Summaries of Conventions, Treaties and Agreements Administered by WIPO
Summaries of Conventions, Treaties and Agreements Administered by WIPO
Summaries of Conventions, Treaties and Agreements Administered by WIPO
Summaries of Conventions, Treaties and Agreements Administered by WIPO
PART I 19 Summary of the Nice
Agreement Concerning the
4 Summary of the Convention International Classification
Establishing the World of Goods and Services
Intellectual Property for the Purposes of the
Organization Registration of Marks (1957)
(WIPO Convention) (1967)
20 Summary of the Lisbon
Agreement for the Protection of
PART II: Appellations of Origin and their
Industrial Property Treaties International Registration (1958)
Summaries of Conventions, Treaties and Agreements Administered by WIPO
Summaries of Conventions, Treaties and Agreements Administered by WIPO
Summaries of Conventions, Treaties and Agreements Administered by WIPO
Summaries of Conventions, Treaties and Agreements Administered by WIPO
Membership in WIPO is open to any State The WIPO Coordination Committee is com-
that is a member of any of the Unions and to posed of members elected from among the
any other State satisfying one of the following members of the Executive Committee of the
conditions: (i) it is a member of the United Na- Paris Union and the Executive Committee of
tions, any of the specialized agencies brought the Berne Union. Its main functions are to
into relationship with the United Nations, or the give advice to the organs of the Unions, the
International Atomic Energy Agency; (ii) it is a General Assembly, the Conference, and to
party to the Statute of the International Court of the Director General, on all administrative and
Justice; or (iii) it has been invited by the Gener- financial matters of interest to these bodies. It
al Assembly of WIPO to become a party to the also prepares the draft agenda of the General
Convention. There are no obligations arising Assembly and the draft agenda of the Con-
from membership of WIPO concerning other ference. Where appropriate, the Coordination
treaties administered by WIPO. Accession Committee nominates a candidate for the post
to WIPO is effected by means of the deposit of Director General for appointment by the
with the Director General of WIPO of an instru- General Assembly.
ment of accession to the WIPO Convention.
The principal sources of income of WIPO’s
The WIPO Convention establishes three main regular budget are the fees paid by the users
organs: the WIPO General Assembly, the of the international registration and filing ser-
WIPO Conference and the WIPO Coordina- vices, and the contributions paid by the gov-
tion Committee. The WIPO General Assembly ernments of Member States. Each State be-
is composed of the Member States of WIPO longs to one of 14 classes, which determines
which are also members of any of the Unions. the amount of its contribution. Class I, with the
Its main functions are, inter alia, the appoint- highest contribution, involves the payment of
ment of the Director General upon nomination 25 contribution units, whereas Class Ster, with
by the Coordination Committee, review and the lowest contribution, involves the payment
approval of the reports of the Director General of ¹⁄₃₂ of one contribution unit. By virtue of
and the reports and activities of the Coordi- the unitary contribution system adopted by
nation Committee, adoption of the biennial Member States in 1993, the amount of each
budget common to the Unions, and adoption State’s contribution is the same whether that
of the financial regulations of the Organization. State is a member only of WIPO, or only of one
or more Unions, or of both WIPO and one or
The WIPO Conference is composed of the more Unions.
States party to the WIPO Convention. It is,
inter alia, the competent body for adopting The Secretariat of the Organization is called
amendments to the Convention. the International Bureau. The executive head of
the International Bureau is the Director General
who is appointed by the WIPO General As-
sembly and is assisted by two or more Deputy
Directors General.
Summaries of Conventions, Treaties and Agreements Administered by WIPO
Summaries of Conventions, Treaties and Agreements Administered by WIPO
Industrial Property Treaties
Summaries of Conventions, Treaties and Agreements Administered by WIPO
Summaries of Conventions, Treaties and Agreements Administered by WIPO
Summaries of Conventions, Treaties and Agreements Administered by WIPO
If, in any Contracting State, the use of a d. Trade Names. Protection must be granted
registered mark is compulsory, the reg- to trade names in each Contracting State
istration cannot be canceled for non-use without there being an obligation to file or
until after a reasonable period, and then register the names.
only if the owner cannot justify this inaction.
e. Indications of Source. Measures must be
Each Contracting State must refuse reg- taken by each Contracting State against
istration and prohibit the use of marks direct or indirect use of a false indication of
that constitute a reproduction, imitation or the source of goods or the identity of their
translation, liable to create confusion, of a producer, manufacturer or trader.
mark used for identical and similar goods
and considered by the competent author- f. Unfair competition. Each Contracting
ity of that State to be well known in that State must provide for effective protection
State and to already belong to a person against unfair competition.
entitled to the benefits of the Convention.
The Paris Union, established by the Con-
Each Contracting State must likewise re- vention, has an Assembly and an Executive
fuse registration and prohibit the use of Committee. Every State that is a member of
marks that consist of or contain, without the Union and has adhered to at least the ad-
authorization, armorial bearings, State ministrative and final provisions of the Stock-
emblems and official signs and hallmarks holm Act (1967) is a member of the Assembly.
of Contracting States, provided they have The members of the Executive Committee
been communicated through the Interna- are elected from among the members of the
tional Bureau of WIPO. The same provi- Union, except for Switzerland, which is a mem-
sions apply to armorial bearings, flags, ber ex officio. The establishment of the biennial
other emblems, abbreviations and names program and budget of the WIPO Secretariat
of certain intergovernmental organizations. – as far as the Paris Union is concerned – is
the task of its Assembly.
Collective marks must be granted pro-
tection. The Paris Convention, concluded in 1883,
was revised at Brussels in 1900, at Wash-
c. Industrial Designs. Industrial designs ington in 1911, at The Hague in 1925, at Lon-
must be protected in each Contracting don in 1934, at Lisbon in 1958 and at Stock-
State, and protection may not be forfeited holm in 1967, and was amended in 1979.
on the ground that articles incorporating the
design are not manufactured in that State. The Convention (the full text of which is available
at is open to all States.
Instruments of ratification or accession must be
deposited with the Director General of WIPO.
Summaries of Conventions, Treaties and Agreements Administered by WIPO
The Madrid System for the International Reg- An application for international registration
istration of Marks is governed by two treaties: (international application) may be filed only
• the Madrid Agreement, concluded in 1891 by a natural person or legal entity having a
and revised at Brussels (1900), Washington connection – through establishment, domicile
(1911), The Hague (1925), London (1934), or nationality – with a Contracting Party to the
Nice (1957) and Stockholm (1967), and Agreement or the Protocol.
amended in 1979, and
• the Protocol relating to that Agreement, A mark may be the subject of an international
concluded in 1989, which aims to make application only if it has already been regis-
the Madrid System more flexible and more tered with the trademark office of the Con-
compatible with the domestic legislation tracting Party with which the applicant has
of certain countries or intergovernmental the necessary connections (referred to as
organizations that had not been able to the office of origin). However, where all the
accede to the Agreement. designations are effected under the Proto-
col (see below), the international application
States and organizations party to the Madrid may be based simply on an application for
System are collectively referred to as Con- registration filed with the office of origin. An
tracting Parties. international application must be presented to
the International Bureau of WIPO through the
The system makes it possible to protect a mark intermediary of the office of origin.
in a large number of countries by obtaining an
international registration that has effect in each
of the designated Contracting Parties.
Summaries of Conventions, Treaties and Agreements Administered by WIPO
Summaries of Conventions, Treaties and Agreements Administered by WIPO
Summaries of Conventions, Treaties and Agreements Administered by WIPO
Summaries of Conventions, Treaties and Agreements Administered by WIPO
Summaries of Conventions, Treaties and Agreements Administered by WIPO
Summaries of Conventions, Treaties and Agreements Administered by WIPO
Summaries of Conventions, Treaties and Agreements Administered by WIPO
Summaries of Conventions, Treaties and Agreements Administered by WIPO
Summaries of Conventions, Treaties and Agreements Administered by WIPO
Summaries of Conventions, Treaties and Agreements Administered by WIPO
Summaries of Conventions, Treaties and Agreements Administered by WIPO
Summaries of Conventions, Treaties and Agreements Administered by WIPO
If the international application is not withdrawn, is prepared by one of the competent Interna-
it is published by the International Bureau, to- tional Preliminary Examining Authorities (IPEA)
gether with the international search report. The under the PCT 2 and which contains a prelim-
written opinion is not published at that time. inary and non-binding opinion on the patent-
ability of the claimed invention. It provides
Before the expiration of 19 months from the the applicant with an even stronger basis on
priority date, the applicant has the option to re- which to evaluate the chances of obtaining a
quest a Supplementary International Search- patent and, if the report is favorable, a stronger
ing Authority (SISA) (an ISA willing to offer this basis on which to continue with the application
service) to carry out an additional search of before national and regional patent offices.
relevant documentation, specifically focusing If no international preliminary examination
on documents in the particular language in has been requested, the International Bureau
which that authority specializes. The goal of establishes an international preliminary report
this additional search is to reduce the likeli- on patentability (IPRP Chapter I) on the basis
hood of further documents coming to light in of the written opinion of the ISA and commu-
the national phase that would make granting nicates this report to the designated offices.
the patent unlikely.
The procedure under the PCT has great ad-
An applicant that decides to continue with vantages for applicants, patent offices and the
the international application with a view to general public:
obtaining national (or regional) patents can, in 1. applicants have up to 18 months more than
relation to most Contracting States, wait until if they had not used the PCT to reflect on the
the end of the thirtieth month from the priority desirability of seeking protection in foreign
date to commence the national procedure countries, appoint local patent agents in
before each designated office by furnishing each foreign country, prepare the neces-
a translation (where necessary) of the appli- sary translations and pay national fees;
cation into the official language of that office, 2. applicants can rest assured that, if their
paying to it the necessary fees and acquiring international application is in the form pre-
the services of local patent agents. scribed by the PCT, it cannot be rejected
on formal grounds by any designated office
If the applicant wishes to make amendments during the national phase;
to the application – for example, in order to
address documents identified in the search re- 2 The patent offices of Australia, Austria, Brazil,
port and conclusions made in the written opin- Canada, China, Finland, Israel, Japan, the Republic
ion – and to have the potential patentability of of Korea, the Russian Federation, Spain, Sweden,
the United States of America, the European Patent
the “as-amended” application reviewed – an Office and the Nordic Patent Institute act as
optional international preliminary examination International Preliminary Examining Authorities under
may be requested. The result of the preliminary the PCT (status on January 1, 2013). Agreements
enabling the offices of Chile, Egypt and India to
examination is an international preliminary act as IPEAs have been signed; however, these
report on patentability (IPRP Chapter II) which offices have not yet commenced operations.
Summaries of Conventions, Treaties and Agreements Administered by WIPO
Summaries of Conventions, Treaties and Agreements Administered by WIPO
Summaries of Conventions, Treaties and Agreements Administered by WIPO
Summaries of Conventions, Treaties and Agreements Administered by WIPO
Summaries of Conventions, Treaties and Agreements Administered by WIPO
Summaries of Conventions, Treaties and Agreements Administered by WIPO
Summaries of Conventions, Treaties and Agreements Administered by WIPO
Summaries of Conventions, Treaties and Agreements Administered by WIPO
Summaries of Conventions, Treaties and Agreements Administered by WIPO
Summaries of Conventions, Treaties and Agreements Administered by WIPO
Summaries of Conventions, Treaties and Agreements Administered by WIPO
certain cases (e.g., a single power of attor- The PLT was concluded in 2000, and entered
ney) or the restriction on the requirement to into force in 2005.
submit a copy of an earlier application and
a translation thereof. The PLT (the full text of which is available at
• The PLT provides procedures for avoiding is open to States mem-
the unintentional loss of substantive rights bers of WIPO and/or States party to the Paris
resulting from failure to comply with for- Convention for the Protection of Industrial
mality requirements or time limits. These Property (1883) (see the relevant Summary
include the obligation that offices notify in this series). It is also open to certain inter-
the applicant or other concerned person, governmental organizations. Instruments of
extensions of time limits, continued pro- ratification or accession must be deposited
cessing, reinstatement of rights, and re- with the Director General of WIPO.
strictions on revocation/invalidation of a
patent for formal defects, where they were
not noticed by the office during the appli-
cation stage.
• The implementation of electronic filing is
facilitated, while ensuring the co-existence
of both paper and electronic communi-
cations. The PLT provides that Contract-
ing Parties were allowed to exclude pa-
per communications and to fully switch
to electronic communications as of June
2, 2005. However, even after that date,
they have to accept paper communications
for the purpose of obtaining a filing date
and for meeting a time limit. In this con-
nection, the Agreed Statement stipulates
that industrialized countries will continue
to furnish support to developing countries
and countries in transition in relation to the
introduction of electronic filing.
Summaries of Conventions, Treaties and Agreements Administered by WIPO
Unlike the TLT, the Singapore Treaty applies The Treaty provides for relief measures when
generally to all marks that can be registered an applicant or holder has missed a time limit
under the law of a Contracting Party. Most sig- in an action for a procedure before an office.
nificantly, it is the first international instrument Contracting Parties must make available, at
dealing with trademark law to explicitly recog- their choice, at least one of the following relief
nize non-traditional marks. The Treaty is appli- measures: extension of the time limit; contin-
cable to all types of marks, including non-tra- ued processing; and reinstatement of rights in
ditional visible marks, such as holograms, so far as the failure to meet the time limit was
Summaries of Conventions, Treaties and Agreements Administered by WIPO
unintentional or occurred in spite of due care nical assistance by Contracting Parties. The
required by the circumstances. Assembly monitors and evaluates, at every or-
dinary session, the progress of the assistance
The Singapore Treaty includes provisions on granted. Any dispute arising in relation to the
the recording of trademark licenses, and es- interpretation or application of the Treaty is to
tablishes maximum requirements for requests be settled amicably through consultation and
for recordal, amendment or cancellation of the mediation under the auspices of the Director
recordal of a license. General of WIPO.
The creation of an Assembly of the Contracting The Singapore Treaty was concluded in 2006
Parties introduced a degree of flexibility in de- and entered into force in 2009.
fining the details of administrative procedures
to be implemented by national trademark of- The Treaty (the full text of which is available at
fices, where it is anticipated that future devel- is open to States mem-
opments in trademark registration procedures bers of WIPO and to certain intergovernmental
and practices will warrant amendments to organizations. Instruments of ratification or
those details. The Assembly is endowed with accession must be deposited with the Director
powers to modify the Regulations and the General of WIPO.
Model International Forms, where necessary,
and can also address – at a preliminary level
– questions relating to the future development
of the Treaty.
Summaries of Conventions, Treaties and Agreements Administered by WIPO
Copyright and Related
Rights Treaties
Summaries of Conventions, Treaties and Agreements Administered by WIPO
Summaries of Conventions, Treaties and Agreements Administered by WIPO
• the right to broadcast (with the possibil- 3. As to the duration of protection, the gen-
ity that a Contracting State may provide eral rule is that protection must be granted
for a mere right to equitable remunera- until the expiration of the 50th year after the
tion instead of a right of authorization), author’s death. There are, however, ex-
• the right to make reproductions in ceptions to this general rule. In the case of
any manner or form (with the possibility anonymous or pseudonymous works, the
that a Contracting State may permit, term of protection expires 50 years after the
in certain special cases, reproduction work has been lawfully made available to
without authorization, provided that the the public, except if the pseudonym leaves
reproduction does not conflict with the no doubt as to the author’s identity or if the
normal exploitation of the work and does author discloses his or her identity during
not unreasonably prejudice the legit- that period; in the latter case, the general
imate interests of the author; and the rule applies. In the case of audiovisual (cin-
possibility that a Contracting State may ematographic) works, the minimum term
provide, in the case of sound recordings of protection is 50 years after the making
of musical works, for a right to equitable available of the work to the public (“re-
remuneration), lease”) or – failing such an event – from the
• the right to use the work as a basis for creation of the work. In the case of works
an audiovisual work, and the right to of applied art and photographic works, the
reproduce, distribute, perform in public minimum term is 25 years from the creation
or communicate to the public that au- of the work. 7
diovisual work. 6
The Convention also provides for “moral
rights”, that is, the right to claim authorship
of the work and the right to object to any mu-
tilation, deformation or other modification of,
or other derogatory action in relation to, the
work that would be prejudicial to the author’s
honor or reputation.
Summaries of Conventions, Treaties and Agreements Administered by WIPO
The Berne Convention allows certain limita- The Berne Convention, concluded in 1886,
tions and exceptions on economic rights, that was revised at Paris in 1896 and at Berlin in
is, cases in which protected works may be 1908, completed at Berne in 1914, revised at
used without the authorization of the owner of Rome in 1928, at Brussels in 1948, at Stock-
the copyright, and without payment of com- holm in 1967 and at Paris in 1971, and was
pensation. These limitations are commonly amended in 1979.
referred to as “free uses” of protected works,
and are set forth in Articles 9(2) (reproduction The Convention (the full text of which is available
in certain special cases), 10 (quotations and at is open to all States.
use of works by way of illustration for teaching Instruments of ratification or accession must be
purposes), 10bis (reproduction of newspa- deposited with the Director General of WIPO. 8
per or similar articles and use of works for
the purpose of reporting current events) and
11bis(3) (ephemeral recordings for broadcast-
ing purposes).
Summaries of Conventions, Treaties and Agreements Administered by WIPO
Summaries of Conventions, Treaties and Agreements Administered by WIPO
The Rome Convention allows for limitations The Convention does not provide for the insti-
and exceptions to the above-mentioned rights tution of a Union or budget. It establishes an
in national laws as regards private use, use Intergovernmental Committee composed of
of short excerpts in connection with report- Contracting States that considers questions
ing current events, ephemeral fixation by a concerning the Convention.9
broadcasting organization by means of its
own facilities and for its own broadcasts, use This Convention (the full text of which is avail-
solely for the purpose of teaching or scientific able at is open to States
research and in any other cases where national party to the Berne Convention for the Protec-
law provides exceptions to copyright in literary tion of Literary and Artistic Works (1886) (see
and artistic works. Furthermore, once a per- the relevant Summary in this series) or to the
former has consented to the incorporation of a Universal Copyright Convention. Instruments
performance in a visual or audiovisual fixation, of ratification or accession must be deposit-
the provisions on performers’ rights have no ed with the Secretary-General of the United
further application. Nations. States may make reservations with
regard to the application of certain provisions.
As to duration, protection must last at least
until the end of a 20-year period computed
from the end of the year in which (i) the fixation
was made, for phonograms and for perfor-
mances incorporated therein; (ii) the perfor-
mance took place, for performances not in-
corporated in phonograms; (iii) the broadcast
took place. However, national laws increas-
ingly provide for a 50-year term of protection,
at least for phonograms and performances.
Summaries of Conventions, Treaties and Agreements Administered by WIPO
Summaries of Conventions, Treaties and Agreements Administered by WIPO
Summaries of Conventions, Treaties and Agreements Administered by WIPO
Summaries of Conventions, Treaties and Agreements Administered by WIPO
As to limitations and exceptions, Article The Treaty obliges each Contracting Party to
10 of the WCT incorporates the so-called adopt, in accordance with its legal system, the
“three-step” test to determine limitations and measures necessary to ensure the application
exceptions, as provided for in Article 9(2) of of the Treaty. In particular, each Contracting
the Berne Convention, extending its appli- Party must ensure that enforcement proce-
cation to all rights. The Agreed Statement dures are available under its law so as to per-
accompanying the WCT provides that such mit effective action against any act of infringe-
limitations and exceptions, as established ment of rights covered by the Treaty. Such
in national law in compliance with the Berne action must include expeditious remedies to
Convention, may be extended to the digital prevent infringement as well as remedies that
environment. Contracting States may devise constitute a deterrent to further infringement.
new exceptions and limitations appropriate
to the digital environment. The extension of The Treaty establishes an Assembly of the
existing or the creation of new limitations and Contracting Parties whose main task is to
exceptions is allowed if the conditions of the address matters concerning the maintenance
“three-step” test are met. and development of the Treaty. It entrusts to
the Secretariat of WIPO the administrative
As to duration, the term of protection must be tasks concerning the Treaty.
at least 50 years for any kind of work.
The Treaty was concluded in 1996 and entered
The enjoyment and exercise of the rights pro- into force in 2002.
vided for in the Treaty cannot be subject to
any formality. The Treaty (the full text of which is available at is open to States mem-
The Treaty obliges Contracting Parties to pro- bers of WIPO and to the European Community.
vide legal remedies against the circumvention The Assembly constituted by the Treaty may
of technological measures (e.g., encryption) decide to admit other intergovernmental or-
used by authors in connection with the exer- ganizations to become party to the Treaty. In-
cise of their rights, and against the removal or struments of ratification or accession must be
altering of information, such as certain data deposited with the Director General of WIPO.
that identify works or their authors, necessary
for the management (e.g., licensing, collecting
and distribution of royalties) of their rights
(“rights management information”).
Summaries of Conventions, Treaties and Agreements Administered by WIPO
Summaries of Conventions, Treaties and Agreements Administered by WIPO
As far as producers of phonograms are con- The Treaty provides that performers and pro-
cerned, the Treaty grants them economic ducers of phonograms have the right to a
rights in their phonograms: (i) the right of repro- single equitable remuneration for the direct
duction; (ii) the right of distribution; (iii) the right or indirect use of phonograms, published
of rental; and (iv) the right of making available. for commercial purposes, broadcasting or
communication to the public. However, any
• The right of reproduction is the right to Contracting Party may restrict or – provided
authorize direct or indirect reproduction that it makes a reservation to the Treaty – deny
of the phonogram in any manner or form. this right. In the case and to the extent of a
• The right of distribution is the right to reservation by a Contracting Party, the other
authorize the making available to the public Contracting Parties are permitted to deny, vis-
of the original and copies of the phonogram à-vis the reserving Contracting Party, national
through sale or other transfer of ownership. treatment (“reciprocity”).
• The right of rental is the right to authorize
the commercial rental to the public of the As to limitations and exceptions, Article
original and copies of the phonogram, as 16 of the WPPT incorporates the so-called
determined in the national law of the Con- “three-step” test to determine limitations and
tracting Parties (except for countries that, exceptions, as provided for in Article 9(2) of
since April 15, 1994, have a system in force the Berne Convention, extending its applica-
for equitable remuneration of such rental). tion to all rights. The accompanying Agreed
• The right of making available is the right Statement provides that such limitations and
to authorize making available to the public, exceptions, as established in national law in
by wire or wireless means, a phonogram in compliance with the Berne Convention, may
such a way that members of the public may be extended to the digital environment. Con-
access the phonogram from a place and at a tracting States may devise new exceptions and
time individually chosen by them. This right limitations appropriate to the digital environ-
covers, in particular, on-demand, interac- ment. The extension of existing or the creation
tive making available through the Internet. of new limitations and exceptions is allowed if
the conditions of the “three-step” test are met.
Summaries of Conventions, Treaties and Agreements Administered by WIPO
The Treaty obliges Contracting Parties to The Treaty (the full text of which is available at
provide for legal remedies against the cir- is open to States mem-
cumvention of technological measures (e.g., bers of WIPO and to the European Community.
encryption) used by performers or phonogram The Assembly constituted by the Treaty may
producers in connection with the exercise of decide to admit other intergovernmental or-
their rights, and against the removal or alter- ganizations to become party to the Treaty. In-
ing of information – such as the indication struments of ratification or accession must be
of certain data that identify the performer, deposited with the Director General of WIPO.
performance, producer of the phonogram and
the phonogram itself – necessary for the man-
agement (e.g., licensing, collecting and distri-
bution of royalties) of the said rights (“rights
management information”).
Summaries of Conventions, Treaties and Agreements Administered by WIPO
Summaries of Conventions, Treaties and Agreements Administered by WIPO
The Treaty provides that performers shall As to limitations and exceptions, Article 13
enjoy the right to authorize the broadcast- of the Beijing Treaty incorporates the so-called
ing and communication to the public of their “three-step” test to determine limitations and
performances fixed in audiovisual fixations. exceptions, as provided for in Article 9(2) of the
However, Contracting Parties may notify that Berne Convention, extending its application to
instead of the right of authorization, they will all rights. The accompanying Agreed State-
establish a right to equitable remuneration ment provides that the Agreed Statement of
for the direct or indirect use of performanc- Article 10 of the WCT applies similarly to the
es fixed in audiovisual fixations for broad- Beijing Treaty, that is, that such limitations and
casting or communication to the public. Any exceptions as established in national law in
Contracting Party may restrict or – provid- compliance with the Berne Convention may
ed that it makes a reservation to the Treaty be extended to the digital environment. Con-
– deny this right. In the case and to the ex- tracting States may devise new exceptions and
tent of a reservation by a Contracting Party, limitations appropriate to the digital environ-
the other Contracting Parties are permitted ment. The extension of existing or the creation
to deny, vis-à-vis the reserving Contract- of new limitations and exceptions is allowed if
ing Party, national treatment (“reciprocity”). the conditions of the “three-step” test are met.
As to the transfer of rights, the Treaty pro- The term of protection must be at least 50 years.
vides that Contracting Parties may stipulate
in their national laws that once a performer The enjoyment and exercise of the rights pro-
has consented to the audiovisual fixation of a vided for in the Treaty cannot be subject to
performance, the exclusive rights mentioned any formality.
above are transferred to the producer of the
audiovisual fixation (unless a contract between The Treaty obliges Contracting Parties to
the performer and producer states otherwise). provide for legal remedies against the cir-
Independent of such a transfer of rights, na- cumvention of technological measures (e.g.,
tional laws or individual, collective or other encryption) used by performers in connection
agreements may provide the performer with with the exercise of their rights, and against the
the right to receive royalties or equitable re- removal or altering of information – such as
muneration for any use of the performance, the indication of certain data that identify the
as provided for under the Treaty. performer, performance and the audiovisual
fixation itself – necessary for the management
(e.g., licensing, collecting and distribution of
royalties) of the said rights (“rights manage-
ment information”).
Summaries of Conventions, Treaties and Agreements Administered by WIPO
An Agreed Statement related to the interplay The Treaty obliges each Contracting Party to
between technological measures and limita- adopt, in accordance with its legal system, the
tions and exceptions clarifies that nothing measures necessary to ensure the application
prevents a Contracting Party from adopting of the Treaty. In particular, each Contracting
effective and necessary measures to ensure Party must ensure that enforcement proce-
that a beneficiary may enjoy limitations and ex- dures are available under its law so as to per-
ceptions where technological measures have mit effective action against any act of infringe-
been applied to an audiovisual performance ment of rights covered by the Treaty. Such
and the beneficiary has legal access to that action must include expeditious remedies to
performance. The above effective and nec- prevent infringement as well as remedies that
essary measures may be needed only where constitute a deterrent to further infringement.
appropriate and effective measures have not
been taken by rights holders in relation to that The Treaty establishes an Assembly of the
performance to enable the beneficiary to enjoy Contracting Parties whose main task is to
the limitations and exceptions under that Con- address matters concerning the maintenance
tracting Party’s national law. Without prejudice and development of the Treaty. It entrusts to
to the legal protection of an audiovisual work the Secretariat of WIPO the administrative
in which a performance is fixed, the obliga- tasks concerning the Treaty.
tions concerning technological measures of
protection are not applicable to performances The Beijing Treaty (the full text of which is avail-
unprotected or no longer protected under the able at will enter into
national law giving effect to the Treaty. force three months after 30 eligible parties have
deposited their instruments of ratification or
Contracting Parties shall accord protection accession. The Treaty is open to States mem-
under this Treaty to fixed performances that bers of WIPO and to the European Community.
exist at the time of entry into force of the The Assembly constituted by the Treaty may
Treaty and to all performances made after its decide to admit other intergovernmental or-
entry into force for each Contracting Party. ganizations to become party to the Treaty. In-
However, a Contracting Party may declare struments of ratification or accession must be
that it will not apply the provisions concerning deposited with the Director General of WIPO.
some or all of the exclusive rights of repro-
duction, distribution, rental, making available
of fixed performances, and broadcasting and
communication to the public in respect of
performances that existed at the time of the
entry into force of this Treaty in each Con-
tracting Party. Other Contracting Parties may
then reciprocally limit the application of these
rights in relation to that Contracting Party.
Summaries of Conventions, Treaties and Agreements Administered by WIPO
Summaries of Conventions, Treaties and Agreements Administered by WIPO
First, it requires Contracting Parties to have authorized entity must not know or have rea-
a limitation or exception to domestic copy- sonable grounds to know that the accessible
right law for VIPs. The rights subject to such format copy would be used by others.
limitation or exception are the right of repro-
duction, the right of distribution, and the right The MVT leaves Contracting Parties the free-
of making available to the public. Authorized dom to implement its provisions taking into
entities may, on a non-profit basis, make ac- account their own legal systems and practices,
cessible format copies, which can be dis- including determinations on “fair practices,
tributed by non-commercial lending or by dealings or uses”, provided they comply with
electronic communication; the conditions for their three-step test obligations under other
this activity include having lawful access to treaties. The three-step test is a basic prin-
the work, introducing only those changes ciple used to determine whether or not an
needed to make the work accessible, and exception or limitation is permissible under the
supplying the copies only for use by benefi- international norms on copyright and related
ciary persons. VIPs may also make a personal rights. It includes three elements; any excep-
use copy where they have lawful access to an tion or limitation: (i) shall cover only certain
accessible format copy of a work. At the do- special cases; (ii) shall not conflict with the
mestic level countries can confine limitations normal exploitation of the work; and (iii) shall
or exceptions to those works that cannot be not unreasonably prejudice the legitimate in-
“obtained commercially under reasonable terests of the rightholder.
terms for beneficiary persons in that market.”
Use of this possibility requires notification to There is no requirement to be a member of any
the WIPO Director General. other international copyright treaty to join the
MVT; membership is open to Member States
Second, the MVT requires Contracting Parties of WIPO and to the European Community.
to allow the import and export of accessi- However, Contracting Parties that receive
ble format copies under certain conditions. accessible format copies and do not have
Regarding importation, when an accessible obligations to comply with the three-step test
format copy can be made pursuant to nation- under Article 9 of the Berne Convention must
al law, a copy may also be imported without ensure that accessible format copies are not
rightholder authorization. With reference to redistributed outside their jurisdictions. Also
exportation, accessible format copies made cross-border transfer by authorized entities
under a limitation or exception or other law is not permitted unless the Contracting Party
can be distributed or made available by an in which the copy is made is a party to the
authorized entity to a beneficiary person or WIPO Copyright Treaty or otherwise applies
authorized entity in another Contracting Party. the three-step test to limitations and excep-
This specific limitation or exception requires tions implementing the MVT.
the exclusive use of the works by beneficiary
persons, and the MVT also clarifies that, prior
to such distribution or making available, the
Summaries of Conventions, Treaties and Agreements Administered by WIPO
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