17th-Century French Art Is Generally Referred To As
17th-Century French Art Is Generally Referred To As
17th-Century French Art Is Generally Referred To As
Louis XIII style
Et in Arcadia ego by Nicolas Poussin
Residential architecture
The court of Louis XIV
See also
References and further reading
There was also a strong Caravaggio school represented in the period by the candle-lit paintings of
Georges de La Tour. The wretched and the poor were featured in an almost Dutch manner in the
paintings by the three Le Nain brothers. In the paintings of Philippe de Champaigne there are both
propagandistic portraits of Louis XIII' s minister Cardinal Richelieu and other more contemplative
portraits of people in the Jansenist sect.
Residential architecture
However, under Louis XIV, the Baroque as it was practiced in Italy was not in French taste (Bernini's
famous proposal for redesigning the Louvre was rejected by Louis XIV.) Through propaganda, wars and
great architectural works, Louis XIV launched a vast program designed for the glorification of France
and his name. The Palace of Versailles, initially a tiny hunting lodge built by his father, was transformed
by Louis XIV into a marvelous palace for fêtes and parties. Architect Louis Le Vau, painter and designer
Charles Le Brun and the landscape architect André Le Nôtre created marvels : fountains danced;
wandering revelers discovered hidden grottos in the gardens.
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The initial impetus for this transformation of Versailles is generally linked to the private château Vaux-
le-Vicomte built for Louis XIV's minister of Finance Nicolas Fouquet. Having offered a lavish festival for
the king in the newly finished residence in 1661 (Le Brun, Le Vau, Le Nôtre, the poet La Fontaine, the
playwright Molière were all under Fouquet's patronage), the minister was accused of misappropriation
of funds and was sentenced to life imprisonment. The architects and artists under his patronage were all
put to work on Versailles.
Furnishings and interior designs from this period are referred to as Louis XIV-style; the style is
characterized by weighty brocades of red and gold, thickly gilded plaster molding, large sculpted
sideboards, and heavy marbling.
In 1682 Versailles was transformed into the official residence of the king; eventually the Hall of Mirrors
was built; other smaller châteaux, like the Grand Trianon, were built on the grounds, and a huge canal
featuring gondolas and gondoliers from Venice was created.
Through his wars and the glory of Versailles, Louis became, to a certain degree, the arbiter of taste and
power in Europe and both his château and the etiquette in Versailles were copied by the other European
courts. Yet the difficult wars at the end of his long reign and the religious problems created by the
revocation of the Edict of Nantes made his last years dark ones.
See also
French artists of the seventeenth century
French Baroque architecture
Baroque painting
Louvre Colonnade
Style Louis XIV
Louis Quinze
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