302-3801 Sars-Cov-2 Patient Fact Sheet
302-3801 Sars-Cov-2 Patient Fact Sheet
302-3801 Sars-Cov-2 Patient Fact Sheet
Disease 2019
Xpert® Xpress SARS-CoV-2– Cepheid March 20, 2020 (COVID-19)
You are being given this Fact Sheet because your Why was my sample tested?
sample(s) was tested for the Coronavirus Disease 2019 You were tested because your healthcare provider
(COVID-19) using the Xpert Xpress SARS-CoV-2 test. believes you may have been exposed to the virus that
causes COVID-19 based on your signs and symptoms
This Fact Sheet contains information to help you (e.g., fever, cough, difficulty breathing), and/or because:
understand the risks and benefits of using this test for
the diagnosis of COVID-19. After reading this Fact • You live in or have recently traveled to a place
Sheet, if you have questions or would like to discuss the where transmission of COVID-19 is known to occur,
information provided, please talk to your healthcare and/or
provider. • You have been in close contact with an individual
suspected of or confirmed to have COVID-19.
Testing of the samples will help find out if you may have
• For the most up to date information on COVID- COVID-19.
19 please visit the CDC Coronavirus Disease
What are the known and potential risks and benefits
2019 (COVID-19) webpage: of the test?
• Where can I go for updates and more information? The most up-to-date information on
COVID-19 is available at the CDC General webpage: https://www.cdc.gov/COVID19. In addition,
please also contact your healthcare provider with any questions/concerns.
give a positive result that is wrong (a false positive justifying emergency of IVDs, unless it is terminated or
result). Your healthcare provider will work with you to revoked by FDA (after which the test may no longer be
determine how best to care for you based on the test used).
results along with medical history, and your symptoms.
• Where can I go for updates and more information? The most up-to-date information on
COVID-19 is available at the CDC General webpage: https://www.cdc.gov/COVID19. In addition,
please also contact your healthcare provider with any questions/concerns.