8ong Guan Can vs. The Century Insurance Company, Ltd.

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Case digest

Ong Guan Can vs. The Century Insurance Company, Ltd.

G.R. No. 21196, February 6, 1924

46 Phil 592


A building of the plaintiff was insured against fire by the defendant in the sum of P30,000.00 as
well as the goods and merchandise therein contained in the sum of P15,000.00. The house and
merchandise insured were burnt early in the morning of February 28, 1923 while the policies issued by
the defendant in favor of the plaintiff were in force.

The appellants contend that under clause 14 of the conditions of the policies, it amay rebuild the house
burnt and although the house may be smaller, yet it would be sufficient indemnity to the insured for the
actual loss suffered by him.


Whether or not the defendant company may perform the alternative obligation despite the fact that the
plaintiff’s consent was not secured.


. It must be noted that in alternative obligations, the debtor, the insurance company in this case, must
notify the creditor of his election, stating which of the two prestations he is disposed to fulfill, in
accordance with article 1133 of the Civil Code. The object of this notice is to give the creditor, that is, the
plaintiff in the instant case, opportunity to express his consent. the record shows that the appellant
company did not give a formal notice of its election to rebuild, and while the witnesses, Cedrun and
Cacho, speak of the proposed reconstruction of the house destroyed, yet the plaintiff did not give his
assent to the proposition, for the reason that the new house would be smaller and of materials of lower
kind than those employed in the construction of the house destroyed.

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