IOS License For CCNA Students by Eng. Abeer Hosni
IOS License For CCNA Students by Eng. Abeer Hosni
IOS License For CCNA Students by Eng. Abeer Hosni
IOS License
CCNA Students
Eng. Abeer Hosni
Cisco IOS Naming Conventions:
- Train = A major version of IOS
image. Ex: 12.4, 12.2M, 15.2T
- M versus T
- It is better to MD5 check the new IOS to make sure that it is not
IOS Images:
1- Pre 15.x IOS “Feature Set”
First: To obtain information about the license
2911_Router#show license detail
Index: 1 Feature : ipbasek9 Version: 1.0
License Type: Permanent
License State: Active, In Use
License Count: Non-Counted
License Priority: Medium
Store Index: 0
Store Name: Primary License Storage
Best Wishes