sustainable solid waste management strategies and provide
appropriate infrastructure on site for collection, segregation, storage and disposal of solid waste
during the operation phase; and to promote & provide infrastructure facilities for treatment of
segregated organic/biodegradable waste on site.
Maximum Points: 6

If the total organic waste generation on site is less than 100 kg/day, then the project is
exempt from appraisal 17.1.3.

17.1 Appraisals:
17.1.1 Adopt solid waste management plan in compliance with norms elaborated under Solid
Waste Management Rules, 2016.
Provide infrastructure for primary collection (door to door/chute system) & segregation
(multi-colored bins) of solid waste.
Provide designated secondary waste management areas within the project site for safe
and hygienic storage of collected solid waste – 3 Points
17.1.2 Provide contractual tie-ups with CPCB (Central Pollution Control Board) authorized waste
recyclers for safe recycling of recyclable wastes like metal, paper, plastic, glass, etc.
Waste Management

– 1 Point
17.1.3 Provide infrastructure facilities for treating all the organic waste/biodegradable solid waste
on site and converting it to resources such as manure, bio gas etc. –2 Points

GRIHA for Affordable Housing: v.1

Methodology for calculating waste quantity

The quantity of waste should be calculated by considering waste generation of 0.45 kg/
The bio degradable waste component is:
Total solid waste generation (kg) = 0.45 × number of occupants
Total bio degradable waste generation (kg) = 0.55 × total solid waste generation

17.2 Compliances:
17.2.1 Submit a detailed narrative on strategies for primary & secondary solid waste collection,
segregation, storage, disposal, and organic waste management.
17.2.2 Submit drawing earmarking locations of primary & secondary solid waste storage facilities.
17.2.3 Submit document highlighting contractual tie-ups with CPCB authorized waste recyclers
for collection of metal, plastic, paper, glass etc.
17.2.4 Submit date stamped photographs of implemented strategies under waste management
plan for operation phase.
17.2.5 Submit detailed narrative on design, sizing and technology of the organic waste
treatment strategy and highlighting method of reuse.
17.2.6 Submit purchase order of the installed organic waste treatment system.

GRIHA for Affordable Housing: v.1

GRIHA for Affordable Housing: v.1

Sustainable Building Materials

Section Intent:
The Indian construction sector has been growing at an average annual growth rate of 10% over the
last decade, with its contribution to Gross Domestic Product (GDP) increasing from `1.5 trillion in
2001-02 to `4 trillion in 2011-12, equivalent to 8% of the nation’s GDP.1 By 2022, real estate and
construction sector in India is also expected to generate 75 million jobs and emerge as the largest
employer in the country.2 Further, the construction sector was the fastest growing sector in terms
of increase in absolute material consumption: between 1997 and 2007, material consumption grew
by more than one billion tonnes. If such growth rates continue, the construction sector will surpass
the agricultural sector before 2020 and become the highest material consuming sector in India.3
Considering the inadequacy of infrastructure in the country, the construction industry is expected
to continue to grow at a fast pace in the coming decade. This growth shall put additional pressure
on the extraction of already dwindling resources such as minerals, stones and sand. Manufacturing
construction materials and products is a sub-industry that thrives under the construction industry.
Extraction, manufacturing and transportation energy required towards availability of the material
on site, comprise embodied energy.
Energy consumption by a building can thus be divided into direct energy, i.e. operational energy and
indirect energy, i.e. the embodied energy. Energy expenditure for manufacturing building materials
constitutes 20–25% of India’s total energy demand and an estimated 30% of GHG emissions are
contributed by the construction sector in India.4 Considering the resource and energy consumption,
re-thinking construction materials is the key to reducing the environmental impact of buildings. It
is necessary to minimize the utilization of raw materials and optimize the embodied energy of
building materials.
Some of the key strategies to achieve this goal comprise recycling building materials, minimizing
the use of high embodied energy materials such as steel, utilizing local materials as much as
possible and recycling and reusing industrial and construction waste for manufacturing. Building

Report of the Working Group on Construction Sector for 12th Five Year Plan. Planning Commission. 2011. Government
of India, New Delhi (as used in Material Consumption Patterns in India: A Baseline Study of the Automotive and
Construction Sectors)
Real Estate. Indian Brand Equity Forum (IBEF). October 2017.
Material Consumption Patterns in India: A Baseline Study of the Automotive and Construction Sectors. GIZ, TERI & DA.
March 2016. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
Sustainability in human settlements: imminent material and energy challenges for buildings in India. M. Mani & B.V.
Venkatarama Reddy. Journal of the Indian Institute of Science. 2012

GRIHA for Affordable Housing: v.1

technologies that follow these guiding principles could become sustainable and facilitate sharing
the resources especially energy resources more efficiently, causing minimum damage to the
This section consists of four criteria as mentioned in the table below:
Table 5.1 : Sustainable Building Materials Criteria

Criterion Criterion Name Maximum Points

Criterion 18 Reduction in environmental impact of construction 6
Criterion 19 Use of low-environmental impact materials in building 5
Criterion 20 Use of recycled content in roads and pavements 4
Criterion 21 Low VOC paints, adhesives, sealants and composite wood 2
Criterion 22 Zero ODP materials Mandatory
Total Weightage 17

GRIHA for Affordable Housing: v.1

Criterion 18
Intent: To reduce the environmental impact of construction by utilizing environment friendly construction
materials or technologies that use waste material or have recycled content or have low embodied energy.
Maximum points : 6

The project may choose any one alternative from appraisals 18.1.1, 18.1.2, and 18.1.3 (Refer
Appendix Table 3A and 4A)

Alternative 1 – Utilization of BIS recommended waste materials in building structure

18.1 Appraisals :
18.1.1 Minimum 15% replacement of sand, aggregate or Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) with
any BIS recommended waste by weight of sand, aggregate or OPC respectively used in
structural concrete. –2 Points
18.1.2 More than 25% replacement of sand, aggregate or Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) with
any BIS recommended waste by weight of sand, aggregates or OPC respectively used in
structural concrete. –4 Points
Sustainable Building Materials SM

18.1.3 Minimum 40% composition of building blocks/bricks by any BIS recommended waste by
volume, for 100% load bearing and non-load bearing masonry walls. –2 Points

18.2 Compliances:
18.2.1 Submit documentation (calculations, manufacturer’s cut-sheets & purchase orders –
reflecting full quantities) demonstrating 15% (or higher) replacement of Sand, Aggregate
or Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) in structural concrete by BIS recommended waste
18.2.2 Submit documentation (calculations, manufacturer’s cut-sheets & purchase orders –
reflecting full quantities) demonstrating that BIS recommended waste material constitutes
at least 40% of all walls.

GRIHA for Affordable Housing: v.1

18.2.3 Submit date stamped photographs with description of the measures implemented.

Alternative 2 – Use of recycled materials in building structure

18.1 Appraisals: (Contd.)

18.1.1 Utilization of minimum 2.5% recycled content in structural framework. –2 Points
18.1.2 Utilization of more than 5% recycled content in structural framework. –4 Points
18.1.3 Utilization of minimum 40% recycled content in infill panels. –2 Points

18.2 Compliances:
18.2.1 Submit documentation (calculations, manufactures cut-sheets & purchase orders –reflecting
percentage of recycled content) demonstrating the percentage of utilization of recycled
content in structural framework and infill panels.
18.2.2 Submit photographs, with description, of the measures implemented

Alternative 3 – Embodied energy calculation

18.1 Appraisals: (Contd.)

18.1.1 Demonstrate reduction in combined embodied energy of structure and walls by at least 10%
below the base case. –2 Points
18.1.2 Demonstrate reduction in combined embodied energy of structure and walls by at least 20%
below the base case. –4 Points
18.1.3 Demonstrate reduction in combined embodied energy of structure and walls by at least 30%
below the base case. –6 Points
Base Case: RCC structure with burnt clay brick masonry. The live load, equipment load and spans in
the design and the base case should be same. The total length of masonry walls in design and base
case should be same.

18.2 Compliances: (Contd.)

18.2.1 Submit calculations demonstrating reduction in embodied energy.
18.2.2 Submit manufacturer cut-sheets or technical test report of the low-energy materials used in
building structure and walls.
18.2.3 Submit drawings highlighting the use of low embodied energy materials in the relevant floor
18.2.4 Submit purchase orders (reflecting full quantity) and relevant sections of the BOQ
highlighting the low-energy materials used.
18.2.5 Submit date stamped photographs with description, of the measures implemented.

GRIHA for Affordable Housing: v.1

Criterion 19
Intent: To promote installation of low environmental impact materials in the building interiors and
reduce the usage of virgin material.
Maximum Points : 5

19.1 Appraisals:
19.1.1 Demonstrate that at least 25% of all materials used for building interiors* meet the GRIHA
requirement of low-impact material*. – 1 point
19.1.2 Demonstrate that at least 50% of all materials used for building interiors*meet the GRIHA
requirement of low-impact material*. –3 Points
19.1.3 Demonstrate that at least 70% of all materials used for building interiors* meet the GRIHA
requirement of low-impact material*. –5 Points
Following materials will be considered as low-environmental impact:
• Stones from India
• Composite wood based products
• FSC Chain of Custody certified products
• Manufactured products with at least 5% recycled content
• Products with EPD (cradle to gate) analysed and published as per ISO 14025 / ISO 21930
• Products with water footprint (cradle to gate) analysed and published as per ISO 14046 Sustainable Building Materials SM

19.2 Compliances
19.2.1 Provide manufacturer cut-sheets/ 3rd party test certificates highlighting specifications of
low environmental impact finishes/products used in the building interiors.
19.2.2 Provide drawings demarcating (by highlighting with clear dimensions) the use of
aforementioned finishes/products in the interior layouts/plans.
19.2.3 Submit purchase orders (reflecting full quantities) and relevant sections of the BOQ for
the low environmental impact materials used.
19.2.4 Submit date stamped photographs, with description, of the measures implemented.

* Materials used for building interiors shall comprise of flooring/dado/doors and windows (panels
& frames)/ in-built furniture/false ceilings and panelling, as applicable to the project.

GRIHA for Affordable Housing: v.1

Criterion 20
Intent: To substitute raw materials in infrastructure construction with wastes, in order to reduce
the pressure on mining for virgin materials as well as landfills required for their disposal by utilizing
them in the construction of bituminous roads and pavements.
Maximum Points : 4

20.1 Appraisals:
20.1.1 Utilization of minimum 8% recycled waste (as per CRRI/IRC recommendations) in road
construction by volume of materials for 100% of the bituminous roads on site.
–2 Points
20.1.2 Utilization of minimum 10% recycled waste in construction of pavements by volume of
materials for 100% of all material used in the pavements on site. –2 Points

20.2 Compliances:
20.2.1 Submit technical specifications/brochures along with tender documents and purchase
order to demonstrate that the roads have at least 8% waste content as per the clause.
20.2.2 Submit technical specifications/brochures along with tender documents and purchase
order to demonstrate that the pavement construction have at least 10% waste content as
per the clause.
20.2.3 Submit date stamped photographs, with description, of the measures implemented
Sustainable Building Materials SM

GRIHA for Affordable Housing: v.1

Criterion 21
Intent: To promote use of low-VOC and lead-free interior paints; low-VOC adhesives and sealants;
composite wood product without urea-formaldehyde in order to maintain good indoor air quality
for the occupants.
Maximum Points : 2

21.1 Appraisals:
21.1.1 Ensure that all interior paints are low-VOC and lead-free (Appendix, Table 5A), all
adhesives and sealants used are low-VOC (Appendix, Table 6A, 7A) and such
interior composite wood products are used which do not have urea-formaldehyde
as a bonding resin. –2 Points

21.2 Compliances:
21.2.1 Submit technical specification sheets for the following:
• Low-VOC and lead-free paints being used in building interiors
• Low-VOC adhesives, sealants used in building interiors
• Composite wood products used in building interiors
21.2.2 Submit purchase orders (reflecting full quantities) for the above materials.

Sustainable Building Materials SM

GRIHA for Affordable Housing: v.1

Criterion 22

Intent: To lower the greenhouse effect and ensure use of low ozone depleting potential (ODP)
materials in building insulation, HVAC & refrigeration equipment and fire fighting systems.

22.1 Appraisals:
22.1.1 Ensure that all the insulation used in the building should be CFCs and HCFCs free.
22.1.2 Ensure that the fire suppression systems and fire extinguishers installed in the building
should be Halon free. Mandatory
22.1.3 Ensure that all refrigerants used in HVAC system to be free from CFC and HCFC.
22.2 Compliance:
22.2.1 Submit specification sheets & purchase orders (reflecting full quantities) highlighting that
the insulation, fire fighting systems and refrigerants comply with Appraisal 22.1.1 – 21.1.3
Sustainable Building Materials SM

GRIHA for Affordable Housing: v.1

Social Aspects

Section Intent:
The notion of sustainability refers to the social implications along with the environmental and
economic side. Affordable Housing projects have potential social impacts on the local community
during the construction as well as the operational phase. Additionally, the construction sector
in India is considered to be the second largest employer and contributor to economic activity,
after agriculture sector.1 Inspite of the statutory protections, poor working conditions and lack of
effective social protection are evident among workers of the construction sector, making them
quite vulnerable. Furthermore, the quality of life of the occupants of the affordable housing projects
could be enhanced by strengthening the social aspect of the project. Hence, it is critical that the
safety and sanitation of the workers as well as the liveability of the building occupants is considered
while constructing green buildings.
This section mandates the provision of safe & hygienic living and working conditions for the
construction workers; universal accessibility for the building occupants; encouraging walkability to
basic services; and enhancing environmental awareness amongst the building occupants.

Table 6.1: Social Aspects Criteria

Criterion Number Criterion Name Maximum Points

Criterion 23 Facilities for construction workers 1

Criterion 24 Universal Accessibility 2
Criterion 25 Proximity of transport & basic services 10
Criterion 26 Environmental Awareness 2
Criterion 27 Tobacco Smoke Control Mandatory
Criterion 28 Water Quality Mandatory
Criterion 29 Provision of Access to Clean Sources of 1
Cooking Fuel
Total Weightage 16


GRIHA for Affordable Housing: v.1
Sustainable Building Materials SM

GRIHA for Affordable Housing: v.1

Criterion 23
Intent: To ensure safe, healthy and hygienic working and living conditions for construction workers
of the project.
Maximum points : 1

Non-applicability: If no families are allowed to work and live at construction sites, then
appraisal 23.1.3 is not applicable.

231 Appraisals:
23.1.1 Ensure compliance with NBC (2016) safety norms for providing the necessary safety
equipment and measures for construction workers. Mandatory
23.1.1 Ensure provisions for drinking water, hygienic working & living conditions and sanitation
facilities for the workers. Mandatory
23.1.2 Provide a crèche facility for children of construction workers. –1 Point

23.2 Compliances:
23.2.1 Submit relevant sections of tender document showing that the conditions mentioned in
Appraisal 22.1.1, 22.1.2 and 22.1.3 (if applicable) are required to be implemented by the
contractor during construction on site.
23.2.2 Submit test reports demonstrating that the drinking water provided to workers meets the
relevant BIS drinking water norms.
23.2.3 Submit narrative on provision of crèche facility for children of construction workers.
23.2.4 Submit date stamped photographs, with description, of the measures implemented.
Social Aspects SA

GRIHA for Affordable Housing: v.1

Criterion 24

Intent: To promote adoption of measures in the project to make it universally accessible.

Maximum points: 2

24.1 Appraisals:
24.1.1 Compliance with Harmonised Guidelines and Space standards for Barrier Free Built
Environment for Persons with Disability and Elderly persons. –2 Points

24.2 Compliances:
24.2.1 Submit drawings demonstrating that the project incorporates design measures for
Universal Accessibility as recommended in Harmonised Guidelines and Space standards
for Barrier Free Built Environment for Persons with Disability and Elderly person.

24.2.2 Submit photographs, with description, of the measures implemented.

24.2.3 Submit narrative elaborating measures adopted in the project.

Social Aspects SA

GRIHA for Affordable Housing: v.1

Criterion 25

Intent: To reduce the carbon footprint of building occupants.

Maximum points: 10

25.1 Appraisals:
25.1.1 The walking distance of transportation facilities ((formal & informal)*) shall be less than
500 m from the main entrance of the project. – 1 Point
* Formal – Bus stand, MRTS, ISBT, Railway stations;
Informal – Auto stands, rickshaw stands, e-vehicle stands
25.1.2 The average distance of basic services from the main entrance of the project shall be
lesser than the following thresholds. –5 Points

Table 6.2: Thresholds for average distance of basic services from the main entrance of

Thresholds Points
< base case** 1
25% < base case 3
50% < base case 5
** The base case has been defined in the online calculator.
25.1.3 Provision of designated area within project boundary for setting up of informal market
with the following necessary infrastructure facilities. –4 Points

Table 6.3: Point distribution for provision of facilities within project

Social Aspects SA

Facilities Points
Covered space for market 1
Waste Management Scheme 1
Availability of Drinking Water 1
Toilet Facility 1

GRIHA for Affordable Housing: v.1

25.2 Compliances:
25.2.1 Submit documentation (narrative and satellite images) highlighting the distances to the
closest transportation facilities and/or basic services around the site.

25.2.2 Submit narrative describing the informal market space and the infrastructure facilities
provided along with it.

25.2.3 Submit site layout plan demarcating location for informal market space, toilet, waste
management facility, and drinking water facility as provided.

25.2.4 Submit date stamped photographs, with description, of the measures implemented.

25.2.5 Perform calculations in the calculators made available on the online panel to
demonstrate compliance.

GRIHA for Affordable Housing: v.1

Criterion 26

Intent: To create awareness about sustainability and environment amongst building occupants
and visitors.
Maximum points: 2

26.1 Appraisals:
26.1.1. Adopt measures to create environmental awareness amongst the building occupants
and visitors. (1 Point for each measure)

26.2 Compliances:
26.2.1 Submit narrative highlighting strategies implemented in the project to create
environmental awareness.

26.2.2 Submit date stamped photographs, with description, of the measures implemented.

Social Aspects SA

GRIHA for Affordable Housing: v.1

Criterion 27
Intent: To facilitate effective implementation of tobacco control laws and to put in place
strategies such as prohibiting smoking in the common areas for better occupant health.

26.1 Appraisals:
27.1.1 Adopt measures to ensure zero exposure of non-smoking occupants to tobacco smoke.
26.2 Compliances:
27.2.1 Submit narrative highlighting strategies implemented to ensure compliance with 26.1.1.
27.2.2 Submit date stamped photographs, with description, of the measures implemented.
Social Aspects SA

GRIHA for Affordable Housing: v.1

Criterion 28

Intent: To ensure that the quality of water available for use during operational phase of the building
meets the relevant national standards.

28.1 Appraisals:
28.1.1 To ensure quality of water from all sources (ground water and municipal water) conforms
to IS Standard [IS 10 500 – 1991] (Table 8 A). Mandatory

28.2 Compliances:
28.2.1 Submit report/ certificate from local municipal authority or from NABL accredited
laboratory for the quality of potable water.
28.2.2 Submit quality checking frequency and sampling plan for potable water.

Social Aspects SA

GRIHA for Affordable Housing: v.1

Criterion 29
Intent:To promote the usage of clean sources of cooking fuel advocated by Pradhan Mantri Ujjwala
Yojana (PMUY) by facilitating provision of infrastructure for PNG or LPG connections.
Maximum Point: 1

29.1 Appraisals:
29.1.1. To ensure provision of necessary infrastructure for safe access to clean sources of cooking
fuel (PNG, LPG, etc.). – 1 Point

29.2 Compliances:
29.2.1 Submit narrative highlighting facilities provided to building occupants for availing clean
sources of cooking fuel.
29.2.2 Submit date stamped photographs, with description, of the measures implemented.
Social Aspects SA

GRIHA for Affordable Housing: v.1

Criterion 30
Intent: To reward additional measures adopted by the project which have not been covered in the
previous 29 criteria.
Maximum points: 4

30.1 Appraisal:
30.1.1 Adopt strategies, independent of the previous 29 criteria, to make the project more
30.2 Compliance:
30.2.1 Submit date stamped photographs, with description, of the measures implemented.

Social Aspects SA

GRIHA for Affordable Housing: v.1

Table 1 A : List of Passive Design Measures
Sr. No. Strategy Definition Image
In a wind tower, the hot air enters the tower through
the openings in the tower, gets cooled, becomes
heavier and sinks down. The inlet and outlet of
rooms induce cool air movement. In the presence
of wind, air is cooled more effectively and flows
faster down the tower and into the living area. After
1. Wind tower
a whole day of air exchanges, the tower becomes
warm in the evenings. During the night, cooler
ambient air comes in contact with the bottom
of the tower through the rooms. The tower wall Wind Tower
absorbs heat during daytime and releases it at night,
warming the cool night air in the tower.
Cold Composite Warm and Humid Moderate Hot and Dry
Due to incident solar radiation in a courtyard, the
air gets warmer and rises. Cool air from the ground
level flows through the louvered openings of rooms
surrounding a courtyard, thus producing air flows.
At night, the warm roof surfaces gets cooled by
convection and radiation. If this heat exchange
reduces roof surface temperature to wet bulb
2. Courtyard temperature of air, condensation of atmosphere
moisture occurs on the roof and the gain due to
condensation limits further cooling.
If the roof surfaces are sloped towards the internal Courtyard
courtyard, the cooled air sinks into the court and
enters the living space through low-level openings,
gets warmed up, and then leaves the room through
high-level openings.
Cold - Composite Warm and Humid Moderate Hot and Dry
A roof pond uses a store of water above the roof
to mediate internal temperatures, usually in hot
Roof pond for desert environments. At night, the insulation is
removed and the exposed water loses significant
3. evaporative
amount of heat by radiation to the night sky. Early
cooling in the morning, the insulating panels are replaced to
protect the water from the heat of the day and solar
radiation. Roof Pond
Cold Composite Warm and Humid Moderate Hot and Dry
Solar access can be described as the ability of the
sun to penetrate a building or be utilized by a solar
collector on the surface of that building between
Reduced 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. The protection of solar access
solar access requires locating buildings and trees where their
shadows will not obstruct more than 10 percent
of the sunlight available to the solar PV/thermal
system. Reduced Solar Access
Cold Composite Warm and Humid Moderate Hot and Dry

GRIHA for Affordable Housing: v.1

Wind ventilation is a kind of passive ventilation

that uses the force of the wind to pull air through
the building. Cross ventilation can be enhaced
by placing windows or vents on opposite sides of
the building, to aim or funnel breeze through the
interiors. The direction , speed, amount of wind, the
potential passage of air through vents, chimneys and
other feneratration affects ventilation. Cross Ventilation

Site planning By orienting the building so that its shorter axis

/ Building aligns with prevailing winds will provide the most
envelope wind ventilation, while orienting it perpendicular
design to to prevailing winds will provide the least passive
increase cross ventilation.
There are some rules of thumb for two scenarios
and reduce
in which windows are facing the direction of the Orientation for maximum
heat gain
prevailing wind: ventilation.
- For spaces with windows on only one side, natural
ventilation will not reach farther than two times the
floor to ceiling height into the building.
- For spaces with windows on opposite sides, the
natural ventilation effectiveness limit will be less
than five times the floor to ceiling height into the
Cold Composite Warm and Humid Moderate Hot and Dry

A cavity wall is a wall formed by an inner skin and

an outer skin of masonry (sometimes referred to
Cavity wall/
as ‘leaves’), connected by ties, but separated by
thermal mass
6. a cavity. The cavity could utilise air or insulation
to reduce
material. The heat gets stored in the cavity, which
heat gain/loss
acts as a thermal barrier, bouncing it back into the
room and holding it for longer.

Cavity wall
Cold Composite Warm and Humid Moderate Hot and Dry

Planted areas in a city tend to reduce daytime
maximum temperatures, reducing radiant exchange
cover to
7. at the ground surface. Vegetation could be used
to provide shading from the harsh sun in adverse

Dense vegetation
Cold Composite Warm and Humid Moderate Hot and Dry

GRIHA for Affordable Housing: v.1

Topography refers to the slope and level of the

land. From a design point of view, a sloping site
will be more challenging. The contour locations
according to
8. and spacing of contours are crucial to siting of the
site slope/
building. It is preferable to design buildings along
with the contours, integrating it into the design to
reduce unnecessary cutting and filling of soil.
Cold Composite Warm and Humid Moderate Hot and Dry

Light shelves usually refer to horizontal surfaces

mounted inside a building. These interior light
shelves divide windows between the viewable
9. Light shelf portion and the part that lets in additional natural
light, bouncing it upward and reflecting it off the
ceiling to aid in deeper penetration of daylight in the
interior space.
Light shelf
Cold Composite Warm and Humid Moderate Hot and Dry
of spaces to
be carried
out such
The service areas, staricases, lifts etc. may be placed
that buffer
along the unfavourable orientation according to
spaces like
10. the climate, location of the project. This will ensure
store rooms,
buffer spaces between the harsh sunlight and
regularly occupied spcaces.
toilets etc. Buffer Spaces
are located
on the
Cold Composite Warm and Humid Moderate Hot and Dry
Cool roofs are roofs covered with a reflective
coating with high emissivity properties. These
effectively reflect sun‘s energy away from the roof
surface. This quality helps in reducing the cooling
Cool roof in load of the HVAC system. Cool roofs can help cool
the form of buildings, cities, and the planet by reducing the
vegetated percentage of sunlight converted to heat by the
11. building surface.
garden/roof Green roofs are living vegetative systems located on
pond Cool Roof
rooftops. Their benefits include cooling the building
through shading and insulation, reducing peak storm
runoff, and potential of growing food. A cool roof
uses highly reflective building material, regardless of
the color.
Cold Composite Warm and Humid Moderate Hot and Dry

GRIHA for Affordable Housing: v.1

A trombe wall is a system for indirect solar heat gain,

consisting of a dark colored wall of high thermal
12. Trombe wall mass facing the sun, with glazing spaced in front
to leave a small air space. The glazing traps solar
radiation like a small greenhouse.

Trombe wall
Cold Composite Warm and Humid Moderate Hot and Dry
Direct gain is a passive heating technique which
enables admittance of sunlight into the living spaces,
directly through openings or glazed windows,
to heat the walls and floors and thereby the air
inside. The requirements of a direct gain system are
Direct solar
13. glazed windows and thermal storage. The glazed
gain in room
windows are generally located facing south to
receive maximum sunlight during winter (in northern
hemisphere). They are generally double glazed, with
insulating curtains, to reduce heat loss during night Direct Solar Gain
Cold Composite Warm and Humid Moderate Hot and Dry

Sunspaces are referred as “isolated gain” passive

solar systems because the sunlight is collected in
an area which can be closed off from the rest of
14. the house. During the day, the doors or windows
between the sunspace and the house can be
opened to circulate collected heat and kept closed
at night to allow for the temperature drop.
Sun Space
Cold Composite Warm and Humid Moderate Hot and Dry

SolarWall systems are building integrated and

Solar wall/
15. consist of perforated metal heating panels mounted
thermal mass
onto the building’s sun facing wall.
Thermal mass
Cold Composite Warm and Humid Moderate Hot and Dry

The position of the home, with regard to the

sun, can be one of the most important factors in
maximizing the use of the sun. In the northern
16. positioned in
hemisphere, the sun is mostly towards the south,
order to bring
which means that whichever wall is facing south will
in more heat
receive the most sunlight.

Increase heat gain

Cold Composite Warm and Humid Moderate Hot and Dry

GRIHA for Affordable Housing: v.1

Heat loss occurs in a building when heat escapes

Air lock to from inside the building to outside, typically through
17. prevent heat the roof, walls, windows and floor. An airlock
loss between two entities reduces the amount of air
infiltration and heat loss.

Air locks
Cold Composite Warm and Humid Moderate Hot and Dry
Resistance to the elements is the primary focus
of the atrium enclosure. Several components can
make up the skin of the atrium. They are the walls,
roof and any sloping surfaces that act to keep water
Glass covered
and wind out of the interior space and control the
18. atrium/
amount and quality of daylight penetrating the
central space
space. It is generally covered with a transparent
material, allows light inside and enclose large
gathering halls or a transition space. It also helps in
keeping the space warm during daytime. Glass covered atrium

Cold Composite Warm and Humid Moderate Hot and Dry

The ideal orientation for solar glazing is within 5

degrees of true south. Glazing oriented to within
Orientation of 15 degrees of true south will perform almost as
the building well. The glazing orientation up to 30 degrees off -
although less effective – will still provide substantial
level of solar contribution.

Cold Composite Warm and Humid Moderate Hot and Dry
Rock beds are a means of enlarging the thermal
mass of the building and thereby increasing the
ability to store energy. Air is drawn from the
sunspace and through bed of rocks. Heat is given off
to the rocks and air is re-circulated to sun space to
20. Rock bed
collect more heat. At night when heat is needed, air
from the occupied space is drawn through the rock
bed, where it picks up heat and distributes it back to
the occupied space. The rock bed can be located
under a concrete slab, which gets heated by bed. Rock Bed

Cold Composite Warm and Humid Moderate Hot and Dry

GRIHA for Affordable Housing: v.1

To reduce heat transmission,light coloured external

surfaces can be used to reduce heat transmission
to the interiors in addition to the cooling loads. The
studies show that temperatures were reduced by 4
°C (M.Taleb, 2014) when it is used alongside painting
21. in grey or darker colours. Cooler colours will
surface to
additionally produce more infrared radiation than
reflect solar
others. The coating of the light colours is dependent
on both the climate and the type of material that
is used. Considering these parameters can lead to Light coloured surface
energy being saved, especially at peak times.
Cold Composite Warm and Humid Moderate Hot and Dry

High ceiling/ The hot air rises and escapes through the ventilators,
22. ventilated letting cooler air to take its place. Higher ceilings
roof induce the aforementioned effect to a higher extent.
Ventilated Roof
Cold Composite Warm and Humid Moderate
Exterior shades catch the sun and reflect some of
it away from the window. Some exterior shades
are partially transparent, so some of the incident
radiation passes through them to the window.
The rest is absorbed by the shade material. Heat
absorbed by the exterior shade is largely carried
away from the window by radiation and air borne
convection currents.
23. throughout
the year Overhang is a crucial element in passive solar design Windows Shaded
because it blocks the sun’s heat energy when it is
not desired. Because the sun travels different paths
across the sky in the winter (low) and summer
(high) time, an overhang can be constructed to
obstruct, and utilize the heat energy from the sun.
The shading devices could be horizontal, vertical,
inclined according to the altitude of the sun.
Cold Composite Warm and Humid Moderate Hot and Dry

Well-designed sun control and shading devices,

either as part of a building or separately placed from
a building facade, can reduce heat gain and cooling
24. requirements. Addtionally, they can also improve
the natural lighting quality of building interiors. The
design of effective shading devices will depend on
the solar orientation of a particular building facade.

Shaded Veranda
Cold Composite Warm and Humid Moderate Hot and Dry

GRIHA for Affordable Housing: v.1

A solar chimney is a type of passive solar heating

and cooling system that can be used to regulate the
temperature of a building as well as for providing
ventilation. Solar chimneys enhance stack ventilation
by providing additional height and well-designed air
25. passages that increase the air pressure differential.
Warmed by solar radiation, chimneys heat the
rising air and increase the difference in temperature
between incoming and out-flowing air. The
increase in natural convection from these measures
enhances the draw of air through the building. Solar Chimney
Cold Composite Warm and Humid Moderate Hot and Dry

The size of the skylight impacts the solar heat gain,

conduction gains and losses. Typically 3–5% skylight
to roof area ratio is used for roof windows/skylights
and 1–2% is sufficient for some high performing
Minimize area
26. tubular skylights. Skylight manufacturers may further
of roof light
reduce their products’ solar heat gain coefficient
(SHGC) and increase their thermal insulation (reduce
their U-value) through the use of shafts, tubes, ceiling
diffusers and supplementary blinds or integral shades.
Roof Light
Cold Composite Warm and Humid Moderate Hot and Dry
Evaporative cooling is a passive cooling technique
in which outdoor air is cooled by evaporating water
before it is introduced in the building. The heat of
air is used to evaporate water, thus cooling the air,
which in turn cools the living space in the building.
It is a low energy passive system. There are basically
two methods of evaporative cooling: Direct and
27. Indirect Evaporative cooling. In a direct evaporative
cooler, a blower forces air through a permeable and
water-soaked pad. As the air passes through the
pad, it is filtered and cooled as well as humidified.
On the other hand, an indirect type evaporative
cooler carries a secondary heat exchanger that
prevents humidity levels from being increased in the
airstream that enters the home.
Cold Composite Warm and Humid Moderate Hot and Dry

Table 2 A: Soil fertility test parameters

Nutrients Rating* Recommended Test**

Low Medium High
Organic Carbon <0.5 0.5-0.75 >0.75 Colorimetric method; Datta et al
Available nitrogen alkaline kMnO4-N (kg/ha) <280 281-560 >560 Kjeldahl apparatus
Available phosphorus Olsen’s P (kg/ha) <10 11-25 >25 Olsen method
Available potassium Ammonium Acetate-K <120 121-280 >280 Ammonium acetate extraction
(kg/ha) method
* Subject to minor variation as per local conditions.
**Tests to be performed at ICAR (Indian Council of Agricultural Research)-accredited laboratory

GRIHA for Affordable Housing: v.1

Table 3 A : BMTPC 8+8 technologies for faster and affordable construction

approach for
S.No. Type Technologies Description
criterion 18
1 Formwork for All walls, floors, slabs, columns, Alternative
Monolithic beams, stairs, together with door 1&3
Concrete and window openings are cast in-
Construction situ monolithically using appropriate
grade of concrete in one operation
by using specially designed, easy to
handle modular formwork made up
of Aluminium/Plastic/Aluminium-
Plastic Composite.
2 Modular Tunnel formwork is a mechanized Alternative
Tunnelform system for cellular structures. It is 1&3
based on two half shells which are
placed together to form a room or
cell. Several cells make an apartment.
Formwork Systems

With tunnel forms, walls and slab are

cast in a single day.

3 Sismo Sismo Building Technology is an Alternative

Building insulating shuttering kit for whole 2&3
Technology building based on a three-dimensional
lattice made of galvanized steel wire.
The lattice is filled with materials of
different nature to serve as formwork.
Description of the components is as
3D lattice (2.2 mm Ø galvanized steel
Infill panels (EPS, rock wool, mineral
Structural filler (concrete)
Finishing (plastering, natural stone,
panelling etc.)

4 Advanced It consists of panels of expanded Alternative

Precast Sandwich

Building polystyrene (EPS) insulation core 2&3

Panel Systems

System – encased in shortcrete and steel

EMMEDUE reinforcement, which is cast on-site.

GRIHA for Affordable Housing: v.1

approach for
S.No. Type Technologies Description
criterion 18
5 Rapid Panels The Rapid Panel is a prefabricated Alternative
assembly of high-strength steel 2&3
wire forming a panel with a core of
expanded polystyrene (EPS). The basic
unit of the Rapid Panel is the zig-zag
truss. Structure is made of concrete
columns and beams (M20).
6 Reinforced It is a factory-made system based Alternative
EPS Core on expanded polystyrene panels 2&3
Panel System (corrugated) reinforced with double
mesh of galvanized cold steel
wires, interconnected to each
other. In this technique, a core of
undulated polystyrene is covered
with interconnected zinc coated
welded wire mesh on both sided
reinforcement and shortcrete
Precast Sandwich Panel Systems

7 QuickBuild It consists of a welded wire space Alternative
3D Panels frame integrated with a polystyrene 2&3
insulation coreSteel trusses that are
pierced through the polystyrene core
and welded to the outer layer sheets
of galvanized steel mesh to form a
rigid panel
8 Concrewall It is an industrial system for the Alternative
Panel System construction of structural walls of 2&3
reinforced concrete for building in
single panel up to G+3. The system
is composed of a factory produced
panel of undulated (wave shape)
polystyrene covered on both sides
by an electro-welded zinc coated
square mesh of galvanized steel.
9 Glass Fibre Also Branded as Rapidwall, it is a Alternative
Reinforced building panel product, made of 2&3
Gypsum calcined gypsum, plaster, reinforced
(GFRG) Panel with glass fibers. GFRG panels, suitably
System filled with plain reinforced concrete
possesses substantial strength to act
not only as load bearing elements but
also as shear wall, capable of resisting
lateral loads due to earthquake and

GRIHA for Affordable Housing: v.1

approach for
S.No. Type Technologies Description
criterion 18
10 Light Gauge It is developed through a cold-formed Alternative 2
Steel Framed process without the use of heat. This &3
Light Gauge Steel Structural

Structure process enables steel manufacturers

(LGSFS) to produce light-weight but high
tensile steel sheets.

11 Light Gauge It is a technology using factory made Alternative

Steel Framed Light Gauge Steel Framed Structure 2&3
Structure (LGSFS), light weight concrete and
with Infill precast panels. Precast Concrete
Concrete Panels are used as facing sheets
Panels for construction of walls. Self-
(LGSFS-ICP) compacting concrete of M20 grade
is used.
12 Factory Made Factory Made Fast Track Modular Alternative
Fast Track Building System comprises of 2&3
Building prefabricated steel structure with
System different walling components. About
70 percent of the work is done in
the factory with minimal usage of
concrete, which enables system to
Steel Structural Systems

deliver the building within a few days

of work at site. The steel modules are
pre-fitted with flooring, ceiling tiles,
electrical and plumbing fittings.
13 Speed Floor The Speed Floor System is a Alternative
System suspended concrete flooring system 1, 2 & 3
using a roll formed steel joist as an
integral part of the final concrete and
steel composite floor. It is essentially
a hybrid concrete/steel tee-beam
in one direction and an integrated
continuous one-way slab in other
direction. It is suitable for use in all
types of construction.
14 Waffle-Crete It consists of large, structural, ribbed Alternative 3
Construction Systems
Precast Concrete

Building panels of reinforced precast concrete,

System bolted together. The casting can be
done in casting yard, which reduces
the construction time. The building
after construction can be shifted from
one place to another as the structure
is joined using bolt connections.

GRIHA for Affordable Housing: v.1

approach for
S.No. Type Technologies Description
criterion 18
15 Precast Large This technology is suitable for Alternative 3
Precast Concrete Construction Systems

Concrete construction of high rise buildings

Panel System resisting seismic and wind induced
lateral loads along with gravity
loads. These elements are cast in a
controlled factory condition.
16 Industrialized It is based on factory mass Alternative
3-S system manufactured structural prefab 1, 2 & 3
using cellular components conforming to
light weight provisions of relevant Indian
concrete Standards. Joints are filled with 1:5
slabs & Cement Mortar and separate screed
precast concrete of minimum 40 mm thick –
columns grade M20 is put in the entire area of
slab before flooring / water proofing.

Table 4A: Inorganic industrial/mine solid wastes in India

Type of Solid Waste Solid waste generation

(x10^6 tonnes/year)
Fly ash 112
Coal mine wastes 60
Lime stone wastes 18
Construction waste 15
Blast furnace slag 11
Iron ore tailings 11
Copper mine tailings 4
Marble dust 6
Red mud, lime sludge, phospho-gypsum, zinc tailings, 20
kiln dust, gold mine tailings etc
Inorganic industrial/mine solid wastes (total) 257
Source: Solid wastes generation in India and their recycling potential in building materials by Asokan Pappu, Mohini
Saxena, Shyam R. Asolekar, Regional Research Laboratory (CSIR), Habib Ganj Naka, Bhopal–462026, India CESE, Indian
Institute of Technology, Bombay-400076, India

Table 5A:VOC of interior and exterior coating

Interior Coatings
Coating Type VOC weight in grams / litre of product minus water
Non flat <150
Flat <50
Exterior Coatings
Coating Type VOC weight in grams / litre of product minus water
Non flat <100
Flat <200
Gloss/semi gloss/flat <250

GRIHA for Affordable Housing: v.1

Table 6A: Limits for low-VOC content in adhesives in interior applications

Architectural adhesive application VOC content limit( g of VOC/litre)

Wood Flooring 100
Industrial/rubber flooring 60
Ceramic tile 65
Structural glazing 100
Multi-purpose construction 70
Sub-floor 50
Wall boards/panel 50
PVC welding 285
Adhesive primer for plastic 250
Structural wood member 140
Sub-specific use metal to metal 30
Wood 30
Fibre glass 80
Plastic foams/porous materials (except wood) 50

Table 7A: Limits for low-VOC content in interior sealants

Sealant Application VOC content limit( grams of VOC per litre)

Architectural/roadways 250
Single-ply roo material installation/repair 450
Others 420
Sealant Primer applications architectural non-porous 250
Sealant Primer applications architectural porous 775
Other sealant primer applications architectural 750

Table 8A Test Characteristics For Drinking Water ( Clause 3.1 )
Sr Substances or Requirement Undesirable effect outside the Permissible limit Methods of test (Ref to Remarks
No. Characteristics (Desirable desirable limit in the absence IS)

limit) of absolute
(4) (5) (6)
(1) (2) (3)
Essential characteristics
Colour, Hazen 5 Above 5, consumer acceptance 25 3025 (Part 4) :1983 Extended to 25 only if toxic
units, Max decreases substances are not suspected, in
absence of alternate sources
Odour Unobjection- - - 3025 (Part 5) :1983 a) Test cold and when heated
GRIHA for Affordable Housing: v.1

b) Test at several dilutions
Taste Agreeable - - 3025 (Part 7and 8) : 1984 Test to be conducted only after
safety has been established
Turbidity, 5 Above 5, consumer acceptance 10 3025 (Part 10) : 1984 -
NTU, Max
pH value 6.5 to 8.5 Beyond this range the water will No relaxation 3025 (Part 11) : 1984 -
affect the mucous membrane
and/or water supply system
Total hardness 300 Encrustation in water supply 600 3025 (Part 21) :1983 -
(as CaCO3) structure and adverse effects on
mg/l, Max domestic use
Iron (as Fe) 0.3 Beyond this limit taste/ 1.0 32 of 3025 : 1964 -
mg/l, Max appearance are affected, has
adverse effect on domestic uses
and water supply structures,
and promotes iron bacteria
Chloride (as 250 Beyond this limit, test, corrosion 1000 3025 (Part 32) :1988 -
Cl) mg/l, Max and palatability are affected
Residual, free 0.2 - - 3025 (Part 26) : 1986 To be applicable only when
water is chlorinated.
chlorine, mg/l,
Tested at consumer end. When
protection against viral infection
is required, it should be Min 0.5
Table 8A Contd...
Sr Substances or Requirement Undesirable effect outside the Permissible limit Methods of test (Ref to Remarks
No. Characteristics (Desirable desirable limit in the absence IS)
limit) of absolute
(4) (5) (6)
(1) (2) (3)

Fluoride (as F) 1.0 Fluoride may be kept as low as 1.5 23 of 3025 : 1964 -
mg/l, Max
High fluoride may cause
Desirable Characteristics
Dissolved 500 Beyond this palatability 2 000 3025 (Part 16) : -
solids decreases and may cause
gastro intestinal irritation
mg/l, Max
Calcium (as 75 Encrustation in water supply 200 3025 (Part 40) : -
Ca) structure and adverse effects on
domestic use
mg/l, Max
Magnesium 30 Encrustation to water supply 100 16, 33, 34 of -
structure and adverse effects on
(as Mg), IS 3025 : 1964
domestic use
mg/l, Max
Copper (as Cu) 0.05 Astringent taste, discoloration 1.5 36 of 3025 : 1964 -
and corrosion of pipes, fitting
mg/l, Max
and utensils will be caused
beyond this
Manganese (as 0.1 Beyond this limit taste/ 0.3 35 of 3025 : 1964 -
appearance are affected, has
Mn) mg/l, Max
adverse effect on domestic uses
and water supply structures
Sulphate (as 200 Beyond this causes gastro 400 3025 (Part 24) : May be extended up to 400
intestinal irritation when provided (as Mg) does not
SO4) mg/l, ( see col 7 ) 1986

magnesium or sodium are exceed 30
GRIHA for Affordable Housing: v.1

Table 8A Contd...
Sr Substances or Requirement Undesirable effect outside the Permissible limit Methods of test (Ref to Remarks
No. Characteristics (Desirable desirable limit in the absence IS)

limit) of absolute
(4) (5) (6)
(1) (2) (3)

Nitrate (as 45 Beyond this 100 3025 (Part 34) : -

NO2) mg/l, methaemoglobinemia
takes place
Phenolic 0.001 Beyond this, it may cause 0.002 54 of 3025 : 1964 -
GRIHA for Affordable Housing: v.1

compounds objectionable taste and odour

(as C6H5OH)
mg/l, Max
Mercury (as 0.001 Beyond this, the water becomes No relaxation ( see Note ) Mercury ion To be tested when pollution is
Hg) mg/l, Max toxic analyser suspected
Cadmium (as 0.01 Beyond this, the water becomes No relaxation ( see Note ) To be tested when pollution is
toxic suspected
Cd), mg/l, Max
Selenium (as 0.01 Beyond this, the water becomes No relaxation 28 of 3025 : 1964 To be tested when pollution is
Se), mg/l, Max toxic suspected
Arsenic (as As), 0.05 Beyond this, the water becomes No relaxation 3025 (Part 37) : To be tested when pollution is
toxic suspected
mg/l, Max 1988
Cyanide (as 0.05 Beyond this, the water becomes No relaxation 3025 (Part 27) : To be tested when pollution is
CN), mg/l, Max toxic suspected
Lead (as Pb), 0.05 Beyond this, the water becomes No relaxation ( see Note ) To be tested when pollution/
toxic plumbosolvency
mg/l, Max
is suspected
Zinc (as Zn), 5 Beyond this limit it can 15 39 of 3025 : 1964 To be tested when pollution is
mg/l, Max cause astringent taste and an suspected
opalescence in water
Anionic 0.2 Beyond this limit it can cause a 1.0 Methylene-blue To be tested when pollution is
detergents (as light froth in water extraction method suspected
MBAS) mg/l,
Table 8A Contd...
Sr Substances or Requirement Undesirable effect outside the Permissible limit Methods of test (Ref to Remarks
No. Characteristics (Desirable desirable limit in the absence IS)
limit) of absolute
(4) (5) (6)
(1) (2) (3)

Chromium (as 0.05 May be carcinogenic above this No relaxation 38 of 3025 : 1964 To be tested when pollution is
Cr6+) mg/l, limit suspected
Polynuclear - May be carcinogenic - - -
(as PAH) g/l,
Mineral oil 0.01 Beyond this limit undesirable 0.03 Gas chromatographic To be tested when pollution is
mg/l,Max taste and odour after suspected
chlorination take place
Pesticides Absent Toxic 0.001 - -
mg/l, Max
Radioactive 58 of 3025 : 1964
a) Alpha
- - 0.1 - -
emitters Bq/l,
b) Beta
emitters pci/l, - - 1 - -

Alkalinity mg/l, 200 Beyond this limit taste becomes 600 13 of 3025 : 1964 -
Aluminium (as 0.03 Cumulative effect is reported to 0.2 31 of 3025 : 1964 -
Al), mg/l, Max cause dementia

Boron, mg/l, 1 - 5 29 of 3025 : 1964 -
GRIHA for Affordable Housing: v.1

Note — Atomic absorption spectrophotometric method may be used.
GRIHA for Affordable Housing: v.1 GRIHA for Affordable Housing: v.1



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A GRIHA Council Publication
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