Untitled Document-53
Untitled Document-53
Untitled Document-53
Children around the world are being abused, wronged, and overworked. They
are being mistreated while we sit here and smile. No child should be exposed to such
cruelness, to such inhumane actions. You say you’ve been through hard things? We
don’t know what that’s like. We don’t know what it’s like to work for our lives. Where
every second counts. When you work and work until you can’t anymore. But you can’t
stop. These children are being deprived of their childhood, their innocence stripped.
They work under gruesome conditions that are “mentally, physically, socially or morally
harmful.” Who gave people the right to manipulate minds? To shape them and mold
them as if they were machines? To take away their integrity, their voice, and their
education? This might not happen in our very own country but these children are part of
our world. In just 2019, about 152 million children were subject to child labor. I hope that
all children get to grow up without risking their lives. Child labor exists because of us. I
hope that people stop making excuses for supporting this treacherous act. I hope that
those who support this unspeakable act open their eyes and see the true horrors of
what they have done. My hope is that all children around the world get to be free. There
is no reason, there is no excuse, child labor is child abuse.