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Arasinah Kamis et al. Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Application www.ijera.

ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 6, Issue 11, ( Part -1) November 2016, pp.12-21


Green Skills as an Added-Value Element in Producing Competent

Arasinah Kamis*, Ramlee Mustapha**, Norwaliza Abdul Wahab***,
Bushra Limuna Hj Ismail****
*(Department of Family & Consumer Science, Faculty of Technical & Vocational Education, Sultan Idris
Education University, Malaysia)
** (Department of Engineering Technology, Faculty of Technical & Vocational Education, Sultan Idris
Education University, Malaysia)
*** (Department of Educational Studies, Faculty of Education & Human Development, Sultan Idris Education
University, Malaysia)
**** (Faculty of Technical & Vocational Education, Sultan Idris Education University, Malaysia)

Green skills model is developed as a reference for implementing green skills in the learning process for primary
school students. Elements of green skills need to be applied as early as possible in students to produce citizens
who are competent in all aspects and foremost to maintain the environmental balance. Elements of green skills
can be used as a value-added in any subject and as a cross-curricular element such as Design and Technology
(D&T). Research shows that the country is now passing through a phase of global warming and climate change
caused by greenhouse gases. There are quite a number of people who are not aware of environmental problems
and take it easy in helping reduce greenhouse gas emissions resulting from the use of fossil fuels. The concept
paper reviewed the policy and the role of government in development and implementation of green technology
and community practices to ensure that goal is achieved. A lot of research needs to be done in promoting and
improving the existing new energy sources as an alternative renewable technologies to meet the goals of the
National Green Technology Policy.
Keywords: Environment, Green Skills, Green Technology, Design Technology, Recycle

I. INTRODUCTION TVET program to achieve sustainable development

Educational sector in this millennium including curbing poverty and inclusive of economic
requires students who are competitive. 21st century development.
skills are related to several skills that are required Therefore, it completes the TVET system
such as communication, reading, writing, solving all together as a training and learning center to
and reasoning skills, science and technology, as well increase the professional teachers and coaches
as interpersonal and intrapersonal skills. In order to capacity. In primary schools now days, students
achieve a country‟s objective to develop a learn Design Technology which starts at the age of
generation that has 21st century skills, in parallel to 10 to 12. This is to produce individuals who are
the green technology policy, a student has to independent, creative, has initiative and tech-savvy.
dominate various skills. Green skills are included in Hence, there is a need to include a consistent green
the list of skills that a student has to acquire in order skills component to develop green technology in
to increase self- quality and it also gives an added primary school level to increase awareness towards
value to individuals to compete in this the importance of conserving the environment [2],
globalizational era. Skills activities that involve [3] as to what is contained in the 11thMalaysia
green environmental energy are seen as a medium to Plan. This is to produce and develop individuals who
help humans preserve the environment that can be are able to spur economic growth in the future that
realized through green technological industry [1]. has more sense regarding the importance of
With that, ACET 2015 drafts eight main agendas preserving the environment. Not only does it achieve
that focuses on the empowerment of the Educational the government‟s objective to produce individuals
with Technical and Vocational Exercise field as that highly skilled, it also maintains a sustainable
contained in the Kuala Lumpur Declaration as a development with green technology.
preparation to fulfill job markets and capability to Green skills had dynamic and relevant
adapt self with the 21st century challenges. One of concept. Therefore, it shouldn‟t just be focused on
the 4 out of 8 agendas in the declaration is to economy and industry on its own but should be
integrate greening skills for the preservation of the diversed to other fields especially education. Hence,
green skills are seen to have a connection that is 12 | P a g e
Arasinah Kamis et al. Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Application
ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 6, Issue 11, ( Part -1) November 2016, pp.12-21

synonym with the needs and trend of the current 5) STEM skills: general knowledge about the role
industry which is the green industry that leans of science, technology, engineering and
towards a greener social, economical and mathematics to contribute to the process of a
environmental development. Before the efforts greener economy and community.
establishment of “green” industry works out, we 6) Analytical thinking skills: As a business and
have to ensure that each member that leads the industrial step towards a model that is truly
industry are those from technical and vocational sustainable, there will be a need to understand
graduates that have to major in the green skills the logic behind a rapid growing economy and
element that will form and design “ Green Jobs “ or how this is different from traditional model
“ Green Career” [4]. linear economic development.

II. GREEN SKILLS Green skills is also defined as a skill that is

Today, there are many mentions of green needed to adapt one‟s self, product, service and
technology, green economy, green houses, green process for climate change and a related
jobs and all things related to the word green. environment according to the specific requirements
However what does green really mean? Green can and rules [9]. Strietska-llina, Hofman, Haro and Jeon
be an element that is described as a natural (2011) [10] defined green skills as a knowledge,
occurrence such as trees and forest, life, stability, ability, value and attitude that is needed to live in
peace and natural. Obviously there is no accurate growth and support the formation of a community
definition to describe the concept of green skills. that is sustainable and efficient management of
However, the definition of green skills from the resources. Green skills are deeply needed by all
perspective of researchers for this experiment is a sectors no matter in the education sector,
concept that emphasizes on environmental element construction, industry and in all levels of workforce.
in lives and how individuals that will be produced While Vona, Marin, Consoli and Popp (2015) [11]
can ensure a preserved development through in their research found out that green skills is a set
economy, community and country. from the efficiency that is related to design, output,
Green skills are professional and vocational management and technology monitoring. In the
skills, generic skills (sustainability approaches, research findings, they discovered that the rules of
problem solving, innovation) where green skills are the environment sparked a change in technology and
needed in all industrial sectors as a response towards organization that increases the demand for a higher
climate change and sustainable imperatives [5]. analytical and technical skills.
Green jobs mean “ green collared jobs”, which are Besides that, Lethoko (2014) [12] who
individuals who contribute towards a better studied the relevance between government policy,
environment or to increase sustainability [6]. The green economy and education as well as exercise in
Council of Australian Governments (COAG) (2008) determining the way the education sector responds
[7] stated that green skills is a form of skills that is towards green economic skills in South America.
on the path towards a sustainable preserved The experiment discovered that green economy
development from a technical aspect, value and influences skills in three ways which is to bring back
attitude knowledge. All these skills are needed in the green development, developing green technology
work force to develop and support the social, and to consummate green skills among workers. The
economical and environmental outcome that is industry‟s needs towards working skills are
established in business, industry and community. increasing, however the world is still lacking in that
Pavlova (2011) [8] has also listed down a few power force. There are several setbacks and issues in
elements of green skills that are taken into account instilling green skills. McCoy, Patrick, O‟Brien,
which are: Novak and Cavell (2012) [13] in their research
1) Environmental awareness, attitude and readiness stated that green skills issue needs to be solved with
to study about sustainable development, issues the training and education program that exists, as it
as well as challenges. will help in channeling green skills training to
2) coordination and management of holistically workers in the construction sector effectively. With
approached skills towards the designated that, the research has uncovered many challenges
solution to fulfill economical, social and towards the training to form a green job that exists in
ecological objectives. the green industry development as well as ways to
3) Entrepreneurship skills to grab the chance from overcome it.
low carbon technology. Meanwhile, Brown (2013) [2] who did a
4) Innovation skills to identify chances and create research regarding the 4 types of cohort perception
new strategies to respond towards green that is found in the TAFE institute in Australia about
challenges. the green skills growth. Through this research, most
respondents are optimistic about the green skills, 13 | P a g e
Arasinah Kamis et al. Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Application
ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 6, Issue 11, ( Part -1) November 2016, pp.12-21

however, many risks will be faced. Several jobs will green economy needs a skills that is able to support
appear and more changes will happen in the work resource efficiency, low carbon industry, durability
and skills application angle. A clear marketing is towards climate and skills that can manages natural
getting bigger in renewable energy, saving energy, assets. All these types of assets are required in all
sustainable water system, green development and sectors in which some of them are efficient resources
recycling. Each jobs are seen to be considering and oriented, scientist and engineers that applies their
instilling sustaining skills. knowledge for renewable energy and nuclear energy
Another researcher, Jagannathan (2013) to reduce pollution, scientific and technical skills to
[14] stated that the training and education system interpret climate change projections for the nature.
has to emphasize on the level of skills, education and
training that is needed for the whole cooperation and III. PALMER AND NEAL MODEL (1994)
greening economy spectrum. High technical and Model Palmer and Neal (1994) [18]
scientific is needed in the context of reducing emphasized that environmental education can form
pollution, creating cities, transportation system and a knowledge about nature in research activities. Also,
habitat that produces a low carbon that is pleasant. it can form an understanding towards nature and
His research also stated that the most important environmental values. Figure 1 shows the
aspect is to ensure that the training and education environment approach element that is adapted from
system becomes more innovative and foreseeable. the Palmer and Neal Model (1994). Hence, green
While they are preparing necessities for professional technology element hopes to support the everlasting
green work force, they also play an important role social and nature by using environmental education
and influences the provision of community that is approach that is adapted from the model. With the
sustainable and durable. Education is needed to approach that is adapted from the model, traditional
widen the new curriculum training and launch a learning method needs to be modified so that it can
promotional green business campaign. Technical and increase students‟ knowledge about taking care of
vocational training will be more critical in building a the environment by applying knowledge to do
foundation that is needed for green jobs. Pavlova recycling activities from used products as an effort
and Huang (2013) [15] , researched on the types of to instilled the green technology element in them.
values that can be instilled in the education and Values such as independence, innovative, thrifty,
technical and vocational training to deliver the green and responsibility among students can be inculcated
skills agenda. The values that should be instilled in by ways such as recycling used materials.
the green skills in care which is to not harm the This model explains about the attitude of an
environment, hold on to science, work hard, unite, individual that can be changed through education
be helpful, discipline, obey the law as well as especially environmental education. To ensure that
honesty and integrity even thought chaos ensues, this education is effective, an individual has to be
understand the modest lifestyle and work hard for it. given knowledge and information regarding issues
Kennedy and Chow (2013) [16] did a that related to the environment such as pollution that
research on the role of schools in increasing the needs awareness followed by responsive measures.
understanding regarding the environment as a key With that, accurate actions based on skills and
community value that has potential to influence not knowledge obtained has to be sown in an individual.
only attitude but a person‟s actions. Their research All of these influences interests, curiosity, attitude
also stated that there is an issue in the execution of and eagerness of a person. Hence, when there is
green skills in schools whether the schools is able to interest, then the eagerness will soar and this path
react proactively in supporting students to be tied to will encourage the individual towards preservation
the agenda regarding personal and social which is and conservation of environment [19].
the one related to the future of the community. This
research is carried out on Asian citizens which
consists of West Asia; Hong Kong, China, Taipei,
Republic of Korea and South East Asia ; Thailand
and Indonesia. The findings of this experiment
shows that while environmental education is used as
a school curriculum for most students in selected
countries, the result is not the same and the chances
of students to know about the problems with the
environment is also not the same according to
different areas.
Other findings according to reports are Figure 1: Environment Approach Elements
based on evidences from HM Government (2011) (Model Responsibility Environmental Behavioral:
[17], the demand for work force that are skillful in [20]). 14 | P a g e
Arasinah Kamis et al. Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Application
ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 6, Issue 11, ( Part -1) November 2016, pp.12-21

Besides that, internal and external factors environment, effects and action skills that needs to
also exist and is able to influence the formation of be taken by someone to change their attitude about
this interest. Internal factors are things like the environment. This model is very relevant to
personality and family upbringing. Meanwhile, environmental education in our country. However,
external factors are related to economic demand, as we all know, changing a person‟s attitude can take
peer pressure, community and the existence of a long time. With that, this change must be done
alternatives in making choices are some of the during primary school level so that students will be
examples of external factors that can influence the aware of the importance of taking good care of the
formation of interest. environment.


In introducing this model, they have identified the Referring to the current development of the
important elements that are needed in the education country that focuses on the development of
program that can change the attitude of students sustainable and low-carbon economy, the Ministry
towards the environment. Some of the way stated by of Education should develop a curriculum that
them are; emphasizes the element of green skills to produce
1) Teaching the main concepts about the students who have the awareness of sustainable
environment and human involvement. development in terms of everyday life, attitudes and
2) Creating designs and chances for students to behavior. Students are also not spared in the
achieve a sense of awareness and sensitivity interaction with the environment. They are the
towards the environment. generation that will be involved in various fields of
3) Teaching analytical skills and do research on work, community life and some will become leaders
environmental issues as well as necessities in in the future [22] .
carrying out actions that will be taken. The Curriculum Division (CPC) has drawn
4) Applying skills through real exposure such as Curriculum Standard RBT that is drafted with an
field work, camping and sorts. emphasis on content standards and learning
5) Building a self-principle for continuous actions. standards that need to be known, understood and
controlled by the primary school years 4, 5 and 6.
Early exposure of basic skills in the field of
technical Technology Agriculture, Home Science
and cross-curricular elements such as information
and Communication Technology (ICT), Creativity
and Innovation and Entrepreneurship Foundation are
also emphasized in this subject. But the element of
continuity or also be taken into account in ensuring
fertilization green skills is a culture in students.
Good knowledge of the understanding of green
technology have been able to create awareness on
Green Technology in students, with this, there will
be a good build, maintain and implementation of
Green Technology [23] ,[24].
Therefore, education plays an important
role in changing the economic transition towards a
greener and cleaner conductive towards inclusive
development [13]. Green skills need to be nurtured
since the school level and the focus is on technical
and vocational subjects which helps produce skilled
manpower. Implementation of green skills beginning
Figure 2: Movement towards a change in attitude at the school is seen to be too early because they are
regarding the Environment. still not necessarily certain of their direction. As
Source: Modified from Hungerford, Bluhm, Volk & Hayward (2012) [25] found that children in primary
Ramsey (1998)[21]. school are taught to understand and act on the
principles relating to environmental and social
Figure 1 illustrate both these approaches issues. However, human development that is based
and this model shows that attitude can be shaped on religious values, responsibility to nature, nature
through knowledge about the environment. This in a planned building also needs to be emphasized
matter shows that their knowledge about the [26] . 15 | P a g e
Arasinah Kamis et al. Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Application
ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 6, Issue 11, ( Part -1) November 2016, pp.12-21

However, the interest can be formed by knowledgeable about the technology contained in
exposing them with these skills from an early stage. the technical field, agricultural technology, domestic
Students in secondary schools are trained in these science, skilled in the selection of materials, tools,
skills through education. Teachers need to be smart machines and software and use it with the right
in setting teaching strategies to make students keen techniques and ethics, doing-it-yourself and easy
to learn green skills that is being taught. Teachers maintenance of equipment and instruments, to
can apply a little sentimental element to the generate critical thinking, creative, innovative and
materials produced by students. All this can attract enterprising in designing and producing quality
students to be part of the talent [13] but in Hong products , using information and Communication
Kong and China, it is reported that topics related to Technology (ICT) and apply basic skills of
the environment are not included as a part of the entrepreneurship and generate ideas to solve
educational curriculum [27] and teachers have the problems.
lowest level of confidence to teach the topic. Learning D & T can also create a new
As for Environmental Education, also experience for students as a learning process based
known as education for sustainable development, it on the application of knowledge and skills. Students
explains the concept of education for sustainable are expected to master the practical skills to do their
development (Education for Sustainable own activities actively in everyday life. Therefore,
Development, ESD). ESD is a process for applying students should be exposed to the latest knowledge
the values to students in developing concern, ability and skills to achieve these practical skills. Students
and their attitude towards education. The process are also encouraged to use recycled materials and
involves students in sustainable development more recyclable materials such as rattan, bamboo, boxes,
effectively and help them to work towards a more plastic bottles, shells, wood parings and scrap plastic
sustainable future. The format of the training system pipe while conducting educational activities. The use
that followed the students have to include green of materials that are not needed will save costs in
skills component and also needs to adapt to meet the addition to inculcate thriftiness and innovation when
needs of industry [13]. The problems related to the students produce a project. This way, students will
environment need to progress through education be more aware of the resources that surround them
[28]. This principle is also applicable to those in and are able to harness its use [18]. Therefore,
schools because it clarifies that the aspects of knowledge and practices concerning the recycling of
education is important to encourage changes in used materials is important and needs to be nurtured
behavior that can shape a sustainable future and not in the students, especially in the subjects of D&T.
compromise the integrity of the environment, Recycling unused materials could increase the
economy and society suitability for the generations environmental preservation and conservation as well
of today and the future. applying elements of green technology.
Hence, education and training institutions
VI. DESIGN TECHNOLOGY in Malaysia have to figure out a method to provide a
Malaysian primary schools in the Primary thorough awareness to younger generation about the
School Standard Curriculum in Phase 2 for the importance of conserving the environment for the
subject of Design and Technology (D&T) is a welfare of living together. However, now in
compulsory subject studied. Where students are elementary school subjects are taught only in respect
empowered with the knowledge and skills related to of the World Science and Technology for phase one
technical and vocational fields, and next will be and Design Technology for two without
studied at the secondary school level. Curriculum emphasizing on the component level of skills and
Standard D&T is drafted with an emphasis on knowledge pertaining to green skills and green
content standards and learning standards that need to technology. Green skills topic which is in line with
be known, understood and controlled by the primary green technology should be included in the
school students year 4, 5 and 6. Early exposure of curriculum and applied and instilled as early as
basic skills in the field of Technical, Agricultural possible to pupils in primary schools so deeply
Technology, Science Domestic and cross-curricular entrenched [2], [3], [30]. As stated in the
elements such as Information and Communication 11thMalaysia Plan which is to produce and develop
Technology (ICT), Creativity and Innovation and the human capital that can spur economic growth in
Entrepreneurship Foundation should be given early the future with the awareness of the importance of
and emphasized in this subject [29]. preserving the environment. The government's aim
The objectives of Curriculum Standard is not to only produce highly skilled human capital
RBT in national schools is to enable students to but also able to maintain sustainable growth and
follow the teaching and learning in practicing the green technology [10], [31].
safety rules workshop and safe work practices, This is because, education pertaining to
produce a product with the process of designing, green technologies is to some extent related to 16 | P a g e
Arasinah Kamis et al. Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Application
ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 6, Issue 11, ( Part -1) November 2016, pp.12-21

environmental education, where this subject has Where the green values should have already been
been introduced that is, since 1986 when the synonymous with the student so that when they
Education of Nature and Man (PAS) is introduced to move into the higher education they will be able to
students stage 2 (year 4, 5 and 6) in the primary. apply skills-green and green technology in
However, PAS across the curriculum is formally producing a product and carry out the activities of
introduced in almost all subjects beginning in 1998 skills according to their skills and knowledge before
at primary and secondary schools. PAS is the subject taking into account the aspects of green growth [35],
of a field study of human interaction with the [34], [36].
environment and how humans should manage the As the Government's efforts to implement
environment with responsibility for the welfare of green technology should be viewed from two
humans [18]. To create a society that is based on components which are innovation through design or
green technology, it is natural to be nurtured from develop green technology. Producing and designing
the outset. Although environmental education has simple products, environmentally friendly and
been introduced, but the effectiveness is still not practical for our country, by encouraging students
enough to achieve the goals set. from the school level to create something. At higher
levels, as the researchers we can produce technology
VII. THE ROLE OF THE GOVERNMENT that can produce a product without wasting
FOR THE DEVELOPMENT AND resources such as energy and water. The new design
IMPLEMENTATION OF GREEN should be practical designs that can be
TECHNOLOGIES IN THE commercialized for local consumption and for
To achieve towards sustainable direction,
the government should move in the direction of a VIII. COMMUNITY PRACTICES
more sustainable development. But to achieve that Users are encouraged to use and apply
goal without education will not result in sustainable green technology, whether in carrying out the work
development. People who are knowledgeable, process or practice of everyday life. Society should
skilled and confident will shape a more stable and adopt green practices as much as possible, starting
secure future and this is the basis for creating a with the simple things that we can do. For example,
greener society. Therefore, educational institutions we can bring water in a container without buying
must provide an experience that needs to be acquired bottles of water. If we buy food to take back to the
and mastered to improve the skills of an individual house, lets use our own containers instead of using
[32], [26]. An accurate method is to place green styrofoam or plastic containers that are not
skills as a core module in which green skills need to environmentally friendly. Also, bring your own bags
be included in as an integrated or alone (stand-alone) when shopping. Users should also give priority to
in the curriculum. However, despite the fact that the purchase of energy-efficient electrical equipment
environmental education across the curriculum is types by using energy-efficient lighting. Therefore, it
carried out for a long time, environmental awareness will save energy even though the price of energy
is still at a low level [33]. efficient appliances are more expensive than
Green growth is the growth of the use of conventional equipment, but saving energy is
resources in an efficient, clean and sustainable way. abundant and less detrimental to the environment.
Strong commitment for green growth will ensure Communities are encouraged to adopt green
that the environment and natural resources of the practices as a way of life [37]. Parents should set a
country are preserved and protected for present and good example to children so that they will be
future generations [11], [34]. As in the strategic plan compelled to adopt green lifestyle changes. In reality
of the first transformation of vocational education; to culture and mindset change will be moving towards
provide vocational education curriculum that can green technology and practice. Small changes we
produce skilled human capital to work and is willing make today will have a major impact in the future.
to pursue higher education. Thus, transformation of Among others in the 11th Malaysia Plan
vocational education curriculum should be carried (2016-2020) fourth strategy states about the
out [15]. Meanwhile in the 11th Malaysia Plan in the implementation of the strategy of green growth to
fifth strategy recorded that the fertilizing of green increase the sustainability and durability. Over 40
technology culture among students is a necessary per cent of total employment will consist of skilled
beginning of each level through the development of workers in 2030 (35%) by increasing awareness to
an effective system of syllabus. Therefore, it is very realize the sharing of responsibility. By managing
convenient for green skills and green technology to the overall waste where 22% of the recycling rate
be fostered from an early stage in primary school comes from households. The outcome of the
education before students into secondary schools. implementation of green technologies in this growth
will reduce energy consumption that can not be 17 | P a g e
Arasinah Kamis et al. Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Application
ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 6, Issue 11, ( Part -1) November 2016, pp.12-21

reused and re-use energy that can be recycled [38]. spare parts imports were used directly in the
Green growth strategy can improve the quality of generation of electricity from RE and EE activities.
growth, strengthen food security, water and energy These incentives have been improved under the
while reducing environmental risks and ecological 2009 Budget in which exceptions may be granted
destruction. This strategy will be to improve the for:
quality of life and welfare of the people when it can 1) import duty and sales tax on solar system
reduce greenhouse gas emissions and conserve equipment for the use of third parties is given to
ecosystems [39], [40]. For the success of the importers including photo-voltaic service
promotion of the development of green technology providers approved by ST.
effective promotion to create awareness among 2) A sales tax exemption for the purchase of solar
young people, the public, the public is important heating system equipment from local
which requires a change in thinking through the manufacturers.
dissemination of information through a 3) Exemption of import duty and sales tax
comprehensive program [41]. The media, non- exemption be is given on EE equipment such as
governmental organizations, in particular school energy-efficient motor (high efficiency motors)
administrators need to actively promote green and insulation material (insulation material) is
technology. Industries that use or develop the given to importers including authorized agents
product in relation to green technologies can provide approved by ST.
employment opportunities for local communities. 4) ales tax exemptions granted to purchase EE
Industry is also exploring opportunities to export consumer goods approved by ST such as
'green' products that have been produced [42]. The insulation materials, domestic refrigerators,
market for green technologies and products is very ballasts for fluorescent lighting, domestic fans,
large, especially in the sector of renewable energy or lights and air conditioning.
renewable energy.
The government should provide favorable
IX. ENCOURAGEMENT OF NEW policies to promote green technologies. The private
ENERGY SOURCES AND sector, professionals and researchers must work
IMPROVING EXISTING AS AN together to create and commercialize green
ALTERNATIVE RENEWABLE technologies [44]. At the same time the government
has also started conducting awareness programs on
Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy which is
GOALS OF THE NATIONAL one of the branches of green technology since 2000
GREEN TECHNOLOGY POLICY through the establishment of the Center for
Green technology policy is to 1) reduce the Education, Training and Research in Renewable
growth of energy consumption and promote Energy and Energy Efficiency (CETREE)
economic development; 2) the growth of the Green University Science Malaysia [45]. These programs
Technology industry and enhance its contribution to are targeted at professionals, schools, higher
the national economy; 3) increase the capacity of education institutions and the public in Malaysia.
innovation in the development of green technology Among the programs implemented by CETREE Fair
and improve competitiveness in Green Technology Campaign is the Energy Conservation &
at an international level; 4) ensure sustainable Environment and Energy efficient campaign in
development and preserve the environment for University Science Malaysia, Eureka Tournament,
future generations; 5) improve education and general Solar car and solar kitchen, National Science and
public awareness on Green Technology and Technology Education and others. In addition, the
encourage the widespread adoption of green module has also developed CETREE Renewable
technology. Energy and Energy Efficiency Across the
For energy efficiency and renewable Curriculum for Primary Schools throughout the
energy, the Government has introduced various country to raise awareness of school children at an
fiscal incentives since 2003 for companies which early stage in the Renewable Energy and Energy
generate electricity from sources of renewable Efficiency [46].
energy or Renewable Energy (RE) and companies In addition, the Ministry is also
practicing activities Energy Saving Energy implementing the National Energy Month program
Efficiency (EE) where they are eligible for the annually to raise awareness about renewable energy
Investment Tax exemption (Investment Tax and promote energy efficiency practices among the
Allowance) and the Status of Pioneer (Pioneer public and private sectors. Among the activities
Status) [43]. These companies can also apply for an carried out during Energy Month program is holding
exemption of import duty and sales tax for a period lectures on energy efficiency, publishes guidebooks
of one year for machinery, equipment, materials and Energy Efficiency at Home, published a series of 18 | P a g e
Arasinah Kamis et al. Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Application
ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 6, Issue 11, ( Part -1) November 2016, pp.12-21

articles in newspapers and the mass media to potential pathway to regional development,
promote energy efficiency. In the future, the International Journal of Training Research,
Ministry will carry out a campaign for Green 11(1), 2013, 27 - 43.
Technology that will involve stake-holders including [3]. Cedefop, Greener Skills and Jobs. OECD
the public and the Ministries / Departments of the Green Growth Studies. OECD Publishing,
Government, NGOs and other relevant agencies to
educate and increase awareness and knowledge of en, 2014, [accessed 16 May 2015].
all parties about the importance of green technology [4]. Salina Mohd Said, Eza Monzaid, and
in our lives. This is to ensure other programs that Azman Hasan, In Malay. Pembangunan
will be implemented by the Government in Model Kompetensi Kemahiran Hijau ke
promoting and developing local green technology Arah Peningkatan Kompetensi Pensyarah
can be implemented effectively and appreciated by Politeknik di Malaysia, Journal of Global
all walks of life. Business and Social Entrepreneurship
(GBSE), 1(2), 2015, 109–117.
X. CONCLUSION [5]. Department of Education, Employment and
Green skills are elements of value in Workplace Relations, Australian jobs,
producing competent students. The skills are
required for producing green jobs; knowledge and earchStatistics/Documents/AustralianJobs.p
skills needed to develop a green economy including df, 2011, [accessed 20 July 2015].
public awareness about environmental issues and [6]. Australian Conservation Foundation, Green
sustainable development of the country. Green skills Collar jobs: Green jobs fact sheet.
need to be applied in the school curriculum. The aim
in particular is to provide exposure and awareness to ews_id=1963, 2012, [accessed 25 May
the younger generation of the importance of 2015].
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