Kaylynn Salamander WKST wk5

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Name: ________________________________ 

Salamander Synthesis 

Developed by Kaylynn Wohl, 2020. University of Oregon Environmental Leadership Program. 

All creatures have adaptations to survive in their habitat. Whether they can breathe 
underwater with gills (like the​ northwestern salamander​) or breathe through their skin 
(like the b​ lack salamander​), salamanders have adapted to their habitat to survive 
according to their forest or woodland environments. Oregon is full of a variety of 
salamander species and only commonly, one newt species (the rough-skinned newt). Did 
you know that all newts are salamanders… but not all salamanders are newts? So what’s 
the difference? 
Salamanders have long tails with soft, moist skin while newts have dry, rough skin and 
external gills and only live in the water. Salamanders can live both on the ground and in 
the water. Newts are usually on the small side, but some salamanders (like the blotched 
tiger salamander) can be quite large.  
Refer to (​https://myodfw.com/wildlife-viewing/species/salamanders-and-newts​) for more 
adaptations​ - the process by which a species becomes fitted to its environment; it is the 
result of natural selection’s acting upon heritable variation over several generations 
niche​ - the position or function of an organism in a community of plants and animals; 
the role of that organism 
habitat​ - type of natural environment in which a particular species of organism lives, 
eats, reproduces, etc.  
salamander​ - group of amphibians typically characterized by a lizard-like appearance, 
with slender bodies, blunt snouts, short limbs projecting at right angles to the body, and 
the presence of a tail in both larvae and adults 
newt​ - salamander in the subfamily ​Pleurodelinae​; semiaquatic (returns to water every 
year to breed) , alternating between aquatic and terrestrial habitats  
Directions​:​ You just got hired at Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife as a scientist, 
and your first assignment is to create a new species to be introduced to the Willamette 
River. You’ve been asked to create a salamander. You will pick 3 adaptations that your 
new species have developed according to the Traits and Adaptations table provided 
Then, with your imagination, give your species 3 new adaptations or characteristics that 
are not on the table (these are completely up to you, Scientist). Then, write a paragraph 
statement on why you chose those adaptations and what they’re useful for; describe your 
species. Where do they live? What do they eat? What is their niche, or role, in their new 
community at the Willamette River?  
Draw and color your new salamander, and then give your species a name.  
Step one:​ Use the provided species as examples to select (circle or highlight) 3 total 
adaptations/ characteristics. Be unique in your choices, and don’t choose all 3 within the 
same row (horizontal).  
Salamanders   Traits   and   Adaptations 

Black Salamander  1) grows up to  2) black with a  3) lungless and 

(​Aneides  five-and-a-half  smattering of  breathes through 
flavipunctatus​)  inches in total  bronze or green  their skin 
length  specks across the 
top of their heads, 
backs, tails and legs 

Northwestern  1) Solid, smooth  2) Common in  3) When disturbed, 

Salamander  brown skin that is  Oregon but rarely  make a ticking 
(​Ambystoma gracile​)  wet; grows to  seen because they  sound and stands in 
almost 10 inches in  live underground;  a defensive posture 
total length  live in moist 
crevices within logs 
or rodent burrows 
for shelter from 
weather and 

Oregon Slender  1) Females grow  2) lungless and  3) Occasionally 

Salamander  about 12 percent  breathe through  clump together in 
(​Batrachoseps  larger than males;  their skin; live  groups to remain 
wrighti​)  brown body with  mostly  damp 
  big red splotches,  underground or 
black belly with  within rotting logs, 
large white flecks  rather than within 


Blotched Tiger  1) olive-colored  2) live almost  3) ​ found in field, 

Salamander  blotches outlined in  entirely on land in  forests, prairies, 
(​Ambystoma  black with gray  grasslands and  and other soft 
mavortuim  undersides; thick  shrub-steppe  ground lands, 
melanostictum​)  bodied and can  habitat (a type of 
where they can 
  grow up to 13  low-rainfall natural 
inches in total  grassland); only  hideaway under 
length  returns to water to  the tree leaves, or 
breed.  underground; 
breed during 
monsoon season  
Rough-skinned  1) dry granular skin  2) powerful  3) migrate long 
Newt  (most other  neurological poison  distances between 
(​Taricha granulosa​)  salamander species  in their skin and  their breeding and 
have moist smooth  eggs to protect  non-breeding 
skin); brown head  them from  habitat (spring and 
and bright orange  predators  fall) 

Step two:​ U
​ sing your imagination, come up with 3 more traits, characteristics or 
adaptations that your species has and why those traits are useful. 
1) _______________________________________________________________________


2) _______________________________________________________________________


3) _______________________________________________________________________


Step three:​ On the blank page provided (on page 6), synthesize your salamander species 
by drawing and coloring it. Label/ diagram all 6 of your traits. Feel free to use resources 
like Google images to see what the salamanders in the table look like. 
Step four:​ Write a short paragraph below providing the name for your salamander 
species and why the 6 total traits and characteristics are useful to this creature before 
the Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife accepts your species blueprint and releases 
them to the Willamette River. Refer to the example provided, but don’t recreate it.  











This is the Two-Faced Salamander. It has wet skin like all salamanders do, but it has the 

orange belly of the rough-skinned newt. The bright color helps attract mates while the 

wet skin helps it stay cool on warm days. Since salamanders have lizard-like features, I 

gave it a snake tongue to help catch the river gnats and other bugs in the air. The 

poisonous nails are a defense mechanism developed to attack its predators. Also like the 

rough-skinned newt, it has poisonous skin since it doesn’t like being held by humans. It 

has important duties at the Willamette River (like picking up trash and protecting its 

other amphibian friends) so they can’t waste its time being held or played with. The face 

on the tail is what gives it its name. It’s useful in fooling its predators so it can attack 

while keeping its actual face out of reach. The tail is also super strong for smacking 

predators and clearing its pathway when walking. 

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