Practice Test: 29 Marks (37 Minutes) Additional Problem: 31 Marks (45 Minutes)
Practice Test: 29 Marks (37 Minutes) Additional Problem: 31 Marks (45 Minutes)
Practice Test: 29 Marks (37 Minutes) Additional Problem: 31 Marks (45 Minutes)
(Total 1 mark)
2. The graph shows how the displacement varies with time for an object undergoing simple
harmonic motion.
Which graph shows how the object’s acceleration a varies with time t?
(Total 1 mark)
Exam Review: Topic 04 – Waves Reagan IB Physics
3. Which of the following is a value of wavelength that is found in the visible region of the
electromagnetic spectrum?
A. 4 × 10–5 m C. 4 × 10–9 m
B. 4 × 10–7 m D. 4 × 10–11 m
(Total 1 mark)
4. The shock absorbers of a car, in good working condition, ensure that the vertical oscillations of
the car are
A. undamped.
B. lightly damped.
C. moderately damped.
D. critically damped.
(Total 1 mark)
5. The graphs show how the acceleration a of four different particles varies with their
displacement x.
Which of the particles is executing simple harmonic motion?
(Total 1 mark)
Exam Review: Topic 04 – Waves Reagan IB Physics
6. The diagram on the right is a
snapshot of wave fronts of
circular waves emitted by a point
source S at the surface of water.
The source vibrates at a frequency
f = 10.0 Hz.
A. 0.15 cm s–1.
B. 1.5 cm s–1.
C. 15 cm s–1.
D. 30 cm s–1.
(Total 1 mark)
Which of the following best describes the intensity of the waves at P and Q?
A. maximum minimum
B. minimum maximum
C. maximum maximum
D. minimum minimum
(Total 1 mark)
Exam Review: Topic 04 – Waves Reagan IB Physics
8. An object at the end of a spring oscillates vertically with simple harmonic motion. The graph
shows the variation with time t of the displacement x. The amplitude is x0 and the period of
oscillation is T.
2 2
A. x 0 cos t C. x 0 sin t
2 2
B. x 0 cos t D. x 0 sin t
(Total 1 mark)
9. A mass on the end of a horizontal spring is displaced from its equilibrium position by a distance
A and released. Its subsequent oscillations have total energy E and time period T.
(Total 1 mark)
Exam Review: Topic 04 – Waves Reagan IB Physics
10. What is the best estimate for the refractive index of a medium in which light travels at a speed
of 2.7 × 108 m s–1?
11. Plane wavefronts are incident on a boundary between two media labelled 1 and 2 in the
The diagram of the wavefronts is drawn to scale.
A. refraction.
B. reflection.
C. diffraction.
D. transmission.
(Total 1 mark)
Exam Review: Topic 04 – Waves Reagan IB Physics
13. Which of the following correctly describes the change, if any, in the speed, wavelength and
frequency of a light wave as it passes from air into glass?
14. A sound wave of frequency 660 Hz passes through air. The variation of particle displacement
with distance along the wave at one instant of time is shown below.
displacement / mm 00 distance / m
1.0 2.0
(b) Using data from the above graph, deduce for this sound wave,
(Total 5 marks)
Exam Review: Topic 04 – Waves Reagan IB Physics
15. Travelling waves
(a) Graph 1 below shows the variation with time t of the displacement d of a travelling
(progressive) wave. Graph 2 shows the variation with distance x along the same wave of
its displacement d.
Graph 1 4
d / mm
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6
Graph 2 4
d / mm
0.0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 2.0 2.4
x / cm
(ii) Use the graphs to determine the amplitude, wavelength, frequency and speed of the
Amplitude: .................................................................................................
Wavelength: .................................................................................................
Frequency: .................................................................................................
Speed: .................................................................................................
Exam Review: Topic 04 – Waves Reagan IB Physics
Refraction of waves
(b) The diagram below shows plane wavefronts incident on a boundary between two media
A and B.
medium A
medium B
The angle between an incident wavefront and the normal to the boundary is 50.
(i) Calculate the angle between a refracted wavefront and the normal to the boundary.
(ii) On the diagram above, construct three wavefronts to show the refraction of the
wave at the boundary.
(Total 11 marks)
Additional problems
(a) A body is displaced from equilibrium. State the two conditions necessary for the body to
execute simple harmonic motion.
1. .........................................................................................................................
2. .........................................................................................................................
Exam Review: Topic 04 – Waves Reagan IB Physics
(b) In a simple model of a methane molecule, a hydrogen atom and the carbon atom can be
regarded as two masses attached by a spring. A hydrogen atom is much less massive than
the carbon atom such that any displacement of the carbon atom may be ignored.
The graph below shows the variation with time t of the displacement x from its
equilibrium position of a hydrogen atom in a molecule of methane.
The mass of hydrogen atom is 1.7 10–27 kg. Use data from the graph above
(i) to determine its amplitude of oscillation.
(ii) to show that the frequency of its oscillation is 9.1 10 Hz. 13
(iii) to show that the maximum kinetic energy of the hydrogen atom is 6.2 10–18 J.
(c) On the grid below, sketch a graph to show the variation with time t of the speed v of the
hydrogen atom for one period of oscillation starting at t = 0. (There is no need to add
values to the speed axis.)
Exam Review: Topic 04 – Waves Reagan IB Physics
(d) Assuming that the motion of the hydrogen atom is simple harmonic, its frequency of
oscillation f is given by the expression
1 k
f ,
2 mp
where k is the force per unit displacement between a hydrogen atom and the carbon atom
and mp is the mass of a proton.
(ii) Estimate, using your answer to (d)(i), the maximum acceleration of the hydrogen
(Total 17 marks)
(a) With reference to the direction of energy transfer through a medium, distinguish between
a transverse wave and a longitudinal wave.
Exam Review: Topic 04 – Waves Reagan IB Physics
(b) A wave is travelling along the surface of some shallow water in the x-direction. The
graph shows the variation with time t of the displacement d of a particle of water.
d / mm 10
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3
–2 t/s
(c) The speed of the wave in (b) is 15 cm s–1. Deduce that the wavelength of this wave is
2.0 cm.
(d) The graph in (b) shows the displacement of a particle at the position x = 0.
On the axes below, draw a graph to show the variation with distance x along the water
surface of the displacement d of the water surface at time t = 0.070 s.
Exam Review: Topic 04 – Waves Reagan IB Physics
d / mm 10
0 1 2 3 4 x/cm
(e) The wave encounters a shelf that divides the water into two separate depths. The water to
the right of the shelf is deeper than that to the left of the shelf.
wave fronts
direction of
travel of wave
deep water
shallow water
The angle between the wavefronts in the shallow water and the shelf is 30°. The speed of
the wave in the shallow water is 15 cm s–1 and in the deeper water is 20 cm s–1. For the
wave in the deeper water, determine the angle between the normal to the wavefronts and
the shelf.
(Total 14 marks)
Exam Review: Topic 04 – Waves Reagan IB Physics
Mark scheme
1. C 4. D 7. A 10. C 13. A
2. D 5. B 8. A 11. B
3. B 6. C 9. A 12. C
wavelength = 2.4cm; 1
frequency = ;
= 3.3Hz; 1
= 8.0cms1; 1
sin 40
sin r
r = 27;
angle = 63; 3
Exam Review: Topic 04 – Waves Reagan IB Physics
Additional problems
(a) the force acting / accelerating (on the body) is directed towards equilibrium
and is proportional to its / the bodies displacement from equilibrium; 2
f ;
= 9.1 1013 Hz 2
Emax = mω x
2 1
2 1.7 10 27 1.5 10 20 5.7 10 28 ;
2 2
= 6.2 1018 J 2
560 Nm1 1
(e) (i) infra red radiation radiated from Earth will be absorbed by
greenhouse gases;
and so increase the temperature of the atmosphere / Earth; 2
Exam Review: Topic 04 – Waves Reagan IB Physics
17. (a) Transverse
the particles (of the medium) vibrate at right angles;
to the direction of energy transfer;
the particles (of the medium) vibrate in the same direction as the
direction of energy transfer; 3
(ii) 8 mm; 1
(c) = ;
7 .7
= 1.95 cm 2.0 cm 2
sin 1 v1
(e) use of
sin 2 v 2
sin 2 2 sin 1 ;
= sin30 to give 2 = 42°;
angle = 48°; 3