The Reading Skill Final
The Reading Skill Final
The Reading Skill Final
-Francis Bacon
• Introduction
• Reading Strategies
• Faulty Reading Habits
• Speed Reading
• Summing up
Which of the 4 titles below the news item represents its main idea ?
By Our Science Correspondent :
Hundreds of people made 999 calls to police stations throughout
Britain early yesterday to report a fiery meteor. Many said they
had seen a UFO.
Inspector John Smith, who was in a patrol car in the New Forest
reported a glowing light with a long orange tail. “After a second or
two, it seemed to explode or disintegrate” in the sea off the Isle of
About a million tons of meteoric rock and dust land on the earth
each year. They are part of the primordial debris from which the
solar system was formed some 5,000 million years ago.
a. Explosion in New Forest
b. UFO seen over Britain
c. Hundreds call police about meteor
d. Catastrophe near the Isle of Wight.
3. Guessing the Meaning of Unknown Words :
Using prior knowledge of the subject
and the ideas in the text as clues to the
meaning of unknown words.
(1) Word Structure: (Prefix) Root (Suffix)
un - question - able
mono – tone - ous
post – doctor - al
(2) Context:
e.g. “Although she is usually loquacious,
she remains silent before her father.”
4. Inferring : Coming to a
conclusion about a question by
relating ideas from different
parts of a text.
ACTIVITY - 2 [Time - 3 minutes ]
Inferential Question:
Does the writer approve of ‘Big Brother’
and its use? Which words in the passage tell
you what the writer’s opinion is?
5. Extensive Reading :
• Reading longer texts, usually for
one’s own pleasure.
• A fluency activity, mainly involving
global understanding.
6. Intensive Reading :
• Reading shorter texts to understand
• An accuracy activity involving reading
for detail.
ACTIVITY - 3 [Time – 2 minutes]
Look at the six reading situations and four different strategies given
below. For each reading situation, identify the strategy you would use.
Write the number of the strategy (1/2/3/4) against the situations.
Reading situations Reading strategies
a) Looking for the main news in a 1. Reading carefully for maximum
day‘s newspaper. information (intensive reading).
b) Reading the ‘situations vacant’ 2. Reading for pleasure (extensive
page in a newspaper, looking reading).
for a teaching job abroad.
c) Reading an article for a 3. Reading to get overall
presentation. information (skimming).
d) Finding the telephone number 4. Reading quickly to find specific
of a friend in a directory. information (scanning).
e) Reading a novel while traveling
in a train.
f) Reading the instructions on a
medicine bottle.
(a) Sub-vocalizing :
Forming the sounds of words
and even murmuring them.
(b) Finger pointing :
Finger moves from word to
(c) Regressive Eye-movement :
Eyes move back to check
previous words instead of
steadily moving forward.
Reading Efficiency = Speed + Comprehension
A systematic method of writing down the
important points of a reading text.