PP 19.3 Release Note

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PowerProtect Data Manager

Version 19.3

Release Notes
REV 01
December 2019

These release notes contain supplemental information about this release of PowerProtect
Data Manager.
l Revision history..........................................................................................................2
l Introducing PowerProtect Data Manager software....................................................2
l New features............................................................................................................. 3
l Known issues and limitations......................................................................................4
l Installation and upgrade........................................................................................... 20
l Additional resources.................................................................................................20
Release Notes

Revision history
The following table presents the revision history of this document.

Table 1 Revision history

Revision Date Description

01 December 17, 2019 Initial release of PowerProtect Data Manager version 19.3.

Introducing PowerProtect Data Manager software

PowerProtect Data Manager software is an enterprise solution that provides software-defined
data protection, deduplication, operational agility, self-service, and IT governance.
PowerProtect Data Manager enables the transformation from traditional centralized protection to
an IT-as-a-service model based on a self-service design. This design ensures that you can enforce
compliance and other business rules, even when backup responsibilities are decentralized to
individual database administrators and application administrators.
PowerProtect Data Manager key features include:
l Software-defined data protection with integrated deduplication, replication, and reuse
l Data backup and recovery self-service operations from native applications that are combined
with central IT governance
l Multicloud optimization with integrated cloud tiering
l SaaS-based monitoring and reporting
l Modern services-based architecture for ease of deployment, scaling, and upgrading
PowerProtect Data Manager integrates multiple data protection products within the Dell EMC
Data Protection portfolio to enable data protection as a service, providing the following benefits:
l Enables the data protection team to create data paths with provisioning, automation, and
scheduling to embed protection engines into the infrastructure for high-performance backup
and recovery.
l Enables backup administrators of large-scale environments to schedule Microsoft SQL and
Oracle backups from a central location on the PowerProtect Data Manager server.
l Uses an agent-based approach to discover the protected and unprotected databases on an
application server.
l Enables governed self-service and centralized protection by:
n Monitoring and enforcing Service Level Objectives (SLOs)
n Identifying violations of Recovery Point Objectives (RPO)
n Applying retention locks on backups that are created using the Microsoft application agent
and the Oracle RMAN agent
l Supports deploying an external VM Direct appliance to move data with the VM Direct Engine.
The PowerProtect Data Manager software comes prebundled with an embedded VM Direct
appliance, which is automatically used as a fallback proxy for performing backup and restore
operations when the added external proxies fail or are disabled. Dell EMC recommends that
you always deploy external proxies, because the embedded proxy has limited capacity for
performing parallel backups.

2 PowerProtect Data Manager 19.3

Release Notes

l Supports the vRealize Automation DP extension, which enables provisioning of virtual

machines with PowerProtect Data Manager protection, on-demand backup, and restore to the
original or a new location. The vRealize Automation Data Protection Extension for PowerProtect
Data Manager Installation and Administration Guide provides more information.
l Supports integration of Cloud Disaster Recovery (Cloud DR), including workflows for Cloud DR
deployment, protection, and recovery operations in the AWS or Azure cloud.
l Supports PowerProtect Search, which enables backup administrators to quickly search for and
restore VM file copies. The Search Service can be enabled by adding a search node to the
configurable Search Engine that is autodeployed during the PowerProtect Data Manager
l Provides a RESTful interface that allows the user to monitor, configure, and orchestrate Power
Protect Data Manager. Customers can use the APIs to integrate their own automation
framework or quickly write new scripts with the help of easy-to-follow tutorials.

New features
PowerProtect Data Manager 19.3 includes the following new features:
l Supports Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Platform (GCP), and
Dell EMC Elastic Cloud Storage (ECS).
l Supports Cloud Disaster Recovery with Azure as a cloud target.
l Supports protection of Kubernetes workloads. You can discover, manage, protect and recover
Kubernetes persistent volumes, containers, namespace, and storage claims.
l Supports VM File indexing and restore from search results.
l Supports VM disk exclusion for backup and restore. (Cloud DR cannot co-exist with VM disk
exclusion in this feature).
l Supports on-demand backups of virtual machines in the vSphere Client plug-in.
l Provides data protection for VMware Cloud virtual machines.
l Supports Centralized File Level restores of block-based file system backups.
l Supports REST API for automation of all PowerProtect functionality so you are not limited to
the UI.
l Supports exclusion of files and folders from file system backups through use of exclusion
filters. Exclusion functionality is enabled through support for file-based backups and restores
for supported file systems on virtual machine and physical hosts.
l Includes error code enhancements.
l Includes PowerProtect Data Manager Search software. Rapidly search on specific file
attributes across indexed VM backups.
l Includes the improved Recovery > Assets page in the UI, which shows only assets that have
l Supports native RESTful APIs and provides sample use cases to enable users to automate
delivery of their Data Protection services.
l Includes SaaS reporting and management enhancements.
Note: References to Data Domain systems in this documentation, in the UI, and elsewhere in
the product include PowerProtect DD systems and older Data Domain systems.

PowerProtect Data Manager 19.3 3

Release Notes

Known issues and limitations

Learn about the known issues and limitations that are found in PowerProtect Data Manager 19.3
and earlier that apply to the current release.

Table 2 Known limitations that apply to PowerProtect Data Manager 19.3

ECDM Product Description Workaround

issue ID feature

309547 Application When you enter credentials that include a When you enter the credentials for an
Agent backslash character (\) for Microsoft application agent in the PowerProtect
application agent, Oracle RMAN agent, or Data Manager UI, type \\ (double
File System agent in the PowerProtect Data backslash) instead of \ (single
Manager UI, the backups fail. For example, backslash).
when you enter a password for the
operating system or database user that
includes the backslash character,
subsequent backups fail with the following
error message: systemErr: Unable
to log in.

39624 Application The ./ecdmagent status command on Run the service command for your RHEL
Agent - Linux Linux RHEL application agents fails when version as provided in Table 3 on page
RHEL checking PowerProtect Data Manager 19.
service management with the following
error: ./ecdmagent: line 76:
return: status: numeric
argument required on RHEL
67597 Application When the Microsoft application agent is Ensure that the SQL instance service
agent integrated with the PowerProtect Data runs as the OS/SQL user, instead of NT
Manager, a successful self-service SERVICE\<instance_name>.
Transact-SQL (T-SQL) backup might
display the following error message:

IO error: Permission denied

52215 Application If a Microsoft application agent installation Unregister and then re-register the
agent is repaired, the application agent agent from the <install path>\ADM
registration with PowerProtect Data Agent\bin directory.
Manager becomes stale.

65960 and Application When any PowerProtect Data Manager l For backups, select Assets > View
65597 agents, File initiated backup or restore operation for the Copies to determine whether the
System agent Oracle, SQL, or File System agent exceeds backup copy was successfully
24 hours, the UI displays the operation as created.
canceled, with the message Task is
l For restore operations, check the
canceled as it has been
target host to determine if the data
running longer than expected
was restored correctly.
duration of 24 hours. However,
the job continues to run in the background,
and can still complete successfully.

4 PowerProtect Data Manager 19.3

Release Notes

Table 2 Known limitations that apply to PowerProtect Data Manager 19.3 (continued)

ECDM Product Description Workaround

issue ID feature

40887 Backup While the Microsoft SQL Failover Cluster Wait until the failover process is
Instances (FCI) cluster is in process, complete to carry out the SQL backup.
backups that are initiated by a protection
life cycle fail.

60095 Backup If PowerProtect Data Manager is under a Manually retry any cancelled backups
heavy load (for example, if there are many within the activity window if you require
simultaneous requests and all proxies are the backup before the next scheduled
busy serving traffic), the backup might get protection policy.

58666 Backup Backup job fails with the error VDDK This issue occurs with VMware ESXi 6.0
error: 1.Unknown error. patch 2 hosts when too many
performance counters are being
registered on the ESXi hosts vpxa
process causing the process to run out
of memory. This issue has been fixed in
ESXi 6.0 Patch 03. VMware KB article
2144719 provides more information and a

73938 Cloud Tier If a cloud recall job is in progress and the Do not restart PowerProtect Data
PowerProtect Data Manager system is Manager while a cloud recall job is in
restarted, the location in the Asset view for progress. If you do need to restart,
the recalled copy set is stuck on Cloud. The contact Dell EMC Customer Support to
data movement process successfully moves correct the copy set location attribute.
the files back to the active tier, but because
the location value is stuck on Cloud, you
cannot take any actions on the copy set,
including restore, recall, and re-tier.

29459 Configuration When you deploy the PowerProtect Data None.

Manager OVF to direct ESXi on vSphere,
the configuration does not show the
guestOS property value correctly for ESXi
version 6.5, even though PowerProtect
Data Manager supports ESXi version 6.5.

23234 Configuration In a Windows cluster environment with If a failover occurs, manually add the
Microsoft SQL Always Available Group, only backup target from Microsoft App Agent
the active cluster node can be detected at for DD Boost for the Enterprise Apps
the SQL Always Available Group. As a GUI console.
result, auto configuring backup target
location do not occur against the passive

23699 Configuration When a data target is not assigned to an Explicitly assign the vdisk pools to the
Asset Group, PowerProtect Data Manager Asset Group from the PowerProtect
requires that the following conditions are Data Manager UI.
met to carry out automatic configuration of
the destination pool:

PowerProtect Data Manager 19.3 5

Release Notes

Table 2 Known limitations that apply to PowerProtect Data Manager 19.3 (continued)

ECDM Product Description Workaround

issue ID feature

l There is only one Data Domain

Management Console.
l The Vdisk pools have the credentials
If these conditions are not met, the
automatic configuration fails.

51118 Discovery When you add a host with existing virtual Wait for the next scheduled full
machines to PowerProtect Data Manager, discovery, or initiate a discovery within
or readd a host with virtual machines that the PowerProtect Data Manager UI.
was removed from one vCenter and added
to another, an incremental discovery does
not discover these virtual machine assets.

63616 Discovery Following upgrade of PowerProtect Data Manually discover all vCenter inventory
Manager, the file-level restore wizard does sources.
not display any vCenter inventory sources.

50083 Discovery When you create a storage unit after you Create a schedule to run the Data
added a Data Domain system to the Domain discovery.
PowerProtect Data Manager server, backup
discovery fails for the newly created
storage unit. The following type of error
message appears in the ADM log for asset
orcl1: Failed to process backup
transaction 16:1553509124:1:0
for orcl1_1388245846 because
related storage
was not found; will re-
process later.
63126 Discovery For SQL and Oracle assets, dynamic filters None
are not triggered when an asset is added or
modified. Dynamic filters are only triggered
by a scheduled discovery.

41178 Discovery The deletion of Oracle copies failed because Go to: Infrastructure > Asset Source >
the credentials were not found on the host, App Host > Edit credentials, and add
resulting in PowerProtect Data Manager host credentials there.
compliance failure. This issue affects Oracle
copies only.

40247 Discovery When you add a Data Domain or DDMC Subsequent discoveries populate the
storage system to PowerProtect Data Last Discovery field.
Manager, the Last Discovery field initially
remains empty.

40375 Discovery When you add an Application Host to Subsequent discoveries populate the
PowerProtect Data Manager, the Last Last Discovery field.
Discovery field initially remains empty.

6 PowerProtect Data Manager 19.3

Release Notes

Table 2 Known limitations that apply to PowerProtect Data Manager 19.3 (continued)

ECDM Product Description Workaround

issue ID feature

41116 Discovery After you readd a host, PowerProtect Data None.

Manager shows the host assets as Deleted.

23661 Discovery PowerProtect Data Manager shows Perform the following steps:
duplicate scheduled discovery for
1. Delete the duplicated schedule using
replication pairs that run hourly for every
Scheduled Discovery REST API.
hourly instance in the Activity Monitor when
two replication pairs are discovered or 2. Remove the duplicated
persisted simultaneously and there is no discoveryJob using /api/v2/
existing job in Elasticsearch database where discoveryJobs file.
PowerProtect Data Manager stores

73008 File System On a Windows client, if the Access Control To back up the changes to ACL
agent List (ACL) properties of a file are changed properties of a file as part of incremental
after the file has been backed up without backups:
any change to the content of the file itself,
1. Enable Last Access from the client
the revised ACLs are not backed up as part
by running the command fsutil
of subsequent incremental backups.
behavior set
However, the first FULL backup on the file
disablelastaccess 0.
includes all the ACL properties originally
present on the file. Any INCR backups with 2. Reboot the client.
changes to file content also backs up any
3. Check the status by running
ACLs that were modified.
fsutil behavior query
behavior query disablelastaccess
DisableLastAccess = 0.
Status should show 0.
4. Set the detect-acl-changes flag to
true. The value of this flag is false
by default. Edit the C:\Program
\.ddfssv.fsagentconfig file
and change "--detect-acl-
changes=true" to set the flag.
l When the --detect-acl-
changes flag is set, the file is
treated as a modified file and is
backed up as part of the next
backup iteration.
l If only ACLs are modified for
executable files residing on a
mounted volume, the changes might
not be backed up.

PowerProtect Data Manager 19.3 7

Release Notes

Table 2 Known limitations that apply to PowerProtect Data Manager 19.3 (continued)

ECDM Product Description Workaround

issue ID feature

l The steps work only for files and not

folders. ACL changes on folders are
not backed up after the workaround.

74170 File System A protection policy with a monthly backup Recall the backup copy from the cloud.
agent schedule that includes Cloud Tiering and The next backup from the protection
exclusion filters fails after the first backup. policy will succeed.
Exclusion filters attached to the protection
policy use file-based backup technology,
which causes the failure.

72820 File System During centralized file level restore, Use the self-service CLI to perform the
agent PowerProtect Data Manager might fail to file level restore.
load the file list if the number of files is
more than 100,000.

73335 File System Block-based backups and restores of XFS To perform backups of XFS file systems
agent file systems exhibit intermittent data loss using PowerProtect Data Manager, use
due to issues in the BBB driver. exclusion filters in the associated
protection policies. This forces the
backups to use file-based backup
technology instead of taking the BBB
To perform backups of XFS file systems
using self-service CLIs, do not include
other file system assets in the same CLI.
Split the operation into two separate
ddfssv commands, one for the XFS
volumes and the other for all non-XFS
volumes. Combining both in one CLI
causes the XFS file system backup to

73055 File System Compression, encryption, and hidden file None. You must reapply the attributes
agent attributes of a file or folder are not retained after restore.
after a file level restore, either via a self-
service CLI or the PowerProtect Data
Manager UI.

315367 File System File-based backups might fail when they are Add data in the volume after performing
agent initiated immediately after a Windows file a format and before taking a backup.
system volume is formatted. The issue has
been observed intermittently with
formatted spanned ReFS volumes, but can
also occur with other Windows file systems.

73003 File System File system backup jobs do not show the You can view the backup size in the
agent data transferred size. Size is always shown ADM agent logs or in the ddfssv.raw
as 0. file:

8 PowerProtect Data Manager 19.3

Release Notes

Table 2 Known limitations that apply to PowerProtect Data Manager 19.3 (continued)

ECDM Product Description Workaround

issue ID feature

l Linux: /usr/local/ecdm/ecdm-
or /opt/dpsfsagent/logs/
l Windows:C:\Program Files
or >C:\Program Files
\DPSFSAGENT\logs> in

314114 File System You cannot perform File Level Restores on None.
agent VxVM volume backups on SLES 11 SP3. This
issue does not occur on LVM volumes.

315156 File System When you run the ddfsadmin command to To verify that the backup that you want
agent display a list of File System agent backups, to restore is not expired, use the
the list might also contain expired backups. PowerProtect Data Manager UI.

65609 File System Self-service image-level and file-level To perform a File System image-level or
agent restore operations to an alternate host file-level restore to an alternate host,
using the ddfsrc command from use the centralized restore method in
PowerProtect Data Manager protection the PowerProtect Data Manager UI.
policy-driven backups are not supported.

64777 File System An upgrade of the File System agent When re-registering the File System
agent requires you to uninstall the agent but retain agent, specify the FQDN instead of the
the folders, and then reinstall the agent. If short name.
you initially registered the agent with the
short name instead of the FQDN and then
re-register the agent with the short name,
duplicate entries for both the File System
agent and the agent assets appear in the
PowerProtect Data Manager UI.

59719 File System When performing a silent upgrade of the When upgrading, if you need to change
agent File System agent on Windows, you cannot the PowerProtect Data Manager server
register the PowerProtect Data Manager IP, use the File System Agent
server to a new IP address. Installation wizard.

59471 File System In some scenarios, such as when performing To avoid duplicate unique identifiers for
agent an asset restore to an alternate location on File System assets, create and assign a
a Linux host, duplicate unique identifiers for random GUID to the asset, and then
assets can occur. If two File System assets mount to a different mount point so that
share the same unique identifier, the asset with the changed GUID can be
subsequent asset discoveries by the recognized as a new asset.
PowerProtect Data Manager server result in After discovering the asset with its new
one of the assets being marked "Deleted." GUID, you can then add the asset to a
When an asset is marked as deleted, the protection policy.
asset cannot be added to a protection

PowerProtect Data Manager 19.3 9

Release Notes

Table 2 Known limitations that apply to PowerProtect Data Manager 19.3 (continued)

ECDM Product Description Workaround

issue ID feature

33672 Instant access Restoring more than 8 instant access virtual VMware does not allow more than 8
machines concurrently in one ESX host NAS datastores per ESX host. If
fails. required, configure the ESX host

73648 Kubernetes Sometimes, PowerProtect Data Manager Check the Velero pod health by running
incorrectly creates an alert indicating that the command kubectl get pod -n
the Velero Pod is not running. velero-ppdm. If the pod is running,
you can ignore this alert.
If the Kubernetes asset source was
added recently, wait a few minutes
before checking the health of the pod.

70016 Kubernetes All backups consistently fail with the error Remove the Velero pod by running the
Velero backup failed… when the command kubectl delete pod -n
Velero pod reaches the peak memory usage velero-ppdm. The Velero pod starts
limit. automatically.

License After upgrading from a 3.0.0-18 release to Upload a valid PowerProtect Data
PowerProtect Data Manager 19.1 or later, Manager 19.1.0 license and set up the
any existing license and its associated associated SRS connection.
secure remote services (SRS) connection
are removed from the system and replaced
with a 90-day trial license which provides
access to all features.

38338 Live virtual When you attempt to delete a live virtual None.
machine machine after moving the ESX server to
another data center, the virtual machine
does not get deleted.

38194 Live virtual A Live virtual machine migration incorrectly Skip selecting the datastores that are
machine allows you to select the EMC-vProxy created by PowerProtect Data Manager.

68842 Logging NGinx logs use the server time zone, while This issue will be fixed in a future
all other log files use the UTC time zone. release.

30220 Logging PowerProtect Data Manager limits the None.

archive log to include only logs generated
within the last 23 hours.

73701 Network When restoring as new virtual machine, the Do one of the following:
reconnect NIC option might not work
l Edit the settings of the restored
new virtual machine, change the
network to VM Network, and click
Apply. Reopen the edit setting
configuration pane of the virtual
machine, change the network to the
appropriate NSX-T network logical
switch, and click Connect.

10 PowerProtect Data Manager 19.3

Release Notes

Table 2 Known limitations that apply to PowerProtect Data Manager 19.3 (continued)

ECDM Product Description Workaround

issue ID feature

l Power off the restored virtual

machine, change the network to VM
Network, and click Apply. Reopen
the edit setting configuration pane
of the virtual machine, change the
network to the appropriate NSX-T
network, select Connected and
Connect at power on, and then
power on the virtual machine.

63126 Protection When you edit a VM protection policy to None. VM disk exclusion cannot co-exist
exclude VM disks with Cloud DR, VM disk with Cloud DR.
exclusion can be set, but the exclusion
setting does not work in Cloud DR.

67867 Protection Replication fails because of overload. Limit the number of database assets
within a policy to under 500 and stagger
the start time of replication policies to
avoid potential replication failures.

64854 Protection The asset name may be displayed as "N/A" Check the backup logs on the client host
in the protection job details. If the job failed, (such as the admagent.log, or
it is difficult to determine for which asset it application-specific logs like
failed and the cause of the failure. ddbmsqlsv.log for SQL). Attempt to
identify the asset on which the
protection job failed. Then, if possible,
fix the problem that caused the failure.

59092 Protection An RMAN restore of the following types of To prevent this issue, do not start the
backup might fail when the FORMAT FORMAT specification with a dot or
specification contains a dot or period (.) period (.) character.
character as a prefix:
l Self-service Oracle RMAN agent
backup performed with the RMAN
BACKUP command
l Centralized Oracle RMAN agent backup
through a PowerProtect Data Manager
protection policy with a control file

57646 Protection Virtual machine protection for some assets

Distribute the virtual machine asset
might fail with the error Failed to
protection workload over multiple ESXi
read 2048 sectors starting at hosts so that you do not exceed the
sector 8192: VDDK Error: 2: ESXi NBD session limit. If the limit is
Memory allocation failed. Out reached, you can manage the workload
of memory when you exceed the NBD by deploying an external VM proxy on
the host/cluster using Hot Add
session limit on the ESXi.
transport mode.

PowerProtect Data Manager 19.3 11

Release Notes

Table 2 Known limitations that apply to PowerProtect Data Manager 19.3 (continued)

ECDM Product Description Workaround

issue ID feature

56861 Protection Disabling a protection policy does not Working as designed.

cancel jobs that might be in progress for
that policy. The time out value for jobs
depends on the individual settings that are
configured, but all jobs will timeout and
clear after 7 days.

54537 Protection During ADM service posting auto Select the protection policy for the
configuration for a protection or replication storage unit and click Set Lockbox,
storage unit on a SQL or Oracle server host, which initiates the configuration again
the storage unit lockbox entry might not be for the hosts in the protection policy.
created. As a result, backups or replications
fail to the storage unit.

54099 Protection When configuring or unconfiguring a large You can click OK and proceed, but
number of virtual machines (300 or more) in system performance will be impacted
a protection policy, an error message might due to the size of the request. As a best
display indicating that the request is too practice, use dynamic filters to
large. automatically determine which assets
get assigned to protection policies when
the assets are discovered. The
PowerProtect Data Manager
Administration and User Guide provides
more information about using dynamic

50561 Protection When you edit a protection plan, Oracle When you edit a protection policy that
Credentials are changed to the default uses db/wallet authentication, ensure
setting. that credentials are assigned as

49975 Protection Cannot set credentials for multiple Oracle For Oracle databases that use db/wallet
databases that use database authentication authentication, create a separate
in a single protection plan. protection policy for each database.

40905 Protection The VMware Data Manager server stops Restart the VMware Data Manager
working once OutOfMemoryError service.

40767 Protection After you restart VMDM service, After you restart the VMDM service,
PowerProtect Data Manager does not manually rediscover each vCenter in
return any objects for a vCenter when you PowerProtect Data Manager before you
browse protection policies. attempt to browse protection plans.

41215 Protection When browsing protection plans, Choose VM from All Virtual Machines
PowerProtect Data Manager displays virtual instead of vCenter Hierarchy.
machines under one resource pool instead
of all.

40906 Protection PowerProtect Data Manager sends an error None.

message, Browser
OutOfMemoryError, after discovering

12 PowerProtect Data Manager 19.3

Release Notes

Table 2 Known limitations that apply to PowerProtect Data Manager 19.3 (continued)

ECDM Product Description Workaround

issue ID feature

and adding protection policies to a large

volume (60,000) of virtual machines.

33126 Protection If a protection plan is enabled with Remove the asset/group from the
PowerProtect Data Manager scheduled suspended plan.
backups, suspending the plan does not
disable the backup schedule. As a result, a
backup of the suspended plan will still run at
the scheduled time.

53258 Protection When a protection policy is deleted, Log in to Data Domain and delete the
PowerProtect Data Manager is unable to DDBoost user manually.
delete a DDBoost Data Domain user that
was created as part of the policy

61115 Protection - When an asset is assigned to a policy with None. CDR job retry is not supported in
CDR both protection and Cloud Disaster this release.
Recovery (CDR) stages and the CDR job is
not successful, you cannot retry the CDR

61115 Protection - When an asset is assigned to a policy with None. To be addressed in a future
CDR both protection and Cloud Disaster release.
Recovery (CDR) stages and it is outside the
activity window, protection is not triggered
for the VMware Data Manager (as
designed) but the CDR job produces an
empty copy.

54647 Protection - When ADM service fails and is automatically Restart the service on PowerProtect
Eureka restarted, registration with the Eureka Data Manager using the following
service service is cancelled. Service requests to command: adm restart
ADM for protection policies, configuration,
backup, discovery, backup deletion, and so
forth, cannot be processed.

307660 Protection - PowerProtect Data Manager does not Create separate protection policies for
File System support including CSV and non-CSV CSV and non-CSV volumes for File
Backup volumes in the same protection policy for System assets.
File System assets. The backup fails.

41235 Protection - A Lockbox value cannot be set for SQL For an existing protection policy:
Lockbox Server agent from the Protection Policy
1. Edit the policy and remove the
area of the PowerProtect Data Manager UI.
assets from the existing protection
2. Create the protection policy with a
certain description added to it,
including all the assets and set the
lockbox in the newly created
protection policy.

PowerProtect Data Manager 19.3 13

Release Notes

Table 2 Known limitations that apply to PowerProtect Data Manager 19.3 (continued)

ECDM Product Description Workaround

issue ID feature

For a new protection policy, carry out

step 2.

32081 Protection - Unformatted disks are not supported for Ensure that your protected virtual
Virtual file-level restores in the PowerProtect Data machine (source virtual machine) does
machine Manager UI. not have any unformatted disks.

32200 Protection - A file-level restore browse session of None.

Virtual Windows backups displays hidden files (for
machine example, $RECYCLE.BIN, System Volume

33171 Protection - After a successful Restore to Original in You can disregard this error. VMware
Virtual the PowerProtect Data Manager UI, if Tools is not required for the Restore to
machine VMware Tools is not installed on the virtual Original recovery type.
machine, a vCenter Task error
appears:Cannot complete
operation because VMware
Tools is not running in this
virtual machine.
33181 Protection - The PowerProtect Data Manager UI restore Use the API to set a timeout value.
Virtual wizard for File-level restore does not
machine provide an option to set the timeout for the
mount session.

33223 Protection - A file-level restore mount session becomes Delete /flrSessions/

Virtual stale when you restart the target virtual flrSessionId when you restart the
machine machine. target virtual machine.

72584 REST API The API GET /certificates? None. This issue will be fixed in the next
host=<host>&port=3009&type=Host release.
should return one entry, but returns a list of

23937 REST API When you run the API GET /assets/ Disregard this discrepancy. It has no
assetId /copies, VM copies show the impact on the REST API output.
device controller type as IDE although the
original VM is using a SCSI controller.

58415 Recovery When recovering PowerProtect Data Manually refresh the browser page.
Manager software from a large backup, a Recovery is complete when a page
nginx error might occur. This error is not an refresh opens to the login page.
indication that the recovery has failed and
the recovery continues in the background.

66084 Recovery - If a failover and failback occurs on the same Do one of the following:
CDR copy and the user ended the failover
l Swagger method: in Copy Catalog
activity prior to ending the failback activity,
API use /rest/vms/
retention might not run on this copy with
the following event details: Retention

14 PowerProtect Data Manager 19.3

Release Notes

Table 2 Known limitations that apply to PowerProtect Data Manager 19.3 (continued)

ECDM Product Description Workaround

issue ID feature

policy maintenance skipped, /unlock to set the lock to NONE if

copy under DR. there aren't any active DR activities
for this copy.
l From the UI: Start and stop a
failover/test activity for this copy
(this will work only if DR is available
to cloud, not vCenter).

66085 Recovery - If failover to vCenter was initiated on a copy Do one of the following:
CDR and there was no other DR activity on this
l Swagger method: in Copy Catalog
copy, retention might not run on this copy
API use /rest/vms/
with the following event details:
Retention policy maintenance
skipped, copy under DR. /unlock to set the lock to NONE if
there aren't any active DR activities
for this copy.
l From the UI: Start and stop a
failover/test activity for this copy
(this will work only if DR is available
to cloud, not vCenter).

66079 Recovery - When trying to end a DR that failed in Contact Dell EMC Customer Support.
CDR conversion and was rerun, the process
might stop.

66080 Recovery - When CDRS is restarted during a test, Contact Dell EMC Customer Support.
CDR failover, or failback process, the DR activity
might stop. This issue can prevent the
completion of CDRS upgrade.

23820 Registration When PowerProtect Data Manager is Register the system manually from the
backed up on Appliance A and recovered on agent. Run register.bat to register
Appliance B, but not on Appliance A, your host on the appliance.
disaster recovery shows that the agent is
registered but technically it is not.

40607 Replication MFR replication jobs take a long time to None.

finish and occasionally fail.

40973 Replication Replica copies are deleted successfully; None. The task will timeout on its own
however, the task does not complete and before being scheduled to run again.
eventually times out.

49796 Replication Replication compliance window failed during None.

compliance verification. The SLO
verification result for Replication SLA is
incorrect when the Replication operation
occurs long after the Protection operation.

75253 Restore During disaster recovery, after entering DD If services are running in the background
system and path information, the Connect and the button does not respond, try
button is visible but does not respond. again in two or three minutes.

PowerProtect Data Manager 19.3 15

Release Notes

Table 2 Known limitations that apply to PowerProtect Data Manager 19.3 (continued)

ECDM Product Description Workaround

issue ID feature

73005 Restore A file-level restore using the PowerProtect Use CLI for the file-level restore or
Data Manager UI fails to load if there are restore the entire folder.
more than 10,000 files.

33394 Restore A file-level restore in the PowerProtect None.

Data Manager UI does not provide an
appropriate error message when updates
are not allowed on the target directory.

63586 Restore When browsing a file-level restore on a

Windows virtual machine, some volumes
display as "Unknown." These volumes are
system reserved partitions that get are
automatically when installing Windows, and
you cannot restore files to these partitions.

62968 Restore Restore Individual Virtual Disks operation Ensure that you restore from a copy
fails if disk provisioning attributes of the with matching disk provisioning.
existing virtual disks and the virtual disks in
the backup copy do not match.

33547 Restore The PowerProtect Data Manager UI restore Do not select these datastores for the
wizard for Restore to Alternate restore target location.
unnecessarily displays the DD NFS
datastores created by VMDM restores.

33878 Restore During a file-level restore in the None.

PowerProtect Data Manager UI, a silent
unmount occurs when you change the
target asset.

37667 Restore During file-level restore browse and mount None.

operations, the PowerProtect Data
Manager UI does not display the hard disk
that has the actual OS for Ubuntu.

38090 Restore A virtual machine restore does not check Ensure that you select a target
the datastore size before selecting the first datastore that has enough available
available datastore. space.

40362 Restore You cannot recover a VMware snapshot to a None.


41161 Restore If a mount operation for file-level restore A restart is required.

starts but then fails, the mount is not
released for several hours.

38595 Restore If a snapshot existed before a backup was None.

performed, a Restore to Alternate displays
the virtual disk as thick eager instead of thin

16 PowerProtect Data Manager 19.3

Release Notes

Table 2 Known limitations that apply to PowerProtect Data Manager 19.3 (continued)

ECDM Product Description Workaround

issue ID feature

34378 Restore For file-level restore operations from an None.

Amazon Linux system, you cannot mount
Amazon Linux on another Linux system.

33813 Restore The PowerProtect Data Manager UI allows None.

you to delete a file-level restore session
before the mount completes.

23824 Restore Mount sessions in PowerProtect Data None.

Manager could time out without getting
unmounted gracefully by the Application
Agent. This results in the consistency group
autoReplicateNewVirtualDisks flag being set
to false. As a result, any newly added disks
are not backed up until the consistency
group that flag is set back to true.

67830 UI Backups When there are fewer than 5 backups, the Zoom out (Ctrl + -) to view the entire
window scroll bar is absent and the last backups list.
appear to be cut off.

49929 UI Messaging "vProxy" is now referred to as "VM Direct." None. This issue will be fixed in a future
However, some instances of "vProxy" still release.
appear in some messages and log files.

72797 UI Messaging When you select files from search results None. Note that there is no correlation
that belong to a copy that no longer exists, between VM file search index time and
no error message appears. copy retention time.

63850 UI Messaging After resetting a login password, a blank Ignore the message.
message box sometimes appears. The
password reset functionality is not affected
and the password is reset.

64473 UI Messaging The OK button might not work on the error Use the close button to dismiss the
message, ERROR 401: Invalid message box.
authentication token:
65939 UI Messaging, Job description of rollback to alternate None. This issue will be fixed in a future
storage group storage group indicates " Restoring Storage release.
Group with multiple LUNs to the original." It
should say "...to alternate SG."

72634 UI Recovery During Recovery, UI shows Recovery Refresh the Recovery page, if the page
Status Success and Login pages, but when the does not appear after 10 minutes.
user logs in, the message Recovering
page appears and the state is unknown.
59593 UI Status When you cancel a virtual machine Restore Ignore this error. After some time, the
and Overwrite Original VM operation, the task entry in the PowerProtect Data
task in the Jobs window occasionally Manager UI updates to reflect the

PowerProtect Data Manager 19.3 17

Release Notes

Table 2 Known limitations that apply to PowerProtect Data Manager 19.3 (continued)

ECDM Product Description Workaround

issue ID feature

displays an "OCC version mismatch" error

instead of the cancellation status.

65191 UI Status Selection of protection copies counts Make a selection and chose the action
incorrectly, increasing for every click in quickly.
View Copies.

23130 UI Status - The Exported Copy Count in the Click the exports link to display the
Exports PowerProtect Data Manager UI occasionally correct list of exports for the copy.
fails to update.

65736 UI Status - Some running jobs do not show correct data The information is correct when the job
Jobs transfer progress while the job is running. completes.

41056 UI Status - After a network reconfiguration, the SQL None.

Jobs App Agent correctly shows as registered
and assets are listed, but the Jobs tab
shows the migrated job as failed.

64298 UI Status - Job duration does not match sum of job Job duration includes the sum of all
Jobs tasks. tasks plus job processing time.

31554 UI Status - The PowerProtect Data Manager dashboard Reboot the PowerProtect Data Manager
Performance and system are slow to respond with the software by using the reboot command
following error message: ERROR 503: or by right-clicking the virtual machine
No response from component. and selecting Power > Restart Guest.
This issue is caused by a sudden network

65191 UI Status - Selection of protection copies counts Make a selection and chose the action
Protection incorrectly, increasing for every click in quickly.
View Copies.

74199 UI Status - When you try to add a duplicate protection Refresh the page.
Protection storage or try to add protection storage
with incorrect credentials, the Cancel and
Save buttons might be unresponsive after
the error message is closed.

65927 UI Status - If rollback restore from UI fails, the restore Review the admagent.log details for the
Restore job does not show it as failed. Details for the correct status.
job show that it completed successfully.

59594 UI Status - After cancelling a virtual machine Restore

Restore and Overwrite Original VM in the
PowerProtect Data Manager UI, if you run
another Restore and Overwrite Original
VM and immediately cancel the new
operation, an error appears indicating
"Recover VM failed" with the explanation
that "Another vProxy operation is active on

18 PowerProtect Data Manager 19.3

Release Notes

Table 2 Known limitations that apply to PowerProtect Data Manager 19.3 (continued)

ECDM Product Description Workaround

issue ID feature

UI Status - Certain security scan tools might report the This message can be ignored.
Security following message on the VM Direct virtual
Messaging machine: Web Server HTTP Header
Memory Exhaustion DoS.
29398 Upgrade When upgrading from Microsoft Application Run register script to re-register. If done
Agent version 4.5 to version 4.6, problems within 24 hours of upgrade, no action is
may arise with agent registration, discovery, required. PowerProtect Data Manager
and other interactions with the SQL automatically approves the agent. If
Application host, due to an existing bug in more than 24 hours transpire after the
Microsoft Application Agent version 4.5. upgrade, re-register the agent with
PowerProtect Data Manager and re-
approve the SQL host if necessary.

39716 Upgrade Oracle backups are not Retention Locked if Delete the old backups from the
the Oracle host has backups from an earlier previous version of ECDM 3.0 in the
patch version of Enterprise Copy Data Oracle host using Oracle RMAN
Management (ECDM) 3.0. commands.

41045 Upgrade After upgrading PowerProtect Data Manually start a new PowerProtect Data
Manager, the UI does not always Manager UI session.
automatically redirect to the PowerProtect
Data Manager login screen.

34149 VM Direct VM Direct appliance deployment to a None.

deployment datastore cluster is not supported. The
deployment will fail with a ServerFaultCode

Table 3 PowerProtect Data Manager service commands for RHEL by task and version

Task Command on RHEL 5, Command on RHEL 7 Approximate output


View service service ecdmagent systemctl status ecdmagent Redirecting to /bin/

status status or systemctl status
service ecdmagent status ecdmagent.service.
ecdmagent.service -
eCDM Agent Service
Stop service service ecdmagent systemctl stop ecdmagent Redirecting to /bin/
stop or systemctl stop
service stop ecdmagent ecdmagent.service

Start service service ecdmagent systemctl start ecdmagent Redirecting to /bin/

start or systemctl start
service start ecdmagent ecdmagent.service

PowerProtect Data Manager 19.3 19

Release Notes

Installation and upgrade

The upgrade package for PowerProtect Data Manager version 19.3 supports two upgrade paths:
l 19.1 to 19.3
l 19.2 to 19.3
The upgrade package for PowerProtect Data Manager version 19.2 only supports upgrading from
version 19.1 to 19.2.
The PowerProtect Data Manager Deployment Guide provides more information about how to install
and upgrade the PowerProtect Data Manager software.

Additional resources
You can use the following resources to find more information about this product, obtain support,
and provide feedback.
Related documentation
The following publications provide additional information:
l PowerProtect Data Manager Administration and User Guide
Describes how to configure the software.
l PowerProtect Data Manager Deployment Guide
Describes how to deploy the software.
l PowerProtect Data Manager Security Configuration Guide
Contains security information.
l PowerProtect Data Manager Quick Start Guide
Describes how to deploy PowerProtect Data Manager in your new or existing Data Domain
Boost for MSSQL or Oracle environment.
l PowerProtect Data Manager VM Direct Quick Start Guide
Provides an overview for deploying a VM Direct appliance for virtual machine data protection in
PowerProtect Data Manager.
l PowerProtect Data Manager Cloud Disaster Recovery Administration and User Guide
Describes how to deploy Cloud DR, protect VMs in the AWS cloud, and run recovery
l PowerProtect Data Manager API documentation: https://developer.dellemc.com
Contains the PowerProtect Data Manager APIs and includes tutorials to guide to you in their
l Storage Direct Solutions Guide
l Storage Direct Primary and Protection Storage Configuration Guide
l Storage Direct Agent Installation and Administration Guide
l Storage Direct Agent Release Notes
l Database Application Agent Installation and Administration Guide
l Database Application Agent Release Notes
l Microsoft Application Agent Installation Guide
l Microsoft Application Agent SQL Server User Guide
l Microsoft Application Agent Release Notes

20 PowerProtect Data Manager 19.3

Release Notes

l Oracle RMAN Agent Administration Guide

l Oracle RMAN Agent Release Notes
Where to find product documentation
l https://www.dell.com/support
l https://community.emc.com
Where to get support
The Support website https://www.dell.com/support provides access to product licensing,
documentation, advisories, downloads, and how-to and troubleshooting information. The
information can enable you to resolve a product issue before you contact Support.
To access a product-specific page:
1. Go to https://www.dell.com/support.
2. In the search box, type a product name, and then from the list that appears, select the
The Knowledgebase contains applicable solutions that you can search for either by solution
number (for example, KB000xxxxxx) or by keyword.
To search the Knowledgebase:
1. Go to https://www.dell.com/support.
2. On the Support tab, click Knowledge Base.
3. In the search box, type either the solution number or keywords. Optionally, you can limit the
search to specific products by typing a product name in the search box, and then selecting the
product from the list that appears.
Live chat
To participate in a live interactive chat with a support agent:
1. Go to https://www.dell.com/support.
2. On the Support tab, click Contact Support.
3. On the Contact Information page, click the relevant support, and then proceed.
Service requests
To obtain in-depth help from Licensing, submit a service request. To submit a service request:
1. Go to https://www.dell.com/support.
2. On the Support tab, click Service Requests.
Note: To create a service request, you must have a valid support agreement. For details about
either an account or obtaining a valid support agreement, contact a sales representative. To
find the details of a service request, in the Service Request Number field, type the
service request number, and then click the right arrow.
To review an open service request:
1. Go to https://www.dell.com/support.
2. On the Support tab, click Service Requests.
3. On the Service Requests page, under Manage Your Service Requests, click View All Dell
Service Requests.

PowerProtect Data Manager 19.3 21

Release Notes

Online communities
For peer contacts, conversations, and content on product support and solutions, go to the
Community Network https://community.emc.com. Interactively engage with customers, partners,
and certified professionals online.
How to provide feedback
Feedback helps to improve the accuracy, organization, and overall quality of publications. You can
send feedback to DPAD.Doc.Feedback@emc.com.

22 PowerProtect Data Manager 19.3

Release Notes

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Dell believes the information in this publication is accurate as of its publication date. The information is subject to change without notice.


Dell Technologies, Dell, EMC, Dell EMC and other trademarks are trademarks of Dell Inc. or its subsidiaries. Other trademarks may be the property of their
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PowerProtect Data Manager 19.3 23

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