Air Management Unit: General Information

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Air Management Unit 42.

General Information

General Information suspension, transmission, cab accessories, air to a

truck body, and solenoid modules.
The air management unit (AMU) is a collection of The solenoid modules control chassis components or
pneumatic and electronic valves and pressure systems such as fifth-wheel slide, rear suspension
switches of modular form that fasten together in a dump, inter-axle lock, diff-lock, end of frame air op-
row on a common rail. The AMU is usually located in tion, transfer case, and other ON-OFF air options.
the rear suspension area of the vehicle. However, it
The double check, inversion, and relay modules pro-
could be located anywhere on the vehicle chassis or
vide for air system logic used in various park brake
interlocks, and other features. The regulator provides
The AMU performs functions such as indicating vari- regulated air for lift axles, service brake check, work
ous air pressure levels (switches), supplying either brake and other options.
constant air or electrically controlled air to various
chassis components (via an electric solenoid or pres- Principles of Operation
sure protected port). It also provides for pneumatic
logic controls via double-check, inversion, relay and
pressure regulation, therefore replacing double- Pressure Switch Module "A"
check, inversion and relay valves on the vehicle. This pressure switch module (Fig. 2) receives three
The typical AMU layout (Fig. 1) contains one or more different air pressure inputs and closes or opens the
of the following: appropriate switches when the pressures exceed the
specified switch settings. There may be a total of 2,
• Pressure Switch
3, or 4 separate switches in this module.
• Pressure Protection Module
There are three application supply air ports and one
• Solenoid Module primary air port.
• Double-Check Valve Module The pressure switch is equipped with a shut-off
• Inversion Valve Module valve, to shut off secondary air passing left to the
pressure protection modules. This will allow air to the
• Relay Valve Module modules with constant air to be shut off when servic-
• Regulator Module ing. When the shut-off is operated, the air down
stream will exhaust.
• End Block Module

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Fig. 1, Typical AMU Layout

The switch modules will provide pressure level indi-

cation for low air tank pressure, brake application,
Pressure Switch Module "B" and
park, and other optional pressures. "C"
The pressure protection modules supply constant air Pressure Switch Module "B" (Fig. 3) receives one or
to components such as chassis air suspension, cab two pressure inputs and opens or closes the

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42.19 Air Management Unit
General Information


7 2 6

5 4 2
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1. Electrical Connector 1. Electrical Connector
2. Application Supply Air Ports 2. Switch 1 Supply Port
3. Primary Supply Air Port 3 Switch 1 Supply Port
4. Secondary Supply Air Port 4. Switch 2 Supply Port
5. Shut-off Valve 5. Non-Thru Port
6. Secondary Air Internal Delivery Port 6. Internal Delivery Port - RH side only (parking brake
7. Non-Thru Port air)

Fig. 2, Pressure Switch Module "A" Fig. 3, Pressure Switch Module "B"
switch(es) when the pressure exceeds the specified
switch setting. 1

Pressure switch module "C" contains a low current

pressure switch, which receives a single pressure
input and closes a switch when the pressure ex-
ceeds the specified switch setting. This module also
contains a relay for delivering high current. 2

Pressure Protection Module

The pressure protection module (Fig. 4) shuts off all
delivery air if the supply falls below the determined 3
setting. It also shuts off the supply air to the valve if
the delivery pressure fails below the determined 12/19/2001 f543859
setting. 1. External Delivery Ports
2. Internal Delivery Port (LH side - delivery only)
The inlet to the pressure protection module is via an 3. Internal Supply Port (thru-port)
internal port on the right side that mates to the sec-
ondary air port on Switch Module "A" or the adjacent Fig. 4, Pressure Protection Module
pressure protection module. This non-pressure pro-
tected air from Switch Module "A" will pass through
the module from the internal supply port and out of
Solenoid Module
the internal delivery port on the left side to supply the There are two kinds of solenoid modules (Fig. 5):
next valve (pressure protection, or solenoid). There is normally open (N.O.) and normally closed (N.C.).
another delivery port on the left side that delivers The solenoid module delivers air when electrically
pressure protected air to the adjacent module(s). activated if N.C. It shuts off supply and exhausts de-
livery air when activated if N.O.

050/2 Business Class M2 Workshop Manual, Supplement 1, April 2002

Air Management Unit 42.19
General Information

The inlet to the solenoid module mates to the port on The external supply, control, and delivery ports are
the adjacent pressure protection module or another on the face of the module.
solenoid module. Pressure protected air will pass
through the module from the internal supply port and
out of the internal delivery port to supply the next
solenoid module.
Each solenoid module is a three-way (supply, deliv-
ery and exhaust) on-off air valve. Every solenoid
module has an internal pressure switch that monitors 1
delivery pressure.

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1 2 1. External Supply Port

2. External Delivery Port
3. Non-Thru Ports

Fig. 6, Double-Check Module

12/19/2001 f543860
1. Electrical Connector 1
2. Internal Supply Port
3. Non-Thru Port
4. Delivery Port
Fig. 5, Solenoid Module

Double-Check Module 3 4
The double-check module (Fig. 6) delivers the higher
air pressure of two separate input pressures. There
are no internal air supply or delivery ports. There is 12/19/2001 f543862
one external outlet port on the face of the double 1. External Supply Port
check module. 2. External Delivery Port
3. External Control Port
Inversion Module 4. Closed, Non-Thru Ports

The inversion module (Fig. 7) is a normally open Fig. 7, Inversion Module

(N.O.) air valve that delivers system air pressure
when the control pressure falls below the specified
level. There are no internal supply, delivery, or con-
trol ports in this module.

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42.19 Air Management Unit
General Information

Relay Valve 1
The relay valve (Fig. 8) is a normally closed air valve
that delivers system air pressure when the control
pressure exceeds the specified level. There is one
internal control port on the left side of the module
that will mate with pressure switch "B" module 2
(Fig. 3) to receive parking brake air. The control,
supply, and delivery ports are on the face of the

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2 1. External Supply Port
5 2. External Delivery Port
3. Pressure Adjustment Knob
4. Closed, Non-Thru Ports
4 Fig. 9, Regulator Module

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1. External Supply Port.

2. External Delivery Port
3. External Control Port
4. Non-Thru Ports
5. Internal Control Port (Left-hand only)

Fig. 8, Relay Valve

Regulator Module
1 3
The adjustable regulator module (Fig. 9) limits the
pressure delivered from the valve to a manually se- 12/19/2001 f543858
lected or adjusted level. Any pressure below this 1. Non-thru Ports
level will be approximatley equal to the supply pres- 2. Internal Pressure Protected Port
sure. The adjustment knob on the module allows for 3. Non-thru Port
the delivery pressure to be set between 0 and 120
psi (827 kPa) at 180 psi (1240 kPa) supply pressure. Fig. 10, End Block
A non-adjustable regulator is also available. This
module will have a pre-set pressure that will be
printed on the module.

End Block
The ported end block module (Fig. 10) contains ports
that are used to deliver air to another AMU on the
vehicle or to modules at the other end of the AMU.
A non-ported end block is also available.

050/4 Business Class M2 Workshop Manual, Supplement 1, April 2002

Air Management Unit 42.19
AMU and AMU Module Replacement

Replacement mounting bracket. See Fig. 2. This will allow the

AMU to separate, allowing for easy removal of
the module.
Individual modules within the AMU can be replaced.
The replacement may vary slightly for each module.
The following is a general replacement procedure. 2
1. Park the vehicle on a level surface, shut down
the engine, apply the parking brakes, and chock
the tires.
2. Disconnect the batteries.
NOTE: Pressure Switch "A" (Fig. 1) is equipped
with a shut-off valve that will stop air from flow-
ing to the modules to the left of the switch. This
valve can be used to shut off air to the modules. 3
3. If replacing Pressure Switch "A", drain the air 5
reservoirs. If replacing any other module, turn the
shut-off valve on the pressure switch to the OFF 4
position. 09/07/2001 f430272
1. Crossmember
1 2. AMU
3. L-Bracket Bolt
4. L-Bracket
5. AMU Mounting Bracket

2 Fig. 2, Air Management Unit (AMU)

IMPORTANT: Be sure to mark all airlines before

3 moving them from the modules.
5. Mark and disconnect the air lines (and electrical
connectors, if applicable) from the module to be
5 4 2 6. Pull out the locking keys from both sides of the
12/19/2001 f543857 module to be removed and slide the AMU apart.
1. Electrical Connector See Fig. 3.
2. Application Supply Air Ports
3. Primary Supply Air Port 7. Remove the module.
4. Secondary Supply Air Port 8. Install the new seals on the sides of the module.
5. Shut-off Valve
6. Secondary Air Internal Delivery Port 9. Place the new module in position and slide the
7. Non-Thru Port module AMU together.
10. Push in the locking keys.
Fig. 1, Pressure Switch Module "A"
11. Install all air lines and electrical connectors as
IMPORTANT: Clean the AMU and the area previously marked.
around it of all dirt and road debris before re- 12. Firmly tighten the bolts on the L-bracket, secur-
moving any modules. Failure do to so can result ing the AMU in the mounting bracket. See Fig. 2.
in dirt or road debris between the modules and
their seals, causing air leakage. 13. If any other module besides Pressure Switch "A"
was replaced, turn the shut-off valve on the pres-
4. Loosen the bolts on the L-bracket securing the sure switch to the ON position.
air management unit (AMU) to the frame rail

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42.19 Air Management Unit
AMU and AMU Module Replacement

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A. Separate the AMU to remove the module.
1. Lock Key

Fig. 3, AMU Module Replacement

14. Connect the batteries.

15. Remove the chocks from the tires.

100/2 Business Class M2 Workshop Manual, Supplement 1, April 2002

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