American University of Sharjah: NGN 509 - Computational Methods Professor Nai-Shyong Yeh Assignment #5
American University of Sharjah: NGN 509 - Computational Methods Professor Nai-Shyong Yeh Assignment #5
American University of Sharjah: NGN 509 - Computational Methods Professor Nai-Shyong Yeh Assignment #5
College of Engineering
−0. 15T =0
ⅆ x2
L=10 h=2 (step size = 2) – T(0) = 240, T(10) = 150
=z = f1(xi,Ti,zi )
ⅆz d ⅆT
ⅆx ⅆx ⅆx ( )
=0 . 15 T = f2(xi,Ti,zi ),
T i+1=T i+ f 1 ( xi , T i , zi ) h
z i+1=z i + f 2 ( x i ,T i , z i ) h
T’’ = f(x,T,T’ )
T(0) = 240, T(10) = 150
T i−1−2 T i+T i+1
=f ¿) , i = 1,2, …, 10
T1 = 240
T10 = 150
T1 = T(0) = 240
– 2.15T2 + T3 = -240
T2 – 2.15T3 + T4 = 0
T3 – 2.15T4 + T5 = 0
T4 - 2.15T5 + T6 = 0
T5 - 2.15T6 + T7 = 0
T6 - 2.15T7 + T8 = 0
T7 - 2.15T8 + T9 = 0
T8 - 2.15T9 = -150
It can be seen from both tables that using the shooting method (using Euler method) is indeed less
accurate than finite difference method, as seen from the absolute error, which shows comparison between the
analytical solution and estimated ones.