Rice Hull
Rice Hull
Rice Hull
3 715
4 authors, including:
Repon Saha
East West University (Bangladesh)
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Repon Kumer Saha*, Farhana Hossain , Nabila Tabassum Amin, Shakhawat Hossain Bhuiyan
*reponsaha@yahoo.com; drks@ewubd.edu
The crude methanolic extract of rice husk (Oryza Sativa) was investigated for possible phytochemical,
antimicrobial activities. Thin layer chromatography and ultra-violet spectroscopy were used to detect the
presence of various types of compound in methanolic extract of rice husk. The methanolic extract showed
antibacterial activities. The crude methanolic extract was fractionated by vacuum liquid chromatography by
differents seven polar solvent. The 7 fractions were identified by performing TLC and later Disc diffusion
assay of the primary seven fractions were performed to show the antibacterial effect using gram positive,
gram negative strains of bacteria and fungi. Among the fractions n-butanol demonstrated antimicrobial
activity. Other six fractions did not demonstrate antimicrobial activity. The n-butanol fraction was further
exploited VLC to isolate the active principle which exhibited the antimicrobial activity. Dichloromethane
fraction showed good anti-microbial activity than other six fractions. DCM fraction also showed good result
in the MIC and MBC using bacteria and fungi. Lethality index and Receptor binding activities of the DCM
fraction was investigated by hemagglutination inhibition assay. DCM fraction showed the negligible amount
of toxicity effect and showed moderate hemagglutination inhibition activities.
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salicylic acid as standard [11] with some used to carry this assay. Dried and sterilized filter
modifications. The samples were oxidized with 10% paper discs (6 mm diameter), dried ethyl acetate
Folin-Ciocalteu reagent and were neutralized with extract of the husk, a stock solution of 60mg/ml was
700 mM sodium carbonate solution. The made in normalsaline. The plant samples were two
absorbance of the sample was measured at 765 nm fold serially diluted in eppendorf tubes to get
after 60 minutes. A calibration curve of salicylic acid different concentrations were prepared and discs
was prepared. The total phenolic content was were soaked with each solutions of 10μl of test
calculated as salicylic acid equivalent by the samples were placed gently on the previously
following equation: T = C x V /M, where, T is the marked zones in the agar plates. After incubation at
total phenolic content in mg·g –1 of the extracts as 370C for 24 hours, the antimicrobial activity of the
SAE, C is the concentration of salicylic acid test agents was determined by measuring the
established from the calibration curve in mg/ml, V is diameter of zone of inhibition expressed in mm. The
the volume of the extract solution in ml and M is results were expressed as mean ± standard
the weight of the extract in g. The estimation of the deviations.
phenolic compounds was carried out in triplicate.
The results were expressed as mean ± standard Minimum Bacterial Concentration of ethyl acetate
deviations. extract of Rice Husk
The minimum bactericidal concentration (MBC) is the
Antimicrobial Screening of ethyl acetate Extract of lowest concentration of an antibacterial agent
husk Oryza sativa required to kill a particular bacterium [15]. 100μl of
The antibacterial activity was carried out by the disc sample solution was placed on petridish. Nutrient
diffusion method [12] using 100μL of suspension agar was prepared by dissolving the appropriate
containing ~103 CFU/mL of microorganism spread amount of agar in distilled water in an agar bottle. All
on nutrient agar medium (Himedia, India). Four the necessary equipment and the nutrient agar were
different bacterial strains of gram positive, Eight autoclaved at 121ºC for 45 minutes to ensure
different strains of gram negative bacteria and complete sterilization. After this all the equipment
three different strains of fungi were used to carry were shifted to the laminar airflow hood to prevent
out this assay. Dried and sterilized filter paper discs any contaminations. The sample of bacteria 1ml was
(6 mm diameter), ethyl acetate extract of husk, a taken in in an eppendrof tube containing 600µg
stock solution of 10mg/ml was prepared and discs ethyl acetate extract and then five times dilution in
was soaked with solutions of 10μl of test samples the five eppendrof tube to get different
and dried placed[13]. Standard disc of ciprofloxacin concentrations. The each tube were taken into
(30 μg/disc) was used as positive control. After vortex to ensure that the bacteria and ethyl acetate
incubation at 370C for 24 hours, the antimicrobial extract mixture out evenly. The agar was poured into
activity of the test agents was determined by the petridishes and left to cool and solidify. Using a
measuring the diameter of zone of inhibition sterile spreader the 100µl bacteria solution were
expressed in mm. The results were expressed as taken and carefully swabbed on the agar plate so
mean ± standard deviations. that the bacteria were uniformly distributed
everywhere. The plates were left to rest for some
Minimum Inhibitory concentration of ethyl time and then place in an inverted position in an
acetate Rice Husk incubator at 37ºC for 24 hrs[16]. After the prescribed
The minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) values, incubation time the plates were removed from the
which represent the lowest extract concentration incubator and the counting of the bacteria colony
that completely inhibits the growth of formation. Each experiment was carried out 2 times
microorganisms. The sample in question is first and was correlated against the controls.
prepared by producing a standard stock solution
then subsequently diluting it to obtain different Brine shrimp lethality test
concentration[14]. Minimum Inhibitory Brine shrimp lethality test [17] was carried out to
concentration is carried out by using 100μL of investigate the possible cytotoxic effect of the ethyl
suspension containing ~103 CFU/mL of acetate extract of husk Oryza sativa. Brine shrimp
microorganism spread on nutrient agar medium eggs were hatched in a shallow rectangular dish filled
(Himedia, India). S. aureus and S.cerevisiae were with artificial seawater provided with light and
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PhOL Saha et al 77 (74-84)
aeration. We allowed 2 days (48h) for the eggs to presence of alkaloid and Cardiac Glycoside in the
hatch and mature as nauplii. Samples were ethyl acetate extract of husk Oryza sativa. Other
prepared by dissolving 20 mg of the husk ethyl phytochemicals were absent.
acetate extract in the normalsaline Dilution of this
stock solution gives the series of concentrations UV-Visible Spectrophotometric Sanning of ethyl
required for testing. 6 vials for each sample were acetate extract of Oryza sativa.
taken. The no.6 vial was used as control (nauplii The spectrum of wavelength vs. absorbance for ethyl
without sample). To each sample vial ten shrimps acetate extract of the husk was
were transferred using a Pasteur pipette, and obtained from the UV-Visible spectrophotometer
artificial seawater was added to make a total and the values for the absorbance of the fraction was
volume of 5 ml. The nauplii were counted against a recorded. The graph is shown below.
lighted background. Counting for the chronic LC50
began 24 hour after initiation of tests [18]. Nauplii DPPH Free Radical Scavenging Assay
were considered dead if they were lying immobile From the analyses of Figure-2, we can conclude that
at the bottom of the vials and the percentage of the scavenging effect of ethyl acetate extract and
deaths at each concentration and at the control ascorbic acid are very near to each other.
were determined.
Total phenolic content assay of ethyl acetate extract
Hemagglutination Inhibition Assay In case of polyphenolic content a standard curve was
Hemagglutination activity of ethyl acetate extract of used where the equation is y = 0.044x + 0.024, R2 =
rice husk was tested against human erythrocyte 0.972, From the standard curve, the total phenolic
blood group A+ (positive) with some compounds as Salicylic acid equivalent (SAE) of the
modifications[19]. Stock solution of the test ethyl acetate extract was 40.9mg/g.
samples was prepared at concentration of 10
mg/ml and each solution was serially diluted. Fresh Antimicrobial Screening of ethyl acetate Extract
blood was collected from healthy persons, From the test conducted these results it is observed
centrifuged and the erythrocytes were separated. the husk of Oryza sativa possess antibacterial and
2% erythrocyte suspension was prepared in antifungal activities.
phosphate buffer (pH 7.4). 100μl of sample was
placed in the first well and then this was Minimum Inhibitory Concentration of Ethyl Acetate
subsequently diluted two fold up to the 8th well. Extract of Rice Husk.
100μl of the RBC suspension was added to all the The husk ethyl acetate extract was tested upon the
wells and was incubated for one hour at 4°C. After Gram positive S. aureus and fungi S.cerevisiae the
incubation, the results were noted. Smooth button zones of inhibition were recorded. The results of this
formation in bottom indicated negative activity, experiment are as follows
while a rough granular deposition at bottom
showed positive activity. The intensity of Minimum Bacterial Concentration of ethyl acetate
hemagglutination was determined from the extent Extract
of deposition. The husk ethyl acetate extract was tested upon the
Gram positive S.aureus the minimum bacterial
Results concentration was recorded. The results of this
TLC Analysis experiment are as follows.
TLC analysis was done as described in materials and
methods. The plate was observed under UV light Brine shrimp lethality test
(indicated as 1). After charring of the TLC plate with In brine shrimp lethality bioassay, percentage of
sulfuric acid (indicated as 2) has visualized the three mortality increased gradual with the increase in
spots. After being soaked into DPPH and FC concentration of the test samples. Using the linear
solution, plate 3 and 4 showed moderate yellow regression equation, y = -12.28x + 104.6 where R2 =
color. 0.984 the LC50 values of ethyl acetate extract was
determined. From the results, it was revealed that,
Preliminary Phytochemical Investigation LC50 values was found to be 4.4.
Preliminary phytochemical screening showed the
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Figure 1:
1 2 3 4
Figure 2. The graph of Wavelength vs. Absorbance for husk ethyl acetate
extract of Oryza sativa
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Figure 3. Zone of inhibition for Ethyl acetate extract of rice husk. The values were
expressed as mean ± standard error of mean. Blue bars represent values of Ethyl
acetate extract; red bars represent values of positive control ciprofloxacin.
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acetate +++ +++ +++ +++ - - - -
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