On-Belt Conductive Material Moisture Analyser: CM 100 Applications CM 100 Advantages

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CM 100


CM 100 Applications CM 100 Advantages

Real time quality data provides • State-of-the-art-technology;

active process control, with timely • Low investment and maintenance
information on moisture to make costs;
decisions that optimise the process
• Configured to suit any belt size
and minimise operating costs. The
and load;
Conductive Materials Moisture
• No contact with the material or
Monitor system is designed for ease
the conveyor belt;
of installation adjacent to a conveyor
• No sampling necessary during
belt. The monitor does not touch
normal operation;
the material or the conveyor belt and
does not require samples to be taken • Optional customised software
during normal operation. output using SUPERSCAN;

Typical applications include: • Local technical support;

• Improved plant blast furnace • Remote technical support.

temperature stability;

• Optimisation of blast furnace


• Improved slag silica: iron ratio;

• Improved plant efficiency;

• Reduction in coke consumption;

• Suitable for coke, iron ore, sinter,

and other conductive materials.

Website: www.scantech.com.au Email: sales@scantech.com.au

CM 100 Scantech Products

CM 100 Description Scantech’s Analysers • COALSCAN 1500 On-belt Natural

Gamma Ash Analyser

The determination of moisture in Scantech provides the energy, • COALSCAN 2100 On-belt Ash / On-
belt Ash and Moisture Analyser
materials involved with production mining, coal and cement sectors
processes is vitally important, with analysers for a wide range of • COALSCAN 9500X On-belt
particularly in the steel and smelting situations and environments. We Elemental Analyser for Coal

industries. Sampling and laboratory can deliver the online solution that • GEOSCAN On-belt Elemental
facilities are expensive to operate and suits your process and reduces your Analyser for Cement or Minerals

maintain, and yield results which can operating costs. Whether you want • ReadiMoist Through Bin Moisture
be many hours old, so do not represent to monitor moisture, ash, sulphur, Analyser
current operating conditions. Online real mineral or energy content we have the
• SizeScan Particle Size Distribution
time moisture measurement results are right application for your needs and Analyser
generated minute by minute, providing budget.
• TBM Series On-belt Microwave
major benefits. The feed to a blast Real time analysis during the various Moisture Analyser
furnace should be optimised using dry phases of resources production
• CIFA 350 Carbon In Fly Ash
weights. provides operators with significant Analyser
However, due to the production and opportunities for plant optimisation
• CM 100 On-belt Conductive
storage methods employed, coke, and quality control. Over the past Material Moisture Analyser
conductive or magnetic materials, or three decades online analysers
• IRONSCAN 1500 On-belt Natural
concentrates can be delivered at a have become a standard process Gamma Iron Ore Analyser
variety of moisture contents. To date, control tool in the resources sector.
• MINERALSCAN 1500 On-belt
the accurate measure of moisture in Recent scientific and computing
Natural Gamma Minerals Analyser
those materials has not been possible innovations now offer considerable

directly on the conveyor belt. Operators performance and operational

may make continuous adjustments to improvements in current generation Specifications

compensate for the moisture content, analysers. Scantech is a leading

ensuring an accurate dry weight provider of this technology and

Dimensions & Weight
charging of the blast furnace. Coke and with our experienced R&D staff Length 0.83 m
metal concentrates have conductive we make sure our customers will Width 1.50 m
benefit from improvements and new Height 2.40 m
properties, and also highly magnetic
developments. Weight 1450 kg
materials, are not suitable for traditional
(with electronics control cabinet)
methods of on-line microwave moisture
Specifications subject to
measurement techniques. change without notice.

Scantech Products have

Patented Technology &
Registered Trademarks



PO Box 64 Unley PO Box 1485 Springwood

South Australia 5061 Queensland 4127
Tel: +61 8 8350 0200 Tel: +61 7 3710 8400
Fax: +61 8 8350 0188 Fax: +61 7 3710 8499

Website: www.scantech.com.au Email: sales@scantech.com.au FM5185R5 CM 100 - English

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