SMD Tantalio & Niobium Oxide Capacitor Codes Avx
SMD Tantalio & Niobium Oxide Capacitor Codes Avx
SMD Tantalio & Niobium Oxide Capacitor Codes Avx
Version 15.5
AVX’s focus is CUSTOMER satisfaction - customer satisfac- 2. Continually fostering and promoting a culture of continuous
tion in the broadest sense: product quality, technical support, improvement through ongoing training and empowered
product availability - all at a competitive price. participation of employees at all levels of the company.
In pursuance of the established goals of AVX corporation, it 3. Continuous Process Improvement using sound engineer-
is the stated objective of AVX Tantalum to supply our cus- ing principles to enhance existing equipment, material
tomers with a world class service in the manufacture and and processes. This includes the application of the
supply of electronic components, while maintaining a posi- science of S.P.C. focused on improving the Process
tive return on investment. Capability Index, Cpk.
This world class service shall be defined as consistently The Tantalum division has plants approved to ISO 9001:2008
supplying product and services of the highest quality and and ISO/TS 16949:2009 (Automotive Quality System
reliability encompassing all aspects of the customer supply Requirements) with the intention that all facilities world-wide
chain. will adopt this as the quality standard.
In addition, any new or changed products, processes or Dedicated series of tantalum and niobium oxide capacitors
services will be qualified to established standards of quality meets requirements of AEC-Q200.
and reliability. The Tantalum division has plants approved to ISO
The objectives and guidelines listed above shall be achieved 14001:2004 with the intention that all facilities world-wide will
by the following codes of practice: adopt this as the quality standard.
1. Continual objective evaluation of customer needs and
expectations for the future and the leverage of all AVX
resources to meet this challenge.
2 ■ MAY 2015
AVX Tantalum
Tantalum division has manufacturing locations in Lanskroun e-Sustainability Initiative (GeSI) Conflict-Free Smelter pro-
in the Czech Republic, San Salvador, in El Salvador and gram has been verified.
Adogawa in Japan. Niobium oxide is a ceramic material that can be processed
This division manufactures tantalum and niobium oxide to the same powder form as traditional tantalum capacitors
capacitors. Tantalum is an element extracted from ores and manufactured in an identical process.
found alongside tin and niobium deposits; the major sources AVX is No.1 Tantalum capacitor manufacturer with
of supply are Brazil, Africa and Australasia. widest range of capacitors from smallest to large case sizes,
Since December 1st, 2011, AVX has exclusively sourced the from consumer to automotive, medical and aerospace level
tantalum powder and wire used to manufacture its tantalum applications. AVX has a leading market position in all world
capacitors from smelters whose compliance with the regions. Call us first - AVX your global partner.
Electronic Industry Code of Conduct (EICC) and the Global
The amount of capacitance possible with a tantalum
capacitor is directly related to the type of tantalum powder Tantalum Powder CV/g
used to manufacture the anode.
The following graph shows how the (capacitance) x (voltage) Tantalum Powder CV/g
per gram (CV/g) has steadily increased over time, thus
allowing the production of larger and larger capacitances with
the same physical volume. CV/g is the measure used to 250
define the volumetric efficiency of a powder, a higher CV/g
means a higher capacitance from the same volume. 200
CV/g (K)
*Niobium Oxide Capacitors are manufactured and sold under patent license from Cabot Corporation, Boyertown, Pennsylvania U.S.A.
MAY 2015 ■3
Tantalum and Niobium Road Map
CECC 30801-011
COTS+* TBJ Ultra Low TCB TAZ TAZ Ultra Low
DSCC 95158 DSCC 95158
DSCC* DSCC 09009
DSCC 07016 DSCC 07016
High CV
TAJ ESCC SRC9000 SRC9000 SRC9000 SRC9000 TCP
Space Level* ESCC
3012/001 TES ESCC TES ESCC SRC9000
CWR ‘T’ Level CWR ‘T’ Level
3012-004 3012-004
HRC4000 HRC5000 HRC5000 HRC5000
*See High Reliability Tantalum Catalog NOTE: For specific requirements please contact manufacturer
4 ■ MAY 2015
Tantalum and Niobium Road Map
200ºC THH
TWC-Y 230ºC
Space Level* SRW 9000 TWM
SRC9000 3012-005
*See High Reliability Tantalum Catalog NOTE: For specific requirements please contact manufacturer Under development
J-lead J-lead J-lead
J-lead NbO TACmicrochip®
THJ 200°C
TACmicrochip® J-lead NbO F97
Undertab Conformal Conformal
TLN PulseCap Hermetic
F98 TCH Polymer
Conformal THH 230ºC
TCM J-lead
NOM TCN J-lead NbO
TACmicrochip® TCN PulseCap NOJ-LP
MAY 2015 ■5
TAJ Series
Standard Tantalum
• General purpose SMT chip tantalum series
• 7 case sizes available
• Low profile options available COMPONENT
TAJ C 106 M 035 R NJ —
Type Case Size Capacitance Code Tolerance Rated DC Voltage Packaging Specification Additional
See table pF code: 1st two K = ±10% 002 = 2.5Vdc R = Pure Tin 7" Reel Suffix characters may be
above digits represent M = ±20% 004 = 4Vdc S = Pure Tin 13" Reel NJ = Standard added for special
significant figures 006 = 6.3Vdc A = Gold Plating 7" Reel Suffix requirements
V = Dry pack Option
3rd digit represents 010 = 10Vdc B = Gold Plating 13" Reel (selected codes only)
multiplier (number of 016 = 16Vdc H = Tin Lead 7" Reel
zeros to follow) 020 = 20Vdc (Contact Manufacturer)
025 = 25Vdc K = Tin Lead 13" Reel
(Contact Manufacturer)
035 = 35Vdc
H, K = Non RoHS
050 = 50Vdc
Technical Data: All technical data relate to an ambient temperature of +25°C
Capacitance Range: 0.10 μF to 2200 μF
Capacitance Tolerance: ±10%; ±20%
Rated Voltage (VR) +85°C: 2.5 4 6.3 10 16 20 25 35 50
Category Voltage (VC) +125°C: 1.7 2.7 4 7 10 13 17 23 33
Surge Voltage (VS) +85°C: 3.3 5.2 8 13 20 26 32 46 65
Surge Voltage (VS) +125°C: 2.2 3.4 5 8 13 16 20 28 40
Temperature Range: -55°C to +125°C
Reliability: 1% per 1000 hours at 85°C, VR with 0.1Ω/V series impedance,
60% confidence level
Qualification: CECC 30801 - 005 issue 2
Termination Finished: Sn Plating (standard), Gold and SnPb Plating upon request
For AEC-Q200 availability, please contact AVX
6 ■ MAY 2015
TAJ Series
Standard Tantalum
Capacitance Rated voltage DC (VR) to 85°C
μF Code 2.5V (e) 4V (G) 6.3V (J) 10V (A) 16V (C) 20V (D) 25V (E) 35V (V) 50V (T)
0.10 104 A A
0.15 154 A A/B
0.22 224 A A/B
0.33 334 A A/B
0.47 474 A A/B A/B/C
0.68 684 A A A/B A/B/C
1.0 105 A A A A/B A/B/C
1.5 155 A A A A/B A/B/C B/C/D
2.2 225 A A A/B A/B A/B A/B/C B/C/D
3.3 335 A A A/B A/B A/B/C B/C C/D
4.7 475 A A A/B A/B A/B/C A/B/C B/C/D C/D
6.8 685 A A/B A/B A/B/C A/B/C B/C C/D C/D
10 106 A A/B A/B/C A/B/C A(M)*/B/C B/C/D C/D/E D/E/V
15 156 A/B A/B A/B/C A(M)/B/C B/C/D C/D C/D D/E/V
22 226 A A/B/C A/B/C B/C/D B/C/D C/D D/E V
33 336 A A/B A/B/C A/B/C/D B/C/D C/D C/D/E D/E/V
47 476 A A/B A/B/C/D B/C/D C/D C/D/E D/E E/V
68 686 A A/B/C B/C/D B/C/D C/D C(M)/D/E D/E/V V
100 107 A/B A/B/C B/C/D B(M)/C/D/E C/D/E D/E/V E(M)/V
150 157 B B/C B(M)/C/D C/D/E D/E/V E/V V(M)
220 227 B/D B(M)/C/D C/D/E C/D/E E/V
330 337 D C/D/E C/D/E D/E/V E(M)
470 477 C/D C/D/E D/E/V E/U/V
680 687 C/D/E D/E E/V
1000 108 D(M)/E D/E/V E(M)/V(M)
1500 158 D/E/V(M) E/V(M)
2200 228 V(M)
Not recommended for new designs, higher voltage or smaller case size substitution are offered.
Released codes (M tolerance only)
Engineering samples - please contact manufacturer
*Codes under development - subject to change
Note: Voltage ratings are minimum values. AVX reserves the right to supply
higher ratings in the same case size, to the same reliability standards.
MAY 2015 ■7
TAJ Series
Standard Tantalum
AVX Case Capacitance Rated Rated Category Category DCL DF ESR 100kHz RMS Current (mA)
Part No. Size (μF) Voltage Temperature Voltage Temperature (μA) % Max. (Ω) MSL
(V) (ºC) (V) (ºC) Max. Max. @ 100kHz 25ºC 85ºC 125ºC
2.5 Volt @ 85°C
TAJA336*002#NJ A 33 2.5 85 1.7 125 0.8 8 1.7 1 210 189 84
TAJA476*002#NJ A 47 2.5 85 1.7 125 0.9 6 3 1 158 142 63
TAJA686*002#NJ A 68 2.5 85 1.7 125 1.4 8 1.5 1 224 201 89
TAJA107*002#NJ A 100 2.5 85 1.7 125 2.5 30 1.4 1 231 208 93
TAJB107*002#NJ B 100 2.5 85 1.7 125 2.5 8 1.4 1 246 222 99
TAJB157*002#NJ B 150 2.5 85 1.7 125 3 10 1.6 1 230 207 92
TAJB227*002#NJ B 220 2.5 85 1.7 125 4.4 16 1.6 1 230 207 92
TAJD227*002#NJ D 220 2.5 85 1.7 125 5.5 8 0.3 1 707 636 283
TAJD337*002#NJ D 330 2.5 85 1.7 125 8.2 8 0.3 1 707 636 283
TAJC477*002#NJ C 470 2.5 85 1.7 125 9.4 12 0.2 1 742 667 297
TAJD477*002#NJ D 470 2.5 85 1.7 125 11.6 8 0.2 1 866 779 346
TAJC687*002#NJ C 680 2.5 85 1.7 125 17 18 0.2 1 742 667 297
TAJD687*002#NJ D 680 2.5 85 1.7 125 17 16 0.2 1 866 779 346
TAJE687*002#NJ E 680 2.5 85 1.7 125 17 10 0.2 11) 908 817 363
TAJD108M002#NJ D 1000 2.5 85 1.7 125 25 20 0.2 1 866 779 346
TAJE108*002#NJ E 1000 2.5 85 1.7 125 20 14 0.4 11) 642 578 257
TAJD158*002#NJ D 1500 2.5 85 1.7 125 37.5 60 0.2 1 866 779 346
TAJE158*002#NJ E 1500 2.5 85 1.7 125 37 20 0.2 11) 908 817 363
TAJV158M002#NJ V 1500 2.5 85 1.7 125 30 20 0.2 11) 1118 1006 447
TAJV228M002#NJ V 2200 2.5 85 1.7 125 55 50 0.2 11) 1118 1006 447
4 Volt @ 85°C
TAJA336*004#NJ A 33 4 85 2.7 125 1.3 6 3 1 158 142 63
TAJA476*004#NJ A 47 4 85 2.7 125 1.9 8 2.6 1 170 153 68
TAJA686*004#NJ A 68 4 85 2.7 125 2.7 10 1.5 1 224 201 89
TAJB686*004#NJ B 68 4 85 2.7 125 2.7 6 1.8 1 217 196 87
TAJA107*004#NJ A 100 4 85 2.7 125 4 30 1.4 1 231 208 93
TAJB107*004#NJ B 100 4 85 2.7 125 4 8 0.9 1 307 277 123
TAJB157*004#NJ B 150 4 85 2.7 125 6 10 1.5 1 238 214 95
TAJC157*004#NJ C 150 4 85 2.7 125 6 6 0.3 1 606 545 242
TAJB227M004#NJ B 220 4 85 2.7 125 8.8 12 1.1 1 278 250 111
TAJC227*004#NJ C 220 4 85 2.7 125 8.8 8 1.2 1 303 272 121
TAJD227*004#NJ D 220 4 85 2.7 125 8.8 8 0.9 1 408 367 163
TAJC337*004#NJ C 330 4 85 2.7 125 13.2 8 0.3 1 606 545 242
TAJD337*004#NJ D 330 4 85 2.7 125 13.2 8 0.9 1 408 367 163
TAJC477*004#NJ C 470 4 85 2.7 125 18.8 14 0.3 1 606 545 242
TAJD477*004#NJ D 470 4 85 2.7 125 18.8 12 0.9 1 408 367 163
TAJE477*004#NJ E 470 4 85 2.7 125 18.8 10 0.5 11) 574 517 230
TAJD687*004#NJ D 680 4 85 2.7 125 27.2 14 0.5 1 548 493 219
TAJE687*004#NJ E 680 4 85 2.7 125 27.2 14 0.9 11) 428 385 171
TAJD108*004#NJ D 1000 4 85 2.7 125 40 60 0.2 1 866 779 346
TAJE108*004#NJ E 1000 4 85 2.7 125 40 14 0.4 11) 642 578 257
TAJV108*004#NJ V 1000 4 85 2.7 125 40 16 0.2 11) 1118 1006 447
TAJE158*004#NJ E 1500 4 85 2.7 125 60 30 0.2 11) 908 817 363
TAJV158M004#NJ V 1500 4 85 2.7 125 60 30 0.2 11) 1118 1006 447
6.3 Volt @ 85°C
TAJA106*006#NJ A 10 6.3 85 4 125 0.6 6 4 1 137 123 55
TAJA156*006#NJ A 15 6.3 85 4 125 0.9 6 3.5 1 146 132 59
TAJA226*006#NJ A 22 6.3 85 4 125 1.4 6 3 1 158 142 63
TAJA336*006#NJ A 33 6.3 85 4 125 2.1 8 2.2 1 185 166 74
TAJA476*006#NJ A 47 6.3 85 4 125 2.8 10 1.6 1 217 195 87
TAJB476*006#NJ B 47 6.3 85 4 125 3 6 2 1 206 186 82
TAJC476*006#NJ C 47 6.3 85 4 125 3 6 1.6 1 262 236 105
TAJB686*006#NJ B 68 6.3 85 4 125 4 8 0.9 1 307 277 123
TAJC686*006#NJ C 68 6.3 85 4 125 4.3 6 1.5 1 271 244 108
TAJB107*006#NJ B 100 6.3 85 4 125 6.3 10 1.7 1 224 201 89
TAJC107*006#NJ C 100 6.3 85 4 125 6.3 6 0.9 1 350 315 140
TAJB157M006#NJ B 150 6.3 85 4 125 9.5 10 1.2 1 266 240 106
TAJC157*006#NJ C 150 6.3 85 4 125 9.5 6 1.3 1 291 262 116
TAJD157*006#NJ D 150 6.3 85 4 125 9.5 6 0.9 1 408 367 163
TAJC227*006#NJ C 220 6.3 85 4 125 13.9 8 1.2 1 303 272 121
TAJD227*006#NJ D 220 6.3 85 4 125 13.9 8 0.4 1 612 551 245
TAJE227*006#NJ E 220 6.3 85 4 125 13.9 8 0.4 11) 642 578 257
TAJC337*006#NJ C 330 6.3 85 4 125 19.8 12 0.5 1 469 422 188
TAJD337*006#NJ D 330 6.3 85 4 125 20.8 8 0.4 1 612 551 245
TAJE337*006#NJ E 330 6.3 85 4 125 20.8 8 0.4 11) 642 578 257
TAJD477*006#NJ D 470 6.3 85 4 125 28 12 0.4 1 612 551 245
TAJE477*006#NJ E 470 6.3 85 4 125 28 10 0.4 11) 642 578 257
TAJV477*006#NJ V 470 6.3 85 4 125 28 10 0.4 11) 791 712 316
TAJE687*006#NJ E 680 6.3 85 4 125 42.8 10 0.5 11) 574 517 230
TAJV687*006#NJ V 680 6.3 85 4 125 42.8 10 0.5 11) 707 636 283
8 ■ MAY 2015
TAJ Series
Standard Tantalum
AVX Case Capacitance Rated Rated Category Category DCL DF ESR 100kHz RMS Current (mA)
Part No. Size (μF) Voltage Temperature Voltage Temperature (μA) % Max. (Ω) MSL
(V) (ºC) (V) (ºC) Max. Max. @ 100kHz 25ºC 85ºC 125ºC
TAJE108M006#NJ E 1000 6.3 85 4 125 60 20 0.2 11) 908 817 363
TAJV108M006#NJ V 1000 6.3 85 4 125 60 16 0.2 11) 1118 1006 447
10 Volt @ 85°C
TAJA475*010#NJ A 4.7 10 85 7 125 0.5 6 5 1 122 110 49
TAJA685*010#NJ A 6.8 10 85 7 125 0.7 6 4 1 137 123 55
TAJA106*010#NJ A 10 10 85 7 125 1 6 3 1 158 142 63
TAJA156*010#NJ A 15 10 85 7 125 1.5 6 3.2 1 153 138 61
TAJB156*010#NJ B 15 10 85 7 125 1.5 6 2.8 1 174 157 70
TAJA226*010#NJ A 22 10 85 7 125 2.2 8 3 1 158 142 63
TAJB226*010#NJ B 22 10 85 7 125 2.2 6 2.4 1 188 169 75
TAJA336*010#NJ A 33 10 85 7 125 3.3 8 1.7 1 210 189 84
TAJB336*010#NJ B 33 10 85 7 125 3.3 6 1.8 1 217 196 87
TAJC336*010#NJ C 33 10 85 7 125 3.3 6 1.6 1 262 236 105
TAJB476*010#NJ B 47 10 85 7 125 4.7 8 1 1 292 262 117
TAJC476*010#NJ C 47 10 85 7 125 4.7 6 1.2 1 303 272 121
TAJB686*010#NJ B 68 10 85 7 125 6.8 6 1.4 1 246 222 99
TAJC686*010#NJ C 68 10 85 7 125 6.8 6 1.3 1 291 262 116
TAJB107M010#NJ B 100 10 85 7 125 10 8 1.4 1 246 222 99
TAJC107*010#NJ C 100 10 85 7 125 10 8 1.2 1 303 272 121
TAJD107*010#NJ D 100 10 85 7 125 10 6 0.9 1 408 367 163
TAJC157*010#NJ C 150 10 85 7 125 15 8 0.9 1 350 315 140
TAJD157*010#NJ D 150 10 85 7 125 15 8 0.9 1 408 367 163
TAJE157*010#NJ E 150 10 85 7 125 15 8 0.9 11) 428 385 171
TAJC227*010#NJ C 220 10 85 7 125 22 16 0.5 1 469 422 188
TAJD227*010#NJ D 220 10 85 7 125 22 8 0.5 1 548 493 219
TAJE227*010#NJ E 220 10 85 7 125 22 8 0.5 11) 574 517 230
TAJD337*010#NJ D 330 10 85 7 125 33 8 0.9 1 408 367 163
TAJE337*010#NJ E 330 10 85 7 125 33 8 0.9 11) 428 385 171
TAJV337*010#NJ V 330 10 85 7 125 33 10 0.9 11) 572 474 211
TAJE477*010#NJ E 470 10 85 7 125 47 10 0.5 11) 574 517 230
TAJU477*010RNJ U 470 10 85 7 125 47 12 0.5 11) 574 517 230
TAJV477*010#NJ V 470 10 85 7 125 47 10 0.5 11) 707 636 283
16 Volt @ 85°C
TAJA225*016#NJ A 2.2 16 85 10 125 0.5 6 6.5 1 107 97 43
TAJA335*016#NJ A 3.3 16 85 10 125 0.5 6 5 1 122 110 49
TAJB335*016#NJ B 3.3 16 85 10 125 0.5 6 4.5 1 137 124 55
TAJA475*016#NJ A 4.7 16 85 10 125 0.8 6 4 1 137 123 55
TAJB475*016#NJ B 4.7 16 85 10 125 0.8 6 3.5 1 156 140 62
TAJA685*016#NJ A 6.8 16 85 10 125 1.1 6 3.5 1 146 132 59
TAJB685*016#NJ B 6.8 16 85 10 125 1.1 6 2.5 1 184 166 74
TAJA106*016#NJ A 10 16 85 10 125 1.6 6 3 1 158 142 63
TAJB106*016#NJ B 10 16 85 10 125 1.6 6 2.8 1 174 157 70
TAJC106*016#NJ C 10 16 85 10 125 1.6 6 2 1 235 211 94
TAJA156M016#NJ A 15 16 85 10 125 2.4 6 2 1 194 174 77
TAJB156*016#NJ B 15 16 85 10 125 2.4 6 2.5 1 184 166 74
TAJC156*016#NJ C 15 16 85 10 125 2.4 6 1.8 1 247 222 99
TAJB226*016#NJ B 22 16 85 10 125 3.5 6 2.3 1 192 173 77
TAJC226*016#NJ C 22 16 85 10 125 3.5 6 1 1 332 298 133
TAJD226*016#NJ D 22 16 85 10 125 3.5 6 1.1 1 369 332 148
TAJB336*016#NJ B 33 16 85 10 125 5.3 8 2.1 1 201 181 80
TAJC336*016#NJ C 33 16 85 10 125 5.3 6 1.5 1 271 244 108
TAJD336*016#NJ D 33 16 85 10 125 5.3 6 0.9 1 408 367 163
TAJC476*016#NJ C 47 16 85 10 125 7.5 6 0.5 1 469 422 188
TAJD476*016#NJ D 47 16 85 10 125 7.5 6 0.9 1 408 367 163
TAJC686*016#NJ C 68 16 85 10 125 10.9 6 1.3 1 291 262 116
TAJD686*016#NJ D 68 16 85 10 125 10.9 6 0.9 1 408 367 163
TAJC107*016#NJ C 100 16 85 10 125 16 8 1 1 332 298 133
TAJD107*016#NJ D 100 16 85 10 125 16 6 0.6 1 500 450 200
TAJE107*016#NJ E 100 16 85 10 125 16 6 0.9 11) 428 385 171
TAJD157*016#NJ D 150 16 85 10 125 24 6 0.9 1 408 367 163
TAJE157*016#NJ E 150 16 85 10 125 23 8 0.3 11) 742 667 297
TAJV157*016#NJ V 150 16 85 10 125 24 8 0.5 11) 707 636 283
TAJE227*016#NJ E 220 16 85 10 125 35.2 10 0.5 11) 574 517 230
TAJV227*016#NJ V 220 16 85 10 125 35.2 8 0.9 11) 527 474 211
TAJE337M016#NJ E 330 16 85 10 125 52.8 30 0.4 11) 642 578 257
20 Volt @ 85°C
TAJA105*020#NJ A 1 20 85 13 125 0.5 4 9 1 91 82 37
TAJA155*020#NJ A 1.5 20 85 13 125 0.5 6 6.5 1 107 97 43
TAJA225*020#NJ A 2.2 20 85 13 125 0.5 6 5.3 1 119 107 48
TAJB225*020#NJ B 2.2 20 85 13 125 0.5 6 3.5 1 156 140 62
TAJA335*020#NJ A 3.3 20 85 13 125 0.7 6 4.5 1 129 116 52
MAY 2015 ■9
TAJ Series
Standard Tantalum
AVX Case Capacitance Rated Rated Category Category DCL DF ESR 100kHz RMS Current (mA)
Part No. Size (μF) Voltage Temperature Voltage Temperature (μA) % Max. (Ω) MSL
(V) (ºC) (V) (ºC) Max. Max. @ 100kHz 25ºC 85ºC 125ºC
TAJB335*020#NJ B 3.3 20 85 13 125 0.7 6 3 1 168 151 67
TAJA475*020#NJ A 4.7 20 85 13 125 0.9 6 4 1 137 123 55
TAJB475*020#NJ B 4.7 20 85 13 125 0.9 6 3 1 168 151 67
TAJA685*020#NJ A 6.8 20 85 13 125 1.4 6 2.4 1 177 159 71
TAJB685*020#NJ B 6.8 20 85 13 125 1.4 6 2.5 1 184 166 74
TAJC685*020#NJ C 6.8 20 85 13 125 1.4 6 2 1 235 211 94
TAJB106*020#NJ B 10 20 85 13 125 2 6 2.1 1 201 181 80
TAJC106*020#NJ C 10 20 85 13 125 2 6 1.2 1 303 272 121
TAJB156*020#NJ B 15 20 85 13 125 3 6 2 1 206 186 82
TAJC156*020#NJ C 15 20 85 13 125 3 6 1.7 1 254 229 102
TAJB226*020#NJ B 22 20 85 13 125 4.4 6 1.8 1 217 196 87
TAJC226*020#NJ C 22 20 85 13 125 4.4 6 1.6 1 262 236 105
TAJD226*020#NJ D 22 20 85 13 125 4.4 6 0.9 1 408 367 163
TAJC336*020#NJ C 33 20 85 13 125 6.6 6 1.5 1 271 244 108
TAJD336*020#NJ D 33 20 85 13 125 6.6 6 0.9 1 408 367 163
TAJC476*020#NJ C 47 20 85 13 125 9.4 6 0.5 1 469 422 188
TAJD476*020#NJ D 47 20 85 13 125 9.4 6 0.9 1 408 367 163
TAJE476*020#NJ E 47 20 85 13 125 9.4 6 0.9 11) 428 385 171
TAJC686M020#NJ C 68 20 85 13 125 13.6 8 0.5 1 469 422 188
TAJD686*020#NJ D 68 20 85 13 125 13.6 6 0.4 1 612 551 245
TAJE686*020#NJ E 68 20 85 13 125 13.6 6 0.9 11) 428 385 171
TAJD107*020#NJ D 100 20 85 13 125 20 6 0.5 1 548 493 219
TAJE107*020#NJ E 100 20 85 13 125 20 6 0.4 11) 642 578 257
TAJV107*020#NJ V 100 20 85 13 125 20 8 0.9 11) 527 474 211
TAJE157*020#NJ E 150 20 85 13 125 30 8 0.3 11) 742 667 297
TAJV157*020#NJ V 150 20 85 13 125 30 8 0.3 11) 913 822 365
25 Volt @ 85°C
TAJA474*025#NJ A 0.47 25 85 17 125 0.5 4 14 1 73 66 29
TAJA684*025#NJ A 0.68 25 85 17 125 0.5 4 10 1 87 78 35
TAJA105*025#NJ A 1 25 85 17 125 0.5 4 8 1 97 87 39
TAJA155*025#NJ A 1.5 25 85 17 125 0.5 6 7.5 1 100 90 40
TAJB155*025#NJ B 1.5 25 85 17 125 0.5 6 5 1 130 117 52
TAJA225*025#NJ A 2.2 25 85 17 125 0.6 6 7 1 104 93 41
TAJB225*025#NJ B 2.2 25 85 17 125 0.6 6 4.5 1 137 124 55
TAJA335*025#NJ A 3.3 25 85 17 125 0.8 6 3.7 1 142 128 57
TAJB335*025#NJ B 3.3 25 85 17 125 0.8 6 3.5 1 156 140 62
TAJA475*025#NJ A 4.7 25 85 17 125 1.2 6 3.1 1 156 140 62
TAJB475*025#NJ B 4.7 25 85 17 125 1.2 6 1.5 1 238 214 95
TAJB685*025#NJ B 6.8 25 85 17 125 1.7 6 2.8 1 174 157 70
TAJC685*025#NJ C 6.8 25 85 17 125 1.7 6 2 1 235 211 94
TAJB106*025#NJ B 10 25 85 17 125 2.5 6 2.5 1 184 166 74
TAJC106*025#NJ C 10 25 85 17 125 2.5 6 1.8 1 247 222 99
TAJD106*025#NJ D 10 25 85 17 125 2.5 6 1.2 1 354 318 141
TAJC156*025#NJ C 15 25 85 17 125 3.8 6 1.6 1 262 236 105
TAJD156*025#NJ D 15 25 85 17 125 3.8 6 1 1 387 349 155
TAJC226*025#NJ C 22 25 85 17 125 5.5 6 1.4 1 280 252 112
TAJD226*025#NJ D 22 25 85 17 125 5.5 6 0.9 1 408 367 163
TAJC336*025#NJ C 33 25 85 17 125 8.3 6 0.9 1 350 315 140
TAJD336*025#NJ D 33 25 85 17 125 8.3 6 0.9 1 408 367 163
TAJE336*025#NJ E 33 25 85 17 125 8.3 6 0.9 11) 428 385 171
TAJD476*025#NJ D 47 25 85 17 125 11.8 6 0.9 1 408 367 163
TAJE476*025#NJ E 47 25 85 17 125 11.8 6 0.9 11) 428 385 171
TAJD686*025#NJ D 68 25 85 17 125 17 6 0.9 1 408 367 163
TAJE686*025#NJ E 68 25 85 17 125 17 6 0.9 11) 428 385 171
TAJV686*025#NJ V 68 25 85 17 125 17 6 0.9 11) 527 474 211
TAJE107M025#NJ E 100 25 85 17 125 25 10 0.3 11) 742 667 297
TAJV107*025#NJ V 100 25 85 17 125 25 8 0.4 11) 791 712 316
TAJV157M025#NJ V 150 25 85 17 125 37.5 10 0.4 11) 791 712 316
35 Volt @ 85°C
TAJA104*035#NJ A 0.1 35 85 23 125 0.5 4 24 1 56 50 22
TAJA154*035#NJ A 0.15 35 85 23 125 0.5 4 21 1 60 54 24
TAJA224*035#NJ A 0.22 35 85 23 125 0.5 4 18 1 65 58 26
TAJA334*035#NJ A 0.33 35 85 23 125 0.5 4 15 1 71 64 28
TAJA474*035#NJ A 0.47 35 85 23 125 0.5 4 12 1 79 71 32
TAJB474*035#NJ B 0.47 35 85 23 125 0.5 4 10 1 92 83 37
TAJA684*035#NJ A 0.68 35 85 23 125 0.5 4 8 1 97 87 39
TAJB684*035#NJ B 0.68 35 85 23 125 0.5 4 8 1 103 93 41
TAJA105*035#NJ A 1 35 85 23 125 0.5 4 7.5 1 100 90 40
TAJB105*035#NJ B 1 35 85 23 125 0.5 4 6.5 1 114 103 46
TAJA155*035#NJ A 1.5 35 85 23 125 0.5 6 7.5 1 100 90 40
TAJB155*035#NJ B 1.5 35 85 23 125 0.5 6 5.2 1 128 115 51
TAJC155*035#NJ C 1.5 35 85 23 125 0.5 6 4.5 1 156 141 63
10 ■ MAY 2015
TAJ Series
Standard Tantalum
AVX Case Capacitance Rated Rated Category Category DCL DF ESR 100kHz RMS Current (mA)
Part No. Size (μF) Voltage Temperature Voltage Temperature (μA) % Max. (Ω) MSL
(V) (ºC) (V) (ºC) Max. Max. @ 100kHz 25ºC 85ºC 125ºC
TAJA225*035#NJ A 2.2 35 85 23 125 0.8 6 4.5 1 129 116 52
TAJB225*035#NJ B 2.2 35 85 23 125 0.8 6 4.2 1 142 128 57
TAJC225*035#NJ C 2.2 35 85 23 125 0.8 6 3.5 1 177 160 71
TAJB335*035#NJ B 3.3 35 85 23 125 1.2 6 3.5 1 156 140 62
TAJC335*035#NJ C 3.3 35 85 23 125 1.2 6 2.5 1 210 189 84
TAJB475*035#NJ B 4.7 35 85 23 125 1.6 6 3.1 1 166 149 66
TAJC475*035#NJ C 4.7 35 85 23 125 1.6 6 2.2 1 224 201 89
TAJD475*035#NJ D 4.7 35 85 23 125 1.6 6 1.5 1 316 285 126
TAJC685*035#NJ C 6.8 35 85 23 125 2.4 6 1.8 1 247 222 99
TAJD685*035#NJ D 6.8 35 85 23 125 2.4 6 1.3 1 340 306 136
TAJC106*035#NJ C 10 35 85 23 125 3.5 6 1.6 1 262 236 105
TAJD106*035#NJ D 10 35 85 23 125 3.5 6 1 1 387 349 155
TAJE106*035#NJ E 10 35 85 23 125 3.5 6 0.9 11) 428 385 171
TAJC156*035#NJ C 15 35 85 23 125 5.3 6 1.4 1 280 252 112
TAJD156*035#NJ D 15 35 85 23 125 5.3 6 0.9 1 408 367 163
TAJD226*035#NJ D 22 35 85 23 125 7.7 6 0.9 1 408 367 163
TAJE226*035#NJ E 22 35 85 23 125 7.7 6 0.5 11) 574 517 230
TAJD336*035#NJ D 33 35 85 23 125 11.6 6 0.9 1 408 367 163
TAJE336*035#NJ E 33 35 85 23 125 11.6 6 0.9 11) 428 385 171
TAJV336*035#NJ V 33 35 85 23 125 11.6 6 0.5 11) 707 636 283
TAJE476*035#NJ E 47 35 85 23 125 16.5 6 0.9 11) 428 385 171
TAJV476*035#NJ V 47 35 85 23 125 16.5 6 0.4 11) 791 712 316
TAJV686*035#NJ V 68 35 85 23 125 23.8 6 0.5 11) 707 363 283
50 Volt @ 85°C
TAJA104*050#NJ A 0.1 50 85 33 125 0.5 4 22 1 58 53 23
TAJA154*050#NJ A 0.15 50 85 33 125 0.5 4 15 1 71 64 28
TAJB154*050#NJ B 0.15 50 85 33 125 0.5 4 17 1 71 64 28
TAJA224*050#NJ A 0.22 50 85 33 125 0.5 4 18 1 65 58 26
TAJB224*050#NJ B 0.22 50 85 33 125 0.5 4 14 1 78 70 31
TAJA334*050#NJ A 0.33 50 85 33 125 0.5 4 17 1 66 60 27
TAJB334*050#NJ B 0.33 50 85 33 125 0.5 4 12 1 84 76 34
TAJA474*050#NJ A 0.47 50 85 33 125 0.5 4 9.5 1 89 80 36
TAJB474*050#NJ B 0.47 50 85 33 125 0.7 4 9.5 1 95 85 38
TAJC474*050#NJ C 0.47 50 85 33 125 0.5 4 8 1 117 106 47
TAJA684*050#NJ A 0.68 50 85 33 125 0.5 4 7.9 1 97 88 39
TAJB684*050#NJ B 0.68 50 85 33 125 0.5 4 8 1 103 93 41
TAJC684*050#NJ C 0.68 50 85 33 125 0.5 4 7 1 125 113 50
TAJA105*050#NJ A 1 50 85 33 125 0.5 4 6.6 1 107 96 43
TAJB105*050#NJ B 1 50 85 33 125 0.5 6 7 1 110 99 44
TAJC105*050#NJ C 1 50 85 33 125 0.5 4 5.5 1 141 127 57
TAJB155*050#NJ B 1.5 50 85 33 125 0.8 8 5.4 1 125 113 50
TAJC155*050#NJ C 1.5 50 85 33 125 0.8 6 4.5 1 156 141 63
TAJD155*050#NJ D 1.5 50 85 33 125 0.8 6 4 1 194 174 77
TAJB225*050#NJ B 2.2 50 85 33 125 1.1 8 4.5 1 137 124 55
TAJC225*050#NJ C 2.2 50 85 33 125 1.1 8 2.5 1 210 189 84
TAJD225*050#NJ D 2.2 50 85 33 125 1.1 6 2.5 1 245 220 98
TAJC335*050#NJ C 3.3 50 85 33 125 1.6 6 2.5 1 210 189 84
TAJD335*050#NJ D 3.3 50 85 33 125 1.7 6 2 1 274 246 110
TAJC475*050#NJ C 4.7 50 85 33 125 0.5 4 1.4 1 280 252 112
TAJD475*050#NJ D 4.7 50 85 33 125 2.4 6 1.4 1 327 295 131
TAJC685*050#NJ C 6.8 50 85 33 125 3.4 6 1 1 332 298 133
TAJD685*050#NJ D 6.8 50 85 33 125 3.4 6 1 1 387 349 155
TAJD106*050#NJ D 10 50 85 33 125 5 6 0.8 1 433 390 173
TAJE106*050#NJ E 10 50 85 33 125 5 6 1 11) 406 366 162
TAJV106*050#NJ V 10 50 85 33 125 5 6 0.65 11) 620 558 248
TAJD156*050#NJ D 15 50 85 33 125 7.5 6 0.6 1 500 450 200
TAJE156*050#NJ E 15 50 85 33 125 7.5 6 0.6 11) 524 472 210
TAJV156*050#NJ V 15 50 85 33 125 7.5 6 0.6 11) 645 581 258
TAJV226*050#NJ V 22 50 85 33 125 11 8 0.6 11) 645 581 258
11) – Dry pack option (see How to order) recommended for reduction of stress during soldering. Dry pack parts should be treated as MSL 3.
Moisture Sensitivity Level (MSL) is defined according to J-STD-020.
For AEC-Q200 availability, please contact AVX.
All technical data relates to an ambient temperature of +25°C. Capacitance and DF are measured at 120Hz, 0.5V RMS with a maximum DC bias of 2.2 volts. DCL is
measured at rated voltage after 5 minutes.
For typical weight and composition see page 214.
NOTE: AVX reserves the right to supply a higher voltage rating or tighter tolerance part in the same case size, to the same reliability standards.
MAY 2015 ■ 11
TAJ Series
Standard Tantalum
TAJ series (Temperature range -55ºC to +125ºC)
Condition Characteristics
Determine after application of rated voltage for 2000 Visual examination no visible damage
+48/-0 hours at 85±2ºC and then leaving 1-2 hours at
room temperature. Also determine of 125ºC tempera- DCL 1.25 x initial limit
ture, category voltage for 2000 +48/-0 hours and
Endurance then leaving 1-2 hours at room temperature. Power ΔC/C within ±10% of initial value
supply impedance to be ≤0.1Ω/V.
DF initial limit
Visual examination no visible damage
Determine after storage without applied voltage
at 65±2ºC and 95±2% relative humidity for 500 DCL initial limit
hours and then recovery 1-2 hours at room
Humidity temperature. ΔC/C within ±10% of initial value
DF 1.2 x initial limit
Step Temperature°C Duration(min)
1 +20±2 15
+20ºC -55ºC +20ºC +85ºC +125ºC +20ºC
Temperature 2 -55+0/-3 15 DCL IL* n/a IL* 10 x IL* 12.5 x IL* IL*
3 +20±2 15
Stability 4 +85+3/-0 15 ΔC/C n/a +0/-10% ±5% +10/-0% +12/-0% ±5%
5 +125+3/-0 15
6 +20±2 15 DF IL* 1.5 x IL* IL* 1.5 x IL* 2 x IL* IL*
Test temperature: 125ºC+3/0ºC Visual examination no visible damage
Test voltage: Category voltage at 125ºC
Surge voltage: 1.3 x category voltage at 125ºC
Surge Series protection resistance 1000±100Ω
DCL initial limit
Voltage Discharge resistance: 1000Ω
Number of cycles: 1000x ΔC/C within ±5% of initial value
Cycle duration: 6 min; 30 sec charge,
5 min 30 sec discharge DF initial limit
*Initial Limit
12 ■ MAY 2015
TAJ Automotive Range
Standard Tantalum - Automotive Product Range
Capacitance Rated voltage DC (VR) to 85°C
μF Code 6.3V (J) 10V (A) 16V (C) 20V (D) 25V (E) 35V (V) 50V (T)
0.10 104
0.15 154
0.22 224 A
0.33 334 A A
0.47 474 A A A/B
0.68 684 A A B
1.0 105 A A A A/B B/C
1.5 155 A A/B A/B C
2.2 225 A A A/B A/B B/C C/D
3.3 335 A A/B A/B B B/C C/D
4.7 475 A/B A/B A/B B/C B/C/D C/D
6.8 685 A/B A/B B/C B/C C/D D
10 106 A/B A/B A/B/C B/C C/D C/D D/E
15 156 A A/B/C B/C B/C C/D D E
22 226 A/B/C A/B/C B/C/D C/D C/D D/E
33 336 A/B B/C C/D C/D D E
47 476 B/C B/C/D C/D D D/E
68 686 B/C C/D C/D D/E
100 107 C/D C/D D/E E
150 157 C/D D/E E
220 227 D D/E
330 337 D/E E
470 477 D/E
680 687 E
Not recommended for new designs, higher voltage or smaller case size substitution are offered.
Released codes
Engineering samples - please contact manufacturer
Note: Voltage ratings are minimum values. AVX reserves the right to supply higher ratings in the same case size, to the same reliability standards.
TAJ C 106 M 035 T NJ V
Type Case Size Capacitance Code Tolerance Rated DC Voltage Packaging Specification Dry Pack
See table pF code: 1st two digits K = ±10% 006 = 6.3Vdc 025 = 25Vdc T = Automotive Lead Free Suffix Option
above represent significant figures, M = ±20% 010 = 10Vdc 035 = 35Vdc 7" Reel NJ = Std Suffix (D,E case sizes
3rd digit represents multiplier 016 = 16Vdc 050 = 50Vdc U = Automotive Lead Free mandatory)
020 = 20Vdc
(number of zeros to follow) 13" Reel
Technical Data: All technical data relate to an ambient temperature of +25°C
Capacitance Range: 0.22 μF to 680 μF
Capacitance Tolerance: ±10%; ±20%
Rated Voltage (VR) +85°C: 6.3 10 16 20 25 35 50
Category Voltage (VC) +125°C: 4 7 10 13 17 23 33
Surge Voltage (VS) +85°C: 8 13 20 26 32 46 65
Surge Voltage (VS) +125°C: 5 8 13 16 20 28 40
Temperature Range: -55°C to +125°C
Environmental Classification: 55/125/56 (IEC 68-2)
Reliability: 1% per 1000 hours at 85°C, VR with 0.1Ω/V series impedance, 60% confidence level
Termination Finished: Sn Plating (standard), Gold and SnPb Plating upon request
Meets requirements of AEC-Q200
MAY 2015 ■ 13
TAJ Automotive Range
Standard Tantalum - Automotive Product Range
AVX Case Capacitance Rated Rated Category Category DCL DF ESR 100kHz RMS Current (mA)
Part No. Size (μF) Voltage Temperature Voltage Temperature (μA) % Max. (Ω) MSL
(V) (ºC) (V) (ºC) Max. Max. @ 100kHz 25ºC 85ºC 125ºC
6.3 Volt @ 85°C
TAJA335*006TNJ A 3.3 6.3 85 4 125 0.5 6 7 1 104 93 41
TAJA106*006TNJ A 10 6.3 85 4 125 0.6 6 4 1 137 123 55
TAJB106*006TNJ B 10 6.3 85 4 125 0.6 6 3 1 168 151 67
TAJA156*006TNJ A 15 6.3 85 4 125 0.9 6 3.5 1 146 132 59
TAJA226*006TNJ A 22 6.3 85 4 125 1.4 6 3 1 158 142 63
TAJB226*006TNJ B 22 6.3 85 4 125 1.4 6 2.5 1 184 166 74
TAJC226*006TNJ C 22 6.3 85 4 125 1.4 6 2 1 235 211 94
TAJA336*006TNJ A 33 6.3 85 4 125 2.1 8 2.2 1 185 166 74
TAJB336*006TNJ B 33 6.3 85 4 125 2.1 6 2.2 1 197 177 79
TAJB476*006TNJ B 47 6.3 85 4 125 3 6 2 1 206 186 82
TAJC476*006TNJ C 47 6.3 85 4 125 3 6 1.6 1 262 236 105
TAJB686*006TNJ B 68 6.3 85 4 125 4 8 0.9 1 307 277 123
TAJC686*006TNJ C 68 6.3 85 4 125 4.3 6 1.5 1 271 244 108
TAJC107*006TNJ C 100 6.3 85 4 125 6.3 6 0.9 1 350 315 140
TAJD107*006TNJV D 100 6.3 85 4 125 6.3 6 0.9 3 408 367 163
TAJC157*006TNJ C 150 6.3 85 4 125 9.5 6 1.3 1 291 262 116
TAJD157*006TNJV D 150 6.3 85 4 125 9.5 6 0.9 3 408 367 163
TAJD227*006TNJV D 220 6.3 85 4 125 13.9 8 0.4 3 612 551 245
TAJD337*006TNJV D 330 6.3 85 4 125 20.8 8 0.4 3 612 551 245
TAJE337*006TNJV E 330 6.3 85 4 125 20.8 8 0.4 3 642 578 257
TAJD477*006TNJV D 470 6.3 85 4 125 28 12 0.4 3 612 551 245
TAJE477*006TNJV E 470 6.3 85 4 125 28 10 0.4 3 642 578 257
TAJE687*006TNJV E 680 6.3 85 4 125 42.8 10 0.5 3 574 517 230
10 Volt @ 85°C
TAJA225*010TNJ A 2.2 10 85 7 125 0.5 6 7 1 104 93 41
TAJA475*010TNJ A 4.7 10 85 7 125 0.5 6 5 1 122 110 49
TAJB475*010TNJ B 4.7 10 85 7 125 0.5 6 4 1 146 131 58
TAJA685*010TNJ A 6.8 10 85 7 125 0.7 6 4 1 137 123 55
TAJB685*010TNJ B 6.8 10 85 7 125 0.7 6 3 1 168 151 67
TAJA106*010TNJ A 10 10 85 7 125 1 6 3 1 158 142 63
TAJB106*010TNJ B 10 10 85 7 125 1 6 2.1 1 201 181 80
TAJA156*010TNJ A 15 10 85 7 125 1.5 6 3.2 1 153 138 61
TAJB156*010TNJ B 15 10 85 7 125 1.5 6 2.8 1 174 157 70
TAJC156*010TNJ C 15 10 85 7 125 1.5 6 2 1 235 211 94
TAJA226*010TNJ A 22 10 85 7 125 2.2 8 3 1 158 142 63
TAJB226*010TNJ B 22 10 85 7 125 2.2 6 2.4 1 188 169 75
TAJC226*010TNJ C 22 10 85 7 125 2.2 6 1.8 1 247 222 99
TAJB336*010TNJ B 33 10 85 7 125 3.3 6 1.8 1 217 196 87
TAJC336*010TNJ C 33 10 85 7 125 3.3 6 1.6 1 262 236 105
TAJB476*010TNJ B 47 10 85 7 125 4.7 8 1 1 292 262 117
TAJC476*010TNJ C 47 10 85 7 125 4.7 6 1.2 1 303 272 121
TAJD476*010TNJV D 47 10 85 7 125 4.7 6 0.4 3 612 551 245
TAJC686*010TNJ C 68 10 85 7 125 6.8 6 1.3 1 291 262 116
TAJD686*010TNJV D 68 10 85 7 125 6.8 6 0.9 3 408 367 163
TAJC107*010TNJ C 100 10 85 7 125 10 8 1.2 1 303 272 121
TAJD107*010TNJV D 100 10 85 7 125 10 6 0.9 3 408 367 163
TAJD157*010TNJV D 150 10 85 7 125 15 8 0.9 3 408 367 163
TAJE157*010TNJV E 150 10 85 7 125 15 8 0.9 3 428 385 171
TAJD227*010TNJV D 220 10 85 7 125 22 8 0.5 3 548 493 219
TAJE227*010TNJV E 220 10 85 7 125 22 8 0.5 3 574 517 230
TAJE337*010TNJV E 330 10 85 7 125 33 8 0.9 3 428 385 171
16 Volt @ 85°C
TAJA105*016TNJ A 1 16 85 10 125 0.5 4 11 1 83 74 33
TAJA225*016TNJ A 2.2 16 85 10 125 0.5 6 6.5 1 107 97 43
TAJA335*016TNJ A 3.3 16 85 10 125 0.5 6 5 1 122 110 49
TAJB335*016TNJ B 3.3 16 85 10 125 0.5 6 4.5 1 137 124 55
TAJA475*016TNJ A 4.7 16 85 10 125 0.8 6 4 1 137 123 55
TAJB475*016TNJ B 4.7 16 85 10 125 0.8 6 3.5 1 156 140 62
TAJA685*016TNJ A 6.8 16 85 10 125 1.1 6 3.5 1 146 132 59
TAJB685*016TNJ B 6.8 16 85 10 125 1.1 6 2.5 1 184 166 74
TAJA106*016TNJ A 10 16 85 10 125 1.6 6 3 1 158 142 63
TAJB106*016TNJ B 10 16 85 10 125 1.6 6 2.8 1 174 157 70
TAJC106*016TNJ C 10 16 85 10 125 1.6 6 2 1 235 211 94
TAJB156*016TNJ B 15 16 85 10 125 2.4 6 2.5 1 184 166 74
TAJC156*016TNJ C 15 16 85 10 125 2.4 6 1.8 1 247 222 99
TAJB226*016TNJ B 22 16 85 10 125 3.5 6 2.3 1 192 173 77
TAJC226*016TNJ C 22 16 85 10 125 3.5 6 1 1 332 298 133
TAJD226*016TNJV D 22 16 85 10 125 3.5 6 1.1 3 369 332 148
TAJC336*016TNJ C 33 16 85 10 125 5.3 6 1.5 1 271 244 108
TAJD336*016TNJV D 33 16 85 10 125 5.3 6 0.9 3 408 367 163
14 ■ MAY 2015
TAJ Automotive Range
Standard Tantalum - Automotive Product Range
AVX Case Capacitance Rated Rated Category Category DCL DF ESR 100kHz RMS Current (mA)
Part No. Size (μF) Voltage Temperature Voltage Temperature (μA) % Max. (Ω) MSL
(V) (ºC) (V) (ºC) Max. Max. @ 100kHz 25ºC 85ºC 125ºC
TAJC476*016TNJ C 47 16 85 10 125 7.5 6 0.5 1 469 422 188
TAJD476*016TNJV D 47 16 85 10 125 7.5 6 0.9 3 408 367 163
TAJC686*016TNJ C 68 16 85 10 125 10.9 6 1.3 1 291 262 116
TAJD686*016TNJV D 68 16 85 10 125 10.9 6 0.9 3 408 367 163
TAJD107*016TNJV D 100 16 85 10 125 16 6 0.6 3 500 450 200
TAJE107*016TNJV E 100 16 85 10 125 16 6 0.9 3 428 385 171
TAJE157*016TNJV E 150 16 85 10 125 23 8 0.3 3 742 667 297
20 Volt @ 85°C
TAJA105*020TNJ A 1 20 85 13 125 0.5 4 9 1 91 82 37
TAJA155*020TNJ A 1.5 20 85 13 125 0.5 6 6.5 1 107 97 43
TAJA225*020TNJ A 2.2 20 85 13 125 0.5 6 5.3 1 119 107 48
TAJB225*020TNJ B 2.2 20 85 13 125 0.5 6 3.5 1 156 140 62
TAJA335*020TNJ A 3.3 20 85 13 125 0.7 6 4.5 1 129 116 52
TAJB335*020TNJ B 3.3 20 85 13 125 0.7 6 3 1 168 151 67
TAJA475*020TNJ A 4.7 20 85 13 125 0.9 6 4 1 137 123 55
TAJB475*020TNJ B 4.7 20 85 13 125 0.9 6 3 1 168 151 67
TAJB685*020TNJ B 6.8 20 85 13 125 1.4 6 2.5 1 184 166 74
TAJC685*020TNJ C 6.8 20 85 13 125 1.4 6 2 1 235 211 94
TAJB106*020TNJ B 10 20 85 13 125 2 6 2.1 1 201 181 80
TAJC106*020TNJ C 10 20 85 13 125 2 6 1.2 1 303 272 121
TAJB156*020TNJ B 15 20 85 13 125 3 6 2 1 206 186 82
TAJC156*020TNJ C 15 20 85 13 125 3 6 1.7 1 254 229 102
TAJC226*020TNJ C 22 20 85 13 125 4.4 6 1.6 1 262 236 105
TAJD226*020TNJV D 22 20 85 13 125 4.4 6 0.9 3 408 367 163
TAJC336*020TNJ C 33 20 85 13 125 6.6 6 1.5 1 271 244 108
TAJD336*020TNJV D 33 20 85 13 125 6.6 6 0.9 3 408 367 163
TAJD476*020TNJV D 47 20 85 13 125 9.4 6 0.9 3 408 367 163
TAJD686*020TNJV D 68 20 85 13 125 13.6 6 0.4 3 612 551 245
TAJE686*020TNJV E 68 20 85 13 125 13.6 6 0.9 3 428 385 171
TAJE107*020TNJV E 100 20 85 13 125 20 6 0.4 3 642 578 257
25 Volt @ 85°C
TAJA474*025TNJ A 0.47 25 85 17 125 0.5 4 14 1 73 66 29
TAJA684*025TNJ A 0.68 25 85 17 125 0.5 4 10 1 87 78 35
TAJA105*025TNJ A 1 25 85 17 125 0.5 4 8 1 97 87 39
TAJA155*025TNJ A 1.5 25 85 17 125 0.5 6 7.5 1 100 90 40
TAJA225*025TNJ A 2.2 25 85 17 125 0.6 6 7 1 104 93 41
TAJB155*025TNJ B 1.5 25 85 17 125 0.5 6 5 1 130 117 52
TAJB225*025TNJ B 2.2 25 85 17 125 0.6 6 4.5 1 137 124 55
TAJB335*025TNJ B 3.3 25 85 17 125 0.8 6 3.5 1 156 140 62
TAJB475*025TNJ B 4.7 25 85 17 125 1.2 6 1.5 1 238 214 95
TAJC475*025TNJ C 4.7 25 85 17 125 1.2 6 2.4 1 214 193 86
TAJB685*025TNJ B 6.8 25 85 17 125 1.7 6 2.8 1 174 157 70
TAJC685*025TNJ C 6.8 25 85 17 125 1.7 6 2 1 235 211 94
TAJC106*025TNJ C 10 25 85 17 125 2.5 6 1.8 1 247 222 99
TAJD106*025TNJV D 10 25 85 17 125 2.5 6 1.2 3 354 318 141
TAJC156*025TNJ C 15 25 85 17 125 3.8 6 1.6 1 262 236 105
TAJD156*025TNJV D 15 25 85 17 125 3.8 6 1 3 387 349 155
TAJC226*025TNJ C 22 25 85 17 125 5.5 6 1.4 1 280 252 112
TAJD226*025TNJV D 22 25 85 17 125 5.5 6 0.9 3 408 367 163
TAJD336*025TNJV D 33 25 85 17 125 8.3 6 0.9 3 408 367 163
TAJD476*025TNJV D 47 25 85 17 125 11.8 6 0.9 3 408 367 163
TAJE476*025TNJV E 47 25 85 17 125 11.8 6 0.9 3 428 385 171
35 Volt @ 85°C
TAJA334*035TNJ A 0.33 35 85 23 125 0.5 4 15 1 71 64 28
TAJA474*035TNJ A 0.47 35 85 23 125 0.5 4 12 1 79 71 32
TAJA684*035TNJ A 0.68 35 85 23 125 0.5 4 8 1 97 87 39
TAJA105*035TNJ A 1 35 85 23 125 0.5 4 7.5 1 100 90 40
TAJB105*035TNJ B 1 35 85 23 125 0.5 4 6.5 1 114 103 46
TAJA155*035TNJ A 1.5 35 85 23 125 0.5 6 7.5 1 100 90 40
TAJB155*035TNJ B 1.5 35 85 23 125 0.5 6 5.2 1 128 115 51
TAJB225*035TNJ B 2.2 35 85 23 125 0.8 6 4.2 1 142 128 57
TAJC225*035TNJ C 2.2 35 85 23 125 0.8 6 3.5 1 177 160 71
TAJB335*035TNJ B 3.3 35 85 23 125 1.2 6 3.5 1 156 140 62
TAJC335*035TNJ C 3.3 35 85 23 125 1.2 6 2.5 1 210 189 84
TAJB475*035TNJ B 4.7 35 85 23 125 1.6 6 3.1 1 166 149 66
TAJC475*035TNJ C 4.7 35 85 23 125 1.6 6 2.2 1 224 201 89
TAJD475*035TNJV D 4.7 35 85 23 125 1.6 6 1.5 3 316 285 126
TAJC685*035TNJ C 6.8 35 85 23 125 2.4 6 1.8 1 247 222 99
TAJD685*035TNJV D 6.8 35 85 23 125 2.4 6 1.3 3 340 306 136
TAJC106*035TNJ C 10 35 85 23 125 3.5 6 1.6 1 262 236 105
TAJD106*035TNJV D 10 35 85 23 125 3.5 6 1 3 387 349 155
MAY 2015 ■ 15
TAJ Automotive Range
Standard Tantalum - Automotive Product Range
AVX Case Capacitance Rated Rated Category Category DCL DF ESR 100kHz RMS Current (mA)
Part No. Size (μF) Voltage Temperature Voltage Temperature (μA) % Max. (Ω) MSL
(V) (ºC) (V) (ºC) Max. Max. @ 100kHz 25ºC 85ºC 125ºC
TAJD156*035TNJV D 15 35 85 23 125 5.3 6 0.9 3 408 367 163
TAJD226*035TNJV D 22 35 85 23 125 7.7 6 0.9 3 408 367 163
TAJE226*035TNJV E 22 35 85 23 125 7.7 6 0.5 3 574 517 230
TAJE336*035TNJV E 33 35 85 23 125 11.6 6 0.9 3 428 385 171
50 Volt @ 85°C
TAJA224*050TNJ A 0.22 50 85 33 125 0.5 4 18 1 65 58 26
TAJA334*050TNJ A 0.33 50 85 33 125 0.5 4 17 1 66 60 27
TAJA474*050TNJ A 0.47 50 85 33 125 0.5 4 9.5 1 89 80 36
TAJB474*050TNJ B 0.47 50 85 33 125 0.7 4 9.5 1 95 85 38
TAJB684*050TNJ B 0.68 50 85 33 125 0.5 4 8 1 103 93 41
TAJB105*050TNJ B 1 50 85 33 125 0.5 6 7 1 110 99 44
TAJC105*050TNJ C 1 50 85 33 125 0.5 4 5.5 1 141 127 57
TAJC155*050TNJ C 1.5 50 85 33 125 0.8 6 4.5 1 156 141 63
TAJC225*050TNJ C 2.2 50 85 33 125 1.1 8 2.5 1 210 189 84
TAJD225*050TNJV D 2.2 50 85 33 125 1.1 6 2.5 3 245 220 98
TAJC335*050TNJ C 3.3 50 85 33 125 1.6 6 2.5 1 210 189 84
TAJD335*050TNJV D 3.3 50 85 33 125 1.7 6 2 3 274 246 110
TAJC475*050TNJ C 4.7 50 85 33 125 0.5 4 1.4 1 280 252 112
TAJD475*050TNJV D 4.7 50 85 33 125 2.4 6 1.4 3 327 295 131
TAJD685*050TNJV D 6.8 50 85 33 125 3.4 6 1 3 387 349 155
TAJD106*050TNJV D 10 50 85 33 125 5 6 0.8 3 433 390 173
TAJE106*050TNJV E 10 50 85 33 125 5 6 1 3 406 366 162
TAJE156*050TNJV E 15 50 85 33 125 7.5 6 0.6 3 524 472 210
16 ■ MAY 2015
TAJ Automotive Range
Standard Tantalum - Automotive Product Range
TAJ automotive series (Temperature range -55ºC to +125ºC)
Condition Characteristics
Determine after application of rated voltage for 2000 Visual examination no visible damage
+48/-0 hours at 85±2ºC and then leaving 1-2 hours at DCL 1.25 x initial limit
room temperature. Also determine of 125ºC tempera-
Endurance ture, category voltage for 2000 +48/-0 hours and ΔC/C within ±10% of initial value
then leaving 1-2 hours at room temperature. Power DF initial limit
supply impedance to be ≤0.1Ω/V. ESR initial limit
Visual examination no visible damage
DCL 1.25 x initial limit
Storage Life 125ºC, 0V, 2000h ΔC/C within ±10% of initial value
DF initial limit
ESR initial limit
Visual examination no visible damage
Determine after storage without applied voltage DCL 1.5 x initial limit
at 65±2ºC and 95±2% relative humidity for 500
Humidity hours and then recovery 1-2 hours at room ΔC/C within ±10% of initial value
temperature. DF 1.2 x initial limit
ESR initial limit
Visual examination no visible damage
Biased Determine after leaving for 1000 hours at 85±2ºC, DCL 2 x initial limit
85% relative humidity and rated voltage and then ΔC/C within ±10% of initial value
recovery 1-2 hours at room temperature.
DF 1.2 x initial limit
ESR initial limit
Step Temperature°C Duration(min) +20ºC -55ºC +20ºC +85ºC +125ºC +20ºC
1 +20±2 15
Temperature 2 -55+0/-3 15
DCL IL* n/a IL* 10 x IL* 12.5 x IL* IL*
Stability 3 +20±2 15 ΔC/C n/a +0/-10% ±5% +10/-0% +12/-0% ±5%
4 +85+3/-0 15
DF IL* 1.5 x IL* IL* 1.5 x IL* 2 x IL* IL*
5 +125+3/-0 15
6 +20±2 15 ESR IL* 2 x IL* IL* IL* IL* IL*
*Initial Limit
MAY 2015 ■ 17
F93 Series
Resin-Molded Chip, Standard Tantalum J-Lead
• Compliant to the RoHS2 directive 2011/65/EU
• SMD J-lead
C 685
F93 1A 106 M A ⵧ
Category Temperature Range: -55 to +125°C
Rated Temperature: +85°C
Capacitance Tolerance: ±20%, ±10% at 120Hz
Dissipation Factor: Refer to next page
ESR 100kHz: Refer to next page
Leakage Current: After 1 minute’s application of rated voltage, leakage current at 20°C
is not more than 0.01CV or 0.5μA, whichever is greater.
After 1 minute’s application of rated voltage, leakage current at 85°C
is not more than 0.1CV or 5μA, whichever is greater.
After 1 minute’s application of derated voltage, leakage current at 125°C
is not more than 0.125CV or 6.3μA, whichever is greater.
Capacitance Change By Temperature +15% Max. at +125°C
+10% Max. at +85°C
-10% Max. at -55°C
18 ■ MAY 2015
F93 Series
Resin-Molded Chip, Standard Tantalum J-Lead
Capacitance Rated Voltage
μF Code 4V (0G) 6.3V (0J) 10V (1A) 16V (1C) 20V (1D) 25V (1E) 35V (1V)
0.68 684 A
1 105 A A A
1.5 155 A A A
2.2 225 A A A A/B
3.3 335 A A A B
4.7 475 A A A/B A/B B/C
6.8 685 A A A/B C
10 106 A A A/B A/B B/C C
15 156 A A A/B C C N
22 226 A A A/B A/B/C B/C C/N N
33 336 A A A/B B/C C/N N
47 476 A A/B A/B/C B*/C/N C/N N
68 686 A A/B B/C C/N N*
100 107 A/B A/B/C B/C/N C/N
150 157 B B/C C/N N
220 227 A*/B/C B/C/N N N
330 337 C N N
470 447 N N
680 687 N
Available Ratings Please contact to your local AVX sales office when these series are being designed
*Codes under development – subject to change in your application.
MAY 2015 ■ 19
F93 Series
Resin-Molded Chip, Standard Tantalum J-Lead
Rated DF ESR *1 Rated DF ESR *1
AVX Case Capacitance DCL AVX Case Capacitance DCL
Voltage (%) (Ω) ΔC/C Voltage (%) (Ω) ΔC/C
Part No. Size (μF) (μA) Part No. Size (μF) (μA)
(V) @ 120Hz @ 100kHz (%) (V) @ 120Hz @ 100kHz (%)
4 Volt F931C106MAA A 10 16 1.6 6 3.0 *
F930G226MAA A 22 4 0.9 6 2.5 * F931C106MBA B 10 16 1.6 6 2.0 *
F930G336MAA A 33 4 1.3 8 2.5 * F931C156MAA A 15 16 2.4 10 3.0 *
F930G476MAA A 47 4 1.9 18 2.5 * F931C156MBA B 15 16 2.4 6 2.0 *
F930G686MAA A 68 4 2.7 24 2.5 * F931C226MAA A 22 16 3.5 15 3.0 ±15
F930G107MAA A 100 4 4.0 30 2.0 * F931C226MBA B 22 16 3.5 8 1.9 *
F930G107MBA B 100 4 4.0 14 0.9 * F931C226MCC C 22 16 3.5 6 1.1 *
F930G157MBA B 150 4 6.0 16 0.7 * F931C336MBA B 33 16 5.3 8 1.9 *
F930G227MBA B 220 4 8.8 18 0.7 * F931C336MCC C 33 16 5.3 6 1.1 *
F930G227MCC C 220 4 8.8 12 0.7 * F931C476MCC C 47 16 7.5 8 0.9 *
F930G337MCC C 330 4 13.2 14 0.7 * F931C476MNC N 47 16 7.5 6 0.7 *
F930G477MNC N 470 4 18.8 16 0.3 * F931C686MCC C 68 16 10.9 10 0.8 ±10
F930G687MNC N 680 4 27.2 18 0.3 * F931C686MNC N 68 16 10.9 6 0.6 *
6.3 Volt F931C107MCC C 100 16 16.0 15 0.7 ±10
F930J106MAA A 10 6.3 0.6 6 3.0 * F931C107MNC N 100 16 16.0 10 0.6 *
F930J156MAA A 15 6.3 0.9 6 2.9 * F931C157MNC N 150 16 24.0 15 0.6 *
F930J226MAA A 22 6.3 1.4 8 2.5 * F931C227MNC N 220 16 35.2 25 0.7 ±10
F930J336MAA A 33 6.3 2.1 8 2.5 * 20 Volt
F930J476MAA A 47 6.3 3.0 18 2.5 * F931D225MAA A 2.2 20 0.5 4 5.0 *
F930J476MBA B 47 6.3 3.0 6 1.0 * F931D335MAA A 3.3 20 0.7 4 4.5 *
F930J686MAA A 68 6.3 4.3 20 2.0 * F931D475MAA A 4.7 20 0.9 6 3.0 *
F930J686MBA B 68 6.3 4.3 8 1.0 * F931D475MBA B 4.7 20 0.9 6 2.8 *
F930J107MAA A 100 6.3 6.3 35 2.0 ±15 F931D685MAA A 6.8 20 1.4 6 3.5 *
F930J107MBA B 100 6.3 6.3 14 0.9 * F931D685MBA B 6.8 20 1.4 6 2.5 *
F930J107MCC C 100 6.3 6.3 8 0.7 * F931D106MAA A 10 20 2.0 8 3.5 *
F930J157MBA B 150 6.3 9.5 18 0.9 * F931D106MBA B 10 20 2.0 6 2.1 *
F930J157MCC C 150 6.3 9.5 12 0.7 * F931D156MCC C 15 20 3.0 6 1.2 *
F930J227MBA B 220 6.3 13.9 30 1.2 ±15 F931D226MBA B 22 20 4.4 8 1.9 *
F930J227MCC C 220 6.3 13.9 14 0.7 * F931D226MCC C 22 20 4.4 8 1.1 *
F930J227MNC N 220 6.3 13.9 10 0.5 * F931D336MCC C 33 20 6.6 8 1.1 *
F930J337MNC N 330 6.3 20.8 14 0.5 * F931D336MNC N 33 20 6.6 6 0.7 *
F930J477MNC N 470 6.3 29.6 16 0.3 * F931D476MCC C 47 20 9.4 10 1.1 *
10 Volt F931D476MNC N 47 20 9.4 8 0.7 *
F931A475MAA A 4.7 10 0.5 6 4.0 * 25 Volt
F931A685MAA A 6.8 10 0.7 6 3.5 * F931E105MAA A 1 25 0.5 4 7.5 *
F931A106MAA A 10 10 1.0 6 3.0 * F931E155MAA A 1.5 25 0.5 4 6.7 *
F931A156MAA A 15 10 1.5 8 2.9 * F931E225MAA A 2.2 25 0.6 6 6.3 *
F931A226MAA A 22 10 2.2 12 2.5 * F931E335MAA A 3.3 25 0.8 6 6.0 *
F931A226MBA B 22 10 2.2 6 1.9 * F931E475MAA A 4.7 25 1.2 8 4.0 *
F931A336MAA A 33 10 3.3 18 2.5 * F931E475MBA B 4.7 25 1.2 6 2.8 *
F931A336MBA B 33 10 3.3 8 1.4 * F931E106MBA B 10 25 2.5 12 1.9 *
F931A476MAA A 47 10 4.7 40 2.0 ±15 F931E106MCC C 10 25 2.5 6 1.5 *
F931A476MBA B 47 10 4.7 8 1.0 * F931E156MCC C 15 25 3.8 8 1.2 *
F931A476MCC C 47 10 4.7 6 0.9 * F931E226MCC C 22 25 5.5 8 1.1 *
F931A686MBA B 68 10 6.8 12 0.9 ±15 F931E226MNC N 22 25 5.5 6 0.7 *
F931A686MCC C 68 10 6.8 8 0.8 * F931E336MNC N 33 25 8.3 8 0.7 *
F931A107MBA B 100 10 10.0 18 1.2 ±15 F931E476MNC N 47 25 11.8 8 0.7 *
F931A107MCC C 100 10 10.0 10 0.7 * 35 Volt
F931A107MNC N 100 10 10.0 8 0.6 * F931V684MAA A 0.68 35 0.5 4 7.6 *
F931A157MCC C 150 10 15.0 14 0.7 * F931V105MAA A 1 35 0.5 4 7.5 *
F931A157MNC N 150 10 15.0 10 0.6 * F931V155MAA A 1.5 35 0.5 6 7.5 *
F931A227MNC N 220 10 22.0 12 0.5 * F931V225MAA A 2.2 35 0.8 6 7.0 *
F931A337MNC N 330 10 33.0 18 0.5 * F931V225MBA B 2.2 35 0.8 4 3.8 *
16 Volt F931V335MBA B 3.3 35 1.2 4 3.5 *
F931C105MAA A 1 16 0.5 4 7.5 * F931V475MBA B 4.7 35 1.6 8 3.1 *
F931C155MAA A 1.5 16 0.5 4 6.0 * F931V475MCC C 4.7 35 1.6 6 1.8 *
F931C225MAA A 2.2 16 0.5 4 5.0 * F931V685MCC C 6.8 35 2.4 6 1.8 *
F931C335MAA A 3.3 16 0.5 4 4.5 * F931V106MCC C 10 35 3.5 6 1.6 *
F931C475MAA A 4.7 16 0.8 6 4.0 * F931V156MNC N 15 35 5.3 6 0.7 *
F931C685MAA A 6.8 16 1.1 6 3.5 * F931V226MNC N 22 35 7.7 8 0.7 *
*1: ΔC/C Marked “*”
* In case of capacitance tolerance ± 10% type, “K” will be put at 9th digit of type numbering system
Item All Case (%)
Damp Heat ±10
Temperature cycles ±5
Resistance soldering heat ±5
Surge ±5
Endurance ±10
20 ■ MAY 2015
F93 Series
Resin-Molded Chip, Standard Tantalum J-Lead
F93 series (Temperature range -55ºC to +125ºC)
At 40°C, 90 to 95% R.H., 500 hours (No voltage applied)
Damp Heat Capacitance Change ........... Refer to page 20 (*1)
(Steady State) Dissipation Factor ................ Initial specified value or less
Leakage Current .................. Initial specified value or less
-55°C / +125°C, 30 minutes each, 5 cycles
Temperature Cycles Capacitance Change ........... Refer to page 20 (*1)
Dissipation Factor ................ Initial specified value or less
Leakage Current .................. Initial specified value or less
10 seconds reflow at 260°C, 5 seconds immersion at 260°C.
Resistance to Capacitance Change ........... Refer to page 20 (*1)
Soldering Heat Dissipation Factor ................ Initial specified value or less
Leakage Current .................. Initial specified value or less
After application of surge voltage in series with a 33Ω resistor at the rate of 30 seconds ON, 30 seconds OFF,
for 1000 successive test cycles at 85ºC, capacitors shall meet the characteristic requirements in the table above.
Surge Capacitance Change ........... Refer to page 20 (*1)
Dissipation Factor ................ Initial specified value or less
Leakage Current .................. Initial specified value or less
After 2000 hours’ application of rated voltage in series with a 3Ω resistor at 85°C, or derated voltage in series
with a 3Ω resistor at 125°C, capacitors shall meet the characteristic requirements in the table above.
Endurance Capacitance Change ........... Refer to page 20 (*1)
Dissipation Factor ................ Initial specified value or less
Leakage Current .................. Initial specified value or less
After applying the pressure load of 5N for 10±1 seconds horizontally to the center of capacitor side body
Shear Test which has no electrode and has been soldered beforehand on a substrate, there shall be found neither
exfoliation nor its sign at the terminal electrode.
Keeping a capacitor surface-mounted on a substrate upside down and supporting the substrate at
Terminal Strength both of the opposite bottom points 45mm apart from the center of capacitor, the pressure strength is
applied with a specified jig at the center of substrate so that the substrate may bend by 1mm as
illustrated. Then, there shall be found no remarkable abnormality on the capacitor terminals.
1% per 1000 hours at 85°C, VR with 0.1Ω/V series impedance,
Failure Rate
60% confidence level.
We can supply the type of compliance to AEC-Q200. Please contact to your local AVX sales office when these series are being designed in your application.
MAY 2015 ■ 21
F93-AJ6 Series
Resin-Molded Chip - Automotive Product Range
• Compliant to the RoHS2 directive 2011/65/EU
• Compliant to AEC-Q200
• Cabin electronics
• Infotainment
Capacitance Capacitance Capacitance Capacitance
Code (μF) (μF) (μF)
C 685
F93 1A 106 M A ⵧ AJ6
Category Temperature Range: -55 to +125°C
Rated Temperature: +85°C
Capacitance Tolerance: ±20%, ±10% at 120Hz
Dissipation Factor: Refer to next page
ESR 100kHz: Refer to next page
Leakage Current: After 1 minute’s application of rated voltage, leakage current at 20°C
is not more than 0.01CV or 0.5μA, whichever is greater.
After 1 minute’s application of rated voltage, leakage current at 85°C
is not more than 0.1CV or 5μA, whichever is greater.
After 1 minute’s application of derated voltage, leakage current at 125°C
is not more than 0.125CV or 6.3μA, whichever is greater.
Capacitance Change By Temperature +15% Max. at +125°C
+10% Max. at +85°C
-10% Max. at -55°C
22 ■ MAY 2015
F93-AJ6 Series
Resin-Molded Chip - Automotive Product Range
Capacitance Rated Voltage
μF Code 4V (0G) 6.3V (0J) 10V (1A) 16V (1C) 20V (1D) 25V (1E) 35V (1V)
1 105 A A A
1.5 155 A A A
2.2 225 A A A A/B
3.3 335 A A A B
4.7 475 A A A/B A/B B/C
6.8 685 A A A/B C
10 106 A A A/B A/B B/C C
15 156 A A A/B C C N
22 226 A A A/B B/C B/C C/N N
33 336 A A A/B B/C C/N N
47 476 A A/B B/C C/N C/N N
68 686 A A/B B/C C/N
100 107 A/B B/C C/N N
150 157 B B/C N N
220 227 B/C C/N N
330 337 C N N
470 477 N N
680 687 N
Available Ratings
MAY 2015 ■ 23
F93-AJ6 Series
Resin-Molded Chip - Automotive Product Range
Rated DF ESR *1 Rated DF ESR *1
AVX Case Capacitance DCL AVX Case Capacitance DCL
Voltage (%) (Ω) ΔC/C Voltage (%) (Ω) ΔC/C
Part No. Size (μF) (μA) Part No. Size (μF) (μA)
(V) @ 120Hz @ 100kHz (%) (V) @ 120Hz @ 100kHz (%)
4 Volt F931C106MBAAJ6 B 10 16 1.6 6 2.0 *
F930G226MAAAJ6 A 22 4 0.9 6 2.5 * F931C156MAAAJ6 A 15 16 2.4 10 3.0 *
F930G336MAAAJ6 A 33 4 1.3 8 2.5 * F931C156MBAAJ6 B 15 16 2.4 6 2.0 *
F930G476MAAAJ6 A 47 4 1.9 18 2.5 * F931C226MBAAJ6 B 22 16 3.5 8 1.9 *
F930G686MAAAJ6 A 68 4 2.7 24 2.5 * F931C226MCCAJ6 C 22 16 3.5 6 1.1 *
F930G107MAAAJ6 A 100 4 4 30 2.0 * F931C336MBAAJ6 B 33 16 5.3 8 1.9 *
F930G107MBAAJ6 B 100 4 4 14 0.9 * F931C336MCCAJ6 C 33 16 5.3 6 1.1 *
F930G157MBAAJ6 B 150 4 6 16 0.7 * F931C476MCCAJ6 C 47 16 7.5 8 0.9 *
F930G227MBAAJ6 B 220 4 8.8 18 0.7 * F931C476MNCAJ6 N 47 16 7.5 6 0.7 *
F930G227MCCAJ6 C 220 4 8.8 12 0.7 * F931C686MCCAJ6 C 68 16 10.9 10 0.8 *
F930G337MCCAJ6 C 330 4 13.2 14 0.7 * F931C686MNCAJ6 N 68 16 10.9 6 0.6 *
F930G477MNCAJ6 N 470 4 18.8 16 0.3 * F931C107MNCAJ6 N 100 16 16 10 0.6 *
F930G687MNCAJ6 N 680 4 27.2 18 0.3 * F931C157MNCAJ6 N 150 16 24 15 0.6 *
6.3 Volt 20 Volt
F930J106MAAAJ6 A 10 6.3 0.6 6 3.0 * F931D225MAAAJ6 A 2.2 20 0.5 4 5.0 *
F930J156MAAAJ6 A 15 6.3 0.9 6 2.9 * F931D335MAAAJ6 A 3.3 20 0.7 4 4.5 *
F930J226MAAAJ6 A 22 6.3 1.4 8 2.5 * F931D475MAAAJ6 A 4.7 20 0.9 6 3.0 *
F930J336MAAAJ6 A 33 6.3 2.1 8 2.5 * F931D475MBAAJ6 B 4.7 20 0.9 6 2.8 *
F930J476MAAAJ6 A 47 6.3 3 18 2.5 * F931D685MAAAJ6 A 6.8 20 1.4 6 3.5 *
F930J476MBAAJ6 B 47 6.3 3 6 1.0 * F931D685MBAAJ6 B 6.8 20 1.4 6 2.5 *
F930J686MAAAJ6 A 68 6.3 4.3 20 2.0 * F931D106MAAAJ6 A 10 20 2 8 3.5 *
F930J686MBAAJ6 B 68 6.3 4.3 8 1.0 * F931D106MBAAJ6 B 10 20 2 6 2.1 *
F930J107MBAAJ6 B 100 6.3 6.3 14 0.9 * F931D156MCCAJ6 C 15 20 3 6 1.2 *
F930J107MCCAJ6 C 100 6.3 6.3 8 0.7 * F931D226MBAAJ6 B 22 20 4.4 8 1.9 *
F930J157MBAAJ6 B 150 6.3 9.5 18 0.9 * F931D226MCCAJ6 C 22 20 4.4 8 1.1 *
F930J157MCCAJ6 C 150 6.3 9.5 12 0.7 * F931D336MCCAJ6 C 33 20 6.6 8 1.1 *
F930J227MCCAJ6 C 220 6.3 13.9 14 0.7 * F931D336MNCAJ6 N 33 20 6.6 6 0.7 *
F930J227MNCAJ6 N 220 6.3 13.9 10 0.5 * F931D476MCCAJ6 C 47 20 9.4 10 1.1 *
F930J337MNCAJ6 N 330 6.3 20.8 14 0.5 * F931D476MNCAJ6 N 47 20 9.4 8 0.7 *
F930J477MNCAJ6 N 470 6.3 29.6 16 0.3 * 25 Volt
10 Volt F931E105MAAAJ6 A 1 25 0.5 4 7.5 *
F931A475MAAAJ6 A 4.7 10 0.5 6 4.0 * F931E155MAAAJ6 A 1.5 25 0.5 4 6.7 *
F931A685MAAAJ6 A 6.8 10 0.7 6 3.5 * F931E225MAAAJ6 A 2.2 25 0.6 6 6.3 *
F931A106MAAAJ6 A 10 10 1 6 3.0 * F931E335MAAAJ6 A 3.3 25 0.8 6 6.0 *
F931A156MAAAJ6 A 15 10 1.5 8 2.9 * F931E475MAAAJ6 A 4.7 25 1.2 8 4.0 *
F931A226MAAAJ6 A 22 10 2.2 12 2.5 * F931E475MBAAJ6 B 4.7 25 1.2 6 2.8 *
F931A226MBAAJ6 B 22 10 2.2 6 1.9 * F931E106MBAAJ6 B 10 25 2.5 12 1.9 *
F931A336MAAAJ6 A 33 10 3.3 18 2.5 * F931E106MCCAJ6 C 10 25 2.5 6 1.5 *
F931A336MBAAJ6 B 33 10 3.3 8 1.4 * F931E156MCCAJ6 C 15 25 3.8 8 1.2 *
F931A476MBAAJ6 B 47 10 4.7 8 1.0 * F931E226MCCAJ6 C 22 25 5.5 8 1.1 *
F931A476MCCAJ6 C 47 10 4.7 6 0.9 * F931E226MNCAJ6 N 22 25 5.5 6 0.7 *
F931A686MBAAJ6 B 68 10 6.8 12 0.9 ±15 F931E336MNCAJ6 N 33 25 8.3 8 0.7 *
F931A686MCCAJ6 C 68 10 6.8 8 0.8 * F931E476MNCAJ6 N 47 25 11.8 8 0.7 *
F931A107MCCAJ6 C 100 10 10 10 0.7 * 35 Volt
F931A107MNCAJ6 N 100 10 10 8 0.6 * F931V105MAAAJ6 A 1 35 0.5 4 7.5 *
F931A157MNCAJ6 N 150 10 15 10 0.6 * F931V155MAAAJ6 A 1.5 35 0.5 6 7.5 *
F931A227MNCAJ6 N 220 10 22 12 0.5 * F931V225MAAAJ6 A 2.2 35 0.8 6 7.0 *
F931A337MNCAJ6 N 330 10 33 18 0.5 * F931V225MBAAJ6 B 2.2 35 0.8 4 3.8 *
16 Volt F931V335MBAAJ6 B 3.3 35 1.2 4 3.5 *
F931C105MAAAJ6 A 1 16 0.5 4 7.5 * F931V475MBAAJ6 B 4.7 35 1.6 8 3.1 *
F931C155MAAAJ6 A 1.5 16 0.5 4 6.0 * F931V475MCCAJ6 C 4.7 35 1.6 6 1.8 *
F931C225MAAAJ6 A 2.2 16 0.5 4 5.0 * F931V685MCCAJ6 C 6.8 35 2.4 6 1.8 *
F931C335MAAAJ6 A 3.3 16 0.5 4 4.5 * F931V106MCCAJ6 C 10 35 3.5 6 1.6 *
F931C475MAAAJ6 A 4.7 16 0.8 6 4.0 * F931V156MNCAJ6 N 15 35 5.3 6 0.7 *
F931C685MAAAJ6 A 6.8 16 1.1 6 3.5 * F931V226MNCAJ6 N 22 35 7.7 8 0.7 *
F931C106MAAAJ6 A 10 16 1.6 6 3.0 *
* In case of capacitance tolerance ± 10% type, “K” will be put at 9th digit of type numbering system
24 ■ MAY 2015
F93-AJ6 Series
Resin-Molded Chip - Automotive Product Range
F93-AJ6 series (Temperature range -55ºC to +125ºC)
At 40°C, 90 to 95% R.H., 500 hours (No voltage applied)
Damp Heat Capacitance Change ........... Refer to page 24 (*1)
(Steady State) Dissipation Factor ................ Initial specified value or less
Leakage Current .................. Initial specified value or less
After 1000 hour’s application of rated voltage in series with a 33Ω resistor at 85°C, 85% R.H.,
capacitors meet the characteristics requirements table below.
Load Humidity Capacitance Change ........... Refer to page 24 (*1)
Dissipation Factor ................ Initial specified value or less
Leakage Current .................. 125% or less than the initial specified value
At -55°C / +125°C, 30 minutes each, 1000 cycles
Temperature Cycles Capacitance Change ........... Refer to page 24 (*1)
Dissipation Factor ................ Initial specified value or less
Leakage Current .................. Initial specified value or less
10 seconds reflow at 260°C, 10 seconds immersion at 260°C.
Resistance to Capacitance Change ........... Refer to page 24 (*1)
Soldering Heat Dissipation Factor ................ Initial specified value or less
Leakage Current .................. Initial specified value or less
After application of surge voltage in series with a 33Ω resistor at the rate of 30 seconds ON, 30 seconds OFF,
for 1000 successive test cycles at 85ºC, capacitors shall meet the characteristic requirements in the table above.
Surge Capacitance Change ........... Refer to page 24 (*1)
Dissipation Factor ................ Initial specified value or less
Leakage Current .................. Initial specified value or less
After 2000 hours’ application of rated voltage in series with a 3Ω resistor at 85°C, or derated voltage in series
with a 3Ω resistor at 125°C, capacitors shall meet the characteristic requirements in the table above.
Endurance Capacitance Change ........... Refer to page 24 (*1)
Dissipation Factor ................ Initial specified value or less
Leakage Current .................. Initial specified value or less
After applying the pressure load of 17.7N for 60 seconds horizontally to the center of capacitor side
Shear Test body which has no electrode and has been soldered beforehand on a substrate, there shall be found
neither exfoliation nor its sign at the terminal electrode.
Keeping a capacitor surface-mounted on a substrate upside down and supporting the substrate at
Terminal Strength both of the opposite bottom points 45mm apart from the center of capacitor, the pressure strength is
applied with a specified jig at the center of the substrate so that substrate may bend by1mm as
illustrated. Then, there shall be found no remarkable abnormality on the capacitor terminals.
1% per 1000 hours at 85°C, VR with 0.1Ω/V series impedance,
Failure Rate
60% confidence level.
MAY 2015 ■ 25
Standard Microchip
• The world’s smallest surface mount tantalum capacitor
• CV range: 0.10-150μF / 2-25V
• 5 case sizes available COMPONENT
• Hearing Aids, Non-life support medical,
Long life miniature designs
H %A 1206 3216-18
3.20 ± 0.20 1.60 ± 0.20 1.60 ± 0.20
1.80 (0.071) min 0.15 (0.006)
(0.126 ± 0.008) (0.060 ± 0.008) (0.063 ± 0.008)
S Lt W 3.50 ± 0.20 2.80 +0.20
B 1210 3528-15 -0.10 1.50 (0.059) max 2.00 (0.079) min 0.15 (0.006)
(0.138 ± 0.008) +0.008
(0.110 -0.004 )
%K 0.50 +0.20
0.50 +0.20
A, B, K, L, R CASE 0402 1005-07 1.00 (0.039) +0.008 +0.008 0.40 (0.016) min 0.10 (0.004)
(0.020 -0.000 ) (0.020 -0.000 )
L 0603 1608-10 1.60 (0.063) 0.85 (0.033) 0.85 (0.033) 0.55 (0.022) min 0.15 (0.006)
%R 0805 2012-15 2.00 (0.079) 1.35 (0.053) 1.35 (0.053) 0.70 (0.027) min 0.15 (0.006)
TAC L 226 * 004 R TA
Technical Data: All technical data relate to an ambient temperature of +25°C
Capacitance Range: 0.10 μF to 150 μF
Capacitance Tolerance: ±10%; ±20%
Leakage Current DCL: 0.01CV or 0.5μA whichever is the greater
Rated Voltage (VR) +85°C: 2 3 4 6.3 10 16 20 25
Category Voltage (VC) +125°C: 1.3 2 2.7 4 7 10 13 17
Surge Voltage (VS) +85°C: 2.7 3.9 5.2 8 13 20 26 32
Surge Voltage (VS) +125°C: 1.7 2.6 3.2 5 8 12 16 20
Temperature Range: -55°C to +125°C
Reliability: 1% per 1000 hours at 85°C, VR with 0.1Ω/V series impedance,
60% confidence level
Termination Finish: Nickel and Tin Plating (standard),
Nickel and Gold Plating option available upon request
26 ■ MAY 2015
Standard Microchip
Capacitance Voltage Rating DC (VR) at 85°C
μF Code 2.0V 3.0V 4.0V 6.3V 10V 16V 20V 25V
0.10 104 K
0.15 154 K K
0.22 224 K K K
0.33 334 K K
0.47 474 K/L L
0.68 684 K/L L
1.0 105 K/L K/L/R L R
1.5 155 L L L
2.2 225 K/L L K/L L L
3.3 335 K/L K/L L L L/R R
4.7 475 K/L K/L L L L/R R
6.8 685 K/L L L L/R L/R
10 106 K/L L L/R L/R L/R R
15 156 R L/R L/R R
22 226 R L/R L/R R R
33 336 R R R R A/R
47 476 R R R A/R B
68 686 R A/R A
100 107 A/R A/R A
150 157 A
220 227
MAY 2015 ■ 27
Standard Microchip
AVX Case Capacitance Rated Rated Category Category DCL DF ESR 100kHz RMS Current (mA) Product
Part No. Size (μF) Voltage Temperature Voltage Temperature (μA) % Max. (Ω) MSL
(V) (ºC) (V) (ºC) Max. Max. @ 100kHz 25ºC 85ºC 125ºC Category
2.5 Volt @ 85°C
TACK335*002#TA K 3.3 2 85 1.3 125 0.5 8 15 1 32 28 13 3
TACL335*002#TA L 3.3 2 85 1.3 125 0.5 6 7.5 1 58 52 23 2
TACK475*002#TA K 4.7 2 85 1.3 125 0.5 12 15 1 32 28 13 3
TACL475*002#TA L 4.7 2 85 1.3 125 0.5 6 7.5 1 58 52 23 1
TACK685*002#TA K 6.8 2 85 1.3 125 0.5 20 15 1 32 28 13 3
TACL685*002#TA L 6.8 2 85 1.3 125 0.5 6 7.5 1 58 52 23 2
TACK106*002#TA K 10 2 85 1.3 125 0.5 15 15 1 32 28 13 3
TACL106*002#TA L 10 2 85 1.3 125 0.5 10 7.5 1 58 52 23 3
TACR226*002#TA R 22 2 85 1.3 125 0.5 8 5 1 95 85 38 1
TACR336*002#TA R 33 2 85 1.3 125 0.7 10 5 1 95 85 38 2
TACR476*002#TA R 47 2 85 1.3 125 0.9 10 5 1 95 85 38 2
TACR686*002#TA R 68 2 85 1.3 125 1.4 14 5 1 95 85 38 2
TACA157*002#TA A 150 2 85 1.3 125 3 20 1 1 200 180 80 2
3 Volt @ 85°C
TACK225*003#TA K 2.2 3 85 2 125 0.5 6 15 1 32 28 13 2
TACL225*003#TA L 2.2 3 85 2 125 0.5 6 7.5 1 58 52 23 1
TACK335*003#TA K 3.3 3 85 2 125 0.5 8 15 1 32 28 13 3
TACL335*003#TA L 3.3 3 85 2 125 0.5 6 7.5 1 58 52 23 2
TACK475*003#TA K 4.7 3 85 2 125 0.5 12 15 1 32 28 13 3
TACL475*003#TA L 4.7 3 85 2 125 0.5 6 7.5 1 58 52 23 1
TACL685*003#TA L 6.8 3 85 2 125 0.5 6 7.5 1 58 52 23 2
TACL106*003#TA L 10 3 85 2 125 0.5 10 7.5 1 58 52 23 3
TACR156*003#TA R 15 3 85 2 125 0.5 8 5 1 95 85 38 1
TACL226*003#TA L 22 3 85 2 125 0.7 20 7.5 1 58 52 23 3
TACR226*003#TA R 22 3 85 2 125 0.7 8 5 1 95 85 38 1
TACR336*003#TA R 33 3 85 2 125 1 10 5 1 95 85 38 2
TACR476*003#TA R 47 3 85 2 125 1.5 10 5 1 95 85 38 2
TACA686*003#TA A 68 3 85 2 125 2 15 2 1 141 127 57 1
TACR686*003#TA R 68 3 85 2 125 2 14 5 1 95 85 38 3
TACA107*003#TA A 100 3 85 2 125 3 15 1 1 200 180 80 2
TACR107*003#TA R 100 3 85 2 125 3 30 5 1 95 85 38 3
4 Volt @ 85°C
TACL155*004#TA L 1.5 4 85 2.7 125 0.5 6 7.5 1 58 52 23 1
TACL225*004#TA L 2.2 4 85 2.7 125 0.5 6 7.5 1 58 52 23 1
TACL335*004#TA L 3.3 4 85 2.7 125 0.5 6 7.5 1 58 52 23 2
TACL475*004#TA L 4.7 4 85 2.7 125 0.5 6 7.5 1 58 52 23 1
TACL685*004#TA L 6.8 4 85 2.7 125 0.5 8 7.5 1 58 52 23 2
TACL106*004#TA L 10 4 85 2.7 125 0.5 10 7.5 1 58 52 23 2
TACR106*004#TA R 10 4 85 2.7 125 0.5 8 5 1 95 85 38 1
TACL156*004#TA L 15 4 85 2.7 125 0.6 20 7.5 1 58 52 23 3
TACR156*004#TA R 15 4 85 2.7 125 0.6 8 5 1 95 85 38 1
TACL226*004#TA L 22 4 85 2.7 125 0.9 20 7.5 1 58 52 23 3
TACR226*004#TA R 22 4 85 2.7 125 0.9 8 5 1 95 85 38 1
TACR336*004#TA R 33 4 85 2.7 125 1.3 10 5 1 95 85 38 2
TACR476*004#TA R 47 4 85 2.7 125 1.9 14 5 1 95 85 38 3
TACA686*004#TA A 68 4 85 2.7 125 2.7 15 1 1 200 180 80 1
TACA107*004#TA A 100 4 85 2.7 125 4 20 1 1 200 180 80 2
TACR107*004#TA R 100 4 85 2.7 125 4 30 5 1 95 85 38 3
6.3 Volt @ 85°C
TACK105*006#TA K 1 6.3 85 4 125 0.5 6 15 1 32 28 13 2
TACL105*006#TA L 1 6.3 85 4 125 0.5 6 7.5 1 58 52 23 1
TACL155*006#TA L 1.5 6.3 85 4 125 0.5 6 7.5 1 58 52 23 1
TACK225*006#TA K 2.2 6.3 85 4 125 0.5 8 15 1 32 28 13 3
TACL225*006#TA L 2.2 6.3 85 4 125 0.5 6 7.5 1 58 52 23 1
TACL335*006#TA L 3.3 6.3 85 4 125 0.5 6 7.5 1 58 52 23 2
TACL475*006#TA L 4.7 6.3 85 4 125 0.5 8 7.5 1 58 52 23 2
TACL685*006#TA L 6.8 6.3 85 4 125 0.5 10 7.5 1 58 52 23 2
TACR685*006#TA R 6.8 6.3 85 4 125 0.5 8 5 1 95 85 38 1
TACL106*006#TA L 10 6.3 85 4 125 0.6 10 6 1 65 58 26 2
TACR106*006#TA R 10 6.3 85 4 125 0.6 8 5 1 95 85 38 1
TACL156*006#TA L 15 6.3 85 4 125 0.9 20 7.5 1 58 52 23 3
TACR156*006#TA R 15 6.3 85 4 125 0.9 8 5 1 95 85 38 1
TACR226*006#TA R 22 6.3 85 4 125 1.4 10 5 1 95 85 38 1
TACR336*006#TA R 33 6.3 85 4 125 2.1 12 5 1 95 85 38 2
TACA476*006#TA A 47 6.3 85 4 125 3 15 1 1 200 180 80 1
TACR476*006#TA R 47 6.3 85 4 125 3 20 5 1 95 85 38 3
TACA107*006#TA A 100 6.3 85 4 125 6.3 20 1 1 200 180 80 2
10 Volt @ 85°C
TACK154*010#TA K 0.15 10 85 7 125 0.5 6 40 1 19 17 8 1
TACK224*010#TA K 0.22 10 85 7 125 0.5 6 30 1 22 20 9 1
28 ■ MAY 2015
Standard Microchip
AVX Case Capacitance Rated Rated Category Category DCL DF ESR 100kHz RMS Current (mA) Product
Part No. Size (μF) Voltage Temperature Voltage Temperature (μA) % Max. (Ω) MSL
(V) (ºC) (V) (ºC) Max. Max. @ 100kHz 25ºC 85ºC 125ºC Category
TACK334*010#TA K 0.33 10 85 7 125 0.5 6 20 1 27 25 11 1
TACK474*010#TA K 0.47 10 85 7 125 0.5 6 15 1 32 28 13 1
TACL474*010#TA L 0.47 10 85 7 125 0.5 6 7.5 1 58 52 23 1
TACK684*010#TA K 0.68 10 85 7 125 0.5 8 15 1 32 28 13 2
TACL684*010#TA L 0.68 10 85 7 125 0.5 6 7.5 1 58 52 23 1
TACK105*010#TA K 1 10 85 7 125 0.5 6 15 1 32 28 13 2
TACL105*010#TA L 1 10 85 7 125 0.5 6 7.5 1 58 52 23 1
TACR105*010#TA R 1 10 85 7 125 0.5 6 7 1 80 72 32 1
TACL155*010#TA L 1.5 10 85 7 125 0.5 6 7.5 1 58 52 23 1
TACL225*010#TA L 2.2 10 85 7 125 0.5 6 7.5 1 58 52 23 1
TACL335*010#TA L 3.3 10 85 7 125 0.5 8 7.5 1 58 52 23 2
TACR335*010#TA R 3.3 10 85 7 125 0.5 8 5 1 95 85 38 1
TACL475*010#TA L 4.7 10 85 7 125 0.5 10 6 1 65 58 26 2
TACR475*010#TA R 4.7 10 85 7 125 0.5 8 6 1 87 78 35 1
TACL685*010#TA L 6.8 10 85 7 125 0.7 20 7,5 1 58 52 23 3
TACR685*010#TA R 6.8 10 85 7 125 0.7 8 5 1 95 85 38 1
TACL106*010#TA L 10 10 85 7 125 1 20 7.5 1 58 52 23 3
TACR106*010#TA R 10 10 85 7 125 1 8 5 1 95 85 38 1
TACR156*010#TA R 15 10 85 7 125 1.5 10 5 1 95 85 38 1
TACR226*010#TA R 22 10 85 7 125 2.2 14 5 1 95 85 38 2
TACA336*010#TA A 33 10 85 7 125 3.3 12 1 1 200 180 80 1
TACR336*010#TA R 33 10 85 7 125 3.3 20 5 1 95 85 38 3
TACB476*010#TA B 47 10 85 7 125 4.7 15 1 1 200 180 80 1
16 Volt @ 85°C
TACK104*016#TA K 0.1 16 85 10 125 0.5 6 40 1 19 17 8 1
TACK154*016#TA K 0.15 16 85 10 125 0.5 6 30 1 22 20 9 1
TACK224*016#TA K 0.22 16 85 10 125 0.5 6 20 1 27 25 11 1
TACK334*016#TA K 0.33 16 85 10 125 0.5 6 20 1 27 25 11 1
TACL474*016#TA L 0.47 16 85 10 125 0.5 6 7.5 1 58 52 23 1
TACL684*016#TA L 0.68 16 85 10 125 0.5 6 7.5 1 58 52 23 1
TACL105*016#TA L 1 16 85 10 125 0.5 6 7.5 1 58 52 23 1
TACL225*016#TA L 2.2 16 85 10 125 0.5 10 7.5 1 58 52 23 1
TACR106*016#TA R 10 16 85 10 125 1.6 10 5 1 95 85 38 2
20 Volt @ 85°C
TACK224*020#TA K 0.22 20 85 13 125 0.5 6 20 1 27 25 11 1
TACR335*020#TA R 3.3 20 85 13 125 0.7 8 5 1 95 85 38 1
TACR475*020#TA R 4.7 20 85 13 125 0.9 8 5 1 95 85 38 1
25 Volt @ 85°C
TACR105*025#TA R 1 25 85 17 125 0.5 8 5 1 95 85 38 1
Moisture Sensitivity Level (MSL) is defined according to J-STD-020.
All technical data relates to an ambient temperature of +25°C. Capacitance and DF are measured at 120Hz, 0.5V RMS with a maximum DC bias of 2.2 volts.
DCL is measured at rated voltage after 5 minutes.
For typical weight and composition see page 214.
NOTE: AVX reserves the right to supply a higher voltage rating or tighter tolerance part in the same case size, to the same reliability standards.
MAY 2015 ■ 29
Standard Microchip
TAC series (Temperature range -55ºC to +125ºC)
Condition Characteristics
Determine after application of rated voltage for 2000
Visual examination no visible damage
+48/-0 hours at 85±2ºC and then leaving 1-2 hours DCL 1.25 x initial limit
Endurance at room temperature. Also determine of 125ºC tem-
perature, category voltage for 2000 +48/-0 hours ΔC/C within ±10% of initial value
and then leaving 1-2 hours at room temperature. DF 1.5 x initial limit
Power supply impedance to be ≤0.1Ω/V.
ESR 1.5 x initial limit
Visual examination no visible damage
Determine after storage without applied voltage at DCL initial limit
Humidity 40±2ºC and 90-95% relative humidity for 1344
+48/-0 hours and then recovery 1-2 hours at ΔC/C within ±5% of initial value
room temperature DF 1.2 x initial limit
ESR 1.2 x initial limit
Step Temperature°C Duration(min) +20ºC -55ºC +20ºC +85ºC +125ºC +20ºC
1 +20±2 15
Temperature 2 -55+0/-3 15 DCL IL* n/a IL* 10 x IL* 12.5 x IL* IL*
Stability 3 +20±2 15 ΔC/C n/a +0/-10% ±5% +10/-0% +15/-0% ±5%
4 +85+3/-0 15
5 +125+3/-0 15 DF IL* 1.5 x IL* IL* 1.5 x IL* 2 x IL* IL*
6 +20±2 15 ESR IL* 1.25 x IL* IL* 1.25 x IL* 2 x IL* IL*
Test temperature: 85ºC+3/0ºC Visual examination no visible damage
Test voltage: 1.3 x rated voltage
Surge Series protection resistance 1000±100Ω
DCL initial limit
Voltage Discharge resistance: 1000Ω ΔC/C within ±10% of initial value
Number of cycles: 1000x
Cycle duration: 6 min; 30 sec charge, DF initial limit
5 min 30 sec discharge ESR initial limit
*Initial Limit
30 ■ MAY 2015
Standard Microchip
TAC series (Temperature range -55ºC to +125ºC)
Condition Characteristics
Determine after application of rated voltage for 2000
Visual examination no visible damage
+48/-0 hours at 85±2ºC and then leaving 1-2 hours DCL 1.25 x initial limit
Endurance at room temperature. Also determine of 125ºC tem-
perature, category voltage for 2000 +48/-0 hours ΔC/C within ±30% of initial value
and then leaving 1-2 hours at room temperature. DF 1.5 x initial limit
Power supply impedance to be ≤0.1Ω/V.
ESR 1.5 x initial limit
Visual examination no visible damage
Determine after storage without applied voltage at DCL 2 x initial limit
Humidity 40±2ºC and 90-95% relative humidity for 1344
+48/-0 hours and then recovery 1-2 hours at ΔC/C within ±30% of initial value
room temperature DF 1.5 x initial limit
ESR 1.25 x initial limit
Step Temperature°C Duration(min) +20ºC -55ºC +20ºC +85ºC +125ºC +20ºC
1 +20±2 15
Temperature 2 -55+0/-3 15 DCL IL* n/a IL* 10 x IL* 12.5 x IL* IL*
Stability 3 +20±2 15 ΔC/C n/a +0/-25% ±5% +20/-0% +25/-0% ±20%
4 +85+3/-0 15
5 +125+3/-0 15 DF IL* 1.5 x IL* IL* 1.5 x IL* 2 x IL* 1.5 x IL*
6 +20±2 15 ESR IL* 1.25 x IL* IL* 1.25 x IL* 2 x IL* 1.5 x IL*
Test temperature: 85ºC+3/0ºC Visual examination no visible damage
Test voltage: 1.3 x rated voltage
Surge Series protection resistance 1000±100Ω
DCL 2 x initial limit
Voltage Discharge resistance: 1000Ω ΔC/C within ±30% of initial value
Number of cycles: 1000x
Cycle duration: 6 min; 30 sec charge, DF 2 x initial limit
5 min 30 sec discharge ESR 2 x initial limit
*Initial Limit
MAY 2015 ■ 31
F95 Series
Standard Conformal Coated Chip
• Compliant to the RoHS2 directive 2011/65/EU
• For high frequency
• Small and high CV COMPONENT
• Smartphone
• Tablet PC
• Wireless module
• e-book
CASE DIMENSIONS: millimeters (inches)
Code L W H A B C D*
Resin 3.20±0.30 1.70±0.30 1.40±0.20 0.80±0.30 1.20±0.30 0.80±0.30 0.20
(0.126±0.012) (0.067±0.008) (0.055±0.008) (0.031±0.012) (0.047±0.012) (0.031±0.012) (0.008)
3.50±0.20 2.80±0.20 1.80±0.20 0.80±0.30 1.20±0.30 1.10±0.30 0.20
(0.138±0.012) (0.110±0.012) (0.031±0.008) (0.031±0.012) (0.047±0.012) (0.043±0.012) (0.008)
Solder electrode Solder electrode
2.20±0.30 1.25±0.30 1.00±0.20 0.60±0.30 0.80±0.30 0.80±0.30 0.20
(0.087±0.012) (0.049±0.012) (0.039±0.008) (0.024±0.012) (0.031±0.012) (0.031±0.012) (0.008)
3.20±0.20 1.60±0.20 0.80±0.20 0.80±0.20 1.20±0.20 0.80±0.20 0.20
Single-side electrodes (Both electrodes at bottom side only) (0.126±0.008) (0.063±0.008) (0.031±0.008) (0.031±0.008) (0.047±0.008) (0.031±0.008) (0.008)
2.20±0.30 1.25±0.30 0.65 max. 0.60±0.30 0.80±0.30 0.50 min. 0.20
(0.087±0.012) (0.049±0.012) (0.026 max.) (0.024±0.012) (0.031±0.012) (0.020 min.) (0.008)
3.20±0.30 1.60±0.30 1.00±0.20 0.80±0.30 1.20±0.30 0.80±0.30 0.20
(0.126±0.012) (0.063±0.008) (0.039±0.008) (0.031±0.012) (0.047±0.012) (0.031±0.012) (0.008)
3.50±0.20 2.70±0.20 1.00±0.20 0.80±0.20 1.20±0.20 1.10±0.30 0.20
(0.138±0.012) (0.106±0.012) (0.039±0.008) (0.031±0.008) (0.047±0.008) (0.043±0.012) (0.008)
*D dimension only for reference
F95 0G 337 M A ⵧ AQ2
Category Temperature Range: -55 to +125°C
Rated Temperature: +85°C
Capacitance Tolerance: ±20%, ±10% at 120Hz, R & P Case ±20%
Dissipation Factor: Refer to next page
ESR 100kHz: Refer to next page
Leakage Current: Refer to next page
Provided that:
After 1 minute’s application of rated voltage, leakage current at 85°C
10 times or less than 20ºC specified value.
After 1 minute’s application of rated voltage, leakage current at 125°C
12.5 times or less than 20ºC specified value.
Capacitance Change By Temperature +15% Max. at +125°C
+10% Max. at +85°C
-10% Max. at -55°C
32 ■ MAY 2015
F95 Series
Standard Conformal Coated Chip
Capacitance Rated Voltage
μF Code 4V (0G) 6.3V (0J) 10V (1A) 16V (1C) 20V (1D) 25V (1E) 35V (1V)
1 105 R P/S
1.5 155
2.2 225 P P/R A
3.3 335
4.7 475 P/R A/S A/P/Q/S B
6.8 685 Q*/S*
10 106 P/R A/P/Q/S A/B/S A/B/T*
15 156 P A/S
22 226 R A/P/Q/S A/B/Q/S/T B
33 336 P/R* A/P/Q/S A*/B/T
47 476 R* P A/B/P/Q*/S/T B
68 686 P B
100 107 A/P/S A/B/P/Q/S/T A/B/S*/T
150 157 B/P B
220 227 A/B/P*/Q/S/T A*/B/S*/T*
330 337 A/B/P*/S*/T B
470 477 A*/B/P*/T* B*
680 687 T*
Available Ratings Please contact to your local AVX sales office when these series are being designed
*Codes under development – subject to change in your application.
MAY 2015 ■ 33
F95 Series
Standard Conformal Coated Chip
Rated *2 DF ESR *1 Rated *2 DF ESR *1
AVX Case Capacitance AVX Case Capacitance
Voltage DCL (%) (Ω) ΔC/C Voltage DCL (%) (Ω) ΔC/C
Part No. Size (μF) Part No. Size (μF)
(V) (μA) @ 120Hz @ 100kHz (%) (V) (μA) @ 120Hz @ 100kHz (%)
4 Volt F951A476MTAAQ2 T 47 10 4.7 12 0.8 *
F950G107MAAAQ2 A 100 4 4.0 12 0.5 * F951A686MBAAQ2 B 68 10 6.8 12 0.4 *
F950G107MPAAQ2 P 100 4 4.0 30 1.2 ±15 F951A107MAAAQ2 A 100 10 10.0 35 1.0 ±15
F950G107MSAAQ2 S 100 4 4.0 14 0.8 * F951A107MBAAQ2 B 100 10 10.0 14 0.4 *
F950G157MBAAQ2 B 150 4 6.0 14 0.4 * F951A107MTAAQ2 T 100 10 10.0 20 0.6 ±15
F950G157MPAAQ2 P 150 4 12.0 31 1.1 ±20 16 Volt
F950G227MAAAQ2 A 220 4 8.8 25 0.8 ±15 F951C475MPAAQ2 P 4.7 16 0.8 10 4.0 *
F950G227MBAAQ2 B 220 4 8.8 16 0.4 * F951C475MRAAQ2 R 4.7 16 0.8 12 6.0 ±20
F950G227MQAAQ2 Q 220 4 8.8 30 1.5 ±20 F951C106MAAAQ2 A 10 16 1.6 6 1.4 *
F950G227MSAAQ2 S 220 4 8.8 30 0.8 ±15 F951C106MPAAQ2 P 10 16 1.6 10 4.0 *
F950G227MTAAQ2 T 220 4 8.8 25 0.6 * F951C106MQAAQ2 Q 10 16 1.6 8 3.0 *
F950G337MAAAQ2 A 330 4 13.2 40 0.8 ±20 F951C106MSAAQ2 S 10 16 1.6 8 2.0 *
F950G337MBAAQ2 B 330 4 13.2 30 0.6 ±15 F951C156MAAAQ2 A 15 16 2.4 8 1.4 *
F950G337MTAAQ2 T 330 4 13.2 40 0.8 ±20 F951C156MSAAQ2 S 15 16 2.4 8 2.0 *
F950G477MBAAQ2 B 470 4 18.8 40 0.4 ±20 F951C226MAAAQ2 A 22 16 3.5 8 1.4 *
6.3 Volt F951C226MBAAQ2 B 22 16 3.5 6 0.5 *
F950J336MPAAQ2 P 33 6.3 2.1 14 1.1 * F951C226MQAAQ2 Q 22 16 3.5 12 3.0 *
F950J226MRAAQ2 R 22 6.3 1.4 20 2.0 ±20 F951C226MSAAQ2 S 22 16 3.5 10 2.0 ±15
F950J476MPAAQ2 P 47 6.3 3.0 20 1.1 ±15 F951C226MTAAQ2 T 22 16 3.5 8 1.4 *
F950J686MPAAQ2 P 68 6.3 4.3 25 1.2 ±15 F951C336MBAAQ2 B 33 16 5.3 8 0.5 *
F950J107MAAAQ2 A 100 6.3 6.3 14 0.5 * F951C336MTAAQ2 T 33 16 5.3 11 1.5 ±10
F950J107MBAAQ2 B 100 6.3 6.3 14 0.4 * F951C476MBAAQ2 B 47 16 7.5 10 0.6 *
F950J107MPAAQ2 P 100 6.3 12.6 35 1.2 ±20 20 Volt
F950J107MQAAQ2 Q 100 6.3 6.3 30 1.1 ±20 F951D225MPAAQ2 P 2.2 20 0.5 6 6.0 *
F950J107MSAAQ2 S 100 6.3 6.3 20 0.9 ±15 F951D475MAAAQ2 A 4.7 20 0.9 6 1.5 *
F950J107MTAAQ2 T 100 6.3 6.3 14 0.6 * F951D475MSAAQ2 S 4.7 20 0.9 8 4.0 *
F950J157MBAAQ2 B 150 6.3 9.5 18 0.4 * F951D106MAAAQ2 A 10 20 2.0 8 1.5 *
F950J227MBAAQ2 B 220 6.3 13.9 30 0.4 * F951D106MBAAQ2 B 10 20 2.0 6 0.8 *
F950J337MBAAQ2 B 330 6.3 20.8 35 0.6 ±20 F951D106MSAAQ2 S 10 20 2.0 10 4.0 ±10
10 Volt F951D226MBAAQ2 B 22 20 4.4 8 0.8 *
F951A106MPAAQ2 P 10 10 1.0 8 3.0 * 25 Volt
F951A106MRAAQ2 R 10 10 1.0 18 3.0 ±20 F951E105MRAAQ2 R 1 25 0.5 10 10.0 ±10
F951A156MPAAQ2 P 15 10 1.5 10 3.0 * F951E225MPAAQ2 P 2.2 25 0.6 8 6.0 ±15
F951A226MAAAQ2 A 22 10 2.2 6 0.9 * F951E225MRAAQ2 R 2.2 25 0.6 15 15.0 ±20
F951A226MPAAQ2 P 22 10 2.2 14 3.0 * F951E475MAAAQ2 A 4.7 25 1.2 8 2.0 *
F951A226MQAAQ2 Q 22 10 2.2 10 2.0 * F951E475MPAAQ2 P 4.7 25 1.2 10 8.0 ±15
F951A226MSAAQ2 S 22 10 2.2 10 1.1 * F951E475MQAAQ2 Q 4.7 25 1.2 10 4.0 ±15
F951A336MAAAQ2 A 33 10 3.3 10 0.8 * F951E475MSAAQ2 S 4.7 25 1.2 8 4.0 *
F951A336MPAAQ2 P 33 10 3.3 20 3.0 ±15 F951E106MAAAQ2 A 10 25 2.5 12 2.0 ±15
F951A336MQAAQ2 Q 33 10 3.3 18 3.0 ±15 F951E106MBAAQ2 B 10 25 2.5 6 0.9 *
F951A336MSAAQ2 S 33 10 3.3 10 1.1 * 35 Volt
F951A476MAAAQ2 A 47 10 4.7 10 0.8 * F951V105MPAAQ2 P 1 35 0.5 8 10.0 ±10
F951A476MBAAQ2 B 47 10 4.7 8 0.4 * F951V105MSAAQ2 S 1 35 0.5 6 8.0 *
F951A476MPAAQ2 P 47 10 4.7 30 3.0 ±20 F951V225MAAAQ2 A 2.2 35 0.8 6 4.4 *
F951A476MSAAQ2 S 47 10 4.7 14 1.1 ±15 F951V475MBAAQ2 B 4.7 35 1.7 6 1.6 *
* In case of capacitance tolerance ± 10% type, “K” will be put at 9th digit of type numbering system
*1: ΔC/C Marked “*”
Item All Case (%)
Damp Heat ±10
Temperature cycles ±5
Resistance soldering heat ±5
Surge ±5
Endurance ±10
34 ■ MAY 2015
F95 Series
Standard Conformal Coated Chip
F95 series (Temperature range -55ºC to +125ºC)
At 40°C, 90 to 95% R.H., 500 hours (No voltage applied)
Damp Heat Capacitance Change ........... Refer to page 34 (*1)
(Steady State) Dissipation Factor ................ Initial specified value or less
Leakage Current .................. Initial specified value or less
At -55°C / +125°C, 30 minutes each, 5 cycles
Temperature Cycles Capacitance Change ........... Refer to page 34 (*1)
Dissipation Factor ................ Initial specified value or less
Leakage Current .................. Initial specified value or less
10 seconds reflow at 260°C, 10 seconds immersion at 260°C.
Resistance to Capacitance Change ........... Refer to page 34 (*1)
Soldering Heat Dissipation Factor ................ Initial specified value or less
Leakage Current .................. Initial specified value or less
After application of surge voltage in series with a 33Ω resistor at the rate of 30 seconds ON, 30 seconds OFF,
for 1000 successive test cycles at 85ºC, capacitors shall meet the characteristic requirements in the table above.
Surge Capacitance Change ........... Refer to page 34 (*1)
Dissipation Factor ................ Initial specified value or less
Leakage Current .................. Initial specified value or less
After 2000 hours’ application of rated voltage at 85°C,
capacitors shall meet the characteristic requirements in the table above.
Endurance Capacitance Change ........... Refer to page 34 (*1)
Dissipation Factor ................ Initial specified value or less
Leakage Current .................. Initial specified value or less
After applying the pressure load of 5N for 10±1 seconds horizontally to the center of capacitor side body
Shear Test which has no electrode and has been soldered beforehand on a substrate, there shall be found neither
exfoliation nor its sign at the terminal electrode.
Keeping a capacitor surface-mounted on a substrate upside down and supporting the substrate at
Terminal Strength both of the opposite bottom points 45mm apart from the center of capacitor, the pressure strength is
applied with a specified jig at the center of substrate so that the substrate may bend by 1mm as
illustrated. Then, there shall be found no remarkable abnormality on the capacitor terminals.
MAY 2015 ■ 35
TAJ Series
Low Profile
• General purpose SMT chip tantalum series
• CV range: 0.10-1000μF / 2.5-50V
• 10 case sizes in low profile option available COMPONENT
• Entertainment/Infotainment systems
Band 106
J Rated Voltage Code
J = 6.3V
TAJ C 107 M 010 R NJ —
Type Case Size Capacitance Code Tolerance Rated DC Voltage Packaging Specification Additional
See table pF code: 1st two K = ±10% 002 = 2.5Vdc R = Pure Tin 7" Reel Suffix characters may be
above digits represent M = ±20% 004 = 4Vdc S = Pure Tin 13" Reel NJ = Standard added for special
significant figures 006 = 6.3Vdc A = Gold Plating Suffix requirements
V = Dry pack Option
3rd digit represents 010 = 10Vdc 7" Reel (selected codes only)
multiplier (number of 016 = 16Vdc B = Gold Plating
zeros to follow) 020 = 20Vdc 13" Reel
025 = 25Vdc A, B = on selected codes,
035 = 35Vdc please contact
050 = 50Vdc manufacturer
Technical Data: All technical data relate to an ambient temperature of +25°C
Capacitance Range: 0.10 μF to 1000 μF
Capacitance Tolerance: ±10%; ±20%
Rated Voltage (VR) +85°C: 2.5 4 6.3 10 16 20 25 35 50
Category Voltage (VC) +125°C: 1.7 2.7 4 7 10 13 17 23 33
Surge Voltage (VS) +85°C: 3.3 5.2 8 13 20 26 32 46 65
Surge Voltage (VS) +125°C: 2.2 3.4 5 8 13 16 20 28 40
Temperature Range: -55°C to +125°C
Reliability: 1% per 1000 hours at 85°C, VR with 0.1Ω/V series impedance,
60% confidence level
Termination Finished: Sn Plating (standard), Gold and SnPb Plating upon request
For AEC-Q200 availability, please contact AVX
36 ■ MAY 2015
TAJ Series
Low Profile
Capacitance Rated voltage DC (VR ) to 85°C
μF Code 2.5V (e) 4V (G) 6.3V (J) 10V (A) 16V (C) 20V (D) 25V (E) 35V (V) 50V (T)
0.10 104 R/S R/S S
0.15 154 R/S R R/S S
0.22 224 R/S R R/S P/R/S
0.33 334 R/S R R/S P/R(M)/S/T
0.47 474 R/S R/S R/S/T S/T
0.68 684 R/S R/S/T R/S P/S/T
1.0 105 R/S R/S/T R/S/T P/R/S P/S/T W
1.5 155 R/S R/S R/S P/R/S/T P/S/T T W
2.2 225 R/S R/S R/S R/S/T P/R/S/T T T W
3.3 335 R/S R/S R/S/T R/S/T T T/W W Y
4.7 475 R R/S R/S/T R/S/T K/P/S/T T T/W W Y
6.8 685 R R/S/T R/S/T P/R/S/T S/T T W Y Y
10 106 R/S R/S/T P/R/S/T K/P/R(M)/S/T T/W W W X/Y
15 156 R R/S/T K/P/R/S/T S/T/W T(M)/W W Y Y
22 226 P/R K/P/R/S/T K/P(M)/S/T/W T/W W W/Y Y Y
33 336 K/P/S K/P(M)/S/T/W T/W W W/Y X/Y Y
47 476 P(M)/S T/W T/W H/W/Y W/X/Y X/Y Y
68 686 T T/W W W/Y F/X/Y Y
100 107 T/W T(M)/W W/Y W/X/Y F(M)/Y
150 157 T(M)/W W/Y W/X/Y F/X(M)/Y Y(M)
220 227 W/Y W/X/Y F/X/Y Y
330 337 W(M)/Y F/X/Y Y
470 477 F/Y Y Y
680 687 Y Y(M)
1000 108 Y(M)
Released codes (M tolerance only)
Engineering samples - please contact manufacturer
*Codes under development - subject to change
Note: Voltage ratings are minimum values. AVX reserves the right to supply higher
ratings in the same case size, to the same reliability standards.
MAY 2015 ■ 37
TAJ Series
Low Profile
AVX Case Capacitance Rated Rated Category Category DCL DF ESR 100kHz RMS Current (mA)
Part No. Size (μF) Voltage Temperature Voltage Temperature (μA) % Max. (Ω) MSL
(V) (ºC) (V) (ºC) Max. Max. @ 100kHz 25ºC 85ºC 125ºC
2.5 Volt @ 85°C
TAJR475*002#NJ R 4.7 2.5 85 1.7 125 0.5 6 20 1 52 47 21
TAJR685*002#NJ R 6.8 2.5 85 1.7 125 0.5 6 20 1 52 47 21
TAJR106*002#NJ R 10 2.5 85 1.7 125 0.5 8 4.5 1 111 99 44
TAJS106*002#NJ S 10 2.5 85 1.7 125 0.5 6 8 1 90 81 36
TAJR156*002#NJ R 15 2.5 85 1.7 125 0.5 8 4.1 1 116 104 46
TAJP226*002#NJ P 22 2.5 85 1.7 125 0.5 8 3.5 1 131 118 52
TAJR226*002#NJ R 22 2.5 85 1.7 125 0.5 8 3.8 1 120 108 48
TAJK336*002#NJ K 33 2.5 85 1.7 125 0.8 8 1.7 1 188 169 75
TAJP336*002#NJ P 33 2.5 85 1.7 125 0.7 8 3.5 1 131 118 52
TAJS336*002#NJ S 33 2.5 85 1.7 125 0.7 8 1.5 1 208 187 83
TAJP476M002#NJ P 47 2.5 85 1.7 125 1.2 12 3.2 1 137 123 55
TAJS476*002#NJ S 47 2.5 85 1.7 125 1.2 8 1.6 1 202 181 81
TAJT686*002#NJ T 68 2.5 85 1.7 125 1.4 8 1.5 1 231 208 92
TAJT107*002#NJ T 100 2.5 85 1.7 125 2.5 15 1.3 1 248 223 99
TAJW107*002#NJ W 100 2.5 85 1.7 125 2.5 8 0.4 1 474 427 190
TAJT157M002#NJ T 150 2.5 85 1.7 125 3.8 18 1.2 1 258 232 103
TAJW157*002#NJ W 150 2.5 85 1.7 125 3.8 8 0.3 1 548 493 219
TAJW227*002#NJ W 220 2.5 85 1.7 125 5.5 8 0.3 1 548 493 219
TAJY227*002#NJ Y 220 2.5 85 1.7 125 5.5 8 0.3 11) 645 581 258
TAJW337M002#NJ W 330 2.5 85 1.7 125 8.2 12 0.3 1 548 493 219
TAJY337*002#NJ Y 330 2.5 85 1.7 125 8.2 8 0.3 11) 645 581 258
TAJF477*002#NJ F 470 2.5 85 1.7 125 11.8 12 0.3 1 577 520 231
TAJY477*002#NJ Y 470 2.5 85 1.7 125 11 12 0.2 11) 791 712 316
TAJY687*002#NJ Y 680 2.5 85 1.7 125 17 12 0.2 11) 791 712 316
TAJY108M002#NJ Y 1000 2.5 85 1.7 125 25 30 0.2 11) 791 712 316
4 Volt @ 85°C
TAJR225*004#NJ R 2.2 4 85 2.7 125 0.5 6 25 1 47 42 19
TAJS225*004#NJ S 2.2 4 85 2.7 125 0.5 6 25 1 51 46 20
TAJR335*004#NJ R 3.3 4 85 2.7 125 0.5 6 20 1 52 47 21
TAJS335*004#NJ S 3.3 4 85 2.7 125 0.5 6 18 1 60 54 24
TAJR475*004#NJ R 4.7 4 85 2.7 125 0.5 6 12 1 68 61 27
TAJS475*004#NJ S 4.7 4 85 2.7 125 0.5 6 10 1 81 73 32
TAJR685*004#NJ R 6.8 4 85 2.7 125 0.5 6 5.2 1 103 93 41
TAJS685*004#NJ S 6.8 4 85 2.7 125 0.5 6 8 1 90 81 36
TAJT685*004#NJ T 6.8 4 85 2.7 125 0.5 6 6 1 115 104 46
TAJR106*004#NJ R 10 4 85 2.7 125 0.5 6 7 1 89 80 35
TAJS106*004#NJ S 10 4 85 2.7 125 0.5 6 6 1 104 94 42
TAJT106*004#NJ T 10 4 85 2.7 125 0.5 6 5 1 126 114 51
TAJR156*004#NJ R 15 4 85 2.7 125 0.6 8 4 1 117 106 47
TAJS156*004#NJ S 15 4 85 2.7 125 0.6 8 4 1 127 115 51
TAJT156*004#NJ T 15 4 85 2.7 125 0.6 6 2 1 200 180 80
TAJK226*004#NJ K 22 4 85 2.7 125 0.9 8 1.8 1 183 164 73
TAJP226*004#NJ P 22 4 85 2.7 125 0.9 8 4 1 122 110 49
TAJR226*004#NJ R 22 4 85 2.7 125 0.9 8 3.8 1 120 108 48
TAJS226*004#NJ S 22 4 85 2.7 125 0.9 8 3.5 1 136 123 55
TAJT226*004#NJ T 22 4 85 2.7 125 0.9 6 1.9 1 205 185 82
TAJK336*004#NJ K 33 4 85 2.7 125 1.3 10 1.7 1 188 169 75
TAJP336M004#NJ P 33 4 85 2.7 125 1.3 8 2.8 1 146 132 59
TAJS336*004#NJ S 33 4 85 2.7 125 1.3 8 1.7 1 196 176 78
TAJT336*004#NJ T 33 4 85 2.7 125 1.3 6 1.7 1 217 195 87
TAJW336*004#NJ W 33 4 85 2.7 125 1.3 6 0.6 1 387 349 155
TAJT476*004#NJ T 47 4 85 2.7 125 1.9 10 1.6 1 224 201 89
TAJW476*004#NJ W 47 4 85 2.7 125 1.9 6 0.5 1 424 382 170
TAJT686*004#NJ T 68 4 85 2.7 125 2.7 15 1.5 1 231 208 92
TAJW686*004#NJ W 68 4 85 2.7 125 2.7 6 0.4 1 474 427 190
TAJT107M004#NJ T 100 4 85 2.7 125 4 14 1.4 1 239 215 96
TAJW107*004#NJ W 100 4 85 2.7 125 4 6 0.4 1 474 427 190
TAJW157*004#NJ W 150 4 85 2.7 125 6 6 0.5 1 424 382 170
TAJY157*004#NJ Y 150 4 85 2.7 125 6 6 0.4 11) 559 503 224
TAJW227*004#NJ W 220 4 85 2.7 125 8.8 8 0.3 1 548 493 219
TAJX227*004#NJ X 220 4 85 2.7 125 8.8 8 0.9 11) 577 520 231
TAJY227*004#NJ Y 220 4 85 2.7 125 8.8 8 0.3 11) 645 581 258
TAJF337*004#NJ F 330 4 85 2.7 125 13.2 10 0.3 1 577 520 231
TAJX337*004#NJ X 330 4 85 2.7 125 13.2 8 0.3 11) 577 520 231
TAJY337*004#NJ Y 330 4 85 2.7 125 13.2 12 0.4 11) 559 503 224
TAJY477*004#NJ Y 470 4 85 2.7 125 18.8 14 0.4 11) 559 503 224
TAJY687M004#NJ Y 680 4 85 2.7 125 27.2 25 0.2 11) 791 712 316
6.3 Volt @ 85°C
TAJR155*006#NJ R 1.5 6.3 85 4 125 0.5 6 25 1 47 42 19
TAJS155*006#NJ S 1.5 6.3 85 4 125 0.5 6 25 1 51 46 20
38 ■ MAY 2015
TAJ Series
Low Profile
AVX Case Capacitance Rated Rated Category Category DCL DF ESR 100kHz RMS Current (mA)
Part No. Size (μF) Voltage Temperature Voltage Temperature (μA) % Max. (Ω) MSL
(V) (ºC) (V) (ºC) Max. Max. @ 100kHz 25ºC 85ºC 125ºC
TAJR225*006#NJ R 2.2 6.3 85 4 125 0.5 6 20 1 52 47 21
TAJS225*006#NJ S 2.2 6.3 85 4 125 0.5 6 18 1 60 54 24
TAJR335*006#NJ R 3.3 6.3 85 4 125 0.5 6 12 1 68 61 27
TAJS335*006#NJ S 3.3 6.3 85 4 125 0.5 6 9 1 85 76 34
TAJR475*006#NJ R 4.7 6.3 85 4 125 0.5 6 7 1 89 80 35
TAJS475*006#NJ S 4.7 6.3 85 4 125 0.5 6 7.5 1 93 84 37
TAJT475*006#NJ T 4.7 6.3 85 4 125 0.5 6 6 1 115 104 46
TAJR685*006#NJ R 6.8 6.3 85 4 125 0.5 8 7 1 89 80 35
TAJS685*006#NJ S 6.8 6.3 85 4 125 0.5 6 2.6 1 158 142 63
TAJT685*006#NJ T 6.8 6.3 85 4 125 0.5 6 5 1 126 114 51
TAJP106*006#NJ P 10 6.3 85 4 125 0.6 8 6 1 100 90 40
TAJR106*006#NJ R 10 6.3 85 4 125 0.6 8 6 1 96 86 38
TAJS106*006#NJ S 10 6.3 85 4 125 0.6 8 4 1 127 115 51
TAJT106*006#NJ T 10 6.3 85 4 125 0.6 6 4 1 141 127 57
TAJK156*006#NJ K 15 6.3 85 4 125 0.9 6 2 1 173 156 69
TAJP156*006#NJ P 15 6.3 85 4 125 0.9 8 3.5 1 131 118 52
TAJR156*006#NJ R 15 6.3 85 4 125 0.9 8 4.1 1 116 104 46
TAJS156*006#NJ S 15 6.3 85 4 125 0.9 8 3.5 1 136 123 55
TAJT156*006#NJ T 15 6.3 85 4 125 0.9 6 3.5 1 151 136 60
TAJK226*006#NJ K 22 6.3 85 4 125 1.3 10 1.8 1 183 164 73
TAJP226M006#NJ P 22 6.3 85 4 125 1.3 8 3.3 1 135 121 54
TAJS226*006#NJ S 22 6.3 85 4 125 1.3 10 1.8 1 190 171 76
TAJT226*006#NJ T 22 6.3 85 4 125 1.4 8 2.5 1 179 161 72
TAJW226*006#NJ W 22 6.3 85 4 125 1.3 6 0.6 1 387 349 155
TAJT336*006#NJ T 33 6.3 85 4 125 2.1 10 2.5 1 179 161 72
TAJW336*006#NJ W 33 6.3 85 4 125 2 6 0.5 1 424 382 170
TAJT476*006#NJ T 47 6.3 85 4 125 2.8 10 1.6 1 224 201 89
TAJW476*006#NJ W 47 6.3 85 4 125 2.8 6 0.5 1 424 382 170
TAJW686*006#NJ W 68 6.3 85 4 125 4.3 6 1.5 1 245 220 98
TAJW107*006#NJ W 100 6.3 85 4 125 6.3 6 0.9 1 316 285 126
TAJY107*006#NJ Y 100 6.3 85 4 125 6.3 6 0.7 11) 423 380 169
TAJW157*006#NJ W 150 6.3 85 4 125 9 8 0.3 1 548 493 219
TAJX157*006#NJ X 150 6.3 85 4 125 9 6 0.4 11) 500 450 200
TAJY157*006#NJ Y 150 6.3 85 4 125 9.5 6 0.4 11) 559 503 224
TAJF227*006#NJ F 220 6.3 85 4 125 13.2 10 0.3 1 577 520 231
TAJX227*006#NJ X 220 6.3 85 4 125 13.2 8 0.3 11) 577 520 231
TAJY227*006#NJ Y 220 6.3 85 4 125 13.9 8 0.7 11) 423 380 169
TAJY337*006#NJ Y 330 6.3 85 4 125 20.8 12 0.4 11) 559 503 224
TAJY477*006#NJ Y 470 6.3 85 4 125 28.2 20 0.2 11) 791 712 316
10 Volt @ 85°C
TAJR105*010#NJ R 1 10 85 7 125 0.5 4 25 1 47 42 19
TAJS105*010#NJ S 1 10 85 7 125 0.5 4 25 1 51 46 20
TAJR155*010#NJ R 1.5 10 85 7 125 0.5 6 20 1 52 47 21
TAJS155*010#NJ S 1.5 10 85 7 125 0.5 6 20 1 57 51 23
TAJR225*010#NJ R 2.2 10 85 7 125 0.5 6 15 1 61 54 24
TAJS225*010#NJ S 2.2 10 85 7 125 0.5 6 12 1 74 66 29
TAJR335*010#NJ R 3.3 10 85 7 125 0.5 6 8 1 83 75 33
TAJS335*010#NJ S 3.3 10 85 7 125 0.5 6 8 1 90 81 36
TAJT335*010#NJ T 3.3 10 85 7 125 0.5 6 6 1 115 104 46
TAJR475*010#NJ R 4.7 10 85 7 125 0.5 6 9 1 78 70 31
TAJS475*010#NJ S 4.7 10 85 7 125 0.5 6 5 1 114 103 46
TAJT475*010#NJ T 4.7 10 85 7 125 0.5 6 5 1 126 114 51
TAJP685*010#NJ P 6.8 10 85 7 125 0.6 6 5 1 110 99 44
TAJR685*010#NJ R 6.8 10 85 7 125 0.7 6 5.2 1 103 93 41
TAJS685*010#NJ S 6.8 10 85 7 125 0.7 6 4 1 127 115 51
TAJT685*010#NJ T 6.8 10 85 7 125 0.7 6 4 1 141 127 57
TAJK106*010#NJ K 10 10 85 7 125 1 6 2.2 1 165 149 66
TAJP106*010#NJ P 10 10 85 7 125 1 8 6 1 100 90 40
TAJR106M010#NJ R 10 10 85 7 125 1 20 6 1 96 86 38
TAJS106*010#NJ S 10 10 85 7 125 1 8 3 1 147 132 59
TAJT106*010#NJ T 10 10 85 7 125 1 6 3 1 163 147 65
TAJS156*010#NJ S 15 10 85 7 125 1.5 6 2 1 180 162 72
TAJT156*010#NJ T 15 10 85 7 125 1.5 8 2.8 1 169 152 68
TAJW156*010#NJ W 15 10 85 7 125 1.5 6 0.7 1 359 323 143
TAJT226*010#NJ T 22 10 85 7 125 2.2 8 2.2 1 191 172 76
TAJW226*010#NJ W 22 10 85 7 125 2.2 6 0.6 1 387 349 155
TAJW336*010#NJ W 33 10 85 7 125 3.3 6 1.6 1 237 213 95
TAJH476*006#NJ H 47 10 85 7 125 4.7 8 1.0 1 283 255 113
TAJW476*010#NJ W 47 10 85 7 125 4.7 6 1.4 1 254 228 101
TAJY476*010#NJ Y 47 10 85 7 125 4.7 6 0.5 11) 500 450 200
TAJW686*010#NJ W 68 10 85 7 125 6.8 6 1.2 1 274 246 110
MAY 2015 ■ 39
TAJ Series
Low Profile
AVX Case Capacitance Rated Rated Category Category DCL DF ESR 100kHz RMS Current (mA)
Part No. Size (μF) Voltage Temperature Voltage Temperature (μA) % Max. (Ω) MSL
(V) (ºC) (V) (ºC) Max. Max. @ 100kHz 25ºC 85ºC 125ºC
TAJY686*010#NJ Y 68 10 85 7 125 6.8 6 0.9 11) 373 335 149
TAJW107*010#NJ W 100 10 85 7 125 10 6 0.4 1 474 427 190
TAJX107*010#NJ X 100 10 85 7 125 10 8 0.9 11) 333 300 133
TAJY107*010#NJ Y 100 10 85 7 125 10 6 0.9 11) 373 335 149
TAJF157*010#NJ F 150 10 85 7 125 15 10 0.3 1 577 520 231
TAJX157M010#NJ X 150 10 85 7 125 15 6 0.3 11) 577 520 231
TAJY157*010#NJ Y 150 10 85 7 125 15 6 1.2 11) 323 290 129
TAJY227*010#NJ Y 220 10 85 7 125 22 10 0.5 11) 500 450 200
16 Volt @ 85°C
TAJR684*016#NJ R 0.68 16 85 10 125 0.5 4 25 1 47 42 19
TAJS684*016#NJ S 0.68 16 85 10 125 0.5 4 25 1 51 46 20
TAJR105*016#NJ R 1 16 85 10 125 0.5 4 20 1 52 47 21
TAJS105*016#NJ S 1 16 85 10 125 0.5 4 15 1 66 59 26
TAJT105*016#NJ T 1 16 85 10 125 0.5 4 5 1 126 114 51
TAJR155*016#NJ R 1.5 16 85 10 125 0.5 6 10 1 74 67 30
TAJS155*016#NJ S 1.5 16 85 10 125 0.5 6 12 1 74 66 29
TAJR225*016#NJ R 2.2 16 85 10 125 0.5 6 6.5 1 92 83 37
TAJS225*016#NJ S 2.2 16 85 10 125 0.5 6 6 1 104 94 42
TAJT225*016#NJ T 2.2 16 85 10 125 0.5 6 6.5 1 111 100 44
TAJR335*016#NJ R 3.3 16 85 10 125 0.5 8 5 1 105 94 42
TAJS335*016#NJ S 3.3 16 85 10 125 0.5 6 5 1 114 103 46
TAJT335*016#NJ T 3.3 16 85 10 125 0.5 6 5 1 126 114 51
TAJK475*016#NJ K 4.7 16 85 10 125 0.8 6 3.1 1 139 125 56
TAJP475*016#NJ P 4.7 16 85 10 125 0.8 8 5 1 110 99 44
TAJS475*016#NJ S 4.7 16 85 10 125 0.8 8 4 1 127 115 51
TAJT475*016#NJ T 4.7 16 85 10 125 0.8 6 3.1 1 161 145 64
TAJS685*016#NJ S 6.8 16 85 10 125 1.1 8 2.4 1 165 148 66
TAJT685*016#NJ T 6.8 16 85 10 125 1.1 6 3.5 1 151 136 60
TAJT106*016#NJ T 10 16 85 10 125 1.6 8 2.2 1 191 172 76
TAJW106*016#NJ W 10 16 85 10 125 1.6 6 2 1 212 191 85
TAJT156M016#NJ T 15 16 85 10 125 2.4 6 2 1 200 180 80
TAJW156*016#NJ W 15 16 85 10 125 2.4 6 0.7 1 359 323 143
TAJW226*016#NJ W 22 16 85 10 125 3.5 6 1.6 1 237 213 95
TAJW336*016#NJ W 33 16 85 10 125 5.3 6 1.5 1 245 220 98
TAJY336*016#NJ Y 33 16 85 10 125 5.3 6 0.9 11) 373 335 149
TAJW476*016#NJ W 47 16 85 10 125 7.5 6 0.4 1 474 427 190
TAJX476*016#NJ X 47 16 85 10 125 7.5 6 0.75 11) 365 329 146
TAJY476*016#NJ Y 47 16 85 10 125 7.5 6 0.7 11) 423 380 169
TAJF686*016#NJ F 68 16 85 10 125 10.9 10 0.4 1 500 450 200
TAJX686*016#NJ X 68 16 85 10 125 10.9 8 0.6 11) 408 367 163
TAJY686*016#NJ Y 68 16 85 10 125 10.9 6 0.9 11) 373 335 149
TAJF107M016#NJ F 100 16 85 10 125 16 10 0.4 1 500 450 200
TAJY107*016#NJ Y 100 16 85 10 125 16 8 0.9 11) 373 335 149
TAJY157M016#NJ Y 150 16 85 10 125 24 15 0.3 11) 645 581 258
20 Volt @ 85°C
TAJR104*020#NJ R 0.1 20 85 13 125 0.5 4 25 1 47 42 19
TAJS104*020#NJ S 0.1 20 85 13 125 0.5 4 25 1 51 46 20
TAJR154*020#NJ R 0.15 20 85 13 125 0.5 4 25 1 47 42 19
TAJS154*020#NJ S 0.15 20 85 13 125 0.5 4 25 1 51 46 20
TAJR224*020#NJ R 0.22 20 85 13 125 0.5 4 25 1 47 42 19
TAJS224*020#NJ S 0.22 20 85 13 125 0.5 4 25 1 51 46 20
TAJR334*020#NJ R 0.33 20 85 13 125 0.5 4 25 1 47 42 19
TAJS334*020#NJ S 0.33 20 85 13 125 0.5 4 25 1 51 46 20
TAJR474*020#NJ R 0.47 20 85 13 125 0.5 4 25 1 47 42 19
TAJS474*020#NJ S 0.47 20 85 13 125 0.5 4 25 1 51 46 20
TAJR684*020#NJ R 0.68 20 85 13 125 0.5 4 20 1 52 47 21
TAJS684*020#NJ S 0.68 20 85 13 125 0.5 4 25 1 51 46 20
TAJT684*020#NJ T 0.68 20 85 13 125 0.5 4 15 1 73 66 29
TAJR105*020#NJ R 1 20 85 13 125 0.5 4 20 1 52 47 21
TAJS105*020#NJ S 1 20 85 13 125 0.5 4 12 1 74 66 29
TAJT105*020#NJ T 1 20 85 13 125 0.5 4 9 1 94 85 38
TAJP155*020#NJ P 1.5 20 85 13 125 0.5 6 9.6 1 79 71 32
TAJR155*020#NJ R 1.5 20 85 13 125 0.5 6 9.6 1 76 68 30
TAJS155*020#NJ S 1.5 20 85 13 125 0.5 6 5.4 1 110 99 44
TAJT155*020#NJ T 1.5 20 85 13 125 0.5 6 6.5 1 111 100 44
TAJP225*020#NJ P 2.2 20 85 13 125 0.5 6 8.3 1 85 77 34
TAJR225*020#NJ R 2.2 20 85 13 125 0.5 6 6 1 96 86 38
TAJS225*020#NJ S 2.2 20 85 13 125 0.5 6 4.5 1 120 108 48
TAJT225*020#NJ T 2.2 20 85 13 125 0.5 6 6 1 115 104 46
TAJT335*020#NJ T 3.3 20 85 13 125 0.7 6 3 1 163 147 65
TAJT475*020#NJ T 4.7 20 85 13 125 0.9 6 3.1 1 161 145 64
40 ■ MAY 2015
TAJ Series
Low Profile
AVX Case Capacitance Rated Rated Category Category DCL DF ESR 100kHz RMS Current (mA)
Part No. Size (μF) Voltage Temperature Voltage Temperature (μA) % Max. (Ω) MSL
(V) (ºC) (V) (ºC) Max. Max. @ 100kHz 25ºC 85ºC 125ºC
TAJT685*020#NJ T 6.8 20 85 13 125 1.4 6 2.6 1 175 158 70
TAJW106*020#NJ W 10 20 85 13 125 2 6 1.9 1 218 196 87
TAJW156*020#NJ W 15 20 85 13 125 3 6 1.7 1 230 207 92
TAJW226*020#NJ W 22 20 85 13 125 4.4 6 1.6 1 237 213 95
TAJY226*020#NJ Y 22 20 85 13 125 4.4 6 0.9 11) 373 335 149
TAJX336*020#NJ X 33 20 85 13 125 6.6 6 0.5 11) 447 402 179
TAJY336*020#NJ Y 33 20 85 13 125 6.6 6 0.6 11) 456 411 183
TAJX476*020#NJ X 47 20 85 13 125 9.4 6 0.4 11) 500 450 200
TAJY476*020#NJ Y 47 20 85 13 125 9.4 6 0.9 11) 373 335 149
TAJY686*020#NJ Y 68 20 85 13 125 13.6 6 0.9 11) 373 335 149
25 Volt @ 85°C
TAJR154*025#NJ R 0.15 25 85 17 125 0.5 4 24 1 48 43 19
TAJR224*025#NJ R 0.15 25 85 17 125 0.5 4 21 1 51 46 20
TAJR334*025#NJ R 0.15 25 85 17 125 0.5 4 17 1 57 51 23
TAJR474*025#NJ R 0.47 25 85 17 125 0.5 4 15 1 61 54 24
TAJS474*025#NJ S 0.47 25 85 17 125 0.5 4 9 1 85 76 34
TAJR684*025#NJ R 0.68 25 85 17 125 0.5 4 13 1 65 59 26
TAJS684*025#NJ S 0.68 25 85 17 125 0.5 4 8 1 90 81 36
TAJP105*025#NJ P 1 25 85 17 125 0.5 4 11 1 74 66 30
TAJR105*025#NJ R 1 25 85 17 125 0.5 4 8 1 83 75 33
TAJS105*025#NJ S 1 25 85 17 125 0.5 4 8 1 90 81 36
TAJP155*025#NJ P 1.5 25 85 17 125 0.5 6 9.6 1 79 71 32
TAJS155*025#NJ S 1.5 25 85 17 125 0.5 6 5.4 1 110 99 44
TAJT155*025#NJ T 1.5 25 85 17 125 0.5 6 5 1 126 114 51
TAJT225*025#NJ T 2.2 25 85 17 125 0.6 6 4.5 1 133 120 53
TAJT335*025#NJ T 3.3 25 85 17 125 0.8 6 3.5 1 151 136 60
TAJW335*025#NJ W 3.3 25 85 17 125 0.8 6 1.6 1 237 213 95
TAJT475*025#NJ T 4.7 25 85 17 125 1.2 6 3.1 1 161 145 64
TAJW475*025#NJ W 4.7 25 85 17 125 1.2 6 1.2 1 274 246 110
TAJW685*025#NJ W 6.8 25 85 17 125 1.7 6 2 1 212 191 85
TAJW106*025#NJ W 10 25 85 17 125 2.5 6 1.8 1 224 201 89
TAJY156*025#NJ Y 15 25 85 17 125 3.8 6 1 11) 354 318 141
TAJY226*025#NJ Y 22 25 85 17 125 5.5 6 0.8 11) 395 356 158
TAJY336*025#NJ Y 33 25 85 17 125 8.3 6 0.5 11) 500 450 200
TAJY476*025#NJ Y 47 25 85 17 125 11.8 6 0.9 11) 373 335 149
35 Volt @ 85°C
TAJR104*035#NJ R 0.1 35 85 23 125 0.5 4 29 1 44 39 17
TAJS104*035#NJ S 0.1 35 85 23 125 0.5 4 24 1 52 47 21
TAJR154*035#NJ R 0.15 35 85 23 125 0.5 4 24 1 48 43 19
TAJS154*035#NJ S 0.15 35 85 23 125 0.5 4 21 1 56 50 22
TAJR224*035#NJ R 0.22 35 85 23 125 0.5 4 21 1 51 46 20
TAJS224*035#NJ S 0.22 35 85 23 125 0.5 4 18 1 60 54 24
TAJR334*035#NJ R 0.33 35 85 23 125 0.5 4 17 1 57 51 23
TAJS334*035#NJ S 0.33 35 85 23 125 0.5 4 15 1 66 59 26
TAJR474*035#NJ R 0.47 35 85 23 125 0.5 4 15 1 61 54 24
TAJS474*035#NJ S 0.47 35 85 23 125 0.5 4 12 1 74 66 29
TAJT474*035#NJ T 0.47 35 85 23 125 0.5 4 10 1 89 80 36
TAJP684*035#NJ P 0.68 35 85 23 125 0.5 4 13 1 68 61 27
TAJS684*035#NJ S 0.68 35 85 23 125 0.5 4 8 1 90 81 36
TAJT684*035#NJ T 0.68 35 85 23 125 0.5 4 8 1 100 90 40
TAJP105*035#NJ P 1 35 85 23 125 0.5 4 11 1 74 66 30
TAJS105*035#NJ S 1 35 85 23 125 0.5 4 7.5 1 93 84 37
TAJT105*035#NJ T 1 35 85 23 125 5 4 6.5 1 111 100 44
TAJT155*035#NJ T 1.5 35 85 23 125 0.5 6 5.2 1 124 112 50
TAJT225*035#NJ T 2.2 35 85 23 125 0.8 6 4.2 1 138 124 55
TAJW335*035#NJ W 3.3 35 85 23 125 1.2 6 1.6 1 237 213 95
TAJW475*035#NJ W 4.7 35 85 23 125 1.6 6 2.2 1 202 182 81
TAJY685*035#NJ Y 6.8 35 85 23 125 2.3 6 0.9 11) 373 335 149
TAJX106*035#NJ X 10 35 85 23 125 3.5 6 0.7 11) 378 340 151
TAJY106*035#NJ Y 10 35 85 23 125 3.5 6 1 11) 354 318 141
TAJY156*035#NJ Y 15 35 85 23 125 5.3 6 0.6 11) 456 411 183
TAJY226*035#NJ Y 22 35 85 23 125 7.7 6 0.5 11) 500 450 200
50 Volt @ 85°C
TAJS104*050#NJ S 0.1 50 85 33 125 0.5 4 19 1 58 53 23
TAJS154*050#NJ S 0.15 50 85 33 125 0.5 4 16 1 64 57 25
TAJP224*050#NJ P 0.22 50 85 33 125 0.5 4 17 1 59 53 24
TAJR224*050#NJ R 0.22 50 85 33 125 0.5 4 17 1 57 51 23
TAJS224*050#NJ S 0.22 50 85 33 125 0.5 4 13 1 71 64 28
TAJP334*050#NJ P 0.33 50 85 33 125 0.5 4 17 1 59 53 24
TAJR334M050#NJ R 0.33 50 85 33 125 0.5 4 17 1 57 51 23
TAJS334*050#NJ S 0.33 50 85 33 125 0.5 4 11 1 77 69 31
MAY 2015 ■ 41
TAJ Series
Low Profile
AVX Case Capacitance Rated Rated Category Category DCL DF ESR 100kHz RMS Current (mA)
Part No. Size (μF) Voltage Temperature Voltage Temperature (μA) % Max. (Ω) MSL
(V) (ºC) (V) (ºC) Max. Max. @ 100kHz 25ºC 85ºC 125ºC
TAJT334*050#NJ T 0.33 50 85 33 125 0.5 4 11 1 85 77 34
TAJS474*050#NJ S 0.47 50 85 33 125 0.5 4 9.5 1 83 74 33
TAJT474*050#NJ T 0.47 50 85 33 125 0.5 4 9.5 1 92 83 37
TAJW105*050#NJ W 1 50 85 33 125 0.5 6 4.4 1 143 129 57
TAJW155*050#NJ W 1.5 50 85 33 125 0.8 6 3.1 1 170 153 68
TAJW225*050#NJ W 2.2 50 85 33 125 1.1 8 2.5 1 190 171 76
TAJY335*050#NJ Y 3.3 50 85 33 125 1.7 4 1.5 11) 289 260 115
TAJY475*050#NJ Y 4.7 50 85 33 125 2.4 6 1.2 11) 323 290 129
TAJY685*050#NJ Y 6.8 50 85 33 125 3.4 6 0.9 11) 373 335 149
TAJ low profile series (Temperature range -55ºC to +125ºC)
Condition Characteristics
Determine after application of rated voltage for 2000 Visual examination no visible damage
+48/-0 hours at 85±2ºC and then leaving 1-2 hours at
room temperature. Also determine of 125ºC tempera- DCL 1.25 x initial limit
ture, category voltage for 2000 +48/-0 hours and
Endurance then leaving 1-2 hours at room temperature. Power ΔC/C within ±10% of initial value
supply impedance to be ≤0.1Ω/V.
DF initial limit
Visual examination no visible damage
Determine after storage without applied voltage
at 65±2ºC and 95±2% relative humidity for 500 DCL initial limit
hours and then recovery 1-2 hours at room
Humidity temperature. ΔC/C within ±10% of initial value
DF 1.2 x initial limit
Step Temperature°C Duration(min)
1 +20±2 15
+20ºC -55ºC +20ºC +85ºC +125ºC +20ºC
Temperature 2 -55+0/-3 15 DCL IL* n/a IL* 10 x IL* 12.5 x IL* IL*
3 +20±2 15
Stability 4 +85+3/-0 15 ΔC/C n/a +0/-10% ±5% +10/-0% +12/-0% ±5%
5 +125+3/-0 15
6 +20±2 15 DF IL* 1.5 x IL* IL* 1.5 x IL* 2 x IL* IL*
Test temperature: 125ºC+3/0ºC Visual examination no visible damage
Test voltage: Category voltage at 125ºC
Surge voltage: 1.3 x category voltage at 125ºC
Surge Series protection resistance 1000±100Ω
DCL initial limit
Voltage Discharge resistance: 1000Ω
Number of cycles: 1000x ΔC/C within ±5% of initial value
Cycle duration: 6 min; 30 sec charge,
5 min 30 sec discharge DF initial limit
*Initial Limit
42 ■ MAY 2015
F92 Series
Resin-Molded Chip, Low Profile J-Lead
• Compliant to the RoHS2 directive 2011/65/EU
• SMD J-lead
• Low profile case sizes LEAD-FREE COMPATIBLE
• Handheld electronics
• USB accessories
*Rated Capacitance Rated Capacitance Rated Capacitance
Code Code (μF)
AS G 226 22
F92 0J 106 M P ⵧ LZT
Category Temperature Range: -55 to +125°C
Rated Temperature: +85°C
Capacitance Tolerance: ±20% at 120Hz
Dissipation Factor: Refer to next page
ESR 100kHz: Refer to next page
Leakage Current: After 1 minute’s application of rated voltage, leakage current at 20°C
is not more than 0.01CV or 0.5μA, whichever is greater.
After 1 minute’s application of rated voltage, leakage current at 85°C
is not more than 0.1CV or 5μA, whichever is greater.
After 1 minute’s application of derated voltage, leakage current at 125°C
is not more than 0.125CV or 6.3μA, whichever is greater.
Capacitance Change By Temperature P Case A, B Case
+20% Max. at +125ºC +15% Max. at +125°C
+15% Max. at +85ºC +10% Max. at +85°C
-15% Max. at -55ºC -10% Max. at -55°C
MAY 2015 ■ 43
F92 Series
Resin-Molded Chip, Low Profile J-Lead
Capacitance Rated Voltage *Cap
μF Code 4V (0G) 6.3V (0J) 10V (1A) 16V (1C) 20V (1D) 25V (1E) 35V (1V) Code
0.22 224 A J
0.33 334 A N
0.47 474 P A/P A S
0.68 684 P A W
1 105 P P A/P A/P A A
1.5 155 P P A E
2.2 225 P P A/P A/P* A/B B J
3.3 335 P P A/P A B N
4.7 475 P P A/P A/B/P* A/B A/B S
6.8 685 P P A/P B w
10 106 A/P A/P A/P A/B B a
15 156 P A/P A e
22 226 A/P A/P A/B B J
33 336 A/P A/B B n
47 476 A/B/P* A/B B s
68 686 A/B
100 107 A/B A**/B
150 157 B
220 227 B*
Available Ratings
*Codes under development – subject to change
**Rated temperature 60ºC only. Please contact AVX when you need detail spec.
Please contact to your local AVX sales office when these series are being designed in your application.
44 ■ MAY 2015
F92 Series
Resin-Molded Chip, Low Profile J-Lead
Rated DF ESR *1 Rated DF ESR *1
AVX Case Capacitance DCL AVX Case Capacitance DCL
Voltage (%) (Ω) ΔC/C Voltage (%) (Ω) ΔC/C
Part No. Size (μF) (μA) Part No. Size (μF) (μA)
(V) @ 120Hz @ 100kHz (%) (V) @ 120Hz @ 100kHz (%)
4 Volt F921A106MPA P 10 10 1.0 14 6.0 *
F920G335MPA P 3.3 4 0.5 8 12.0 * F921A156MAA A 15 10 1.5 8 4.0 *
F920G475MPA P 4.7 4 0.5 8 6.0 * F921A226MAA A 22 10 2.2 14 4.0 ±15
F920G685MPA P 6.8 4 0.5 10 6.0 * F921A226MBA B 22 10 2.2 8 1.9 *
F920G106MAA A 10 4 0.5 8 4.0 * F921A336MBA B 33 10 3.3 12 1.9 *
F920G106MPA P 10 4 0.5 10 6.0 * F921A476MBA B 47 10 4.7 18 1.9 ±15
F920G156MPA P 15 4 0.6 10 5.0 * 16 Volt
F920G226MAA A 22 4 0.9 12 2.8 * F921C474MPA P 0.47 16 0.5 8 20.0 *
F920G226MPA P 22 4 0.9 20 5.0 * F921C684MPA P 0.68 16 0.5 8 12.0 *
F920G336MAA A 33 4 1.3 12 2.8 * F921C105MPA P 1 16 0.5 8 12.0 *
F920G336MPA P 33 4 1.3 20 4.0 * F921C155MPA P 1.5 16 0.5 8 12.0 *
F920G476MAA A 47 4 1.9 18 2.8 * F921C225MAA A 2.2 16 0.5 6 7.0 *
F920G476MBA B 47 4 1.9 12 1.7 * F921C225MPA P 2.2 16 0.5 8 12.0 *
F920G686MAA A 68 4 2.7 25 2.8 ±15 F921C335MAA A 3.3 16 0.5 6 7.0 *
F920G686MBA B 68 4 2.7 18 1.5 * F921C475MAA A 4.7 16 0.8 6 7.0 *
F920G107MAA A 100 4 4.0 30 2.8 ±15 F921C475MBA B 4.7 16 0.8 6 3.0 *
F920G107MBA B 100 4 4.0 18 1.3 * F921C685MBA B 6.8 16 1.1 6 3.0 *
F920G157MBA B 150 4 6.0 25 1.3 ±15 F921C106MAA A 10 16 1.6 8 7.0 ±15
6.3 Volt F921C106MBA B 10 16 1.6 6 2.0 *
F920J225MPA P 2.2 6.3 0.5 8 12.0 * F921C226MBA B 22 16 3.5 12 2.0 ±15
F920J335MPA P 3.3 6.3 0.5 8 12.0 * 20 Volt
F920J475MPA P 4.7 6.3 0.5 8 6.0 * F921D474MAA A 0.47 20 0.5 4 10.0 *
F920J685MPA P 6.8 6.3 0.5 10 6.0 * F921D474MPA P 0.47 20 0.5 8 20.0 *
F920J106MAA A 10 6.3 0.6 8 4.0 * F921D684MAA A 0.68 20 0.5 4 10.0 *
F920J106MPA P 10 6.3 0.6 10 6.0 * F921D105MAA A 1 20 0.5 4 10.0 *
F920J156MAA A 15 6.3 0.9 8 4.0 * F921D105MPA P 1 20 0.5 8 20.0 *
F920J156MPA P 15 6.3 0.9 10 6.0 * F921D155MAA A 1.5 20 0.5 6 7.4 *
F920J226MAA A 22 6.3 1.4 12 2.8 * F921D225MAA A 2.2 20 0.5 6 7.0 *
F920J226MPA P 22 6.3 1.4 20 5.0 * F921D475MAA A 4.7 20 0.9 10 7.0 ±10
F920J336MAA A 33 6.3 2.1 12 2.8 * F921D475MBA B 4.7 20 0.9 6 3.0 *
F920J336MBA B 33 6.3 2.1 12 1.7 * F921D106MBA B 10 20 2.0 8 3.0 ±10
F920J476MAA A 47 6.3 3.0 18 2.8 ±15 25 Volt
F920J476MBA B 47 6.3 3.0 12 1.7 * F921E105MAA A 1 25 0.5 6 10.0 *
F920J107MAALZT A 100 6.3 63.0 40 3.0 ±20 F921E105MPA P 1 25 0.5 8 20.0 *
F920J107MBA B 100 6.3 6.3 20 1.3 ±15 F921E225MAA A 2.2 25 0.6 8 10.0 ±15
10 Volt F921E225MBA B 2.2 25 0.6 6 4.0 *
F921A105MPA P 1 10 0.5 8 12.0 * F921E475MAA A 4.7 25 1.2 10 7.0 ±10
F921A155MPA P 1.5 10 0.5 8 12.0 * F921E475MBA B 4.7 25 1.2 6 3.0 *
F921A225MPA P 2.2 10 0.5 8 12.0 * 35 Volt
F921A335MAA A 3.3 10 0.5 6 7.0 * F921V224MAA A 0.22 35 0.5 4 10.0 *
F921A335MPA P 3.3 10 0.5 8 12.0 * F921V334MAA A 0.33 35 0.5 4 10.0 *
F921A475MAA A 4.7 10 0.5 6 4.0 * F921V474MAA A 0.47 35 0.5 4 10.0 *
F921A475MPA P 4.7 10 0.5 8 6.0 * F921V105MAA A 1 35 0.5 6 10.0 *
F921A685MAA A 6.8 10 0.7 6 4.0 * F921V225MBA B 2.2 35 0.8 6 4.0 ±10
F921A685MPA P 6.8 10 0.7 8 6.0 * F921V335MBA B 3.3 35 1.2 10 4.0 ±10
F921A106MAA A 10 10 1.0 8 4.0 *
* In case of capacitance tolerance ± 10% type, “K” will be put at 9th digit of type numbering system
MAY 2015 ■ 45
F92 Series
Resin-Molded Chip, Low Profile J-Lead
F92 series (Temperature range -55ºC to +125ºC)
P Case A, B Case
At 40°C, 90 to 95% R.H., 500 hours (No voltage applied)
Damp Heat Capacitance Change ........... Refer to page 45 (*1) Refer to page 45 (*1)
(Steady State) Dissipation Factor ................ 150% or less than the initial specified value Initial specified value or less
Leakage Current .................. Initial specified value or less Initial specified value or less
-55°C / +125°C, 30 minutes each, 5 cycles
Temperature Cycles Capacitance Change ........... Refer to page 45 (*1) Refer to page 45 (*1)
Dissipation Factor ................ 150% or less than the initial specified value Initial specified value or less
Leakage Current .................. Initial specified value or less Initial specified value or less
10 seconds reflow at 260°C, 5 seconds immersion at 260°C.
Resistance to Capacitance Change ........... Refer to page 45 (*1) Refer to page 45 (*1)
Soldering Heat Dissipation Factor ................ 150% or less than the initial specified value Initial specified value or less
Leakage Current .................. Initial specified value or less Initial specified value or less
After application of surge voltage in series with a 33Ω (For “P” case: 1kΩ) resistor at the rate of 30 seconds ON, 30 seconds
OFF, for 1000 successive test cycles at 85ºC, capacitors shall meet the characteristic requirements in the table above.
Surge Capacitance Change ........... Refer to page 45 (*1) Refer to page 45 (*1)
Dissipation Factor ................ 150% or less than the initial specified value Initial specified value or less
Leakage Current .................. Initial specified value or less Initial specified value or less
After 2000 hours’ application of rated voltage in series with a 3Ω resistor at 85°C, or derated voltage in series with a 3Ω
resistor at 125°C, capacitors shall meet the characteristic requirements in the table above.
Endurance Capacitance Change ........... Refer to page 45 (*1) Refer to page 45 (*1)
Dissipation Factor ................ 150% or less than the initial specified value Initial specified value or less
Leakage Current .................. Initial specified value or less Initial specified value or less
After applying the pressure load of 5N for 10±1 seconds horizontally to the center of capacitor side body
Shear Test which has no electrode and has been soldered beforehand on a substrate, there shall be found neither
exfoliation nor its sign at the terminal electrode.
Keeping a capacitor surface-mounted on a substrate upside down and supporting the substrate at
Terminal Strength both of the opposite bottom points 45mm apart from the center of capacitor, the pressure strength is
applied with a specified jig at the center of substrate so that the substrate may bend by 1mm as
illustrated. Then, there shall be found no remarkable abnormality on the capacitor terminals.
46 ■ MAY 2015
Low Profile
• The world’s smallest surface mount tantalum capacitor
• CV range: 1.0-100μF / 2-16V
• 5 case sizes available in low profile option
• Industrial and hi-rel medical applications
• Industrial portable applications
TAC U 475 * 004 R TA
Technical Data: All technical data relate to an ambient temperature of +25°C
Capacitance Range: 0.1 μF to 100 μF
Capacitance Tolerance: ±10%; ±20%
Leakage Current DCL: 0.01CV or 0.5μA whichever is the greater
Rated Voltage (VR) +85°C: 2 3 4 6.3 10 16
Category Voltage (VC) +125°C: 1.3 2 2.7 4 7 10
Surge Voltage (VS) +85°C: 2.7 3.9 5.2 8 13 20
Surge Voltage (VS) +125°C: 1.7 2.6 3.2 5 8 12
Temperature Range: -55°C to +125°C
Reliability: 1% per 1000 hours at 85°C, VR with 0.1Ω/V series impedance,
60% confidence level
Termination Finish: Nickel and Tin Plating (standard),
Nickel and Gold Plating option available upon request
MAY 2015 ■ 47
Low Profile
Capacitance Voltage Rating DC (VR ) at 85°C
μF Code 2.0V 3.0V 4.0V 6.3V 10V 16V
1.0 105 U
1.5 155
2.2 225 U
3.3 335 U
4.7 475 U
6.8 685
10 106 U J H/V
15 156 H V
22 226 H
33 336 H
47 476 H T
68 686 T
100 107 T
Released codes
Engineering samples - please contact manufacturer
*Codes under development - subject to change.
Standard Height Profile: A, B, K, L, R Case
Low Profile: H, J, T, U, V Case
Note: Voltage ratings are minimum values. AVX reserves the right to supply
higher ratings in the same case size, to the same reliability standards.
48 ■ MAY 2015
Low Profile
TAC low profile series (Temperature range -55ºC to +125ºC)
Condition Characteristics
Determine after application of rated voltage for 2000
Visual examination no visible damage
+48/-0 hours at 85±2ºC and then leaving 1-2 hours DCL 1.25 x initial limit
Endurance at room temperature. Also determine of 125ºC tem-
perature, category voltage for 2000 +48/-0 hours ΔC/C within ±10% of initial value
and then leaving 1-2 hours at room temperature. DF 1.5 x initial limit
Power supply impedance to be ≤0.1Ω/V.
ESR 1.5 x initial limit
Visual examination no visible damage
Determine after storage without applied voltage at DCL initial limit
Humidity 40±2ºC and 90-95% relative humidity for 1344
+48/-0 hours and then recovery 1-2 hours at ΔC/C within ±5% of initial value
room temperature DF 1.2 x initial limit
ESR 1.2 x initial limit
Step Temperature°C Duration(min) +20ºC -55ºC +20ºC +85ºC +125ºC +20ºC
1 +20±2 15
Temperature 2 -55+0/-3 15 DCL IL* n/a IL* 10 x IL* 12.5 x IL* IL*
Stability 3 +20±2 15 ΔC/C n/a +0/-10% ±5% +10/-0% +15/-0% ±5%
4 +85+3/-0 15
5 +125+3/-0 15 DF IL* 1.5 x IL* IL* 1.5 x IL* 2 x IL* IL*
6 +20±2 15 ESR IL* 1.25 x IL* IL* 1.25 x IL* 2 x IL* IL*
Test temperature: 85ºC+3/0ºC Visual examination no visible damage
Test voltage: 1.3 x rated voltage
Surge Series protection resistance 1000±100Ω
DCL initial limit
Voltage Discharge resistance: 1000Ω ΔC/C within ±10% of initial value
Number of cycles: 1000x
Cycle duration: 6 min; 30 sec charge, DF initial limit
5 min 30 sec discharge ESR initial limit
*Initial Limit
MAY 2015 ■ 49
Low Profile
TAC low profile series (Temperature range -55ºC to +125ºC)
Condition Characteristics
Determine after application of rated voltage for 2000
Visual examination no visible damage
+48/-0 hours at 85±2ºC and then leaving 1-2 hours DCL 1.25 x initial limit
Endurance at room temperature. Also determine of 125ºC tem-
perature, category voltage for 2000 +48/-0 hours ΔC/C within ±30% of initial value
and then leaving 1-2 hours at room temperature. DF 1.5 x initial limit
Power supply impedance to be ≤0.1Ω/V.
ESR 1.5 x initial limit
Visual examination no visible damage
Determine after storage without applied voltage at DCL 2 x initial limit
Humidity 40±2ºC and 90-95% relative humidity for 1344
+48/-0 hours and then recovery 1-2 hours at ΔC/C within ±30% of initial value
room temperature DF 1.5 x initial limit
ESR 1.25 x initial limit
Step Temperature°C Duration(min) +20ºC -55ºC +20ºC +85ºC +125ºC +20ºC
1 +20±2 15
Temperature 2 -55+0/-3 15 DCL IL* n/a IL* 10 x IL* 12.5 x IL* IL*
Stability 3 +20±2 15 ΔC/C n/a +0/-25% ±5% +20/-0% +25/-0% ±20%
4 +85+3/-0 15
5 +125+3/-0 15 DF IL* 1.5 x IL* IL* 1.5 x IL* 2 x IL* 1.5 x IL*
6 +20±2 15 ESR IL* 1.25 x IL* IL* 1.25 x IL* 2 x IL* 1.5 x IL*
Test temperature: 85ºC+3/0ºC Visual examination no visible damage
Test voltage: 1.3 x rated voltage
Surge Series protection resistance 1000±100Ω
DCL 2 x initial limit
Voltage Discharge resistance: 1000Ω ΔC/C within ±30% of initial value
Number of cycles: 1000x
Cycle duration: 6 min; 30 sec charge, DF 2 x initial limit
5 min 30 sec discharge ESR 2 x initial limit
*Initial Limit
50 ■ MAY 2015
TLJ Series
Tantalum Solid Electrolytic Chip Capacitors
High CV Consumer Series
• High Volumetric Efficiency
• 3x reflow 260°C compatible
• 14 case sizes available including low profile codes
• Environmentally friendly
• Consumer applications (e.g. mobiles phones, PDA etc.)
• CV range: 10-1500μF / 2.5-20V
• Mobile phones
• MP3/4 players
TLJ W 157 M 010 R 0200
Type Case Size Capacitance Code Tolerance Rated DC Voltage Packaging ESR in mΩ
See table pF code: 1st two digits M = ±20% 002 = 2.5Vdc R = Pure Tin 7" Reel
above represent significant figures, 004 = 4Vdc S = Pure Tin 13" Reel
3rd digit represents multiplier 006 = 6.3Vdc
010 = 10Vdc
(number of zeros to follow) 016 = 16Vdc
020 = 20Vdc
Technical Data: All technical data relate to an ambient temperature of +25°C
Capacitance Range: 10 μF to 1500 μF
Capacitance Tolerance: ±20%
Rated Voltage (VR) -55°C +40°C: 2.5 4 6.3 10 16 20
Category Voltage (VC) at 85°C: 1.3 2 3.2 5 8 10
Category Voltage (VC) at 125°C: 0.5 0.8 1.3 2 3.2 4
Temperature Range: -55°C to +125°C with category voltage
Reliability: 0.2% per 1000 hours at 85°C, 0.5xVR with 0.1Ω/V series impedance with
60% confidence level
MAY 2015 ■ 51
TLJ Series
Tantalum Solid Electrolytic Chip Capacitors
High CV Consumer Series
Capacitance Rated Voltage DC to 40°C / 0.5DC to 85°C / 0.2DC to 125°C
μF Code 2.5V (e) 4V (G) 6.3V (J) 10V (A) 16V (C) 20V (D)
6.8 685
10 106 N(2500) S(2200) T(1000)
15 156 R(2000)
22 226 N(5400)/R(3500) K(1800)/N(3800) T(1000)
K(1700)/N(8000) K(1500)/N(9600)
33 336 N(8000)/R(3000) P(3000)/R(3000) P(3500) T(1000)
K(1500)/N(4000) K(1500)/N(8300) A(600)/G(1500)
47 476 P(3000)/R(3000) P(700,900,1800,2500) P(3200)/R(3200)
R(3200)/S(1500) S(1500)/T(600)
K(1200)/N(8000) A(500)/G(800)
68 686 P(3000) K(2000) A(1500)
R(2900)/S(1500) S(1500)/T(600)
A(500)/G(800) A(500,800)/G(800)
100 107 K(2000)/N(5200) K(2000) A(1400)
P(2700)/S(1400) P(5400)/T(800) H(900)/T(900)
A(900)/G(2500)* B(500)
150 157 A(800)/T(800) H(900)/T(1200) W(150,200)
A(1100)/G(3000) B(500)/T(2000)
220 227 T(1100) H(900)/T(1100) W(200) F(300)
330 337 T(2700)/W(200) F(300)
470 477
680 687 Y(100,150)
1000 108
1500 158 V(100)
Available Ratings, (ESR ratings in mOhms in brackets)
Engineering samples - please contact manufacturer
*Codes under development - subject to change
Note: Voltage ratings are minimum values. AVX reserves the right to supply
higher ratings in the same case size, to the same reliability standards.
80% 80%
60% 67%
20% 20%
-55°C 0°C 40°C 60°C 85°C 105°C 125°C
52 ■ MAY 2015
TLJ Series
Tantalum Solid Electrolytic Chip Capacitors
High CV Consumer Series
Rated Rated Category Category Maximum DCL ESR 100kHz RMS Current (mA)
AVX Case Capacitance Voltage Temperature Voltage Temperature Surge (μA) Max. MSL Product
Part No. Size (μF) (V) (ºC) (V) (ºC) Current Max. (mΩ) 25ºC 85ºC 125ºC Category
(A) @ 100kHz
2.5 Volt @ 40°C
TLJT227M002#1200 T 220 2.5 40 0.5 125 0.8 5.5 1100 3 270 243 108 2
4 Volt @ 40°C
TLJN336M004#8000 N 33 4 40 0.8 125 0.2 1.3 8000 3 79 71 32 1
TLJR336M004#3000 R 33 4 40 0.8 125 0.6 1.3 3000 3 135 122 54 2
TLJK476M004#1500 K 47 4 40 0.8 125 1.0 1.9 1500 3 208 187 83 2
TLJN476M004#4000 N 47 4 40 0.8 125 0.6 1.9 4000 3 112 101 45 1
TLJP476M004#3000 P 47 4 40 0.8 125 0.6 1.9 3000 3 141 127 57 2
TLJR476M004#3000 R 47 4 40 0.8 125 0.6 1.9 3000 3 135 122 54 2
TLJK686M004#1200 K 68 4 40 0.8 125 1.2 2.7 1200 3 233 209 93 2
TLJN686M004#8000 N 68 4 40 0.8 125 0.2 5.4 8000 3 79 71 32 1
TLJP686M004#3000 P 68 4 40 0.8 125 1.2 2.7 3000 3 141 127 57 2
TLJR686M004#2900 R 68 4 40 0.8 125 0.6 2.7 2900 3 138 124 55 2
TLJS686M004#1500 S 68 4 40 0.8 125 1.0 2.7 1500 3 208 187 83 2
TLJA107M004#0500 A 100 4 40 0.8 125 2.1 4.0 500 3 387 349 155 1
TLJG107M004#0800 G 100 4 40 0.8 125 1.6 4.0 800 3 296 266 118 2
TLJK107M004#2000 K 100 4 40 0.8 125 0.8 8.0 2000 3 180 162 72 2
TLJN107M004#5200 N 100 4 40 0.8 125 0.4 8.0 5200 3 98 88 39 1
TLJP107M004#2700 P 100 4 40 0.8 125 0.6 8.0 2700 3 149 134 60 2
TLJS107M004#1400 S 100 4 40 0.8 125 1.1 4.0 1400 3 215 194 86 2
TLJA157M004#0800 A 150 4 40 0.8 125 1.6 6.0 800 3 306 276 122 2
TLJT157M004#0800 T 150 4 40 0.8 125 1.6 6.0 800 3 316 285 126 2
TLJA227M004#1100 A 220 4 40 0.8 125 1.3 17.6 1100 3 261 235 104 2
TLJG227M004#3000 G 220 4 40 0.8 125 0.6 17.6 3000 3 153 137 61 2
TLJH227M004#0900 H 220 4 40 0.8 125 1.5 8.8 900 3 298 268 119 2
TLJT227M004#1100 T 220 4 40 0.8 125 1.3 17.6 1100 3 270 243 108 2
TLJT337M004#2700 T 330 4 40 0.8 125 0.6 26.4 2700 3 172 155 69 2
TLJW337M004#0200 W 330 4 40 0.8 125 3.1 13.2 200 3 671 604 268 1
6.3 Volt @ 40°C
TLJN226M006#5400 N 22 6.3 40 1.3 125 0.5 1.3 5400 3 96 87 38 1
TLJR226M006#3500 R 22 6.3 40 1.3 125 0.8 1.3 3500 3 125 113 50 2
TLJK336M006#1700 K 33 6.3 40 1.3 125 1.5 2.0 1700 3 196 176 78 2
TLJN336M006#8000 N 33 6.3 40 1.3 125 0.4 2.0 8000 3 79 71 32 1
TLJP336M006#3000 P 33 6.3 40 1.3 125 0.9 2.0 3000 3 141 127 57 1
TLJR336M006#3000 R 33 6.3 40 1.3 125 0.9 2.0 3000 3 135 122 54 2
TLJK476M006#1500 K 47 6.3 40 1.3 125 1.6 2.8 1500 3 208 187 83 2
TLJN476M006#8300 N 47 6.3 40 1.3 125 0.4 5.6 8300 3 78 70 31 1
TLJP476M006#0700 P 47 6.3 40 1.3 125 2.7 2.8 700 3 293 263 117 2
TLJP476M006#0900 P 47 6.3 40 1.3 125 2.3 2.8 900 3 258 232 103 2
TLJP476M006#1800 P 47 6.3 40 1.3 125 1.4 2.8 1800 3 183 164 73 2
TLJP476M006#2500 P 47 6.3 40 1.3 125 1.1 2.8 2500 3 155 139 62 2
TLJR476M006#3200 R 47 6.3 40 1.3 125 0.9 2.8 3200 3 131 118 52 2
TLJS476M006#1500 S 47 6.3 40 1.3 125 1.6 2.8 1500 3 208 187 83 2
TLJA686M006#0500 A 68 6.3 40 1.3 125 3.3 4.1 500 3 387 349 155 1
TLJG686M006#0800 G 68 6.3 40 1.3 125 1.9 4.1 800 3 296 266 118 2
TLJK686M006#2000 K 68 6.3 40 1.3 125 1.3 8.16 2000 3 180 162 72 2
TLJS686M006#1500 S 68 6.3 40 1.3 125 1.6 4.1 1500 3 208 187 83 2
TLJT686M006#0600 T 68 6.3 40 1.3 125 3.0 4.1 600 3 365 329 146 1
TLJA107M006#0500 A 100 6.3 40 1.3 125 3.3 6.0 500 3 387 349 155 2
TLJA107M006#0800 A 100 6.3 40 1.3 125 2.5 6.0 800 3 306 276 122 2
TLJG107M006#0800 G 100 6.3 40 1.3 125 2.5 6.0 800 3 296 266 118 2
TLJK107M006#2000 K 100 6.3 40 1.3 125 1.3 12.0 2000 3 180 162 72 2
TLJP107M006#5400 P 100 6.3 40 1.3 125 0.5 12.0 5400 3 105 95 42 2
TLJT107M006#0800 T 100 6.3 40 1.3 125 2.5 6.0 800 3 316 285 126 2
TLJA157M006#0900 A 150 6.3 40 1.3 125 2.3 9.0 900 3 289 260 115 2
TLJG157M006#2500 G 150 6.3 40 1.3 125 1.1 18.0 2500 3 167 151 67 1
TLJH157M006#0900 H 150 6.3 40 1.3 125 2.3 9.0 900 3 298 268 119 2
TLJT157M006#1200 T 150 6.3 40 1.3 125 1.9 9.0 1200 3 258 232 103 2
TLJB227M006#0500 B 220 6.3 40 1.3 125 3.3 13.2 500 3 412 371 165 1
TLJT227M006#2000 T 220 6.3 40 1.3 125 1.3 26.4 2000 3 200 180 80 2
TLJW227M006#0200 W 220 6.3 40 1.3 125 4.8 13.2 200 3 671 604 268 1
TLJF337M006#0300 F 330 6.3 40 1.3 125 4.2 19.8 300 3 577 520 231 1
TLJY687M006#0100 Y 680 6.3 40 1.3 125 5.7 40.8 100 3 1118 1006 447 1
TLJY687M006#0150 Y 680 6.3 40 1.3 125 5.7 40.8 150 3 913 822 365 1
TLJV158M006#0100 V 1500 6.3 40 1.3 125 5.7 90 100 3 1581 1423 632 1
MAY 2015 ■ 53
TLJ Series
Tantalum Solid Electrolytic Chip Capacitors
High CV Consumer Series
Rated Rated Category Category Maximum DCL ESR 100kHz RMS Current (mA)
AVX Case Capacitance Voltage Temperature Voltage Temperature Surge (μA) Max. MSL Product
Part No. Size (μF) (V) (ºC) (V) (ºC) Current Max. (mΩ) 25ºC 85ºC 125ºC Category
(A) @ 100kHz
10 Volt @ 40°C
TLJN106M010#2500 N 10 10 40 2 125 1.7 1.0 2500 3 141 127 57 1
TLJR106M010#2000 R 10 10 40 2 125 2.0 1.0 2000 3 166 149 66 1
TLJR106M010#3000 R 10 10 40 2 125 1.4 1.0 3000 3 135 122 54 1
TLJR156M010#2000 R 15 10 40 2 125 2.0 1.5 2000 3 166 149 66 1
TLJK226M010#1800 K 22 10 40 2 125 2.2 2.2 1800 3 167 150 67 2
TLJN226M010#3800 N 22 10 40 2 125 1.2 2.2 3800 3 115 103 46 1
TLJR226M010#3800 R 22 10 40 2 125 1.2 2.2 3800 3 120 108 48 2
TLJK336M010#1500 K 33 10 40 2 125 2.6 3.3 1500 3 208 187 83 2
TLJN336M010#9600 N 33 10 40 2 125 0.5 6.6 9600 3 72 65 29 1
TLJP336M010#3500 P 33 10 40 2 125 1.3 3.3 3500 3 131 118 52 2
TLJR336M010#3500 R 33 10 40 2 125 1.3 3.3 3500 3 125 113 50 2
TLJS336M010#1500 S 33 10 40 2 125 2.6 3.3 1500 3 208 187 83 2
TLJA476M010#0600 A 47 10 40 2 125 4.8 4.7 600 3 354 318 141 1
TLJG476M010#1500 G 47 10 40 2 125 2.6 4.7 1500 3 216 194 86 2
TLJP476M010#3200 P 47 10 40 2 125 1.4 4.7 3200 3 137 123 55 2
TLJR476M010#3200 R 47 10 40 2 125 1.4 9.4 3200 3 131 118 52 2
TLJS476M010#1500 S 47 10 40 2 125 2.6 4.7 1500 3 208 187 83 2
TLJT476M010#0600 T 47 10 40 2 125 4.8 4.7 600 3 365 329 146 1
TLJA686M010#1500 A 68 10 40 2 125 2.6 6.8 1500 3 224 201 89 2
TLJA107M010#1400 A 100 10 40 2 125 2.7 10.0 1400 3 231 208 93 2
TLJH107M010#0900 H 100 10 40 2 125 3.7 10.0 900 3 298 268 119 2
TLJT107M010#0900 T 100 10 40 2 125 3.7 10.0 900 3 298 268 119 2
TLJB157M010#0500 B 150 10 40 2 125 5.3 15.0 500 3 412 371 165 1
TLJW157M010#0150 W 150 10 40 2 125 8.3 15.0 150 3 775 697 310 1
TLJW157M010#0200 W 150 10 40 2 125 7.7 15.0 200 3 671 604 268 1
TLJF227M010#0300 F 220 10 40 2 125 6.7 22.0 300 3 577 520 231 1
16 Volt @ 40°C
TLJS106M016#2200 S 10 16 40 3.2 125 3.0 1.6 2200 3 172 155 69 1
TLJT226M016#1000 T 22 16 40 3.2 125 5.5 3.5 1000 3 283 255 113 1
TLJT336M016#1000 T 33 16 40 3.2 125 5.5 5.3 1000 3 283 255 113 1
20 Volt @ 40°C
TLJT106M020#1000 T 10 20 40 4 125 6.9 2.0 1000 3 283 255 113 1
Moisture Sensitivity Level (MSL) is defined according to J-STD-020.
All technical data relates to an ambient temperature of +25°C. Capacitance is measured at 120Hz, 0.5V RMS with a maximum DC bias of 2.2 volts. DCL is measured at
rated voltage after 5 minutes.
ESR allowed to move up to 1.25 times catalogue limit post mounting
DCL allowed to move up to 2.00 times catalogue limit post mounting
For typical weight and composition see page 214.
NOTE: AVX reserves the right to supply a higher voltage rating or tighter tolerance part in the same case size, to the same reliability standards.
54 ■ MAY 2015
TLJ Series
Tantalum Solid Electrolytic Chip Capacitors
High CV Consumer Series
TLJ series (Temperature range -55ºC to +125ºC)
Condition Characteristics
Determine after application of rated voltage for Visual examination no visible damage
2000 +48/-0 hours at 40±2ºC and then leaving 1-2
hours at room temperature. Also determine of 85ºC DCL 2 x initial limit
Endurance temperature, category voltage for 2000 +48/-0
hours and then leaving 1-2 hours at room tempera- ΔC/C within ±10% of initial value
ture. Power supply impedance to be ≤0.1Ω/V. ESR 1.25 x initial limit
Visual examination no visible damage
Determine after storage without applied voltage at DCL 2 x initial limit
Humidity 65±2ºC and 90-95% relative humidity for 500hrs
and then recovery 1-2 hours at room temperature ΔC/C within ±10% of initial value
ESR 1.25 x initial limit
Step Temperature°C Duration(min)
1 +20±2 15 +20ºC -55ºC +20ºC +85ºC +125ºC +20ºC
Temperature 2 -55+0/-3 15 DCL 2 x IL* n/a 2 x IL* 20 x IL* 25 x IL* IL*
3 +20±2 15
Stability 4 +85+3/-0 15 ΔC/C n/a +0/-20% ±5% +20/-0% +25/-0% ±5%
5 +125+3/-0 15
6 +20±2 15 ESR 1.25 xIL* 2.5 x IL* 1.25 x IL* 1.25 x IL* 1.25 x IL* 1.25 x IL*
Test temperature: 40ºC+3/0ºC
Test voltage: 1.3 x rated voltage
Visual examination no visible damage
Surge Series protection resistance 1000±100Ω DCL 2 x initial limit
Discharge resistance: 1000Ω
Voltage Number of cycles: 1000x ΔC/C within ±5% of initial value
Cycle duration: 6 min; 30 sec charge,
5 min 30 sec discharge ESR 1.25 x initial limit
*Initial Limit
*Initial Limit
MAY 2015 ■ 55
TLC Series
Tantalum Solid Electrolytic Chip Capacitors
Consumer Series
• High capacitance vs. voltage ratio
• Super high volumetric efficiency
• CV range: 0.47-220μF / 2-35V COMPONENT
• Consumer portable applications with space limitations
%E 0201 0603-03
0.60 ± 0.12
(0.024 ± 0.005)
0.33 ± 0.02
(0.013 ± 0.001)
0.33 ± 0.02
(0.013 ± 0.001) 0.20 (0.008) min 0.10 (0.004)
H 0805 2012-10 2.00 (0.079) 1.35 (0.053) 1.00 (0.039) max 0.70 (0.028) min 0.15 (0.006)
A, D, H, J, K, L, M, R, T, U, V, Z CASE %U 0805 2012-06 2.00 (0.079) 1.35 (0.053) 0.60 (0.024) max 0.70 (0.028) min 0.15 (0.006)
3.20 ± 0.20 1.60 ± 0.20
V 1206 3216-08 0.75 (0.030) max 1.80 (0.071) min 0.15 (0.006)
(0.126 ± 0.008) (0.063 ± 0.008)
%Z 0602 1605-07 1.60 (0.063)
0.50 +0.20
0.50 +0.20
0.55 (0.022) min 0.15 (0.006)
Band +0.008 +0.008
(Anode+) (0.020 -0.000 ) (0.020 -0.000 )
Under development
TLC L 226 M 006 R TA
Type Case Size Capacitance Code Tolerance Rated DC Voltage Packaging Standard
See table pF code: 1st two digits M=±20% 002=2Vdc R, P = 7" Standard Tin Suffix
above represent significant figures, 003=3Vdc Termination Plastic Tape OR
3rd digit represents multiplier 004=4Vdc X, Q = 41⁄4" Standard Tin
006=6.3Vdc Termination Plastic Tape 4000
(number of zeros to follow) 008=8Vdc A, M = 7" Gold Termination
010=10Vdc Plastic Tape
016=16Vdc F, N = 41⁄4" Gold Termination
020=20Vdc Plastic Tape ESR in mΩ
025=25Vdc H = Chip Tray (waffle)
56 ■ MAY 2015
TLC Series
Tantalum Solid Electrolytic Chip Capacitors
Consumer Series
Technical Data: All technical data relate to an ambient temperature of +25°C
Capacitance Range: 0.47 F to 220F
Capacitance Tolerance: ±20%
Rated Voltage (VR) -55°C +40°C: 2 3 4 6.3 8 10 16 20 25 35
Category Voltage (VC) at 85°C: 1 1.5 2 3.2 4 5 8 10 12.5 17.5
Category Voltage (VC) at 125°C: 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.3 1.6 2 3.2 4 5 7
Temperature Range: -55°C to +125°C with category voltage
Reliability: 0.2% per 1000 hours at 85°C, 0.5xVR with 0.1Ω/V series impedance with
60% confidence level
80% 80%
60% 67%
20% 20%
-55°C 0°C 40°C 60°C 85°C 105°C 125°C
MAY 2015 ■ 57
TLC Series
Tantalum Solid Electrolytic Chip Capacitors
Consumer Series
AVX Case Capacitance Rated Rated Category Category DCL ESR 100kHz RMS Current (mA)
Part No. Size (μF) Voltage Temperature Voltage Temperature (μA) Max. (Ω) MSL
(V) (ºC) (V) (ºC) Max. @ 100kHz 25ºC 85ºC 125ºC
2 Volt @ 40°C
TLCK156M002#TA K 15 2 40 0.4 125 0.5 15 3 32 28 13
TLCJ226M002#TA J 22 2 40 0.4 125 0.5 7.5 3 52 46 21
TLCL476M002#TA L 47 2 40 0.4 125 0.9 7.5 3 58 52 23
TLCR227M002#TA R 220 2 40 0.4 125 4.4 5 3 95 85 38
3 Volt @ 40°C
TLCK685M003#TA K 6.8 3 40 0.6 125 0.5 15 3 32 28 13
TLCK106M003#TA K 10 3 40 0.6 125 0.5 15 3 32 28 13
TLCK156M003#TA K 15 3 40 0.6 125 0.5 15 3 32 28 13
TLCJ226M003#TA J 22 3 40 0.6 125 0.7 7.5 3 52 46 21
TLCL476M003#TA L 47 3 40 0.6 125 1.4 7.5 3 58 52 23
TLCR476M003#TA R 47 3 40 0.6 125 3.0 7.5 3 77 70 31
4 Volt @ 40°C
TLCK475M004#TA K 4.7 4 40 0.8 125 0.5 15 3 32 28 13
TLCK685M004#TA K 6.8 4 40 0.8 125 0.5 15 3 32 28 13
TLCJ106M004#TA J 10 4 40 0.8 125 0.5 7.5 3 52 46 21
TLCK106M004#TA K 10 4 40 0.8 125 0.5 15 3 32 28 13
TLCZ106M004#TA Z 10 4 40 0.8 125 0.5 15 3 37 33 15
TLCK156M004#TA K 15 4 40 0.8 125 3.0 15 3 32 28 13
TLCU226M004#TA U 22 4 40 0.8 125 0.9 12 3 54 49 22
TLCL336M004#TA L 33 4 40 0.8 125 1.3 7.5 3 58 52 23
TLCU336M004#TA U 33 4 40 0.8 125 2.6 9 3 62 56 25
TLCH476M004#TA H 47 4 40 0.8 125 1.9 5 3 89 80 36
TLCL476M004#TA L 47 4 40 0.8 125 1.9 7.5 3 58 52 23
TLCR686M004#TA R 68 4 40 0.8 125 2.7 5 3 95 85 38
TLCR107M004#TA R 100 4 40 0.8 125 4.0 5 3 95 85 38
TLCR157M004#TA R 150 4 40 0.8 125 6.0 5 3 95 85 38
TLCR227M004#TA R 220 4 40 0.8 125 8.8 5 3 95 85 38
TLCT227M004#TA T 220 4 40 0.8 125 8.8 1 3 200 180 80
6.3 Volt @ 40°C
TLCE474M006HTA E 0.47 6.3 40 1.3 125 1.0 60 3 13 12 5
TLCE105M006HTA E 1 6.3 40 1.3 125 1.0 60 3 13 12 5
TLCK475M006#TA K 4.7 6.3 40 1.3 125 0.5 15 3 32 28 13
TLCU475M006#TA U 4.7 6.3 40 1.3 125 0.5 5 3 84 75 33
TLCJ106M006#TA J 10 6.3 40 1.3 125 0.6 7.5 3 52 46 21
TLCK106M006#TA K 10 6.3 40 1.3 125 3.1 15 3 32 28 13
TLCZ106M006#TA Z 10 6.3 40 1.3 125 0.6 15 3 37 33 15
TLCL226M006#TA L 22 6.3 40 1.3 125 1.4 7.5 3 58 52 23
TLCU226M006#TA U 22 6.3 40 1.3 125 2.8 12 3 54 49 22
TLCH336M006#TA H 33 6.3 40 1.3 125 2.0 5 3 89 80 36
TLCL336M006#TA L 33 6.3 40 1.3 125 2.1 7.5 3 58 52 23
TLCL336M006#4000 L 33 6.3 40 1.3 125 2.1 4 3 79 71 32
TLCU336M006#TA U 33 6.3 40 1.3 125 10.4 7.5 3 68 61 27
TLCV336M006#TA V 33 6.3 40 1.3 125 4.2 5 3 84 75 33
TLCH476M006#TA H 47 6.3 40 1.3 125 3.0 5 3 89 80 36
TLCR476M006#TA R 47 6.3 40 1.3 125 6.0 5 3 95 85 38
TLCV476M006#TA V 47 6.3 40 1.3 125 6.0 15 3 48 43 19
TLCR686M006#TA R 68 6.3 40 1.3 125 4.3 5 3 95 85 38
TLCR107M006#TA R 100 6.3 40 1.3 125 6.0 5 3 95 85 38
TLCT107M006#TA T 100 6.3 40 1.3 125 31.5 15 3 52 46 21
TLCR157M006#TA R 150 6.3 40 1.3 125 9.5 5 3 95 85 38
8 Volt @ 40°C
TLCL336M008#TA L 33 8 40 1.6 125 26.4 10 3 50 45 20
TLCD476M008#TA D 47 8 40 1.6 125 18.8 7 3 71 64 28
10 Volt @ 40°C
TLCK225M010#TA K 2.2 10 40 2 125 0.5 15 3 32 28 13
TLCJ475M010#TA J 4.7 10 40 2 125 0.5 10 3 45 40 18
TLCU685M010#TA U 6.8 10 40 2 125 0.7 5 3 84 75 33
TLCU106M010#TA U 10 10 40 2 125 1.0 5 3 84 75 33
TLCH156M010#TA H 15 10 40 2 125 1.5 5 3 58 52 23
TLCL156M010#TA L 15 10 40 2 125 1.5 7.5 3 89 80 36
TLCL226M010#TA L 22 10 40 2 125 11 10 3 50 45 20
TLCM226M010#TA M 22 10 40 2 125 2.2 7.5 3 63 57 25
TLCH336M010#TA H 33 10 40 2 125 3.3 5 3 89 80 36
TLCH476M010#TA H 47 10 40 2 125 23.5 7.5 3 73 66 29
TLCR476M010#TA R 47 10 40 2 125 4.7 5 3 95 85 38
TLCR686M010#TA R 68 10 40 2 125 6.8 5 3 95 85 38
TLCR107M010#TA R 100 10 40 2 125 10 5 3 95 85 38
TLCT107M010#TA T 100 10 40 2 125 10 1 3 200 180 80
TLCA157M010#TA A 150 10 40 2 125 7.5 5 3 89 80 36
58 ■ MAY 2015
TLC Series
Tantalum Solid Electrolytic Chip Capacitors
Consumer Series
AVX Case Capacitance Rated Rated Category Category DCL ESR 100kHz RMS Current (mA)
Part No. Size (μF) Voltage Temperature Voltage Temperature (μA) Max. (Ω) MSL
(V) (ºC) (V) (ºC) Max. @ 100kHz 25ºC 85ºC 125ºC
16 Volt @ 40°C
TLCK474M016#TA K 0.47 16 40 3.2 125 0.5 15 3 32 28 13
TLCK105M016#TA K 1 16 40 3.2 125 0.8 15 3 32 28 13
TLCL335M016#TA L 3.3 16 40 3.2 125 0.5 7.5 3 58 52 23
TLCV106M016#TA V 10 16 40 3.2 125 1.6 2 3 132 119 53
20 Volt @ 40°C
TLCH225M020#TA H 2.2 20 40 4 125 0.5 7.5 3 89 80 36
TLCR106M020#TA R 10 20 40 4 125 0.6 5 3 95 85 38
25 Volt @ 40°C
TLCL105M025#TA L 1.0 25 40 5 125 0.5 7.5 3 58 85 23
TLCR225M025#TA R 2.2 25 40 5 125 0.6 5 3 95 85 38
35 Volt @ 40°C
TLCR105M035#TA R 1.0 35 40 7 125 0.5 5 3 95 85 38
Moisture Sensitivity Level (MSL) is defined according to J-STD-020.
All technical data relates to an ambient temperature of +25°C. Capacitance and DF are measured at 120Hz, 0.5V RMS with a maximum DC bias of 2.2 volts.
DCL is measured at rated voltage after 5 minutes.
DCL allowed to move up to 2.00 times the limit post mounting.
For typical weight and composition see page 214.
NOTE: AVX reserves the right to supply a higher voltage rating or tighter tolerance part in the same case size, to the same reliability standards.
TLC series (Temperature range -55ºC to +125ºC)
Condition Characteristics
Determine after application of rated voltage for 2000
+48/-0 hours at 40±2ºC and then leaving 1-2 hours at
Visual examination no visible damage
room temperature. Also determine of 85ºC tempera-
DCL 1.25 x initial limit
Endurance ture, category voltage for 2000 +48/-0 hours and
then leaving 1-2 hours at room temperature. Power
supply impedance to be ≤0.1Ω/V.
ΔC/C within ±30% of initial value
ESR 1.5 x initial limit
Visual examination no visible damage
Determine after storage without applied voltage
at 40±2ºC and 90-95% relative humidity for 56 DCL 2 x initial limit
days and then recovery 1-2 hours at room
temperature. ΔC/C ±30% of initial value
ESR 1.25 x initial limit
Step Temperature°C Duration (min) Voltage Applied
1 +20±2 15 N/A +20ºC -55ºC +20ºC +40ºC +60ºC +85ºC +125ºC +20ºC
2 -55+0/-3 15 N/A
Temperature 3 +20±2 15 N/A DCL IL* n/a IL* 1.25 x IL* 1.25 x IL* 1.25 x IL* 1.25 x IL* IL*
4 +40+2/-0 15 VR
Stability 5 +60+2/-0 15 0.66 x VR ΔC/C n/a +0/-25% ±5% +10/-0% +10/-0% +20/-0% +25/-0% +20/-10%
6 +85+3/-0 15 0.50 x VR
7 +125+3/-0 15 0.20 x VR
8 +20±2 15 N/A ESR IL* n/a 1.25 x IL* 1.25 x IL* 1.25 x IL* 1.25 x IL* 1.25 x IL* 1.25 x IL*
MAY 2015 ■ 59
TLN Series
Tantalum Solid Electrolytic Chip Capacitors
Undertab Series
• Undertab terminations layout:
- High Volumetric Efficiency
- High PCB assembly density LEAD-FREE COMPATIBLE
- High capacitance in smaller dimensions COMPONENT
TLN S 227 M 004 R 3000
Type Case Size Capacitance Code Tolerance Rated DC Voltage Packaging ESR in mΩ
See table pF code: 1st two digits M = ±20% 004 = 4Vdc R = Pure Tin 7" Reel
above represent significant figures, 006 = 6.3Vdc S = Pure Tin 13" Reel
3rd digit represents multiplier 010 = 10Vdc
(number of zeros to follow)
Technical Data: All technical data relate to an ambient temperature of +25°C
Capacitance Range: 47 μF to 1000 μF
Capacitance Tolerance: ±20%
Rated Voltage (VR) -55°C +40°C: 4 6.3 10
Category Voltage (VC) at 85°C: 2 3.2 5
Category Voltage (VC) at 125°C: 0.8 1.3 2
Temperature Range: -55°C to +125°C with category voltage
Reliability: 0.2% per 1000 hours at 85°C, 0.5xVR with 0.1Ω/V series impedance with
60% confidence level
60 ■ MAY 2015
TLN Series
Tantalum Solid Electrolytic Chip Capacitors
Undertab Series
Capacitance Rated Voltage DC to 40°C / 0.5DC to 85°C/ 0.2DC to 125°C
μF Code 4V (G) 6.3V (J) 10V (A)
33 336
47 476 K(1500)/M(6000)/N(6000)
68 686 N(3000)* K(5400) K(5400)/S(6000)
100 107 N(5200) K(2000,5400)/S(5400) K(2500)/L(7200)*
150 157 K(2500)/S(2500) K(2500)/L(5400)* H(6000)/(1300)
S(2500) S(7200)*/T(1500)
220 227 K(2500)/L(1300) K*/L(1000) G(7200)*/H(6000)*
S(3000)/T(1500) S(8300)*/T(1500) T(1300)
330 337 G(4000)*/K* G(5400)*/H(3000)* H(7200)*/T(9600)*
470 477 G(5200)*/H(3000)* H(5400)*/T(8300)* H(9600)*
680 687 H(4000)*/T(5200)* H(8300)*
1000 108 H(5200)* Y(150)*
Available Ratings, (ESR ratings in mOhms in brackets)
Engineering samples - please contact manufacturer
*Codes under development - subject to change
Note: Voltage ratings are minimum values. AVX reserves the right to supply higher ratings in the same case size, to the same reliability standards.
MAY 2015 ■ 61
TLN Series
Tantalum Solid Electrolytic Chip Capacitors
Undertab Series
TLN series (Temperature range -55ºC to +125ºC)
Condition Characteristics
Determine after application of rated voltage for Visual examination no visible damage
2000 +48/-0 hours at 40±2ºC and then leaving 1-2
hours at room temperature. Also determine of 85ºC DCL 2 x initial limit
Endurance temperature, category voltage for 2000 +48/-0 ΔC/C within +5/-30% of initial value
hours and then leaving 1-2 hours at room tempera-
ture. Power supply impedance to be ≤0.1Ω/V. ESR 1.25 x initial limit
Visual examination no visible damage
Determine after storage without applied voltage
at 65±2ºC and 90-95% relative humidity for 500
DCL 2 x initial limit
Humidity hours and then recovery 1-2 hours at room ΔC/C within ±10% of initial value
ESR 1.25 x initial limit
Step Temperature°C Duration(min) +20ºC -55ºC +20ºC +85ºC +125ºC +20ºC
1 +20±2 15
Temperature 2 -55+0/-3 15 DCL 2 x IL* n/a 2 x IL* 20 x IL* 25 x IL* 2 x IL*
3 +20±2 15
Stability 4 +85+3/-0 15 ΔC/C n/a +5/-20% ±10% +20/-0% +25/-0% ±10%
5 +125+3/-0 15
6 +20±2 15 ESR 1.25 x IL* 2.5 x IL* 1.25 x IL* 1.25 x IL* 1.25 x IL* 1.25 x IL*
Test temperature: 40ºC+3/0ºC Visual examination no visible damage
Test voltage: 1.3 x rated voltage
Surge Series protection resistance 1000±100Ω DCL 2 x initial limit
Discharge resistance: 1000Ω
Voltage Number of cycles: 1000x ΔC/C within ±5% of initial value
Cycle duration: 6 min; 30 sec charge,
5 min 30 sec discharge ESR 1.25 x initial limit
*Initial Limit
80% 80%
60% 67%
20% 20%
-55°C 0°C 40°C 60°C 85°C 105°C 125°C
62 ■ MAY 2015
TLN PulseCapTM Series
High Capacitance Tantalum Solid Electrolytic Chip Capacitors
Undertab Series
• Large case size for maximum capacitance
• 3x reflow 260°C compatible
• Low profile solution LEAD-FREE COMPATIBLE
• Consumer applications
(e.g. PCMCIA/USB wireless express cards etc.)
• CV range: 1000-3300μF / 4-10V
Polarity Band • 2 case sizes available
• Data transfer modems
• SSD backup circuits
+ _
CASE DIMENSIONS: millimeters (inches)
MARKING EIA EIA L+0.30 (0.012) W+0.30 (0.012) W1±0.20 AP+0.30 (0.012) AN+0.30 (0.012)
4, 6 CASE Code H max.
Code Metric -0.30 (0.012) -0.30 (0.012) (0.008) -0.20 (0.008) -0.20 (0.008)
Capacitance Value in mF
228 = 2.2mF Rated Voltage
4 2924 7361-20 7.30 (0.287) 6.00 (0.240) 2.00 (0.079) 4.75 (0.187) 2.00 (0.079) 3.20 (0.126)
J = 6.3V +0.50 +0.50
14.50 -0.00 7.50 -0.00
6 6030 15075-20 2.00 (0.079) 5.50 (0.217) 2.40 (0.094) 2.40 (0.094)
228 J AVX LOGO +0.020
(0.571 -0.000 )
(0.295 -0.000 )
W1 dimension applies to the termination width for A dimensional area only.
TLN 6 228 M 006 R 0055
Type Case Size Capacitance Code Tolerance Rated DC Voltage Packaging ESR in mΩ
See table pF code: 1st two digits M = ±20% 004 = 4Vdc R = Pure Tin 7" Reel
above represent significant figures, 006 = 6.3Vdc
3rd digit represents multiplier 010 = 10Vdc
Technical Data: All technical data relate to an ambient temperature of +25°C
Capacitance Range: 1000 μF to 3300 μF
Capacitance Tolerance: ±20%
Leakage Current DCL: 0.01CV
Rated Voltage (VR) -55°C +40°C: 4 6.3 10
Category Voltage (VC) at 85°C: 2 3.2 5
Category Voltage (VC) at 125°C: 0.8 1.3 2
Temperature Range: -55°C to +125°C with category voltage
Reliability: 0.2% per 1000 hours at 85°C, 0.5xVR with 0.1Ω/V series impedance with
60% confidence level
MAY 2015 ■ 63
TLN PulseCapTM Series
High Capacitance Tantalum Solid Electrolytic Chip Capacitors
Undertab Series
Capacitance Voltage Rating DC (VR ) to 85°C
μF Code 4V (G) 6.3V (J) 10V (A)
680 687
1000 108 4(100)/6(55)
1500 158 4(100) 6(55)
2200 228 6(55)
3300 338 6(55) 6*
Available Codes (ESR ratings in mOhms in brackets)
Engineering samples - please contact manufacturer
*Codes under development – subject to change
Note: Voltage ratings are minimum values. AVX reserves the right to supply
higher ratings in the same case size, to the same reliability standards.
64 ■ MAY 2015
TLN PulseCapTM Series
High Capacitance Tantalum Solid Electrolytic Chip Capacitors
Undertab Series
TLN PulseCapTM series (Temperature range -55ºC to +125ºC)
Condition Characteristics
Determine after application of rated voltage for Visual examination no visible damage
2000 +48/-0 hours at 40±2ºC and then leaving 1-2
hours at room temperature. Also determine of 85ºC DCL 2 x initial limit
temperature, category voltage for 2000 +48/-0
Endurance hours and then leaving 1-2 hours at room tempera- ΔC/C within +5/-30% of initial value
ture. Power supply impedance to be ≤0.1Ω/V. ESR 1.25 x initial limit
Visual examination no visible damage
Determine after storage without applied voltage
at 65±2ºC and 90-95% relative humidity for 500
DCL 2 x initial limit
Humidity hours and then recovery 1-2 hours at room ΔC/C within ±10% of initial value
ESR 1.25 x initial limit
Step Temperature°C Duration(min) +20ºC -55ºC +20ºC +85ºC +125ºC +20ºC
1 +20±2 15
Temperature 2 -55+0/-3 15 DCL 2 x IL* n/a 2 x IL* 20 x IL* 25 x IL* 2 x IL*
3 +20±2 15
Stability 4 +85+3/-0 15 ΔC/C n/a +5/-20% ±10% +20/-0% +25/-0% ±10%
5 +125+3/-0 15
6 +20±2 15 ESR 1.25 x IL* 2.5 x IL* 1.25 x IL* 1.25 x IL* 1.25 x IL* 1.25 x IL*
Test temperature: 40ºC+3/0ºC Visual examination no visible damage
Test voltage: 1.3 x rated voltage
Surge Series protection resistance 1000±100Ω DCL 2 x initial limit
Discharge resistance: 1000Ω
Voltage Number of cycles: 1000x ΔC/C within ±5% of initial value
Cycle duration: 6 min; 30 sec charge,
5 min 30 sec discharge ESR 1.25 x initial limit
*Initial Limit
80% 80%
60% 67%
20% 20%
-55°C 0°C 40°C 60°C 85°C 105°C 125°C
MAY 2015 ■ 65
F98 Series
Resin-Molded Chip, High CV Undertab
• Compliant to the RoHS2 directive 2011/65/EU
• SMD face down design
• Small and low profile LEAD-FREE COMPATIBLE
• Smartphone
• Mobile phone
• Wireless module
• Hearing aid
J Js
F98 0J 106 M M ⵧ LZT
Category Temperature Range: -55 to +125°C
Rated Temperature: +85°C
Capacitance Tolerance: ±20% at 120Hz
Dissipation Factor: Refer to next page
ESR 100kHz: Refer to next page
Leakage Current: Refer to next page
Provided that:
After 5 minute’s application of rated voltage, leakage current at 85°C
10 times or less than 20ºC specified value.
After 5 minute’s application of rated voltage, leakage current at 125°C
12.5 times or less than 20ºC specified value.
66 ■ MAY 2015
F98 Series
Resin-Molded Chip, High CV Undertab
Capacitance Rated Voltage *Cap
μF Code 4V (0G) 6.3V (0J) 10V (1A) 16V (1C) 20V (1D) 25V (1E) Code
1 105 M M M –
2.2 225 M/U M –
4.7 475 U M/U M/U** M –
10 106 U M/U** M S a
22 226 M M M**/S J
33 336 M M M**/S n
47 476 M M/S S s
68 686 M/S w
100 107 M/S S A
220 227 S J
Available Ratings We can consider the type of compliance to AEC-Q200.
*Codes under development – subject to change Please contact to your local AVX sales office when these series
**Rated temperature 60ºC only. Please contact AVX when you need detail spec. are being designed in your application.
MAY 2015 ■ 67
F98 Series
Resin-Molded Chip, High CV Undertab
F98 series (Temperature range -55ºC to +125ºC)
At 40°C, 90 to 95% R.H., 500 hours (No voltage applied)
Damp Heat Capacitance Change ........... Refer to page 67 (*1)
(Steady State) Dissipation Factor ................ 150% or less of initial specified value
Leakage Current .................. 200% or less of initial specified value
-55°C / +125°C, 30 minutes each, 5 cycles
Temperature Cycles Capacitance Change ........... Refer to page 67 (*1)
Dissipation Factor ................ 150% or less of initial specified value
Leakage Current .................. 200% or less of initial specified value
10 seconds reflow at 260°C, 5 seconds immersion at 260°C.
Resistance to Capacitance Change ........... Refer to page 67 (*1)
Soldering Heat Dissipation Factor ................ Initial specified value or less
Leakage Current .................. Initial specified value or less
After application of surge in series with a 1kΩ resistor at the rate of 30 seconds ON, 30 seconds OFF,
for 1000 successive test cycles at 85ºC, capacitors shall meet the characteristic requirements in the table above.
Surge Capacitance Change ........... Refer to page 67 (*1)
Dissipation Factor ................ 150% or less of initial specified value
Leakage Current .................. 200% or less of initial specified value
After 1000 hours’ application of rated voltage in series with a 3Ω resistor at 85°C,
capacitors shall meet the characteristic requirements in the table above.
Endurance Capacitance Change ........... Refer to page 67 (*1)
Dissipation Factor ................ 150% or less of initial specified value
Leakage Current .................. 200% or less of initial specified value
After applying the pressure load of 5N for 10±1 seconds horizontally to the center of capacitor side body
Shear Test which has no electrode and has been soldered beforehand on a substrate, there shall be found neither
exfoliation nor its sign at the terminal electrode.
Keeping a capacitor surface-mounted on a substrate upside down and supporting the substrate at
Terminal Strength both of the opposite bottom points 45mm apart from the center of capacitor, the pressure strength is
applied with a specified jig at the center of substrate so that the substrate may bend by 1mm as
illustrated. Then, there shall be found no remarkable abnormality on the capacitor terminals.
68 ■ MAY 2015
F98-AS1 Series
Fused Face-Down, High CV
• Compliant to the RoHS2 directive 2011/65/EU
S1 S2 S1
E An *Capacitance
F98 1A 336 M S ⵧ AS1
Category Temperature Range: -55 to +125°C
Rated Temperature: +85°C
Capacitance Tolerance: ±20% at 120Hz
Dissipation Factor: Refer to next page
ESR 100kHz: Refer to next page
Leakage Current: Refer to next page
Provided that:
After 5 minute’s application of rated voltage, leakage current at 85°C
10 times or less than 20ºC specified value.
After 5 minute’s application of rated voltage, leakage current at 125°C
12.5 times or less than 20ºC specified value.
MAY 2015 ■ 69
F98-AS1 Series
Fused Face-Down, High CV
Capacitance Rated Voltage *Cap
μF Code 10V (1A) 16V (1C) 20V (1D) 25V (1E) 35 (1V) Code
1 105 M* M* M* S A
2.2 225 M* M* –
4.7 475 M* M* –
10 106 M* S a
22 226 M*/S J
33 336 M*/S n
47 476 S –
Available Ratings Please contact to your local AVX sales office when these series
*Codes under development – subject to change are being designed in your application.
F98-AS1 series (Temperature range -55ºC to +125ºC)
At 40°C, 90 to 95% R.H., 500 hours (No voltage applied)
Damp Heat Capacitance Change ........... Refer to the table above (*1)
(Steady State) Dissipation Factor ................ 150% or less of initial specified value
Leakage Current .................. 200% or less of initial specified value
-55°C / +125°C, 30 minutes each, 5 cycles
Temperature Cycles Capacitance Change ........... Refer to the table above (*1)
Dissipation Factor ................ 150% or less of initial specified value
Leakage Current .................. 200% or less of initial specified value
10 seconds reflow at 260°C, 5 seconds immersion at 260°C.
Resistance to Capacitance Change ........... Refer to the table above (*1)
Soldering Heat Dissipation Factor ................ Initial specified value or less
Leakage Current .................. Initial specified value or less
After application of surge in series with a 1kΩ resistor at the rate of 30 seconds ON, 30 seconds OFF,
for 1000 successive test cycles at 85ºC, capacitors shall meet the characteristic requirements in the table above.
Surge Capacitance Change ........... Refer the table above (*1)
Dissipation Factor ................ 150% or less of initial specified value
Leakage Current .................. 200% or less of initial specified value
After 1000 hours’ application of rated voltage in series with a 3Ω resistor at 85°C,
capacitors shall meet the characteristic requirements in the table above.
Endurance Capacitance Change ........... Refer to the table above (*1)
Dissipation Factor ................ 150% or less of initial specified value
Leakage Current .................. 200% or less of initial specified value
After applying the pressure load of 5N for 10±1 seconds horizontally to the center of capacitor side body
Shear Test which has no electrode and has been soldered beforehand on a substrate, there shall be found neither
exfoliation nor its sign at the terminal electrode.
Keeping a capacitor surface-mounted on a substrate upside down and supporting the substrate at
Terminal Strength both of the opposite bottom points 45mm apart from the center of capacitor, the pressure strength is
applied with a specified jig at the center of substrate so that the substrate may bend by 1mm as
illustrated. Then, there shall be found no remarkable abnormality on the capacitor terminals.
Fuse activation 5 seconds max. with 2A min. applied current
70 ■ MAY 2015
F72/F75 Series
Low Profile and HiCV Conformal Coated Chip
• Compliant to the RoHS2 directive 2011/65/EU
• SMD Conformal
• Small and low profile LEAD-FREE COMPATIBLE
• Smartphone
• Mobile phone
• Wireless module
• Hearing aid CASE DIMENSIONS: millimeters (inches)
Code L W H A B D*
F72 Case Dimensions
F72 F75 7.20±0.30 6.00±0.30 2.00 Max. 1.30±0.40 3.80±0.60 6.20
(0.283±0.012) (0.236±0.012) (0.079 Max) (0.051±0.016) (0.150±0.024) (0.244)
H 7.20±0.30 6.00±0.30 1.20±0.30 1.30±0.40 3.80±0.60 6.20
A (0.283±0.012) (0.236±0.012) (0.047±0.012) (0.051±0.016) (0.150±0.024) (0.244)
D F75 Case Dimensions
L L 7.10±0.30 3.20±0.30 2.50±0.30 1.30±0.30 3.60±0.60 6.00
(0.280±0.012) (0.126±0.012) (0.098±0.012) (0.051±0.012) (0.142±0.024) (0.236)
Solder electrode
W 7.30±0.30 4.30±0.30 2.80±0.30 1.30±0.40 3.90±0.60 6.40
(0.287±0.012) (0.136±0.012) (0.110±0.012) (0.051±0.016) (0.153±0.024) (0.252)
7.20±0.30 6.00±0.30 3.50±0.30 1.30±0.40 3.80±0.60 6.20
(0.283±0.012) (0.236±0.012) (0.138±0.012) (0.051±0.016) (0.150±0.024) (0.244)
7.10±0.30 3.20±0.30 2.00 Max. 1.30±0.30 3.60±0.60 6.00
(0.280±0.012) (0.126±0.012) (0.079 Max) (0.051±0.012) (0.142±0.024) (0.236)
*D dimension only for reference
F72 1A 107 M R ⵧ AQ2
Category Temperature Range: -55 to +125°C
Rated Temperature: +85°C
Capacitance Tolerance: ±20%, ±10% at 120Hz
Dissipation Factor: Refer to next page
ESR 100kHz: Refer to next page
Leakage Current: After 1 minute’s application of rated voltage, leakage current at 20°C
is not more than 0.01CV or 0.5μA, whichever is greater.
After 1 minute’s application of rated voltage, leakage current at 85°C
is not more than 0.1CV or 5μA, whichever is greater.
After 1 minute’s application of derated voltage, leakage current at 125°C
is not more than 0.125CV or 6.3μA, whichever is greater.
Capacitance Change By Temperature +15% Max. at +125°C
+10% Max. at +85°C
-10% Max. at -55°C
MAY 2015 ■ 71
F72/F75 Series
Low Profile and HiCV Conformal Coated Chip
F72 F75
Capacitance Rated Voltage Capacitance Rated Voltage
μF Code 4V (0G) 6.3V (0J) 10V (1A) 16V (1C) μF Code 4V (0G) 6.3V (0J) 10V (1A) 16V (1C)
33 336 R 68 686 C
47 476 R R 100 107 C
68 686 R R R 150 157 C D
100 107 R R R 220 227 C C/D R
150 157 R R R 330 337 C C/D D
220 227 R R R M 470 477 C/D D/U R/U
330 337 R R R* M 680 687 D D/R/U*
470 477 M 1000 108 D/R R/U*
680 687 M 1500 158 R
1000 108 M M 2200 228 R
1500 158 M
Available Ratings Please contact to your local AVX sales office when these series
*Codes under development – subject to change are being designed in your application.
72 ■ MAY 2015
F72/F75 Series
Low Profile and HiCV Conformal Coated Chip
F72/75 series (Temperature range -55ºC to +125ºC)
At 40°C, 90 to 95% R.H., 500 hours (No voltage applied)
Damp Heat Capacitance Change ........... Refer to page 72 (*1)
(Steady State) Dissipation Factor ................ Initial specified value or less
Leakage Current .................. Initial specified value or less
At -55°C / +125°C, 30 minutes each, 5 cycles
Temperature Cycles Capacitance Change ........... Refer to page 72 (*1)
Dissipation Factor ................ Initial specified value or less
Leakage Current .................. Initial specified value or less
10 seconds reflow at 260°C, 10 seconds immersion at 260°C.
Resistance to Capacitance Change ........... Refer to page 72 (*1)
Soldering Heat Dissipation Factor ................ Initial specified value or less
Leakage Current .................. Initial specified value or less
After application of surge voltage in series with a 33Ω resistor at the rate of 30 seconds ON, 30 seconds OFF,
for 1000 successive test cycles at 85ºC, capacitors shall meet the characteristic requirements in the table above.
Surge Capacitance Change ........... Refer to page 72 (*1)
Dissipation Factor ................ Initial specified value or less
Leakage Current .................. Initial specified value or less
After 2000 hours’ application of rated voltage at 85°C,
capacitors shall meet the characteristic requirements in the table above.
Endurance Capacitance Change ........... Refer to page 72 (*1)
Dissipation Factor ................ Initial specified value or less
Leakage Current .................. Initial specified value or less
After applying the pressure load of 5N for 10±1 seconds horizontally to the center of capacitor side body
Shear Test which has no electrode and has been soldered beforehand on a substrate, there shall be found neither
exfoliation nor its sign at the terminal electrode.
Keeping a capacitor surface-mounted on a substrate upside down and supporting the substrate at
Terminal Strength both of the opposite bottom points 45mm apart from the center of capacitor, the pressure strength is
applied with a specified jig at the center of substrate so that the substrate may bend by 1mm as
illustrated. Then, there shall be found no remarkable abnormality on the capacitor terminals.
MAY 2015 ■ 73
TPS Series
• Low ESR series of robust Mn02 solid electrolyte capacitors
• CV range: 0.15-1500μF / 2.5-50V
• 14 case sizes available LEAD-FREE COMPATIBLE
• Power supply applications
SnPb termination option is not
RoHS compliant.
• General medium power DC/DC convertors
TPS C 107 M 010 R 0100 —
Type Case Size Capacitance Code Tolerance Rated DC Voltage Packaging ESR in mΩ Additional
See table pF code: 1st two K = ±10% 002 = 2.5Vdc R = Pure Tin 7" Reel characters may be
above digits represent M = ±20% 004 = 4Vdc S = Pure Tin 13" Reel added for special
significant figures, 006 = 6.3Vdc A = Gold Plating 7" Reel requirements
010 = 10Vdc V = Dry pack Option
3rd digit represents B = Gold Plating 13" Reel
016 = 16Vdc (selected codes only)
multiplier (number of 020 = 20Vdc H = Tin Lead 7" Reel
zeros to follow) (Contact Manufacturer)
025 = 25Vdc
035 = 35Vdc K = Tin Lead 13" Reel
(Contact Manufacturer)
050 = 50Vdc
H, K = Non RoHS
Technical Data: All technical data relate to an ambient temperature of +25°C
Capacitance Range: 0.15 μF to 1500 μF
Capacitance Tolerance: ±10%; ±20%
Rated Voltage (VR) +85°C: 2.5 4 6.3 10 16 20 25 35 50
Category Voltage (VC) +125°C: 1.7 2.7 4 7 10 13 17 23 33
Surge Voltage (VS) +85°C: 3.3 5.2 8 13 20 26 32 46 65
Surge Voltage (VS) +125°C: 2.2 3.4 5 8 13 16 20 28 40
Temperature Range: -55°C to +125°C
Environmental Classification: 55/125/56 (IEC 68-2)
Reliability: 1% per 1000 hours at 85°C, VR with 0.1Ω/V series impedance,
60% confidence level
Termination Finished: Sn Plating (standard), Gold and SnPb Plating upon request
For AEC-Q200 availability, please contact AVX
74 ■ MAY 2015
TPS Series
Capacitance Rated Voltage DC (VR) to 85°C
μF Code 2.5V (e) 4V (G) 6.3V (J) 10V (A) 16V (C) 20V (D) 25V (E) 35V (V) 50V (T)
0.15 154 A(9000)
0.22 224 A(6000) A(7000)
0.33 334 A(6000) A(7000)
A(6000) A(6500), B(6000)
0.47 474 A(7000)
B(4000) C(2300)
0.68 684 A(6000) A(6000) B(4000)
A(3000), R(6000) A(4000) A(3000) B(3000)
1.0 105 R(9000) A(6200) S(6000), T(2000) R(2500,4000) B(2000) C(2500)
A(3000) A(3000)
1.5 155 A(3000) C(1500,2000)
B(1800) B(2500)
A(1800,3500) A(2500) A(1500), B(750, C(1500)
2.2 225 R(7000) A(1800) T(2000) A(3000), B(1700) B(900,1200,2500) 1500,2000), C(1000) D(1200)
A(2500) A(1000,1500) B(1000) C(1000)
3.3 335 A(2100) T(1500) A(3500), B(2500) B(1300) B(750,1500,2000) C(700) D(800)
4.7 475 S(4000) A(1400), B(1400) A(2000) A(1800) B(700,900,1500) B(700,1500) D(250,300,
R(3000,5000) B(800,1500) B(750,1000) C(700) C(600), D(700) 500,700)
A(1800), B(1300) A(1500) A(1000) B(700) C(350) D(200, 300,
6.8 685 A(1800) T(1800) B(600,1200) B(600,1000) C(500,600,700) D(150,400,500) 500,600)
A(1500), B(1500) A(900,1800), B(1000) A(1000), B(500,800) B(500,1000) B(1800) C(600) D(500)
10 106 R(3000) R(1000,1500,3000) P(2000)(M), S(900) C(500), T(800,1000) C(500,700) C(300,500) D(125,300) E(250,300,
T(1000) T(1000,2000) W(500,600) W(250, 500) D(500) E(200), Y(250) 400,500)
A(1000) C(350,450)
15 156 A(700,1500) B(450,600), C(700) B(500,800) B(500) C(220,300) D(100,300) E(250)
T(1200) C(300,700) C(400,450) D(100,300) Y(250) V(250)
A(500,900) A(900) B(400,600) B(400,600) D(125,200,300,400)
22 226 B(375,600) B(400,500,700) C(150,250,300,375) C(100,150,400) E(125,200,300)
C(500), S(900) C(300), T(800) D(700), W(500) D(200,300) Y(200)
B(350,500) C(400)
A(600) A(700) C(100,150,225,300) D(100,200,300) D(200,300)
B(250,425,500,650) C(300)
33 336 B(250,350,450,600) D(200), W(140,175, E(100,175, E(100,250,300)
C(150,375,500) D(100,200)
T(800) 250,400,500) 200,300) V(200)
W(350) Y(300,400) Y(200)
A(800) B(250,350,500,650) C(110,350) D(75,100,200)
C(200,350) D(80,100,150,200) E(70,125,150, D(125,150,250) E(200,250)
47 476 A(500) B(250,350,500) E(80,100,125)
C(300), T(1200) D(100,300) W(200) 200,250) V(150,200)
W(125,150,250) X(180), Y(250) X(200) (Y250)
76 ■ MAY 2015
TPS Series
AVX Case Capacitance Rated Rated Category Category DCL DF ESR 100kHz RMS Current (A)
Part No. Size (μF) Voltage Temperature Voltage Temperature (μA) % Max. (mΩ) MSL
(V) (ºC) (V) (ºC) Max. Max. @ 100kHz 25ºC 85ºC 125ºC
TPSA685*006#1800 A 6.8 6.3 85 4 125 0.5 6 1800 1 0.204 0.184 0.082
TPSA106*006#1500 A 10 6.3 85 4 125 0.6 6 1500 1 0.224 0.201 0.089
TPSB106*006#1500 B 10 6.3 85 4 125 0.6 6 1500 1 0.238 0.214 0.095
TPSR106*006#1000 R 10 6.3 85 4 125 0.6 8 1000 1 0.235 0.211 0.094
TPSR106*006#1500 R 10 6.3 85 4 125 0.6 8 1500 1 0.191 0.172 0.077
TPSR106*006#3000 R 10 6.3 85 4 125 0.6 8 3000 1 0.135 0.122 0.054
TPST106*006#1000 T 10 6.3 85 4 125 0.6 6 1000 1 0.283 0.255 0.113
TPSA156*006#0700 A 15 6.3 85 4 125 0.9 6 700 1 0.327 0.295 0.131
TPSA156*006#1500 A 15 6.3 85 4 125 0.9 6 1500 1 0.224 0.201 0.089
TPSA226*006#0500 A 22 6.3 85 4 125 1.4 6 500 1 0.387 0.349 0.155
TPSA226*006#0900 A 22 6.3 85 4 125 1.4 6 900 1 0.289 0.260 0.115
TPSB226*006#0375 B 22 6.3 85 4 125 1.4 6 375 1 0.476 0.428 0.190
TPSB226*006#0600 B 22 6.3 85 4 125 1.4 6 600 1 0.376 0.339 0.151
TPSC226*006#0500 C 22 6.3 85 4 125 1.4 6 500 1 0.469 0.422 0.188
TPSS226*006#0900 S 22 6.3 85 4 125 1.3 10 900 1 0.269 0.242 0.107
TPSA336*006#0600 A 33 6.3 85 4 125 2.1 8 600 1 0.354 0.318 0.141
TPSB336*006#0250 B 33 6.3 85 4 125 2.1 6 250 1 0.583 0.525 0.233
TPSB336*006#0350 B 33 6.3 85 4 125 2.1 6 350 1 0.493 0.444 0.197
TPSB336*006#0450 B 33 6.3 85 4 125 2.1 6 450 1 0.435 0.391 0.174
TPSB336*006#0600 B 33 6.3 85 4 125 2.1 6 600 1 0.376 0.339 0.151
TPST336*006#0800 T 33 6.3 85 4 125 2.1 10 800 1 0.316 0.285 0.126
TPSA476*006#0800 A 47 6.3 85 4 125 2.8 10 800 1 0.306 0.276 0.122
TPSB476*006#0250 B 47 6.3 85 4 125 3 6 250 1 0.583 0.525 0.233
TPSB476*006#0350 B 47 6.3 85 4 125 3 6 350 1 0.493 0.444 0.197
TPSB476*006#0500 B 47 6.3 85 4 125 3 6 500 1 0.412 0.371 0.165
TPSC476*006#0300 C 47 6.3 85 4 125 3 6 300 1 0.606 0.545 0.242
TPST476*006#1200 T 47 6.3 85 4 125 2.8 10 1200 1 0.258 0.232 0.103
TPSB686*006#0250 B 68 6.3 85 4 125 4 8 250 1 0.583 0.525 0.233
TPSB686*006#0350 B 68 6.3 85 4 125 4 8 350 1 0.493 0.444 0.197
TPSB686*006#0500 B 68 6.3 85 4 125 4 8 500 1 0.412 0.371 0.165
TPSC686*006#0150 C 68 6.3 85 4 125 4.3 6 150 1 0.856 0.771 0.343
TPSC686*006#0200 C 68 6.3 85 4 125 4.3 6 200 1 0.742 0.667 0.297
TPSW686*006#0110 W 68 6.3 85 4 125 4.3 6 110 1 0.905 0.814 0.362
TPSW686*006#0125 W 68 6.3 85 4 125 4.3 6 125 1 0.849 0.764 0.339
TPSW686*006#0250 W 68 6.3 85 4 125 4.3 6 250 1 0.600 0.540 0.240
TPSB107*006#0250 B 100 6.3 85 4 125 6.3 10 250 1 0.583 0.525 0.233
TPSB107*006#0400 B 100 6.3 85 4 125 6.3 10 400 1 0.461 0.415 0.184
TPSC107*006#0075 C 100 6.3 85 4 125 6.3 6 75 1 1.211 1.090 0.484
TPSC107*006#0150 C 100 6.3 85 4 125 6.3 6 150 1 0.856 0.771 0.343
TPSD107*006#0300 D 100 6.3 85 4 125 6.3 6 300 1 0.707 0.636 0.283
TPSW107*006#0100 W 100 6.3 85 4 125 6.3 6 100 1 0.949 0.854 0.379
TPSW107*006#0150 W 100 6.3 85 4 125 6.3 6 150 1 0.775 0.697 0.310
TPSY107*006#0100 Y 100 6.3 85 4 125 6.3 6 100 11) 1.118 1.006 0.447
TPSC157*006#0050 C 150 6.3 85 4 125 9.5 6 50 1 1.483 1.335 0.593
TPSC157*006#0090 C 150 6.3 85 4 125 9.5 6 90 1 1.106 0.995 0.442
TPSC157*006#0150 C 150 6.3 85 4 125 9.5 6 150 1 0.856 0.771 0.343
TPSC157*006#0200 C 150 6.3 85 4 125 9.5 6 200 1 0.742 0.667 0.297
TPSC157*006#0250 C 150 6.3 85 4 125 9.5 6 250 1 0.663 0.597 0.265
TPSD157*006#0050 D 150 6.3 85 4 125 9.5 6 50 1 1.732 1.559 0.693
TPSD157*006#0125 D 150 6.3 85 4 125 9.5 6 125 1 1.095 0.986 0.438
TPSY157*006#0040 Y 150 6.3 85 4 125 9.5 6 40 11) 1.768 1.591 0.707
TPSY157*006#0050 Y 150 6.3 85 4 125 9.5 6 50 11) 1.581 1.423 0.632
TPSC227*006#0070 C 220 6.3 85 4 125 13.9 8 70 1 1.254 1.128 0.501
TPSC227*006#0100 C 220 6.3 85 4 125 13.9 8 100 1 1.049 0.944 0.420
TPSC227*006#0125 C 220 6.3 85 4 125 13.9 8 125 1 0.938 0.844 0.375
TPSC227*006#0250 C 220 6.3 85 4 125 13.9 8 250 1 0.663 0.597 0.265
TPSD227*006#0050 D 220 6.3 85 4 125 13.9 8 50 1 1.732 1.559 0.693
TPSD227*006#0100 D 220 6.3 85 4 125 13.9 8 100 1 1.225 1.102 0.490
TPSD227*006#0125 D 220 6.3 85 4 125 13.9 8 125 1 1.095 0.986 0.438
TPSE227*006#0100 E 220 6.3 85 4 125 13.9 8 100 11) 1.285 1.156 0.514
TPSF227*006#0200 F 220 6.3 85 4 125 13.2 10 200 1 0.707 0.636 0.283
TPSY227*006#0100 Y 220 6.3 85 4 125 13.9 8 100 11) 1.118 1.006 0.447
TPSY227*006#0150 Y 220 6.3 85 4 125 13.9 8 150 11) 0.913 0.822 0.365
TPSC337*006#0080 C 330 6.3 85 4 125 19.8 12 80 1 1.173 1.055 0.469
TPSC337*006#0100 C 330 6.3 85 4 125 19.8 12 100 1 1.049 0.944 0.420
TPSD337*006#0045 D 330 6.3 85 4 125 20.8 8 45 1 1.826 1.643 0.730
TPSD337*006#0050 D 330 6.3 85 4 125 20.8 8 50 1 1.732 1.559 0.693
TPSD337*006#0070 D 330 6.3 85 4 125 20.8 8 70 1 1.464 1.317 0.586
TPSD337*006#0100 D 330 6.3 85 4 125 20.8 8 100 1 1.225 1.102 0.490
TPSE337*006#0050 E 330 6.3 85 4 125 20.8 8 50 11) 1.817 1.635 0.727
TPSE337*006#0100 E 330 6.3 85 4 125 20.8 8 100 11) 1.285 1.156 0.514
MAY 2015 ■ 77
TPS Series
AVX Case Capacitance Rated Rated Category Category DCL DF ESR 100kHz RMS Current (A)
Part No. Size (μF) Voltage Temperature Voltage Temperature (μA) % Max. (mΩ) MSL
(V) (ºC) (V) (ºC) Max. Max. @ 100kHz 25ºC 85ºC 125ºC
TPSE337*006#0125 E 330 6.3 85 4 125 20.8 8 125 11) 1.149 1.034 0.460
TPSE337*006#0150 E 330 6.3 85 4 125 20.8 8 150 11) 1.049 0.944 0.420
TPSV337*006#0100 V 330 6.3 85 4 125 20.8 8 100 11) 1.581 1.423 0.632
TPSY337*006#0075 Y 330 6.3 85 4 125 20.8 12 75 11) 1.291 1.162 0.516
TPSY337*006#0100 Y 330 6.3 85 4 125 20.8 12 100 11) 1.118 1.006 0.447
TPSY337*006#0150 Y 330 6.3 85 4 125 20.8 12 150 11) 0.913 0.822 0.365
TPSD477*006#0045 D 470 6.3 85 4 125 28 12 45 1 1.826 1.643 0.730
TPSD477*006#0060 D 470 6.3 85 4 125 28 12 60 1 1.581 1.423 0.632
TPSD477*006#0100 D 470 6.3 85 4 125 28 12 100 1 1.225 1.102 0.490
TPSD477*006#0200 D 470 6.3 85 4 125 28 12 200 1 0.866 0.779 0.346
TPSE477*006#0045 E 470 6.3 85 4 125 28 10 45 11) 1.915 1.723 0.766
TPSE477*006#0050 E 470 6.3 85 4 125 28 10 50 11) 1.817 1.635 0.727
TPSE477*006#0060 E 470 6.3 85 4 125 28 10 60 11) 1.658 1.492 0.663
TPSE477*006#0100 E 470 6.3 85 4 125 28 10 100 11) 1.285 1.156 0.514
TPSE477*006#0200 E 470 6.3 85 4 125 28 10 200 11) 0.908 0.817 0.363
TPSV477*006#0040 V 470 6.3 85 4 125 28 10 40 11) 2.500 2.250 1.000
TPSV477*006#0055 V 470 6.3 85 4 125 28 10 55 11) 2.132 1.919 0.853
TPSV477*006#0100 V 470 6.3 85 4 125 28 10 100 11) 1.581 1.423 0.632
TPSY477*006#0150 Y 470 6,3 85 4 125 28.2 20 150 11) 0.913 0.822 0.365
TPSE687*006#0045 E 680 6.3 85 4 125 42.8 10 45 11) 1.915 1.723 0.766
TPSE687*006#0060 E 680 6.3 85 4 125 42.8 10 60 11) 1.658 1.492 0.663
TPSE687*006#0100 E 680 6.3 85 4 125 42.8 10 100 11) 1.285 1.156 0.514
TPSV687*006#0035 V 680 6.3 85 4 125 42.8 14 35 11) 2.673 2.405 1.069
TPSV687*006#0040 V 680 6.3 85 4 125 42.8 10 40 11) 2.500 2.250 1.000
TPSV687*006#0050 V 680 6.3 85 4 125 42.8 10 50 11) 2.236 2.012 0.894
TPSE108M006#0100 E 1000 6.3 85 4 125 60 20 100 11) 1.285 1.156 0.514
TPSV108M006#0040 V 1000 6.3 85 4 125 60 16 40 11) 2.500 2.250 1.000
TPSV108M006#0050 V 1000 6.3 85 4 125 60 16 50 11) 2.236 2.012 0.894
10 Volt @ 85°C
TPSR105*010#9000 R 1 10 85 7 125 0.5 4 9000 1 0.078 0.070 0.031
TPSA225*010#1800 A 2.2 10 85 7 125 0.5 6 1800 1 0.204 0.184 0.082
TPST335*010#1500 T 3.3 10 85 7 125 0.5 6 1500 1 0.231 0.208 0.092
TPSA475*010#1400 A 4.7 10 85 7 125 0.5 6 1400 1 0.231 0.208 0.093
TPSB475*010#1400 B 4.7 10 85 7 125 0.5 6 1400 1 0.246 0.222 0.099
TPSR475*010#3000 R 4.7 10 85 7 125 0.5 6 3000 1 0.135 0.122 0.054
TPSR475*010#5000 R 4.7 10 85 7 125 0.5 6 5000 1 0.105 0.094 0.042
TPSA685*010#1800 A 6.8 10 85 7 125 0.7 6 1800 1 0.204 0.184 0.082
TPSB685*010#1300 B 6.8 10 85 7 125 0.7 6 1300 1 0.256 0.230 0.102
TPST685*010#1800 T 6.8 10 85 7 125 0.7 6 1800 1 0.211 0.190 0.084
TPSA106*010#0900 A 10 10 85 7 125 1 6 900 1 0.289 0.260 0.115
TPSA106*010#1800 A 10 10 85 7 125 1 6 1800 1 0.204 0.184 0.082
TPSB106*010#1000 B 10 10 85 7 125 1 6 1000 1 0.292 0.262 0.117
TPSP106M010#2000 P 10 10 85 7 125 1 8 2000 1 0.173 0.156 0.069
TPSS106*010#0900 S 10 10 85 7 125 1 8 900 1 0.269 0.242 0.107
TPST106*010#1000 T 10 10 85 7 125 1 6 1000 1 0.283 0.255 0.113
TPST106*010#2000 T 10 10 85 7 125 1 6 2000 1 0.200 0.180 0.080
TPSA156*010#1000 A 15 10 85 7 125 1.5 6 1000 1 0.274 0.246 0.110
TPSB156*010#0450 B 15 10 85 7 125 1.5 6 450 1 0.435 0.391 0.174
TPSB156*010#0600 B 15 10 85 7 125 1.5 6 600 1 0.376 0.339 0.151
TPSC156*010#0700 C 15 10 85 7 125 1.5 6 700 1 0.396 0.357 0.159
TPST156*010#1200 T 15 10 85 7 125 1.5 8 1200 1 0.258 0.232 0.103
TPSA226*010#0900 A 22 10 85 7 125 2.2 8 900 1 0.289 0.260 0.115
TPSB226*010#0400 B 22 10 85 7 125 2.2 6 400 1 0.461 0.415 0.184
TPSB226*010#0500 B 22 10 85 7 125 2.2 6 500 1 0.412 0.371 0.165
TPSB226*010#0700 B 22 10 85 7 125 2.2 6 700 1 0.348 0.314 0.139
TPSC226*010#0300 C 22 10 85 7 125 2.2 6 300 1 0.606 0.545 0.242
TPST226*010#0800 T 22 10 85 7 125 2.2 8 800 1 0.316 0.285 0.126
TPSA336*010#0700 A 33 10 85 7 125 3.3 8 700 1 0.327 0.295 0.131
TPSB336*010#0250 B 33 10 85 7 125 3.3 6 250 1 0.583 0.525 0.233
TPSB336*010#0425 B 33 10 85 7 125 3.3 6 425 1 0.447 0.402 0.179
TPSB336*010#0500 B 33 10 85 7 125 3.3 6 500 1 0.412 0.371 0.165
TPSB336*010#0650 B 33 10 85 7 125 3.3 6 650 1 0.362 0.325 0.145
TPSC336*010#0150 C 33 10 85 7 125 3.3 6 150 1 0.856 0.771 0.343
TPSC336*010#0375 C 33 10 85 7 125 3.3 6 375 1 0.542 0.487 0.217
TPSC336*010#0500 C 33 10 85 7 125 3.3 6 500 1 0.469 0.422 0.188
TPSW336*010#0350 W 33 10 85 7 125 3.3 6 350 1 0.507 0.456 0.203
TPSB476*010#0250 B 47 10 85 7 125 4.7 8 250 1 0.583 0.525 0.233
TPSB476*010#0350 B 47 10 85 7 125 4.7 8 350 1 0.493 0.444 0.197
TPSB476*010#0500 B 47 10 85 7 125 4.7 8 500 1 0.412 0.371 0.165
TPSB476*010#0650 B 47 10 85 7 125 4.7 8 650 1 0.362 0.325 0.145
TPSC476*010#0200 C 47 10 85 7 125 4.7 6 200 1 0.742 0.667 0.297
TPSC476*010#0350 C 47 10 85 7 125 4.7 6 350 1 0.561 0.505 0.224
78 ■ MAY 2015
TPS Series
AVX Case Capacitance Rated Rated Category Category DCL DF ESR 100kHz RMS Current (A)
Part No. Size (μF) Voltage Temperature Voltage Temperature (μA) % Max. (mΩ) MSL
(V) (ºC) (V) (ºC) Max. Max. @ 100kHz 25ºC 85ºC 125ºC
TPSD476*010#0100 D 47 10 85 7 125 4.7 6 100 1 1.225 1.102 0.490
TPSD476*010#0300 D 47 10 85 7 125 4.7 6 300 1 0.707 0.636 0.283
TPSW476*010#0125 W 47 10 85 7 125 4.7 6 125 1 0.849 0.764 0.339
TPSW476*010#0150 W 47 10 85 7 125 4.7 6 150 1 0.775 0.697 0.310
TPSW476*010#0250 W 47 10 85 7 125 4.7 6 250 1 0.600 0.540 0.240
TPSB686*010#0600 B 68 10 85 7 125 6.8 8 600 1 0.376 0.339 0.151
TPSC686*010#0080 C 68 10 85 7 125 6.8 6 80 1 1.173 1.055 0.469
TPSC686*010#0100 C 68 10 85 7 125 6.8 6 100 1 1.049 0.944 0.420
TPSC686*010#0200 C 68 10 85 7 125 6.8 6 200 1 0.742 0.667 0.297
TPSC686*010#0300 C 68 10 85 7 125 6.8 6 300 1 0.606 0.545 0.242
TPSD686*010#0100 D 68 10 85 7 125 6.8 6 100 1 1.225 1.102 0.490
TPSD686*010#0150 D 68 10 85 7 125 6.8 6 150 1 1.000 0.900 0.400
TPSY686*010#0100 Y 68 10 85 7 125 6.8 6 100 11) 1.118 1.006 0.447
TPSY686*010#0200 Y 68 10 85 7 125 6.8 6 200 11) 0.791 0.712 0.316
TPSW686*010#0100 W 68 10 85 7 125 6.8 6 100 1 0.949 0.854 0.379
TPSW686*010#0150 W 68 10 85 7 125 6.8 6 150 1 0.775 0.697 0.310
TPSB107M010#0400 B 100 10 85 7 125 10 8 400 1 0.461 0.415 0.184
TPSC107*010#0075 C 100 10 85 7 125 10 8 75 1 1.211 1.090 0.484
TPSC107*010#0100 C 100 10 85 7 125 10 8 100 1 1.049 0.944 0.420
TPSC107*010#0150 C 100 10 85 7 125 10 8 150 1 0.856 0.771 0.343
TPSC107*010#0200 C 100 10 85 7 125 10 8 200 1 0.742 0.667 0.297
TPSD107*010#0050 D 100 10 85 7 125 10 6 50 1 1.732 1.559 0.693
TPSD107*010#0065 D 100 10 85 7 125 10 6 65 1 1.519 1.367 0.608
TPSD107*010#0080 D 100 10 85 7 125 10 6 80 1 1.369 1.232 0.548
TPSD107*010#0100 D 100 10 85 7 125 10 6 100 1 1.225 1.102 0.490
TPSD107*010#0125 D 100 10 85 7 125 10 6 125 1 1.095 0.986 0.438
TPSD107*010#0150 D 100 10 85 7 125 10 6 150 1 1.000 0.900 0.400
TPSE107*010#0125 E 100 10 85 7 125 10 6 125 11) 1.149 1.034 0.460
TPSW107*010#0150 W 100 10 85 7 125 10 6 150 1 0.775 0.697 0.310
TPSX107*010#0085 X 100 10 85 7 125 10 8 85 11) 1.085 0.976 0.434
TPSX107*010#0150 X 100 10 85 7 125 10 8 150 11) 0.816 0.735 0.327
TPSX107*010#0200 X 100 10 85 7 125 10 8 200 11) 0.707 0.636 0.283
TPSY107*010#0100 Y 100 10 85 7 125 10 6 100 11) 1.118 1.006 0.447
TPSY107*010#0150 Y 100 10 85 7 125 10 6 150 11) 0.913 0.822 0.365
TPSY107*010#0200 Y 100 10 85 7 125 10 6 200 11) 0.791 0.712 0.316
TPSC157*010#0150 C 150 10 85 7 125 15 8 150 1 0.856 0.771 0.343
TPSD157*010#0050 D 150 10 85 7 125 15 8 50 1 1.732 1.559 0.693
TPSD157*010#0085 D 150 10 85 7 125 15 8 85 1 1.328 1.196 0.531
TPSD157*010#0100 D 150 10 85 7 125 15 8 100 1 1.225 1.102 0.490
TPSE157*010#0100 E 150 10 85 7 125 15 8 100 11) 1.285 1.156 0.514
TPSF157*010#0200 F 150 10 85 7 125 15 10 200 1 0.707 0.636 0.283
TPSX157M010#0100 X 150 10 85 7 125 15 6 100 11) 1.000 0.900 0.400
TPSY157*010#0100 Y 150 10 85 7 125 15 6 100 11) 1.118 1.006 0.447
TPSY157*010#0150 Y 150 10 85 7 125 15 6 150 11) 0.913 0.822 0.365
TPSY157*010#0200 Y 150 10 85 7 125 15 6 200 11) 0.791 0.712 0.316
TPSD227*010#0040 D 220 10 85 7 125 22 8 40 1 1.936 1.743 0.775
TPSD227*010#0050 D 220 10 85 7 125 22 8 50 1 1.732 1.559 0.693
TPSD227*010#0100 D 220 10 85 7 125 22 8 100 1 1.225 1.102 0.490
TPSD227*010#0150 D 220 10 85 7 125 22 8 150 1 1.000 0.900 0.400
TPSE227*010#0050 E 220 10 85 7 125 22 8 50 11) 1.817 1.635 0.727
TPSE227*010#0060 E 220 10 85 7 125 22 8 60 11) 1.658 1.492 0.663
TPSE227*010#0070 E 220 10 85 7 125 22 8 70 11) 1.535 1.382 0.614
TPSE227*010#0100 E 220 10 85 7 125 22 8 100 11) 1.285 1.156 0.514
TPSE227*010#0125 E 220 10 85 7 125 22 8 125 11) 1.149 1.034 0.460
TPSE227*010#0150 E 220 10 85 7 125 22 8 150 11) 1.049 0.944 0.420
TPSY227*010#0100 Y 220 10 85 7 125 22 10 100 11) 1.118 1.006 0.447
TPSY227*010#0150 Y 220 10 85 7 125 22 10 150 11) 0.913 0.822 0.365
TPSY227*010#0200 Y 220 10 85 7 125 22 10 200 11) 0.791 0.712 0.316
TPSD337*010#0050 D 330 10 85 7 125 33 8 50 1 1.732 1.559 0.693
TPSD337*010#0065 D 330 10 85 7 125 33 8 65 1 1.519 1.367 0.608
TPSD337*010#0100 D 330 10 85 7 125 33 8 100 1 1.225 1.102 0.490
TPSD337*010#0150 D 330 10 85 7 125 33 8 150 1 1.000 0.900 0.400
TPSE337*010#0040 E 330 10 85 7 125 33 8 40 11) 2.031 1.828 0.812
TPSE337*010#0050 E 330 10 85 7 125 33 8 50 11) 1.817 1.635 0.727
TPSE337*010#0060 E 330 10 85 7 125 33 8 60 11) 1.658 1.492 0.663
TPSE337*010#0100 E 330 10 85 7 125 33 8 100 11) 1.285 1.156 0.514
TPSV337*010#0040 V 330 10 85 7 125 33 10 40 11) 2.500 2.250 1.000
TPSV337*010#0060 V 330 10 85 7 125 33 10 60 11) 2.041 1.837 0.816
TPSV337*010#0100 V 330 10 85 7 125 33 10 100 11) 1.581 1.423 0.632
TPSE477*010#0045 E 470 10 85 7 125 47 10 45 11) 1.915 1.723 0.766
TPSE477*010#0050 E 470 10 85 7 125 47 10 50 11) 1.817 1.635 0.727
MAY 2015 ■ 79
TPS Series
AVX Case Capacitance Rated Rated Category Category DCL DF ESR 100kHz RMS Current (A)
Part No. Size (μF) Voltage Temperature Voltage Temperature (μA) % Max. (mΩ) MSL
(V) (ºC) (V) (ºC) Max. Max. @ 100kHz 25ºC 85ºC 125ºC
TPSE477*010#0060 E 470 10 85 7 125 47 10 60 11) 1.658 1.492 0.663
TPSE477*010#0100 E 470 10 85 7 125 47 10 100 11) 1.285 1.156 0.514
TPSE477*010#0200 E 470 10 85 7 125 47 10 200 11) 0.908 0.817 0.363
TPSV477*010#0040 V 470 10 85 7 125 47 10 40 11) 2.500 2.250 1.000
TPSV477*010#0060 V 470 10 85 7 125 47 10 60 11) 2.041 1.837 0.816
TPSV477*010#0100 V 470 10 85 7 125 47 10 100 11) 1.581 1.423 0.632
16 Volt @ 85°C
TPSA105*016#6200 A 1 16 85 10 125 0.5 4 6200 1 0.110 0.099 0.044
TPSA225*016#1800 A 2.2 16 85 10 125 0.5 6 1800 1 0.204 0.184 0.082
TPSA225*016#3500 A 2.2 16 85 10 125 0.5 6 3500 1 0.146 0.132 0.059
TPST225*016#2000 T 2.2 16 85 10 125 0.5 6 2000 1 0.200 0.180 0.080
TPSA335*016#3500 A 3.3 16 85 10 125 0.5 6 3500 1 0.146 0.132 0.059
TPSB335*016#2500 B 3.3 16 85 10 125 0.5 6 2500 1 0.184 0.166 0.074
TPSA475*016#2000 A 4.7 16 85 10 125 0.8 6 2000 1 0.194 0.174 0.077
TPSB475*016#0800 B 4.7 16 85 10 125 0.8 6 800 1 0.326 0.293 0.130
TPSB475*016#1500 B 4.7 16 85 10 125 0.8 6 1500 1 0.238 0.214 0.095
TPSA685*016#1500 A 6.8 16 85 10 125 1.1 6 1500 1 0.224 0.201 0.089
TPSB685*016#0600 B 6.8 16 85 10 125 1.1 6 600 1 0.376 0.339 0.151
TPSB685*016#1200 B 6.8 16 85 10 125 1.1 6 1200 1 0.266 0.240 0.106
TPSA106*016#1000 A 10 16 85 10 125 1.6 6 1000 1 0.274 0.246 0.110
TPSB106*016#0500 B 10 16 85 10 125 1.6 6 500 1 0.412 0.371 0.165
TPSB106*016#0800 B 10 16 85 10 125 1.6 6 800 1 0.326 0.293 0.130
TPSC106*016#0500 C 10 16 85 10 125 1.6 6 500 1 0.469 0.422 0.188
TPST106*016#0800 T 10 16 85 10 125 1.6 8 800 1 0.316 0.285 0.126
TPST106*016#1000 T 10 16 85 10 125 1.6 8 1000 1 0.283 0.255 0.113
TPSW106*016#0500 W 10 16 85 10 125 1.6 6 500 1 0.424 0.382 0.170
TPSW106*016#0600 W 10 16 85 10 125 1.6 6 600 1 0.387 0.349 0.155
TPSB156*016#0500 B 15 16 85 10 125 2.4 6 500 1 0.412 0.371 0.165
TPSB156*016#0800 B 15 16 85 10 125 2.4 6 800 1 0.326 0.293 0.130
TPSC156*016#0300 C 15 16 85 10 125 2.4 6 300 1 0.606 0.545 0.242
TPSC156*016#0700 C 15 16 85 10 125 2.4 6 700 1 0.396 0.357 0.159
TPSB226*016#0400 B 22 16 85 10 125 3.5 6 400 1 0.461 0.415 0.184
TPSB226*016#0600 B 22 16 85 10 125 3.5 6 600 1 0.376 0.339 0.151
TPSC226*016#0150 C 22 16 85 10 125 3.5 6 150 1 0.856 0.771 0.343
TPSC226*016#0250 C 22 16 85 10 125 3.5 6 250 1 0.663 0.597 0.265
TPSC226*016#0300 C 22 16 85 10 125 3.5 6 300 1 0.606 0.545 0.242
TPSC226*016#0375 C 22 16 85 10 125 3.5 6 375 1 0.542 0.487 0.217
TPSD226*016#0700 D 22 16 85 10 125 3.5 6 700 1 0.463 0.417 0.185
TPSW226*016#0500 W 22 16 85 10 125 3.5 6 500 1 0.424 0.382 0.170
TPSB336*016#0350 B 33 16 85 10 125 5.3 8 350 1 0.493 0.444 0.197
TPSB336*016#0500 B 33 16 85 10 125 5.3 8 500 1 0.412 0.371 0.165
TPSC336*016#0100 C 33 16 85 10 125 5.3 6 100 1 1.049 0.944 0.420
TPSC336*016#0150 C 33 16 85 10 125 5.3 6 150 1 0.856 0.771 0.343
TPSC336*016#0225 C 33 16 85 10 125 5.3 6 225 1 0.699 0.629 0.280
TPSC336*016#0300 C 33 16 85 10 125 5.3 6 300 1 0.606 0.545 0.242
TPSD336*016#0200 D 33 16 85 10 125 5.3 6 200 1 0.866 0.779 0.346
TPSW336*016#0140 W 33 16 85 10 125 5.3 6 140 1 0.802 0.722 0.321
TPSW336*016#0175 W 33 16 85 10 125 5.3 6 175 1 0.717 0.645 0.287
TPSW336*016#0250 W 33 16 85 10 125 5.3 6 250 1 0.600 0.540 0.240
TPSW336*016#0400 W 33 16 85 10 125 5.3 6 400 1 0.474 0.427 0.190
TPSW336*016#0500 W 33 16 85 10 125 5.3 6 500 1 0.424 0.382 0.170
TPSY336*016#0300 Y 33 16 85 10 125 5.3 6 300 11) 0.645 0.581 0.258
TPSY336*016#0400 Y 33 16 85 10 125 5.3 6 400 11) 0.559 0.503 0.224
TPSC476*016#0110 C 47 16 85 10 125 7.5 6 110 1 1.000 0.900 0.400
TPSC476*016#0350 C 47 16 85 10 125 7.5 6 350 1 0.561 0.505 0.224
TPSD476*016#0080 D 47 16 85 10 125 7.5 6 80 1 1.369 1.232 0.548
TPSD476*016#0100 D 47 16 85 10 125 7.5 6 100 1 1.225 1.102 0.490
TPSD476*016#0150 D 47 16 85 10 125 7.5 6 150 1 1.000 0.900 0.400
TPSD476*016#0200 D 47 16 85 10 125 7.5 6 200 1 0.866 0.779 0.346
TPSW476*016#0200 W 47 16 85 10 125 7.5 6 200 1 0.671 0.604 0.268
TPSX476*016#0180 X 47 16 85 10 125 7.5 6 180 11) 0.745 0.671 0.298
TPSY476*016#0250 Y 47 16 85 10 125 7.5 6 250 11) 0.707 0.636 0.283
TPSC686*016#0125 C 68 16 85 10 125 10.9 6 125 1 0.938 0.844 0.375
TPSC686*016#0200 C 68 16 85 10 125 10.9 6 200 1 0.742 0.667 0.297
TPSD686*016#0070 D 68 16 85 10 125 10.9 6 70 1 1.464 1.317 0.586
TPSD686*016#0100 D 68 16 85 10 125 10.9 6 100 1 1.225 1.102 0.490
TPSD686*016#0150 D 68 16 85 10 125 10.9 6 150 1 1.000 0.900 0.400
TPSF686*016#0200 F 68 16 85 10 125 10.9 10 200 1 0.707 0.636 0.283
TPSX686*016#0150 X 68 16 85 10 125 10.9 8 150 11) 0.816 0.735 0.327
TPSY686*016#0150 Y 68 16 85 10 125 10.9 6 150 11) 0.913 0.822 0.365
TPSY686*016#0200 Y 68 16 85 10 125 10.9 6 200 11) 0.791 0.712 0.316
TPSY686*016#0250 Y 68 16 85 10 125 10.9 6 250 11) 0.707 0.636 0.283
80 ■ MAY 2015
TPS Series
AVX Case Capacitance Rated Rated Category Category DCL DF ESR 100kHz RMS Current (A)
Part No. Size (μF) Voltage Temperature Voltage Temperature (μA) % Max. (mΩ) MSL
(V) (ºC) (V) (ºC) Max. Max. @ 100kHz 25ºC 85ºC 125ºC
TPSC107*016#0200 C 100 16 85 10 125 16 8 200 1 0.742 0.667 0.297
TPSD107*016#0060 D 100 16 85 10 125 16 6 60 1 1.581 1.423 0.632
TPSD107*016#0100 D 100 16 85 10 125 16 6 100 1 1.225 1.102 0.490
TPSD107*016#0125 D 100 16 85 10 125 16 6 125 1 1.095 0.986 0.438
TPSD107*016#0150 D 100 16 85 10 125 16 6 150 1 1.000 0.900 0.400
TPSE107*016#0055 E 100 16 85 10 125 16 6 55 11) 1.732 1.559 0.693
TPSE107*016#0100 E 100 16 85 10 125 16 6 100 11) 1.285 1.156 0.514
TPSE107*016#0125 E 100 16 85 10 125 16 6 125 11) 1.149 1.034 0.460
TPSE107*016#0150 E 100 16 85 10 125 16 6 150 11) 1.049 0.944 0.420
TPSF107M016#0150 F 100 16 85 10 125 16 10 150 1 0.816 0.735 0.327
TPSF107M016#0200 F 100 16 85 10 125 16 10 200 1 0.707 0.636 0.283
TPSY107*016#0100 Y 100 16 85 10 125 16 8 100 11) 1.118 1.006 0.447
TPSY107*016#0150 Y 100 16 85 10 125 16 8 150 11) 0.913 0.822 0.365
TPSY107*016#0200 Y 100 16 85 10 125 16 8 200 11) 0.791 0.712 0.316
TPSD157*016#0060 D 150 16 85 10 125 24 6 60 1 1.581 1.423 0.632
TPSD157*016#0085 D 150 16 85 10 125 24 6 85 1 1.328 1.196 0.531
TPSD157*016#0100 D 150 16 85 10 125 24 6 100 1 1.225 1.102 0.490
TPSD157*016#0125 D 150 16 85 10 125 24 6 125 1 1.095 0.986 0.438
TPSD157*016#0150 D 150 16 85 10 125 23 8 150 1 1.000 0.900 0.400
TPSE157*016#0100 E 150 16 85 10 125 24 6 100 11) 1.285 1.156 0.514
TPSV157*016#0045 V 150 16 85 10 125 24 8 45 11) 2.357 2.121 0.943
TPSV157*016#0075 V 150 16 85 10 125 24 8 75 11) 1.826 1.643 0.730
TPSY157M016#0200 Y 150 16 85 10 125 24 15 200 11) 0.791 0.712 0.316
TPSE227*016#0100 E 220 16 85 10 125 35.2 10 100 11) 1.285 1.156 0.514
TPSE227*016#0150 E 220 16 85 10 125 35.2 10 150 11) 1.049 0.944 0.420
TPSV227*016#0050 V 220 16 85 10 125 35.2 8 50 11) 2.236 2.012 0.894
TPSV227*016#0075 V 220 16 85 10 125 35.2 8 75 11) 1.826 1.643 0.730
TPSV227*016#0100 V 220 16 85 10 125 35.2 8 100 11) 1.581 1.423 0.632
TPSV227*016#0150 V 220 16 85 10 125 35.2 8 150 11) 1.291 1.162 0.516
TPSE337M016#0200 E 330 16 85 10 125 52.8 30 200 11) 0.908 0.817 0.363
20 Volt @ 85°C
TPSA105*020#3000 A 1 20 85 13 125 0.5 4 3000 1 0.158 0.142 0.063
TPSR105*020#6000 R 1 20 85 13 125 0.5 4 6000 1 0.096 0.086 0.038
TPSS105*020#6000 S 1 20 85 13 125 0.5 4 6000 1 0.104 0.094 0.042
TPST105*020#2000 T 1 20 85 13 125 0.5 4 2000 1 0.200 0.180 0.080
TPSA155*020#3000 A 1.5 20 85 13 125 0.5 6 3000 1 0.158 0.142 0.063
TPSA225*020#3000 A 2.2 20 85 13 125 0.5 6 3000 1 0.158 0.142 0.063
TPSB225*020#1700 B 2.2 20 85 13 125 0.5 6 1700 1 0.224 0.201 0.089
TPSA335*020#2500 A 3.3 20 85 13 125 0.7 6 2500 1 0.173 0.156 0.069
TPSB335*020#1300 B 3.3 20 85 13 125 0.7 6 1300 1 0.256 0.230 0.102
TPSA475*020#1800 A 4.7 20 85 13 125 0.9 6 1800 1 0.204 0.184 0.082
TPSB475*020#0750 B 4.7 20 85 13 125 0.9 6 750 1 0.337 0.303 0.135
TPSB475*020#1000 B 4.7 20 85 13 125 0.9 6 1000 1 0.292 0.262 0.117
TPSA685*020#1000 A 6.8 20 85 13 125 1.4 6 1000 1 0.274 0.246 0.110
TPSB685*020#0600 B 6.8 20 85 13 125 1.4 6 600 1 0.376 0.339 0.151
TPSB685*020#1000 B 6.8 20 85 13 125 1.4 6 1000 1 0.292 0.262 0.117
TPSC685*020#0700 C 6.8 20 85 13 125 1.4 6 700 1 0.396 0.357 0.159
TPSB106*020#0500 B 10 20 85 13 125 2 6 500 1 0.412 0.371 0.165
TPSB106*020#1000 B 10 20 85 13 125 2 6 1000 1 0.292 0.262 0.117
TPSC106*020#0500 C 10 20 85 13 125 2 6 500 1 0.469 0.422 0.188
TPSC106*020#0700 C 10 20 85 13 125 2 6 700 1 0.396 0.357 0.159
TPSW106*020#0250 W 10 20 85 13 125 2 6 250 1 0.600 0.540 0.240
TPSW106*020#0500 W 10 20 85 13 125 2 6 500 1 0.424 0.382 0.170
TPSB156*020#0500 B 15 20 85 13 125 3 6 500 1 0.412 0.371 0.165
TPSC156*020#0400 C 15 20 85 13 125 3 6 400 1 0.524 0.472 0.210
TPSC156*020#0450 C 15 20 85 13 125 3 6 450 1 0.494 0.445 0.198
TPSB226*020#0400 B 22 20 85 13 125 4.4 6 400 1 0.461 0.415 0.184
TPSB226*020#0600 B 22 20 85 13 125 4.4 6 600 1 0.376 0.339 0.151
TPSC226*020#0100 C 22 20 85 13 125 4.4 6 100 1 1.049 0.944 0.420
TPSC226*020#0150 C 22 20 85 13 125 4.4 6 150 1 0.856 0.771 0.343
TPSC226*020#0400 C 22 20 85 13 125 4.4 6 400 1 0.524 0.472 0.210
TPSD226*020#0200 D 22 20 85 13 125 4.4 6 200 1 0.866 0.779 0.346
TPSD226*020#0300 D 22 20 85 13 125 4.4 6 300 1 0.707 0.636 0.283
TPSC336*020#0300 C 33 20 85 13 125 6.6 6 300 1 0.606 0.545 0.242
TPSD336*020#0100 D 33 20 85 13 125 6.6 6 100 1 1.225 1.102 0.490
TPSD336*020#0200 D 33 20 85 13 125 6.6 6 200 1 0.866 0.779 0.346
TPSD476*020#0075 D 47 20 85 13 125 9.4 6 75 1 1.414 1.273 0.566
TPSD476*020#0100 D 47 20 85 13 125 9.4 6 100 1 1.225 1.102 0.490
TPSD476*020#0200 D 47 20 85 13 125 9.4 6 200 1 0.866 0.779 0.346
TPSE476*020#0070 E 47 20 85 13 125 9.4 6 70 11) 1.535 1.382 0.614
TPSE476*020#0125 E 47 20 85 13 125 9.4 6 125 11) 1.149 1.034 0.460
TPSE476*020#0150 E 47 20 85 13 125 9.4 6 150 11) 1.049 0.944 0.420
MAY 2015 ■ 81
TPS Series
AVX Case Capacitance Rated Rated Category Category DCL DF ESR 100kHz RMS Current (A)
Part No. Size (μF) Voltage Temperature Voltage Temperature (μA) % Max. (mΩ) MSL
(V) (ºC) (V) (ºC) Max. Max. @ 100kHz 25ºC 85ºC 125ºC
TPSE476*020#0200 E 47 20 85 13 125 9.4 6 200 11) 0.908 0.817 0.363
TPSE476*020#0250 E 47 20 85 13 125 9.4 6 250 11) 0.812 0.731 0.325
TPSX476*020#0200 X 47 20 85 13 125 9.4 6 200 11) 0.707 0.636 0.283
TPSD686*020#0070 D 68 20 85 13 125 13.6 6 70 1 1.464 1.317 0.586
TPSD686*020#0150 D 68 20 85 13 125 13.6 6 150 1 1.000 0.900 0.400
TPSD686*020#0200 D 68 20 85 13 125 13.6 6 200 1 0.866 0.779 0.346
TPSD686*020#0300 D 68 20 85 13 125 13.6 6 300 1 0.707 0.636 0.283
TPSE686*020#0125 E 68 20 85 13 125 13.6 6 125 11) 1.149 1.034 0.460
TPSE686*020#0150 E 68 20 85 13 125 13.6 6 150 11) 1.049 0.944 0.420
TPSE686*020#0200 E 68 20 85 13 125 13.6 6 200 11) 0.908 0.817 0.363
TPSY686*020#0200 Y 68 20 85 13 125 13.6 6 200 11) 0.791 0.712 0.316
TPSD107*020#0085 D 100 20 85 13 125 20 6 85 1 1.328 1.196 0.531
TPSD107*020#0100 D 100 20 85 13 125 20 6 100 1 1.225 1.102 0.490
TPSD107*020#0150 D 100 20 85 13 125 20 6 150 1 1.000 0.900 0.400
TPSE107*020#0100 E 100 20 85 13 125 20 6 100 11) 1.285 1.156 0.514
TPSE107*020#0150 E 100 20 85 13 125 20 6 150 11) 1.049 0.944 0.420
TPSE107*020#0200 E 100 20 85 13 125 20 6 200 11) 0.908 0.817 0.363
TPSV107*020#0060 V 100 20 85 13 125 20 8 60 11) 2.041 1.837 0.816
TPSV107*020#0085 V 100 20 85 13 125 20 8 85 11) 1.715 1.543 0.686
TPSV107*020#0100 V 100 20 85 13 125 20 8 100 11) 1.581 1.423 0.632
TPSV107*020#0200 V 100 20 85 13 125 20 8 200 11) 1.118 1.006 0.447
TPSV157*020#0080 V 150 20 85 13 125 30 8 80 11) 1.768 1.591 0.707
25 Volt @ 85°C
TPSA474*025#7000 A 0.47 25 85 17 125 0.5 4 7000 1 0.104 0.093 0.041
TPSA684*025#6000 A 0.68 25 85 17 125 0.5 4 6000 1 0.112 0.101 0.045
TPSA105*025#4000 A 1 25 85 17 125 0.5 4 4000 1 0.137 0.123 0.055
TPSR105*025#2500 R 1 25 85 17 125 0.5 4 2500 1 0.148 0.133 0.059
TPSR105*025#4000 R 1 25 85 17 125 0.5 4 4000 1 0.117 0.106 0.047
TPSA155*025#3000 A 1.5 25 85 17 125 0.5 6 3000 1 0.158 0.142 0.063
TPSB155*025#1800 B 1.5 25 85 17 125 0.5 6 1800 1 0.217 0.196 0.087
TPSA225*025#2500 A 2.2 25 85 17 125 0.6 6 2500 1 0.173 0.156 0.069
TPSB225*025#0900 B 2.2 25 85 17 125 0.6 6 900 1 0.307 0.277 0.123
TPSB225*025#1200 B 2.2 25 85 17 125 0.6 6 1200 1 0.266 0.240 0.106
TPSB225*025#2500 B 2.2 25 85 17 125 0.6 6 2500 1 0.184 0.166 0.074
TPSA335*025#1000 A 3.3 25 85 17 125 0.8 6 1000 1 0.274 0.246 0.110
TPSA335*025#1500 A 3.3 25 85 17 125 0.8 6 1500 1 0.224 0.201 0.089
TPSB335*025#0750 B 3.3 25 85 17 125 0.8 6 750 1 0.337 0.303 0.135
TPSB335*025#1500 B 3.3 25 85 17 125 0.8 6 1500 1 0.238 0.214 0.095
TPSB335*025#2000 B 3.3 25 85 17 125 0.8 6 2000 1 0.206 0.186 0.082
TPSB475*025#0700 B 4.7 25 85 17 125 1.2 6 700 1 0.348 0.314 0.139
TPSB475*025#0900 B 4.7 25 85 17 125 1.2 6 900 1 0.307 0.277 0.123
TPSB475*025#1500 B 4.7 25 85 17 125 1.2 6 1500 1 0.238 0.214 0.095
TPSC475*025#0700 C 4.7 25 85 17 125 1.2 6 700 1 0.396 0.357 0.159
TPSB685*025#0700 B 6.8 25 85 17 125 1.7 6 700 1 0.348 0.314 0.139
TPSC685*025#0500 C 6.8 25 85 17 125 1.7 6 500 1 0.469 0.422 0.188
TPSC685*025#0600 C 6.8 25 85 17 125 1.7 6 600 1 0.428 0.385 0.171
TPSC685*025#0700 C 6.8 25 85 17 125 1.7 6 700 1 0.396 0.357 0.159
TPSB106*025#1800 B 10 25 85 17 125 2.5 6 1800 1 0.217 0.196 0.087
TPSC106*025#0300 C 10 25 85 17 125 2.5 6 300 1 0.606 0.545 0.242
TPSC106*025#0500 C 10 25 85 17 125 2.5 6 500 1 0.469 0.422 0.188
TPSD106*025#0500 D 10 25 85 17 125 2.5 6 500 1 0.548 0.493 0.219
TPSC156*025#0220 C 15 25 85 17 125 3.8 6 220 1 0.707 0.636 0.283
TPSC156*025#0300 C 15 25 85 17 125 3.8 6 300 1 0.606 0.545 0.242
TPSD156*025#0100 D 15 25 85 17 125 3.8 6 100 1 1.225 1.102 0.490
TPSD156*025#0300 D 15 25 85 17 125 3.8 6 300 1 0.707 0.636 0.283
TPSC226*025#0275 C 22 25 85 17 125 5.5 6 275 1 0.632 0.569 0.253
TPSC226*025#0400 C 22 25 85 17 125 5.5 6 400 1 0.524 0.472 0.210
TPSD226*025#0100 D 22 25 85 17 125 5.5 6 100 1 1.225 1.102 0.490
TPSD226*025#0200 D 22 25 85 17 125 5.5 6 200 1 0.866 0.779 0.346
TPSD226*025#0300 D 22 25 85 17 125 5.5 6 300 1 0.707 0.636 0.283
TPSC336*025#0400 C 33 25 85 17 125 8.3 6 400 1 0.524 0.472 0.210
TPSD336*025#0100 D 33 25 85 17 125 8.3 6 100 1 1.225 1.102 0.490
TPSD336*025#0200 D 33 25 85 17 125 8.3 6 200 1 0.866 0.779 0.346
TPSD336*025#0300 D 33 25 85 17 125 8.3 6 300 1 0.707 0.636 0.283
TPSE336*025#0100 E 33 25 85 17 125 8.3 6 100 11) 1.285 1.156 0.514
TPSE336*025#0175 E 33 25 85 17 125 8.3 6 175 11) 0.971 0.874 0.388
TPSE336*025#0200 E 33 25 85 17 125 8.3 6 200 11) 0.908 0.817 0.363
TPSE336*025#0300 E 33 25 85 17 125 8.3 6 300 11) 0.742 0.667 0.297
TPSY336*025#0200 Y 33 25 85 17 125 8.3 6 200 11) 0.791 0.712 0.316
TPSD476*025#0125 D 47 25 85 17 125 11.8 6 125 1 1.095 0.986 0.438
TPSD476*025#0150 D 47 25 85 17 125 11.8 6 150 1 1.000 0.900 0.400
TPSD476*025#0250 D 47 25 85 17 125 11.8 6 250 1 0.775 0.697 0.310
82 ■ MAY 2015
TPS Series
AVX Case Capacitance Rated Rated Category Category DCL DF ESR 100kHz RMS Current (A)
Part No. Size (μF) Voltage Temperature Voltage Temperature (μA) % Max. (mΩ) MSL
(V) (ºC) (V) (ºC) Max. Max. @ 100kHz 25ºC 85ºC 125ºC
TPSE476*025#0080 E 47 25 85 17 125 11.8 6 80 11) 1.436 1.293 0.574
TPSE476*025#0100 E 47 25 85 17 125 11.8 6 100 11) 1.285 1.156 0.514
TPSE476*025#0125 E 47 25 85 17 125 11.8 6 125 11) 1.149 1.034 0.460
TPSY476*025#0250 Y 47 25 85 17 125 11.8 6 250 11) 0.707 0.636 0.283
TPSD686*025#0150 D 68 25 85 17 125 17 6 150 1 1.000 0.900 0.400
TPSD686*025#0200 D 68 25 85 17 125 17 6 200 1 0.866 0.779 0.346
TPSD686*025#0300 D 68 25 85 17 125 17 6 300 1 0.707 0.636 0.283
TPSE686*025#0125 E 68 25 85 17 125 17 6 125 11) 1.149 1.034 0.460
TPSE686*025#0200 E 68 25 85 17 125 17 6 200 11) 0.908 0.817 0.363
TPSV686*025#0080 V 68 25 85 17 125 17 6 80 11) 1.768 1.591 0.707
TPSV686*025#0095 V 68 25 85 17 125 17 6 95 11) 1.622 1.460 0.649
TPSV686*025#0150 V 68 25 85 17 125 17 6 150 11) 1.291 1.162 0.516
TPSV686*025#0200 V 68 25 85 17 125 17 6 200 11) 1.118 1.006 0.447
TPSE107M025#0150 E 100 25 85 17 125 25 10 150 11) 1.049 0.944 0.420
TPSV107*025#0100 V 100 25 85 17 125 25 8 100 11) 1.581 1.423 0.632
TPSV157M025#0150 V 150 25 85 17 125 37.5 10 150 11) 1.291 1.162 0.516
35 Volt @ 85°C
TPSA224*035#6000 A 0.22 35 85 23 125 0.5 4 6000 1 0.112 0.101 0.045
TPSA334*035#6000 A 0.33 35 85 23 125 0.5 4 6000 1 0.112 0.101 0.045
TPSA474*035#6000 A 0.47 35 85 23 125 0.5 4 6000 1 0.112 0.101 0.045
TPSB474*035#4000 B 0.47 35 85 23 125 0.5 4 4000 1 0.146 0.131 0.058
TPSA684*035#6000 A 0.68 35 85 23 125 0.5 4 6000 1 0.112 0.101 0.045
TPSA105*035#3000 A 1 35 85 23 125 0.5 4 3000 1 0.158 0.142 0.063
TPSB105*035#2000 B 1 35 85 23 125 0.5 4 2000 1 0.206 0.186 0.082
TPSA155*035#3000 A 1.5 35 85 23 125 0.5 6 3000 1 0.158 0.142 0.063
TPSB155*035#2500 B 1.5 35 85 23 125 0.5 6 2500 1 0.184 0.166 0.074
TPSA225*035#1500 A 2.2 35 85 23 125 0.8 6 1500 1 0.224 0.201 0.089
TPSB225*035#0750 B 2.2 35 85 23 125 0.8 6 750 1 0.337 0.303 0.135
TPSB225*035#1500 B 2.2 35 85 23 125 0.8 6 1500 1 0.238 0.214 0.095
TPSB225*035#2000 B 2.2 35 85 23 125 0.8 6 2000 1 0.206 0.186 0.082
TPSC225*035#1000 C 2.2 35 85 23 125 0.8 6 1000 1 0.332 0.298 0.133
TPSB335*035#1000 B 3.3 35 85 23 125 1.2 6 1000 1 0.292 0.262 0.117
TPSC335*035#0700 C 3.3 35 85 23 125 1.2 6 700 1 0.396 0.357 0.159
TPSB475*035#0700 B 4.7 35 85 23 125 1.6 6 700 1 0.348 0.314 0.139
TPSB475*035#1500 B 4.7 35 85 23 125 1.6 6 1500 1 0.238 0.214 0.095
TPSC475*035#0600 C 4.7 35 85 23 125 1.6 6 600 1 0.428 0.385 0.171
TPSD475*035#0700 D 4.7 35 85 23 125 1.6 6 700 1 0.463 0.417 0.185
TPSC685*035#0350 C 6.8 35 85 23 125 2.4 6 350 1 0.561 0.505 0.224
TPSD685*035#0150 D 6.8 35 85 23 125 2.4 6 150 1 1.000 0.900 0.400
TPSD685*035#0400 D 6.8 35 85 23 125 2.4 6 400 1 0.612 0.551 0.245
TPSD685*035#0500 D 6.8 35 85 23 125 2.4 6 500 1 0.548 0.493 0.219
TPSC106*035#0600 C 10 35 85 23 125 3.5 6 600 1 0.428 0.385 0.171
TPSD106*035#0125 D 10 35 85 23 125 3.5 6 125 1 1.095 0.986 0.438
TPSD106*035#0300 D 10 35 85 23 125 3.5 6 300 1 0.707 0.636 0.283
TPSE106*035#0200 E 10 35 85 23 125 3.5 6 200 11) 0.908 0.817 0.363
TPSY106*035#0250 Y 10 35 85 23 125 3.5 6 250 11) 0.707 0.636 0.283
TPSC156*035#0350 C 15 35 85 23 125 5.3 6 350 1 0.561 0.505 0.224
TPSC156*035#0450 C 15 35 85 23 125 5.3 6 450 1 0.494 0.445 0.198
TPSD156*035#0100 D 15 35 85 23 125 5.3 6 100 1 1.225 1.102 0.490
TPSD156*035#0300 D 15 35 85 23 125 5.3 6 300 1 0.707 0.636 0.283
TPSY156*035#0250 Y 15 35 85 23 125 5.3 6 250 11) 0.707 0.636 0.283
TPSD226*035#0125 D 22 35 85 23 125 7.7 6 125 1 1.095 0.986 0.438
TPSD226*035#0200 D 22 35 85 23 125 7.7 6 200 1 0.866 0.779 0.346
TPSD226*035#0300 D 22 35 85 23 125 7.7 6 300 1 0.707 0.636 0.283
TPSD226*035#0400 D 22 35 85 23 125 7.7 6 400 1 0.612 0.551 0.245
TPSE226*035#0125 E 22 35 85 23 125 7.7 6 125 11) 1.149 1.034 0.460
TPSE226*035#0200 E 22 35 85 23 125 7.7 6 200 11) 0.908 0.817 0.363
TPSE226*035#0300 E 22 35 85 23 125 7.7 6 300 11) 0.742 0.667 0.297
TPSY226*035#0200 Y 22 35 85 23 125 7.7 6 200 11) 0.791 0.712 0.316
TPSD336*035#0200 D 33 35 85 23 125 11.6 6 200 1 0.866 0.779 0.346
TPSD336*035#0300 D 33 35 85 23 125 11.6 6 300 1 0.707 0.636 0.283
TPSE336*035#0100 E 33 35 85 23 125 11.6 6 100 11) 1.285 1.156 0.514
TPSE336*035#0250 E 33 35 85 23 125 11.6 6 250 11) 0.812 0.731 0.325
TPSE336*035#0300 E 33 35 85 23 125 11.6 6 300 11) 0.742 0.667 0.297
TPSV336*035#0200 V 33 35 85 23 125 11.6 6 200 11) 1.118 1.006 0.447
TPSE476*035#0200 E 47 35 85 23 125 16.5 6 200 11) 0.908 0.817 0.363
TPSE476*035#0250 E 47 35 85 23 125 16.5 6 250 11) 0.812 0.731 0.325
TPSV476*035#0150 V 47 35 85 23 125 16.5 6 150 11) 1.291 1.162 0.516
TPSV476*035#0200 V 47 35 85 23 125 16.5 6 200 11) 1.118 1.006 0.447
TPSV686*035#0150 V 68 35 85 23 125 23.8 6 150 11) 1.291 1.162 0.516
TPSV686*035#0200 V 68 35 85 23 125 23.8 6 200 11) 1.118 1.006 0.447
MAY 2015 ■ 83
TPS Series
AVX Case Capacitance Rated Rated Category Category DCL DF ESR 100kHz RMS Current (A)
Part No. Size (μF) Voltage Temperature Voltage Temperature (μA) % Max. (mΩ) MSL
(V) (ºC) (V) (ºC) Max. Max. @ 100kHz 25ºC 85ºC 125ºC
50 Volt @ 85°C
TPSA154*050#9000 A 0.15 50 85 33 125 0.5 4 9000 1 0.091 0.082 0.037
TPSA224*050#7000 A 0.22 50 85 33 125 0.5 4 7000 1 0.104 0.093 0.041
TPSA334*050#7000 A 0.33 50 85 33 125 0.5 4 7000 1 0.104 0.093 0.041
TPSA474*050#6500 A 0.47 50 85 33 125 0.5 4 6500 1 0.107 0.097 0.043
TPSB474*050#6000 B 0.47 50 85 33 125 0.5 4 6000 1 0.119 0.107 0.048
TPSC474*050#2300 C 0.47 50 85 33 125 0.5 4 2300 1 0.219 0.197 0.087
TPSB684*050#4000 B 0.68 50 85 33 125 0.5 4 4000 1 0.146 0.131 0.058
TPSB105*050#3000 B 1 50 85 33 125 0.5 6 3000 1 0.168 0.151 0.067
TPSC105*050#2500 C 1 50 85 33 125 0.5 4 2500 1 0.210 0.189 0.084
TPSC155*050#1500 C 1.5 50 85 33 125 0.8 6 1500 1 0.271 0.244 0.108
TPSC155*050#2000 C 1.5 50 85 33 125 0.8 6 2000 1 0.235 0.211 0.094
TPSC225*050#1500 C 2.2 50 85 33 125 1.1 8 1500 1 0.271 0.244 0.108
TPSD225*050#1200 D 2.2 50 85 33 125 1.1 6 1200 1 0.354 0.318 0.141
TPSC335*050#1000 C 3.3 50 85 33 125 1.6 6 1000 1 0.332 0.298 0.133
TPSD335*050#0800 D 3.3 50 85 33 125 1.7 6 800 1 0.433 0.390 0.173
TPSC475*050#0800 C 4.7 50 85 33 125 2.4 6 800 1 0.371 0.334 0.148
TPSD475*050#0250 D 4.7 50 85 33 125 2.4 6 250 1 0.775 0.697 0.310
TPSD475*050#0300 D 4.7 50 85 33 125 2.4 6 300 1 0.707 0.636 0.283
TPSD475*050#0500 D 4.7 50 85 33 125 2.4 6 500 1 0.548 0.493 0.219
TPSD475*050#0700 D 4.7 50 85 33 125 2.4 6 700 1 0.463 0.417 0.185
TPSD685*050#0200 D 6.8 50 85 33 125 3.4 6 200 1 0.866 0.779 0.346
TPSD685*050#0300 D 6.8 50 85 33 125 3.4 6 300 1 0.707 0.636 0.283
TPSD685*050#0500 D 6.8 50 85 33 125 3.4 6 500 1 0.548 0.493 0.219
TPSD685*050#0600 D 6.8 50 85 33 125 3.4 6 600 1 0.500 0.450 0.200
TPSD106*050#0500 D 10 50 85 33 125 5 6 500 1 0.548 0.493 0.219
TPSE106*050#0250 E 10 50 85 33 125 5 6 250 11) 0.812 0.731 0.325
TPSE106*050#0300 E 10 50 85 33 125 5 6 300 11) 0.742 0.667 0.297
TPSE106*050#0400 E 10 50 85 33 125 5 6 400 11) 0.642 0.578 0.257
TPSE106*050#0500 E 10 50 85 33 125 5 6 500 11) 0.574 0.517 0.230
TPSE156*050#0250 E 15 50 85 33 125 7.5 6 250 11) 0.812 0.731 0.325
TPSV156*050#0250 V 15 50 85 33 125 7.5 6 250 11) 1.000 0.900 0.400
11) –Dry pack option (see How to order) recommended for reduction of stress during soldering. Dry pack parts should be treated as MSL 3.
For AEC-Q200 availability, please contact AVX.
Moisture Sensitivity Level (MSL) is defined according to J-STD-020
All technical data relates to an ambient temperature of +25°C. Capacitance and DF are measured at 120Hz, 0.5V RMS with a maximum DC bias of 2.2 volts.
DCL ismeasured at rated voltage after 5 minutes.
The EIA & CECC standards for low ESR Solid Tantalum Capacitors allow an ESR movement to 1.25 times catalogue limit post mounting.
For typical weight and composition see page 214.
NOTE: AVX reserves the right to supply a higher voltage rating or tighter tolerance part in the same case size, to the same reliability standards.
TPS series (Temperature range -55ºC to +125ºC)
Condition Characteristics
Determine after application of rated voltage for 2000 Visual examination no visible damage
+48/-0 hours at 85±2ºC and then leaving 1-2 hours at DCL 1.5 x initial limit
room temperature. Also determine of 125ºC tempera-
Endurance ture, category voltage for 2000 +48/-0 hours and ΔC/C within ±10% of initial value
then leaving 1-2 hours at room temperature. Power DF initial limit
supply impedance to be ≤0.1Ω/V. ESR 1.25 x initial limit
Visual examination no visible damage
Determine after storage without applied voltage DCL 1.5 x initial limit
at 65±2ºC and 95±2% relative humidity for 500
Humidity hours and then recovery 1-2 hours at room ΔC/C within ±10% of initial value
temperature. DF 1.2 x initial limit
ESR 1.25 x initial limit
Step Temperature°C Duration(min) +20ºC -55ºC +20ºC +85ºC +125ºC +20ºC
1 +20±2 15
Temperature 2 -55+0/-3 15
DCL IL* n/a IL* 10 x IL* 12.5 x IL* IL*
Stability 3 +20±2 15 ΔC/C n/a +0/-10% ±5% +10/-0% +12/-0% ±5%
4 +85+3/-0 15 DF IL* 1.5 x IL* IL* 1.5 x IL* 2 x IL* IL*
5 +125+3/-0 15
6 +20±2 15 ESR 1.25 x IL* 2.5 x IL* 1.25 x IL* 1.25 x IL* 1.25 x IL* 1.25 x IL*
Test temperature: 125ºC+3/0ºC
Test voltage: Category voltage at 125ºC
Visual examination no visible damage
Surge Surge voltage: 1.3 x category voltage at 125ºC DCL initial limit
Series protection resistance 1000±100Ω
Voltage Discharge resistance: 1000Ω ΔC/C within ±5% of initial value
Number of cycles: 1000x DF initial limit
Cycle duration: 6 min; 30 sec charge,
5 min 30 sec discharge ESR 1.25 x initial limit
*Initial Limit
84 ■ MAY 2015
TPS Automotive Range
Low ESR - Automotive Product Range
Capacitance Rated Voltage DC (VR) to 85°C
μF Code 6.3V (J) 10V (A) 16V (C) 20V (D) 25V (E) 35V (V) 50V (T)
0.15 154
0.22 224 A(7000)
0.33 334 A(6000) A(7000)
0.47 474 A(7000) A(6000) A(6500), B(6000)
0.68 684 A(6000) A(6000) B(4000)
1.0 105 A(6200) A(3000) A(4000) A(3000), B(2000) B(3000), C(2500)
1.5 155 A(3000) A(3000) A(3000), B(2500) C(1500,2000)
2.2 225 A(1800) A(1800,3500) A(3000), B(1700) A(2500), B(750,1500,2000), C(1500), D(1200)
B(900,1200,2500) C(1000)
3.3 335 A(2100) A(3500), B(2500) A(2500), B(1300) B(750,1500,2000) B(1000), C(700) C(1000), D(800)
4.7 475 A(1400), B(1400) A(2000), B(800,1500) A(1800), B(750,1000) B(700,900), C(700) B(700,1500), C(600), C(800), D(250,500,700)
6.8 685 A(1800), B(1300) A(1500), B(600,1200) B(600,1000), C(700) B(700), C(500,600,700) C(350), D(400,500) D(500,600)
10 106 A(1500), B(1500) A(900,1800), B(1000) A(1000), B(500,800), B(500,1000), C(300,500), D(500) C(600), D(300) D(500),
C(500) C(500,700) E(250,300,400,500)
15 156 A(700,1500) A(1000), B(450,600), B(500,800) B(500), C(400,450) C(220,300), D(300) D(300) E(250)
C(700) C(300,700)
22 226 A(500,900), B(375,600), A(900), B(400,500,700), B(400,600), C(300,375), C(400), D(200,300) C(275,400), D(200,300) D(200,300,400),
C(500) C(180,300) D(500), D(700) E(200,300)
33 336 A(600), B(250,425,500,650), C(225,300), D(200) C(300), D(160,200) D(200,300) E(250,300)
B(250,350,450,600) C(375,500)
47 476 B(250,350,500), B(250,350,500,650), C(350), D(200) D(200) D(125,150,250), E(125)
C(300) C(200,350), D(300)
68 686 B(250,350,500), C(200,300), D(150) C(200), D(150) D(150,200,300),
C(150,200) E(125,150,200)
100 107 C(150), D(300) C(150,200), D(100,125,150),
D(100,125,150) E(100,125,150) E(100,150,200)
150 157 C(150,200,250), D(125) D(85,100), E(100) E(100)
220 227 D(100,125) D(100,150),
330 337 D(70,100), E(50,60,100)
470 477 D(45,60,100,200),
680 687 E(45,60,100)
Not recommended for new designs, higher voltage or smaller case size substitution are offered.
Released codes
Engineering samples - please contact manufacturer
Note: Voltage ratings are minimum values. AVX reserves the right to supply higher ratings in the same case size, to the same reliability standards.
TPS C 107 M 010 T 0150 V
Type Case Size Capacitance Code Tolerance Rated DC Voltage Packaging ESR in mΩ Dry Pack
See table pF code: 1st two digits K = ±10% 006 = 6.3Vdc 025 = 25Vdc T = Automotive Lead Free Option
above represent significant figures, M = ±20% 010 = 10Vdc 035 = 35Vdc 7" Reel (D,E case sizes
3rd digit represents multiplier 016 = 16Vdc 050 = 50Vdc U = Automotive Lead Free mandatory)
020 = 20Vdc
(number of zeros to follow) 13" Reel
MAY 2015 ■ 85
TPS Automotive Range
Low ESR - Automotive Product Range
AVX Case Capacitance Rated Rated Category Category DCL DF ESR 100kHz RMS Current (A)
Part No. Size (μF) Voltage Temperature Voltage Temperature (μA) % Max. (mΩ) MSL
(V) (ºC) (V) (ºC) Max. Max. @ 100kHz 25ºC 85ºC 125ºC
6.3 Volt @ 85°C
TPSA335*006T2100 A 3.3 6.3 85 4 125 0.5 6 2100 1 0.189 0.170 0.076
TPSA106*006T1500 A 10 6.3 85 4 125 0.6 6 1500 1 0.224 0.201 0.089
TPSB106*006T1500 B 10 6.3 85 4 125 0.6 6 1500 1 0.238 0.214 0.095
TPSA156*006T0700 A 15 6.3 85 4 125 0.9 6 700 1 0.327 0.295 0.131
TPSA156*006T1500 A 15 6.3 85 4 125 0.9 6 1500 1 0.224 0.201 0.089
TPSA226*006T0500 A 22 6.3 85 4 125 1.4 6 500 1 0.387 0.349 0.155
TPSA226*006T0900 A 22 6.3 85 4 125 1.4 6 900 1 0.289 0.260 0.115
TPSB226*006T0375 B 22 6.3 85 4 125 1.4 6 375 1 0.476 0.428 0.190
TPSB226*006T0600 B 22 6.3 85 4 125 1.4 6 600 1 0.376 0.339 0.151
TPSC226*006T0500 C 22 6.3 85 4 125 1.4 6 500 1 0.469 0.422 0.188
TPSA336*006T0600 A 33 6.3 85 4 125 2.1 8 600 1 0.354 0.318 0.141
TPSB336*006T0250 B 33 6.3 85 4 125 2.1 6 250 1 0.583 0.525 0.233
TPSB336*006T0350 B 33 6.3 85 4 125 2.1 6 350 1 0.493 0.444 0.197
TPSB336*006T0450 B 33 6.3 85 4 125 2.1 6 450 1 0.435 0.391 0.174
TPSB336*006T0600 B 33 6.3 85 4 125 2.1 6 600 1 0.376 0.339 0.151
TPSB476*006T0250 B 47 6.3 85 4 125 3 6 250 1 0.583 0.525 0.233
TPSB476*006T0350 B 47 6.3 85 4 125 3 6 350 1 0.493 0.444 0.197
TPSB476*006T0500 B 47 6.3 85 4 125 3 6 500 1 0.412 0.371 0.165
TPSC476*006T0300 C 47 6.3 85 4 125 3 6 300 1 0.606 0.545 0.242
TPSB686*006T0250 B 68 6.3 85 4 125 4 8 250 1 0.583 0.525 0.233
TPSB686*006T0350 B 68 6.3 85 4 125 4 8 350 1 0.493 0.444 0.197
TPSB686*006T0500 B 68 6.3 85 4 125 4 8 500 1 0.412 0.371 0.165
TPSC686*006T0150 C 68 6.3 85 4 125 4.3 6 150 1 0.856 0.771 0.343
TPSC686*006T0200 C 68 6.3 85 4 125 4.3 6 200 1 0.742 0.667 0.297
TPSC107*006T0150 C 100 6.3 85 4 125 6.3 6 150 1 0.856 0.771 0.343
TPSD107*006T0300V D 100 6.3 85 4 125 6.3 6 300 3 0.707 0.636 0.283
TPSC157*006T0150 C 150 6.3 85 4 125 9.5 6 150 1 0.856 0.771 0.343
TPSC157*006T0200 C 150 6.3 85 4 125 9.5 6 200 1 0.742 0.667 0.297
TPSC157*006T0250 C 150 6.3 85 4 125 9.5 6 250 1 0.663 0.597 0.265
TPSD157*006T0125V D 150 6.3 85 4 125 9.5 6 125 3 1.095 0.986 0.438
TPSD227*006T0100V D 220 6.3 85 4 125 13.9 8 100 3 1.225 1.102 0.490
TPSD227*006T0125V D 220 6.3 85 4 125 13.9 8 125 3 1.095 0.986 0.438
TPSD337*006T0070V D 330 6.3 85 4 125 20.8 8 70 3 1.464 1.317 0.586
TPSD337*006T0100V D 330 6.3 85 4 125 20.8 8 100 3 1.225 1.102 0.490
TPSE337*006T0100V E 330 6.3 85 4 125 20.8 8 100 3 1.285 1.156 0.514
TPSE337*006T0125V E 330 6.3 85 4 125 20.8 8 125 3 1.149 1.034 0.460
TPSE337*006T0150V E 330 6.3 85 4 125 20.8 8 150 3 1.049 0.944 0.420
TPSD477*006T0045V D 470 6.3 85 4 125 28 12 45 3 1.826 1.643 0.730
TPSD477*006T0060V D 470 6.3 85 4 125 28 12 60 3 1.581 1.423 0.632
TPSD477*006T0100V D 470 6.3 85 4 125 28 12 100 3 1.225 1.102 0.490
TPSD477*006T0200V D 470 6.3 85 4 125 28 12 200 3 0.866 0.779 0.346
TPSE477*006T0045V E 470 6.3 85 4 125 28 10 45 3 1.915 1.723 0.766
TPSE477*006T0050V E 470 6.3 85 4 125 28 10 50 3 1.817 1.635 0.727
TPSE477*006T0060V E 470 6.3 85 4 125 28 10 60 3 1.658 1.492 0.663
TPSE477*006T0100V E 470 6.3 85 4 125 28 10 100 3 1.285 1.156 0.514
TPSE477*006T0200V E 470 6.3 85 4 125 28 10 200 3 0.908 0.817 0.363
TPSE687*006T0045V E 680 6.3 85 4 125 42.8 10 45 3 1.915 1.723 0.766
TPSE687*006T0060V E 680 6.3 85 4 125 42.8 10 60 3 1.658 1.492 0.663
TPSE687*006T0100V E 680 6.3 85 4 125 42.8 10 100 3 1.285 1.156 0.514
10 Volt @ 85°C
TPSA225*010T1800 A 2.2 10 85 7 125 0.5 6 1800 1 0.204 0.184 0.082
TPSA475*010T1400 A 4.7 10 85 7 125 0.5 6 1400 1 0.231 0.208 0.093
TPSB475*010T1400 B 4.7 10 85 7 125 0.5 6 1400 1 0.246 0.222 0.099
TPSA685*010T1800 A 6.8 10 85 7 125 0.7 6 1800 1 0.204 0.184 0.082
TPSB685*010T1300 B 6.8 10 85 7 125 0.7 6 1300 1 0.256 0.230 0.102
TPSA106*010T0900 A 10 10 85 7 125 1 6 900 1 0.289 0.260 0.115
TPSA106*010T1800 A 10 10 85 7 125 1 6 1800 1 0.204 0.184 0.082
TPSB106*010T1000 B 10 10 85 7 125 1 6 1000 1 0.292 0.262 0.117
TPSA156*010T1000 A 15 10 85 7 125 1.5 6 1000 1 0.274 0.246 0.110
TPSB156*010T0450 B 15 10 85 7 125 1.5 6 450 1 0.435 0.391 0.174
TPSB156*010T0600 B 15 10 85 7 125 1.5 6 600 1 0.376 0.339 0.151
TPSC156*010T0700 C 15 10 85 7 125 1.5 6 700 1 0.396 0.357 0.159
TPSA226*010T0900 A 22 10 85 7 125 2.2 8 900 1 0.289 0.260 0.115
TPSB226*010T0400 B 22 10 85 7 125 2.2 6 400 1 0.461 0.415 0.184
TPSB226*010T0500 B 22 10 85 7 125 2.2 6 500 1 0.412 0.371 0.165
TPSB226*010T0700 B 22 10 85 7 125 2.2 6 700 1 0.348 0.314 0.139
TPSC226*010T0180 C 22 10 85 7 125 2.2 6 180 1 0.782 0.704 0.313
TPSC226*010T0300 C 22 10 85 7 125 2.2 6 300 1 0.606 0.545 0.242
TPSB336*010T0250 B 33 10 85 7 125 3.3 6 250 1 0.583 0.525 0.233
TPSB336*010T0425 B 33 10 85 7 125 3.3 6 425 1 0.447 0.402 0.179
86 ■ MAY 2015
TPS Automotive Range
Low ESR - Automotive Product Range
AVX Case Capacitance Rated Rated Category Category DCL DF ESR 100kHz RMS Current (A)
Part No. Size (μF) Voltage Temperature Voltage Temperature (μA) % Max. (mΩ) MSL
(V) (ºC) (V) (ºC) Max. Max. @ 100kHz 25ºC 85ºC 125ºC
TPSB336*010T0500 B 33 10 85 7 125 3.3 6 500 1 0.412 0.371 0.165
TPSB336*010T0650 B 33 10 85 7 125 3.3 6 650 1 0.362 0.325 0.145
TPSC336*010T0375 C 33 10 85 7 125 3.3 6 375 1 0.542 0.487 0.217
TPSC336*010T0500 C 33 10 85 7 125 3.3 6 500 1 0.469 0.422 0.188
TPSB476*010T0250 B 47 10 85 7 125 4.7 8 250 1 0.583 0.525 0.233
TPSB476*010T0350 B 47 10 85 7 125 4.7 8 350 1 0.493 0.444 0.197
TPSB476*010T0500 B 47 10 85 7 125 4.7 8 500 1 0.412 0.371 0.165
TPSB476*010T0650 B 47 10 85 7 125 4.7 8 650 1 0.362 0.325 0.145
TPSC476*010T0200 C 47 10 85 7 125 4.7 6 200 1 0.742 0.667 0.297
TPSC476*010T0350 C 47 10 85 7 125 4.7 6 350 1 0.561 0.505 0.224
TPSD476*010T0300V D 47 10 85 7 125 4.7 6 300 3 0.707 0.636 0.283
TPSC686*010T0200 C 68 10 85 7 125 6.8 6 200 1 0.742 0.667 0.297
TPSC686*010T0300 C 68 10 85 7 125 6.8 6 300 1 0.606 0.545 0.242
TPSD686*010T0150V D 68 10 85 7 125 6.8 6 150 3 1.000 0.900 0.400
TPSC107*010T0150 C 100 10 85 7 125 10 8 150 1 0.856 0.771 0.343
TPSC107*010T0200 C 100 10 85 7 125 10 8 200 1 0.742 0.667 0.297
TPSD107*010T0100V D 100 10 85 7 125 10 6 100 3 1.225 1.102 0.490
TPSD107*010T0125V D 100 10 85 7 125 10 6 125 3 1.095 0.986 0.438
TPSD107*010T0150V D 100 10 85 7 125 10 6 150 3 1.000 0.900 0.400
TPSD157*010T0085V D 150 10 85 7 125 15 8 85 3 1.328 1.196 0.531
TPSD157*010T0100V D 150 10 85 7 125 15 8 100 3 1.225 1.102 0.490
TPSE157*010T0100V E 150 10 85 7 125 15 8 100 3 1.285 1.156 0.514
TPSD227*010T0100V D 220 10 85 7 125 22 8 100 3 1.225 1.102 0.490
TPSD227*010T0150V D 220 10 85 7 125 22 8 150 3 1.000 0.900 0.400
TPSE227*010T0070V E 220 10 85 7 125 22 8 70 3 1.535 1.382 0.614
TPSE227*010T0100V E 220 10 85 7 125 22 8 100 3 1.285 1.156 0.514
TPSE227*010T0125V E 220 10 85 7 125 22 8 125 3 1.149 1.034 0.460
TPSE227*010T0150V E 220 10 85 7 125 22 8 150 3 1.049 0.944 0.420
TPSE337*010T0050V E 330 10 85 7 125 33 8 50 3 1.817 1.635 0.727
TPSE337*010T0060V E 330 10 85 7 125 33 8 60 3 1.658 1.492 0.663
TPSE337*010T0100V E 330 10 85 7 125 33 8 100 3 1.285 1.156 0.514
16 Volt @ 85°C
TPSA105*016T6200 A 1.0 16 85 10 125 0.5 4 6200 1 0.110 0.099 0.044
TPSA225*016T1800 A 2.2 16 85 10 125 0.5 6 1800 1 0.204 0.184 0.082
TPSA225*016T3500 A 2.2 16 85 10 125 0.5 6 3500 1 0.146 0.132 0.059
TPSA335*016T3500 A 3.3 16 85 10 125 0.5 6 3500 1 0.146 0.132 0.059
TPSB335*016T2500 B 3.3 16 85 10 125 0.5 6 2500 1 0.184 0.166 0.074
TPSA475*016T2000 A 4.7 16 85 10 125 0.8 6 2000 1 0.194 0.174 0.077
TPSB475*016T0800 B 4.7 16 85 10 125 0.8 6 800 1 0.326 0.293 0.130
TPSB475*016T1500 B 4.7 16 85 10 125 0.8 6 1500 1 0.238 0.214 0.095
TPSA685*016T1500 A 6.8 16 85 10 125 1.1 6 1500 1 0.224 0.201 0.089
TPSB685*016T0600 B 6.8 16 85 10 125 1.1 6 600 1 0.376 0.339 0.151
TPSB685*016T1200 B 6.8 16 85 10 125 1.1 6 1200 1 0.266 0.240 0.106
TPSA106*016T1000 A 10 16 85 10 125 1.6 6 1000 1 0.274 0.246 0.110
TPSB106*016T0500 B 10 16 85 10 125 1.6 6 500 1 0.412 0.371 0.165
TPSB106*016T0800 B 10 16 85 10 125 1.6 6 800 1 0.326 0.293 0.130
TPSC106*016T0500 C 10 16 85 10 125 1.6 6 500 1 0.469 0.422 0.188
TPSB156*016T0500 B 15 16 85 10 125 2.4 6 500 1 0.412 0.371 0.165
TPSB156*016T0800 B 15 16 85 10 125 2.4 6 800 1 0.326 0.293 0.130
TPSC156*016T0300 C 15 16 85 10 125 2.4 6 300 1 0.606 0.545 0.242
TPSC156*016T0700 C 15 16 85 10 125 2.4 6 700 1 0.396 0.357 0.159
TPSB226*016T0400 B 22 16 85 10 125 3.5 6 400 1 0.461 0.415 0.184
TPSB226*016T0600 B 22 16 85 10 125 3.5 6 600 1 0.376 0.339 0.151
TPSC226*016T0300 C 22 16 85 10 125 3.5 6 300 1 0.606 0.545 0.242
TPSC226*016T0375 C 22 16 85 10 125 3.5 6 375 1 0.542 0.487 0.217
TPSD226*016T0500V D 22 16 85 10 125 3.5 6 500 3 0.548 0.493 0.219
TPSD226*016T0700V D 22 16 85 10 125 3.5 6 700 3 0.463 0.417 0.185
TPSC336*016T0225 C 33 16 85 10 125 5.3 6 225 1 0.699 0.629 0.280
TPSC336*016T0300 C 33 16 85 10 125 5.3 6 300 1 0.606 0.545 0.242
TPSD336*016T0200V D 33 16 85 10 125 5.3 6 200 3 0.866 0.779 0.346
TPSC476*016T0350 C 47 16 85 10 125 7.5 6 350 1 0.561 0.505 0.224
TPSD476*016T0200V D 47 16 85 10 125 7.5 6 200 3 0.866 0.779 0.346
TPSC686*016T0200 C 68 16 85 10 125 10.9 6 200 1 0.742 0.667 0.297
TPSD686*016T0150V D 68 16 85 10 125 10.9 6 150 3 1.000 0.900 0.400
TPSD107*016T0100V D 100 16 85 10 125 16 6 100 3 1.225 1.102 0.490
TPSD107*016T0125V D 100 16 85 10 125 16 6 125 3 1.095 0.986 0.438
TPSD107*016T0150V D 100 16 85 10 125 16 6 150 3 1.000 0.900 0.400
TPSE107*016T0100V E 100 16 85 10 125 16 6 100 3 1.285 1.156 0.514
TPSE107*016T0125V E 100 16 85 10 125 16 6 125 3 1.149 1.034 0.460
TPSE107*016T0150V E 100 16 85 10 125 16 6 150 3 1.049 0.944 0.420
TPSE157*016T0100V E 150 16 85 10 125 23 8 100 3 1.285 1.156 0.514
MAY 2015 ■ 87
TPS Automotive Range
Low ESR - Automotive Product Range
AVX Case Capacitance Rated Rated Category Category DCL DF ESR 100kHz RMS Current (A)
Part No. Size (μF) Voltage Temperature Voltage Temperature (μA) % Max. (mΩ) MSL
(V) (ºC) (V) (ºC) Max. Max. @ 100kHz 25ºC 85ºC 125ºC
20 Volt @ 85°C
TPSA105*020T3000 A 1 20 85 13 125 0.5 4 3000 1 0.158 0.142 0.063
TPSA155*020T3000 A 1.5 20 85 13 125 0.5 6 3000 1 0.158 0.142 0.063
TPSA225*020T3000 A 2.2 20 85 13 125 0.5 6 3000 1 0.158 0.142 0.063
TPSB225*020T1700 B 2.2 20 85 13 125 0.5 6 1700 1 0.224 0.201 0.089
TPSA335*020T2500 A 3.3 20 85 13 125 0.7 6 2500 1 0.173 0.156 0.069
TPSB335*020T1300 B 3.3 20 85 13 125 0.7 6 1300 1 0.256 0.230 0.102
TPSA475*020T1800 A 4.7 20 85 13 125 0.9 6 1800 1 0.204 0.184 0.082
TPSB475*020T0750 B 4.7 20 85 13 125 0.9 6 750 1 0.337 0.303 0.135
TPSB475*020T1000 B 4.7 20 85 13 125 0.9 6 1000 1 0.292 0.262 0.117
TPSB685*020T0600 B 6.8 20 85 13 125 1.4 6 600 1 0.376 0.339 0.151
TPSB685*020T1000 B 6.8 20 85 13 125 1.4 6 1000 1 0.292 0.262 0.117
TPSC685*020T0700 C 6.8 20 85 13 125 1.4 6 700 1 0.396 0.357 0.159
TPSB106*020T0500 B 10 20 85 13 125 2 6 500 1 0.412 0.371 0.165
TPSB106*020T1000 B 10 20 85 13 125 2 6 1000 1 0.292 0.262 0.117
TPSC106*020T0500 C 10 20 85 13 125 2 6 500 1 0.469 0.422 0.188
TPSC106*020T0700 C 10 20 85 13 125 2 6 700 1 0.396 0.357 0.159
TPSB156*020T0500 B 15 20 85 13 125 3 6 500 1 0.412 0.371 0.165
TPSC156*020T0400 C 15 20 85 13 125 3 6 400 1 0.524 0.472 0.210
TPSC156*020T0450 C 15 20 85 13 125 3 6 450 1 0.494 0.445 0.198
TPSC226*020T0400 C 22 20 85 13 125 4.4 6 400 1 0.524 0.472 0.210
TPSD226*020T0200V D 22 20 85 13 125 4.4 6 200 3 0.866 0.779 0.346
TPSD226*020T0300V D 22 20 85 13 125 4.4 6 300 3 0.707 0.636 0.283
TPSC336*020T0300 C 33 20 85 13 125 6.6 6 300 1 0.606 0.545 0.242
TPSD336*020T0160V D 33 20 85 13 125 6.6 6 160 3 0.968 0.871 0.387
TPSD336*020T0200V D 33 20 85 13 125 6.6 6 200 3 0.866 0.779 0.346
TPSD476*020T0200V D 47 20 85 13 125 9.4 6 200 3 0.866 0.779 0.346
TPSD686*020T0150V D 68 20 85 13 125 13.6 6 150 3 1.000 0.900 0.400
TPSD686*020T0200V D 68 20 85 13 125 13.6 6 200 3 0.866 0.779 0.346
TPSD686*020T0300V D 68 20 85 13 125 13.6 6 300 3 0.707 0.636 0.283
TPSE686*020T0125V E 68 20 85 13 125 13.6 6 125 3 1.149 1.034 0.460
TPSE686*020T0150V E 68 20 85 13 125 13.6 6 150 3 1.049 0.944 0.420
TPSE686*020T0200V E 68 20 85 13 125 13.6 6 200 3 0.908 0.817 0.363
TPSE107*020T0100V E 100 20 85 13 125 20 6 100 3 1.285 1.156 0.514
TPSE107*020T0150V E 100 20 85 13 125 20 6 150 3 1.049 0.944 0.420
TPSE107*020T0200V E 100 20 85 13 125 20 6 200 3 0.908 0.817 0.363
25 Volt @ 85°C
TPSA474*025T7000 A 0.47 25 85 17 125 0.5 4 7000 1 0.104 0.093 0.041
TPSA684*025T6000 A 0.68 25 85 17 125 0.5 4 6000 1 0.112 0.101 0.045
TPSA105*025T4000 A 1.0 25 85 17 125 0.5 4 4000 1 0.137 0.123 0.055
TPSA155*025T3000 A 1.5 25 85 17 125 0.5 6 3000 1 0.158 0.142 0.063
TPSA225*025T2500 A 2.2 25 85 17 125 0.6 6 2500 1 0.173 0.156 0.069
TPSB225*025T0900 B 2.2 25 85 17 125 0.6 6 900 1 0.307 0.277 0.123
TPSB225*025T1200 B 2.2 25 85 17 125 0.6 6 1200 1 0.266 0.240 0.106
TPSB225*025T2500 B 2.2 25 85 17 125 0.6 6 2500 1 0.184 0.166 0.074
TPSB335*025T0750 B 3.3 25 85 17 125 0.8 6 750 1 0.337 0.303 0.135
TPSB335*025T1500 B 3.3 25 85 17 125 0.8 6 1500 1 0.238 0.214 0.095
TPSB335*025T2000 B 3.3 25 85 17 125 0.8 6 2000 1 0.206 0.186 0.082
TPSB475*025T0700 B 4.7 25 85 17 125 1.2 6 700 1 0.348 0.314 0.139
TPSB475*025T0900 B 4.7 25 85 17 125 1.2 6 900 1 0.307 0.277 0.123
TPSC475*025T0700 C 4.7 25 85 17 125 1.2 6 700 1 0.396 0.357 0.159
TPSB685*025T0700 B 6.8 25 85 17 125 1.7 6 700 1 0.348 0.314 0.139
TPSC685*025T0500 C 6.8 25 85 17 125 1.7 6 500 1 0.469 0.422 0.188
TPSC685*025T0600 C 6.8 25 85 17 125 1.7 6 600 1 0.428 0.385 0.171
TPSC685*025T0700 C 6.8 25 85 17 125 1.7 6 700 1 0.396 0.357 0.159
TPSC106*025T0300 C 10 25 85 17 125 2.5 6 300 1 0.606 0.545 0.242
TPSC106*025T0500 C 10 25 85 17 125 2.5 6 500 1 0.469 0.422 0.188
TPSD106*025T0500V D 10 25 85 17 125 2.5 6 500 3 0.548 0.493 0.219
TPSC156*025T0220 C 15 25 85 17 125 3.8 6 220 1 0.707 0.636 0.283
TPSC156*025T0300 C 15 25 85 17 125 3.8 6 300 1 0.606 0.545 0.242
TPSD156*025T0300V D 15 25 85 17 125 3.8 6 300 3 0.707 0.636 0.283
TPSC226*025T0275 C 22 25 85 17 125 5.5 6 275 1 0.632 0.569 0.253
TPSC226*025T0400 C 22 25 85 17 125 5.5 6 400 1 0.524 0.472 0.210
TPSD226*025T0200V D 22 25 85 17 125 5.5 6 200 3 0.866 0.779 0.346
TPSD226*025T0300V D 22 25 85 17 125 5.5 6 300 3 0.707 0.636 0.283
TPSD336*025T0200V D 33 25 85 17 125 8.3 6 200 3 0.866 0.779 0.346
TPSD336*025T0300V D 33 25 85 17 125 8.3 6 300 3 0.707 0.636 0.283
TPSD476*025T0125V D 47 25 85 17 125 11.8 6 125 3 1.095 0.986 0.438
TPSD476*025T0150V D 47 25 85 17 125 11.8 6 150 3 1.000 0.900 0.400
TPSD476*025T0250V D 47 25 85 17 125 11.8 6 250 3 0.775 0.697 0.310
TPSE476*025T0125V E 47 25 85 17 125 11.8 6 125 3 1.149 1.034 0.460
88 ■ MAY 2015
TPS Automotive Range
Low ESR - Automotive Product Range
AVX Case Capacitance Rated Rated Category Category DCL DF ESR 100kHz RMS Current (A)
Part No. Size (μF) Voltage Temperature Voltage Temperature (μA) % Max. (mΩ) MSL
(V) (ºC) (V) (ºC) Max. Max. @ 100kHz 25ºC 85ºC 125ºC
35 Volt @ 85°C
TPSA334*035T6000 A 0.33 35 85 23 125 0.5 4 6000 1 0.112 0.101 0.045
TPSA474*035T6000 A 0.47 35 85 23 125 0.5 4 6000 1 0.112 0.101 0.045
TPSA684*035T6000 A 0.68 35 85 23 125 0.5 4 6000 1 0.112 0.101 0.045
TPSA105*035T3000 A 1 35 85 23 125 0.5 4 3000 1 0.158 0.142 0.063
TPSB105*035T2000 B 1 35 85 23 125 0.5 4 2000 1 0.206 0.186 0.082
TPSA155*035T3000 A 1.5 35 85 23 125 0.5 6 3000 1 0.158 0.142 0.063
TPSB155*035T2500 B 1.5 35 85 23 125 0.5 6 2500 1 0.184 0.166 0.074
TPSB225*035T0750 B 2.2 35 85 23 125 0.8 6 750 1 0.337 0.303 0.135
TPSB225*035T1500 B 2.2 35 85 23 125 0.8 6 1500 1 0.238 0.214 0.095
TPSB225*035T2000 B 2.2 35 85 23 125 0.8 6 2000 1 0.206 0.186 0.082
TPSC225*035T1000 C 2.2 35 85 23 125 0.8 6 1000 1 0.332 0.298 0.133
TPSB335*035T1000 B 3.3 35 85 23 125 1.2 6 1000 1 0.292 0.262 0.117
TPSC335*035T0700 C 3.3 35 85 23 125 1.2 6 700 1 0.396 0.357 0.159
TPSB475*035T0700 B 4.7 35 85 23 125 1.6 6 700 1 0.348 0.314 0.139
TPSB475*035T1500 B 4.7 35 85 23 125 1.6 6 1500 1 0.238 0.214 0.095
TPSC475*035T0600 C 4.7 35 85 23 125 1.6 6 600 1 0.428 0.385 0.171
TPSD475*035T0700V D 4.7 35 85 23 125 1.6 6 700 3 0.463 0.417 0.185
TPSC685*035T0350 C 6.8 35 85 23 125 2.4 6 350 1 0.561 0.505 0.224
TPSD685*035T0400V D 6.8 35 85 23 125 2.4 6 400 3 0.612 0.551 0.245
TPSD685*035T0500V D 6.8 35 85 23 125 2.4 6 500 3 0.548 0.493 0.219
TPSC106*035T0600 C 10 35 85 23 125 3.5 6 600 1 0.428 0.385 0.171
TPSD106*035T0300V D 10 35 85 23 125 3.5 6 300 3 0.707 0.636 0.283
TPSD156*035T0300V D 15 35 85 23 125 5.3 6 300 3 0.707 0.636 0.283
TPSD226*035T0200V D 22 35 85 23 125 7.7 6 200 3 0.866 0.779 0.346
TPSD226*035T0300V D 22 35 85 23 125 7.7 6 300 3 0.707 0.636 0.283
TPSD226*035T0400V D 22 35 85 23 125 7.7 6 400 3 0.612 0.551 0.245
TPSE226*035T0200V E 22 35 85 23 125 7.7 6 200 3 0.908 0.817 0.363
TPSE226*035T0300V E 22 35 85 23 125 7.7 6 300 3 0.742 0.667 0.297
TPSE336*035T0250V E 33 35 85 23 125 11.6 6 250 3 0.812 0.731 0.325
TPSE336*035T0300V E 33 35 85 23 125 11.6 6 300 3 0.742 0.667 0.297
50 Volt @ 85°C
TPSA224*050T7000 A 0.22 50 85 33 125 0.5 4 7000 1 0.104 0.093 0.041
TPSA334*050T7000 A 0.33 50 85 33 125 0.5 4 7000 1 0.104 0.093 0.041
TPSA474*050T6500 A 0.47 50 85 33 125 0.5 4 6500 1 0.107 0.097 0.043
TPSB474*050T6000 B 0.47 50 85 33 125 0.5 4 6000 1 0.119 0.107 0.048
TPSB684*050T4000 B 0.68 50 85 33 125 0.5 4 4000 1 0.146 0.131 0.058
TPSB105*050T3000 B 1 50 85 33 125 0.5 6 3000 1 0.168 0.151 0.067
TPSC105*050T2500 C 1 50 85 33 125 0.5 4 2500 1 0.210 0.189 0.084
TPSC155*050T1500 C 1.5 50 85 33 125 0.8 6 1500 1 0.271 0.244 0.108
TPSC155*050T2000 C 1.5 50 85 33 125 0.8 6 2000 1 0.235 0.211 0.094
TPSC225*050T1500 C 2.2 50 85 33 125 1.1 8 1500 1 0.271 0.244 0.108
TPSD225*050T1200V D 2.2 50 85 33 125 1.1 6 1200 3 0.354 0.318 0.141
TPSC335*050T1000 C 3.3 50 85 33 125 1.6 6 1000 1 0.332 0.298 0.133
TPSD335*050T0800V D 3.3 50 85 33 125 1.7 6 800 3 0.433 0.390 0.173
TPSC475*050T0800 C 4.7 50 85 33 125 2.4 6 800 1 0.371 0.334 0.148
TPSD475*050T0250V D 4.7 50 85 33 125 2.4 6 250 1 0.775 0.697 0.310
TPSD475*050T0500V D 4.7 50 85 33 125 2.4 6 500 3 0.548 0.493 0.219
TPSD475*050T0700V D 4.7 50 85 33 125 2.4 6 700 3 0.463 0.417 0.185
TPSD685*050T0500V D 6.8 50 85 33 125 3.4 6 500 3 0.548 0.493 0.219
TPSD685*050T0600V D 6.8 50 85 33 125 3.4 6 600 3 0.500 0.450 0.200
TPSD106*050T0500V D 10 50 85 33 125 5 6 500 3 0.548 0.493 0.219
TPSE106*050T0250V E 10 50 85 33 125 5 6 250 3 0.812 0.731 0.325
TPSE106*050T0300V E 10 50 85 33 125 5 6 300 3 0.742 0.667 0.297
TPSE106*050T0400V E 10 50 85 33 125 5 6 400 3 0.642 0.578 0.257
TPSE106*050T0500V E 10 50 85 33 125 5 6 500 3 0.574 0.517 0.230
TPSE156*050T0250V E 15 50 85 33 125 7.5 6 250 3 0.812 0.731 0.325
Moisture Sensitivity Level (MSL) is defined according to J-STD-020
*Please use "U" instead of "T" in the suffix letter for 13'' reel packaging
Please use specific PN for automotive version – see “HOW TO ORDER”.
All technical data relates to an ambient temperature of +25°C. Capacitance and DF are measured at 120Hz, 0.5V RMS with a maximum DC bias of 2.2 volts.
DCL is measured at rated voltage after 5 minutes.
The EIA & CECC standards for low ESR Solid Tantalum Capacitors allow an ESR movement to 1.25 times catalogue limit post mounting.
For typical weight and composition see page 214.
NOTE: AVX reserves the right to supply a higher voltage rating or tighter tolerance part in the same case size, to the same reliability standards.
MAY 2015 ■ 89
TPS Automotive Range
Low ESR - Automotive Product Range
TPS automotive series (Temperature range -55ºC to +125ºC)
Condition Characteristics
Determine after application of rated voltage for 2000 Visual examination no visible damage
+48/-0 hours at 85±2ºC and then leaving 1-2 hours at DCL 1.25 x initial limit
room temperature. Also determine of 125ºC tempera-
Endurance ture, category voltage for 2000 +48/-0 hours and ΔC/C within ±10% of initial value
then leaving 1-2 hours at room temperature. Power DF initial limit
supply impedance to be ≤0.1Ω/V. ESR 1.25 x initial limit
Visual examination no visible damage
DCL 1.25 x initial limit
Storage Life 125ºC, 0V, 2000h ΔC/C within ±10% of initial value
DF initial limit
ESR 1.25 x initial limit
Visual examination no visible damage
Determine after storage without applied voltage DCL 1.5 x initial limit
at 65±2ºC and 95±2% relative humidity for 500
Humidity hours and then recovery 1-2 hours at room ΔC/C within ±10% of initial value
temperature. DF 1.2 x initial limit
ESR 1.25 x initial limit
Visual examination no visible damage
Biased Determine after leaving for 1000 hours at 85±2ºC, DCL 2 x initial limit
85% relative humidity and rated voltage and then ΔC/C within ±10% of initial value
recovery 1-2 hours at room temperature.
DF 1.2 x initial limit
ESR 1.25 x initial limit
Step Temperature°C Duration(min) +20ºC -55ºC +20ºC +85ºC +125ºC +20ºC
1 +20±2 15
Temperature 2 -55+0/-3 15
DCL IL* n/a IL* 10 x IL* 12.5 x IL* IL*
Stability 3 +20±2 15 ΔC/C n/a +0/-10% ±5% +10/-0% +12/-0% ±5%
4 +85+3/-0 15
DF IL* 1.5 x IL* IL* 1.5 x IL* 2 x IL* IL*
5 +125+3/-0 15
6 +20±2 15 ESR 1.25 x IL* 2.5 x IL* 1.25 x IL* 1.25 x IL* 1.25 x IL* 1.25 x IL*
*Initial Limit
90 ■ MAY 2015
F91 Series
Low ESR, Resin-Molded Chip J-Lead
• Compliant to the RoHS2 directive 2011/65/EU
• SMD J-lead
• Low ESR
• General medium power DC/DC convertors
L W1 CASE DIMENSIONS: millimeters (inches)
H Code L W1 W2 H S
3.50 ± 0.20 2.80 ± 0.20 2.20 ± 0.10 1.90 ± 0.20 0.80 ± 0.20
(0.126 ± 0.008) (0.110 ± 0.008) (0.087 ± 0.004) (0.075 ± 0.008) (0.031 ± 0.008)
W2 6.00 ± 0.20 3.20 ± 0.20 2.20 ± 0.10 2.50 ± 0.20 1.30 ± 0.20
(0.236 ± 0.008) (0.126 ± 0.008) (0.087 ± 0.004) (0.098 ± 0.008) (0.051 ± 0.008)
7.30 ± 0.20 4.30 ± 0.20 2.40 ± 0.10 2.80 ± 0.20 1.30 ± 0.20
(0.287 ± 0.008) (0.169 ± 0.008) (0.094 ± 0.004) (0.110 ±0.008) (0.051 ± 0.008)
Capacitance Capacitance Capacitance
(μF) (μF) (μF)
F91 1A 107 M C ⵧ
Category Temperature Range: -55 to +125°C
Rated Temperature: +85°C
Capacitance Tolerance: ±20%, ±10% at 120Hz
Dissipation Factor: Refer to next page
ESR 100kHz: Refer to next page
Leakage Current: After 1 minute’s application of rated voltage, leakage current at 20°C
is not more than 0.01CV or 0.5μA, whichever is greater.
After 1 minute’s application of rated voltage, leakage current at 85°C
is not more than 0.1CV or 5μA, whichever is greater.
After 1 minute’s application of derated voltage, leakage current at 125°C
is not more than 0.125CV or 6.3μA, whichever is greater.
Capacitance Change By Temperature +15% Max. at +125°C
+10% Max. at +85°C
-10% Max. at -55°C
MAY 2015 ■ 91
F91 Series
Low ESR, Resin-Molded Chip J-Lead
Capacitance Rated Voltage
μF Code 4V (0G) 6.3V (0J) 10V (1A) 16V (1C) 20V (1D) 25V (1E) 35V (1V)
6.8 685 C
10 106 C N
15 156 C N
22 226 B N N
33 336 B/C N N
47 476 B N N N
68 686 C
100 107 C C N
150 157 C C N
220 227 C C/N N
330 337 N N N
470 477 N N
680 687 N
92 ■ MAY 2015
F91 Series
Low ESR, Resin-Molded Chip J-Lead
F91 series (Temperature range -55ºC to +125ºC)
At 40°C, 90 to 95% R.H., 500 hours (No voltage applied)
Damp Heat Capacitance Change ........... Within ±10% of the initial value
(Steady State) Dissipation Factor ................ Initial specified value or less
Leakage Current .................. Initial specified value or less
-55°C / +125°C, 30 minutes each, 5 cycles
Temperature Cycles Capacitance Change ........... Within ±5% of the initial value
Dissipation Factor ................ Initial specified value or less
Leakage Current .................. Initial specified value or less
10 seconds reflow at 260°C, 5 seconds immersion at 260°C.
Resistance to Capacitance Change ........... Within ±5% of the initial value
Soldering Heat Dissipation Factor ................ Initial specified value or less
Leakage Current .................. Initial specified value or less
After application of surge voltage in series with a 33Ω resistor at the rate of 30 seconds ON, 30 seconds OFF,
for 1000 successive test cycles at 85ºC, capacitors shall meet the characteristic requirements in the table above.
Surge Capacitance Change ........... Within ±5% of the initial value
Dissipation Factor ................ Initial specified value or less
Leakage Current .................. Initial specified value or less
After 2000 hours’ application of rated voltage in series with a 3Ω resistor at 85°C, or derated voltage in series with a 3Ω
resistor at 125°C, capacitors shall meet the characteristic requirements in the table above.
Endurance Capacitance Change ........... Within ±10% of the initial value
Dissipation Factor ................ Initial specified value or less
Leakage Current .................. Initial specified value or less
After applying the pressure load of 5N for 10±1 seconds horizontally to the center of capacitor side body
Shear Test which has no electrode and has been soldered beforehand on a substrate, there shall be found neither
exfoliation nor its sign at the terminal electrode.
Keeping a capacitor surface-mounted on a substrate upside down and supporting the substrate at
Terminal Strength both of the opposite bottom points 45mm apart from the center of capacitor, the pressure strength is
applied with a specified jig at the center of substrate so that the substrate may bend by 1mm as illus-
trated. Then, there shall be found no remarkable abnormality on the capacitor terminals.
MAY 2015 ■ 93
F91-AJ6 Series
Low ESR, Resin-Molded Chip - Automotive Product Range
• Compliant to the RoHS2 directive 2011/65/EU
• Compliant to AEC-Q200
• Cabin electronics
• Infotainment
Under development
Capacitance Capacitance
Code (μF)
C 685 22
F91 1C 226 M B ⵧ AJ6
Category Temperature Range: -55 to +125°C
Rated Temperature: +85°C
Capacitance Tolerance: ±20%, ±10% at 120Hz
Dissipation Factor: Refer to next page
ESR 100kHz: Refer to next page
Leakage Current: After 1 minute’s application of rated voltage, leakage current at 20°C
is not more than 0.01CV or 0.5μA, whichever is greater.
After 1 minute’s application of rated voltage, leakage current at 85°C
is not more than 0.1CV or 5μA, whichever is greater.
After 1 minute’s application of derated voltage, leakage current at 125°C
is not more than 0.125CV or 6.3μA, whichever is greater.
Capacitance Change By Temperature +15% Max. at +125°C
+10% Max. at +85°C
-10% Max. at -55°C
94 ■ MAY 2015
F91-AJ6 Series
Low ESR, Resin-Molded Chip - Automotive Product Range
Capacitance Rated Voltage
μF Code 6.3V (0J) 10V (1A) 16V (1C)
10 106 A* A*
22 226 A* A* B
33 336 A* B* B
47 476 B* B
Available Ratings
*Codes under development – subject to change
F91-AJ6 series (Temperature range -55ºC to +125ºC)
At 40°C, 90 to 95% R.H., 500 hours (No voltage applied)
Damp Heat Capacitance Change ........... Refer to above (*1)
(Steady State) Dissipation Factor ................ Initial specified value or less
Leakage Current .................. Initial specified value or less
After 1000 hour’s application of rated voltage in series with a 33Ω resistor at 85°C, 85% R.H.,
capacitors meet the characteristics requirements table below.
Load Humidity Capacitance Change ........... Refer to above (*1)
Dissipation Factor ................ Initial specified value or less
Leakage Current .................. 125% or less than the initial specified value
At -55°C / +125°C, 30 minutes each, 1000 cycles
Temperature Cycles Capacitance Change ........... Refer to above (*1)
Dissipation Factor ................ Initial specified value or less
Leakage Current .................. Initial specified value or less
10 seconds reflow at 260°C, 10 seconds immersion at 260°C.
Resistance to Capacitance Change ........... Refer to above (*1)
Soldering Heat Dissipation Factor ................ Initial specified value or less
Leakage Current .................. Initial specified value or less
After application of surge voltage in series with a 33Ω resistor at the rate of 30 seconds ON, 30 seconds OFF,
for 1000 successive test cycles at 85ºC, capacitors shall meet the characteristic requirements in the table above.
Surge Capacitance Change ........... Refer to above (*1)
Dissipation Factor ................ Initial specified value or less
Leakage Current .................. Initial specified value or less
After 2000 hours’ application of rated voltage in series with a 3Ω resistor at 85°C, or derated voltage in series
with a 3Ω resistor at 125°C, capacitors shall meet the characteristic requirements in the table above.
Endurance Capacitance Change ........... Refer to above (*1)
Dissipation Factor ................ Initial specified value or less
Leakage Current .................. Initial specified value or less
After applying the pressure load of 17.7N for 60 seconds horizontally to the center of capacitor side
Shear Test body which has no electrode and has been soldered beforehand on a substrate, there shall be found
neither exfoliation nor its sign at the terminal electrode.
Keeping a capacitor surface-mounted on a substrate upside down and supporting the substrate at
Terminal Strength both of the opposite bottom points 45mm apart from the center of capacitor, the pressure strength is
applied with a specified jig at the center of the substrate so that substrate may bend by1mm as
illustrated. Then, there shall be found no remarkable abnormality on the capacitor terminals.
1% per 1000 hours at 85°C, VR with 0.1Ω/V series impedance,
Failure Rate
60% confidence level.
MAY 2015 ■ 95
TPM Multianode
Tantalum Ultra Low ESR Capacitor
• Multi-anode construction
• Super low ESR
• CV range: 10-2200μF / 2.5-50V COMPONENT
• High power DC/DC general applications
AVX LOGO Capacitance Value in pF
CASE DIMENSIONS: millimeters (inches)
227 = 220μF
EIA EIA L±0.20 W+0.20 (0.008) H+0.20 (0.008) W1±0.20) A+0.30 (0.012)
Polarity Code S Min.
Band 227 A Rated Voltage Code
A = 10V
Code Metric (0.008) -0.10 (0.004) -0.10 (0.004) (0.008) -0.20 (0.008)
XXXXX ID Code D 2917 7343-31 7.30 (0.287) 4.30 (0.169) 2.90 (0.114) 2.40 (0.094) 1.30 (0.051) 4.40 (0.173)
E 2917 7343-43 7.30 (0.287) 4.30 (0.169) 4.10 (0.162) 2.40 (0.094) 1.30 (0.051) 4.40 (0.173)
V 2924 7361-38 7.30 (0.287) 6.10 (0.240) 3.55 (0.140) 3.10 (0.120) 1.30 (0.051) 4.40 (0.173)
Y 2917 7343-20 7.30 (0.287) 4.30 (0.169) 2.00 (0.079) max 2.40 (0.094) 1.30 (0.051) 4.40 (0.173)
W1 dimension applies to the termination width for A dimensional area only.
TPM E 108 M 004 R 0018
Type Case Size Capacitance Code Tolerance Rated DC Voltage Packaging ESR in mΩ
See table pF code: 1st two K=±10% 002=2.5Vdc R = Pure Tin 7" Reel
above digits represent M=±20% 004=4Vdc S = Pure Tin 13" Reel
significant figures, 006=6.3Vdc H = Tin Lead 7" Reel
010=10Vdc (Contact Manufacturer)
3rd digit represents 016=16Vdc K = Tin Lead 13" Reel
multiplier (number of 020=20Vdc (Contact Manufacturer)
zeros to follow) 025=25Vdc H, K = Non RoHS
Technical Data: All technical data relate to an ambient temperature of +25°C
Capacitance Range: 10 μF to 2200 μF
Capacitance Tolerance: ±10%, ±20%
Rated Voltage (VR) +85°C: 2.5 4 6.3 10 16 20 25 35 50
Category Voltage (VC) +125°C: 1.7 2.7 4 7 10 13 17 23 33
Surge Voltage (VS) +85°C: 3.3 5.2 8 13 20 26 32 46 65
Surge Voltage (VS) +125°C: 2.2 3.4 5 8 13 16 20 28 40
Temperature Range: -55°C to +125°C
Reliability: 1% per 1000 hours at 85°C, VR with 0.1Ω/V series impedance, 60% confidence level
96 ■ MAY 2015
TPM Multianode
Tantalum Ultra Low ESR Capacitor
Capacitance Rated Voltage DC (VR) to 85°C
μF Code 2.5V (e) 4V (G) 6.3V (J) 10V (A) 16V (C) 20V (D) 25V (E) 35V (V) 50V (T)
6.8 685
10 106 E(120)
15 156 E(75,100)
22 226 E(60,100) E(75,100)
33 336 D(65) E(50,65)
47 476 D(100) D(45,55) D(55)/E(65) E(55,65)
68 686 D(40,50) E(45,55)
100 107 Y(45)(M) D(40,50) E(35,45)
150 157 Y(45) E(30,40) E(35)
220 227 Y(30)(M) D(35) E(25,40)
330 337 D(25,35) D(25,35) E(23,35) E(50)*
470 477 D(25,35) E(18,23,30) E(23,30)
D(25) E(18,23)
680 687 E(18,23) V(23)
D(25,45) E(25)(M)
1000 108 D(25) E(18,23), V(18) V(20)(M)
1500 158 E(12,15,18) E(15,18)
2200 228 E(18)(M)
Released codes (M tolerance only)
Engineering samples - please contact manufacturer
*Codes under development - subject to change
Note: Voltage ratings are minimum values. AVX reserves the right to supply
higher ratings in the same case size, to the same reliability standards.
MAY 2015 ■ 97
TPM Multianode
Tantalum Ultra Low ESR Capacitor
AVX Case Capacitance Rated Rated Category Category DCL DF ESR 100kHz RMS Current (A)
Part No. Size (μF) Voltage Temperature Voltage Temperature (μA) % Max. (mΩ) MSL
(V) (ºC) (V) (ºC) Max. Max. @ 100kHz 25ºC 85ºC 125ºC
2.5 Volt @ 85°C
TPMD108*002#0025 D 1000 2.5 85 1.7 125 25 8 25 3 3.194 2.874 1.277
TPME158*002#0012 E 1500 2.5 85 1.7 125 38 6 12 3 4.743 4.269 1.897
TPME158*002#0015 E 1500 2.5 85 1.7 125 38 6 15 3 4.243 3.818 1.697
TPME158*002#0018 E 1500 2.5 85 1.7 125 38 6 18 3 3.873 3.486 1.549
TPME228M002#0018 E 2200 2.5 85 1.7 125 44 10 18 3 3.873 3.486 1.549
4 Volt @ 85°C
TPMD337*004#0025 D 330 4 85 2.7 125 13.2 8 25 3 3.194 2.874 1.277
TPMD337*004#0035 D 330 4 85 2.7 125 13.2 8 35 3 2.699 2.429 1.080
TPMD477*004#0025 D 470 4 85 2.7 125 18.8 8 25 3 3.194 2.874 1.277
TPMD477*004#0035 D 470 4 85 2.7 125 18.8 8 35 3 2.699 2.429 1.080
TPMD687*004#0025 D 680 4 85 2.7 125 27.2 8 25 3 3.194 2.874 1.277
TPME687*004#0018 E 680 4 85 2.7 125 27 6 18 3 3.873 3.486 1.549
TPME687*004#0023 E 680 4 85 2.7 125 27 6 23 3 3.426 3.084 1.370
TPMD108*004#0025 D 1000 4 85 2.7 125 40 8 25 3 3.194 2.874 1.277
TPMD108*004#0045 D 1000 4 85 2.7 125 40 8 45 3 2.380 2.142 0.952
TPME108*004#0018 E 1000 4 85 2.7 125 40 6 18 3 3.873 3.486 1.549
TPME108*004#0023 E 1000 4 85 2.7 125 40 6 23 3 3.426 3.084 1.370
TPMV108*004#0018 V 1000 4 85 2.7 125 40 6 18 3 3.979 3.581 1.592
TPME158*004#0015 E 1500 4 85 2.7 125 40 6 15 3 4.243 3.818 1.697
TPME158*004#0018 E 1500 4 85 2.7 125 40 6 18 3 3.873 3.486 1.549
6.3 Volt @ 85°C
TPMY227M006#0030 Y 220 6.3 85 4 125 13.2 6 30 3 2.646 2.381 1.058
TPMD337*006#0025 D 330 6.3 85 4 125 19.8 8 25 3 3.194 2.874 1.277
TPMD337*006#0035 D 330 6.3 85 4 125 19.8 8 35 3 2.699 2.429 1.080
TPMD477*006#0030 D 470 6.3 85 4 125 28.2 8 30 3 2.915 2.624 1.166
TPME477*006#0018 E 470 6.3 85 4 125 28 6 18 3 3.873 3.486 1.549
TPME477*006#0023 E 470 6.3 85 4 125 28 6 23 3 3.426 3.084 1.370
TPME477*006#0030 E 470 6.3 85 4 125 28 6 30 3 3.000 2.700 1.200
TPME687*006#0018 E 680 6.3 85 4 125 41 6 18 3 3.873 3.486 1.549
TPME687*006#0023 E 680 6.3 85 4 125 41 6 23 3 3.426 3.084 1.370
TPMV687*006#0023 V 680 6.3 85 4 125 41 6 23 3 3.520 3.168 1.408
TPME108M006#0025 E 1000 6.3 85 4 125 63 8 25 3 3.286 2.958 1.315
TPMV108M006#0020 V 1000 6.3 85 4 125 63 8 20 3 3.775 3.397 1.510
10 Volt @ 85°C
TPMY107M010#0045 Y 100 10 85 7 125 10 8 45 3 2.160 1.944 0.864
TPMY157M010#0045 Y 150 10 85 7 125 15 8 45 3 2.160 1.944 0.864
TPMD227*010#0035 D 220 10 85 7 125 22 8 35 3 2.699 2.429 1.080
TPMD337*010#0035 D 330 10 85 7 125 33 8 35 3 2.699 2.429 1.080
TPME337*010#0023 E 330 10 85 7 125 33 6 23 3 3.426 3.084 1.370
TPME337*010#0035 E 330 10 85 7 125 33 6 35 3 2.777 2.500 1.111
TPME477*010#0023 E 470 10 85 7 125 47 6 23 3 3.426 3.084 1.370
TPME477*010#0030 E 470 10 85 7 125 47 6 30 3 3.000 2.700 1.200
16 Volt @ 85°C
TPMD476*016#0100 D 47 16 85 10 125 7.5 8 100 3 1.597 1.437 0.639
TPMD686*016#0040 D 68 16 85 10 125 10.9 8 40 3 2.525 2.272 1.010
TPMD686*016#0050 D 68 16 85 10 125 10.9 8 50 3 2.258 2.032 0.903
TPMD107*016#0040 D 100 16 85 10 125 16 8 40 3 2.525 2.272 1.010
TPMD107*016#0050 D 100 16 85 10 125 16 8 50 3 2.258 2.032 0.903
TPME157*016#0030 E 150 16 85 10 125 24 6 30 3 3.000 2.700 1.200
TPME157*016#0040 E 150 16 85 10 125 24 6 40 3 2.598 2.338 1.039
TPME227*016#0025 E 220 16 85 10 125 35 6 25 3 3.286 2.958 1.315
TPME227*016#0040 E 220 16 85 10 125 35 6 40 3 2.598 2.338 1.039
TPME337*016#0050 E 330 16 85 10 125 52.8 10 50 3 2.324 2.091 0.930
20 Volt @ 85°C
TPMD476*020#0045 D 47 20 85 13 125 9.4 8 45 3 2.380 2.142 0.952
TPMD476*020#0055 D 47 20 85 13 125 9.4 8 55 3 2.153 1.938 0.861
TPME107*020#0035 E 100 20 85 13 125 20 6 35 3 2.777 2.500 1.111
TPME107*020#0045 E 100 20 85 13 125 20 6 45 3 2.449 2.205 0.980
TPME157*020#0035 E 150 20 85 13 125 30 10 35 3 2.777 2.500 1.111
25 Volt @ 85°C
TPMD336*025#0065 D 33 25 85 17 125 8.3 8 65 3 1.981 1.783 0.792
TPMD476*025#0055 D 47 25 85 17 125 11.8 8 55 3 2.153 1.938 0.861
TPME476*025#0065 E 47 25 85 17 125 11.8 6 65 3 2.038 1.834 0.815
TPME686*025#0045 E 68 25 85 17 125 17 6 45 3 2.449 2.205 0.980
TPME686*025#0055 E 68 25 85 17 125 17 6 55 3 2.216 1.994 0.886
35 Volt @ 85°C
TPMD226*035#0070 D 22 35 85 23 125 7.7 8 70 3 1.909 1.718 0.763
TPME226*035#0060 E 22 35 85 23 125 8 6 60 3 2.121 1.909 0.849
TPME226*035#0100 E 22 35 85 23 125 8 6 100 3 1.643 1.479 0.657
TPME336*035#0050 E 33 35 85 23 125 12 6 50 3 2.324 2.091 0.930
TPME336*035#0065 E 33 35 85 23 125 12 6 65 3 2.038 1.834 0.815
98 ■ MAY 2015
TPM Multianode
Tantalum Ultra Low ESR Capacitor
AVX Case Capacitance Rated Rated Category Category DCL DF ESR 100kHz RMS Current (A)
Part No. Size (μF) Voltage Temperature Voltage Temperature (μA) % Max. (mΩ) MSL
(V) (ºC) (V) (ºC) Max. Max. @ 100kHz 25ºC 85ºC 125ºC
TPME476*035#0055 E 47 35 85 23 125 16 6 55 3 2.216 1.994 0.886
TPME476*035#0065 E 47 35 85 23 125 16 6 65 3 2.038 1.834 0.815
50 Volt @ 85°C
TPMD106*050#0140 D 10 50 85 33 125 5 8 140 3 1.350 1.215 0.540
TPME106*050#0120 E 10 50 85 33 125 5 6 120 3 1.500 1.350 0.600
TPME156*050#0075 E 15 50 85 33 125 7.5 6 75 3 1.897 1.708 0.759
TPME156*050#0100 E 15 50 85 33 125 7.5 6 100 3 1.643 1.479 0.657
TPME226*050#0075 E 22 50 85 33 125 11 8 75 3 1.897 1.708 0.759
TPME226*050#0100 E 22 50 85 33 125 11 8 100 3 1.643 1.479 0.657
Moisture Sensitivity Level (MSL) is defined according to J-STD-020
All technical data relates to an ambient temperature of +25°C. Capacitance and DF are measured at 120Hz, 0.5V RMS with a maximum DC bias of 2.2 volts.
DCL is measured at rated voltage after 5 minutes.
The EIA & CECC standards for low ESR Solid Tantalum Capacitors allow an ESR movement to 1.25 times catalogue limit post mounting.
For typical weight and composition see page 214.
NOTE: AVX reserves the right to supply a higher voltage rating or tighter tolerance part in the same case size, to the same reliability standards.
TPM series (Temperature range -55ºC to +125ºC)
Condition Characteristics
Determine after application of rated voltage for 2000 Visual examination no visible damage
+48/-0 hours at 85±2ºC and then leaving 1-2 hours at DCL initial limit
room temperature. Also determine of 125ºC tempera-
Endurance ture, category voltage for 2000 +48/-0 hours and ΔC/C within ±10% of initial value
then leaving 1-2 hours at room temperature. Power DF initial limit
supply impedance to be ≤0.1Ω/V. ESR 1.25 x initial limit
Visual examination no visible damage
Determine after storage without applied voltage DCL 1.5 x initial limit
at 65±2ºC and 95±2% relative humidity for 500
Humidity hours and then recovery 1-2 hours at room ΔC/C within ±10% of initial value
temperature. DF 1.2 x initial limit
ESR 1.25 x initial limit
Step Temperature°C Duration(min) +20ºC -55ºC +20ºC +85ºC +125ºC +20ºC
1 +20±2 15
Temperature 2 -55+0/-3 15
DCL IL* n/a IL* 10 x IL* 12.5 x IL* IL*
Stability 3 +20±2 15 ΔC/C n/a +0/-10% ±5% +10/-0% +12/-0% ±5%
4 +85+3/-0 15 DF IL* 1.5 x IL* IL* 1.5 x IL* 2 x IL* IL*
5 +125+3/-0 15
6 +20±2 15 ESR 1.25 x IL* 2.5 x IL* 1.25 x IL* 1.25 x IL* 1.25 x IL* 1.25 x IL*
Test temperature: 125ºC+3/0ºC
Test voltage: Category voltage at 125ºC
Visual examination no visible damage
Surge Surge voltage: 1.3 x category voltage at 125ºC DCL initial limit
Series protection resistance 1000±100Ω
Voltage Discharge resistance: 1000Ω ΔC/C within ±5% of initial value
Number of cycles: 1000x DF initial limit
Cycle duration: 6 min; 30 sec charge,
5 min 30 sec discharge ESR 1.25 x initial limit
*Initial Limit
MAY 2015 ■ 99
TPC Series
Low ESR TACmicrochip®
• Low ESR TACmicrochip® capacitor
• Smallest and low profile tantalum
• CV range: 1.0-100μF / 3-25V LEAD-FREE COMPATIBLE
• 4 case sizes available
• Power supply applications
• Portable controller with elevated power requirements
TPC R 106 * 010 R 1800
Technical Data: All technical data relate to an ambient temperature of +25°C
Capacitance Range: 1.0 μF to 100 μF
Capacitance Tolerance: ±10%; ±20%
Leakage Current DCL: 0.01CV or 0.5μA whichever is the greater
Rated Voltage (VR) +85°C: 3 4 6.3 10 16 20 25
Category Voltage (VC) +125°C: 2 2.7 4 7 10 13 17
Surge Voltage (VS) +85°C: 3.9 5.2 8 13 20 26 32
Surge Voltage (VS) +125°C: 2.6 3.2 5 8 12 16 20
Temperature Range: -55°C to +125°C
Reliability: 1% per 1000 hours at 85°C, VR with 0.1Ω/V series impedance,
60% confidence level
Termination Finish: Nickel and Tin Plating (standard),
Nickel and Gold Plating option available upon request
T 1210 3528-12 3.50 (0.138) 2.80 (0.110) 1.20 (0.047) max 2.20 (0.087) 0.80 (0.031) 1.40 (0.055)
Band 106 V 2924 7361-38 7.30 (0.287) 6.10 (0.240) 3.55 (0.140) 3.10 (0.120) 1.30 (0.051) 4.40 (0.173)
J Rated Voltage Code
W 2312 6032-15 6.00 (0.236) 3.20 (0.126) 1.50 (0.059) max 2.20 (0.087) 1.30 (0.051) 2.90 (0.114)
J = 6.3V
X 2917 7343-15 7.30 (0.287) 4.30 (0.169) 1.50 (0.059) max 2.40 (0.094) 1.30 (0.051) 4.40 (0.173)
Y 2917 7343-20 7.30 (0.287) 4.30 (0.169) 2.00 (0.079) max 2.40 (0.094) 1.30 (0.051) 4.40 (0.173)
W1 dimension applies to the termination width for A dimensional area only.
TCJ A 226 M 004 R 0300
B(35,45,55,60,70) B(70,200)
220 227 B(35,45,70) D(12,15,25,40) D(12,15,25,35,40,50)
Y(15,25,40) Y(15,25,35,40,50)
Available Ratings, (ESR ratings in mOhms in brackets) Note: Voltage ratings are minimum values. AVX reserves the right to supply
Engineering samples - please contact manufacturer higher ratings in the same case size, to the same reliability standards.
*Codes under development – subject to change
V 2924 7361-38 7.30 (0.287) 6.10 (0.240) 3.55 (0.140) 3.10 (0.120) 1.30 (0.051) 4.40 (0.173)
Band 156 J Rated Voltage
J = 6.3V W1 dimension applies to the termination width for A dimensional area only.
TCM E 108 M 004 R 0010
Type Case Size Capacitance Code Tolerance Rated DC Voltage Packaging ESR in mΩ
See table pF code: 1st two digits M=±20% 004=4Vdc R = Pure Tin 7" Reel
above represent significant figures, 006=6.3Vdc S = Pure Tin 13" Reel
3rd digit represents multiplier 010=10Vdc
(number of zeros to follow) 100=100Vdc
Technical Data: All technical data relate to an ambient temperature of +25°C
Capacitance Range: 10 μF to 1000 μF
Capacitance Tolerance: ±20%
Leakage Current DCL: 0.1CV
Rated Voltage (VR) +85°C: 4 6.3 10 35 100
Category Voltage (VC) +105°C: 3.2 5 8 28 80
Surge Voltage (VS) +85°C: 5.2 8 13 46 130
Surge Voltage (VS) +105°C: 4 6 10 35 100
Temperature Range: -55ºC to +105ºC
Reliability: 1% per 1000 hours at 85°C, VR with 0.1Ω/V series impedance, 60% confidence level
Capacitance Value in pF
106 = 10μF
Band 106
J Rated Voltage Code
J = 6.3V
TCN L 157 M 006 R 0200
Type Case Size Capacitance Code Tolerance Rated DC Voltage Packaging ESR in mΩ
See table pF code: 1st two digits M = ±20% 006 = 6.3Vdc R = Pure Tin 7" Reel
above represent significant figures, 016 = 16Vdc S = Pure Tin 13" Reel
3rd digit represents multiplier 025 = 25Vdc
035 = 35Vdc
(number of zeros to follow)
Technical Data: All technical data relate to an ambient temperature of +25°C
Capacitance Range: 1.0 μF to 1000 μF
Capacitance Tolerance: ±20%
Leakage Current DCL: 0.1CV
Rated Voltage (VR) +85ºC: 4 6.3 10 16 25 35
Category Voltage (VC) +105ºC: 3.2 5 8 13 20 28
Surge Voltage (VS) +85ºC: 5.2 8 13 21 33 46
Surge Voltage (VS) +105ºC: 4 6 10 16 25 35
Temperature Range: -55°C to +105°C
Reliability: 1% per 1000 hours at 85°C, VR with 0.1Ω/V series impedance
60% confidence level
Polymer Capacitance Value in pF
158 = 1500μF
Band 158 J Rated Voltage
J = 6.3V
TCN 4 158 M 006 R 0055
Type Case Size Capacitance Code Tolerance Rated DC Voltage Packaging ESR in mΩ
See table pF code: 1st two digits M = ±20% 006 = 6.3Vdc R = Pure Tin 7" Reel
above represent significant figures, 016 = 16Vdc
3rd digit represents multiplier
Technical Data: All technical data relate to an ambient temperature of +25°C
Capacitance Range: 220 μF to 1500 μF
Capacitance Tolerance: ±20%
Leakage Current DCL: 0.1CV
Rated Voltage (VR) 6.3 16 25
Surge Voltage (VS) 8 21 33
Temperature Range: -55°C to +85°C
Reliability: 1% per 1000 hours at 85°C, VR with 0.1Ω/V series impedance with
60% confidence level
• Smartphone
• Tablet PC
• Wireless module
• Portable game
A Js
Rated Voltage Rated Voltage
Code Code
F38 1A 225 M M ⵧ ⵧⵧⵧ
Category Temperature Range: -55 to +105°C
Rated Temperature: +85°C (*2)
Capacitance Tolerance: ±20% at 120Hz
Dissipation Factor: Refer to next page (120Hz)
ESR 100kHz: Refer to next page (120Hz)
Leakage Current: Refer to next page
At 20ºC after application of rated voltage for 5 minutes
Provided that:
After 5 minute’s application of rated voltage, leakage current at 105°C
10 times or less than 20ºC specified value.
*2 F380J476MMAAXE: Rated temperature +60ºC Surge, endurance test temperature +60ºC
TCR D 476 M 016 # 0070 J
Technical Data: All technical data relate to an ambient temperature of +25°C
Capacitance Range: 0.47 μF to 100 μF
Capacitance Tolerance: ±20%
Leakage Current DCL: (J) 0.1CV, (G) 0.05CV on selected codes
Rated Voltage (VR) +105°C: 10 16 20 25 35 50 63
Surge Voltage (VS) +85°C: 13 21 26 33 46 65 82
Surge Voltage (VS) +105°C: 10 16 20 25 35 50 63
Temperature Range: -55°C to +105°C
Reliability: 0.5% per 1000 hours at 85°C, VR with 0.1Ω/V series impedance,
60% confidence level
TCR series (Temperature range -55ºC to +105ºC)
Condition Characteristics
Determine after application of rated voltage for 2000 Visual examination no visible damage
+48/-0 hours at 85±2ºC and then leaving 1-2 hours at DCL 1.25 x initial limit
room temperature. Also determine after application of
Endurance 105ºC temperature, rated voltage for 2000 +48/-0 ΔC/C within +20/-30% of initial value
hours and then leaving 1-2 hours at room tempera- DF 1.5 x initial limit
ture. Power supply impedance to be ≤0.1Ω/V. ESR 2 x initial limit
Visual examination no visible damage
DCL 1.25 x initial limit
Storage Life 105ºC, 0V, 2000h ΔC/C within ±20% of initial value
DF 1.5 x initial limit
ESR 2 x initial limit
Visual examination no visible damage
Determine after storage without applied voltage DCL 3 x initial limit
at 65±2ºC and 95±2% relative humidity for 500
Humidity hours and then recovery 1-2 hours at room ΔC/C within +30/-20% of initial value
temperature. DF 1.5 x initial limit
ESR 2 x initial limit
Visual examination no visible damage
Biased Determine after leaving for 120 hours at 85±2ºC, DCL 3 x initial limit
85% relative humidity and rated voltage and then ΔC/C within +30/-20% of initial value
recovery 1-2 hours at room temperature.
DF 1.5 x initial limit
ESR 2 x initial limit
Step Temperature°C Duration(min)
1 +20±2 15 +20ºC -55ºC +20ºC +85ºC +105ºC +20ºC
2 -55+0/-3 15
Temperature 3 +20±2 15
DCL IL* n/a IL* 10 x IL* 12.5 x IL* IL*
Stability 4 +85+3/-0 15 ΔC/C n/a +0/-20% ±5% +20/-0% +30/-0% ±5%
5 +105+3/-0 15
6 +20±2 15 DF IL* 1.5 x IL* IL* 1.5 x IL* 2 x IL* IL*
Test temperature: 105ºC+3/0ºC
Test voltage: Rated voltage at 105ºC Visual examination no visible damage
Surge voltage: 1.3 x rated voltage at 105ºC
Surge Series protection resistance 1000±100Ω DCL initial limit
Discharge resistance: 1000Ω
Voltage Number of cycles: 1000x ΔC/C within +20/-30% of initial value
Cycle duration: 6 min; 30 sec charge,
5 min 30 sec discharge DF 1.25 x initial limit
*Initial Limit
• Aerospace
• Defence
• Power supplies
• Pulse power
For additional information on Q-process please consult the AVX technical publication
MARKING “Reaching the Highest Reliability for Tantalum Capacitors”
(see the link:
Capacitance Value in pF
107 = 100μF CASE DIMENSIONS: millimeters (inches)
107V Rated Voltage Code Code Type L W H Max. W1 A S Min.
Polarity V = 35V
XXXXX J-lead 11.50 ± 0.50 12.50 ± 0.50 6.15 12.50 ± 0.50 1.90 ± 0.50 7.00
(Anode+) 9 (CTC-21D)
(L-shape) (0.453 ± 0.020) (0.492 ± 0.020) (0.242) (0.492 ± 0.020) (0.075 ± 0.020) (0.276)
ID Code
11.00 ± 0.20 12.50± 0.20 5.95 10.50± 0.20 1.50± 0.20 7.80
9 (CTC-21D) Undertab
(0.433 ± 0.008) (0.492 ± 0.008) (0.234) (0.413 ± 0.008) (0.059 ± 0.008) (0.307)
Available ratings
Engineering samples - please contact manufacturer
Technical Data: All technical data relate to an ambient temperature of +25°C
Capacitance Range: 15 μF to 680 μF
Capacitance Tolerance: ±20%
Leakage Current DCL: 0.1CV
Rated Voltage (VR) +85°C 10 16 20 25 35 50 63 75 100
Category Voltage (VC) +125°C 7 11 13.5 17 23.5 33 42 50 66
Temperature Range: -55°C to +125°C
Reliability: 1% per 1000 hours at 85ºC, Vr with 0.1Ω/Vseries impedance, 60% confidence level
Termination Finish: Gold Plating (Undertab), Gold Plating (J-lead), Sn/Pb Plating (J-lead)
Type Case Capacitance Tolerance Rated DC Voltage Packaging ESR in mΩ Termination For RoHS compliant products,
please select correct termination style.
Size Code M = ±20% 010 = 10Vdc 050 = 50Vdc W = Waffle J = ‘J’ lead L-shape (Gold)
See pF code: 016 = 16Vdc 063 = 63Vdc B = Bulk L = ‘J’ lead L-shape (Sn/Pb)
table 1st two digits represent significant 020 = 20Vdc 075 = 75Vdc U = Undertab
above figures 3rd digit represents multiplier
025 = 25Vdc 100 = 100Vdc
(number of zeros to follow)
035 = 35Vdc
• Automotive ECU
• Airbag systems
• Avionics,
• Industrial control units
TRJ B 105 * 035 R RJ —
Type Case Size Capacitance Code Tolerance Rated DC Voltage Packaging Standard Additional
See table pF code: 1st two K=±10% 004 = 4V R = Pure Tin 7" Reel Suffix characters may be
above digits represent M=±20% 006 = 6.3V S = Pure Tin 13" Reel OR added for special
significant figures, 010 = 10V A = Gold Plating 7" Reel requirements
016 = 16V V = Dry pack Option
3rd digit represents 020 = 20V B = Gold Plating 13" Reel 0100 (selected codes only)
multiplier (number of 025 = 25V H = Tin Lead 7" Reel
zeros to follow) (Contact Manufacturer)
035 = 35V
050 = 50V K = Tin Lead 13" Reel Low ESR
(Contact Manufacturer) in mΩ
H, K = Non RoHS
Technical Data: All technical data relate to an ambient temperature of +25°C
Capacitance Range: 0.10 μF to 680 μF
Capacitance Tolerance: ±10%; ±20%
Leakage Current DCL: 0.0075CV or 0.3μA whichever is the greater
Rated Voltage (VR) +85°C: 4 6.3 10 16 20 25 35 50
Category Voltage (VC) +125°C: 2.7 4 7 10 13 17 23 33
Surge Voltage (VS) +85°C: 5.2 8 13 20 26 32 46 65
Surge Voltage (VS) +125°C: 3.4 5 8 13 16 20 28 40
Temperature Range: -55°C to +125°C
Reliability: 0.5% per 1000 hours at 85°C, VR with 0.1Ω/V series impedance,
60% confidence level
Termination Plating: Sn Plating (standard), Gold and SnPb Plating upon request
Meets requirements of AEC-Q200
Not recommended for new designs, higher voltage or smaller case size substitution are offered.
Available Ratings, (ESR ratings in mOhms in brackets)
Engineering samples - please contact manufacturer
*Codes under development - subject to change
Note: Voltage ratings are minimum values. AVX reserves the right to supply
higher ratings in the same case size, to the same reliability standards.
TRJ professional series (Temperature range -55ºC to +125ºC)
Condition Characteristics
Determine after application of rated voltage for 2000 Visual examination no visible damage
+48/-0 hours at 85±2ºC and then leaving 1-2 hours at DCL 1.25 x initial limit
room temperature. Also determine of 125ºC tempera-
Endurance ture, category voltage for 2000 +48/-0 hours and ΔC/C within ±10% of initial value
then leaving 1-2 hours at room temperature. Power DF initial limit
supply impedance to be ≤0.1Ω/V. ESR 1.25 x initial limit
Visual examination no visible damage
DCL 1.25 x initial limit
Storage Life 125ºC, 0V, 2000h ΔC/C within ±10% of initial value
DF initial limit
ESR 1.25 x initial limit
Visual examination no visible damage
Determine after storage without applied voltage DCL 1.5 x initial limit
at 65±2ºC and 95±2% relative humidity for 500
Humidity hours and then recovery 1-2 hours at room ΔC/C within ±10% of initial value
temperature. DF 1.2 x initial limit
ESR 1.25 x initial limit
Visual examination no visible damage
Biased Determine after leaving for 1000 hours at 85±2ºC, DCL 2 x initial limit
85% relative humidity and rated voltage and then ΔC/C within ±10% of initial value
recovery 1-2 hours at room temperature.
DF 1.2 x initial limit
ESR 1.25 x initial limit
Step Temperature°C Duration(min) +20ºC -55ºC +20ºC +85ºC +125ºC +20ºC
1 +20±2 15
Temperature 2 -55+0/-3 15
DCL IL* n/a IL* 10 x IL* 12.5 x IL* IL*
Stability 3 +20±2 15 ΔC/C n/a +0/-10% ±5% +10/-0% +12/-0% ±5%
4 +85+3/-0 15
DF IL* 1.5 x IL* IL* 1.5 x IL* 2 x IL* IL*
5 +125+3/-0 15
6 +20±2 15 ESR 1.25 x IL* 2.5 x IL* 1.25 x IL* 1.25 x IL* 1.25 x IL* 1.25 x IL*
*Initial Limit
• Automotive electronics(Engine ECU)
• Industrial equipment
C 475 Month
16r Code
F97 1C 335 M A ⵧ
Category Temperature Range: -55 to +125°C
Rated Temperature: +85°C
Capacitance Tolerance: ±20%, ±10% at 120Hz
Dissipation Factor: Refer to next page
ESR 100kHz: Refer to next page
Leakage Current: After 1 minute’s application of rated voltage, leakage current at 20°C
is not more than 0.01CV or 0.5μA, whichever is greater.
After 1 minute’s application of rated voltage, leakage current at 85°C
is not more than 0.1CV or 5μA, whichever is greater.
After 1 minute’s application of derated voltage, leakage current at 125°C
is not more than 0.125CV or 6.3μA, whichever is greater.
Capacitance Change By Temperature +15% Max. at +125°C
+10% Max. at +85°C
-10% Max. at -55°C
SnPb termination option is not
• Multi-anode construction RoHS compliant.
• Super low ESR
• CV range 4.7-1500μF / 2.5-50V
• “Mirror” construction used with D case capacitors reduces ESL to half
• Automotive, medical, aerospace, military and other hi-end application
• Automotive, Avionics and Industrial high power DC/DC convertors
Band 227 A Rated Voltage Code CASE DIMENSIONS: millimeters (inches)
A = 10V
XXXXX ID Code EIA EIA L±0.20 W+0.20 (0.008) H+0.20 (0.008) W1±0.20 A+0.30 (0.012)
Code S Min.
Code Metric (0.008) -0.10 (0.004) -0.10 (0.004) (0.008) -0.20 (0.008)
D 2917 7343-31 7.30 (0.287) 4.30 (0.169) 2.90 (0.114) 2.40 (0.094) 1.30 (0.051) 4.40 (0.173)
E 2917 7343-43 7.30 (0.287) 4.30 (0.169) 4.10 (0.162) 2.40 (0.094) 1.30 (0.051) 4.40 (0.173)
W1 dimension applies to the termination width for A dimensional area only.
TRM E 108 * 004 R 0023
Type Case Size Capacitance Code Tolerance Rated DC Voltage Packaging ESR in mΩ
See table pF code: 1st two K=±10% 002 = 2.5Vdc R = Pure Tin 7" Reel
above digits represent M=±20% 004 = 4Vdc S = Pure Tin 13" Reel
significant figures, 006 = 6.3Vdc H = Tin Lead 7" Reel
010 = 10Vdc (Contact Manufacturer)
3rd digit represents 012 = 12Vdc K = Tin Lead 13" Reel
multiplier (number of 016 = 16Vdc (Contact Manufacturer)
zeros to follow) 020 = 20Vdc H, K = Non RoHS
025 = 25Vdc
035 = 35Vdc
050 = 50Vdc
Technical Data: All technical data relate to an ambient temperature of +25°C
Capacitance Range: 4.7 μF to 1500 μF
Capacitance Tolerance: ±10%; ±20%
Rated Voltage (VR) +85°C: 2.5 4 6.3 10 12 16 20 25 35 50
Category Voltage (VC) +125°C: 1.7 2.7 4 7 8 10 13 17 23 33
Surge Voltage (VS) +85°C: 3.3 5.2 8 13 16 20 26 32 46 65
Surge Voltage (VS) +125°C: 2.2 3.4 5 8 10 13 16 20 28 40
Temperature Range: -55°C to +125°C
Reliability: 0.5% per 1000 hours at 85°C, VR with 0.1Ω/V series impedance,
60% confidence level
Meets requirements of AEC-Q200
*Initial Limit
• -55 to +125°C operation temperature • (2x improvement over commercial series)
• Basic reliability better than 0.5%/1000 hours • improved DCL limits 0.001CV* and 0.005CV
S1gmaTM Prime – Utilises 3 S1gmaTM electrical screening to remove possible maverick parts
from the distribution.
S1gmaTM Premium – S1gmaTM Prime, with addition of capability statistical screening utilising
the AVX patented Q-Process to effectively remove components that may experience exces-
sive parametric shifts or instability in operational life.
S1gmaTM Pro Custom – A custom option where specific parameter limits and screening methods
can be agreed based on 3 S1gmaTM and Q-Process statistical screening based on capability tech-
TMJ CONSTRUCTION *selected codes, 0.001CV limit is available with S1gmaTM Premium and Pro Custom options only
• Wireless battery operated sensors • Avionics
• TPM • Safety systems
• Automotive • Energy harvesting
For additional information on Q-process please consult the AVX technical publication
“Reaching the Highest Reliability for Tantalum Capacitors”
MARKING (see the link:
A, B, C, D, E, U CASE
AVX LOGO Capacitance Value in pF
CASE DIMENSIONS: millimeters (inches)
227 = 220μF
EIA EIA L±0.20 W+0.20 (0.008) H+0.20 (0.008) W1±0.20 A+0.30 (0.012)
Polarity Code S Min.
Band 227 A Rated Voltage Code Code Metric (0.008) -0.10 (0.004) -0.10 (0.004) (0.008) -0.20 (0.008)
A = 10V
(Anode+) A 1206 3216-18 3.20 (0.126) 1.60 (0.063) 1.60 (0.063) 1.20 (0.047) 0.80 (0.031) 1.10 (0.043)
B 1210 3528-21 3.50 (0.138) 2.80 (0.110) 1.90 (0.075) 2.20 (0.087) 0.80 (0.031) 1.40 (0.055)
C 2312 6032-28 6.00 (0.236) 3.20 (0.126) 2.60 (0.102) 2.20 (0.087) 1.30 (0.051) 2.90 (0.114)
D 2917 7343-31 7.30 (0.287) 4.30 (0.169) 2.90 (0.114) 2.40 (0.094) 1.30 (0.051) 4.40 (0.173)
E 2917 7343-43 7.30 (0.287) 4.30 (0.169) 4.10 (0.162) 2.40 (0.094) 1.30 (0.051) 4.40 (0.173)
U 2924 7361-43 7.30 (0.287) 6.10 (0.240) 4.10 (0.162) 3.10 (0.120) 1.30 (0.051) 4.40 (0.173)
HOW TO ORDER W1 dimension applies to the termination width for A dimensional area only.
Type Case Size Capacitance Code Tolerance Rated DC Packaging ESR Range Suffix DCL
See table pF code: 1st two K = ±10% Voltage R = Pure Tin 7" Reel C = Standard QX = S1gmaTM Prime A = 0.001CV
above digits represent 006 = 6.3Vdc H = Tin Lead 7" Reel L = Low ESR QY = S1gmaTM Premium C = 0.005CV
significant figures, 010 = 10Vdc (Contact Manufacturer) xx = S1gmaTM Pro Custom
016 = 16Vdc Non RoHS
3rd digit represents 020 = 20Vdc
multiplier (number of 025 = 25Vdc
zeros to follow) 035 = 35Vdc
050 = 50Vdc
Technical Data: All technical data relate to an ambient temperature of +25°C
Capacitance Range: 0.22 μF to 680 μF
Capacitance Tolerance: ±10%
Leakage Current DCL: (A) 0.001CV, (C) 0.005CV
Rated Voltage (VR) +85°C: 6.3 10 16 20 25 35 50
Category Voltage (VC) +125°C: 4 7 10 13 17 23 33
Surge Voltage (Vs) +85°C: 8 13 20 26 32 46 65
Surge Voltage (Vs) +125°C: 5 8 13 16 20 28 40
Temperature Range: -55ºC to +125°C
Reliability: 0.5% per 1000 hours at 85°C, VR with 0.1Ω/V series impedance, 60% confidence level
AEC-Q200 per request
Leakage Current
ratio I/IVR Typical
0.1 Range
0 20 40 60 80 100
Rated Voltage (VR) %
TMJ S1gmaTM series (Temperature range -55ºC to +125ºC)
Condition Characteristics
Determine after application of rated voltage for 2000 Visual examination no visible damage
+48/-0 hours at 85±2ºC and then leaving 1-2 hours at DCL 2 x initial limit
room temperature. Also determine of 125ºC tempera-
Endurance ture, category voltage for 2000 +48/-0 hours and ΔC/C within ±10% of initial value
then leaving 1-2 hours at room temperature. Power DF initial limit
supply impedance to be ≤0.1Ω/V. ESR 1.25 x initial limit
Visual examination no visible damage
Determine after application of 125°C temperature, DCL 2 x initial limit
Storage Life unpowered for 2000 +48/-0 hours at 125 ± 2ºC and ΔC/C within ±10% of initial value
then leaving 1 - 2 hours at room temperature.
DF initial limit
ESR 1.25 x initial limit
Visual examination no visible damage
Determine after leaving for 500 hours at 65 ± 2ºC DCL 3 x initial limit
Humidity and 90 - 95% relative humidity and then leaving ΔC/C within ±10% of initial value
1 - 2 hours at room temperature.
DF 1.2 x initial limit
ESR 1.25 x initial limit
Visual examination no visible damage
Biased Determine after leaving for 1000 hours at 85±2ºC, DCL 3 x initial limit
85% relative humidity and rated voltage and then ΔC/C within ±10% of initial value
recovery 1-2 hours at room temperature.
DF 1.2 x initial limit
ESR 1.25 x initial limit
Step Temperature°C Duration(min) +20ºC -55ºC +20ºC +85ºC +125ºC +20ºC
1 +20±2 15
Temperature 2 -55+0/-3 15
DCL IL* n/a IL* 10 x IL* 15 x IL* 1.5 x IL*
Stability 3 +20±2 15 ΔC/C n/a +0/-10% ±5% +10/-0% +15/-0% ±5%
4 +85+3/-0 15
DF IL* 1.5 x IL* IL* 1.5 x IL* 2 x IL* IL*
5 +125+3/-0 15
6 +20±2 15 ESR 1.25 x IL* 2.5 x IL* 1.25 x IL* 1.25 x IL* 1.25 x IL* 1.25 x IL*
*Initial Limit
• Automotive ECU and ABS control electronics
• Geothermal instrumentation
THJ B 105 * 035 R JN —
Type Case Size Capacitance Code Tolerance Rated DC Voltage Packaging Standard Additional
See table pF code: 1st two K=±10% 006=6.3Vdc R = Pure Tin 7" Reel Suffix characters may be
above digits represent M=±20% 010=10Vdc S = Pure Tin 13" Reel OR added for special
significant figures 016=16Vdc A = Gold Plating 7" Reel requirements
3rd digit represents 020=20Vdc B = Gold Plating 13" Reel 0100 V = Dry pack Option
(selected codes only)
multiplier (number of 025=25Vdc H = Tin Lead 7" Reel
(Contact Manufacturer)
zeros to follow) 035=35Vdc Low ESR
050=50Vdc K = Tin Lead 13" Reel in mΩ
(Contact Manufacturer)
H, K = Non RoHS
Technical Data: All technical data relate to an ambient temperature of +25°C
Capacitance Range: 0.10 μF to 220 μF
Capacitance Tolerance: ±10%; ±20%
Rated Voltage (VR) +85°C: 6.3 10 16 20 25 35 50
Category Voltage (VC) +125°C: 4 7 10 13 17 23 33
Category Voltage (VC) +175°C: 3 5 8 10 12 17 25
Surge Voltage (Vs) +85°C: 8 13 20 26 32 46 65
Surge Voltage (Vs) +125°C: 5 8 13 16 20 28 40
Surge Voltage (Vs) +175°C: 4 6 10 12 15 21 30
Temperature Range: -55ºC to 175°C voltage derating.
Reliability: 0.5% per 1000 hours at 85°C, VR with 0.1Ω/V series impedance,
60% confidence level, 3.5 Fits at 40°C, 0.5VR
Termination Finish: Sn Plating (standard), Gold Plating available on request
Meets requirements of AEC-Q200
100% 100% 100%
60% 66% Rated range
40% 50%
-55°C 0°C 40°C 60°C 85°C 105°C 125°C 175°C
THJ series (Temperature range -55ºC to +175ºC)
Condition Characteristics
Determine after application of rated voltage for 2000 Visual examination no visible damage
+48/-0 hours at 85±2ºC and then leaving 1-2 hours at DCL 1.25 x initial limit
room temperature. Also determine of 175ºC tempera-
Endurance ture, category voltage for 2000 +48/-0 hours and ΔC/C within ±10% of initial value
then leaving 1-2 hours at room temperature. Power DF initial limit
supply impedance to be ≤0.1Ω/V. ESR 1.25 x initial limit
Visual examination no visible damage
DCL 1.25 x initial limit
Storage Life 175ºC, 0V, 2000h ΔC/C within ±10% of initial value
DF initial limit
ESR 1.25 x initial limit
Visual examination no visible damage
Biased Determine after leaving for 1000 hours at 85±2ºC, DCL 2 x initial limit
85% relative humidity and rated voltage and then ΔC/C within ±10% of initial value
recovery 1-2 hours at room temperature.
DF 1.2 x initial limit
ESR 1.25 x initial limit
Step Temperature°C Duration(min) +20ºC -55ºC +20ºC +125ºC +175ºC +20ºC
1 +20±2 15
Temperature 2 -55+0/-3 15
DCL IL* n/a IL* 10 x IL* 12.5 x IL* IL*
Stability 3 +20±2 15 ΔC/C n/a +0/-10% ±5% +10/-0% +18/-0% ±5%
4 +85+3/-0 15
DF IL* 1.5 x IL* IL* 1.5 x IL* 2 x IL* IL*
5 +175+3/-0 15
6 +20±2 15 ESR 1.25 x IL* 2.5 x IL* 1.25 x IL* 1.25 x IL* 1.25 x IL* 1.25 x IL*
*Initial Limit
• 3x reflow 260°C
• Gold plated termination for hybrid assembly
• Oil drilling, aerospace, automotive applications
• CV range: 10-220μF / 10-16V
• 2 case sizes available
• Downhole drilling
B, E CASE W1 dimension applies to the termination width for A dimensional area only.
THJ E 107 * 016 A JH
Type Case Size Capacitance Code Tolerance Rated DC Voltage Packaging Standard
See table pF code: 1st two K=±10% 010=10Vdc A = Gold Plating 7" Reel Suffix
above digits represent M=±20% 016=16Vdc B = Gold Plating 13" Reel
significant figures
3rd digit represents
multiplier (number of
zeros to follow)
Technical Data: All technical data relate to an ambient temperature of +25°C
Capacitance Range: 10 μF to 220 μF
Capacitance Tolerance: ±10%; ±20%
Leakage Current DCL @ VR 25ºC 0.01CV
Leakage Current DCL @ VC 200ºC, 1000 hrs 1mA
Rated Voltage (VR) +85°C: 10 16
Category Voltage (VC) +200°C: 3.3 5.3
Surge Voltage (Vs) +85°C: 13 20
Surge Voltage (Vs) +200°C: 4.3 6.5
Temperature Range: -55ºC up 200ºC with voltage derating
Reliability: 0.5% per 1000 hours at 85ºC, VR with 0.1Ω/V series impedance,
1000 hrs at 200ºC, 0.33VR
Termination Finished: Gold Plating
Meets requirements of AEC-Q200
Available Ratings
Engineering samples - please contact manufacturer
*Codes under development – subject to change
Note: Voltage ratings are minimum values. AVX reserves the right to supply higher rat-
ings in the same case size, to the same reliability standards
*Initial Limit
100% 100% 100%
60% 66% Rated range
40% 50%
-55°C 0°C 40°C 60°C 85°C 105°C 125°C 175°C 200°C
For additional information on Q-process please consult the AVX technical publication
“Reaching the Highest Reliability for Tantalum Capacitors”
MARKING (see the link:
Capacitance Value in pF
107 = 100μF
CASE DIMENSIONS: millimeters (inches)
107V Rated Voltage Code L±0.50 W±0.50 W1±0.50 A±0.50
Polarity V = 35V
Code Type H Max. S Min.
Band (0.020) (0.020) (0.020) (0.020)
J-lead 11.50 12.50 6.15 12.50 1.90 7.00
ID Code 9 (CTC-21D)
(L-shape) (0.453) (0.492) (0.242) (0.492) (0.075) (0.276)
J-lead 12.10 12.50 6.50 12.00 2.00 7.20
9 (CTC-21D)
(flex) (0.476) (0.492) (0.256) (0.472) (0.079) (0.283)
11.00 ± 0.20 12.50 ± 0.20 5.95 10.50 ± 0.20 1.50 ± 0.20 7.80
9 (CTC-21D) Undertab
(0.433 ± 0.008) (0.492 ± 0.008) (0.234) (0.413 ± 0.008) (0.059 ± 0.008) (0.307)
J-lead 11.50 6.00 2.70 6.00 3.50 4.00
(L-shape) (0.453) (0.236) (0.106) (0.236) (0.138) (0.157)
J-lead 11.90 6.00 3.00 5.50 3.60 4.20
(flex) (0.469) (0.236) (0.118) (0.217) (0.142) (0.165)
11.00 ± 0.20 6.00 ± 0.20 2.50 4.00 ± 0.20 3.20 ± 0.20 4.40
I Undertab
(0.433 ± 0.008) (0.236 ± 0.008) (0.098) (0.157 ± 0.008) (0.126 ± 0.008) (0.173)
‘J’ Lead Termination (flex) ‘J’ Lead Termination (L-shape) Undertab Termination
A S A W1 A S A W1
A S A W1 A S A W1
THH 9 107 M 035 W 0250 J
Type Case Capacitance Tolerance Rated DC Packaging ESR in mΩ Termination For RoHS compliant products,
please select correct termination style.
Size Code M = ±20% Voltage W = Waffle J = ‘J’ lead (L-shape)
See pF code: 016 = 16Vdc B = Bulk W = ‘J’ lead (flex)
table 1st two digits 020 = 20Vdc U = Undertab
above represent 025 = 25Vdc
figures 3rd 035 = 35Vdc
digit represents 050 = 50Vdc
multiplier 063 = 63Vdc
(number of
zeros to follow)
100% 100% 100%
60% Rated Range
40% 50%
-55°C 0°C 40°C 60°C 85°C 105°C 125°C 175°C 200°C 215°C 230°C
Single-side electrodes
(Both electrodes at bottom side only)
CASE DIMENSIONS: millimeters (inches)
Code L W H A B C D*
MARKING 3.20±0.30 1.70±0.30 1.40±0.20 0.80±0.30 1.20±0.30 0.80±0.30 0.20
(0.126±0.012) (0.067±0.008) (0.055±0.008) (0.031±0.012) (0.047±0.012) (0.031±0.012) (0.008)
3.50±0.20 2.80±0.20 1.80±0.20 0.80±0.30 1.20±0.30 1.10±0.30 0.20
(0.138±0.012) (0.110±0.012) (0.031±0.008) (0.031±0.012) (0.047±0.012) (0.043±0.012) (0.008)
2.20±0.30 1.25±0.30 1.00±0.20 0.60±0.30 0.80±0.30 0.80±0.30 0.20
J8 J8 (0.087±0.012) (0.049±0.012) (0.039±0.008) (0.024±0.012) (0.031±0.012) (0.031±0.012) (0.008)
3.20±0.30 1.60±0.30 1.00±0.20 0.80±0.30 1.20±0.30 0.80±0.30 0.20
(0.126±0.012) (0.063±0.008) (0.039±0.008) (0.031±0.012) (0.047±0.012) (0.031±0.012) (0.008)
Capacitance Capacitance 3.50±0.20 2.70±0.20 1.00±0.20 0.80±0.20 1.20±0.20 1.10±0.20 0.20
Code Code T
(0.138±0.012) (0.106±0.012) (0.039±0.008) (0.031±0.008) (0.047±0.008) (0.043±0.008) (0.008)
μF 68 100 150 220 330 470 680
*D dimension only for reference
code W7 A8 E8 J8 N8 S8 W8
F95 0G 227 M S ⵧ AM1 Q2
Category Temperature Range: -55 to +125°C
Rated Temperature: +85°C
Capacitance Tolerance: ±20%, ±10% at 120Hz
Dissipation Factor: Refer to next page
ESR 100kHz: Refer to next page
Leakage Current: Refer to next page
Provided that:
After 1 minute’s application of rated voltage, leakage current at 85°C
10 times or less than 20ºC specified value.
After 1 minute’s application of rated voltage, leakage current at 125°C
12.5 times or less than 20ºC specified value.
Capacitance Change By Temperature +15% Max. at +125°C
+10% Max. at +85°C
-10% Max. at -55°C
• Automotive
• NB PCs
• Civil aircraft
• Industrial low voltage control circuits
A S A W1
NOJ D 107 M 006 R WJ —
Type Case Size Capacitance Code Tolerance Rated DC Voltage Packaging Standard Additional
See table 1st two digits M=±20% 001 = 1.8Vdc R = Pure Tin 7" Reel Suffix characters may be
above represent significant 002 = 2.5Vdc S = Pure Tin 13" Reel OR added for special
figures, 3rd digit 004 = 4Vdc requirements
V = Dry pack Option
represents multiplier 006 = 6.3Vdc WB (selected codes only)
in pF 010 = 10Vdc with exception of
D, E, V cases
Technical Data: All technical data relate to an ambient temperature of +25°C is not stated
Capacitance Range: 4.7 μF to 1000 μF
Capacitance Tolerance: ±20%
Leakage Current DCL: 0.02CV
Rated Voltage DC (VR) +85°C: 1.8 2.5 4 6.3 10
Category Voltage (VC) +105°C: 1.2 1.7 2.7 4 7
Surge Voltage (VS) +85°C: 2.3 3.3 5.2 8 13
Surge Voltage (VS) +105°C: 1.6 2.2 3.4 5 8
Temperature Range: -55°C to +105°C
Reliability: 0.5% per 1000 hours at 85°C, VR, 0.1Ω/V series impedance, 60% confidence level
Meets requirements of AEC-Q200
*Initial Limit
F, S, T, W, X, Y CASE S 1206 3216-12 3.20 (0.126) 1.60 (0.063) 1.20 (0.047) 1.20 (0.047) 0.80 (0.031) 1.10 (0.043)
OxiCap® LOGO Capacitance Value in pF T 1210 3528-12 3.50 (0.138) 2.80 (0.110) 1.20 (0.047) 2.20 (0.087) 0.80 (0.031) 1.40 (0.055)
227 = 220μF
W 2312 6032-15 6.00 (0.236) 3.20 (0.126) 1.50 (0.059) 2.20 (0.087) 1.30 (0.051) 2.90 (0.114)
227 G Rated Voltage
G = 4V
X 2917 7343-15 7.30 (0.287) 4.30 (0.169) 1.50 (0.059) 2.40 (0.094) 1.30 (0.051) 4.40 (0.173)
XXXXX ID Code Y 2917 7343-20 7.30 (0.287) 4.30 (0.169) 2.00 (0.079) 2.40 (0.094) 1.30 (0.051) 4.40 (0.173)
W1 dimension applies to the termination width for A dimensional area only.
P CASE Pad Stand-off is 0.1±0.1.
Capacitance Value in pF
475 = 4.7μF
J Rated Voltage Code
Polarity J = 6.3V
(Anode+) OxiCap® LOGO
NOJ Y 107 M 006 R WJ —
Type Case Size Capacitance Code Tolerance Rated DC Voltage Packaging Specification Additional
See table 1st two digits M=±20% 001 = 1.8Vdc R = Pure Tin 7" Reel Suffix characters may be
above represent significant 002 = 2.5Vdc S = Pure Tin 13" Reel WJ = Standard added for special
figures, 3rd digit 004 = 4Vdc Suffix requirements
V = Dry pack Option
represents multiplier 006 = 6.3Vdc (selected codes only)
in pF 010 = 10Vdc with exception of
X, Y cases
Technical Data: All technical data relate to an ambient temperature of +25°C is not stated
Capacitance Range: 2.2 μF to 470 μF
Capacitance Tolerance: ±20%
Leakage Current DCL: 0.02CV or 1.0μA whichever is the greater
Rated Voltage DC (VR) +85°C: 1.8 2.5 4 6.3 10
Category Voltage (VC) +105°C: 1.2 1.7 2.7 4 7
Surge Voltage (VS) +85°C: 2.3 3.3 5.2 8 13
Surge Voltage (VS) +105°C: 1.6 2.2 3.4 5 8
Temperature Range: -55°C to +105°C
Reliability: 0.5% per 1000 hours at 85°C, VR, 0.1Ω/V series impedance, 60% confidence level
Meets requirements of AEC-Q200
Released codes
Engineering samples - please contact manufacturer NON-SMOKE
*Codes under development - subject to change
Note: Voltage ratings are minimum values. AVX reserves the right to supply
higher ratings in the same case size, to the same reliability standards.
*Initial Limit
• Consumer handhelds and entertainment
P CASE W 2312 6032-15 6.00 (0.236) 3.20 (0.126) 1.50 (0.059) max 2.20 (0.087) 1.30 (0.051) 2.90 (0.114)
Capacitance Value in pF
Y 2917 7343-20 7.30 (0.287) 4.30 (0.169) 2.00 (0.079) max 2.40 (0.094) 1.30 (0.051) 4.40 (0.173)
156 = 15μF
W1 dimension applies to the termination width for A dimensional area only.
156 OxiCap® LOGO
Under development
(Anode+) Rated Voltage Code
G = 4V
NLJ A 476 M 006 R 1600
Technical Data: All technical data relate to an ambient temperature of +25°C
Capacitance Range: 6.8 μF to 1000 μF
Capacitance Tolerance: ±20%
Leakage Current DCL: 0.1CV
Rated Voltage DC (VR) -55°C +40°C: 4 6.3 10
Category Voltage (VC) at 85°C: 2 3.2 5
Category Voltage (VC) at 105°C: 1.3 2 3.3
Temperature Range: -55°C to +105°C with category voltage
Reliability: 0.2% per 1000 hours at 85°C, 0.5xVR, 0.1Ω/V series impedance
with 60% confidence level
*Initial Limit
A, B, C, D, E, V, W, X, Y CASE D 2917 7343-31 7.30 (0.287) 4.30 (0.169) 2.90 (0.114) 2.40 (0.094) 1.30 (0.051) 4.40 (0.173)
OxiCap® LOGO Capacitance Value in pF E 2917 7343-43 7.30 (0.287) 4.30 (0.169) 4.10 (0.162) 2.40 (0.094) 1.30 (0.051) 4.40 (0.173)
227 = 220μF
V 2924 7361-38 7.30 (0.287) 6.10 (0.240) 3.55 (0.140) 3.10 (0.120) 1.30 (0.051) 4.40 (0.173)
227 G Rated Voltage
G = 4V
W 2312 6032-15 6.00 (0.236) 3.20 (0.126) 1.50 (0.059) max. 2.20 (0.087) 1.30 (0.051) 2.90 (0.114)
XXXXX ID Code X 2917 7343-15 7.30 (0.287) 4.30 (0.169) 1.50 (0.059) max. 2.40 (0.094) 1.30 (0.051) 4.40 (0.173)
Y 2917 7343-20 7.30 (0.287) 4.30 (0.169) 2.00 (0.079) max 2.40 (0.094) 1.30 (0.051) 4.40 (0.173)
W1 dimension applies to the termination width for A dimensional area only.
NOS D 107 M 006 R 0100 —
Type Case Size Capacitance Code Tolerance Rated Packaging ESR in mΩ Additional
See table 1st two digits M=±20% DC Voltage R = Pure Tin 7" Reel characters may be
above represent significant 001 = 1.8Vdc S = Pure Tin 13" Reel added for special
figures, 3rd digit 002 = 2.5Vdc requirements
004 = 4Vdc V = Dry pack Option
represents multiplier (selected codes only)
in pF 006 = 6.3Vdc with exception of
D, E, X, Y, V cases
Technical Data: All technical data relate to an ambient temperature of +25°C is not stated
Capacitance Range: 10 μF to 1000 μF
Capacitance Tolerance: ±20%
Leakage Current DCL: 0.02CV
Rated Voltage DC (VR) +85°C: 1.8 2.5 4 6.3
Category Voltage (VC) +125°C: 0.9 1.3 2 3
Surge Voltage (VS) +85°C: 2.3 3.3 5.2 8
Surge Voltage (VS) +125°C: 1.2 1.7 2.6 4
Temperature Range: -55°C to +125°C
Reliability: 0.2% per 1000 hours at 85°C, VR, 0.1Ω/V series impedance, 60% confidence level
Meets requirements of AEC-Q200
NOS series (Temperature range -55ºC to +125ºC)
Condition Characteristics
Determine after application of rated voltage for 2000 Visual examination no visible damage
+48/-0 hours at 85±2ºC and then leaving 1-2 hours at DCL initial limit
room temperature. Also determine of 125ºC tempera-
Endurance ture, category voltage for 2000 +48/-0 hours and ΔC/C within ±10% of initial value
then leaving 1-2 hours at room temperature. Power DF initial limit
supply impedance to be ≤0.1Ω/V. ESR 1.25 x initial limit
Visual examination no visible damage
DCL initial limit
Storage Life 125ºC, 0V, 2000h ΔC/C within ±10% of initial value
DF initial limit
ESR 1.25 x initial limit
Visual examination no visible damage
Determine after storage without applied voltage DCL 1.5 x initial limit
at 65±2ºC and 95±2% relative humidity for
Humidity 500 hrs and then recovery 1-2 hours at room ΔC/C within ±10% of initial value
temperature. DF 1.2 x initial limit
ESR 1.25 x initial limit
Visual examination no visible damage
Biased Determine after leaving for 1000 hours at 85±2ºC, DCL 2 x initial limit
85% relative humidity and rated voltage and then ΔC/C within ±10% of initial value
recovery 1-2 hours at room temperature.
DF 1.2 x initial limit
ESR 1.25 x initial limit
Step Temperature°C Duration(min) +20ºC -55ºC +20ºC +85ºC +125ºC +20ºC
1 +20±2 15
Temperature 2 -55+0/-3 15
DCL IL* n/a IL* 12 x IL* 15 x IL* IL*
Stability 3 +20±2 15 ΔC/C n/a +0/-10% ±5% +10/-0% +12/-0% ±5%
4 +85+3/-0 15
DF IL* 1.5 x IL* IL* 1.5 x IL* 2 x IL* IL*
5 +125+3/-0 15
6 +20±2 15 ESR 1.25 x IL* 2.5 x IL* 1.25 x IL* 1.25 x IL* 1.25 x IL* 1.25 x IL*
A S A W1
NOM E 227 M 006 R 0040
Technical Data: All technical data relate to an ambient temperature of +25°C is not stated
Capacitance Range: 220 μF to 680 μF
Capacitance Tolerance: ±20%
Leakage Current DCL: 0.02CV
Rated Voltage DC (VR) +85°C: 1.8 2.5 4 6.3
Category Voltage (VC) +125°C: 0.9 1.3 2 3
Surge Voltage (VS) +85°C: 2.3 3.3 5.2 8
Surge Voltage (VS) +125°C: 1.2 1.7 2.6 4
Temperature Range: -55°C to +125°C
Reliability: 0.2% per 1000 hours at 85°C, VR, 0.1Ω/V series impedance, 60% confidence level
Meets requirements of AEC-Q200
*Initial Limit
Resin encapsulation
Tantalum wire
Terminal Wire
H H1 + 4 (0.16) max H1
+ max
d d
2.0 (0.079) 2 (0.079)
min min
Wire Form C Wire Form B Wire Form S
Non-Preferred Wire Forms (Not recommended for new designs)
Figure 4 D Figure 5 Figure 6 D
L 0.079 (2)
min L
1.10 +0.25
-0.10 L
(0.4 +0.010 S S
-0.004 )
S d d
Wire Form F Wire Form D Wire Form G
DIMENSIONS millimeters (inches)
Wire Form Figure Case Size L (see note 1) S d Suffixes Available*
Preferred Wire Forms
CCS Bulk
16.0±4.00 5.00±1.00 0.50±0.05
C Figure 1 A - R* (0.630±0.160) (0.200±0.040) (0.020±0.002) CRW Tape/Reel
CRS Tape/Ammo
16.0±4.00 5.00±1.00 0.50±0.05 BRW Tape/Reel
B Figure 2 A - J* (0.630±0.160) (0.200±0.040) (0.020±0.002) BRS Tape/Ammo
SCS Bulk
16.0±4.00 2.50±0.50 0.50±0.05
S Figure 3 A - J* SRW Tape/Reel
(0.630±0.160) (0.100±0.020) (0.020±0.002)
SRS Tape/Ammo
Non-Preferred Wire Forms (Not recommended for new designs)
3.90±0.75 5.00±0.50 0.50±0.05
F Figure 4 A-R FCS Bulk
(0.155±0.030) (0.200±0.020) (0.020±0.002)
16.0±4.00 2.50±0.75 0.50±0.05 DCS Bulk
D Figure 5 A - H* (0.630±0.160) (0.100±0.020) (0.020±0.002) DTW Tape/Reel
DTS Tape/Ammo
16.0±4.00 3.18±0.50 0.50±0.05
G Figure 6 A-J GSB Bulk
(0.630±0.160) (0.125±0.020) (0.020±0.002)
Similar to 16.0±4.00 6.35±1.00 0.50±0.05
H A-R HSB Bulk
Figure 1 (0.630±0.160) (0.250±0.040) (0.020±0.002)
Notes: (1) Lead lengths can be supplied to tolerances other than those above and should be specified in the ordering information.
(2) For D, H, and H1 dimensions, refer to individual product on following pages.
* For case size availability in tape and reel, please refer to pages 193-194.
Wire C, F, G, H B, S, D
Case H *H1 D
A 8.50 (0.330) 7.00 (0.280) 4.50 (0.180)
B 9.00 (0.350) 7.50 (0.300) 4.50 (0.180)
C 10.0 (0.390) 8.50 (0.330) 5.00 (0.200)
D D 10.5 (0.410) 9.00 (0.350) 5.00 (0.200)
E 10.5 (0.410) 9.00 (0.350) 5.50 (0.220)
F 11.5 (0.450) 10.0 (0.390) 6.00 (0.240)
TAP 475 M 035 SCS
Type Capacitance Code Capacitance Tolerance Rated DC Voltage Suffix indicating wire form
pF code: 1st two digits K = ±10% and packaging
represent significant figures, M = ±20% (see page 186)
3rd digit represents multiplier (For J = ±5% tolerance,
(number of zeros to follow) please consult factory)
Polarity, capacitance, rated DC voltage, and an "A" (AVX
logo) are laser marked on the capacitor body which is made
of flame retardant gold epoxy resin with a limiting oxygen
index in excess of 30 (ASTM-D-2863).
Wire C, F, G, H B, S, D
Case H *H1 D
A 8.50 (0.335) 7.00 (0.276) 4.50 (0.177)
B 9.00 (0.354) 7.50 (0.295) 4.50 (0.177)
C 10.0 (0.394) 8.50 (0.335) 5.00 (0.197)
D D 10.5 (0.413) 9.00 (0.354) 5.00 (0.197)
E 10.5 (0.413) 9.00 (0.354) 5.50 (0.217)
F 11.5 (0.453) 10.0 (0.394) 6.00 (0.236)
TEP 106 M 016 SCS
Type Capacitance Code Capacitance Tolerance Rated DC Voltage Suffix indicating wire form
pF code: 1st two digits K = ±10% and packaging
represent significant figures, M = ±20% (see page 186)
3rd digit represents multiplier (For J = ±5% tolerance,
(number of zeros to follow) please consult factory)
Polarity, capacitance, rated DC voltage, and an "A" (AVX
logo) are laser marked on the capacitor body which is made
of flame retardant gold epoxy resin with a limiting oxygen
index in excess of 30 (ASTM-D-2863).
P2 ⌬P
P2 ⌬P
P2 ⌬P
For Reels For ‘Ammo’ pack For bulk products
Style Case size No. of pieces Style Case size No. of pieces Style Case size No. of pieces
A 1500 A, B, C, D 3000 TAP A to H 1000
TAP B, C, D 1250 E, F, G 2500 TEP J to L 500
TEP E, F 1000 H, J 2000 M to R 100
G, H, J 750 K, L, M, N, P, R 1000
K, L, M, N, P, R 500
oxide two thirds grows out and one third grows in. It is for
this reason that there is a limit on the maximum voltage rat-
ing of Tantalum & Niobium Oxide capacitors with present
technology powders (see Figure 3). Oxide Film
Oxide Film
NOS Series
10 20
5 0
THJ Series 75 85 95 105 115 125 150 175
0 Temperature (°C)
1.2.3 Surge voltage (VS).
-15 This is the highest voltage that may be applied to a capacitor for
short periods of time in circuits with minimum series resistance of
-50 -25 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 33Ohms (CECC states 1kΩ). The surge voltage may be applied
Temperature (°C) up to 10 times in an hour for periods of up to 30 seconds at a
time. The surge voltage must not be used as a parameter in the
1.1.4 Frequency dependence of the capacitance. design of circuits in which, in the normal course of operation, the
The effective capacitance decreases as frequency increases. capacitor is periodically charged and discharged.
Beyond 100kHz the capacitance continues to drop until res- 85°C Tantalum 125°C Tantalum*
onance is reached (typically between 0.5 - 5MHz depending Rated Voltage Surge Voltage Category Voltage Surge Voltage
on the rating). Beyond the resonant frequency the device
2 2.7 1.3 1.7
becomes inductive. 2.5 3.3 1.7 2.2
3 3.9 2 2.6
TAJE227K010 4 5.2 2.7 3.4
5 6.5 3.3 4
6.3 8 4 5
250 10 13 7 8
16 20 10 13
200 20 26 13 16
Capacitance (F)
25 32 17 20
35 46 23 28
150 50 65 33 40
For individual part number please refer to SpiTan Software for frequency *For THJ 175°C Category & Surge voltage see THJ section on pages 152-155.
and temperature behavior found on AVX Corporation website.
1.4.3 Frequency dependence of Impedance and ESR.
ESR and Impedance both increase with decreasing frequency.
1 At lower frequencies the values diverge as the extra contri-
butions to impedance (due to the reactance of the capacitor)
become more significant. Beyond 1MHz (and beyond the
0.1 resonant point of the capacitor) impedance again increases
0.1 1 10 100
Frequency (kHz) due to the inductance of the capacitor. Typical ESR and
Impedance values are similar for both tantalum and niobium
1.3.4 Temperature dependence of Dissipation oxide materials and thus the same charts are valid for both
Factor. for Tantalum and OxiCap® capacitors.
Dissipation factor varies with temperature as the typical curves
show. These plots are identical for both Tantalum and OxiCap® Typical ESR vs Frequency
capacitors. For maximum limits please refer to ratings tables. 5
Typical DF vs Temperature 4
ESR Multiplier
1.7 3
1.6 2.5
1.5 OxiCap®
DF Multiplier
1.4 Tantalum
1.3 1
1.2 0.5
1.1 0
Tantalum 0.1 1 10 100 1000
Frequency (kHz)
-55 -5 45 95
Temperature (Celsius)
Leakage current
At 100kHz, impedance and ESR behave identically and 10
ratio I/IR20
decrease with increasing temperature as the typical curves
show. 1
The self-inductance value (ESL) can be important for
resonance frequency evaluation. See figure below typical ESL
0.4 Optimal
range values per case size.
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Typical Self Typical Self Typical Self
Application voltage VA to rated voltage VR ratio (%)
Case Inductance Case Inductance Case Inductance
Size value (nH) Size value (nH) Size value (nH)
We can identify the range of VA/VR (derating) values with min- A 1.8 H 1.8 U 2.4
imum actual DCL as the “optimal” range. Therefore the min- B 1.8 K 1.8 V 2.4
C 2.2 N 1.4 W 2.2
imum DCL is obtained when capacitor is used at 25 to 40 % D 2.4 P 1.4 X 2.4
of rated voltage - when the rated voltage of the capacitor is E 2.5 R 1.4 Y 2.4
2.5 to 4 times higher than actual application voltage. F 2.2 S 1.8
G 1.8 T 1.8
For additional information on Leakage Current, please con-
sult the AVX technical publication “Analysis of Solid Tantalum TAC/TLC/TPC TCM/TPM TLN/TCN
Capacitor Leakage Current” by R. W. Franklin. Typical Self- TRM/NOM Typical Self-
Case Inductance Typical Self- Case Inductance
Size value (nH) Case Inductance Size value (nH)
A 1.5 Size value (nH) K 1.0
B 1.6 D 1.0 L 1.0
D 1.4 E 2.5 M 1.3
E 1.0 V 2.4 N 1.3
H 1.4 Y 1.0 S 1.0
J 1.2 T 1.0
K 1.1 4 2.2
L 1.2 6 2.5
M 1.3
R 1.4
T 1.6
U 1.3
V 1.5
Z 1.1
2.1 RIPPLE RATINGS (A.C.) Where P is the maximum permissible power dissipated as
listed for the product under consideration (see tables).
In an a.c. application heat is generated within the capacitor
by both the a.c. component of the signal (which will depend However care must be taken to ensure that:
upon the signal form, amplitude and frequency), and by the 1. The d.c. working voltage of the capacitor must not be
d.c. leakage. For practical purposes the second factor is exceeded by the sum of the positive peak of the applied
insignificant. The actual power dissipated in the capacitor is a.c. voltage and the d.c. bias voltage.
calculated using the formula:
P = I2 R 2. The sum of the applied d.c. bias voltage and the negative
and rearranged to I = SQRT (P⁄R) .....(Eq. 1) peak of the a.c. voltage must not allow a voltage reversal
where I = rms ripple current, amperes in excess of the “Reverse Voltage”.
R = equivalent series resistance, ohms
Historical ripple calculations.
U = rms ripple voltage, volts
P = power dissipated, watts Previous ripple current and voltage values were calculated
Z = impedance, ohms, at frequency under using an empirically derived power dissipation required to
consideration give a 10°C rise of the capacitors body temperature from
room temperature, usually in free air. These values are shown
Maximum a.c. ripple voltage (Umax). in Table I. Equation 1 then allows the maximum ripple current
to be established, and Equation 2, the maximum ripple
voltage. But as has been shown in the AVX article on thermal
From the Ohms’ law equation: management by I. Salisbury, the thermal conductivity of a
Tantalum chip capacitor varies considerably depending upon
Umax = IR .....(Eq. 2) how it is mounted.
30.00 1 MHz
Several capacitors were tested and the combined results are
shown above. All these capacitors were measured on FR4 20.00
board, with no other heat sinking. The ripple was supplied at 10.00
FV Correction Factor
Infant 0.1 / Ox
Mortalities lum
0.01 Ta
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2
F = FV x FT x FR x FB 30
where FV is a correction factor due to operating
Specified Range
voltage/voltage derating 20 in General Circuit
FT is a correction factor due to operating
temperature 10
Specified Range in
FR is a correction factor due to circuit series Low Impedance Circuit
resistance 0
4 6.3 10 16 20 25 35 50
FB is the basic failure rate level Rated Voltage (V)
Base failure rate.
Standard Tantalum conforms to Level M reliability (i.e.
1%/1000 hrs) or better at rated voltage, 85°C and 0.1Ω/volt Figure 2c. Gives voltage derating recommendations for
circuit impedance. tantalum capacitors as a function of circuit impedance.
FB = 1.0% / 1000 hours for TAJ, TPS, TPM, TCJ, 1.0
Working Voltage/Rated Voltage
Tantalum voltage = 75%
10.0 d) FB = 1%/1000 hours, basic failure rate level
1.0 Thus F = 1.0 x 0.85 x 0.08 x 1 = 0.068%/1000 Hours
If the capacitor was changed for a 20 volt capacitor, the
operating failure rate will change as shown.
0.01 FV = 0.018 @ applied voltage/rated voltage = 60%
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200
Temperature (ºC) F = 1.0 x 0.85 x 0.018 x 1 = 0.0153%/1000 Hours
3.2 Dynamic.
Circuit Impedance. As stated in Section 1.2.4 (page 198), the solid capacitor has
All solid Tantalum and/or niobium oxide capacitors require a limited ability to withstand voltage and current surges.
current limiting resistance to protect the dielectric from surges. Such current surges can cause a capacitor to fail. The
A series resistor is recommended for this purpose. A lower expected failure rate cannot be calculated by a simple
circuit impedance may cause an increase in failure rate, formula as in the case of steady-state reliability. The two
especially at temperatures higher than 20°C. An inductive low parameters under the control of the circuit design engineer
impedance circuit may apply voltage surges to the capacitor known to reduce the incidence of failures are derating and
and similarly a non-inductive circuit may apply current surges series resistance.
to the capacitor, causing localized over-heating and failure. The table below summarizes the results of trials carried out
The recommended impedance is 1 Ω per volt. Where this is at AVX with a piece of equipment, which has very low series
not feasible, equivalent voltage derating should be used resistance with no voltage derating applied. That is if the
(See MIL HANDBOOK 217E). The graph, Figure 4, shows capacitor was tested at its rated voltage. It has been tested
the correction factor, FR, for increasing series resistance. on tantalum capacitors, however the conclusions are valid
for both tantalum and OxiCap® capacitors.
Figure 4. Correction factor to failure rate FR for series Results of production scale derating experiment
resistance R on basic failure rate FB for a typical component
Capacitance Number of 50% derating No derating
(60% con. level). and Voltage units tested applied applied
47μF 16V 1,547,587 0.03% 1.1%
resistance FR 100μF 10V 632,876 0.01% 0.5%
22μF 25V 2,256,258 0.05% 0.3%
3.0 0.07
2.0 0.1
1.0 0.2 As can clearly be seen from the results of this experiment,
0.8 0.3 the more derating applied by the user, the less likely the
0.6 0.4
probability of a surge failure occurring.
0.4 0.6
0.2 0.8 It must be remembered that these results were derived from
0.1 1.0 a highly accelerated surge test machine, and failure rates in
the low ppm are more likely with the end customer.
For circuit impedances below 0.1 ohms per volt, or for any
A commonly held misconception is that the leakage current
mission critical application, circuit protection should be
of a Tantalum capacitor can predict the number of failures
considered. An ideal solution would be to employ an AVX which will be seen on a surge screen. This can be disproved
SMT thin-film fuse in series. by the results of an experiment carried out at AVX on 47μF
Pre-heating: 50-165ºC/90-120sec.
Max. Peak Temperature: 250-260ºC
Time of wave: 3-5sec.(max. 10sec.)
metric about the center lines. Case Size PSL PLP PLN PS PW
The dimensions x, y and z should be kept to a minimum to reduce TLN & TCN
4 7.60 (0.299) 2.20 (0.087) 3.40 (0.134) 2.00 (0.079) 4.80 (0.190)
soldering is to be performed.
- + a
Nominal footprint and pad dimensions for each case size are given *In the case of mounting conformal coated capacitors, excentering (Δc)
is needed to except anode tab [ ].
in the following tables:
PW + -
Surface mount TAJ CECC 30801 - 005 Issue 2
PW + - capacitors CECC 30801 - 011 Issue 1
180mm (7") reel 330mm (13") reel 180mm (7") reel &
Case Size Tape width P Tin Termination Tin Termination Gold Termination
mm mm Suffix Automotive Qty. Suffix Automotive Qty. Suffix Qty.
Suffix Suffix
A 8 4 R T 2,000 S U 8,000 A 2,000
B 8 4 R T 2,000 S U 8,000 A 2,000
C 12 8 R T 500 S U 3,000 A 500
D 12 8 R T 500 S U 2,500 A 500
E 12 8 R T 400 S U 1,500 A 400
F 12 8 R – 1,000 S – 4,000 A 1,000
G 8 4 R – 2,500 S – 10,000 A 2,500
H 8 4 R – 2,500 S – 10,000 A 2,500
K 8 4 R – 3,000 S – 13,000 A 3,000
L 8 4 R – 2,500 S – 10,000 A 2,500
M 8 4 R – 3,000 S – 13,000 A 3,000
N 8 4 R – 3,000 S – 13,000 A 3,000
P 8 4 R – 2,500 S – 10,000 A 2,500
R 8 4 R – 2,500 S – 10,000 A 2,500
S 8 4 R – 2,500 S – 10,000 A 2,500
T 8 4 R – 2,500 S – 10,000 A 2,500
U 16 8 R – 400 – – – – –
V 12 8 R – 400 S – 1,500 A 400
W 12 8 R – 1,000 S – 5,000 A 1,000
X 12 8 R – 1,000 S – 5,000 A 1,000
Y 12 8 R – 1,000 S – 4,000 A 1,000
Z 16 8 R – 400 S – 1,500 – –
4 16 8 R – 800 S – TBD – –
6 24 12 R – 500 S – TBD – –
Under Development
P2 D
F W Thickness: 75μm
Width of tape: 5.5mm (8mm tape)
G 9.5mm (12mm tape)
A0 K
E Case
Anode is at U, C
( )*: Export packaging. There are some differences between actual minimum
quantity and above list. Please confirm before you order.
R opposite side
of feeding holes
) C G C, N – D, R
Reel Diameter
180 330 2 0.5
13 0.2 Note: The above shows the dimensions of 180
A 180 +0-3 330±2 reel. In case of 330 reel, the appearance
shape is slightly different.
Tape Width
8 12
W1 9.0±0.3 13±0.3
W2 11.4±1.0 15.4±1.0
A W1
A P1
t2 A P1
F91, F92, F93, F97, F98 M, F38 M F95, AUDIO F95, F72, F75
1.1.1 Rated capacitance (CR) 1.1.3 Capacitance tolerance
This is the nominal rated capacitance. For tantalum capaci- This is the permissible variation of the actual value of the
tors it is measured as the capacitance of the equivalent capacitance from the rated value.
series circuit at 20°C in a measuring bridge supplied by a 1.1.4 Frequency dependence of the capacitance
120 Hz source free of harmonics with 2.2V DC bias max.
The effective capacitance decreases as frequency increases.
1.1.2 Temperature dependence on the capacitance Beyond 100 kHz the capacitance continues to drop until res-
The capacitance of a tantalum capacitor varies with temper- onance is reached (typically between 0.5-5 MHz depending
ature. This variation itself is dependent to a small extent on on the rating). Beyond this the device becomes inductive.
the rated voltage and capacitor size. See graph below for
typical capacitance changes with temperature.
10 1.2
% Capacitance
1.0F 35V
-10 0.6
100Hz 1kHz 10kHz 100kHz
-55 -25 0 25 50 75 100 125 Frequency
Temperature (°C)
1.2.1 Rated DC voltage (VR) Category Voltage vs. Temperature
This is the rated DC voltage for continuous operation up to
+85°C. 100
expressed as Tan ␦ and is the power loss of the capacitor
20 10 35
frequency. (Terms also used are power factor, loss factor and 1.
dielectric loss, Cos (90 - ␦) is the true power factor.) The meas- 10
urement of Tan ␦ is carried out at +20°C and 120 Hz with 2.2V
DC bias max. with an AC voltage free of harmonics.
100Hz 1kHz 10kHz 100kHz
DF %
-55 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 125
Temperature C
ESR = Tan ␦ 1 1 μF
2πfC 10 μF
where f is the frequency in Hz, and C is the capacitance in 0.1 33 μF
farads. The ESR is measured at 25°C and 100 kHz.
100 μF
ESR is one of the contributing factors to impedance, and at
0.01 330 μF
high frequencies (100 kHz and above) is the dominant factor, 100 1k 10k 100k 1M
so that ESR and impedance become almost identical, Frequency f (Hz)
impedance being marginally higher. Impedance (Z)
ESR/Impedance Z (⍀)
-55 -40 -20 0 +20 +40 +60 +80 +100 +125
1.5 DC LEAKAGE CURRENT (DCL) Temperature T (C)
1.5.1 Leakage current (DCL) Temperature Dependence of the
The leakage current is dependent on the voltage applied, the Leakage Current for a Typical Component
time, and the capacitor temperature. It is measured
at +25°C with the rated voltage applied. A protective resist-
ance of 1000⍀ is connected in series with the capacitor
in the measuring circuit. 10
V max = 1- (T-85)
120 x V volts
R 0.1
-55 -40 -20 0 20 40 60
Temperature °C
80 100 125
0 20 40 60 80 100
% of Rated Voltage (VR)
In an AC application heat is generated within the capacitor affect the values quoted below. It is recommended that
by both the AC component of the signal (which will depend temperature measurements are made on devices during
upon signal form, amplitude and frequency), and by the operating conditions to ensure that the temperature differential
DC leakage. For practical purposes the second factor is between the device and the ambient temperature is less than
insignificant. The actual power dissipated in the capacitor is 10°C up to 85°C and less than 2°C between 85°C and 125°C.
calculated using the formula: Derating factors for temperatures above 25°C are also shown
2 below. The maximum permissible proven dissipation should be
P = I2 R = E 2
Z multiplied by the appropriate derating factor.
I = rms ripple current, amperes For certain applications, e.g., power supply filtering, it may
R = equivalent series resistance, ohms be desirable to obtain a screened level of ESR to enable
E = rms ripple voltage, volts higher ripple currents to be handled. Please contact our
P = power dissipated, watts applications desk for information.
Z = impedance, ohms, at frequency under
Using this formula it is possible to calculate the maximum (IN FREE AIR)
AC ripple current and voltage permissible for a particular
application. TAR – Molded Axial
E (max) = Z P max
where Pmax is the maximum permissible ripple voltage as listed TAA – Hermetically Sealed Axial
for the product under consideration (see table). Temperature
Case Max. power
However, care must be taken to ensure that: size dissipation (W) derating factors
1. The DC working voltage of the capacitor must not be A 0.09 Temp. °C Factor
exceeded by the sum of the positive peak of the applied B 0.10 +20 1.0
AC voltage and the DC bias voltage. C 0.125 +85 0.9
2. The sum of the applied DC bias voltage and the negative D 0.18 +125 0.4
peak of the AC voltage must not allow a voltage reversal
in excess of that defined in the sector, ‘Reverse Voltage’. TAP/TEP – Resin Dipped Radial
Case Max. power Temperature
size dissipation (W) derating factors
A 0.045 Temp. °C Factor
DISSIPATION (WATTS) @ 25°C B 0.05 +25 1.0
The maximum power dissipation at 25°C has been calculated C 0.055
+85 0.4
for the various series and are shown in Section 2.4, together D 0.06
E 0.065 +125 0.09
with temperature derating factors up to 125°C.
F 0.075
For leaded components the values are calculated for parts G 0.08
supported in air by their leads (free space dissipation). H 0.085
The ripple ratings are set by defining the maximum tempera- J 0.09
ture rise to be allowed under worst case conditions, i.e., K 0.1
L 0.11
with resistive losses at their maximum limit. This differential
M/N 0.12
is normally 10°C at room temperature dropping to 2°C at P 0.13
125°C. In application circuit layout, thermal management, R 0.14
available ventilation, and signal waveform may significantly
Tantalum Dielectric has essentially no wear out mechanism Voltage Correction Factor
and in certain circumstances is capable of limited self 1.0000
healing, random failures can occur in operation. The failure
rate of Tantalum capacitors will decrease with time and not
increase as with other electrolytic capacitors and other 0.1000
Correction Factor
electronic components.
Mortalities 0.0010
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
Applied Voltage / Rated Voltage
where FU is a correction factor due to operating voltage/
voltage derating 1.0
FT is a correction factor due to operating
FR is a correction factor due to circuit series
FB is the basic failure rate level. For standard 0.0
20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130
leaded Tantalum product this is 1%/1000hours Temperature (C)
Example calculation
Consider a 12 volt power line. The designer needs about
10μF of capacitance to act as a decoupling capacitor near a
video bandwidth amplifier. Thus the circuit impedance will be
limited only by the output impedance of the boards power
unit and the track resistance. Let us assume it to be about
2 Ohms minimum, i.e., 0.167 Ohms/Volt. The operating
temperature range is -25°C to +85°C. If a 10μF 16 Volt
capacitor was designed-in, the operating failure rate would
be as follows:
a) FT = 0.8 @ 85°C
b) FR = 0.7 @ 0.167 Ohms/Volt
c) FU = 0.17 @ applied voltage/rated voltage = 75%
Thus FB = 0.8 x 0.7 x 0.17 x 1 = 0.0952%/1000 Hours
If the capacitor was changed for a 20 volt capacitor, the
operating failure rate will change as shown.
FU = 0.05 @ applied voltage/rated voltage = 60%
FB = 0.8 x 0.7 x 0.05 x 1 = 0.028%/1000 Hours
260 Dangerous Range
Temperature 240
( o C)
230 Allowable Range
220 with Care
210 Allowable Range
with Preheat
0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Soldering Time (secs.)
33μF lum technology is accomplished by using an extremely thin
16.5μF film of tantalum pentoxide as the dielectric. Even an applica-
25V tion of the relatively low voltage of 25 volts will produce a
50V large field strength as seen by the dielectric. As a result of
this, derating has a significant impact on reliability as
25V described under the reliability section. The following example
uses a 22 microfarad capacitor rated at 25 volts to illustrate
60μF, four such series combinations are required, as the point. The equation for determining the amount of sur-
shown. face area for a capacitor is as follows:
C = ( (E) (E ) (A) ) / d
A = ( (C) (d) ) /( (E )(E) )
A = ( (22 x 10-6) (170 x 10-9) ) / ( (8.85 x 10-12) (27) )
25V A = 0.015 square meters (150 square centimeters)
Where C = Capacitance in farads
A = Dielectric (Electrode) Surface Area (m2)
In order to ensure reliable operation, the capacitors should d = Dielectric thickness (Space between dielectric) (m)
be connected as shown below to allow current sharing of the E = Dielectric constant (27 for tantalum)
ac noise and ripple signals. This prevents any one capacitor
E°= Dielectric Constant relative to a vacuum
heating more than its neighbors and thus being the weak link
(8.855 x 10-12 Farads x m-1)
in the chain.
To compute the field voltage potential felt by the dielectric we
• • use the following logic.
100K Dielectric formation potential = Formation Ratio x
Working Voltage
• •• •
100K = 4 x 25
• •• • Formation Potential = 100 volts
100K Dielectric (Ta2O5) Thickness (d) is 1.7 x 10-9 Meters Per Volt
d = 0.17 μ meters
Electric Field Strength = Working Voltage / d
= (25 / 0.17 μ meters)
= 147 Kilovolts per millimeter
= 147 Megavolts per meter
Question: How long is the shelf life for a tantalum capacitor? It was also proved that the same was true of dynamic, high
current pulse conditions1, hence the recommendation.
Answer: Solid tantalum capacitors have no limitation on shelf
life. The dielectric is stable and no reformation is required. The Now let us look more closely at the type of circuits in use.
only factors that affect future performance of the capacitors Below is a simple circuit which will be discussed further in
would be high humidity conditions and extreme storage this text.
temperatures. Solderability of solder coated surfaces may be Zdiode ZL
affected by storage in excess of 2 years. Recommended stor-
age conditions are: Temperature between -10ºC – +50ºC with
humidity 75% RH maximum and atmospheric pressure 860
Zbat Zcap = ESR
mbar-1060 mbar. Terminations should be checked for solder- Vbat
ability in the event an oxidation develops on the solder plating.
Zdiode ZL
+ +
Zbat Zcap C2 0.01
0 20 40 60 80 100
Rated Voltage (VR) %
Figure 2
The risk of a high surge current being seen by the capacitor
in location C2 is very small. Therefore if we assume the volt-
One final point worthy of mention with the introduction of
age rail is 2.8 volts and the maximum current seen by C2 is
higher reflow temperatures with the introduction of lead-free
<1.5 Amps, a 4 volt capacitor could be able to be used in
solders is that voltage derating can help to reduce the risk of
this application.
failures due to thermomechanical damage during reflow.
This all seems like good news, but as always, there are some
To summarize, a tantalum capacitor is capable of being used
downsides to using a part nearer to its rated voltage. The first
at its rated voltage or close to it, provided that the user obeys
is the steady-state life, or MTBF. The MTBF of a tantalum
the rules outlined in this document and is prepared
capacitor is easily calculated from MIL-STD 317 or the
for the reduced steady-state life performance and higher
supplier’s catalog data. An example is given below:
leakage current levels this would produce.
Assume operating temperature is 85°C and circuit imped-
ance 0.1 Ohms/volt (FT = 1).
For a 10 volt rated capacitor on a 5 volt rated line, the failure 1 Surge in Solid Tantalum Capacitors, John Gill, AVX Tantalum
rate is:
2 IR Reflow Guidelines for Tantalum Capacitors, Steve Warden & John Gill,
FR = 1%/1000 hours x FT x FU x FR AVX Tantalum
= 1%/1000 hours x 1 x 0.007 (from Figure 1) x 1 3 Mounting Guidelines in AVX Tantalum Catalog
Select-a-Cap Software
According to given application conditions and capacitor requirements (capacitance, case size), the Select-a-Cap tool offers
suitable options from AVX’s extensive product range and gives an overview of capacitor ratings for each option.
SpiTan III
Contains typical measured data of almost all released PNs and gives an overview of typical performance characteristic for
tantalum and niobium oxide capacitors at different frequencies and temperatures. SpiTanIII does not contain the data from
specification (for spec. limits see Select-a-Cap).
PSpice library of tantalum capacitors suitable for high fidelity simulations with most of the PSpice software is available at AVX
Capacitors Filters Piezo Acoustic Generators
Multilayer Ceramic Ceramic Ceramic
Film EMI Resistors
Glass Noise Arrays
Niobium Oxide* - OxiCap® SAW Miniature Axials
Pulse Supercapacitors Low Pass - Thin Film
Timing Devices
Tantalum Inductors Clock Oscillators
Circuit Protection Thin-Film MHz Quartz Crystal
Thermistors Integrated Passive Components Resonators
Fuses - Thin Film PMC - Thin-Film Networks VCO
Transient Voltage Suppressors Capacitor Arrays TCXO
Varistors - Zinc Oxide Feedthru Arrays
Directional Couplers Low Inductance Decoupling Arrays
Automotive IDC Wire to Board
Standard, Custom Headers, Plugs, Assemblies
Board to Board Memory
SMD (0.4, 0.5, 1.0mm), BGA, Thru-Hole PCMCIA, Compact Flash, Secure Digital, MMC,
Card Edge Smartcard, SODIMM
DIN41612 Military
Standard, Inverse, High Temperature H Government, DIN41612
FFC/FPC PolytectTM
0.3, 0.5, 1.0mm Soft Molding
Hand Held, Cellular Rack and Panel
Battery, I/O, SIMcard, RF shield clips VariconTM
2mm Hard Metric
Standard, Reduced Cross-Talk
NOTICE: Specifications are subject to change without notice. Contact your nearest AVX Sales Office for the latest specifications. All statements, information and data given
herein are believed to be accurate and reliable, but are presented without guarantee, warranty, or responsibility of any kind, expressed or implied. Statements
or suggestions concerning possible use of our products are made without representation or warranty that any such use is free of patent infringement and are not
recommendations to infringe any patent. The user should not assume that all safety measures are indicated or that other measures may not be required. Specifications are
typical and may not apply to all applications.
© AVX Corporation
“Niobium Oxide Capacitors are manufactured and sold under patent license from Cabot Corporation, Boyertown, Pennsylvania U.S.A.”
Number of PN’s: 30
Number of pieces per PN: 5
OxiCap ®
TAJ Auto, TPS Auto, THJ, TRJ (Sample Kit: Automotive)
NOJ TAJ (Sample Kit: TAJ)
(Sample Kit: NOJ) TPS (Sample Kit: TPS)
NOS, NOM THJ (Sample Kit: Hi Temp THJ)
(Sample Kit: NOS, NOM) TRJ, TRM (Sample Kit: Industrial TRJ, TRM)
TPS, TPM (Sample Kit: Low ESR)
NOS, TPM, TPS, NOM (Sample Kit: Power Supply)
TPM (Sample Kit: TPM)
TAC (Sample Kit: TAC)
Military and HI-REL Capacitors
CWR19, CWR29, CWR15
and various COTS+ products
available only through the Sales
or Marketing channels BLACK PALE GREY
Overview of our product series TLJ
and matrixes (Sample Kit: TLJ Low Profile)
(Kit - Series)
TCJ, TAJ low, TLC, TCJ Voltage 2V-20V
NOJ, TLJ, TLN (Sample Kit: TCJ)
(Sample Kit: Mobile) TCJ HiV Voltage 25V-125V
F38, F98 (Sample Kit: TCJHIV)
(Sample Kit: F98F38)
Tantalum and
Niobium Oxide Capacitors
AVX/Kyocera India
Liaison Office
Tel: +91-80-6450-0715
Contact: S-TL0M515-C