Feb 06

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F EBRUARY 2 0 0 6 N E W S L E T T E R

President –Philemon, Philemon@ElementalEntertainment.com Treasurer- Roger Needham, rkneedham@hotmail.com

First VP (and Librarian)- Jeff Dial, jeffpdial@msn.com Secretary- Dan Staple, dstaple@ci.everett.wa.us
Second VP- Evan Westenberger, evanwestmagic@comcast.net

Our Christmas party, was January Mark Mason will be visiting our area on June 4th.
8th at Everett’s Legion Hall. Buffet, Young Magicians of the NW Ring of Fire, will have
awards, gift exchange, also the 2006 their first monthly meeting on March 19th.
NWRF club officers were announced, Perhaps you’ve wondered where magicians come from. . .
and a special full evening show by contrary to belief, they are not pulled out of an empty top
international performers. Our hat….
appreciation to a great food prep staff of; Keith Van Kirk Beginning 2:00 pm Sunday, March 19th, our club will
and Tom & Phyllis Rucker, and all the others who made host a meeting for Young Magicians at our regular
the evening a great success. meeting place: Blue Ridge Fire Station; 18800 – 68th Ave
W. Lynnwood.
Awards were presented for Magician of
This will be affiliated with IBM’s Youth Program. It’s for
the Year; Master Payne, Pomeroy Award;
aspiring magicians 18 years & under. The purpose is to
Brian Cook, President's Award; Fred
educate, support & promote the activities of young
Turner, and Lifetime Achievement; David
people in the world of magic. In order to accommodate
LaKay (photo l.).
the young and make it practical for families to attend,
the meeting time is scheduled for the 3rd Sunday of
2006 Club Officers were announced, every month at 2:00 pm. We are seeing a great deal of
President; Philemon Vanderbeck, Vice- interest among young people and their families. We are
Presidents; Jeff Dial and Evan West (photo very grateful to the Ring of Fire members wanting to
r.),Secretary; Dan Staple, Treasure; contribute their time, instruction & guidance to these
Roger Needham. Young Magicians. Direct those interested to: coordinator
Bruce at: 360-652-5779 or bruce@brucemeyers.com .
More info on the IBM Youth Program can be found at
January’s Meeting offered, a few “Gift Tricks”. http://www.magician.org/Youth_Program.htm .
Performing this evening were; Bryce Chambers, Payne, This may be considered a sign of our club reaching a level
Bruce Meyers, Ralph Huntzinger, Jack Turk, Kirk Charles, of maturity, and that we have, we began our 17th year
Jeff Dial, Evan West, and Don Bloomer. Jeff played a this January. . . (In magician’s years that’s about 68.)
1955 video episode of “It’s Magic”, featuring; Al Flosso.
There were several guest in attendance; visitors, One of our newer members, 78 year old Floyd
reporters, new assistants, among them was one of the Evens, took a terrible fall, two weeks ago, while working
founders and former president of our club; Jerry on his house, resulting in; a concussion, 3 broken ribs and
Dreessen. a stay at Harborview Hosp. We wish him a full recovery.
The Librarians Challenge was: According to Tarbel, what
was the name of the trick, using the Mobius strip?
Sponsorships & Program Ads for Smoke & Mirrors?
Next regular meeting will be: Feb. 9th 7:00pm, at Now is the time to reserve your space, help the cause and
the Blue Ridge Fire Station, 18800 – 68th Ave. W., promote yours’ or a friends' business at the same time.
Lynnwood. The theme for our February Meeting is “Saint Sponsorships are $150 and include; full page ad in the
Valentine’s Day - Massacre” tricks! Remember your name program, listing on the show poster, and 2 show tickets.
badge. . . or $upport NWRF. For another $50 get your logo on the show poster.
Program ads are: $45 for 1/3 page ad
Lectures: $65 for 2/3 page ad
Patrick Page is scheduled to lecture in our area $100 for full page ad
April 2006. Location & exact date will be announced soon.
Contact Bruce Meyers 360.652.5779 or

Silly Billy was featured at our February Lecture,

On Saturday January 21st, 48 magi aka; David Kaye of www.sillymagic.com. He lectured to a
were in attendance for the first crowd of over 55 for almost 3 hours on; kids magic,
lecture of our 2006 season. The solving the 10 most common problems,
lecture was on performing thematic power marketing, work-shopping and
magic and was presented by Master Payne. writing a new routine. David also
It was a fun, informative and over two hours of Payne performed the same effect for three
covering a myriad of topics and teaching several of his different age groups, illustrating the
unique, innovative tricks and presentations. need to vary your presentation depending
Many found the discussion of subjugating a prop as well on age of your target audience.
as the magicians WWWWW&H to be very informative.
Both topics which are covered in his lecture notes.
There are a few copies remaining which can be obtained Smoke & Mirrors Show is approaching fast.
from him, either at the next meeting or by e-mailing him Posters, sponsors, tickets and production helpers and
at: payne@aol.com . volunteers are needed now. Proceeds from our annual
For those who missed this lecture he will be giving it at show will benefit the Burned Children Recovery
the Vancouver PCAM. That alone, is more than enough Foundation, and is scheduled for 7:00 pm, April 15th at
reason to attend the 2006 conference. the Everett Theater, 2911 Colby Ave. Tickets are $8-
$12 and available for purchase at the Everett Theater
The Seattle Times Snohomish County Edition box office, 425-258-6766, or on line at
printed a comprehensive and candid report on our Ring’s; www.e v e r e t t t h e a t r e .org .
Christmas party and January club meeting. The reporter
interviewed several magicians, gave a detailed account of
one effect, and had several accompanying photographs in
the February 8th paper. We don’t know how much this
publicity will cost Bruce Meyers yet. ? . The link is below.
http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/snohomishcountynews/ Visit our club’s web site at: http://www.nwringoffire.com

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