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MATEC Web of Conferences 154, 01084 (2018)

ICET4SD 2017

Operational risk analysis with Fuzzy FMEA (Failure Mode and

Effect Analysis) approach (Case study: Optimus Creative
Taufiq Immawan*, Wahyudhi Sutrisno, and Annisa Kamilia Rachman
Universitas Islam Indonesia, 55584 DI Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Abstract. Industrial development in Indonesia, manufacturing and services, are required to be able to manage
the company very well. However, in practice, the company's activities are always faced with risks. In general,
the risk can be defined as a situation faced by a person or a company in which there is a possibility that harm.
The level of risk faced losses due to highly variable depending on the cause and effect influence. To be able
to manage (risk management), it can use FMEA (Failure Mode and Effect Analysis). FMEA is a method of
analyzing potential failure are applied in product development, system engineering and operational
management and is one of a qualitative risk assessment. Using FMEA can also note the value of the RPN
(Risk Priority Number) to determine improvement priorities at risk. But there are weaknesses in the use of
FMEA, namely RPN calculation is only done by multiplying the severity, occurence and detection alone and
irrespective of the degree of importance of each input, to the FMEA method is integrated using fuzzy logic.
Fuzzy FMEA is aimed at obtaining the highest fuzzyRPN value which will be used as the focus of
improvements to minimize the possibility of these risks occur back. The results were obtained 7 out of 18
types of risks that have a high priority for repairs. Risk troublesome computer (hank / die) while doing photo
editing scored the highest RPN 540 (scale 1-1000) and also the highest FRPN 9 (scale 1-10). There is a
difference in value between RPN and FRPN. FRPN value obtained from the fuzzification, generate value by
taking into account the degree of interest of any given input.

1 Introduction is the understanding that the operational risks faced by the

company can be identified, measured, controlled,
The risk is related to uncertainty, this happens because of mitigated and reported correctly through the
lack or unavailability of adequate information about what implementation of the risk management framework.
is going to happen. Something uncertain might be Optimus Creative Company is one of the services in the
beneficial or detrimental to the company. According to field of graphic design, photography, yearbook and event
Wideman (1992), which raises uncertainty the potential to organizer. In the process of operation, the company is
benefit known as the chance (opportunity), while always confronted with a variety of business operational
uncertainties which give rise to these adverse effects is risks derived from changes in external and internal
called the risk. For the creation of good corporate environment relating to business management. Some of
governance cannot be separated from the application of the business operating risks among which the delay in
risk management so that risk management is a vital force payment by the consumer, the delay in the printing
for good corporate governance. Risk management is very process, errors in the editing photos, errors in the printing
important so that it becomes an urgent matter that should results, delays in delivery, complaints from consumers
be applied, because it is through the implementation of a and others. In order to carry out its activities in order to
formal risk management, structured and integrated minimize the potential occurrence of such risks, the
company will be able to adapt to the business company is in need of policies and guidelines for risk
environment. management so that goals and objectives can be achieved.
The main objective of risk management is to keep The method used to overcome this problem is by applying
operational activities that do not cause losses which Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) and the use
exceed the ability of business entities to absorb such of fuzzy logic.
losses or endangering its survival. One element of risk that Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) is one
will inevitably arise in the business life activity at a method of failure analysis / potential failure are applied in
business entity is operational risk, and is also the oldest product development, system engineering and operational
and the inherent risk that comes before other risks management and is one risk measurement / risk
(Muslich, 2007). Basically operational risk management measurement category qualitative risk assessment

* Corresponding author: immawan16@gmail.com

© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution
License 4.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
MATEC Web of Conferences 154, 01084 (2018) https://doi.org/10.1051/matecconf/201815401084
ICET4SD 2017

(Hanggraeni, 2010). Fuzzy logic is one method for business operations of a company (Hanggraeni, 2010). On
analyzing systems that contain uncertainty (Kusumadewi the Project Risk Management PMBOK (2004), risk
S, 2002). The use of fuzzy logic in the FMEA to help management is a systematic process of planning,
determine the value of the Risk Priority Number (RPN) of identifying, analyzing, responding to and controlling risk.
failure occurring. Risk management is intended to ensure the
sustainability of profitability and growth in line with the
vision and mission of the company. In the control strategy
2 Literature Review and business risk management, corporate identification
and risk maps (risk mapping), quantification and
2.1 Risk Definition measurement of risk (risk measurement and assessment),
risk management (risk treatment) as well as risk
Understanding the risks within the scope of the general management policies (Hanggraeni, 2010). Risk
public better known as something harmful from the Management process starting from identifying risk,
presence of an incident. There are several definitions of analyzing risk, manage risk, risk management
risk, according to some experts, including: implementation and control of the application of risk
- Risks in the Great Dictionary of Indonesian is a result management (ISO 31000-risk management system).
of less favorable (adverse harm) of an acts.
- According Hanggraeni 2010 risk is an events that the
potential to occur that might cause harm to a company. 2.4 FMEA (Failure Mode and Effect Analysis)
- ISO / IEC Guide 73: 2002 Risk Management- Use of the method FMEA (Failure Mode and Effect
Vocabulary-Guidelines for use in standards (2002) Analysis) was first created in 1960 by the Aerospace
states that the risk is a combination of the probability Industry. In 1974, the Navy developed the so-called
of occurrence and consequences. FMEA Procedure Mil-Std-1629 in which FMEA format
is often used today. FMEA became popular after being
2.2 Operational Risk used by the automotive industry to be implemented
Integration into the product development process of their
Operational risk is the risk of most types of 'old' but least cars to overcome the problems of low product quality.
understood compared with other types of risks (eg market FMEA until now still used primarily to prevent accidents
risk or interest rate). In this type of operational risk, there and incidents at work (Mc Dermott, 2009).
are inherent operational risk categories, namely risk arises
because the company does business. For example, Table 1. Severity rating scale
operational risk, namely, internal control systems are
Rating Description Criteria
inadequate, work accidents, computer system failures, Failure could cause the death of a
data corruption, failure to manage human resources customer (patient, visitor,
(employees) and others. Basel II (which regulates Extremely employee, staff member, business
international banking institutions) defines operational risk 10
dangerous partner) and/or total system
as the risk arising from the failure of internal processes, breakdown, without any prior
people, systems or from external events. There are two warning
types of business operational risks that can be faced by the 9 Failure could cause a major or
company (Hanggraeni, 2010), namely: permanent injury and/or serious
- The risk of non-entrepreneurial, that is a risk that was system disruption with
8 dangerous
interruption in service, with prior
not caused by an entrepreneurial decision taken by the warning.
company. Companies usually use the services of 7 Failure could cause a minor to
insurance as a way to protect the company from this moderate injury with a high
risk. Example: natural disasters, fires, and pollution. degree of customer dissatisfaction
- Entrepreneurial risk, namely the risk posed by the Dangerous
6 and/or major system problems
entrepreneurial decision taken by the company. If the requiring major repairs or
company's business decisions and not precisely significant re-work.
predict the decision, the company may experience Failure could cause a minor injury
significant losses. Example: the risk of build a new Moderate with some customer
building, the risk of launching new products and the danger dissatisfaction and/or major
system problems.
risk of merger.
4 Failure could cause a very minor
or no injury but annoys customers
Low to
2.3 Risk Management and/or results in minor system
3 problems that can be overcome
Risk management is closely related to the company's with minor modifications to the
sustainability. If the company carries out the management system or process.
of risk, the company can avoid bankruptcy or even be able Failure could cause no injury and
the customer is unaware of the
to generate increased profits. Risk management is a series
2 Slight danger problem; however, the potential
of procedures and methodologies used to identify, for minor injury exists. There is
measure, monitor and control risks arising from the little or no effect on the system.

MATEC Web of Conferences 154, 01084 (2018) https://doi.org/10.1051/matecconf/201815401084
ICET4SD 2017

Rating Description Criteria Rating Detection Definition

Failure causes no injury and has The error can be detected with a
1 No danger Remote
no impact on the system. 4 manual inspection, but no process
chance of
Source: Silva, M. M, 2014 5 is in place, so that detection left to
FMEA is a structured procedure to identify and There is a process for double-
prevent as much as possible modes of failure. FMEA is Moderate checks or inspections, but it is not
used to identify the sources and root causes of quality 6 chance of automated and/or is applied only
problems. According to Wideman (1992), FMEA can be detection to a sample and/or relies on
done by: vigilance.
- Identify and evaluate the potential failure of a product There is 100% inspection or
7 High chance
review of the process, but it is not
and its effects. 8 of detection
- Registration process (document the process). Very high
- Identify actions that could eliminate or reduce the There is 100% inspection of the
9 chance of
chance of potential failure occurs. process, and it is automated.
In the use of FMEA methods have involved three Almost There are automatic “shut-offs”
things that assist in determining the risk to be able to know 10 certain chance or constraints that prevent failure.
the value of the RPN (Mc Dermott, 2009), namely: of detection
- Severity is the impact that arises when an error occurs. Source: Silva, M. M, 2014
Table scale levels to the severity (damage) can be seen
in Table 1. 2.5 Types of FMEA (Failure Mode and Effect
- Occurrence is the likelihood or probability or Analysis)
frequency of occurrence of errors. Table scale levels
for occurrence can be seen in Table 2. There are two types of FMEA according to Mc Dermott,
- Detection is possible to detect a fault will occur or Mikulak & Beauregard (2009), namely:
before the impact of these errors occur. Table scale 1. Design / product FMEA.
levels for detection can be seen in Table 3. Design / product FMEA is an analytical technique
based on the design of engineering / team that includes
Table 2. Occurence rating scale a potential failure mode causes of mechanical failures
Rating Description Potential failure rate that arise in the process. The systematic approach is
Certain Failure occurs at least once a taken in parallel, formal and all documents related to
10 probability of day, or failure occurs almost the design engineer through several processes. This
occurence every time. design FMEA is used to analyze the product before
Failure is
Failure occurs predictably, or
input into the production process. Design FMEA focus
9 almost
failure occurs every 3–4 days on the mode of failure caused by the design.
inevitable 2. Process FMEA.
Very high Failure occurs frequently, or Process FMEA is an analytical technique
probability of failure occurs about once per manufacturing or assembly process where in it
occurence week.
contains a potential failure mode causes of mechanical
6 Moderately Failure occurs approximately
5 high once per month. failures that appeared in the production process. Each
probability of item of all the systems, sub-systems all the
occurence components should be evaluated. FMEA process is
Moderate Failure occurs occasionally, or used to analyze the production and assembly process.
probability of failure occurs once every 3 FMEA of this type focused on the mode of failure
occurence months. caused by the production or assembly process.
Low Failure occurs rarely, or failure
2 probability of occurs about once per year.
occurence 2.6 Procedure of FMEA (Failure Mode and Effect
Remote Failure almost never occurs; no Analysis)
1 probability of one remembers the last failure.
occurence There are ten steps in the procedure FMEA according to
Source: Silva, M. M, 2014 Mc Dermott, Mikulak & Beauregard (2009). Even this
procedure applies to all types of FMEA, good product /
Table 3. Detection rating scale design and process. The ten steps are:
1. Review the process or product.
Rating Detection Definition
No chance of There is no known mechanism
2. Conduct brainstorming failure mode (a potential
1 failure mode).
detection for detecting the failure.
Very The failure can be detected only 3. Register effects of the failure of each failure mode.
2 remote/unreli with a thorough inspection, and 4. Establish severity weights for each effect of failure.
3 able chance this is not feasible or cannot be 5. Establish the weight of occurrence for each failure
of detection readily performed. mode.
6. Establish the weight of detection for each failure
mode/effect failure

MATEC Web of Conferences 154, 01084 (2018) https://doi.org/10.1051/matecconf/201815401084
ICET4SD 2017

7. Calculate the value of the RPN (risk priority number) Mamdani or often known by the method of Max - Min
for each effect of failure. RPN is a measurement of the introduced by Ebrahim Mamdani in 1975. To get a fuzzy
relative risk by multiplying the value of severity, output requires four steps:
occurence and detection. Within the scope of FMEA, 1. Arrange the Fuzzy membership function.
this value can range from 1 to 1000. Mathematically it 2. Create a rule-based fuzzy logic.
can be expressed as follows: 3. Perform Fuzzy inference process.
RPN = (S) x (O) x (D)
In equation is the multiplication between the severity
(S), occurence (O) and detection (D). RPN is determined 3 Case Study
before setting a corrective action recommendations and Optimus Creative was founded in 2010, located in
used to prioritize action. Sarimanah, Bandung, West Java. Optimus Creative is a
1. Prioritize failure modes that have the highest RPN.
creative company advertising agency, Graphic Design,
2. Take measures to eliminate or reduce the failure
Photography, Videography and Event Organizer. Services
modes that have the highest risk.
offered by this company is more focused on the annual
3. Recalculating the value of the RPN after the failure
book production services (yearbook) for each of the
mode have been reduced or eliminated.
schools in the city of Bandung. Optimus Creative has
opened various branches in Yogyakarta, Jakarta,
2.7 Fuzzy Logic Tasikmalaya, so today has been a lot of work together in
making the school yearbook with more than 100 school.
Fuzzy logic is a proper way to map an input space into an
output space. There are several reasons why people use
fuzzy logic, among others (Kusumadewi, 2002): 3.1 FMEA Application
1. The concept of fuzzy logic is easy to understand.
In making the yearbook through six processes, namely the
Mathematical concepts underlying the fuzzy
presentation, meeting concept, photo session, photo
reasoning is very simple and easy to understand.
editing, printing and delivery. The entire process is not
2. Fuzzy logic is very flexible.
immune from the risks experienced. To be able to identify
3. Fuzzy logic can tolerate data that is not appropriate.
the overall risk and knowing the weights for each risk,
4. Fuzzy logic is able to model non-linear functions are
then the distribution of questionnaires to all employees
very complex.
who work at the company's operations. The results of the
5. Fuzzy logic can develop and apply the experiences of
questionnaire were as follows:
experts directly without having to go through the
training process. Table 4. Recapitulation questionnaire
6. Fuzzy logic can work with techniques conventional
control. No Production Risk Identification Weighted
7. Fuzzy logic is based on natural language. Process Average
1. Presentation 1. Presentation materials 4
deleted/lost/not getting
2.8 Fuzzy FMEA (Failure Mode and Effect carried away
Analysis) 2. Facilities on site 2
presentations inadequate
Fuzzy logic is one method to analyze systems that contain 3. Team members did not 2
uncertainty (Kusumadewi, 2002). Research using Fuzzy attend the presentation
Logic will get more accurate results than using 4. Termination of 5
unilateral presentation
conventional FMEA. According to Xu et al. (2002) and
by the client
Yeh & Hsieh (2007), some weaknesses Conventional 2. Meeting 5. Disagreements bout the
FMEA namely: Concept concept of team and 2
1. Statement of the FMEA often subjective and client
qualitative described in natural language. 6. The objection about the 4
2. Three levels of severity parameter (S), occurance (O) payment schedule
and detection (D) are assumed to have similar 3. Photo 7. Equipment for photo 5
interests, it turns out in practice the weight of the Session session is damaged
interests of all three parameters are not the same. 8. Bad weather when the 2
concept of photo out door
3. The value of risk priority number (RPN) were 9. Some students were
produced by multiplying the level of S, O and D may absent/late when the 3
imply a representation of risk. photo session
To overcome the weakness - the weakness of the 10. The late photographer 2
method is based on fuzzy logic is often used to manipulate team attendance
the linguistic terms used directly in making a critical 11. Errors photo location 2
assessment. According to Iqbal et al. (2013), Fuzzy information
system is a knowledge-based system that is built on the 12. Unable to permit the
shooting lovation
expertise and experience in the form of fuzzy IF-THEN (location not in a public
rules. Fuzzy inference method FMEA performed using area)

MATEC Web of Conferences 154, 01084 (2018) https://doi.org/10.1051/matecconf/201815401084
ICET4SD 2017

4. Photo 13. Computer problems 5 The results in Table 4 are then selected risks that have the
Editing (hank on/off) highest average weight (score 5) for further processed
14. File data is lost 5 using FMEA method. The main objective was to
15. Misinformation 3 determine the method FMEA RPN value for each risk.
(different between the
RPN value is obtained by multiplying the value of
photo and description)
5. Printing 16. The printer is trouble 5
severity, occurence and earlier detection that these values
17. Result of the finishing 5 have been obtained through brainstorming and document
not appropriate review. RPN value can be seen in Table 5.
6. Delivery 18. Delay in delivery 5

Table 5. Calculation results of RPN

Potential Potential Effect(s) of Potential Cause(s) of Current Process



Failure Failure Failure Control

Presentation materials Appearance and delivery of

conveyed not so big material less attractive Re-discuss with the
of unilateral
possibility of 6 presentation of the 2 client to schedule a 8 96 a1
cooperation is not company's presentation presentation.
by the client
established. team.
The scheduled Replacement of the
Equipment for completion of the photo components of the
Treatment of equipment
photo session session is too late, the 5 4 equipment have been 4 80 a2
was not regularly
is damaged catch is less good damaged when the
photos. photo
Treatment of the computer
is not on a regular basis,
companies do not have a
Computer Photo editing Repairs done when
generator or a UPS
problems workmanship exceeds 10 6 knowing troubled 9 540 a3
(Uninterruptible Power
(hank on/off) the specified deadline computer
Supply) to avoid the
computer suddenly died due
to power cuts.
Photo editing
workmanship exceeds The process data storage is
Storage of data stored
File data is the specified deadline not good, data storage is
10 2 on more than two data 6 120 a4
lost and also can lead to the only performed in a data
storage media
repetition of the storage medium
previous process.
Book page printout was
not optimal (there is a
Printing work overload and
shadow, the color is not The execution stops
The printer is lack of oversight and
clear, etc.) and 9 7 after finding trouble 6 378 a5
trouble periodic maintenance of the
workmanship mold printing machine.
printing press.
exceeds specified
Conduct an
Poor final quality books examination of the
Result of the and pages in the book Employees who work on results of the book
finishing not are easily separated 7 finishing the book lacks 6 before the book 8 336 a6
appropriate from the book cover focus and is not thorough. entered the process of
stitching. packaging and
Work on editing and
Confirm beforehand
Causing complaints or printing is delayed, stalled
Delay in with the school about
protests from the 9 in the journey time of 4 9 324 a7
delivery delays in the delivery
students and the school. delivery, fault location
information delivery.

MATEC Web of Conferences 154, 01084 (2018) https://doi.org/10.1051/matecconf/201815401084
ICET4SD 2017

severity, occurence and detection that have been obtained

3.2. Application of Fuzzy FMEA from the results of FMEA risk identification using
conventional methods (Table 5). Here are the results
In the processing of fuzzy FMEA using conventional
obtained from the FRPN defuzzification process using
FMEA result, Matlab 8 is used as a tool pengoalahan data.
Matlab 8:
Fuzzy Logic Matlab toolbox is a software program that
has been used in calculating the values of Fuzzy RPN. A Table 6. Comparison of RPN and FRPN
model that was built in the techniques of Fuzzy FMEA
has 3 inputs (severity, occurence and detection) and 1 Potential S O D RPN Priori Priori
Failure ty ty
output variable (FuzzyRPN) (Kumru, 2012).
There are 5 levels of membership function in the input problems 10 6 9 540 1 9 1
variables, ie Almost None, Low, Medium, High and Very (hank on/off)
High (Kumru, 2012). Of the five membership functions The printer is
9 7 6 378 2 8 3
are then producing 125 fuzzy rules, which are used as a trouble
factor in determining the value fuzzyRPN. As for the Result of the
variable output used 10 level membership function in finishing not 7 6 8 336 3 7 4
output variables, namely None, Very Low, Low, High Delay in
Low, Medium Low, Medium, High Medium, Low High, 9 4 9 324 4 9 2
High and Very High (Kumru, 2012) File data is
10 2 6 120 5 6 7
of unilateral
6 2 8 96 6 7 5
by the client
for photo
5 4 4 80 7 7 6
session is

Based on Table 6 there are the difference between the

value and ranking among the NDP and FRPN. This is due
Fig 1. Fuzzy model to calculations using RPN simply done by multiplying the
severity, occurence and detection alone and irrespective
of the degree of importance of each input. While FRPN
value obtained from the fuzzification, generate value by
taking into account the degree of interest of any given
input. In the process of defuzzification calculations have
put the rules that prioritize the handling of the problem
over to the cause of the risk. Whereas in the calculation of
RPN, RPN value generated simply by multiplying the
value of severity, occurence and detection only causing
less accurate calculations with the NDP and the different
Fig 2. Input variable membership function results with calculations FRPN. Basically the method of
fuzzy FMEA FMEA is more consistent than conventional

3.4 Risk Handling

Here are some strategies for each risk than risk having the
highest priority to low priority based on the calculation
FRPN (Fuzzy Risk Priority Number):
Fig 3. Output variable membership function 1. Risk Priority 1: Computer problems (hang on / off)
when editing pictures with a value FRPN 9
3.3 Deffuzyfication - Risk Mitigation
- Installation of double generator or UPS
Input from the process is the set Fuzzy defuzzyfication (Uninterruptible Power Supply) for all
resulting from the process of composition and output is a workstations
value of One technique used in defuzzyfication is Center - Regular checks of the computer used (at least
Of Gravity (Centroid). In Centroid, the output value is 1x1 month)
obtained based on the gravity of the decision-making - Reset the computer's power cable installation on
process yield curve. In this study, defuzzification is used the layout of photo editing special work
to find the value of output in the form of FRPN value of 2. Risk Priority 2: The delay in the delivery process with
the input that has been entered. Inputs come from both the a value of RPN 9

MATEC Web of Conferences 154, 01084 (2018) https://doi.org/10.1051/matecconf/201815401084
ICET4SD 2017

- Risk Mitigation this time. The formation of a team or a special division

- Confirm the address with the recipient before that handles risk management can also be done as a way
sending of controlling risk. During the meeting, it can be evaluated
- Avoid delivery time during peak hours on the go the risks that usually happens, if there are new risks
- Check the condition of the vehicle before arising, eating could be immediately documented to be
transporting (avoid crashes vehicle) analyzed great danger and action to handle, and if there is
3. Risk Priority 3: The print engine trouble during the a risk that is no longer relevant can also be eliminated. In
process of printing the value FRPN 8 addition, through regular meetings could be used to
- Risk Mitigation Strategies discuss current risk management strategies and continue
- The treatment is good against the printing press, to improve the strategy
especially after use
- Regular checks periodically for printing
machines (minimum 1x1 month) 4 Conclusion
- Reset the printing schedule (avoid overload) Of the many known risks identified are 7 risks that have
- Do not use a printing machine that has been the highest weight for processing by the FMEA. The use
aged> 10 years of FMEA simply multiplying severity, occurence and
- Setting up a special printing machine technician detection alone to obtain the value of the RPN regardless
4. Risk Priority 4: Results of faulty finishing (disagree) of the degree the interests of each input. To cover the
with the value FRPN 7 shortfall which is owned by the FMEA method is then
- Risk Mitigation Strategies integrated using fuzzy logic, then the difference of the
- Application written SOP for the process of results obtained with the conventional FMEA
finishing a book FuzzyFMEA. From the results obtained fuzzyRPN
- Routine supervision of the workforce knowable risks becoming a priority for rapid repairs. The
- Procurement training for old and new workers company can make the handling and controlling the risks
- Perform quality control before packaging that these risks do not occur in the future. One way is by
5. Risk Priority 5: Dismissal of unilateral presentation by applying risk mitigation actions for each risk and set up a
the client (the school) with a value FRPN 7 special division that handles risk management.
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ICET4SD 2017

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