Pointers in Answering The Practice Problems in Buscom and Conso F/S
Pointers in Answering The Practice Problems in Buscom and Conso F/S
Pointers in Answering The Practice Problems in Buscom and Conso F/S
Problem 1.
If NCI is recognized at FV, (stated or if silent) you NEED to check ….the NCI at FV must
not be lower than the proportionate or relevant share. Otherwise use the
proportionate share.
If NCI is recognized at the proportionate share, (stated) then even if there is a FV given
which is higher in amount…. USE the proportionate share.
Problem 2.
Acquisition related costs (direct and indirect) are expense as incurred. On the date of
acquisition, since the only FS available is the Statement of Financial Position, it will be a
deduction from RE to balance the equation A=L+SHE.
Problem 3.
If the given is “Income from separate/own operation of Parent”, then you should not
deduct the dividend received from the acquired company in computing for CNI since it is
not yet included in the said line item.
Problem 4.
RPBI is added in computing for the CNI or NCINIS (if upstreams) since it involves ONLY
the NI of the current year in the computation.
BUT there is no need to add RPBI(upstream) in computing for NCINAS of subsequent
year, since RPBI pertains to a profit realized per books in year 1 but realized for conso
purposes in year2.
THEREFORE, NCINAS as of year 2 will include the NI of Subs in years 1 and 2. RPBI was
part of NI in year one so adding it in the formula of NCINAS will have a double effect.
Problem 5.
Problem 8.
Problem 9.
Problem 10.
Step Acquisition requires to recognize the fair value of the previously held securities.
The fair value is either given or assumed based on the price paid.