The Concept of Securitisation
The Concept of Securitisation
The Concept of Securitisation
The Concept of
Securitization is a process of pooling and repackaging of
equipments loans but in some cases are unsecured, for example credit
immediate cash payment. The cash flow from the underlying pool of
Securitisation thus follows a two stage process. In the first stage there
If the assets are secured by real property such as automobiles or
real estates, then these are called mortgage backed securities. Here
the lender has the right to sell the property if borrowers default. If the
assets are credit card receivables than these are unsecure and the
Securitization Process:
receivables from the originator. The SPV is owned by a trust
/ the originator.
6. The SPV agrees to pay any surplus which, may arise during
History Of Securitization
appeared in the UK. This technology only really took off in the late
mortgage, the market for bonds backed by securitised loans was very
agency. As a result, interest rates are rising for loans that were
Credit Enhancement
secure a high level of credit rating and for low cost funding. By
shifting the credit risk from a less known borrower to a well known,
the third party, a fee is to be paid to it for the service received. The
tranches. The holders of other tranche i.e. senior class debt are at
comfort. The securities belonging to the subordinate tranche may be
class may be k
securitised exist. It is the prime mover of the deal. It sells the assets
on its books and receives the funds generated from such sale. In a
true sale, the originator transfers both the legal and beneficial interest
in the assets to the SPV. The scheduled commercial banks and the
trustees. It holds the assets in its books and makes the upfront
per agreement.
The obligors are the borrowers of the original loan. Rating agency
would assess the strength of the cash flow and mechanism designed
agent and trustee are responsible to look after the interest of the
Instruments Of Securitization
instruments which differ mainly in their maturity characteristics. The
rights in the assets backed by securities. The cash flow from the
their illiquid assets in liquid and get resources to boost their lending
stamp duty on securitization is a major hurdle in the process of
recognised it and it was stated that the stamp duty on the RMBS
for the banks and HFCs to engage them in RMBS both as originator
and investor. The National Urban Housing and Habitat Policy, 2007
secondary mortgage market. The Eighth and Ninth Five Year Plans
have also focused on the need to augment larger resources for the
scope of mobilization of additional resources for the housing sector
in linking the housing sector with the capital market and pursuant to
of 50 per cent for the purpose of capital adequacy and shall qualify
for inclusion in the annual housing finance allocation stipulated for
and Habitat Policies, and Reserve Bank of India and the amendment
in the NHB Act, 1987, it has been the endeavour of the National
assets, creating liquidity for trading in such assets and other related
drawn from its previous issues. Frequent MBS issuances are expected
to spur the secondary market activity in the MBS products paving the
brought out by it. The Policy details the entire gamut of activities to
be taken up by NHB and also sets forth guidelines for the same.
investors in the PTCs. The Bank also has the mandate to invest in its
the RMBS and Financial Support for subordinate RMBS by way of
The NHB initiated steps to setup a Mortgage Credit Guarantee
and creating liquidity for trading in such assets. The NHB will learn
from its experiences and further take measures for a vibrant and deep
to facilitate listing of RMBS on Stock Exchanges and hence
loan borrowers.
backed securitization transactions through the increased
Slow Progress
thereafter no securitisation has been made till June 2011. The reasons
for slackness are not clear. Neither the annual reports of NHB
mention any reason for the same. RMBS scheme is a very high profile
finance. The company would guarantee the loans given by a housing
cases where the loan given was more than 80 per cent of the value of
the property. The borrower had to bear the cost of the insurance.
Development Bank (ADB). During the year 2003-04, term sheet was
also finalized with the partners. But the corporation could not be
perusing it ad
some concept selling because there was no such a final product in the
market. Further, the problem was partly in the difficulty that MCGC
As reported in Sept.2011, the Chairman of NHB is of the view
stake. NHB, as the lead partner, will hold 38 per cent stake in the
guarantee fee will be the main source of revenue for the proposed
guarantee companies to have a minimum paid up capital of Rs 100
involved. This has been shown by the table 7.1 given below:
Table 7.1
Cumulative Cumulative
Year No. Of Cumulative Housing Amount
Housing Loan Amount
Ending Tranche Tranche Loan (Rs.Crore)
Account (Rs.Crore)
Graph 7.1
Cumulative Amount
The Scheme of RMBS was launched in 2000-01 where two
namely HDFC Ltd and LIC Housing Finance Ltd. Following the
success of the first two pilot issues, the NHB placed its next two pilot
These are LIC HF Ltd, Canfin Homes Ltd, BOB Housing Finance Ltd,
Andhra Bank. The scheme has not been much popular due to its legal
backed securities has been quite good. In the initial phase, the issue
of the RMBS have also been appointed as Service and Paying Agents
(SPV Trust) working as a trustee for RMBS issues, the NHB has
Pass Through Certificates. Further, NHB has also initiated the process
the senior portion of RMBS and final support for subordinate RMBS
subscribed pool ranged between 95-99 per cent. The total collection
from the pools were adequate to service not only the scheduled
payment but also contributed to substantially to the residual income
year 2008-09 and the SPV trust have been closed. One Mortgage
fully redeemed and SPV trust was closed successfully. Hence only
basically for the senior citizens. Under this scheme senior citizens can
convert their fixed assets i.e. residential home into an income channel
monthly or quarterly spread over life time of the borrower that can
pension or interest or rent income so that in the old days when the
same. During the life time, the borrower need not repay the loan and
the house does not fall due to ill maintenance of property. After the
death of the second of the spouses, the legal heir of the property can
repay the loan along with the accrued interest to the bank, and the
bank will release the pledged property to the legal heirs of the
deceased. Alternatively, the bank can sell the property, recover all the
dues and if any excess, will pay to the legal heirs of the deceased. If
the senior citizen wants to get released the property during his life
that of the typical mortgage home loan scheme of the bank. In the
home loan scheme bank grants lump sum money to the borrower at
the time of mortgage and monthly payment starts from the
released when full payment of loan plus interest is paid to the bank
see in the market, where people take home loans from the bank, the
scheme, the things are vice versa. That is why it is called Reverse
Mortgage Scheme.
more can take the benefit of the scheme. In India, National Housing
Finance Minister in the Union Budget Speech for the year 2008-09,
amendments to the Income Tax Act. These are: (i) a new sub-section
sub-section (43) under Section 10 of the Income Tax Act to the effect
they are in the nature of the capital receipts. These two amendments
exempt the receipts in the hands of senior citizen from income tax
and have made the scheme more beneficial for the senior citizen.
two major limitations. First the stream of income to the senior citizen
citizen remains alive beyond 20 years? From where he will get the
monthly flow of payment because the bank will stop it after 20 years.
the Senior Citizen shall not make any repayment and may continue
to occupy the house as owners. Because of these two reasons the
scheme did not become popular and the Ministry of Finance has to
assured life-time annuity for the senior citizens from a life insurance
payments shall continue to flow till the demise of the last surviving
Star Union Dai-ichi Life Insurance Company Ltd., (SUD Life) and
Central Bank of India (CBI) in December 2009. The SUD Life has
over the initial RML scheme (2007) which limited the loan
formulated operational guidelines for new RML enabled Annuity
A Review Of Progress
that the amount of outstanding loan may exceed the value of the
the value of property over a period of time, the bank will have to bear
the loss. This may happen due to a number of factors like a higher
than expected and a rise in rate of interest in the later years. So the
of the borrower and the cost of repairs the property may demand in
the years to come should be taken care of. Normally the loan amount
the loan is granted, the lending bank will reassess the value of
property from time to time and if it finds that the value has increased
substantially, the borrower can be given the option of increasing
monthly installments.
social security for the senior citizens who have strong preference for
their own house. They have ready equity for mortgage and are
rising inflation and fall of the joint family system the need for social
awareness of the scheme could be other factors which can create the
been observed that the commercial banks are not taking enough
were living their houses. Out of these eighty senior citizens, only
sixty four filled up the questionnaire and the remaining 16 did not
their income from rent and bank interest. Remaining twelve percent
reported that they depended on their sons and daughters. Forty three
per cent of the senior citizen reported that they are still doing jobs or
were getting income from there. Forty per cent of senior citizen
about the scheme was found as a major hurdle in the way of scheme.
Forty five per cent of the respondent reported that their present
income is enough and that they do not require any additional flow of
income. Twenty nine of the respondents did not give any response
that weather their income was sufficient or not. Twenty six per cent
citizens applied for loan and out of these only four could get loan
applicants that they still hoped to get the loan though the bank has
taken more than enough time. Out of the four borrowers under
Reverse Mortgage Scheme, two reported that loan was granted to
them in normal routine and remaining two reported that the bank
took undue time and were not friendly to the borrower. Further, it
was reported by the all the borrowers that loan sanctioned by the
bank was less than the loan applied by them. It was 60 to 90 per cent
of Rs.2 crore. The all India figures for the first year show that only 150
the property was the major reason cited by State Bank of India office
outlook hesitate to sanction loan. The time horizon is too long and
longer the time period greater will be the risk. Added to that is
uncertainty. The Reverse Mortgage Scheme is little bit more risky for
the banks compared to mortgage loan scheme for the reasons cited
earlier. The amount of loan plus interest may exceed the realizable
feasible at the time of death of the borrower and spouse and not
Counseling Centre
citizens and their doubts are removed. The NHB has adopted a
June 2010, seven counseling centers has been setup in the cities of
were opened, increasing the total number to 10. These three centers
were opened at Lucknow, Mumbai, and Ahmadabad.
Not only the seminars are being organized and the counseling
old age. The National Housing bank, Reserve Bank of India and the
Government of India have been taking the steps to make the scheme
is not limited to twenty years and there is no fear of reduction in the
and the Govt. of India loaning under the RMS has not picked up yet.
over the property. Further, the banks find that loaning under RMS is
new channel of loaning for the banks, the bank should adopt a liberal
Company, and the investors. These are primary stake holders. With
and Contracts Act 1956, the ground for the Residential Mortgage
Backed Securitization has been cleared. The NHB has completed only
14 tranche of RMBS till June 20s11. The portfolio was of the size of Rs.
2006-07. In all the tranche NHB acted as Trustee and special vehicle
company to ensure that the operation run smoothly and timely
certificates has also been consistent with that indicated at the time of
land mark in the history of financial products and the NHB should
living in towns and small cities as well and that legal hurdles are