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dey he, 1953 MEMORANDUM FOR She PALS, ACLIRG aLAD OF This SASETNATH there are transuitted reperts: Spocial Agent i, Very trety yours, a ard to call attention ot he considered to be a strone roo detween F and Eve Braun, in vi; . Ue vat winy he hed secured @ photograph of Eva’ Sraun viich d been taken from a recent issue of Life magazine. It wes belief that should Adolf Hitler still be alive the amily would know where he is 1o; seid studying the photographs of EY. Eva Braun, he was of the opinion that the two an were jee tical and that the true name of Eva Braun is actually a | | mse eae? thet he believed it was more than a coincide av the sister of Eva Braun referred to in the above mentioned article in a rgcent iss Life magazine should have the name Gretel, zfnce Eya so hed a sister named Greta or Gret a There are transmitted herewith for the possible e Bureau one copy of @ photograph of Eva and Greta end their mother, which photogreph was taken 11 » ane one enlargezent of the photograph of Zve wh, een copied from the originel photograph lil The din this office of the oa ‘was not endeavoring to repo: Mtter to the Averfcen Enbassy in Buenos Aires that was of a sensational nature, dut he felt that it was his duty to,submit the story set’forth above for wheat it was worth, It is suggested that the Bureau night possibly desire to refer the above story to the Allied Kilitary Govern- ment in Berlin, Germany, Very truly your: WIB/ens Enclosures 105-214 Thia will acknowledge receipt of your comsiunication of Septorber 20, ‘content of which has beon carefully noted. I want you to know that! ©4 courteay in writing to this Burcay are greatly appreciated, <7 Tn the event you recaive additional iinforeation which you bolieve - be of interest to the Federal Bureau ‘of Investigation, I want you to feel ‘free to comumicate with the 11 Agent in of our Meophts Field Dirdetons whieh Le located: at 2,01 :Storick Butlding, Memphis 3, Tonnessea. Acar) sea : To Uubd Nati whihfi te fudt dv twlewlil ga any 4lui@ Veli ® * ey ha (ae wad untrwid haw gel bry aow srepying d Mamtaw oelerr har deoung de uarh bia probate. hat th gost the enuaeg wnlhe wate a Rrcntly in a Adueaater park f maticsd 0 pace canple we dud Wy altenleen* dui. tire dateb plated ¥ bau. 1h wean) eel of podiame beegld, Aare thin te fey phd) Auiply tenash, tio Val abpact Ahh baw wad Pa) a) a Large hun sye bad w b AAVL,, 10 MRD. the Houn) teah a tah te oe defnitl Mat 4 this crwaitiy Hag catered! aeg sued) ww tle alyt Au Leo we at paw to be apeedag A a ye Mae the fink wees if Ul suns batk aah ot dike ourt 7 hing thie inforcation ‘ar ¥ “Your, eincerely apprse’ % : ee ae ath I Sf o>. , iw Folge Clare in ¥ £. (S hetat # pore Boe fe ry Pa Pe = / oO = Se ef ae, oo > ret a. tat oe eevee TT Aten bis me hy Lo tnd oe Cotinia te! Phe _ eta eee agen eee md Aa a 3 r. oe : aL : rttlon fe ae Oo ” Det eae: Zo" pred mee a a. ae (eo fae Bk Sere LZ rc Qrrbdnke i te Creth ee etre Cito t tC. Be meen bl 7 rine ae fpr tae ont! oe gee tees fins Hoe oy fe. qeeehl . 34 sata QE 9 A Seve oth’ tape feck he grclrbl paz rhe FS. a fe Pte ee ee 2 at q dolar ST vom sec f ; cn Cp rrhurs ~ a! eae f ThiAne crete October ‘Fenept Looation of Ade} Bitler apd zve Sraun ~~ Tuenos Aires, Argentina appeared et the Of e Legal Attache in Cuscoa Aires and furniahed the following tafermations eid not personally know wut thet te hed to = iF two daughters, eB: oly, in 19246 =} of the faot thet Hitler frequently visited ‘the family o! Tn 1248, er Apentine friond A sre) it, mee revered fren the Arca z ard returned to Argertina. This friend edvi sh that Hitler visited the Deohstein fanily every tine that he ase ro ‘erlins —_ stated that in 1924 he nid heerd nexzers os che A faatty aenthon the nese of AGo1f Litler ane that es 1 x rh Rooordin= tol ore of Kia viait to shis office imal 5 to nish a photograph of end her two dauchtert ‘oh photograph wee takon To the cerder of thoir ener one interfer, sermeny in 1924 ard to call a! 5 + he considered to fe a strong resemblance Letween nd Eve Freun, in viey of the fect that he hed secured @ photopreph of ve Braun which phd beon taken frome recent tasue of Life magazines Tt / oars f we ugh fe ? oF ‘ ea { of the vive. comm cater eouunicetion recciv es @valtes ord ve ae Loertury of Stove ton, D.C. ,Mereh 23,1933, o2 tO transuit 4 the essassination v sech, ur. adolf Hitler, is erateful if un investigation of ce anc vue results tucreof o ue. ite conclusion. zy of Sirie, the renewed of tue United States, tm, Yarsh 23, 1953+ f Dear Sir: I hove oslvd Procidoat Roosevylt to publicly rozonatrate with your government the outreyes uton the devs in Jercony, and to denand an immediate and complete end of this porsacation. In tho event thet vw doss not meke such a steteuent, I notify you that I ghall go to Jersony and renarsinnte Hither. 1 Yours sincsn:, Daniel Stora. The jorsen Lmbassaior Sashin ston, QORTES DESTROYED Raorney 4 1360 THaiSLaTION ’ EMBASSY Washington, D.C, ,March 28,1233. Lr. Secretary of State: Enclosed herewith I huve the honor to transit & communication recelved here, wierein the assassination of the Cnancellor of the Heich, liz. Adolf Hitler, is threatened, I would be pruteful if an investigation of the mutter could be made and the results tivreof communicated to me ut its conclusion. Accept, Ur, Secretary of State, the reneved ussurance of my woxt distin.uisned resnect. (8) Fy a. v.PRITEVITE, To His Excellency The Secretary of Stute of the United Stutes, Mr. Cordell Hull. ea 1 Enclosure. ART ed : Yous : omsteortst 6S SLUS-X ane : Spretel agent An Chareay United States arena of Investianttor, Hurley-Rrivnt Building, Washingt D.C. ne (Us ensloeed Lesesith a copy of a noaorsadun reretved rrom Mrs Frenk 2. Purrlsh, Actiny head of the Criatnal Division of the Penertan enclosures colo sting of © treaclaticn of e note vated Murch 23, 1933, fron the Goraen Astacsnior, together with its enclopire of u letter threatening the eenactinntion of tne Gersin Chncellor. You rill tote Kr. Parrieh atetes thet while it dose not sp fer tost the compicini fells witain the srovistons of say Feder: 1 + neverbaineh, fa view of Us raqarot ef the Bisce Fenirivont ho ay vectroir of covuctins an Anveett section BP che ceatere fou MALL pliase, therciera, ecuduet an inves tigas tics in oa cflort to ancertain tie yy of tae rater of the ‘ threatening letter, end cura infometion ap ar de availabie concen.in: ain Mery traly youre, rectors Encis #211222 Waele EX TI-2 REpOrDED 65-5 2 1933, April 4y 1933. © Parisa desires to actnonledge recetat of your of the Sist pltito, rith enclosures, consisting of sislntion of a note dsied Karei 28, 1933, from Aebazcats a nccompenying letter threatening ssranaticn oi v n Cecncellor. in lino tith your requect, the local office of the. Bureau bza been inctructed to ccnduct an Savectisntic: forthe of aocertrining tun identity of the ¥:iler of the Very truly youre, Bircetore UNITER STATES BUREAU OF 'VESTIGATION wrcoar Haaningtoa, D. C- Furno, 7 62-2450 = sbingtor, De ce | 4/12/89 | a/ia/es Sfiorsisorracte: : aol agers Geraon Ambassador et Yariington reeeived a Lutter “cole a tuinyy: © threst upon the Life of German chaxeellor i AdolDVtlers Tnvestivation incicates that the Lettenca, PuithEesoid thavel woo miled in Philedelonie evoeeR MANIA rea 24, 1902. Terra Anbavaudor requested Investige- : tion vy itzte Pecertvent, which voferred the watier to the Attorney Severe] of the Unite LE yk Bre YEAILS- “spthe Genca. anit &eator ee Wachineton, De Geo 0 tho See ‘Folstes to a lcttor Tocsived ct the Gemscn Imboooy in Vesrinzon, dated March £3 1903, "which containa e threst to “csousinete the Gerrar ghes.csllor Adel? “Bitl This letter is signed Moi .21 Seer. The letter is we DyLows: «ase s ay: tery of Steve, which’. “3 oi SWarck iy, 18 ‘Dear sir: i avzed President Revsevelt to publicly renonstrate with your governnont the outrages ison the Jiro in Gormuny, end to denend en immediate and complete ena of this persecution. Ry Jn the event thet he does not nek such e statement, T notify you |”, Tana eee rn fa SESS MT Boiron come or tos ners fuenonenT: t fon ar 053 . £45. gureau + corms bestroynp "gePhiladelphio 4 YFapuarn -Bimeehington AZO NUY A” BARE ‘that I shell go to Germany and assassinate Hitle: .. Youre’ etneerely Washington, De C+ : lasbington ¥ield Office, who ig per-"*” 7"? fyaonally acquaint. ‘Secretary at the Cerman Embaasy hat the letter quoted above from 18 postmarked, Philadelphia, Pa., March P4, 1033. Further infomation soncerning the identity aT :. not available et the State Depertoept at Nechington, nor at the Gorman Enbassy. ‘The German Ambassador requested that the State Departuent conduct an investigation in the matter, and the. Secretary of state-referred the mattel tp” “ithe Attorney. General who, in turn, referred sane to the Bureau. : 4 gather oe ‘| i Z UNDEVELOPED LEAD: PHILADELPHIA BURLAY OFFTOR 2 ae At PHITATELPHIA, PAs, WiLL endeavor to loce jana obtain , a all informetion, nessible. concerning him. te should else be interviewed con- : cerning the thrcat eopteined in the letter quoted in this report. : It ts sunsested that the German Conaul 17 Philedelphie be contacted \ 88 4t is Likely thet this official has received letters from the cane individual, or my have heard of hin through sone source. PENDING Yo! - Se a peepee IY Areal I Nn SSR STRESS 2L2 Murley-srtelt Bldgs, Washington, D. Co aoril 12, 1933, Seeker agent in chums, Urdted seater Davve of Tw. OD PRA tatelohde saving ea rifladelphia, Pas Md a, pen aing, Annee steRe cere gt ; : aa : ALC ei vi ni) Pint conte of th. report: | ‘ of Seoetal Ane es © thin cfftee, dated april 1d res. fanart rite a : fo fe obrenves fro the report tn questicn, © led 4a fet ove fF the “ueeelahi officn sn un erer, to Locate and fate ter tat ston es te nytt able ey. Tchste, herevith, 2 cere. netutateo. $n @ memon fron try cvuns Ui. Terrish, feting Jecd.or the Myizénal Tivislon ef the Ururwent, te the Mrcetor, doted tereh St, 1923, tn -remecs - $ to this: tery “hhle if Gore not appeer tiwt the the roi stone of one Poses pene Stosn Fopesteest, wii) you alae en boyte SH, vies ot tin toveroine, M4 se ruse « alee 3 oer ted, thii i - that the e: s comlednt falls within 8, in view of ths request of t=e rise tO hove she necter ApyeRtic: * thet shoulé inquiry be mice didn hts eanity, and tun of hiv efvdronai.lp be ancerte ined. Very truly yourn, ‘ E Co SSOE-R" DBic" : : ne f: Raw, Rewreqn tog a AEB 4 hating Gn¢etel ut in ohergo, i Bac ae” e i “FR TSS A ahh Bh pecbirewn . : Soar age NN Pegi it i April 18, 1933. FOR Wi. PAPRIGH, , HINAL DIVISION. 4 of March 3let, en inquiry has bean ;.’ gent ty one Deriel Stern to the German’ \ dsbareaor at Razhingtoa, to essaceinate the Gernin Chancellor, Auli EdtLery and thore Je enclose? heresith for r infornation port |aPadtted vy Gpectel Ages a : a local office dated April 12th, tr yout ‘Anquiry fe to be purcued et Philedelphis. | ee rill note thet be Very truly yours, |. Director, Ence 200043, i t Vena 62-26759 May 2, 19336 ‘ Sposkad Ageat in Caarge, Onited Ctates ba: Ph 135 Ph 3 Phil Bollédagy ta, Penieyivucia, Ter Sire ge refer to,the report of Special Axe ay Dy Cay April ~2, 27. cette PL Outed, pie Lar. ccs, AcoLG Lies, ad Mivise the recult of such iavestigation as hag deca vede by jour oflice pursuant to the undeveloped leads \ est oul toreins Very truly oursy Vrectors cc - Warhington Field. MAY. 3° 19837"8" Cig t teat GE USHGE Porm No. 1 THis CASE ORIGINATED AT THT: c. EY PHILADELPHIA, Pi rm ~ 8/3/25 Pen ooron mien wnoe,| mone MABE PIV IONE Dyan” 4/20-21/33 wae TEREAT TO ASSASSINATE GERMAN we Fe | Suices ung INOPBIS oF FACTS: lett tigre nearly 6 wee ot a BEWn. advises he his rvcetved no infersation relative to. lettor written by subject QR) ko information vobeekadats. frou Fost Office cl = RUC ~ AT PANADULPHtA Exuntrution of the telephone étrvstortes failed to. disdlose.% euch a subseriber as Duiiel St.-rglisted. Bxamizatio of” the city directory disclosed snd Jt ude odiress, ageut was advieud by the Janitor that aft the.apartment over a yecr ago and that Kip present address is unknown; that he eppeared to be @ very = high type person end was highly respected by the other Vorants in the epertuent house. COPS DESTINY at the German consulate, 1420 Walnut Street, agent intervi R2UTHOY L_ 1ol 1 Se OA Nek . further, that he waa not advised of any communication 1d sed to the President or other individual regarding Chancellor Adolf Hitler. stated that, in all probability, it Divi, wae written by! who ie @ sympathizer of the Jenish AIS gly element) ‘that, oftentines, “he: threats upon him, but that: they sre al) of, the sett Smee ‘dfemibi them and pays to tt not con- sider their threats serious. ted that, inthe evcnt he receives any information relative he will irmediately commmicute with the Philedelpnis Office of this Bureau. OK COMPLETION: 10 OFFICE OF OnIGT! Bie ete Ns creat: “ @ e HS. Deprrtment of Justice ~ ~ Bureau of Gubestigation ie 4 755 Puidedelphia Swing fund bldg., it Phiiadsiphia, Pa. a = Key %, 1933, mY S193 By Director, United Stutse Buresu of Inveotication, . Washington, D.C. z Doar siz: senee to your letter of Itay 2, 1933, © report hes been dictoted in case to assassinate Germen Chancellor ey mT 11 be forwarded to the Bureau as of this Very truly yours, ee eee RG. turves, —¥ Spociel agent ia Caarge. i OF INVEST/GATION ay aM. May @pitéa3 TRANSLATION GERMAN EMBASSY 1 enclosure ‘The German Embassy has the honor to transmit to the Depertment of State the enclosed communication, signed "C. Portugall", (postmark New York) in which there is report of e plan to assassinate the Chancellor of the Reich. The German Embassy would be grateful if the proper steps could be taken in the matter. C., april 27, 1933. Washington, (Initiale *L") : to . Hi : “Ne ~ : 7 Translation. April 21, 1933. fo the Germay, Enbassy, Washington, D. Ce Gentlemen: Permit me to draw your attention to the following. In listening to a conversation between several New York Jews, I leerned thot e plen is unéer wey to murder Reich Chercellor Adloph Hitler, and thet a young American Jew Has elreedy been chosen to perform the sct. ‘the Jews present were jubilant over | the plan. I am inforuing you of the above in order to prevent @ possible misfortune. Very respectfully, . oo: feigned) C. Portugell. Tr: BHL:ECS Deutsche Botschaft eee ame Miche eee yal eae Soe ee are ae ee an oe See REEL ee eee ie nach srr. bone Waahersen ns grortchen makers | York Gouden go herenl vermahon aed wee fee eet 22) cae ra V eeee ee he ize Renee ce cashes beet n arn yct amstveansseher hati ae Ee ee a oo pe a ae ee dee eae Kien Aen Yuen evuten f' ieee aaa eae ie rm ee ae i Veh Wevle Wrebe rn aia ee mys es Ame aa ar a ee g Pee ae u oon ag ees ae | ae A y ess J ae 27yo erro ea a KC} bn dle Bakichs [poFiehafe = ee oan ee dare : ae ee an om SY LAE, Bf mer ban. eee a 2a oe See vA York eee 4 herent wernahin coh bie A f wn abaa vr care ae ye es ban gh 7p a ay 1 eee aad Eatin en Aa 7 mae ie eae Lae z= ee Pree ee PZ Pane ee OZ | nan za Son ieee ee ey [eae ante Seat ile rd aan eae aia . Oe ee a ea le EY Cpa) a apes A thin, i, a - fae ered 7 es Ay AN 5 \ m Ca ea / io er) vanaan af fede. ee DSP Par rer we Boeri ten ret Ne 1 Mach tehs alee al a a eee core ae are ae ae ee ha Aafimerfitane go aaa a ae meee Cae ee BR By ee ee ee ee oo Pare woe flrr oo wn wegs art eee rea ey a Hes gon timorclen cae a xe mae ie ee ae a e i ee ee Tees PenZ PE Eee 2 A pe en A ‘ae Aen ia hen opuren fr eucled eld ree et ben Aen aa ae LP aes a: a aE ee y Cnt pen via pes haber, eel yee eas aes Merch ack lng (an i ee aaa ae [ed oe “@ FS. a a % 4 ne ror Srenrec bi aK) feed a bee Ads aera ha lashing re eo : LSE Le are + see ee ee a Cae gee oe nr tee 7 an eae ee eaas g weschen omekaese hive =| Od re van ee ae aes lia eeeet a ae 5 eee, aE La 7 ‘ella teat ee A ee PER Get ametseun seh er FEZ, PT Nee EE a oe ae Via ce eee “yfen A a One i oa peer frcrvleaedl 0441 yf abe Aen ler. Ces davle foese vn a aay ae Samana oe ee) eae Aue Ne Renae, a mae Le ati - ae caress May 19, 19336 : : ee Get wes aon lor 66 Xl Epaetel Avent in Charge, United t-taa Bur wu of Invertigutdon, Rorley=Nets ne Dell z Washington, De C. : Dear Sirt ox roferenoe to the care entitled pata 5 ) Tarcst to Agsnsinate Gerncn Chenerllor aAcolf Hitler, Ucre to trensaltted herertth the orlinal eo a letter aritien Ja Gores te phe Gorin clemy in Yackingten, Apr!) Jiri, efgnod ae Please give we wetur propriate attontion © 80 be foun eflert to occertain tie truth c” the allogationss ‘ Very truly yours, : MMeontors Engle 322507. ae Tae cen ree mtn a NE ed ern be Poa OP TAL CATGUAAL DIVIETON riaize vith your apnovandum of Usy 10th, io e been ducted to institute an Investigation of bes ellezations it a pln ir under way to aurder Reich Chancolter Adolf Hitter, Tht te being considered 1a conncetion with the Anvestisution threst sent by dante? Sten Yo the German Esbaccedor at ievbington. Gopfes of reports will be furnished Bivistens Very truly yours, Bicoctor. “6 Epeciel Agent in Clarses Drites Stuto> Barerat of Invecttsationy Harlay-tright delldings heshington, De Co Doar £irt Fite furchor reference “o tho caro of Duufel Stern, Tore’ to Aaczocingts Gursan Chmcellor AdoL? fitler» there 18 tenesttted lereriih ¢ tangletion of ¢ note of May LL, re= oised through tho Stats Departeent from the Germsn Mabasrador in Warhington, tosevier utth ton of its suclosure, # i Letter fron ¢ cortata’ egarding’a puSm=\ds ported plan to wecactinste the Garaan Chanecilors : Pleuce duclude this in the invostig.tton being eons yr Gictad by your off heoy wee? Very tevly yoursy Dirsctore Enthe 3325734 at peers bare Kay 27, 1933. f ai Bien . POWER, CFSE yy LNGIANDEM FOR iP, PARISH oe POF ING VOAD OF fab ClisINAL DIVIETON : Tn ne of lay 23, the additional es connhuint 0: regarding & purported ple tons ntsiovbs tha Con Goweuller, Adolf ietler, has bers tranmml ited to the local offies with instruccivus to con duct #9 aprvnrints duvestigation. Very truly yours, ae : Director, * sees 21D Lurloy-wrtat Saehington, De Ce fine £, Ui Sneet vee, Unites ct: ea of Tnvewtigution, * fon 1492, GO ventactan cunuey Now vor" fi Beer §tr: La at ek develo, ‘revith a copy cf ¢ truaskation. of @ a dbansy teri ton, De Co dated, et Thin dotier ao received by +. on aprid "Wad ima plete vitto ezvolupe, poste” ¥ s ii, 2G at P ust. et the Hick Lrdece Station dn Nex, Yorks in Corman te Ber Yor your further information in ecnnoction wita this m.tters, +” 20 41.s0 tiwnsaltted caplos of the reports oF Upostal Accn* Pons se ST etog Le Co SL UR, WES ad Spessel vey FS Aiecodpise, Poey Vay Sy 22 dn tha eneo en 5 Whrent do sncansdnte Pari o) oy Pithere “nex, eet the siuiterdty of She intenetion cos tedace in doth dette: 1 rary tet the thrert by “ge Btn de the one szveds I quote herorith © pranuroph con ‘Facnk Lie, Parrish, Acting Hoed of opertuant to the a ancl Stern wot bert. rile At dove rot appear thes the eomvL:int fale within Ua orcvicione of emy Foderel gictuts, in view of tir rounot of the Stato Perortment, will ty heve Tuo hatter investien tod." sated th-t you rcke an onte.vor to locute” ottein ony inforustion por-ible concerning If Ster. tr locute:, it Lo euggested thot B ef ly ond that tho at tue of hi. edtizenship | Very truly yours, Je UIT,” : _Spocted Agent 30-Clargee- YN; BHI93% ah + April 21, 29334 Par size: pie tee mares eoipe lge femut ms te cali yor attention to tae fclloning. ee Taving overheard A conversutivn betueen govern] oro in no F lovzno} that ther: {8 # nove mnt on foot to amneelor Wia1f ilftler and the: @ youre oon selected to comit this « sent verc Joyfully enthuced over T corunteute th: wry such cet ate * to you in order thit if poreitiet” » prevented. CAALLC Amguct 16, 1973. GIRO (QRANDUM FOR ASSISTANT ATIORVEY GUIERAL MALLOY, Tn the case entivied icing sory, Thsaat to There are transmitted horemith copies of the fnllowing reports. Special Agent Office 7 Date ie Yor: ctty 8-10-33. Tro erphoe of th trownlttal ty ti report aro trevemitted, one for bof Steie 1> deste: Very truly yours, ie «Inet .f 668204 + oo FBS0E) 20 ss! ia i wl 7 opm No. 1 “Tile cate onicinareD AT TIASAS YO ASSASSINATE GERMAN GiaiGnle:, aDOLY HITLER [Ritom ince an TY) ewe moe | a | gf10/se Snr ees ys Jzot Usted th’tiie “telephons or < ea Neen es lise uunora te roatalaie Saw! Beas ton iiehtrigan dant often stations eT. GE oie. Der. RUC. Letter fron’ washington Teli ortive): meena oases 1 Cofice Stator,’ sees set tint the Le ued tha te ci couterins ephone 2 scot tater vi; i SIS cho clice perertnant, en. Dy pdylwnd, thet, le records, showed ond i PorRATLY G nei.oT at bees ras, as fur soem fon bie ovingon that Yud kacen of a plot to acearrinete the Geran Chancellor, 8s he io a Jews He further cavierd that nis offices 14a not have eny further recofa of Portugal, ex*, cept the one rartioacd above, cit that he woo uninown to cay of the members of! his sqvule . : <4 pot now connected vith ‘the| Diy whoreskouts de unknoans avy WLOU (Joureaw -+@ heh. Fielé 2 How Yor « ohio. vs ; : l @ pa Dee ayvestigation, | BLL Hurley-Mright Building,’ . ‘ Wautinton, De Ce > 3. ToL RAL BULLIES LOS JGELRS CAL: ERT Y OF ane, “Sl ATID? asoassmmage LOE GMick SoSIT REPU \SCDIATRLY ‘TIS: ps Tins unt: 3:59 ec- Bureau File 62-2450 MN aC [Se Yi |. BUSEAU OF et sTIGa TION” AiG 15 19339 ae Spectol Acant in Charge, ; : Division of Invsetiention, Loe Us 3. Dopartrart of Jusziony aie patlaine, 3 sBAVIA* . Threat to Asy toe nats Garren Chinestlor sdolf, iigler Sup len: orerivi. a copy of @ Lives oie nadr Jatter was xatled from Auont On 8 £6v teh a prragrapl. eovtalr 68 {7 a omorsedun, xe I quote he trom ‘vr. Frank H. Parrish, acting Hood of the Griminal Division, of! the Departnent, to the Dircetor, dntet Hereh 31, 1992, ir respen! thie matter: ‘| woe apie it coxa not sppoar that the complaint falls ibbin th provisions of any Federal Stavate, tr view of the request of the Stave hepurtrent will cf you please arrange to bave the matter investigated." ae sugnented by BY wire, you should irtorriew colonel: ” Steines» for tho detatir of the conversation which he overheard to ascertain the identity of the persons involved therein. Tt in expected that a report will be received not later hs o, shan quae PL, 1953. Very truly Yogr es ; f Tet. STAPLATONS “2 RYE A Aoting Specie acest th Oty ee ee eee “ Ft . Zhe Corman ‘Rubasey ‘was also in receipt of, aes 21,' 1935 written in German and signed by alll i ee: was postmarked April £1, 1933 at New York City, in is individunl alro alleges thet he overheard @ conversation betroon aevaral Jens in Mew york soneerning n movement om foot to assaseinate Mitlor ant thet young Arerienn Jew had already been solested to comit the nurdor. The New York City Office was unable {0 loco MMMM for further questioning ae - : “ ds ibe er SoHE Eee ; In connection with this ‘matter, I quote heresith sau " paragraph contained in « memoranfum from Mr. Frank Me Porrish, acting Head of the Crininn} Division of the Torartmont, to tho Director dated March 31, 1905 th reepoct to tho QIMMAT notions id “hile 1t does not appoar that tha complain’ Sulls within the rrovistons of eny Federal statute, in viow of the request of the State Depertnent,wi2i you please axrange‘to lave the matter investigated”, Bae _ In the event that you are suc eefal in Locos ne and the other individusls involvet, it 41 ugcested thal Ty mode into their sonity and that the statua of their eitizen- ship be determined. fio further investigntion i= being conducted in ‘thin netter by this office ond {t will only be neceanury for you to furnish necessary copies of rerorts to the Tiviston for trenemittel to the Dapartuent. ce ee Yory tenly pour: 3. He ry Specta} spent in chore, -JOHN EDGAR HOOVER ) _mteren a’ ‘ v ALS. Buveane of Inbestigas Depssrtnent of Pasties [er Washington, B.C. August 14, 1933 {ORLIDUS FOR THE DIRECTOR f the State Department, inquired ace to the Letest communication alleging @ plot 2 the Gevven Cayaaellor. ‘This bad been formarded acs] office, unica is the office of origin with ref in this case. W421 te mice to report on the Interview vith Steinmann, wo ie belLevdd| to be in Arizcns, this reek so thst the Stute Department may advise the German irbassador. — 3 I telicd with Special Agent Stapleton and an effort RRCORDED “ aE Bauer ot iery AUG HIBS EL eee oe ie SAS oko . OzesbTeo August 15, 1933 S.ectal Agent in Cherse, Division of Investigation, VU, S. Dopertzent of Juatica, arley-Fright Building, Tasbington, De Ce Deer Sirt Ploace refer to the Division's letter of day 27th ané your letter of June cad eduressed to the iow York Office, concerning to allog.'ton thet thero ip @ plex to sssassinate,; tho German Chencellor, ond advise the statur of this case. A cozy of this letter 1s being formarded to the Ney York Office and tne Division desires that the matter be given inzediote attention. Very traly yours, Director. S CG itew Yorks Lo EE AG eT Nts “40 HLS. Departinent of Buatice Burvan of Inbestigution 911 Hurley-tright Building Washington, De Cy August loth 19 35 Director, Divieion of Investigation, U. S, Dopartuent of Justice, Washington, D. C. vl rer pamiey Seam ~ ‘Tareat to 4ssassinate Geman Chancellor Adolf Hitler. Dear sir: Reference is mde to your letter of August 15th request- ing to be adviced of the status of the above case. Attertion is culled to the repo: Philagelphin, Pennsylvania, dated 5-3=35, a! rk City, Gated 8-10-33. You will note from the report of Agent = that investigation at Philedslphie failed to locate Daniel and the report of Acont flocs that investigation at New York City faileé to locat wo had written a let- ter to the German Hcbassy with reference to @ conversation he hed overheard of @ movenent on foot to ussassinate Chancellor Hitler. A review of the file in this office reflects that unter fay 27th you fore office wletten which had * been written b; vucson, dvizona, to the Garaan D.bassy, whic edi effect that he hed overncutd a conversation wherein an attempt was to be made to take letter of the life of Che,csllor Hitler. Thie case at thet tine w signed to Agen of this office, who was shortly thereafter called atay on special assignnent. Ttacens tnt no action wae taken by this office at thet tine to have Interviewed. Hoxever, a tel grem was sont rome ariee 15 O11 _ August 14% soles of: : fice requesting an interview to bo had with pa x i BECOKDeD ies Scores wast worebUG 22 1988 Ht AQUI NOV Led od, : jai 22 183 3) were, ee -e- fl instructions to cutmit » report imwediately. This telegran wae eupplenented ty @ lettor of even dete. Ohis mee hen bean reassigned and in the future will receive sppropriate attortions wey very ep J. Mt. KUITH, Special agent in Charge rw me:p3. 7 7 62-2450 y < | bot “ngelen, Ccl4fornia Auguat 13, 1065, gption Menartant ef vastiee Wephey-s right THA Jing washington, De Ce Bere tite Thyeet sé Asssa: inate Geren Chancelor Ada itler Le ae FAle 62-067 <0 Dear sir: pon weactnt of your telecrea of the Lith instant, rele dives! ., the above captioned navter, Spacial Agen : o-sicd, who 356 then at Tho-Lix, Arizona, wee instructed to contact: Ta ts nad te obtain frou bin complete coteils of opus convers: vin overhoara by hin vonterhing’s Purported sitexct to egscsninate Chonrcllor Hit : evrapiic report r.ceived et this Toqote heres otfsec fron spcint : << wee . 5: UAT Tis KARLY MAY HIS xs Bee aHD TvD SLAG Th HER (PHORNIZ) Rawzs Pramenernvernuicn YORFOSTY Jats WERE SE\DING MAK TD. i, Ti may cH tat BzRED 1) POISON ‘Hos iii 2X ANG SBPTEMBSR BATS. Y2aR S008 LETTER TO GERMAN ~" + GF CONYEHSATION OVERNEARD ZSSASSIN WA3 TO SKBARK OM 22 POLITICAL FATE, Mei MSkICO AND TRS. Is Tae? A 1S STWONGLY aNTIZEELSH IN Srecial seenQMMMNMMBs rotcrning to this station on the morning of the Lfth Suotuat froma rod trip, and at that tice ho will be fustructed to prerare 6 detuiled report of his interview mien site! report will b> tranwrd tet $0 you atrin eicieaes VES j \ a wo i eB ‘ JLPDLaB SE Le auu meee iba AGG. DIVisien 3.5. puDtyall Spectel te in-charge: Auguat 25, 1932. y WANS. FOR ASSISTANT ATTNNSY GENERAL MALLOY 7 “ Refcrence 48 mide uo jou- sndua of Auguat 2, i 1933, und the atatouent clita 35-2 @ purported plan to assassinate the Germon Crancellor, Adolph i iitler. acee ae Speciel Azeuts of Lue Los Apseles Office of this Divisio» interview.d ho advised that in na owrly pert of Way, uils your, he overbeerd tro Jaws in the Sun Cortos Unie? Lt Fuogning krizone, whose nones were not renszberad, state tut Sev York Clty Jeva vere sunding 8”, men to Gercany in Woy in order to poison Ricler, botveen dry and Surteaber, 193 edvined that he inucdiatoly wrote a letter to the German iy i Inbusey ta Naguin, ton, cing complete details of the conver e-tiau oversenrd, inclucing the mmies of the partion sod thy boat the cosussdr ees to emburk oa, It apjonre el iva political exile froa dexico ond fe u citizen of tha > country, It uceas thet be 4a strongly pro-Hitler and anti- = oe Segish in his coaversation. 4 Gotetiod report of this interview ds being forwarded | frou the Los angeles Oisice and will ve triaenitted to you upon receipt. Tnore sppours to be no furtier action which may be taken. Very truly yours, Director. rp al a Gans ; tem ‘ es Lee pe GSS e tens 100" ad ses tla Foi, AS0ESToitt aus 3 There is ur. eromith a copy of the report * of Special ix jsos Angelos, California, dated : august 21, 1933, 1a we cese entitles Dili oTEA, Threst to ‘esuseiacte Gernin Cleneellor Adolf Hitler, Yor treusaittal to ‘toe Departacnt of Stato, if desired. Tite 4s the actter about widen ir. Scnocnfeid o: the state Iepurtuent iayuired. Ee deuares to wealait tuis imfurwetion to the Gerasa Subasey 6s s00a e& possible. x Very truly yourey +573 Directors i Lnclesure #669967. 1 aaa ‘9 ea UNITED STATES BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION . Jie cuac omamarcn ar Wasbinston Lede | RicrowT MACE AT: xe WO" You "ingeles ATE wna ADE: | Poop rom wien MADE | “aaron, e213 | 6/15-16~-21/35 TERTAT TO ASSASSINATE GSR- “EeNcrsitorracts: "GEREN otorviowed prior to receipt of : Foference letter. Advised that, in Key, 1093, _.. in the Sex Carlos Hotel, Phoenix, Ariz., he overe heard tvo Jeno say HITLER wos to be assassinated between Key end Sentgmber, 1900, by an Agent of Nor York City Jus Atated he believed one of hotel's beliboys suia one of talkers was a ravbi, Bellboss of the Sen Carlos Hotel huve a6, Tecolicction of couverastion wit 5 Recorée of Sen Cerlos Hotel do not from April to June, 1933, = . Be Ue Ge HEFERNON: —‘Telerren ond lettor from the Washingtea Field Office, bork dated Auguet 14, 1993, and Leo Angeles office letter dated August 18, 1933, AP TOCSON, ARIZONA + 4g nor residing at Fhoonix, Arizona. set AT FHOENDX, ARIZONA on August 16, 1933, flo advised that he is @ mining engineer by profeseich, as Well a3 a soldier, and that he had spent 25 years in Mexico in both ~ Capacities; thot he had deen s colonel in the slexiean Army when Generel Porfirio Diez was in power, He stated that he is now a citizen of basateaiy but a politico] exile in this country. conor waren reacarncer UND) -—~—_ Ho advised that in May, 1033, he was in e’room at the San Carlot Hotel visiting @ frien: and that when the latter left the room for a fow minutes and be was left there alone he chanced to cverhear 2 conversation im Yiddieb in an sd joining room, The two men he overheard were speaking : ebeut conditions in Germany and Chencellor Hitler and the latter's antipathy for the Jews. One of the teikers told the other that Hitler would not last; |" Jong; that a number of Jews in New York City were sending a men to Germany. to esvissinate Hitler. They nazed the German boat on which the assassin was Jeaving sometine in Way, 1933, The assassination was to take place between’: May and Septerber, 1933. Hitler was either to be poisoned or-shot. AMR 2 = 220s 10 sore hn ont fhe ote! to observe the talkers as they went out. He said they were both Jews about ‘50 years old and quite stout, He could give no other description of them. He stated as they Weht Olt he asked one of, tt lboys who they rere end thet te fumsaned nie susie carers 1 Se NORM oositelon Hat he, bellboy told him one of the Jews was a rabbi not certain that he's" / wes told 80. = a eid he imsediately wrote o letter to the German Embassy" 25" in Mashington, De C., advising ‘then of the conversation he overheard and tint «| in that letter he furn‘shed the names of the talkers and the of the bout { : the esecgsin nas to sai) ep. However, when Agent talhed prevented his financing of sane, Y Hith the ascistonce oC or me san carlos Hotel, Ste register was searched from april to June, 1935, without finding eny man by the nene of STBRi or STyerepsatered in, Agent cxsually contacted the hotel's pelltoya. Tbey all. ae could not recall ever having furnished + hin the nanos of any guste or teir visitors, ee RII secre esor tothe snort of ae letter oft reference und-it 1s to be noted that his verbal statement conflicts considergbly. with the letter which ho wrote to the German Embassy, No mention was made to’ ”- dgent of Arthur Brisbane's nonapeper colums, Neither was the name of the. Doat, vie upon which the assassin was to exbark to Germany wentioned letter to the Embessy as he hed verbally advised agenty REFERREL UCN COMFLETION TO OFFICE OF ORIGIN : HLS. Depardunent of Bustice Buvean af Gubestigation ‘S11 Vurley-“richt Building Washington, D. Ce September 2, 1933. The Director, Division cf Investigation, U, S. Department of Justice, Teohington, D. C+ Dear St: Yrora—tnsont 9 keenentnate Geren Chancellor, Adolph Mit: a ‘th reference to the above-entitled matter, plese be advised that ell outstanding leeds have been completed without eny definite infornation having been obtained es to the identity séividial who ellegedly made a threat to assassinate iter. Aecondinily this ‘case is being closed ut the Vashington Tieli crfice cwject to being re-opened in the event further tion is receive? by the Gerasn chnacellor. inf Yery truly yours, rharne Brantley, 4 Acting Special fgent in Charge. 62-2459 Ns e septerbur 13, 1923 fwakingtony Dy Cy : 5 Devs Sart rage to the ange of Die’: ST farent to keenechnate Gbuauelior, Adoioh Aiehery ther’ apy treneaisted neremits eopher of & pimwrandua cov dpotatant © Autvaracy Geuersd Prt TLoy aint photoatstte copies 07 the euclusrrec tie“aing Thile thle apyarutiy hes no ecanection tho fnforaation ds elmtlar to that rogetved"” brtreeninesy [ro AMIN ral, aricocu. aged that ths Detroty of ratehn’ jaion elrody ebt teed by your office, reletive Piva avetiwe 2 Very truly yourey Direotors Enel. $675°66 Bll Merley-sright 1uleing, Vashington, Ie Ce Suptenbor seb Special Agent in Circa, Divicion oF Tnvevties tion, “AME, Us Se Departnons of Justle WB, X,028 Latayerte butleing, k Vpetroit, Mehigan. Fie pace nee i 5 Fo: . Fen 1 y “Thich! Wrperaratyts commen = | GO Dene size Goneslier, acolpidtistiers aN ong awodtted Rerawith, couples of a Beton, 65% sistant Attorne, Canoml Pst Lulloy exé pictostathe” "4 owurow therein fer your attention at Tetroit, |: Althoug), the nutter contuined in th uttscbed memes % Fendun upp zeatly hee no conieution with the etove oititled ted,” At 49 efzitie thn: to datumuntten Hier ant vor thet po seu frioz Res e~ ofMtes Yn far tehed the vu we: in tho r1 fb, 2993, the Comen Debueay received 2 Fitladfphis, Tu-, Yarel 24, 1992, from om 2, Aviduel vimming Wie numa en Duntel ctacc, fm thich ke n@vieed - thet ho had tod Prosident RooesTelt to publicly rewnetcato with sua Ganine Op¥ecn oot the ovtrages upon the Jous in Germany and), v. to dewond en tmiolicte end casplete unt of thie percoution. Im tho even’ Shab such a stale nef mot nade, he nutified tha Geman, : that he tutor to 9 ' Gern.ny to ossaccinato Hater. Inve.ttgution at Thilodelphie fulled to ateclowe tho Agertity of tie in ning Maself ag Dhaisel Stern. poenio.tion 11.8 recot: Phoouix, ariuons which hed to do with a rurported } the Geran chinec!ioc. brequent Inveatigetion ut Tacerm, APLEO0p. dene -frfled to ato * furthow itd ttoh ounpstning the Ldentity of A EK TN cer ‘ the individuals helding tite converse tone . me Germn Inbessy ws cleo in recetpt of-a latter | peciei Apri? 22, 100% written in Ceman and pigned by om oe 3 eae 2, Nan postwurkod Surf] SL, 1635 at xen YOM Clty, {0 } sect + Mich this intiviciol eloo :21¢cc9 thes te overhocra a conversation Yetrocn several Tone in orl. concerning & novaxsnt on 220% to Gnsnscinte Eitles ont t Rang soevkedn Jew tua alvendy baen “Jone Sha Tor York: City Offtes wus unsbl eclecte¢ to cuantt tre x: to Leecte ~ortaym’] for Agtier queutionings In connection '*ith this nettar, I-quote hexevith Porceraph conteines ine mccméun frou vr. Front Ye Parrish, acting © “+ Real of the crintn:l fon of the Dopart:cnt, to the Lirector =” Aston Maveh 52, 1933 vith recnoct to the Dante? storm nesters Ip th ones st appear thos ths connlutas falls ththin ths crowns of rny Teter 1 Statute, 702 tha remot of tho Mt.te Topartent,wll - Auae urrancc to lave tha cotter investigatad™s : Za the ¢vont tit you or: wueeosetl in Loc: > ince MB se otter etic) Imele {St is euscested thnt oan , Aauuiry be w de inte tistr sanity und thot the atrtus of their oltizens, aed wae ee etenaized. | 2 further imestiz: thes de bots conéuetnd tm! poe tie matter by thts office and {t vil? on ly be necenrory for you to 7 coptte of ronorts to ths Mivieten for tranentttal a furnich necasse: © the Paportiont. en e236: 62-2459 Enel. +" 0b:Divieton U/ th aire if m ne S. Bures of Intestigation i Department of Justice Wv 625 Lafayette Building, Detroit, Michigen. October 5, 1933. Director, : Diviston of Investigetion, U. 8. Department of Justice, Washington, D.C. it to Assessinate Cermen [:/,! # + Chancellor, Adolph Hitler. Deer Siri~ dated September 25, 1955, edvised that Special agent Tegerding « plot or movement to esseseinate the German Chancellor, and that he at no time hide any statements regarding th: He further stated that the only place he hed heard Cd had been persecuting the Jews he along with numerous other = ¢ building, had boycotted ell German made products. —~ ade n0 replies to these renerks. It fs to be noted that is © young Jewish boy, 19 years of age, ond has the epperrence of @ cleen living und woral individual. He graduated from high school in Juve 1932 end 4s presently employed as a clerk by the wos @lso interviewed by who epppd: thet duping Auust, 1924, while he was GMM eee Sivises hos 12 otogzaoae was aagede $0 + savece ‘Way and that be is of the opinion the’ ie not the - GoPIES DESTROYED KUT HUY L180 Sain SAE re 55 years of age, wes born and raised of en individual who moulé be involved in such « plot. = stated that he ts m the ate of Michigan, and hearing and is more or DN-IGM 62-698 it was also not less of the gossiping type. thet he is quite hard of Very truly yours, vA. LARSON, Special Agent in Charge or uons POA we. wie Ovtutur 23, 1520. APMONANS UM U7 AGRE EAT 0, ference iL mice io “cworantiua éoted Cep= toaber 6, 1932, from forser Assistant Attorney Genersl wnout File No. 235254; transmitting tronclation of @ note of dugast © ou pli to arsascinate Pai Kalloy, Loo. @ photostatic copy of clerure, regarcint & pu: ‘tue Gervun CranewLlor. this aavter, there is i in Charge cf’ the Detrolt Office of this 24th froa tae German AXaveuor, together wits its in a letter from the iu cometh the cong Uranssivsed bs Division, cates October 5, 1933. In the abcence uf m request fr0a you, no Specind further inventigntios will be cencucted by wude Dl very irmzy yours, virlon. Mrector. Inclosura Ho. 67965/. Sermon penevn att ae San i DA BEN oes ee , € B.S. Depurtment of Paste Bavean of Gusvstigation 211 Murley-tiripht Building, Washington, D. Ce October 21, 1983. Dizector, Division of Investiration, U.S. Departzent of Justice, Teehington, D. Cy Dear Sir: At 3:15 PAM., October oe the local police departmont called me on 6 me ‘that tno weeks ago at Chicago © man giving the nee ai hod reported to the General Consul, of the German a SBY , ationed ot Chicago, alleged plens whereby Americ nd to Germany en emissary to assascinetc Hitler. a - ranted $1,000 for the information. He alec denande a en additional $1,000.00 after verification. He recently left Chicego end today arrived in Washing- ton for the purpose of conference with the German Anbassedor. The German Bxbesey cot in touch with the State Devertment, which eeked the Police Departnent to render the German Bitarey here ep= propri: vert a ‘he eecond secretary to the Ambessador . 4 asked of the local Police Department, to not only shedow this man around Weshington, but to follow him to Chi- ca, and vicinity for 1) urpose of determining his connections. a simi =: Mimbo on ha oF Coowe see ner leave the District of Columbia and wanted to know whe’ we would 4 be willing to teke up the surveillance at the Union Station upon See tiene ma ter leueans. After e conference with Assistent Director Nathen, T informed in the absence 01 that it wot eeterer for us to undertake - int unless # form] request to do so were fornarded from the Secretary of State to the Attorney General. 4 ————_——— a —— OSS 3CIS ARIZ BWP Very way yoursy. A Toy og < ae (SRK, the KEITH, ve sisTiCe DK:ps ‘Spectel Agent tp me) a pace LL ee ee SE nt OAS ON Wee et i eee TES eae cmd 7 DOKL i a 6226705 : 6 COSINE = XID . Wovonber 15y-1933+ BTUQEANPUN P92 _ASSIES ANT ATTORIT WTRAL_ EEE! : Receipt is acknowledged of your nozorandus Gated Hiovendsr’ 19, 1933, tronemitting a translation +! tyr the Saareteny of State fron the TU eget to prstenenta sate Wy AMINES Ch cage, Times, rela- 1), nete the | I have’ instructed the Wechington Field Office « i): of ais [ivictan to sake esprogriats Anvestigation dm ants euiter, a rill ie furnished with « copy of tho renari cutliaing the rerults of euch investigation, spon eosmletion af Erne. Te : Very traly youre, FiLE@ ELOT.ON) : wait co ae Tire . lf % Novis 1993s | f Pe rie i ron anon | eee 211 Murkey-“rtght pathcing, Wiesinzton,ie 6. a cla eed ceannens eabtlings Kov wher 29, Loar, VECRN 9 Speck) aout te than, Pacem Division of Izvestigotion, cui, 1Ue De Eepertnent of Justieu, ‘ sh 1800 Makers! pstiding, iaeaee ehiesgo, T1linoie. See eee agen Leer srs tho Jivisicn, there oa Aaciutest.wse» ar 4 Jouoph 5. Re aua datos Le? I, 19S, and or eee Coptoe of tho caclowurs mentioned thoreta together with copies 2h. ges Bf Mes lettor fron thin offic. ented Octubsr 21, 1853, tothe ne Pivicsoa en? lotter fra she Mv! 3 offteo catea ™ Mert LTE owes Moventor 26, 108, reli ota t f Gkigass, W4nois, Who surad rho: eal ef tae Qerzan abana yh , 1) nasegoliete erethor Ne cunts “24G0%, end, i ‘ionnl $1,000 should ie mes Pleo tated chat pey after verif: cation. It fe remested tit t tha Ohferse erties ¥ WE toMNL Anyenttotiea ele tive te ty ke miter, traly yor +» Olver, sting Speoiel scant in Chorge, CAN: 07 6ita2450 : nol. or Ty ye I son TOK: LL 62-26760 : Rovenber 16, 1933+ wh furtucr rece. noe to the cove of Bai thie Gevany Ces sctlor, béolgh eek llud herewat wapies of 6 menO- daved Kovendor 10, 1935, cad copies of the Inclosure nen- nee tionca taercl. while the ctntoxense sale (/ i © oi, hive no Gives coancetien fea de elmiler to thet 7 ceaved coneesaing thir ints ‘the Snfora.tion couteined dn the atzorendum of . t.. Aepintant Atworasy General, 1a apperently tdentiesl "* t conteined in your Ictter cuted October 22, 1923, to ic Sivinton infos on previously ren ‘mentation 02 : enwerainy kre Kinbcll, It ie miggected that the Chicago Office be fun nished with the infornation already obtained by your office, ive to this nattor, mith the request that the necessary, adiitions] davesiigation be perforned. Very truly yourn, ts ae XR; Lirector. ried LEE, ae ss pon OF IMAC i Kr » eee anise FLERE THS:RCL, Deveaber 11, 1433. Swecial Agent in Chsrge, Division of Invostigett Us £. Depurtannt of dur tiee, 190? Bankeret Buildtag, Catcago, Illinois. Decr Sirs fercace 1s msde to a letter directed to your Oftiee from ‘tie Tasninglon Field Office duted Bovesber 22, 19 relative to elleged plans to sesaeci~ Bite Changeilor Yicler, You are requested tz imucdistely ¢onduct the nocesswry Lavestigution. Very truly yours, Dircetor. Oo _ UF tetra Co cderat areas of Investiom.D ‘J, United States Departinent of Justice Washington, D.C. Avgust 20, 2943 SH - 2 Garson, - + Haarbe, aa MEVORANDUM FOR 1R.LADD 9 | Hendos, : Moc Nubstord +i the) Bearke 27 we: anoxs syn Pespectfully, avi te ees FL. Welch Federal Bureau of Kuwestigation ‘United States Department of Justice New York 7, New York SLD:VW 65-4309 ‘April 28, 1944 Director, FBI Dear sir: The District Intelligence Office, Third Naval District, bas given me what purports to be a copy of the birth certificate of adolpfiitier. I = am enclosing a photostatic copy of this certificate, which is reportedly re- Produced fron the original in the parish offices of Braunau-on-the-Tnn on September 7, 1933. According to a representative of the IMstrict Intelligence Office this Jocurent records the fact that in the city and parish of Braunau- on-the-Inn, dioces of Linz, in the country of upper Austria, there was born on the 20th day of April, 1889, one Adolph Hitler, son of Alots-Hitler, Inperial Gustors Official, and’Klara Pall of spittal, lower austrias and on the 22nd day of April, 1889, Acolph Hitler yas baptised according to the Roman Catholic rites, Johstn and’ Johanna Pienk, Vienna IIT, Lowingasse 28, served as baptismal , sponsors. The above is being sutnitted to you for your information and as of possible interest. : Very truly yours, Special agent in Charge Enclosure Ficclesal Lottavg Simaiahs ze} : © Baadig B “6, boiend all Bl een neue eee Ne See eeeeeetee Dinecron Mr B.A. Taran ) . : 1 : eal ar nleseigaa stays linited States Department of Bust Mr Lage Mr. Nieboly Hlashington, D.C. Mr Rosen Tesey Septesber by 19uh x ia Ss: Me. Cottey Me. Harbe | Heades MEMORANDUM FORSETETeee eo 7, kre hil segues Bor Poorktle Flight of kdelgh Hitler Ee ™ Piper _ Argmuine a) Mr. Quine Tamm . : Tele. Roum Yary politiccl observers have sapresved the opinion that ir Nease Adolyh Hitler may sxek refuge in Arcontina after the collapse of Jemeriny. Beat Mias Gengy Carson Politica? ramificetione lend credence to this possif2ity Saat : ] when itis roceTicd tnat the uly appointed Argentine ConsuYistimth, ~ PT jc gstensibly Spein, had plens which included clandestine ! ani techniciens 4 meetings ler oe tte arronging of Saporting ¢ : a “into Aegentine amuth, intercepted by the British at Trinisad, never completed Bis rise : Argentine rexeins 2 aysterious maze of questicnstie characters : { wAnLLD be Fesalled fer ter notorious effeir with te German doplomaiie | ini “representative in New dork, ts preeently resine in Buenos Mrs ae. Austrian mnitions king ari e<-‘usi*nd of acently converted ais ni for the nurifacturins of munitions. Arnulf ducts a lony vance political canpaign f: “ell known "5 the sucetheart of the Anerte a ciains to be in Argentinn es tha postsar planner elischatte factories into an Arce’ prowists sted eta Buesss Aires, SE intestrialist viv for the Ger-an eartalictaliz btarge rasllly Semen colony in trgentina affords trenendous sosstbilstteal or the providing cf a refige for Hitler and jis henchnene One of the nevbers, nag been mentioned as operating @ rmech which would serve in providing, a ave ty the very nature of any plans formulated for the sbandening ef Germany A its collapse, it is virturlly inporsible to substantiate ary allegations with regard] to arpentinals sorving the fazis after deveat: honever sone significance my be | attached to the fret that Argentina reseins silent dfspite all the accusations that he “ADL sarve an ateminus for Hitler after a nen-stop ‘light of 7,376 niles from Ferlin to uenos sires in an especi tly constructed plene or as @ passengerin a 3 rann2 subrarinas Pais matter continves to be tha subject of # coordinated investigation by the Boreay represontativen thronghoat Jy Infeonaiion developed to date tas, of course, been furnisi~d to intersted governmental agencies. ) 8G! Sa Berean | o-rx ae . ot nae hegre ak nT 456 * a moms dme 28, 191s wy ve received your letter of dune 11, 19h5, and want to thank you for your interest and courtey in writing to this the event you recaivo adil tional tnforrat!on which you belleve to be of interest to the Federal Bureau of Inveatication, want you to foel free to communicate with the Special Agent in Charge of cur Kow Haven Field Division which is located at 510 The Trust oar Kow Conpany Batiding, Yow Haron 10, Comecticut. Sinooroly yours, : "Jobo. Baga Toover . Director a es tie Me 7 MAILED & \ : . —a eC “ 7 T4IUL 2 1945 ose oi ~ ee SE EA Knee Te c a -E Cage notin Ae Gee a fot he et fg th hae St : ? 7 (x haat a. ye eee Et we souls conch tear iA Le The L. Nre Limi anf oN eet) 4 re (Fi sone tg plows Lhd pram wrt © free Ques nll Pipudb ov 4 7 Conte hy. ged, A eae a eee n ~ i) efaee ae ee Sanity tee nahh eek Mead tes fret ® dag merci an, je tke j cloacrwted, my Mead) bed cn Mn eg tl- Uh er Mak, beat go A wglt deh @ pe ene See ie naly int “the. Nationel Bocieln. ers “es| e Uhe men Hitler met when|perste site, he: gathered” around ined the German Labor party|him » group ef fntellectuats, of-|E" etre Eckhart, a euramias lcers, former ecticers, penuriou ‘whom he obtalaed ihe basic|students and ‘mmbiticus youtha] pen of, the. ideology. later] wilhout prospects in the Germany {through the war and found them ready for noting to Inve end felt Uy hi oul = & fUpeTiority” complex, Cagaesion’ of, which beceme Sard res(the propelling ambition of their fa (being. Like Hitler, (ey Wdentified WSeper'oé the] the texeneration of Germany with here ey, staat) oe Isis ‘crea. "They declared wi gation the Vera a i eerramie noon, AL ae te eee cinpmmaren te tera, UGE, Mh aed coerce i Pun pe cee ae we anda ahouid not be dccentmait| Ing. the wrongs Gone to-Ger-[fight. With Maradet methods, but rapealing fo, audinses and we shel! do thlags beer tan the Fag thera with the promise of Sardista” ‘ ir MimiatersPresiget ind General Yor Lowsow. Chief “3 Ah Army generais, active And lottices "end promptly proclaimed Fea, regarded hans with suepilnttier a traltbr vo-uhe Sel ie appeals to the middfelaay' in we eenter of tne elty iter he had Toade” a7" im |fovorer everything. gain if “ony” they[hit Po ne, ments of Appearing ae a witnes rage. ng Instruments oP enres‘Rercarwenr land “aavotoge, work. duving ft ‘Trey Joined him openly!iweon several thousand of Hiters|# st World War, wes, appointed = the pole, backed by |i Mlplace. Von Papen a z mn ghd showed. that Meltiossow's troops, Hitler vas leading| 8S known t9 “the Cabinet of Nasty unleashed a flood of Pro ecets were not to belhis men, waving nis revorver, wikh| movoGles.” It Rad no baaie of au atone ai gay a, ut on each ha isteuttea ‘isan shi srmlea tenet the Fepebli, tne Vereal seeuty and coterie t Ficheros. i Te hole world sawn ¢ canines cach hg) Sates Mase scare eae taceg” ian“ tuneekba tne for aNd tern ecere ne Nazis. jof that ume jaxd otter provincial Legislatures in|¥ictorious, with 19,000,060, vo! Hee Be Sunt nom Bniee| Al Dene were im the main men{enderaining the Foner and sabi-aERinat 13,000.00 for Her, ALL ie embere of the German{of humble origin we had. gone{ity of republican tattations. rnjeaae Une, Powers, ides 9p ete, and Gommonista|tered his "ereatest electoral rites and Communist mal | abi a etn tenth bet i Sal ries week it uel een eae eae ee i ae een sey as Sus pon ak uon, with the” Reichswe ine Brvening Cabinet fel shor lafter the Presidential election a fin the consequent. Reishalag elt [ion of July 31, 1052, the Na: rin atier “made iw, famous[ created) the, mumber, of th fot in whith he flattered|#eats to 229, becoming. the sand promiced tnt when( siege potbcal pasty Twice bake erty "attained power” the|the end of the year Hider « ember criminals?” those whio|Manded the Chanceliorabip, & the Tersneration of, Germany With) made the German revalvsion ang|each time Hindenburg getus wipeleet tp the Weimar Republic, would} Hindenburg offered him « Gabir ifn tre teDub-Ipe exterminatea, and that “heads post jn ¢ reconstituled Governrae od “af would poll” In his testimony” 2 aetna ten velagarde, and of force. they. made(meny, thus iuling the monare Fescjngande and of force, they made lina their army generals ino te|Chancelioralp or “noting! let that he planned to. Te : ten [the olf imperial order. With the Relehstag’ what ‘Meanwne the government of{form a new Government becaipe: pete lcpencetor Saetnch Bruce, [the mul of warring pas out making. speeches: a: |should. be Be Seghiage Centrist Teader, was fighting der-iand the impoesi 7 eee erarearh sitoctve” ed “Welveratly to aie the tie of ee-[e comition 1 wan equi Gann "and "politica: ‘airgolution [a [For many months ‘Bruening. Wwas|Nov. 6, 1932, Jn that election ruling by decree based ‘upon emver-|Hitieriées lost 2,000,000 votes, & nich Beer-Cellar Putsch of 1923 Failed; |Rtisitcs” se ae aes risoned for Trenson, He Is Soon Freed|Chancellorship Won by Series of Intrigués the Bavarian, mi, Reichstag Fire Precedes Election Victo: ° i ,What followed was a nerien of accepted thea terms, with the =the Bavarian army. preiondea "iP gues behing the #enen ny eich an eel ge ee aay anager a Tel ere be etrank of" major and eape Ete aiiet Neu meat GS” tie) chancellorship. Bruening renicaed more eee the approval othe ¢ leita ug peecained|2°G Pana vor Papen,'a Cail |torate, Hindenburg wa pangod eng) promptly spreclaimed Aig q diplomat reniemberea in the|this oatenable dace of Mier jeter Tonty oriein endj There followed’ a sharntth next|United States for his. espionage| et brat wan nok enough for Bt lie wa tng hin tne fort fatal blow at Ue repute. “TE | demanded. ‘new elections were called % sly passed by Ue appeared asi tba Naz! ida a Bervices were receding. eae 3t [Sioa hat "aw Feichetog ect led ao be malght © Miniatry|in the eempaign. at ands eclipelng anything that == mized, \Ladendorff beside him. Confident|Port in the Reichstag or in the)gone before. With the machin FPR anion aut nl Ure Gee! Pept a Sahay 1 Eda wah ly respansiie far the falrleecing Lacendore, iter marched of aller fiat. “Potach"onfon. Hut the poice {ized nevertne: xg and 8, 2022, t= deunler ite he tecbounds of Nasi weet i Gamar ine beeree daleying his “Tax hod arrives tovtt ale searchin SClae” ana” politimane "in tne(tied the country “aketior of Mthe Music” City [grounds ‘len the evening of Nov, 8 and, Tiles fi uth mae i. announcing that hit mous that Hitler war the first man |S, in comma of the National re p-gep. Genoral, von ScNleicher, army . lente fencing Union ct the Ht |bebind ‘ther, ees Patachr {ores thausnrs of Nazis scat: lirices ‘and “Communists, ngatrei|te'trrorse the eaciorate and Tensace-[whom the army would be able epee capuign etn hind treme, the Nezia were fer forced bis way inte an 85-tlantly, He war arrested, Goering. |%2 st@nd, forced von Papen’s resig-lother parties as 2 Spal haste Soetoro oven ai tac ang st Sree denlaet stiSlren’ Covernmantiueondeas tut estaned neg’ ater/cuaneeoahi. Von” Sehiocher st orp a ne na tr GH a ot ucla ape (Lab Sorte Motel E ea at sok Sn er ec te the refused to support vontnelped Hitler to power, they aaa tthe, Natoma in| netaed by Ragen, whos nate nthe ed whnt was Coming object Nor-leailing of a new election. HAY pul niles He cles fr, fo get un nad tun for cont. ie ectecher. however oho Uhereupoy |e heraies coininy arch on Berlin and’ pleaded eared tov fer SeNet, MS laemanded’ another’ dinsclution. ofleroneuverea by the Tez! chit: JR hose” renent fo" mite raed. He was caught, owever, the TELMtAg wid a EenTAl ee ice St ue Achat Mate ty foal At hh eMacten® eo: teenie etl ad toe ted fo en Parr UPUREA] Ge or ont eu foe afer Set eae: Sh sr fet ina ode goal Wane Mad Wee i? eo rae mae ance ear goer EE eae dnt ee g EeuPea ae, 7 Air tbe taste Ee ert re Sil ‘Ne by Wis sudden move, for 1 hay. ny pretended 18 ‘ge Hitier they’ knew that the| reaction ‘wae rol Fipe and vage him ‘promise that. | iy nothing. reekinss ang 12° whe Siotenge that might PAN Gam pomitlana, s ["Putseh" Tf seemed’ am i¢ Hither oo SUD ilntion nt nualeause "waa " irretrievnbly’ lost Oe eS ete outa, "Phrooghont Rebulle Power Alter Defeat : Wo" Siateould fm longer tt danger ana in the history of the ¥ calied| 3930, a week Before the elect jee, ‘This|On. that” eveting the. eicha sng uddeny went up lapsed. The fire, it was deterzniz siSranipe Hindenburg. instructed] woe ‘ct incendiary orein. {> him to forma cunlition Govern lgreat deal of inflaconsebie m= 17 US iitpaetunities the butt of sidieule, "The Governe|ment with vi WH? he" wae |ment and sts supporters felt he|riEnt, He w ve tt 7 vlan and rete only with of the Keionsteg, Titler Continued on Pre: ‘the|trar used to alert tne 071 es ban = Bh eh tectronens” SP hat ssid hin eat Me et Sror was preeminent] emanated in Hier eee 7 : Feat Rieoeer bs-[ ere wivienednens and fratrtion iB Oe Era! actly aoa His Anti-Semitism Built on Idea of Seen ete) Pats wae born in an inn atl tong detore ns ESSUEGGRAy Gast oe Nenana cee ie Ga act pocers aa damned of phealal wenkaaee. 3 iste tation Apa aa ‘Mase Unrest His Spriaxboara (‘ther wan Aloe Sohisela ier: jdeatined to hate, oppose and de-|power and of great thin Tresceal pelea and ecovorlc| Pre Mie Riehoes cconitions, ob they" Sevcopedts|orgsnniy a peasant, Bat iater ene [HRGT, Wee We gues fot A wervice oa, Arent” Gave Ucn LAY Raging tor pearly fitten| third wit: who was tio Ns hiece|™ 4, of Ge peopl ere seer ew to power nai ure churches Chemecives ne war seh Ditler am. Rin regime when hey discovered ‘Eeme Brave representatives "a contempt for Enis hate ninelat was no eal voboueded capacity for hat han the mibatitulion of a Pagan |WWicr found expression. th bisiapat myastr 2 Reefer cama” Fl crits treatment of opponeatalyg ind persecution cf the Jews. ne sont canara ion: Werth alld a maater claas|invarior and superior xx pene srdlisom einen etter race” |vided 1 alan into tntert For ater Sa Jno would bulld|perior Duran beings 1 13 Tend Ht! In|in le claaacieation sation to. dividing mankind into tan ae sag cucchey seed Ser en a cera te Porson He" Dectiny of German Rule Long His 7 tower Germans, amarting Dash |e Bily Under nomiition ano’ 8e¢eat tie w Sears with internal distention and|ang Tove in 1033. Having becore a Bppcinea mall ounce partion Gord strike for seizure ot the) ween tne magnetixm ne over millions and the tinpreposset ing eppoerance.of this champion reg dt agar | Vent aupperter of of Aryan race. purily, Profeasor! vent suppertcr of the, Aus See on rhe aes German ‘uthority on race hygiene. gave Heliowing “aercription. eS ives ‘inen he met burn Tor the fiat time REE political trial ine German] ent hae a etine: Germant to tule vertmetan na ttle taper te GAPS cnc nese hae cara ier Tis ee tedad chee, sna pes date Bees xpresson of the BS ent one coment Eitelitnts bl of on arene Pea AT ne endl expe tog of nappy eomipnerney | Stany WED yates Bl trom ike che Hes, rom aga ett hehe Tit ade al ge SY 8 ppearance on the political scene| eM Bler's readiness to take via he) Inabit of wild exaggeration and ine! pry ability to greap the full implica-|op ia), ons ot things ne ssid and did. 1e| °F ieee aeath he foune “To me those hours were like Boom pane idan 1" Opn det ne oun moat hme et a] i ae ‘ignificance of his words and deeds| mea {hat was considered reaponsibio for| quite unprepared for the battle of] APE SENT gremployinent, avppied ‘hel younger than het Inabeld Bpringboard: for ilters. leap tol ¥as tne future dictators mother. ent of Germany. He lnouicy of passive resistance ‘choo! the pos the Austzian custor Sard," being’ twenty "yee evel chavs het Somat The [ftea meal OBS The dese ene onlad oy ne Geeeed we Perla inferior and Sopointet simber of Germans bad| es rahe ive Scat pabvonsey eee am cee tee Merete ee oFcregvered tragic Cer died childhoods A niece of i SuG"E alan’ Hm hice thy [tke Parmre committed act, 4 SOG, one $2ee! Broke, tore hai ether Sadho fopeny. me oveceaaed, Be peinle, sp often Gepermoen anaing of Biers eames einer, Hawa newer leader and Fuehrer, that whet hel + OBatan anders im age at 38 eta re, that wnt be sent th eore atar fred fron ang tab ie ee ant ao i ill Ger-|tion and Sirent to power hotnees aie there were sere er By stodentd of the man in study ofleczentrce in Une famntiye An tone (Oey Leen aati Nee laste Pee carly story. leva tae family moves, datiat 2 eee Ae alg contra- tence Ur Hines and nena scone was the discrepancy (os |iatabltg, = exercised) German Adherent From Youth ‘Untike his father, who was a fer-/sion in the midst of the Polish criais) TERME ALET oP kus 388 ete OSA lat Vionna_ in 2939 for 1 ERE ind weet Bc whee Be mipposted i Baler A Hye ts alo wSog su yo fea paar Pe esate aetin aehe and bagsiy puanages to etn hs uae ter Ree NS abated esoom tor ¢ ‘it qvas, the. hlatorie. ml ag Rrane Jobers an ‘mosnes, who extered to hie habit ‘ot earring. a living an in| parent sas history was tke atrugele for aur ‘She snd destined to be dominated by a| at the age Of 66. 3a] only principles to whieh Hitler ter Yer, by means of force and propa-|three wives died of weak ches\s.| mained true. for We, viol “ ES, Tigeniously aitected. by two of Inter’ brothers and» a aru for, be cated On his|mmans and not. the incorporation Pino love for is tainer won. for polities and” paltieal id eseted ip oman a Belfer ogee epioymen athe 1 eeere re cvice Not venturing fo de-|kind Ma fetner naa wanted him to|spiratary ieee cor era fates opealy he edoptns [have Hitler himeet Sacosed Jter| Hons fotmed fer pa ‘py |iis father's prediction that ne goee| and the spreading of a eving. poster he had developed! the [the principles. that ‘nationa ware when accepted, felt 1 stray one anabher; chee the law of} A the frou were Be [Germans were clover ty det fic over otters ane tat te great er ineracd ea ow anateragr Bane social pe, The Jews be ger fo all other peopien Theke may be rake ers a beste principles of the Nazi eco lead maneuver Tis repeatedly pro-| [ciaimed ‘unalterable. oppecition to fbelaheviam, wath’ ‘wueh econ |nommoted s treaty of non-aggres-| Viennese engineer, but had no real friende and no contacts with wor ‘with him were struck by ms pas-| [would ever come of his son, He) some of | these Te a eee mich fa Rebels elped tage revels pac on te pata, sre Gout flr sel fo we atin war ame nen Dulneene, (EAE OP SEE nether at Line there he sed] sem came the wor. ft ited eect Mapp. suitier fron abscurity into state] 920, ‘wmen of exaltation loutbresk of the war in “Mein|Thewe “tree corps” "Lam not ashamed to|were financed by & fe cotncae ha dapayed at ericl feed ben a fiure at aehoat amy foe overeame tye storm f[isa, no Neve ‘moments after violent outbursts of! Thougrt ard temper, land wes unable to pos ure at school er tnuemzin fel on my knees and|dermine » the Gov though. oa) tear While Ris parents sere ehal[ehanked Heaven fram an overtlow-|thwart the work gerasions he was reported to falllative Tiler hed kone for a shors|ing Neart.” lied baiitary Com inte tears and nysters ropagania a Basle Weapon be lg ae oe dor a hrt ter nto, (n Sazberg: thellaned im Cormac ine ta Maumich Mere a) cata docora bad rejected Bim armed, tn, sccorda RS ame Saute areata |e soy nerve bcaune of provaions f ihe Me At the arme time, however, he] loot arf ts tle hese peteancs neany ehewnan| et Tot naaton te the Aen f ‘ ; Bictanatrie date! eieeein ice |A Spy for Conspirators Against. cacy 420, eal ing an arenect Meow S08¢| Joined ‘German Labor Party’ Ban. Vidvats, and egree the art of swaying theirjso mediocre, however, that hit ap-| ‘motions. ‘The success he achleved| plication wes denied for nck fn this field eahanced his contempt |qualifieat2n, 'Se|_ wither ected a an lottic intenigence publican leaders, no Sy or” dese ince |inge ot revere for the peopie, whom he enlied'e| From. 1900 to the outbrenk oflcorms” bands, He established rela-| In 2919 Hitler + “loch of sheep and bicependas ae Firat Word War, ier Tetaltlons vn faved malitary oF ins, sk ot eeny mixture of spaity ona coward |wretched extence. For a while belcles boll inside and ‘utalde the tte Band caling ce" He wae convinced that well-[ived ine. Viena “flophotse."|Reichvwcehr. Wher. Une latter wup-|man Labor, party Girected. propagancs by a deter-laniong begenrs and vagabonds spnsd minor btekea by force at |e enent nighls 00 par the strategic moment, conaututed share road in wh tory Touten jacd by tine police He saa a ymnng outcasts, valing at tion "BY gered sod Constant mpptin'a monastery eo"p nttenen, Me ci reraed the Gommmiat regime OMe group al Ww [Bavaria sn S038, hitler Surnames [thereafter by aeve intorrontion that ed to the execu fcera ang format ey Semi ESE ‘The’ aetivities of Une mltain att PIE eminent tad amon otN F|Gaverned ge Bava c c a : 8 c ‘THE NEW YORK Hitler Fought Way to Power Unique in Modern History} Bent Most of Europe to His Will by Manipu- lating Chaos That Was Aftermath of the First World War } gat ue oneing agnran wil al of Cyne Baope te = dhe ove 12 be the de ieg betere what appenzed tebe the 1 AEP ee cermange ctoamenter of ie uieenee of th Germany, sentoenieh ot irenetibe mance. of the, oot Ty, BheTRelen” ead te acoaras of Bir |Spping Nani bordeset ss adotsd! a Ea "promt ofthe irae Wort Fr more then sx year acer nll War hc ame Keven CPEu| advent to power ip January, 1038 Bich Wat carried Lenin a bookien ere, emed Bho oe re Srofeanonat vevetatonine, to el CUS ohee to Shalengs, Miers Pinnacle of power tn the Emplre/ eRe oo ree trea BPUne Gaara en cared the vaca amen he, Mat, emetanes rem $5 mastery” for Muecolint in’ the; Foam ope nal ‘Rome of the Caesars also paved!" 'E; iar inee Bera’ tor janis domination bn Sher a1" Big amarberment {he former mighty Germany of hele was reported fo have ike Lenin and Muasotinl Witler| “247, Sime, fa short" | His blow ‘exe out of Une blond and, chaos|ektingt Poland and: challenge ts SPDT Watts Bees ns esl beanee and Enelang jens a, fhe atrangeat phenomenon. Tenn, YEre later, vere, {arehi as, mace ‘while not Bnown tothe general Ihe had determined delibs wale not bnawn fo the wenealleraiey to aloe al he hod achived) ee Baa for any sera ers gata athe i ese for arsan Ravattion occupied A orimacion Europe one Besant place ag iene: and ine |oorg "Wan, ena perbons, thalt eR PU Une way buat ) hs known 8 uniaane Porars of hatred wd op rtol nnd Dollie poaiden garoos tout the hed tr eter mung vs bid for Power light exeotaaly destroy fi to earn & precario tiving y( ff (postcards for] “oing minx car. TS peter ort see | | NGrertheiess. he consid ‘Thote who had hoped that mic(#eif to Be an acluat of tai lecar Ut home and extension of hus] ated (ie world fer Bot aceardin Ssrosd ould bree nim|ton reeorition He apent hls rive fewmapedt ang roctant folie, eure, Gayareuing and orsus tne peagram of conquent ne [oronding over hit trustration, He WeoERhatn| hima admitted jas. autobiog- ipgihe beceme everyig fo mont| Sere of token Fro Giuanigedrcamed of orig eve oa, Museoring thiadered ofthe ‘Soming world victory, of fascia. /POWEE, Bitters ectuatiy cnalenged he [Rea thine! for mimaait i= NESTE Reet tna in tioapeechee henry, hat (0 betwen 4 from The fed in 128, 25, 4 abandoned that ope when lor Year he Wan what Snow SS BON Secure nce corporal 2c GH ona ne pome tn rpect he gem et EAN Bs Tay eyes, Soe eM ict of eacchonowaha ated ee ‘Subdued Many Nations reduced that mation to @ German| yearned passtonaicly o.ma es ag Before the cline of career] iglecorst perce oet io gain recognition, 21 MERE were natty he had sdb ie see not the test promise ne|stain te gxeak achicvementa 0 unparalleled in history Pe MncccrseB4d broken, His whele course at| now eversihing, to attract atien- UK) nd Rtn te ernst Png and abrond td been mazied| on, (0 maar he won ‘fully and Marated Seated n[by browen promises and he did pot] Poltce His Rol 00 mowers of Earope, end cenit 1 P2 tate tor maatacs tans af iol yy ental passion ae ft sepia and conc re gubiection|own eloaeat adverents, an ne dia in), 22 Eepeten PRS et Sat af pn the samme sur ree tne puree of dune, 46a, when he|Len,A atv, and beaten youth 2A, Nee cette ot socal, po:|personnly cirected the iting ft”, Would (become Wrandormes #4 fa all Basle Centar et tical ite [cnt, Eraak Roehm “tnt EF? en oo would Le ieee aie tant lecad| of Jrading Navie mmo ha ventureg, Deters pollMeal Mis tance would tothe bh era vette interfere in bis pisas for aconrr/ Ouse ands torrentt wards wz) eee eee ree tenor iedion [association of the Reiehawene wiry] funn, fom Mas, my Westar Jer of Ue age ar crnstache| te. reeime aod ranted pen future abe Fore Weng Was they Deg with IU PUN ahoos fer [Slime of the original ant party reser formed fender ll BAe an Osa ar capleer|promies in the economic el. (CSTE nM en hk Shag bere sim mot lead "She oven dere family: woe thought him efor Dwg negeneretor| hia riethods waa fed by the ayotem | fe¥,,ittrea Ht BY heguuinianc Gf the Paterna, Se fervor he nad etablinted at! EP ag an Paes cee00,000 inhabe!nome and in the tountries he TAGly.te 4c courage was tie dsint’ A een eit ta malconguered. the illig of georen ot{ OES, 206 SOUrRES a eee st Siare than 1000000 Gerejthousands in-prinone and concen Eee” Chek rongarian Baresten Me Ruseten country were|trson camper tne aceret, mur OEE yn. had Become eae eescrmaln when “neler opponents and Uove aunpectea|ecvees @2 mcm Res Meee Beet ence "ia. mode’ Cuechosls|of opposition, the ruthexs dealru- sareateney Joon! Cecchr aid] tin of tne Jews and Ur prac Elovtier were ‘Miedo a: ebartnt| ton of ie Cathole and Proteata)t serch pay ened ahah By ive for HAE ef Font Omer net” State. estes, lention of the mation (see hea ba [it more ond more difficult to cop hem. ‘our the movern:t ered force an the final ACM fearigr o in by neering Nm lt vison or taking specie) measire, |W For ane time Biter appeared 19 down wan epprouening. Powerful Elements Allied aon, but at the inued quielly_ at sleing nis whattered ros subsequently ‘used. again fnations=inuimigaticn, violent ar veloping the foundations nas movemen' labuaive propaganda, coerctan ein Sart Taeiatemeets Coens eae at ‘Within the next seven years ho} plained hage following, which! feame to number 3,000,000. built slong mlitary” army corps, Tegiments and, com. "Fre men ore unitorme ind were subject to strict military in army. conaleted of ithe army and jot throats, bicred wild ace fr an unesing eteam nyadnst ¢ srernment nd nadere of ou oop, who wore Drown sihirts, and the Black Guards, rep. ‘resenting more carefully picked formaons, weeting black shirts Pee ne gata stredimisi ay nothing of Socialists and Det 'Biese Groopy acted as the 2 public meet atlacked Tews in the streets of Mfunieh, broke. up| meetings of the oppoaiien, staged| gel street “brawls with” Commnuniats neat ap leacers| jes and, in general, popular demand for a "str Rena" All thle war ataged © remendous dramatic fe LY, organization, rected by Dr. Joseph Goebbela, Conducted” a reign of terror. with whied the authorities found it in- Ereaaingly aiticult to cope, tn pro” ‘the political aspect of movement gathered! able. propagande, Sailer coset Ihe ties with the Re cheweh, c wt ‘realize more and more { "The nation was thrown into. a| state of veritable clcit war, The Remar aee ae Vater eit idee ae rere, ‘hie movernent by amir" Rea nest de pectaiaate at dey cnc ea AS Become His Captic His Political Power Increased After I$ un as rat sa Ss Be eer Socialite and ‘Democrats took feountersmeasurcs by forming thet] Jsemi-military Beichsbanner, while {the Communists, fighting the So- Jclavats ard the rerublieans, orcan-| pand promises mde tte imprer- Fhe poor sane cor alway tranind a & cirene Det Former. Pevpls iaughed at hem and Baague he sutocrities in Bavaris Iifihingia tnd olner Ceranaa =tntes fed with the Bitierites| land feclitaied thelr work, So fsuthorities in Prucsh Reich Army Generals four eat wer. P yee abroad tte and Te seemed i many geradey would Rave fo [pras befnge the nation could. pull 1 | Fizeit together on the basis of & ew oucer. But Filer pereevered. ‘stra‘ery Formula Simple His steategy wea based “Already in thore days, five years) ent to power army generals had bereine bis pr "Those who, like Genera Naver attempted to| independent policy my, inguatry snd fe oe ener’ Y Hineeee snd to baitress that ith| taken into the Government.) yin Ierouid not rule unis ne are thority.2 3 paid for it with their lives or with| ‘But great as, were his wuccessea fin thes yearn after the Munich| support nmiony Une siessre. He ad- [Sresaed binned first to tre miadle| Classes, vined by ShfIntion, and panned to obtain some sexist persistently | refused, to command all aut lgame me, however, be, 62 snot nti 1980 that) Wilt’ emerged. definitely as al Fron elements among Une wore that he would attain that ‘athe ined in te revolution. eget means only, lntention of carrying out # ‘In iec1 Hitler was reedty lpresient von Hindenbt fir me: Unti mat more seed Dresigent had steadtas lmighty polities! power in: a lake’ an 3928" in the iections of thal year, Hitler waa bie. to. obtnin only. twelve. seat ut in the elections hela in the fall Seived 6,000,000 votes heaped 10 aoa Maer ncaa eet 1 wan one of the greatest issaive ive department atorek e041 ye ‘uarbareat Hniory of te ie midgte eiastea he prom ned reliet from wnat he eailed the ASearny of big, Business, parties: nely the department stores, with thich nese tradeamen. fond 1 ‘itticutt Uo compete, finens iat when in pov sboliah all unten vantage of that friew. He appeared to have w struggling German Reputbe. By| this time Hitler had become. the idol not only of the active [Nezl party mersbern b masses who cast inelr Dale for fara ne pronained diarcution of the ffasts, ?Nelther o¢ thes eneiaty of ea reanng hi. profoun Hie welfare, wake pledng “Aaa to nn exonorte propre, enigned, to appeal to. Ue ruined smiasicrinss ekoments he pat fore Mara it slogan of extcie Upnpyn andhencism the unten a manson the bane ot ant “ne prester Gy mane ie wa nok nth 38 that Fe Save forwards presran The tactor that gave ment hla. preat impetus fren” wag moved and subse ‘Shelthred to bring about some lunity between Butler and ing, against whom the Ne Ipetn waging vitselie can varid in 1029. and struck Germany| with particolay seventy 7.ot0,d00 sineraployed, added to tne ilions of impove ‘2 ieng Poiand, he a6ded that 2. c totiaggrension pact with Wit saw Soult) “bring aboat dea, and in ralbed the Pact of Waraew a a3} ddress before the Reichstag.” In| Ghat" month” Foreign Aiater| ‘ouepn Beck of Poland vaited tne Fuchrer at Berchteaguden. It was Proaching.” Pin Maren Hitler seized Boner ‘and Moravia. after reducing waite fo the role of « vassal of Banta ga ine eampelgn against ‘Abuse of Germans Alleged Tnunched a campaign of rae Eee OUT tec x i ea Ae ae * Bera aise se deg eatioe ranean? Oe ete menbe of inary eed ek 2 Sega aoe ak, A ie eeeaenete ra meee! Erbe soem a Deere, Eaten oct sn oe siete er Sa a oe se oi a i Booting ae Soest eat ial asm tn Vlolallon of the statement he Rad made as late ax Sept 12,1031 hen ‘great states: o it pact with os we tmmedi- ‘Rely accepied' the treaty recognls-Iwnich he asrared the, Premier of| ‘hg our respective frontiers ein ‘salable. This ‘more for peace Treaty hea "dane than att the hat {ering in Geneva put together” ‘Frontiers Became ‘Unboarable’ 19 1639 the frontiers, which Hit. Yer hed declared “inviolable” lees than year before, became “in bearabies” -_rom March, 1989, the relations Detwreen Germany and Poland be- an to. Grterlorate rapidly. ‘The Etuation in Danzig” grew tense, ‘The controlled German press se teat ‘abot Polish ion!” On “April 28, 1638, F addreased a memorandum Warsew announcing the brupt Airogation of the 1886 nonagyres fon renter mere. war 0 pro: ‘ton tie past for rach una ‘Frat action. ‘Boon Nasi armed bands began to| Great Britain Stands Pat seep. nto Danzig as. preparations! were begun by both alder for| med “action, For five. month Ko Mmobiilzed omboth siden. ‘The Ger ‘Dian press inte ‘Against. Polish tied it cams “atroe tess Ruanding the unconditional sur Fender of Danzig and of the Palah| Corridor, “wher 2aG for centuries been 90 per centynever been submitie ‘Polish. “Tae: subsequent eventa that led! ‘On Bept. 2 German troops moved and guayintied agoinet remilia to the advance of the German into Polacd. ‘the inhabitants! 4. BLAU. 18 German troops oe- | Denesg by preci declared, referring to his| 3 Seney wth Mirae “fwnen tn Poland aman and patriot wan 1 a eaters: RE ced ae ere tere she earceame RS as Aly ieneorcdie She ee te mtteres mercial pact between Cermany 258 Oa Ave ai Bert ts Ave i Berlin sprang erent coup with the nonninetnent fiat Germany and Soviet fuse Gconctuaed "a. Ronaggression aay Poland Lett Alone tn Bast On Aug. 28 Foreisn Minister von fnibbentesp arrived ta Moscow to ign the. treety. Tt wan aigned fefuhin twelve hours, Poland was ert alone to fight hor bettie tn cant By the breaty Soviet Rus lie obligated here! not to. come fo-uhe aitstance of Poland in tre levent of war with Germany. Bi fer intensifed his presnuve os Warf ‘Om Aug, 26 Hitler conferred tn [Bertin with Sir Nevile Henderson land “eft no dodbt in the mind af ulsh. Ambassador. that. ‘Atter the first r t Party FEET HLGS Seah ee de De ta ess ees een tare (Sceeyeceens oe rot BROKEN PROMISES ase” lr nctioa. It wa alse nepereed | sq)! 79 Teanwure Europe ae ie tie or ce Se PILL HITLER RECORD ger ret [ee eters maaan TY Ronee et EGE EE GGTSS pages Ropedy Reset Sea ta Inia Staathalter. Wer seomed im-| as Fuehror Pursued His | public discussion in Ger he le gnve. this ancuranc ‘On hug. 21 Hitler addressed a| Career of Conquest jrpecen the Relenatag: no AE 27 Her ered a eer ease Biouasa"Daladier ot “France. —- oe ls love for peace but insisted| Japon hia “minionum "demand IDanaig and the Corsidor. The fay Berlin announced the. ion of the Nuremberg Nazi pe peace congress." aet for eeviy In itera record of broken prom-| i aos stands out a8 one of the cone triers sricuons featares of his eareer. |= See, ae goa in the Re ‘When he first came into power this time on tie Austrian on eet ot crete a ce tm gortion of mont mneiate on iy 24 ABS ie | bate er toed rushed completion conser fo Europe wae that of the, Gosta0y tan ut of German mobitization, jaar Basin, the part of Germany| Austrian affairs On Av ‘28 Great Britain in-|held by France and administered! unite with Austric rormed Hitler through Sir Nevile|by the League of Nations in ac-| On Jan. 30, 1! rea SUTREY ae "ST gerne vrei agin eis eying erro, aa hee | ctr thn Yee Ten aa ator helen en rare Alte a peda at a ee pada el tgs [on eter they ceed to cour 0 Set more ta en Waray and erin: Gormanytctne pr oc ancl rt? a am See re ee eer erential Ce Berne AMOR eae, o|“Goeaog ithe teenage pened ty igen nga Bet so i op Sn te LN a ce acon Grant, mina |i wna coming cate eet hr he oe ener ate tin arvana On Ave. 30 Great Britain re-| ‘the German Government is! want to add to the sorrows ed ber oatlon and nin | eng, and etermined to jaccert {nations 1 ade ata Ha ae Tae a tar Oe a met BN | Cma ter Coe tense ot the} ge acne narcly two onthe old whe ‘On Aug. §1 Danzig announced] ch Into Rhinelond raised “the "question of wa refoining of the fetch Tabs ‘after thejslevakla by mobilizing and fecntrop aursmoned Henderson and| pleblecit, in which Germany re-lening to invade her. On t Jread to hima sinteen-point, pro-|eeived Fore. than 99 per cent of|cesion the Czechs counter ram for settlement of the Por'sh|the votes, sovereignty over the re-|their own mobilization, an pute. Te same Gay Warsaw|ion ‘Was Fetursed to Germany. [appeared to. hold. bacic cloned thatthe, program. TndyOne. yerr later German troops Hut In September, 1¥38, 2 ioRiepotthl marae inte she Reinrand sare! the question of the annex [Goverament. [ereated oy the Treaty ef Versnifies the Sudcton eguntey” {0.0 er nat gating, aa ie had Zation by the Locarno pact en- (ria, a state of elvil War Yo4 1980, Hitler meets the 307 ag an exeuse for interven salais ented tn the Munich f'Bept. 30, 1938, by which ny abtained the Budeten and Gorman regions o¢ Cxecho- Wee get yt ae rring-to a peech' made br] th Berlin after he had gone him. at ‘Berchtroeaden. tr rat Yel to the Munich pect, Minister Neville Chamber. sa: {old me privately, and fast 4 ne repeated publicly, that she Badcten German, quer:lon ing, that ie the end of Ger a"teertoriah claims tn i + than atx months after these| “were spoken, Hider merched| ‘Ceschosiovakia and Daouttely exchuded an a means "any questions thet rignt| ‘Debween. the two countries both” nations” pledged them “e maintain the atatur quo] Fee tween the tro ‘Apri 26, 1639, following en a forembadowing the acon, ‘sant ‘n note to Poiana e270" he treaty and makin # UME led on Set, 0h. to ‘seh. of German troops, Into ‘dana the wnieashing of the| 1 World War. ‘the Line of Uie abrogation of] renty with Poland Hier also Pag’ Great Britain. that ‘the "treaty he had concluded with ‘a Sune 23, 2885, Limiting. the {an mary to 38 per cent of the ‘waa ull end wold. The $ previded. for'no much Snel Kevion: Hitler's sudden n= ‘t of Russia in Sune, 1843, | Mom. af hia pect wth. Statin, fanother brensh of faith, one! Goat him dently. © * eee eee Neith., S sed Tobacco Nor Drank Liquor Jif political purpeses. 3's only pansion eas poitties Women of the people di@ not rally 10 Mm until efter he bad chleved a Inrge degree of promi-| Inence. ‘He never became a hero to ‘Adolf Hitler was an ascetic, celfbute and a vegetarian and he) Seliher smoked nor drank. From Us early youth he wasan eccentric. AAt the age of 36 he suffered from! Tung. trobble. and bis. passionate sebign t become a pee Nat we figure. impel " food cate of brrasel, Careful diet| ‘tania deliberately chosen method! So ted a simple ie even ater he lany. Long before housemaia] locked to mis support, his ferunine| supporters were women of (he UP Der lana, But he could be very] charming to women when he chore! syed attained Lethe oiney height ot| and, after achieving power, eve fl resic| ands tn the awlon manner. He was hanetliors. Patace| ifm Berlin, «modest apartment in! Manic fd nin ehtet hear Bere "Berlin he matnteined only fve| servants, eerefully chosen from | Rmong cic party comrades. One of these, Brigndler Schreck, waa hi Shantteur. The there included his het, pleked for tne post beemuse ne Senet now to cook Bitter's favorie| gegeiainy, lakes and cot be fed upon to guard against poison. ling; is majordomo and aide-ce- comp. "The Fuchrer Uiked to drive fest] in an opes automoblie and was an| ‘aviation enthustaat, When driving} fe preferred to infront withthe Had 1 Passion for Nestncee ile favorite costume conaisted of| lack trousers, khaki cont and neat le His only decoration wad the enn Grose he wen in the eat World War. He dislieed Jewetry tut had a passion for being neat Imo wathout mumor but of raihe| easy sort, “Although he hag sequlced con ideale pe, he wan et ‘ler made what roay be cated hia nclat debut In the eevee C273 Jot nis career fn the eoavrng ora lot Saw Katerine Hanistaengt In stanton, but his grencertsroran| rend wae Frau Victoria von Dirk sens widow of & miliongire ho but the Bertin subway, “She spent fe iorge’ portion of net oshand's fortune im helping. to finance Fit er’ propaganda. Although Iter years ane dal out with the party, fhe" continued. to regera her’ as 4 feverjee and for & long tne ren| Invi took ten wath het at her Set. in Nome avery fortnight "Aaa yout Mie develope Ipession Zor Wagrerin uae 29 Manic, were he int the fing flcne’ ef" maveroent Be. mel pent Rintea” Wegner widow a [Eeptved’ Wagner, the composer tes | Fee re ete ana| ten frat geet Bocas we na Gee oaet seem fe uate teers ead Os Se baal the age he acted | ether with ier devotee. ingner, made them fast friends At one fiona tnere vere reports that! they would misery. bat these were] Pellery, ‘He guffered from insomnia, and| for is renson fad no Teguiat Ine valet Decnuse he dld mot havel Ri ‘spellbinder and Rotightenment, for a boys lon French dress model aitler detested evening clothes aud wore fait Gress only on rare sinite to the ope “Shough mertiess to pelt nents: he waa Kind to, animal vmaltarist, we wan sickened by the sight of blood, "A. Wernerian fnvatig, he Toved spectacles of erotes end death. Me was sitaple, {Spartan and vain to the peint of rmegalomania, Whl:e he took good feare of bs loya!Veutspanta hehad fo"cetr hopaity to nnwones ana im Iie party he knevr how to thwart loppaaition by. setting. friends laptinst one another. Hig enemies he auppressed rthiesily. “wile endowed with vast energy, Ihe was a procrastinator fa tnot Miniters end. waa giver, to nasty aslo on iperant ining. He sicea witm great rapigty. An Herviewer ually cound that fem Inmecte who wae being interviewed. While pretenaing eo tite toad ice, Hitiee alwaye made Rie Own € ectitons, He rend Tittle, although he pose sessed a library of 6,000 volummen, ie"ovtourts of frioun eecgy wouve precede by long. Pe lcindct. nee: hen moaned Wo an Ihe Beeante dangers, even tor his Pion suclntce. in booked ne sonteadition, His neuranthena sree quently rove.‘ ta tanra and Rynterice itor wan truly devoted to moe sig not caly aa anvart but ua & tan Fe ecetote at keventat were Echiverts Besineven and Wagner Grech the many daappolste mevis sf nln youth was his fete itn itn dendery whem ‘piled tor aavntiance (2 m poe ely cteetnve He found sate | Stach for ane rebut an eager tthe asl party when he supere foure for going to bed er Ti [Luncheon wan aitays prospty si 2PM. however, Ho enterlainee| ioeat the pacata ueualy being denied, Perhaps because of these reports Hitter drew away f70m her, ao Frau Wagner, however, he oved| oct of his enely financial ad, Bhe ened” tne plane’ for tes Brown House in Acinich, party heaéquane farat'He also inicetena much “5 the designing of new museums "e-|setand rate osteeg ie shrewd party ofiieias and leaders trom the Drovinces. He aid not expect his Bueats to eat his vegetarian food, owever, and served thelr favorit meat and fish dishes, “Hitler dis ikea festive Banuct bat enjoyed Jenting out frequently, particule ‘when in Munich, whate ne naa seve eral hausis. He loved onion 2059, Prepared according to" his own fas not wealthy. But Because of| her social Position she wea able tol aise considerable sums for the! i movernent When Hitler most needed money. ‘Another woman who had his fa- vot was Len! Rlefenstan), a former Jmovie setress, whom he entruste ith the ask of siting the pra gence film “The Te!umph of Wi Rie ‘photographing. oF the JGiympie Gamer im Berlin and va- rious Nazi meesings and spectacles, English Women Hie Prtenda “There were also two English wo men who were hiv friends, the! Jduughtern of Lord Redcadsle——the! Ion Dians. Freeman-nuttord, a laupporter of Bir Onelé Mosiey’s| Alackahirta tn. England, and “the hiton. Unity Freeman-stitterd. Toe latter ‘was Hitlers favorite and] liney often iunched together in| latunteh. ‘When In Nuremberg, sttencing| the spectacular Nazi party con greases, re stayed in a. modest ispertnent at tre Deutscter Hote leschewed personal extravagan: eile vamane, TSVAESNCE a8 ‘He was fond of flime and ked| to give private showings of taver- creen productiona before guests at the Chancellery after dinner, He! fenjoved ooking” at newarecls of hhimacif and entertained his guests [aio with ‘some foretgn filma. On lauch Occasion he would seat bira-| Trait Viorica Uravieac, & men sit on the floor In the dark and’ ber of the Bertin Opera, wae en lappaared to be having © goed tims, fovea BiMern frindsnip. eis Soverntent ouidings To ame hie zeal of hogy eat be und books en objects of arte ‘nen the Chancellors Palece i erin was being redecorated fOr nia he neperincendea the work te aevoral motamnstie Foam and paid tere ientinn t e aaon lof Nordle mythological tapentien depleting Wotan erertng the worl: Munich His Favorite City His Murich flat, which he rye ctotacet in 1098 in hin favorita rogue blue, white and ole, waa lin on wnfaahicnebie section of the IBrinzregentenstresse, ‘To this flat ine would setre wntn he wanted [privaey. afunich wan his favorita Ey rat only eran of tt aren hee ithe apartment way run BY a halt jailer, Brau Angelle Raubal, whe fant ber marriage to ‘Martin Hammiachy Reene Wachentele” Hiter's mouE ‘Although he became the idol of] Imany Tallions he bad no talent £0 [rel Felendahip or intimacy. He ha few women friends. His fem ‘antoclaten, too, were chosen or Hitler Mked well-rested women|tain retreat at Be-entengeden, ove! land admired Breach siyiea, On ove! looking a magnicicent vista im th brcasion be scoteked m movement|Bavarian Alte, at & PORE $r0l ‘nched by Feme Joacih Guetbe's.twhict the, uehrer Cow 100} wife of the Minister of Propaganua actor’ ints hig fntive AURLTA, 465 Suds GADSATVEE 140 myers t. Ee HITLER'S RISE TO wie “Reading ‘the funeral ors r : ARCS Of German Bullying and Threats | : Browbeating Over Corridor and Danzig) Began in March, 1939, Followed by Charges) of ‘Oppression’ of Reich Nationals 8, which served, troops into Poland on Sept. 1, 2939, ‘prelude to Uhe|and the enmuing declarations of Stcond World War, began tolwar by England and France, Jhanifeat Harlt not long. after Hit-| against Germany tn defense of Po- ‘On Aug. 8 Hitler summoned to ‘Sp |Rerchteagaden Albert | Fotrster, 'Fik-|Dansig Nasi leader, for final tn- structions. i ten" years "rhe nigning of thie treaty termination fo rare on dene aecooking in the relations {ahe, remained wngtelding. : DEREER Some ND er id aive|m Ad 25 oificals In Berlin ett yh ‘ : Mebderal Biireax: of Inuestigniio, ‘Hnited States Department of Bustice Hew York, Nev’ork Yeconber 5, 1938 Director. -- . Federal Bureau of Investigation : ‘Washington, De Ce, Under separate cover acconpanicd by a cony of this =: letter there are being forwurded to the jiureas the following -.. ~ Gescribed/pooks: Doar dir: oh Ags ta cass ‘by Jomes: Harvey Yo 9F3, prblished iversity Press, ‘rofessor Rogers is described as Ang Professor cf Political Teonoay 2% vale orsity and was from 1933 to 1057 one of President ‘ooseveli's informal ad.isers on monetary mutors. ry wizee farm nape) by adort year pebdishea by the Hosier ssiTiin Cam any, Socton, in 1933. Bosh of thess books were rocuested in ures let.or of ‘ovenbor #, 1 erence to the bool: by Mitler, it is undorsiood . - thet there 6 no cenplete translution tivo! into tho Rnglish lengue;se and thet thoro is some differonce of opinion as to wich of the various editions or transloticus !s the most conrlete. ‘The bool: itsels in the orisinal Govman rors! 4s apparently subject to chan. wien conditions anv tis da- Biravle and so the “ik. YORK THES of “ocgdor 5, 198, pace 15, column C, states thet poce G19 of Mitlerts bout: 16 to undergo "e histortenl ccrroction" on tuccdey, Jeosuber 6, 1950, at mhich tine page 659 of the uncbridged German edition will be altered or suppressed. tae eS, c + % 3 = PACISH, (2) by Yoxfeaccds end Arthur feilor. This is cs ook requested by the Bureau 37 letter of ‘hs wher : 16, 1938. QLIE pacie a Rois eee 2 RECORDED woRKed- frye n DESTROYED Lettel to Director Decenber 5, 1950 61-507 Bur. file 61-7559 The two authors, ope on italion and the other a Gornen are both apparently refugees and numbers of the ‘Graduate Faoulty of the New School for Social Research. There 4s presented in the book an account of tro fascisns, one Gernen and one Italien. The euthors enalyse the international character of fascism and its threat to world pence and American democracy. The book has a very complete index. Yuxos of 1 PRESS by Goorze erdes, published by Julien! fosonor, Ineo, 1958.” The beak Ts directed to The American Nowspaper Guild and others intoresied in a froo press. It is noted that there is a brief chepter on Foses 1. Annenberg on pages 240 to 241. The bok has a good index and a2iears to contain good volum of information regerding persons prominent in the newspaper world. Soldes . de attenpting in his book to show the extent to which the public press is fre, bought, yellot:, vicious or scared and to what extout those who run the press are servants of "the lords" who control it. lerncr is described as belng @ Graduate of Yale cud until recently was the editer of TZ NATION from which position ho resigned to accept @ professorship at Tilliams College. This is his first book. The point of Lernor's book is that our denccracies aro being attacked by fhsciem, communism, and various other types of Government which seok to destroy then and that while it is not yet too late, “it is later than you think Very truly yours, DuIGHT DRAth z Special @gent \in Charge Gf. Hitler Again Orders Nazis Here i To Quit Bund and All Such Groups German Ambassador Informs Hull of D Demand Sent to Nationals in America— Upward of 400,000 Affected * ay , whi fe ae , i "a : ea Uae Ee ee ie ie | i ao wi me 2a", Ad. cll 3 be ae te al PERT aa el 2 tie: 7 ae i nh i! un a al nc I i ie re Ia HE ae Ha Pe na aay i tei a ie FEDERAL B'iKe.4 OF thy" 2938 October 5, Gascago, Tinie Federal Bureau of Investigation ‘Weanington, D. 0. Dear Director Birestor Aner] Investigation, Me did not : to tace any further action req tte, SBD nas tn bts possoasio: sewspaper clippings, one other from the Gloag operation of the Masi Party ie this Delleved some action should be taken such activitios as those comtunted by ur. will keep in'his n the slip of paper which was written at bis store aa mM BM, LADD . Special Agent in Charge me ae opener js i { Iph Hitler, Benito Museolini Joseph Stalin bad been, or even now could be examined as cases X, Y and Z in a poychiatric linic, would we have 2 better under @anding of their personalities, views ‘and behavior? I think so, Such an ‘analysis, if candid and cooperative, ‘would be free of the footlight glamor which colors journalistic interviews of Europe's strongest but not other- "wise notable men in power. As clinical revelation is out of the question, how lever, a speculative long-distance analy- sis, documented merely by the dic- tators’ public utterances and political actions, is tho only substitute offered tu Tt is pouible that, even #0 handi- capped, we may approach an authentic peychological interpretation. ‘Adolf Hitler fs commonly. referred the composite characteristics of the German Fuchrer. Benito Musso- Jini and Joseph Stalin, too, have been decried as mad by some obverver. y for degree of sanity? How far do they approach the psychopathic? ‘The case of Hitler ix by far the most clear-cut. The clue to his mental con- dition lies in paranoia, which has been described by Dr. F. A. Moss as “a constitutional, and 40 far incurable, mental disorder—causes__ unknown. ‘Owing to their lack of deterioration end to their untiring energy. paranoi- ‘cs are often able to accomplish un- ngs in Hfe; they are often good orga! Paranoia is formal Greck for in- formal American “off one’s hase.” The typical paranoiac is an individ ‘man who “goes it alone.” With 1 exceptions, paranciacs are disturbing and undesirable citizens. The world ‘ean assimilate a fair number of them ‘without constant dread of their upset- fing the organized schedule of the Ibuman scene. ‘The'man possessing « partial and tempered paranoiac makeup is called 1 poranoid by peychologiate, Many i tae oe Sate: GT EE NE EN SER e aM tec re rene ah . A need psychologist analyzes u.2 mental patterns of Europe’s strongest strong - By JOSEPH HASTROW varieties of minds fall into thi» eate- gory. The paranoid may be sive individual, with an ‘compulsive, unbslanced desire to im- reas bis personality upon his fellow men regardless of means, reckless of consequence. Or he may be witha: ing and secretive of I a. ftvtedged paranoia the eychologist often finds present all three factors of the paranoid complex. ‘The Gost factor ia hypertrophy o the ego—in Greek, ‘Aoerican, “awelied heat” Unite the delusions of grandeur that appear in ther mental” disorders and develop imperial Napoleons and royal Vie- torias resigned to menial tgaks, the aggressive paranciac bas the urge to translate his self-inflagion into practice, and maj become vidlent if balked. A. second factor |is # grievance, sonse"rankling hurt Which keeps the Soaking it feel wronged. persecution may readily develop. According to Allred Adler, the compensation for a blasting sense of inferiority induces the aseumption 1 superiority. factor is a scheme of re- may take one of as many Torms as there are interests in life Crack-brained cultists, including oocal- tists, wild redeemers, social panace its, even perpetual motion machine inventora, are of the paranoid family ‘oF -persuasion—moct of them of a harmless type. When a person with a paranoid complex becomes domi. nated by the desire to master, and makes the political world the scene of his activities, the result is the dic- ‘ator. ‘The peychologiat dots not have to search far to find the grievance com- plex in Hitler's mental makeup. It rides him like a fury. Beginning pow aibly an an underdog frustration in 12 youthful rebellion for recognition, it is now expressed as a Blind rage, ‘ruthless onslaught, as if the only form, ‘ pee’ St te u 4 of expremion open to his paranoid mind were hate. His complex has led ‘him, now that he is in power, to perse- ‘cute Jews, burn books torture objeo ter in ongentraon camp. His dit torted ego disregards history, earning, makes women servile ne bearers for his cause, ligion, reriles all other nations and ideals with fish-wife seurrility, purges and. suppresses. all opposition. The edicts which Hitler has issued while in power would serve as protocols of Paranoia. Hitler lives in & paranoid world not unlike the dream of many @ patient in an asylum, but which has come into existence for causes over which historians will debate Tong after the Hitlecian catastrophe has gone the way ‘of all delusion. To me it seems that ‘without the~background of armed force, the unwisdom of Versailles, the collapse of deliberation at the Leagu of Nations, the paranoid =ifq Te Hitler woutd have been impossible. exist, dictatorship must destroy dom and build up fear and force. It is only by an accident of history that the “Aryan” myth and Nordic nonsense was inherited from pre-War Germany. The delusions of Teutonic superiority were developed in prepara: tion for Der Tag of 1914. They grew ‘out of w thesis advanced by an ecccer tric French literateur, Gobinesu, In The Inequality of Human Races, Gobinean set forth the notion that the Teuton was the supreme race. The greatness of Leonardo, Michelangelo aand a host of others be, declared was due to the fect that Tevionic blood flowed in their veins. The “Aryan” cealt wan further developed by a rene- ade Englishman, Houston Charaber- fain, sonin-law of Richard Wagner. ‘And this literature of “political anthro} flourished from 1910 to 1918, years during which learning; tras highly regarded in Germany{’| ‘The popularity of the w: iets he Senegal Snty Mostrates cal Mozo-eeali He ee ceases. Musolini told Emil Ledwig what a dictator learns from histor) 4s to shoot Brat. “I want to make my mark on history with my will, like 2 Tion with his claw.” His crowning ‘satisfaction is in conqueat and the ap- plause of bombentic oratory. He has hed to go far to find an outlet for his desire for glory. The son of the modern Caesar, sharing his father’s precepts, records that he found mow- ing down ionocent Abywsinians from the air to be glorious sport, and hie victim's consternation in’ finding themselves, family and shelter sad- denly exterminated most amusing. __ Mumolini once told Nicholas Mur- ray Butler that freedom was not only moribund but dead. Between the bene- rach outer ks commonly a epee historians declare that it show of desire for or appreciation of true civic. freedom, «liking for # land plastered with Perboten signa, and = ving for-goosestep regimentation. Missoxnt aid Satin are not fo quite the same psychological class as | Hitler. Yet if the Italian and Russian dictators had been more normal men, more loyal to the accredited standards of sanity, the history of the world certainly would have been far difler ent. As a paychologist Tam inclined to agree with John Gunther's conclu sion that “all dictators are abnormal; may be sccepted as an axiom,” ‘of the norma! male is is normal ak ‘= humen for ‘most careers. Certainly he possesses an abundance of normalizing, extr fits of human freedom and the ego satisfaction of one man he has made jcult revolutionery situation. | drastic, inhuman methods to his cause, as is shown by hie past records and-amplified by his present record of purges. He resorts freely to ‘terrorist methods, apparently without a twinge. talin’s makeup suggests a aus picious, withdrawal trend. He rarely seca diplomats or journalis in attending a gala celebration of the ‘Moscow Art Theater, remains screened behind & curtain in a box. ‘Despite the apparent ovations, of their following, the lives of the dice tators are as constantly threatened as those of autocratic taara, thus causing them to have phobias quite similar to peychopathics. Sialin leaves the Krem- lin in a cavalcade of three fast-moving ‘cars. He lives in a guarded country Howse werounded by high wall, Mus- solini's cars have one-way glass 10 that he can sce but not be seen. Hitler has a bomb-proof cellar ander his closely guarded mountain retreat, ‘with a charged barbed wire enclouing the estate. The strongest men and, ‘according to their followers, the most adored men in Europe are fp constant fear for their lives, which hardly adds to the sanity of their mind. : ‘The dictator's following is recrpite’d among = population in despair and is reinforced by propaganda. Once under way, the dictator imposes his will upon the masses by ruthless Baltion and the silencing of oppost tion, Dictatorship and ‘more than sanity and insanity, can live under the same roof. verted compensations. If early in life hre bed been induced to wear an ortho- ei device which inflicted a remind- jing whenever he strutted, the Coat poet right have been nipped in the bod. Yet his personel ‘record is fairly damaging, and the price the eri ae had to py over-gorged ego is far too hi Te ia quite likely, in view of tho fact that he is well verved in history, that Tl Duce early in life deliberately adopted the principles of Machiavelli. There is nothing prychopathic in de- ciding ose ja a gangster's game to cording to preer ula with afew regarde -the-arbenites, for there are many his choice. Of contemporary dictators, Joweph Stalin ig certainly the most normal. In personal demeanor he {s serene, and be has a sense of humor. He is with an appreciation of historical forces. His personality Jin many ways ia an enigma. In contrast with Hiler and Musco- ini, Stalin did not ereste the politioal stats which he dominates. With the passing of Lenin, who warned hia party against Stalin's methods ss ‘crude, violent and menacing, the con- ‘text for contro! of the USSR. spliy ‘the state into warring ee fc his way to iatiga- ee ‘nad chee ve ‘organiz- Ee _ aeral @ureau of fuvestigntion Buited States Departivent of Justice New York, New York be i i ; { GUS sFicv January 25, 1639 61-520 Director Federal Bureau of Investigation Washington; D. Cc. - Dear Sir: , io Rot NAZI ACTIVITILS Ii: UNITED STATES ‘There 4g forwarded herewith for inclusion in the Bureau Library, a/pamphlet printed and published by tof Gorman Goverment Printihy Office at Berlin in 1954, and being FORE ThE GsMUn REICHSTAG BY qunctulon os itmisn._ —_— Seria; January $0, 1934" that he did not recall as as he was concerned, but it had probably been given to him by someone with whom he ‘ ame in contact in the course of his daily activities. = truly yours, DWIGHT Special in Charge ‘one enclosure me appones TCs Y SCAG “prer: COPIES DESTROYED gh 886 APR 28 1961 «spoSufua ose q¥ 2) ayy Jo sosuods o|quioaas sour 3 sgepoy own puw ‘ssouyvai8 ¢,ajdoad sno 107 1430} *5217 sivas Uy s9punuuoD snolsoyot4 Pue 429gJO uw se “OU [ESE poe om Jo andy aip hq ways AiSumy aor poryjoquss 04 jounvo Aqnp feuoppwasayay Spmzy STUD LLYINE OF SS201PYOS 29D -ayndsyp youura sSujoq mwomng axoyoxa4 Yor pus BopeT ¥IvAIE oF oy pons|ssY seq aoaaprscig qpys ‘sodoad ye 30 ssourddig poe ysodsoud 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Republicans and 450 Democrats turning out to the polls. There fare 4.080 registered voters In the port Mrs. Thera Holzwarth. of [Partin, and Henry W. Jeffers of Ptainaboro, candidates for reelee~ tion to the state committee, The [nepublteane gave Mrs. Holzwarth [516 votes and her opponent, Mrs. ‘Dewey, ‘abit, Bowever, : ‘Election boaras returned the ballot boxes and oficial papers fe Clerk Wallace BM. ‘carly with the ex: i i po came trailing io at 4 &. ma. paeliesk tt ae the primaries yesterday a comparatively large vote was cast in Piscataway Township with 703 Republicans and 450 Democrats turning out to the polls. ee ee ee oe Bane N }» Candidates. ‘ the state comttes, The Republicans gave irs. Holswarth 516 votes ‘and her opponent, Ire, Etta Filskov, 96, while Jeffere received 453 and Thomas A. Garretson, hie opponent, 146. Mrs.Daniel C, Luna, who — of hoo are a gubernatorial espirent, ‘a majority, « Rentedokeon, hh, v Reodived” Mtg. rs Stal ‘cintpatriok wastuvored Thy ‘the ‘Denocratas’ receiving 2i1. votes while ber -icev os" Mary Dooley, received 123, ai.der mo veri oar Roosevelt on the Republican tickeb, both Rteived Lethe Worth Stelton section, while the Democrats gave ‘Roosevelt 83 tbe pres : r os 1 Election boards returned the ballot boxes and official papers to Tomship Clerk Nallace M, Graves fairly early with the exception of District 4, River road, who came trailing in at ha. m. | by] BI Ear Test [ ‘Shows Hitler ‘Has Double a > propa by open of WASRINGION TIMES-HERAID Soot nano MORNING EDITION y deg hay Lop R oe pee tne ero 2 GOFS0 1-32 ; 7 MCS AB Ostober 17, 1942 itd FRRSOMAL AND Biwin X. wee ; Ho the President, aoe atte Honorable . Secretary to the i» The White Rouse; Adele A. Berle, Jr., Aveistent Secretary of State, Depertaent of State; Brigadier Generel Sherman kilos, Assistent Chief of Staff, 0-2, War Departaent; Captain T. 8. Wilkinson, Director, Naval Intolli- gence, Navy Departaent; and Colonel William J, Donovan, Coordinator of Information, Apex Building, Fashington, D. C. Respectfully, a. Régar Hoover dobn Edgar Boover Director SENT Fa0u dD. © | tins _LLYSA parE LOI2) Cn

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