JPSR 03110401
JPSR 03110401
JPSR 03110401
3(4), 2011,1122-1126
Pioglitazone and Metformin are the two new of 200-400nm throughout the experimental
anti-diabetic drugs and chemically Pioglitazone work.
is [(±)-5-[[4-[2-(5-ethyl-2-pyridinyl) ethoxy]
phenyl] methyl]-2,4-] thiazolidinedione Reagents and solutions:
monohydrochloride and Metformin is (N,N- Pioglitazone hydrochloride (PIO) and
dimethylimidodicarbonimidic diamide Metformin hydrochloride (MET) were gifted by
hydrochloride) . The main use for Pioglitazone and Matrix and Aurobindo Pharmaceuticals
and Metformin is in the treatment of diabetes respectively. Double distilled water was
mellitus type 2, especially in overweight prepared in the laboratory.
people. Difference spectrophotometry of
Pioglitazone and Metformin were not revealed Preparation of Solvents:
in literature. An attempt in the present study has 0.1M NaOH:
been made to develop simple, accurate and 2 gms of NaOH was accurately weighed and
economical method for difference spectroscopy dissolved in double distilled water and the
of Pioglitazone and Metformin and their volume was made up to 50ml with double
pharmaceutical formulations. The result of distilled water.
analysis using the developed 0.1M HCl:
spectrophotometric methods for difference 4.25ml of HCl was made up to 50ml with
spectrophotometry was found to be satisfactory double distilled water.
such that the developed methods can be used Phosphate Buffer PH-7:
for routine analysis of drugs and pharmaceutical 0.025gm of anhydrous disodium hydrogen
dosage form. phosphate and 0.0150gm of potassium
dihydrogen phosphate was accurately weighed
MATERIALS AND METHODS and dissolved in double distilled water and the
Apparatus volume was made upto 50ml with distilled
Spectral & absorbance measurements were water.
made on ELICO UV-Visible spectrophotometer Preparation of standard stock solution:
using 10mm Quartz matched cells with Accurately weighed 0.01gm (10mg) of PIO &
wavelength readability 0.1 nm increment was MET was dissolved in 10ml of ethanol in two
employed for all measurements. The absorption separate standard volumetric flasks to get
spectrum was recorded in the wavelength range 1mg/ml.
K. Sujana et al /J. Pharm. Sci. & Res. Vol.3(4), 2011,1122-1126
Spectral Characteristics:
In order to ascertain the optimum wavelength of
the species formed, the spectra was scanned on
a UV-Visible spectrophotometer in the range of
200-400nm.λmax of acid, base and buffer was Fig.iii.Absorbance maxima of PIO pure drug
found separately. The base absorption spectra and Formulations
was identical with buffer, hence acid (HCl) was
used as a blank for base (NaOH) as PIO &
MET is basic in nature, base wavelength was
higher than acid as shown in Fig:i & ii.This is
because the absorption spectrum of PIO &
MET in acid medium shows hypsochromic shift
and hypochromic effect.
The absorption spectrum of PIO & MET was
measured by the absorbance of equimolar PIO
& MET solutions. The λmax of PIO & MET
was found to be 228.1nm and 228.2nm
respectively as shown is Fig.v and vi.
K. Sujana et al /J. Pharm. Sci. & Res. Vol.3(4), 2011,1122-1126
K. Sujana et al /J. Pharm. Sci. & Res. Vol.3(4), 2011,1122-1126
K. Sujana et al /J. Pharm. Sci. & Res. Vol.3(4), 2011,1122-1126