Neutralizing Antibodies in Patients With Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome-Associated Coronavirus Infection

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Neutralizing Antibodies in Patients with Severe

Acute Respiratory Syndrome–Associated
Coronavirus Infection

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Yuchun Nie,1,a Guangwen Wang,1,a Xuanling Shi,1,a Hong Zhang,1,a Yan Qiu,2 Zhongping He,3 Wei Wang,1 Gewei Lian,1
Xiaolei Yin,1 Liying Du,1 Lili Ren,4 Jianwei Wang,4 Xiong He,5 Taisheng Li,6 Hongkui Deng,1 and Mingxiao Ding1
Department of Cell Biology and Genetics, College of Life Sciences, Peking University, 2Beijing Red Cross Blood Center, 3Ditan Hospital, 4Institute
for Viral Disease Control and Prevention, Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, 5Beijing Municipal Center for Disease Control
and Prevention, and 6Peking Union Medical College Hospital, Beijing, China

Background. Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS)–associated coronavirus (SARS-CoV) is the principal
etiologic agent of SARS. We analyzed serum samples obtained from 623 patients with SARS in Beijing, to determine
whether infection with SARS-CoV can elicit neutralizing antibodies (NAbs).
Methods. We developed a highly sensitive and safe neutralization assay using the SARS-CoV pseudotyped
virus and used this assay to determine the titers of the NAbs in serum samples from patients with SARS.
Results. We found that 85.9% of serum samples contained NAbs against SARS-CoV and that most of the
NAb activities could be attributed to immunoglobulin G. The NAbs became detectable first at 5–10 days after the
onset of symptoms, and their levels peaked at 20–30 days and then were sustained for 1150 days. The serum
samples could neutralize the pseudotype particles bearing the spike glycoproteins from different SARS-CoV strains,
suggesting that the NAbs to SARS-CoV were broadly reactive.
Conclusions. NAbs to SARS-CoV are broadly elicited in patients with SARS and, according to their kinetics,
may correlate with viral load during the early stages of the disease. These results suggest that it is possible to
develop effective vaccines against SARS and that NAbs provide a potential strategy for treating patients with SARS.

Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) is a life- host immunity against SARS-CoV appears to be effec-
threatening form of atypical pneumonia [1–3] that is tive. However, little is known about the immune control
caused by a newly identified coronavirus (CoV), SARS- of SARS-CoV infection, especially the induced protec-
associated CoV (SARS-CoV) [4–6]. Although the first tive immune response in patients with SARS.
epidemic of SARS is under control, its future reemerg- Neutralizing antibodies (NAbs) are key components
ence is still possible. Therefore, effective strategies to in the protective immune responses to viral infections,
control and treat this disease are urgently needed. Since because they can bind to viral particles and block them
SARS is an acute disease and the infection is naturally from entering the host cells [7–9]. Many CoVs are po-
down-regulated during the early stages of the disease, tent inducers of NAbs, which exhibit protective activ-
ities in vivo [10, 11]. The NAb against SARS-CoV has
been analyzed recently, by use of a conventional neu-
Received 2 February 2004; accepted 29 March 2004; electronically published tralizing assay, in a small number of serum samples
2 August 2004. from patients with SARS [12]. Such a conventional
Financial support: National Nature Science Foundation of China (grant 30340027
and Outstanding Young Scientist Award 30125022 to H.D.); Ministry of Science
assay requires culturing of wild-type virus, which is
and Technology (grant 2003CB514116 to H.D. and grant G1999011904 to M.D.); cumbersome and unsafe. In the present article, we de-
National Natural Science Foundation of China and German Research Association
(grant GZ237 [202/10] to H.D.); 6th Framework Program of the European Com-
scribe an improved assay for analyzing NAbs to SARS-
mission (grant 511063 to H.D.). CoV based on a newly established SARS-CoV pseu-
Y.N., G.W., X.S., and H.Z. contributed equally to this study.
dovirus system. This assay measures the expression of
Reprints or correspondence: Dr. Hongkui Deng, Dept. of Cell Biology and Ge-
netics, College of Life Sciences, Peking University, PO Box 38, Beijing 100871, luciferase as a result of pseudovirus infection and is,
China ( therefore, highly sensitive and reproducible. In addi-
The Journal of Infectious Diseases 2004; 190:1119–26
 2004 by the Infectious Diseases Society of America. All rights reserved.
tion, the assay is safe and can be performed in a high-
0022-1899/2004/19006-0012$15.00 throughput fashion.

Neutralizing Antibodies Against SARS-CoV • JID 2004:190 (15 September) • 1119

tivate the complement in the serum samples, all samples were
incubated in a water bath of 56C for 30 min.
Preparation of SARS-CoV pseudotyped virus. The pHIV-
luc backbone plasmid (a gift from Dan R. Littman, New York
University Medical Center, New York, NY) contains the HIV
genome, with the envelope gene replaced by luciferase gene as
a reporter. Plasmids (pc-TSh) were generated by cloning the
synthetic and codon-optimized (“humanized”) spike (S) genes
from strains BJ01, TOR2, Frankfurt, and TW1 into pcDNA

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3.1+ (Invitrogen), as described elsewhere (Y. Nie, P. Wang, X.
Shi, J. Chen, A. Zheng, W. Wang, X. Qu, G. Wang, M. Luo, L.
Tan, X. Song, Z. Wang, X. Yin, J. Chen, M. Ding, and H. Deng,
unpublished data). The pc-TSh and pHIV-luc plasmids were
cotransfected into 293T cells by use of a calcium phosphate
transfection protocol [14]. The supernatant was collected 48 h
after transfection. The pseudotype virus was normalized by use
Figure 1. Detection of neutralizing antibodies in serum samples from of a p24 ELISA kit (bioMérieux) and was stored at ⫺80C.
a patient with severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) that can block Neutralization assay with pseudotype virus. A neutrali-
the HIV-luc/SARS pseudovirus from entering and infecting Huh7 cells.
zation assay based on the pseudotype virus was performed by
Note the ability of the serum sample from the patient with SARS (PS)
to neutralize and block the infectivity of HIV-luc/SARS (SARS); the absence measuring the infection of Huh7 cells (a human hepatoma cell
of such blocking activity in normal serum (NS); and the lack of neutralizing line) by use of the luciferase as a reporter gene [15]. In brief,
activity of the SARS serum sample against the pseudotyped virus bearing Huh7 target cells were seeded in 96-well plates, at a density of
the G protein of the vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV-G), which could infect 8 ⫻ 10 3 cells/well, and were incubated overnight at 37C. The
the target cells at a level similar to that of HIV-luc/SARS. Data are the
serum samples were serially diluted 2-fold, from 1:100 to 1:
average of triplicate determinations. Bar, SD.
3200 (or from 1:100 to 1:12,800 if the NAb ID50 was 13200),
and were mixed with 0.5 ng (p24) of pseudotype virus. After
Using our neutralization assay, we analyzed serum samples incubation for 30 min at 37C, the mixture was added to the
obtained from 623 patients with SARS in the Beijing area, which target cells. Virus infectivity was determined 48 h later by mea-
was severely affected during the 2003 epidemic, with 125% of suring the amount of luciferase activity expressed in infected
the total cases in the world. We found that a great majority cells. Neutralization was calculated as an inhibition percentage
(85.9%) of the serum samples from patients with SARS con-
tained high titers of NAbs against SARS-CoV. We report here Table 1. Titers of neutralizing antibodies in 12 se-
the characterization of the NAbs and the kinetics of generation rum samples analyzed with pseudovirus and live
of NAbs. Our results have important implications for the de- severe acute respiratory syndrome–associated co-
velopment of antibody therapy and vaccine for SARS. ronavirus (SARS-CoV) neutralization assays.

Neutralization titer
Serum sample Pseudotype virus Live SARS-CoV
Serum samples. The patients with SARS described here were C50 105 !20
all probable cases, defined according to the Chinese Center for C81 167 !20
Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) case definition [13]. In D73 787 225
brief, the patients were identified as having (1) a high fever, D87 1622 606
(2) acute respiratory distress syndrome, (3) chest radiographic D91 4819 1640
D99 1528 225
findings of pneumonia, and (4) detection of SARS-CoV RNA
D100 2432 1640
by reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). D115 4285 1640
Serum samples obtained from patients with SARS were pro- D122 2109 516
vided by Ditan Hospital, Beijing (n p 168), the Beijing Mu- D127 2270 609
nicipal CDC (n p 93), and the Beijing Red Cross Blood Center D134 160 !20
D158 2831 640
(n p 362). Sequential serum samples from 4 patients with
SARS were provided by Peking Union Medical College Hos- NOTE. The negative/positive cutoff values are 329 for the
pseudovirus neutralization assay and !20 for the live virus neu-
pital. One hundred fifty-three normal serum samples were pro- tralization assay. Samples C50 and C81 are 2 normal serum
vided by the Campus Hospital of Peking University. To inac- samples, and samples D73–D158 are from patients with SARS.

1120 • JID 2004:190 (15 September) • Nie et al.

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Figure 2. Detection of spike (S) protein–specific antibodies in serum samples, with flow cytometric analysis. C50 and C81 are 2 normal serum
samples, and D73–D158 are 10 randomly selected serum samples from patients with severe acute respiratory syndrome. Data of flow cytometric
analysis were analyzed with the Summit V3.1 program (Dako Cytomation). FITC, fluorescein isothiocyanate; HeLa, normal HeLa cells used as a control;
S-HeLa, S protein–expressing HeLa cells.

of virus infection (luciferase activity) at each dilution, com- ELISA. All serum samples were tested for SARS-CoV–spe-
pared with the serum-negative controls, as follows: neutrali- cific antibodies by use of an indirect ELISA kit (BGI-GBI Bio-
zation percentage p [1 ⫺ (luciferase activity with serum/lucif- tech), which was coated with the lysate of SARS-CoV particles
erase activity without serum)] ⫻ 100 [16, 17]. The titers were as antigens. All serum samples were diluted at 1:10, as recom-
expressed as the reciprocal of the final dilution of serum at the mended by the manufacturer. The optical density at 450 nm was
pseudovirus ID50, which was calculated by use of GraphPad measured on an ELISA plate reader (model 550; BioRad).
Prism4 software (GraphPad Software). Serum IgG-related assay. The serum samples from pa-
Neutralization assay with live SARS-CoV. The SARS-CoV tients with SARS were diluted in PBS and incubated with su-
stock of BJ01 isolate was provided by the Chinese CDC. The perfluous sepharose beads conjugated with staphylococcal pro-
serum samples were serially diluted 2-fold, from 1:20 to 1:640, tein A (SpA) to remove the IgG. Then the serum samples were
and then were mixed with 100 TCID50 of the virus. After in- tested for NAbs, as described above. The IgG from the serum
cubation for 1 h at 37C, the mixture was inoculated onto 96- samples from patients with SARS were purified with the SpA
well plates of Vero cells. Cultures were held at 37C and in 5% beads, in accordance with the manufacturer’s protocol, and
CO2, with daily microscopic examination for cytopathic effect then were assayed for the neutralizing activity.
(CPE). After a 3-day incubation, titers were expressed as the
reciprocal of the highest dilution at which the CPE was com- RESULTS
pletely inhibited [18].
Flow cytometric analysis. S protein–expressing HeLa (S- Establishment of an assay for NAbs against SARS-CoV with
HeLa) cells [19] and normal HeLa cells were collected and pseudotype virus. To design a safe and sensitive assay for
incubated for 30 min with the serum samples. After 3 washes detection of NAbs to SARS-CoV, we generated an HIV pseu-
with PBS plus 0.1% bovine serum albumin, the cells were in- dotype virus enveloped by the S protein from the BJ01 strain
cubated with the fluorescein isothiocyanate–conjugated goat of SARS-CoV, with a luciferase gene as a reporter (HIV-luc/
anti–human IgG (1:100; Sigma) for 30 min. Finally, the cells SARS). This HIV-luc/SARS pseudovirus exhibited the highest
were analyzed by use of a flow cytometer (MoFlo High-Per- infection level in Huh7 cells, which expressed a high level of
formance Cell Sorter; Dako Cytomation). the SARS-CoV receptor angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 [19].

Neutralizing Antibodies Against SARS-CoV • JID 2004:190 (15 September) • 1121

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Figure 3. Kinetics of generation of neutralizing antibodies (NAbs) in serum samples obtained from patients with severe acute respiratory syndrome
(SARS). A, Analysis of the NAbs in sequential serum samples obtained from 4 patients (P1, P2, P3, and P4). B, Analysis of NAbs in serum samples
obtained from 623 patients with SARS. Each point on the curve contains 18 samples, and the entire curve contains data derived from the 623 serum
samples. The titers of the NAbs, expressed in terms of ID50, are plotted against days after the onset of symptoms. The titer at day 0 is the mean
ID50 (88) from 153 normal human serum samples.
Table 2. Comparison of results of the neutral- compared the results of 2 neutralization assays. As shown in table
ization assay and ELISA.
1, the normal serum samples and 1 serum sample from a patient
with SARS (D134) could not inhibit infection with either SARS-
assay result CoV or the pseudovirus; the other 9 serum samples from patients
ELISA result Positive Negative Total (%) with SARS showed neutralization activities in both assays.
Positive 495 33 528 (84.8)
To further validate the results from the neutralization tests,
Negative 40 55 95 (15.2) a binding assay was used to detect the S protein–specific an-
Total (%) 535 (85.9) 88 (14.1) 623 tibodies in the above serum samples, with flow cytometric
analysis using the S-HeLa cells (figure 2). Indications of positive

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antibodies were observed from the 9 serum samples from pa-
This infection could be blocked by serum samples from patients
with SARS and appeared to be SARS specific, because the same tients with SARS that also were positive in the neutralization
serum samples did not neutralize the vesicular stomatitis virus tests. No S protein–specific antibodies were observed in the 2
G glycoprotein pseudotyped virus (figure 1). normal serum samples and in serum sample D134. The con-
To evaluate the relevance of our pseudovirus neutralization sistency of the results in the binding assay and neutralization
assay, we randomly selected 10 serum samples from patients with tests, with both the SARS-CoV and the pseudovirus, suggest
SARS and 2 normal serum samples and analyzed them with the that our pseudovirus-based neutralization assay is reliable for
traditional neutralization assay, using live SARS-CoV, and then analyzing the S protein–specific NAbs in patients with SARS.

Figure 4. Neutralizing abilities of 4 serum samples from patients with severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) (PS1, PS2, PS3, and PS4) to the
pseudotype viruses bearing the spike protein from 4 different SARS-associated coronavirus strains (BJ01, Frankfurt, TOR2, and TW1). Similar results
were obtained in 3 independent experiments.

Neutralizing Antibodies Against SARS-CoV • JID 2004:190 (15 September) • 1123

NAbs in the serum samples from patients with SARS. To
study the process of generation of NAbs, we first analyzed 153
normal human serum samples with our neutralization assay and,
on the basis of the 99% confidence level (data not shown), set
the negative/positive cutoff value at 329 ID50. We then analyzed
the NAbs in sequential serum samples from 4 patients with well-
characterized SARS cases (mean age, 34.5 years). Two of these
patients progressed to serious atypical pneumonia, but none died
(figure 3A). There were no NAbs detectable between days 5 and

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8 after the onset of symptoms. From day 19 to day 30, all 4
patients generated NAbs with titers of 1800 and maintained such
high levels from day 33 to day 43. This result demonstrated that
the NAbs could be induced in the patients with SARS and that
the seroconversion of the S protein–specific NAbs occurred be-
tween days 8 and 19 after the onset of symptoms.
To further define the kinetics of generation of NAbs, we
analyzed a total of 623 serum samples from patients with SARS
in Beijing. We found that 535 serum samples (85.9%) were
positive (table 2), with an ID50 higher than the cutoff value of
329. The kinetics curve of the generation of NAbs (figure 3B),
plotted against time after the onset of symptoms, showed that
NAbs were first detectable from day 5 to day 10 after the onset
of symptoms, reached a peak between days 20 and 30, and then
remained at a high level (12000) for at least 5 months.
Cross-reactivity of the NAbs to different SARS-CoV strains.
To evaluate the cross-reactivity of the NAbs in the serum sam-
ples from patients with SARS to different SARS-CoV strains,
we randomly selected 168 of the 623 serum samples and an-
alyzed their neutralizing activities against pseudotype viruses
bearing the S protein from 4 different SARS-CoV strains (BJ01, Figure 5. Neutralization caused by IgG in serum samples from patients
Frankfurt, TOR2, and TW1). We found that all the serum with severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS). A, Comparison of the
neutralizing abilities of serum samples from patients with SARS, with or
samples were able to neutralize these 4 pseudotype viruses to
without IgG, using the neutralization assay. Serum samples from 3 pa-
similar extents. The representative results from 4 serum samples tients (PS5, PS6, and PS7) were tested; “PS5⫺,” “PS6⫺,” and “PS7⫺”
are shown in figure 4. denote the same serum sample after IgG depletion. B, Neutralization
Comparison of the neutralization assay and ELISA. To assay of purified IgG from pooled positive serum samples. Similar results
compare our neutralization assay with other methods of serum were obtained in 3 independent experiments.
analysis, we also analyzed the above 623 serum samples by use
of a commercial ELISA kit, as described in Patients, Materials, their neutralizing activities (figure 5A). At the same time, the
and Methods. We found that 528 (84.8%) samples were positive IgG fraction purified from 20 randomly selected serum samples
by the ELISA. In addition, 495 (79.5%) samples were positive from patients with SARS was able to significantly neutralize
by both assays, and 55 (8.8%) were negative by both assays. infection with the HIV-luc/SARS pseudovirus (figure 5B).
Thirty-three samples were found to be neutralization negative
but ELISA positive, and 40 samples were neutralization positive
but ELISA negative (table 2). These results indicate that the Using a newly developed neutralization assay based on a SARS
neutralization assay and ELISA yielded consistent results in a pseudotyped virus, we analyzed the NAbs to SARS-CoV present
great majority (88.3%) of the SARS cases. in a large population of patients with SARS, and we have de-
Role of IgG in neutralization activity of serum samples from scribed the kinetics of generation of NAbs in these patients
patients with SARS. To determine whether IgG plays a role (figure 3B). These kinetics were analogous to the profiles of
in blocking the pseudovirus infection, we removed IgG from the SARS-CoV–specific IgG reported by Peiris et al. [20] and
3 positive serum samples by use of absorption with SpA beads. Li et al. [21]. We also obtained evidence that much of the
The IgG-depleted serum samples were found to lose most of observed NAb activities are present in the purified IgG fraction

1124 • JID 2004:190 (15 September) • Nie et al.

(figure 5), indicating that IgG plays a major role in the neu- for at least 150 days (figure 3B) and that the NAbs elicited by
tralization of the SARS-CoV. SARS-CoV S protein are not strain specific (figure 4). These
Our finding that the seroconversion of the S protein–specific findings provide strong support for the feasibility of developing
NAbs happened between days 10 and 20 coincides with the de- a broadly reactive vaccine against SARS.
crease in the amount of SARS-CoV, as measured by RT-PCR
of serum samples from patients with SARS during this period
[20, 22, 23]. This result suggests that NAbs may play a role in Acknowledgments
the clearance of SARS-CoV during the early stages of the dis- We thank Tung-Tien Sun for critical reading of the manuscript and Yi
ease. A similar correlation has been observed in infections Zha for helping to prepare a part of serum samples.

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