TGL-36 - Approval of Electronic Flight Bag (EFBs)
TGL-36 - Approval of Electronic Flight Bag (EFBs)
TGL-36 - Approval of Electronic Flight Bag (EFBs)
The material contained in this Leaflet has been issued in accordance with Chapter 10 of the
Administrative & Guidance Section 4: Operations, Part Three: Temporary Guidance Leaflets and
therefore is authorised for use on voluntary basis until such time as the material has been subjected
to NPA process.
2.1 Traditionally all documentation and information available to flight crew for use on the flight
deck has been in paper format. Much of this information is now available in electronic format and the
purpose of this leaflet is to give guidance to operators on gaining approval from their National
Authority for the use of electronically processed information.
2.2 It is not intended to impose additional requirements in respect to basic information and data
sources. The operator remains responsible for ensuring the accuracy of the information used and
that it is derived from verifiable sources. The approval of EFBs is intended to cover the different
methods of storing, retrieving and use of this information.
2.3 This guidance material is designed to cover airworthiness and operational criteria for the
approval of Electronic Flight Bags (EFBs).
3.2.1 JAA
3.2.2 FAA
TSO-C165 Electronic Map Display Equipment for Graphical Depiction of Aircraft Position
RTCA DO-160() Environmental Conditions and Test Procedures for Airborne Equipment
RTCA DO-178() Software Considerations in Airborne Systems and Equipment
RTCA DO-257A Minimum Operational Performance Standards for the Depiction of Navigation
Information on Electronic Maps
Volpe Center Report Human Factors Considerations in the Design and Evaluation of Electronic
Flight Bags (EFBs) Version 2
4.2 Controlled PED. A controlled PED is Portable Electronic Device that is subject to
administrative control by the company. This will include, inter alia, tracking the location of the devices
to specific aircraft or persons and ensuring that no unauthorised changes are made to the hardware,
software or databases. A Controlled PED will also be subject to procedures to ensure that it is
maintained to the latest amendment state.
4.3 Data Connectivity for EFB Systems. Supporting either uni or bi-directional data
communication between the EFB and the aircraft systems (e.g., avionics).
4.4 Electronic Flight Bag (EFB). An electronic display system intended primarily for flight deck
or cabin use. EFB devices can display a variety of aviation data or perform basic calculations (e.g.,
performance data, fuel calculations, etc.). In the past, some of these functions were traditionally
accomplished using paper references or were based on data provided to the flight crew by an
operator’s “flight dispatch” organisation. The scope of the EFB system functionality may also include
various other hosted databases and applications. Physical EFB displays may use various
technologies, formats, and forms of communication. These devices are sometimes referred to as
auxiliary performance computers (APC) or laptop auxiliary performance computers (LAPC).
4.5 EFB Administrator. The EFB Administrator is the person appointed by the operator, held
responsible for the administration of the EFB system within the company. The EFB administrator is
the primary link between the operator and the EFB system supplier.
He/she will be the person in overall charge of the EFB system and will be responsible for ensuring
that any hardware conforms to the required specification and that no unauthorised software is
installed. He/she will also be responsible for ensuring that only the current version of the application
software and data packages are installed on the EFB system.
4.6 EFB System. An EFB system includes the hardware and software needed to support an
intended function.
4.7 Hosted Application. Software installed on an EFB system that allows specific operational
4.8 Interactive Information. Information presented on the EFB that, via software applications,
could be selected and rendered in a number of dynamic ways. This includes variables in the
information presented based on data-oriented software algorithms, concepts of de-cluttering, and “on-
the-fly” composition as opposed to pre-composed information.
4.9 Mounting Device. May include arm-mounted, kneeboard, cradle, or docking-stations, etc.
May have ship’s power and data connectivity. May require quick-disconnect for egress.
4.10 Portable Electronic Device (PED). JAA TGL No. 29 and FAA Title 14 CFR § 91.21 define
4.11 Pre-Composed Information. Information previously composed into a static composed state
(non-interactive). The composed displays have consistent, defined and verifiable content, and
formats that are fixed in composition. Applications based on pre-composed information may support
“contextual access” like hyperlink, bookmark.
This section is divided into two parts. The first part deals with the host platform i.e. the hardware used
to run the software programs and the second part deals with the software programs or applications
installed to provide the relevant functionality. For information, a matrix showing the relationship
between airworthiness and operational approval processes is provided in Appendix E.
This Leaflet defines three hardware classes of EFB systems, Class 1, 2, and 3.
5.1.1 Class 1
5.1.2 Class 2
5.1.3 Class 3
Class 3 EFB systems are installed equipment requiring an airworthiness approval. This approval
should cover the integrity of the EFB hardware installation (e.g. server, display, keyboard, power,
switching), including hardware and software qualification. Such aspects as the human machine
interface should also be addressed.
The functionality associated with the EFB System depends upon the applications loaded on the host.
The classification of the applications into two Types (A and B) is intended to provide clear divisions
between the scope and therefore the approval process applied to each one. Although guidelines and
examples are provided in this leaflet to provide guidance as to the Type associated with a particular
application, there is still the potential for misclassification. Applicants should be aware of two
particular issues. The Type of application will influence the level of participation of the operations
authority i.e. National Authority Flight Operations Inspectorate (FOI) or Joint Operational Evaluation
Board (JOEB) and indeed the involvement or otherwise of the airworthiness authorities in the
assessment exercise. For example, a misclassification may later be shown to have impacted the
underlying airworthiness approval granted for the aircraft systems. In particular where there is data
connectivity or interactive information the assumptions made by the Original Equipment Manufacturer
(OEM) during initial certification may no longer hold e.g. data integrity, accuracy of performance
calculations, primary use versus situational use. Therefore, if there is any doubt as to the
classification of an application, applicants should seek advice early on in the approval process from
either the respective JOEB Team or Central JAA Operations Directorate.
5.2.1 Type A
Type A software applications include pre-composed, fixed presentations of data currently presented in
paper format. Type A software applications:
• May be hosted on any of the hardware classes
• Require Operational approval. This may be undertaken at the National Authority FOI level.
• Do not require an airworthiness approval
• Typical examples of Type A software applications may be found in Appendix A.
5.2.2 Type B
Type B software applications include dynamic, interactive applications that can manipulate data and
presentation. Type B applications:
• May be hosted on any of the hardware classes
• Require Operational approval. This will be undertaken at the JOEB level or where a JOEB
does not exist for the particular aircraft type, the Central JAA may delegate to a National
Authority FOI.
• Do not require an airworthiness approval
• Typical examples of Type B software applications may be found in Appendix B.
A Class 1 EFB does not require an airworthiness approval because it’s a non-installed equipment
however paragraph 6.1.1.a) through 6.1.1.d) here below should be assessed if relevant. During the
operational approval process an assessment should be made of the physical use of the device on the
flight deck. Safe stowage, crashworthiness, security and use under normal environmental conditions
including turbulence should be addressed.
a) EMI Demonstrations
For the purpose of EMI demonstrations, EFB Class 1 devices may be considered as PEDs and
should satisfy the criteria contained within TGL No. 29 or AC 91.21-1A. If the EFB system is to be
used during critical phases of flight (e.g., during take-off and landing), further EMI demonstrations
(laboratory, ground or flight test) are required to provide greater assurance of non-interference and
ensure compatibility. For use during critical flight phases, the EFB system should comply with the
requirements of ED-14()/DO-160() Section 21, Emission of Radio Frequency Energy.
b) Lithium Batteries
During the procurement of Class 1 EFBs, special considerations should be given to the intended use
and maintenance of devices incorporating lithium batteries. In particular, the operator should address
the following issues:
• Risk of leakage
• Safe storage of spares including the potential for short circuit
• Hazards due to on-board continuous charging of the device, including battery overheat
As a minimum specification, the lithium battery incorporated within the EFB device should have been
tested to Underwriters Laboratory Inc (UL) Standard for Safety for Lithium Batteries reference UL
1642. The operator is responsible for the maintenance of EFB system batteries and should ensure
that they are periodically checked and replaced when required.
c) Power Source
The EFB power source should be designed such that it may be deactivated at any time. Where there
is no possibility for the flight crew to quickly remove or un-plug the power to the EFB system, a clearly
labelled and conspicuous means (e.g., on/off switch) should be provided. Circuit breakers are not to
be used as switches; their use for this purpose is prohibited.
In order to achieve an acceptable level of safety, certain software applications, especially when used
as a source of required information, may require that the EFB system have access to an alternate
power supply.
d) Data Connectivity
Data connectivity to other systems is not authorised except if connected to a system completely
isolated from the avionics/aircraft systems (e.g., EFB system connected to a transmission media that
receives and transmits data for AAC purposes on the ground only). Any other type of data
connectivity requires an airworthiness approval.
A Class 2 EFB requires an airworthiness approval. However, this approval is limited in scope to the
mounting device, crashworthiness, data connectivity and EFB power connection.
An evaluation of the EFB mounting device and flight deck location should be conducted as described
(i) The mount and associated mechanism should not impede the flight crew in the performance
of any task (normal, abnormal, or emergency) associated with operating any aircraft system.
(ii) Mounting devices should be able to lock in position easily. Selection of positions should be
adjustable enough to accommodate a range of flight crewmember preferences. In addition,
the range of available movement should accommodate the expected range of users’ physical
abilities (i.e., anthropometrics constraints). Locking mechanisms should be of the low-wear
type that will minimize slippage after extended periods of normal use. Crashworthiness
considerations will need to be considered in the design of this device. This includes the
appropriate restraint of any class device when in use.
(iii) A provision should be provided to secure or lock the mount in a position out of the way of
flight crewmember operations when not in use.
(iv) Mechanical interference issues of the mount, either on the side panel (side stick controller) or
on the control yoke in terms of full and free movement under all operating conditions and non-
interference with buckles etc. For yoke mounted devices Original Equipment Manufacturer
(OEM) data should be obtained to show that the mass inertia effect on column force has no
adverse affect on the aircraft handling qualities.
(v) If the EFB requires cabling to mate with aircraft systems or other EFBs, and if the cable is not
run inside the mount, the cable should not hang loosely in a way that compromises task
performance and safety. Flight crewmembers should be able to easily secure the cables out
of the way during aircraft operations (e.g., cable tether straps).
(vi) Cables that are external to the mount should be of sufficient length to perform the intended
tasks. Cables too long or short could present an operational or safety hazard.
A Class 3 EFB is considered as installed equipment and therefore requires an airworthiness approval.
Assessment of compliance with the airworthiness requirements would typically concentrate on two
• The intended function and safety (e.g., security and integrity), applicable only to the interfaces
with the avionics data sources and not to the software applications. The failure modes of the
interface between the EFB and its avionics data sources should be assessed under normal
and fault conditions. The assessment of safety and integrity of the software application
should be addressed through the approval of the application itself (see Section 6.2).
• Hardware and software qualification should be conducted in accordance with the agreed
Design Assurance Level (DAL) for the system and its interfaces. Note: DAL attribution at this
stage (empty platform) may prohibit hosting of future software applications due to
inconsistency between the criticality of the future software application and the platform DAL.
A Class 3 EFB may form part of a host platform (i.e., a network server) supporting other functions
such as central maintenance. Such functions are considered to be outside of the scope of this leaflet
and their approval should be conducted in accordance with normal certification procedures.
For a Class 3 EFB a human factors assessment should be conducted. At this stage the evaluation is
restricted to the EFB hardware resources comprising display, keyboard, switches, annunciators, etc.
However, in order to assess the human factors aspects of these devices, it may be necessary to host
emulation software on the platform. This may be a dedicated software package developed purely for
the purposes of conducting the assessment or be one or more of the intended EFB software
applications. The human factors assessment should be conducted in accordance with the criteria
applied during the aircraft type design or modification exercise and identified within the aircraft
certification basis. If no prior human factors requirements have been applied, the applicant should
follow the process described in Appendix D.
Type A and B software applications do not require airworthiness approval, but should be approved
through the operational approval process. Examples of Type A and Type B software applications,
based mainly on FAA AC 120-76A, are given in Appendix A and B of this leaflet respectively. Some
differences with FAA AC 120-76A have been introduced and are highlighted in these appendices. If a
software application is not listed in these appendices and does not clearly fall into the existing
definitions of Section 5.2, advice should be sought from the Central JAA or relevant JOEB Team, or
the responsible National Authority.
Performance applications are typically derived from Computerised AFM Information, approved against
the applicable airworthiness regulations. Only certain modules of the performance program are
approved, and then against a particular program revision and a particular host e.g., Personal
Computer. With performance Type B software applications the operations authority (JOEB or
National Authority) requires assurance that the resulting data, through software derivation,
customisation or optimisation, provides performance figures that are consistent with the approved
computerised aircraft flight manual information. If there is any concern, the operations authority may
wish to seek advice from airworthiness performance specialists to assist in the validation of these
types of software application. In general, this involves checking that the EFB derived performance
calculations provides consistent results when compared with calculations from the approved AFM
With electronic checklists, there is already regulatory guidance material published on the subject e.g.,
FAA AC 120-64. The concern here is where the EFB software application is customised or changed
through the user-modifiable partition such that the electronic checklist differs from the approved
procedures contained within the AFM. Of particular concern are changes affecting the approved
Abnormal and Emergency Procedures. Again, where there are concerns, the operations authority
should consult with the respective airworthiness authority team.
The Authority will consider applications from operators to use an EFB system on a case-by-case
basis using the process described hereafter. Operators planning to implement the use of EFB
systems will need to demonstrate to the Authority that the EFB system is robust and will not provide
inaccurate or misleading information to crews.
The operator may demonstrate the fidelity and reliability of the system in a number of ways. Where it
is the intention to start EFB operations with no paper back up a full Operational Risk Assessment and
suitable means of mitigation against failure or malfunction will be required. Alternatively, the operator
may choose to keep the paper back up, as a cross check against the EFB information and as a
means of mitigation against failure or malfunction. A combination of the above methods where some
risk assessment and limited paper back up is carried may also be used at the discretion of the
authority. The final Operational Evaluation Test (see section 7.7) will depend on the method used.
Note: Where the term Authority is used in this Section, it applies to either the JOEB or the National
Authority depending on who has primary responsibility for conducting the assessment. Ultimately an
individual operator would expect to receive an operational approval from their National Authority.
The Authority will need to be satisfied that the operator has considered the failure of the complete
EFB system as well as individual applications including corruption or loss of data and erroneously
displayed information.
The objective of this process is to demonstrate that the software application achieves at least the
same level of integrity and availability as the “traditional” means that it is intended to replace
7.1.1 Scope
The analysis will be specific to the operator concerned but will need to address at least the following
The operator may then propose to the Authority that the EFB system be used as an alternative
system to paper documentation. The proposal to the Authority should specify which paper
documentation need not be carried and/or any operational credit sought. The Authority may require a
trial period during which paper documentation is retained to confirm the robustness of the system.
The impact of the EFB system on the Minimum Equipment List (MEL) should be assessed. The
operator should demonstrate how the availability of the EFB is confirmed by pre-flight checks.
Instructions to flight crew should clearly define actions to be taken in the event of any EFB system
deficiency and whether dispatch is allowed.
7.2 Human Machine Interface Assessment for Type A and B Software Applications
The operator will need to carry out an assessment of the human machine interface and aspects
governing Cockpit Resource Management (CRM), when using the EFB system. This should include a
review of the complete system to include at least the following points.
• Human/machine interface
• Legibility of text
• Approach/departure and navigation chart display
• Responsiveness of application
• Off-screen text and content
• Active regions
• Managing multiple open applications and documents
• Messages and the use of colours
• System error messages
• Data entry screening and error messages
7.3.1 Procedures for Using EFB Systems with other Flight Deck Systems
Procedures should be designed to ensure that the flight crew know which aircraft system (e.g., Engine
Indicating and Crew Alerting System (EICAS), Flight Management System (FMS), or EFB system) to
use for a given purpose, especially when both the aircraft and EFB systems provide similar
information. Procedures should also be designed to define the actions to be taken when information
provided by an EFB system does not agree with that from other flight deck sources, or when one EFB
system disagrees with another. If an EFB system generates information similar to that generated by
existing cockpit automation, procedures should clearly identify which information source will be
primary, which source will be used for back up information, and under what conditions to use the back
up source. Whenever possible and without compromising innovation in design/use, EFB/user
interfaces should be consistent (but not necessarily identical) with the flight deck design philosophy.
The operator should have a procedure in place to allow flight crews to confirm prior to flight the
revision number and/or date of EFB application software including where applicable, database
versions. However, flight crews should not be required to confirm the revision dates for other
databases that do not adversely affect flight operations, such as maintenance log forms, a list of
airport codes, or the Captain’s Atlas. An example of a date sensitive revision is an aeronautical chart
database on a 28-day AIRAC revision cycle. Procedures should specify what actions to take if the
software applications or databases loaded on the EFB system are out-of-date.
Procedures should be designed to mitigate and/or control additional workloads created by using an
EFB system. The operator should develop procedures such that both flight crewmembers do not
become preoccupied with the EFB system at the same time. Workload should be apportioned
between flight crewmembers to ensure ease of use and continued monitoring of other flight crew
functions and aircraft equipment. These procedures should be strictly applied in flight and should
specify the times at which the flight crew may not use the EFB system.
Procedures should be developed that define any new roles that the flight crew and dispatch office
may have in creating, reviewing, and using performance calculations supported by EFB systems.
The operator should document procedures for the quality control of the EFB system. This should
detail who will be in overall charge of the EFB system, i.e. the EFB Administrator, and who will have
authority to authorise and activate amendments to the hardware and software.
Procedures should be established for the maintenance of the EFB system and how unserviceabilities
and failures will be dealt with to ensure that the integrity of the EFB system is assured. Maintenance
procedures will also need to include the handling of updated information and how this will be accepted
and then promulgated in a timely and complete format to all users and aircraft platforms.
Should a fault or failure of the system come to light it is essential that such failures are brought to the
immediate attention of the flight crew and that the system is isolated until rectification action is taken.
As well as back up procedures to deal with system failures a reporting system will need to be in place
so that any action necessary, either to a particular EFB system, or to the whole system, is taken in
order to prevent the use of erroneous information by flight crews.
The EFB system will need to be secure from unauthorised intervention. This should include the use
of password protected system updates as well as physical security of the hardware. Measures should
also include the control of laptop software installations to prevent use of unauthorised data.
The role of the EFB Administrator is a key factor in the running of the EFB system. He/she will need
to receive appropriate training in the role and should have a good working knowledge of the proposed
system hardware and operating system. The EFB system supplier should provide guidelines to
clearly identify, which parts of the system can be accessed and modified by the EFB Administrator
and which parts are only accessible by the supplier. It should also be clearly stated which changes
and modifications may be further delegated by the EFB Administrator to maintenance and support
staff. The EFB Administrator should establish procedures to ensure that these guidelines are strictly
adhered to and that no unauthorised changes take place. The EFB Administrator will also be
responsible for conducting audits and for ensuring that company procedures are complied with by all
personnel. This should include systematic audits/checks against the procedures and random checks
of reports to ensure that any detected errors are correctly followed up.
Flight crew will need to be given specific training in the use of the EFB system before any approval is
given. Training should include at least the following:
Consideration should also be given to the role that the EFB system plays in Operator Proficiency
Checks as part of Recurrent training and checking.
The object of the Operational Evaluation Test will be to verify that the above elements have been
satisfied before final approval of the EFB in place of paper documentation.
Where paper is initially retained as back up, the operational evaluation test will typically be conducted
in two stages. The first stage should run in parallel with the equivalent paper format to verify the
correctness and reliability of the system. This will normally be for a six-month period but may be
varied at the discretion on the National Authority. The evaluation should include audits of the
procedures used as well as checks on the accuracy of any computed data. On completion of the first
stage a report should be sent to the National Authority who will then issue an approval for the use of
the system in place of the paper format. As a precaution, the paper documentation must be retained
during a second stage for use in the event of the EFB system not being available or any fault being
detected with the system. When the National Authority is satisfied that the back-up procedures are
sufficiently robust, approval may be given to allow removal of the paper documentation.
Where the applicant / operator seeks credit to start of operations without paper back up the
operational evaluation test will consist of the following elements:
The authority must also be satisfied that operator will be able to continue to maintain the EFB to the
required standard through the actions of the administrator and quality assurance system.
The operator should produce a final operational report, which summarises all activities conducted as
demonstrated means of compliance, supporting the issue of an operational approval of the EFB
The report should include, but not be limited to, the following:
• Human factor assessment for the complete EFB system, human machine interface and all
software applications
o Pilot workload in both single-pilot and multi-crew flown aircraft
o Size, resolution, and legibility of symbols and text
o For navigation chart display: access to desired charts, access to information within a
chart, grouping of information, general layout, orientation (e.g., track-up, north-up),
depiction of scale information.
• Training
• EFB Administrator qualification
Once the Authority is satisfied that the EFB may be used in place of, or as an alternative to paper
based information, it will issue an approval based on the submission described above.
Based on FAA AC 120-76A. Differences from AC 120-76A are highlighted in bold text.
• Flight Crew Operations Manuals (FCOM) (Without contextual access based on sensed
aircraft parameters)
• Company Standard Operating Procedures (SOP)
• Airport diversion policy guidance, including a list of Special Designated Airports and/or
approved airports with emergency medical service (EMS) support facilities
• Operations Specifications (OpSpecs)
• Cockpit observer briefing cards
• Airplane Flight Manuals (AFM) and Airplane Flight Manual Supplements (AFMS)
• Aircraft performance data (fixed, non-interactive material for planning purposes)
• Airport performance restrictions manual (such as a reference for takeoff and landing
performance calculations)
• Maintenance manuals
• Aircraft maintenance reporting manuals
• Aircraft flight log and servicing records
• Autopilot approach and autoland records
• Flight Management System/Flight Management and Guidance System problem report forms
• Aircraft parts manuals
• Service bulletins/published Airworthiness Directives, etc.
• Air Transport Association (ATA) 100 format maintenance discrepancy write-up codes
• Required VHF Omni directional Range (VOR) check records
• Minimum Equipment Lists (MEL) (Without contextual access based on sensed aircraft
• Configuration Deviation Lists (CDL)
• Federal, state, and airport-specific rules and regulations
• Airport/Facility Directory (A/FD) data (e.g., fuel availability, LAHSO distances for specific
runway combinations, etc.)
• Noise abatement procedures for arriving and departing aircraft
• Published (graphical) pilot Notices to Airmen (NOTAM)
• International Operations Manuals, including regional supplementary information and
International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) differences
• Aeronautical Information Publications (AIP)
• Oceanic navigation progress logs
• Pilot flight and duty-time logs
• Captain’s report (i.e., captain’s incident reporting form)
• Flight crew survey forms (various)
• Cabin Staff Manuals
• EMS reference library (for use during medical emergencies)
• Trip scheduling and bid lists
• Aircraft’s captain’s logs
• Aircraft’s CAT II/CAT III landing records
• Antiterrorism profile data
• Hazardous Materials (HAZMAT)/oxidizer look-up tables
• Emergency Response Guidance for Aircraft Incidents Involving Dangerous Goods (ICAO Doc
• Customs declaration
• Special reporting forms, such as Safety Reports, Airprox and Bird Strike reports.
• Incidents of interference to aircraft electronic equipment from devices carried aboard aircraft
• Current fuel prices at various airports
• Aircraft operating and information manuals
• Flight operations manuals including emergency procedures
• Airline policies and procedures manuals
• Aircraft Maintenance Manuals
• Flight crew qualifications record keeping, including aircraft qualifications, CAT II/III, high
minimums, landing currency, flight and duty time, etc.
• PIC currency requirements
• Weather information in a pre-composed format
Based on FAA AC 120-76A with additional notes highlighting potential need for airworthiness
authority involvement during the operational approval process.
• Flight Crew Operations Manuals (FCOM) with contextual access based on sensed aircraft
• Takeoff, en route, approach and landing, missed approach, go-around, etc., performance
calculations. Data derived from algorithmic data or performance calculations based on
software algorithms [1]
• Power settings for reduced thrust settings [1]
• Runway limiting performance calculations [1]
• Weight and balance calculations [1]
• Minimum Equipment Lists (MEL) with contextual access based on sensed aircraft parameters
• Panning, zooming, scrolling, and rotation for approach charts
• Pre-composed or dynamic interactive electronic aeronautical charts (e.g., en route, area,
approach, and airport surface maps) including, centring and page turning but without display
of aircraft/own-ship position [2]
• Electronic checklists, including normal, abnormal, and emergency (Without contextual access
based on sensed aircraft parameters) [3]
• Applications that make use of the Internet and/or other aircraft operational communications
(AAC) or company maintenance-specific data links to collect, process, and then disseminate
data for uses such as spare parts and budget management, spares/inventory control,
unscheduled maintenance scheduling, etc. (Maintenance discrepancy logs need to be
downloaded into a permanent record at least weekly)
• Weather information with graphical interpretation
• Cabin-mounted video and aircraft exterior surveillance camera displays
[1] Performance computation application including pre-composed and interactive data may be
classified as a Type B, subject to consultation and agreement with the responsible airworthiness
authority during the operational approval process. Otherwise, such applications should follow a
normal airworthiness approval process.
[2] Dynamic interactive charts may need to follow a normal airworthiness approval process if
functionality, accuracy, refresh rate and resolution enable to use this application as a navigation
[3] Electronic checklist may be classified as a Type B, subject to consultation and agreement
with the responsible airworthiness authority during the operational approval process. Otherwise, such
applications should follow a normal airworthiness approval process.
When classifying the EFB Type, it is important that software applications are correctly classified and
the appropriate level of airworthiness and operational assessment is clearly identified. Appendices A
and B of this Leaflet list software applications which may be classified as either Type A or Type B and
which may be approved through an operational approval process. The distinction between Type B
and a software application that should undergo a normal airworthiness process is more difficult and
will require negotiation between the applicant and the relevant JOEB Team / Central JAA or National
Authority. The Notes within Appendix B are intended to highlight those applications that may require
airworthiness review prior to operational approval.
The list below includes software applications that are considered by the JAA to be ineligible for
classification as either Type A or B and will need to go through a full airworthiness approval process:
• Any application displaying information which may be directly used by the flight crew to control
aircraft attitude, speed, altitude (e.g., PFD type of display)
• Any application displaying information which may be directly used by the flight crew to check
or control the aircraft trajectory, either to follow the intended navigation route or to avoid
adverse weather, obstacles or other traffic, in flight or on ground. Moving maps, or
presentation of weather maps, terrain, other aircraft positions relative to ownship’s position
could fall into this category if accuracy, refresh rate and resolution are sufficient
• Any application displaying information which may be directly used by the flight crew to assess
the status of aircraft critical and essential systems status, and/or to manage aircraft essential
and critical systems following failure
• Any application enabling primary means of communications related to air traffic services, or
whereby the flight path of the aircraft is authorised, directed or controlled
• Any application substituting or duplicating any certified avionics systems
• Applications which due to automatic interactions with other aircraft systems, displays and
controls would raise significant human factors issues
Note 1: the wording “may directly be used by the flight crew” in the above criteria is intended to
assess the potential use by the crew considering the functional capability of the application.
Note 2: applications covered by an airworthiness approval may contain user-modifiable software or
data. The boundaries of the user-modifiable parts should be defined as part of the airworthiness
Note 3: In case of doubt on the applicability of the above criteria, the application developer should
contact the responsible authority and seek advice.
D1 General Principles
This appendix provides guidance material for the assessment of the human machine interface
associated with the EFB system. It provides general criteria that may be applied during assessments
conducted during both the airworthiness and operational approvals and is restricted to human factors
assessment techniques and means of compliance. The process for division of responsibilities and
who does what, is contained within the main body of the Leaflet. Note: Where an assessment is
conducted as part of an airworthiness approval i.e. for a Class 3 EFB system, JAA INT/POL/25/14
titled Human Factors Aspects of Flight Deck Design, should be applied.
D2 Common Considerations
The EFB system should provide a consistent and intuitive user interface, within and across the
various hosted applications. This should include, but not be limited to, data entry methods, colour-
coding philosophies, and symbology.
Text displayed on the EFB should be legible to the typical user at the intended viewing distance(s)
and under the full range of lighting conditions expected on a flight deck, including use in direct
sunlight. Users should be able to adjust the screen brightness of an EFB independently of the
brightness of other displays on the flight deck. In addition, when automatic brightness adjustment is
incorporated, it should operate independently for each EFB in the flight deck. Buttons and labels
should be adequately illuminated for night use. All controls must be properly labelled for their
intended function. Consideration should be given to the long-term display degradation as a result of
abrasion and aging.
In choosing and designing input devices such as keyboards or cursor-control devices, applicants
should consider the type of entry to be made and flight deck environmental factors, such as
turbulence, that could affect the usability of that input device. Typically, the performance parameters
of cursor control devices should be tailored for the intended application function as well as for the
flight deck environment.
D2.4.1 Messages and the Use of Colours. For any EFB system, EFB messages and reminders
should meet the requirements in CS 23.1322 or 25.1322, as is appropriate for the intended aircraft.
While the regulations refer to lights, the intent should be generalised to extend to the use of colours
on displays and controls. That is, the colour “red” shall be used only to indicate a warning level
condition. “Amber” shall be used to indicate a caution level condition. Any other colour may be used
for items other than warnings or cautions, providing that the colours used, differ sufficiently from the
colours prescribed to avoid possible confusion. EFB messages and reminders should be integrated
with (or compatible with) presentation of other flight deck system alerts. EFB messages, both visual
and auditory, should be inhibited during critical phases of flight. Flashing text or symbols should be
avoided in any EFB application. Messages should be prioritised and the message prioritisation
scheme evaluated and documented. Additionally, during critical phases of flight, required flight
information should be continuously presented without un-commanded overlays, pop-ups, or pre-
emptive messages, excepting those indicating the failure or degradation of the current EFB
application. However, if there is a regulatory or Technical Standard Order (TSO) requirement that is
in conflict with the recommendation above, those should have precedence.
D2.4.2 System Error Messages. If an application is fully or partially disabled, or is not visible or
accessible to the user, it may be desirable to have a positive indication of its status available to the
user upon request. Certain non-essential applications such as e-mail connectivity and administrative
reports may require an error message when the user actually attempts to access the function rather
than an immediate status annunciation when a failure occurs. EFB status and fault messages should
be prioritised and the message prioritisation scheme evaluated and documented.
D2.4.3 Data Entry Screening and Error Messages. If user-entered data is not of the correct format
or type needed by the application, the EFB should not accept the data. An error message should be
provided that communicates which entry is suspect and specifies what type of data is expected. The
EFB system should incorporate input error checking that detects input errors at the earliest possible
point during entry, rather than on completion of a possibly lengthy invalid entry.
D2.5.1 Flight Crew Error. The system should be designed to minimise the occurrence and effects
of flight crew error and maximise the identification and resolution of errors. For example, terms for
specific types of dat a or the format in which latitude/longitude is entered should be the same across
systems. Data entry methods, colour-coding philosophies and symbology should be as consistent as
possible across the various hosted EFB applications. These applications should also be compatible
with other flight deck systems.
D2.5.2 Identifying Failure Modes. The EFB system should be capable of alerting the flight crew of
probable EFB system failures.
The system should provide feedback to the user when user input is accepted. If the system is busy
with internal tasks that preclude immediate processing of user input (e.g., calculations, self-test, or
data refresh), the EFB should display a “system busy” indicator (e.g., clock icon) to inform the user
that the system is occupied and cannot process inputs immediately.
The timeliness of system response to user input should be consistent with an application’s intended
function. The feedback and system response times should be predictable to avoid flight crew
distractions and/or uncertainty.
If the document segment is not visible in its entirety in the available display area, such as during
“zoom” or “pan” operations, the existence of off-screen content should be clearly indicated in a
consistent way. For some intended functions it may be unacceptable if certain portions of documents
are not visible. This should be evaluated based on the application and intended operational function.
If there is a cursor, it should be visible on the screen at all times while in use.
Active regions are regions to which special user commands apply. The active region can be text, a
graphic image, a window, frame, or other document object. These regions should be clearly
If the electronic document application supports multiple open documents, or the system allows
multiple open applications, indication of which application and/or document is active should be
continuously provided. The active document is the one that is currently displayed and responds to
user actions. Under non-emergency, normal operations, the user should be able to select which of
the open applications or documents is currently active. In addition, the user should be able to find
which flight deck applications are running and switch to any one of these applications easily. When
the user returns to an application that was running in the background, it should appear in the same
state as when the user left that application – other than differences associated with the progress or
completion of processing performed in the background.
The positioning, of the EFB should not result in unacceptable flight crew workload. Complex, multi-
step data entry tasks should be avoided during takeoff, landing, and other critical phases of flight. An
evaluation of EFB intended functions should include a qualitative assessment of incremental pilot
workload, as well as pilot system interfaces and their safety implications
The approach, departure, and navigation charts that are depicted should contain the information
necessary, in appropriate form, to conduct the operation to at least a level of safety equivalent to that
provided by paper charts. It is desirable that the EFB display size is at least as large as current paper
approach charts and that the format be consistent with current paper charts. Alternate approach plate
presentations may be acceptable, but will need to be evaluated and approved by the Authority for
functionality and human factors.
Appendix E EFB classification matrix and derived certification and operational approval
This appendix provides a matrix showing the relationship between the respective airworthiness and operational approval processes for all EFB Classes and
* Subject to consultation and agreement with the responsible airworthiness authority during the operational approval process, see Appendix B.