141. From the top of a cliff 200 152. Calculate the radius of 164. The angle form the ground to the
meters high, the angles of the circle circumscribed in a top of the Statue of Liberty is 7 degrees
depression of two fishing boats triangle, where A = 45 °, B = at a distance of 1220 ft from the building.
in the same line of sight on the 72 ° and a = 20m. Find the height of the statue.
water are 13 degrees and 15 Answer:14.14m Answer:149.80ft
degrees. How far apart are the
boats? (Round your answer to 4 153 The diagonals of 165. A submarine maintains a diving
significant digits) parallelogram ABCD angle of 22. How far has it travelled
Answer:119m measure 10 cm (AC) and 12 when it is directly under a point 350 m
cm (BD), and the angle that along the surface from the point where it
142. Prove that [ cos(x) - sin(x) ][ they form in the centre is 48° submerged?
Answer:178.33m 3 √ 10
176. Find the height h after Answer:
166. A surveyor wants to find 45 seconds.
the distance between peaks A Answer: 26m
188. Given three angles A, B and C
and B. He finds point C, 288 ft
whose sum is 180°. If tan A + tan B + tan
from peak A, so that ACB is a Situation:
C = x, find the value of tan A x tan B x
right angle. The measure BAC is A ladder is leaning up
tan C.
89. Find the distance AB. against a house. The bottom
Answer: x
Answer:273.90ft of the ladder is 3 ft away
from the building and the
189. What is the sine of 820°?
167. Sears Tower is 1454 ft tall. ladder makes an angle of 75
Answer: 0.984
Suppose point A is 1000 ft from degrees with the ground.
the base of the tower. What is 177. How high up the
190. Csc 270°?
the tangent of the angle at A building does the ladder
Answer: -1
formed by the ground and the reach?
line of vision to the top of the Answer:11.20m
191. If conversine θ is 0.134, find the
value of θ.
Answer:55.48degrees 178. How long is the ladder?
Answer: 60°
168. Diving at a constant angle
192. Solve for cos 72° if the given
A, a submarine descends 102 m Situation:
relationship is cos 2A = 2 cos2 A – 1.
while travelling 300 m. Find the 179. After takeoff, an
Answer: 0.309
degree measure of A. airplane maintained a flight
Answer:18.78degrees angle of 8 degrees with the
193. If sin 3A = cos 6B then:
ground. Find the elevation
Answer: 30°
169. The triangle ABC is a right after it covered after it
triangle. AB=2m and BC=7m. covered a ground distance of
194. Find the value of sin (arccos 15/17).
Find the hypotenuse. 1200 m.
Answer: 8/17
Answer: 7.28m Answer:168.65m
195. Find the value of cos [arcsin (1/3) +
170. The triangle ABC is a right 180 Find the distance it
arctan (2/√5)].
triangle. BC=5meters and angle traveled in the air along the
A=7degrees. Find AB. flight path while covering the
Answer: ( √10−1)
Answer:40.72 ground distance of 1200 m. 9
171. Find the height of the right 196. If sin 40° + sin 20° = sin θ, find the
triangle if the area is 300msqrd 181. Find the supplement of value of θ.
and the base is 21m. an angle whose compliment Answer: 80°
Answer: 28.57m is 62°
Answer: 152° 197. How many different value of x from
172. Find the area of the triangle 0° to 180° for the equation (2 sin x – 1)
if the base is 30m and the height 182. The central angle has a (cos x + 1) = 0?
is 35m. supplement five times its Answer: 3
Answer: 525sqr.m compliment. Find the angle.
Answer: 67.5° 198. For what value of θ (less than 2π)
Situation: will the following equation be satisfied?
A ladder of length 20 meters 183. The sum of the two sin2 θ + 4 sin θ + 3 = 0.
is resting against the wall. The interior angles of the triangle Answer: 3π/2
base of the ladder is x meters is equal to the third angle the
away from the base of the wall difference of the two angles 199. Find the value of x in the equation
and the angle made by the wall is equal to 2/3 of the third csc x + cot x = 3.
and the ladder is t. angle. Find the third angle. Answer: π/5
173. Find x in terms of t. Answer: 90°
Answer: 74.64m 200. If sec2 A is 5/2, the quantity 1 – sin2
184. The measure of 1½ A is equivalent to:
174. Starting from t = 0 (the revolutions counter- Answer: 0.4
ladder against the wall) and then clockwise is:
gradually increase angle t; for Answer: 540° 201. Find sin x if 2 sin x + 3 cos x – 2 =
what size of angle t will x be the 0.
quarter of the length of the 185. The measure of 2.25 Answer: 1 and -5/13
ladder? revolutions counter-
Answer:14degrees clockwise is: 202. If sin A = 4/5, A is quadrant II, sin B
Answer: 810° = 7/25, B in quadrant I, find sin (A + B).
Situation: Answer: 3/5
A Ferris wheel with a radius 186. Solve for θ: sin θ – sec
of 25 meters makes one rotation θ + csc θ – tan 2θ = -0.0866. 203. If sin A = 2.571x, cos A = 3.06x, and
every 36 seconds. At the bottom Answer: 46° sin 2A = 3.939x, find the value of x.
of the ride, the passenger is 1 Answer: 0.250
meter above the ground. 187. What are the exact
values of the cosine and 204. If cos θ = √3 / 2, then find the value
175. Let h be the height, above tangent trigonometric of x if x = 1 – tan2 θ.
ground, of a passenger. functions of acute angle A, Answer: 2/3
Determine h as a function of time given that sin A = 3/7.
if h = 51 meter at t = 0. 205. If sin θ – cos θ = -1 / 3, what is the
Answer:26m value of sin 2θ?
Answer: 8/9 223. Simplifying the equation side c if angle C = 100°, side b = 20, and
sin2 θ (1 + cot2 θ) gives: side a = 15.
206. If x cos θ + y sin θ = 1 and x Answer: 1 Answer: 27
sin θ – y cos θ = 3, what is the
relationship between x and y? 224. Find the value of sin 237. In triangle ABC, A = 45° and angle
Answer: x2 + y2 = 10 (90° + A). C = 70°. The side opposite angle C is 40
Answer: cos A m long. What is the side opposite angle
207. If sin x + 1 / sin x = √2, then A?
sin2 x + 1 / sin2 x is equal to: 225. Which of the following Answer: 30.1 m
Answer: 0 expression is equivalent to
sin 2θ? 238. Two sides of a triangle are 50 m
208. The equation 2 sin θ + 2 Answer: 2 sin θ cos θ and 60 m long. The angle included
cos θ – 1 = √3 is: between these sides is 30°. What is the
Answer: A conditional 226. If tan θ = x2, what is the interior angle (in degrees) opposite the
equation value of sin θ? longest side?
Answer: x2/ 1+ x 4
√ Answer: 93.74°
209. If x + y = 90°, then
sin x tan y 227. In isosceles right 239. The sides of a triangle ABC are AB
is equal to: = 15 cm, BC = 18 cm, and CA = 24 cm.
sin y tan x triangle, the hypotenuse is
how much longer than its Determine the distance from the point of
Answer: cot x
sides? intersection of the angular bisectors to
Answer: √2 side AB.
210. If cos θ = x / 2 then 1 – tan2
228. Find the angle mils Answer: 4.73 cm
θ is equal to:
Answer: (2x2-4)/x2 subtended by a line 10 yards
long at a distance of 5000 240. If AB = 15 m, BC = 18 m, and CA =
211. Find the value in degrees of
yards. 24 m, find the point intersection of the
arccos (tan 24°).
Answer: 2.04 mil angular bisector from the vertex C.
Answer: 63.56°
Answer: 14.3 cm
212. Arctan [2 cos (arcsin (√3 / 229. The angle or inclination
of ascend of a road having 241. In triangle ABC, angle C = 70°,
2))] is equal to:
8.25% grade is ___ degrees. angle A = 45°, AB = 40 m. What is the
Answer: π/4
Answer: 4.716° length of the median drawn from vertex A
to side BC?
213. Solve for x in the equation:
230. The sides of a right Answer: 36.28 m
arctan (2x) + arctan (x) = π/4.
Answer: 0.281 triangle is in arithmetic
progression whose common 242. The area of the triangle whose
difference is 6 cm. Its area angles are 61°9’32”, 34°14’46”, and
214. Solve for x from the given
is: 84°35’42”, is 680.60. The length of the
trigonometric equation: arctan
Answer: 216 cm2 longest side is:
(1-x) + arctan (1+x) = arctan 1/8.
Answer: 52.23 units
+¿ ¿
−¿ 4 ¿ 231. The hypotenuse of a
243. Given triangle ABC whose angles
right angle is 34 cm. Find the
length of the shortest leg if it are A = 40°, B = 95° and side b = 30 cm.
215. Solve for y if y = (1/sinx – Find the length of the bisector of angle C.
1 /tan x) (1 + cos x). is 14 cm shorter than the
other leg. Answer: 21.74 cm
Answer: sin x
Answer: 16 cm
244. The sides of a triangular lot are 130
216. Solve for x: x = (tan θ + cot m, 180 m, and 190 m. The lot is to be
θ)2 sin2 θ – tan2 θ. 232. A truck travels from
point M northwards for 30 divided by a line bisecting the longest
Answer: 1 side and drawn from the opposite vertex.
min. then eastward for one
hour, then shifted N 30° W. If The length of this dividing line is:
217.Solve for x: x = 1 – (sin θ – Answer: 125 m
cos θ)2. the constant speed is 40
Answer: sin 2θ kph, how far directly from M,
in km. will be it after 2 245. From a point outside of an
hours? equilateral triangle, the distance to the
218. Simplify cos4 θ – sin4 θ. vertices are 10 m, 10 m, and 18 m. Find
Answer: 2 cos2 θ-1 Answer: 47.88 km
the dimension of the triangle.
233. Two sides of a triangle Answer: 19.94 m
1−tan 2 a measures 6 cm. and 8 cm.
219. Solve for x: x=
1+tan 2 a and their included angle is 246. Points A and B 1000 m, apart are
Answer: cos 2a 40°. Find the third side. plotted on a straight highway running
Answer: 5.144 cm East and West. From A, the bearing of a
220. cos3 x – sin3 x =? tower C is 32° N of W and from B the
Answer: (cos x – sin x) (cos2 x 234. Given a triangle: C = bearing of C is 26° N of E. Approximate
+ cos x sin x + sin2 x) 100°, a = 15, b = 20. Find c: the shortest distance of tower C to the
Answer: 27 highway.
221. Find the value of y: y = (1 + Answer: 273.92 m
cos 2θ) tan θ. 235. Given angle A = 32°,
Answer: sin 2θ angle B = 70°, and side c = 247. An airplane leaves an aircraft
27 units. Solve for side a of carries and flies south at 350 mph. The
222. The equation 2sinh x cosh x the triangle. carrier travels S 30° E at 25 mph. If the
is equal to: Answer: 14.63 units wireless communication range of the
Answer: sinh 2x airplane is 700 miles, when will it lose
236. In a triangle, find the contact with the carrier?
Answer: 2.13 hrs
256. From the top of tower rotation of the minute hand is 2 inches
248. A statue 2 meters high A, the angle of elevation of above the plane of rotation of the hour
stands on a column that is 3 the top of tower A is 28°. hand. Find the distance between the tips
meters high. An observer in level Both towers are on a level of the hands at 5:40 AM.
with the top of the statue ground. If the height of tower Answer: 9.17 inches
observed that the column and B is 120 m, how high is
the statue subtend the same tower A? 264. If the bearing of A from B is S 40°
angle. How far is the observer Answer: 40.71 m W, then the bearing of B from A is:
from the statue? Answer: N 40° E
Answer: 2√5 m 257. Points A and B are 100
m apart and are on the same 265. A plane hillside is inclined at an
249. From the top of the building elevation as the foot of a angle of 28° with the horizontal. A man
100 m, high the angle of the building. The angles of wearing skis can climb this hillside by
depression of a point A due to elevation of the top of the following a straight path inclined at an
East of it is 30°. From a point B building from points A and B angle of 12° to the horizontal, but one
due to south of the building, the are 21° and 32°, without skis must follow a path inclined at
angle of elevation of the top is respectively. How far is A an angle of only 5° with the horizontal.
60°. Find the distance AB. from the building? Find the angle between the directions of
Answer: 100√3/3 Answer: 259.3 m the two paths.
Answer: 15.56°
250. An observer found the 258. A man finds the angle
angle of elevation of the top of of elevation of the top of a 266. Calculate the area of a spherical
the tree to be 27°. After moving tower to be 30°. He walks 85 triangle whose radius is 5 m and whose
10 m closer (on the same m nearer the tower and finds angles are 40°, 65°, and 110°.
vertical and horizontal plane as its angle of elevation to be Answer: 15.27 sq. m
the three), the angle of elevation 60°. What is the height of the
becomes 54°. Find the height of tower? 267. A right spherical triangle has an
the tree. Answer: 73.61 m angle C = 90° a = 50°, and c = 80°. Find
Answer: 8.09 m the side b.
259. The angle of elevation Answer: 74.33°
251. From a point A at the foot of of a point C is 29°42’: the
the mountain, the angle of angle of elevation of C from 268. If the time 8:00 A.M. GMT, what is
elevation of the top B is 60°. the another point A 31.2 m the time in the Philippines, which is
After ascending the mountain directly below B is 59°23’. located at 120° East longitude?
one (1) mile at an inclination of How high is C from the Answer: 4 p.m.
30° to the horizon, and reaching horizontal line through A?
a point C, an observer finds that Answer: 47.1 m 269. An airplane flew from Manila
the angle ABC is 135°. The (14°36’N, 121°05’E) at a course of S 30°
height of the mountain in feet is: 260. A rectangular piece of E maintaining a certain altitude and
Answer: 12,493 feet land 40 m x 30 m is to be following a great circle path. If its ground
crossed diagonally by a 10 speed is 350 knots, after how many
252. A 50-meter vertical tower m wide roadway as shown. If hours will it cross the equator?
casts a 62.3-meter shadow when the land cost P1,500.00 per Answer: 2.87 hrs
the angle of elevation of the sun square meter, the cost of the
is 41.6°. The inclination of the roadway is: 270. Find the distance in nautical miles
ground is: Answer: P601,650.00 between Manila and San Francisco.
Answer: 4.72° Manila is located 14° 36’ N latitude and
261. A man improvises a 121°05’ E longitude. San Francisco is
253. A vertical pole is 10 m from temporary shield from the situated 37°48’ N latitude and 122° 24’ W
a building. When the angle of sun using triangular piece of longitude.
elevation of the sun is 45°, the wood with dimensions of 1.4 Answer: 6046.2 nautical miles
pole cast a shadow on the m, 1.5 m, 1.3 m, with the
building 1 m high. Find the longer side lying horizontally 271. A at certain point on the ground, the
height of the pole. on the ground, he props up tower at the top of 20-m high building
Answer: 11 m the corner of the triangle with subtends an angle of 45°. At another
a vertical pole 0.9 m long. point on the ground 25 m closer the
254. A pole cast a shadow of 15 What would be the area of building, the tower subtends an angle of
meters long when the angle of the shadow on the ground 45°. Find the height of the tower.
elevation of the sun 61°. If the when the sun is vertically Answer: 101.85 m
pole has leaned 15° from the overhead?
vertical directly toward the sun, Answer: 0.5 m2 272. A wooden flagpole is embedded 3
what is the length of the pole? m deep at corner A of a concrete
Answer: 54.23 m 262. A rectangular piece of horizontal slab ABCD, square in form
wood 4 cm x 12 cm tall is and measuring 20 ft on a side. A storm
255. An observer wishes to tilted at an angle of 45°. Find broke the flag pole at a point one meter
determine the height of a tower. the vertical distance between above the slab and inclined toward
He takes sights at the top of the the lower corner and upper corner C in the direction of the diagonal
tower from A and B, which are corner. AC. The vertical angles observed at the
50 ft apart, at the same elevation Answer: 8√2 center of the slab and at corner C to the
on a direct line with the tower. tip of the flag pole were 65° and 35°,
The vertical angle at point A is 263. A clock has a dial face respectively. What is the total length of
30° and at point B is 40°. What is 12 inches in radius. The the flagpole above the slab in yards?
the height of the tower? minute hand is 9 inches long Answer: 5.61 yards
Answer: 92.54 ft while the hour hand is 6
inches long. The plane of 273. From the third floor window of a
building, the angle of depression Answer: 2 cos2 x – 1
of an object on the ground is
35°58’, while from a sixth floor 289. Simplify 1 – 2 sin2 –x.
window, 9.75 m above the first Answer: 2 cos2 x – 1
point of observation the angle of
depression is 58°35’. How far is 290. If tan θ = x2, find cos θ.
the object from the building? Answer: 1/ 1+ x 4
Answer: 10. 7 m
291. In problem 290, Find
274. The sides of a triangle are sec θ.
18 cm, 24 cm, and 34 cm,
respectively. Find the length of Answer: 1+ x 4
the median to the 24 cm side, in
cm. 292. In problem 290, Find
Answer: 24.41 cm csc θ.
Answer: 1+ x 4 /x2
275. In the spherical triangle
ABC, A = 116°19’, B = 55°30’, 293. ½ revolutions is equal
and C = 80°37’. What is the to what degree?
value of side a. Answer: 180°
Answer: 115.573°
295. An observer wishes to
276. Find the supplement of an determine the height of a
angle whose compliment is 42° tower. He takes sights at the
Answer: 138° top of the tower from A and
277. The central angle has a B, which are 30 ft apart, at
supplement three times its the same elevation on a
compliment. Find the angle. direct line with the tower.
Answer: 45° The vertical angle at point A
is 30° and at point B is 40°.
278. The measure of 2½ What is the height of the
revolutions in degrees is: tower?
Answer: 900° Answer: 55.52 ft