4WDrive - May 2020
4WDrive - May 2020
4WDrive - May 2020
North America’s
premier truck, trail &
overland magazine
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LEDS Volume 22/2 1
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Brad Morris
Red rocks, snow, ice and a bit of trepidation didn’t hinder
the desire to experience this wheeling haven in Utah.
YOU WILL NEVER BE FULLY has a rich history of off-roading, and thanks to into the hills, and ever since, Moab has been
PREPARED, EVER. There will always some creative thinkers in the Moab Cham- synonymous with pushing off-roading to the
be some reason, some nagging thought that ber of Commerce back in 1967, we can now limit.
your mind uses as an excuse to prevent you experience the trails of a region that hosts the The exhilaration of actually getting to
from taking the plunge. Life is funny that way. largest 4x4 event on the planet. drive where so many iconic videos had been
However, sometimes you just need to throw With such recognizable routes as ‘Lions filmed was eclipsed only by the sheer distance
caution into the wind and make it happen. Our Back,’ ‘Hells Revenge’ and ‘The Crack,’ Moab involved in getting there. The shortest distance
latest adventure was exactly that. is a mecca for off-roading. A four-wheeler's between two points is a straight line and with
We have spent many years daydreaming dream, the red rocks of Moab were formed that in mind we grabbed our passports and
about visiting and conquering Moab, Utah, and some 300 million years ago when a sea flowed headed west. Dads Do Moab 2020 was des-
many more years might have passed in plan- into the region and eventually evaporated, tined to be epic and we were pumped.
ning had we not made the decision to finally go leaving nothing but grippy sandstone in its We cut off all the OEM suspensions on
for it. There are a few quintessential wheeling wake. Then as humanity learned to crawl on our two Jeep JL’s and replaced them with two
destinations and Moab is one of them. The area four tires, a few local explorers took their Jeeps long-arm suspension lifts from Rock Krawler
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“…thanks to some fancy planning we were actually ready to set
out on what would prove to be the trip of a lifetime...”
before driving 3,000 km (1,864 mi) from To-
ronto to Moab, Utah. You read that right. What Meandering along Hell's
better way is there to iron out any issues with Revenge on Day 1.
such a significant overhaul than to hammer it
pretty much all the way across the U.S. to go
What began as a pipe dream in a garage
morphed into reality when we realized just
how well these Jeeps drove on the high-
way. With our CB’s crackling and podcasts
streaming, we began the 29-hour, one-way
trip. Despite driving the Jeeps on stock gears,
40” tires and 5.5” tall suspension, the ride was
surprisingly comfortable. Driver fatigue was
not any worse than driving a tow rig and we
were averaging 14.7 L/100 km (16 mpg).
The scenery did become a little monoto-
nous, but what it lacked in variety was made
up for by meeting colourful people along the
way. Our two Jeeps were attracting all sorts of
attention on the Interstate. In fact, an owner of Potato Salad Hill is
one well-built Rubicon we met while gassing renowned for its rollover
up decided right then and there to join us on rate.
our adventure.
With cruise control set at 120 km/h (75
mph), all three rigs drove straight into an
intense headwind. The temperature was actually
dropping the further southwest we travelled,
and we were shocked to see snow-covered
mountains as we drove from Nebraska into
Colorado. However, a light dusting of snow was
nothing compared to what we had left behind.
After stopping to take a few selfies at the
“Welcome to Utah” sign, we drove directly into
camp to register. We were told that parking
was at a premium and we had to ensure our
rigs stayed close to our campsites. Yet we were
the only people camping in the entire site!
Day 1
The temperature continued to plummet lower
than anticipated the first night, but excitement
and adrenaline kept us too distracted to be
concerned. Awaking to a dusting of snow, we
quickly raced off to meet our crew and plan
the day’s trails. We had connected with a few
people remotely and lined up a couple of Utah
locals to help show us around.
Over breakfast and coffee at the Moab
Diner, we discussed what trails to attempt first,
given the unusually large accumulation of
snow. Having never been, we were anxious to
hit any trail whatsoever, but a few of the iconic Our fearless trail guide
runs were at the top of our list. Michael leading the way.
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The Original Power Stretch®
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Bubba Rope recovery products are Made
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A faster, smarter, safer way
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Day 2
After brushing the snow off our tents, we were
rested and excited. Poison Spider Trail was our
destination and it would prove to be much more
heart-pumping than Day 1.
Playing on Metal Masher trail.
At the gate to the trail was a left-turning, wa-
terfall-style ledge and half of our group chose to
turn around. What is typically a challenging yet
passable obstacle, even in a stock Rubicon, was
a slippery potential rollover due to the snow and
ice. Local wild man W.S Goodspeed (yes, that’s
his real name), in his 502 boat-engine equipped
CJ buggy, needed several attempts to climb it.
Our trusted trail guide’s tires had seen better
days, which had him burning and smoking to
get up and over. Once our two long-arm JL’s
scampered around the corner, the rest of our
crew three-point turned around and bid us
farewell with plans to meet at dinner.
The icing on the cake was the 16 cm (6 in)
of snow in the whoops above the waterfall. All
of the rigs put the hammer down and really
opened ‘em up. Banking turns, fishtailing at
speed, and turning left to go right are not typical
driving techniques associated with Moab.
Leave it to two Canadians to ramp-up the Utah
experience. Our local buddy explained he hadn’t As the snow began to fall once again, it slow, the perfect way to catch the sunset after a
seen snow like this in Moab in more than a was decided right then and there that we were long, incredible day of wheeling.
decade. Just our luck, we drove for three days destined to go wheeling together. We met up The trails and scenery were absolutely
across the country and the snow in Utah was with Mark and Paula, and ran Metal Masher stunning, but what really made the trip was
deeper than the snow at home. in the snow. The cool thing about this trail was the people we met. Lifelong friendships were
that most of the obstacles had go-arounds and/ formed over rock climbs and canyon roads
Day 3 or difficult lines to choose. It was nice to have a including a few close calls. Winter wheeling
If we were scrap bookers, this point in our trip small group, which gave us the opportunity to in Moab is our badge of honour, courtesy the
would be the page highlighted with all sorts really flex our rigs and see their potential. Met- generous hearts of our trail guides and fellow
of bedazzled paraphernalia. The night before, al Masher had a few wicked climbs and even wheelers. I guess ‘they’ were right, it really is
entirely by chance, we met two fellow wheelers though most of our group had 40’s, we weren’t about the journey.
that were from our small town, we literally met able to crawl up all the obstacles because of ice.
neighbours on the other side of the country. The trail down from Metal Masher is long and Stay tuned for DadsDo….somewhere else soon.
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For your
dream drive. Stop dreaming.
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ight no
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Students signing in
before hitting the trails.
The 4WDABC makes added efforts to ensure preservation of BC’s
trails with its insightful and educational off-road training programs.
Words and photos by Kristina Wheeler | www.4wdabc.ca
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ation of BC (4WDABC) was to Discussing a 360 inspection.
relaunch our driver’s education
In 2019, the Wheeling Wisely
program was launched with the
goal of promoting skills devel-
opment specifically focused on
travelling in the back country. The
initial Foundations course covers
basic driving skills, recovery skills,
and good practices for enjoying
the outdoors. This is the first of a
series of courses that will build on
the Foundations to further educate
enthusiasts about off-roading.
We aspire to have the program
available in all regions of British
Columbia. To date, the courses
have been offered in the Cariboo
and Lower Mainland areas and
we will continue to expand them
4x4’s in their natural
in 2020 for enthusiasts aged 14
to 19 through our Wheelers of
Tomorrow Program.
I scratched my head and
thought back to my early days to
recall what exactly are the foun-
dations of wheeling. I tagged
along at an association event in
October, deciding it was time to
remind myself of all the lessons
I had learned on the trails in the
last 47 years.
I heard Kim’s diesel pulling
up outside my residence and
jumped in with my camera gear
as we headed to the Sasquatch to
rendezvous with the students and
other instructors. Matt was busy Learning the art of airing down.
with registration and handing out
handheld VHF radios to assist washing machine. A few over their own rigs, some of which
with communication while Mike excited rigs almost missed the were fresh off the showroom
noted everyone’s names on the turn into the staging area, giving floor, and practice the fine art
rigs with his neon green mark- a firsthand lesson in the rules of of airing down. I still use the
er. After the last person arrived, driving in a convoy. old-fashioned, tried and true
basic housekeeping rules were The instructors took turns method of pushing in the valve
conveyed, and the agenda was covering the guidelines of a stem. I keep considering if I
quickly explained. 360-pre-trip vehicle inspection. should go the way of the masses
We made our way towards the Ensuring they started with the and use the valve stem removal
Grace Lake staging area with a simple, often-overlooked items, method. But I resist. Although it
very important lesson imparted including looking for fluid leaks, may be quicker, to me, no part of
in that first kilometer of dirt road checking the oil, and other basic off-roading should be rushed.
– the perils of not airing down. rules of thumb. The instructors It was time to convoy up and
This is a lesson that’s often taught also explained the importance travel down the West Harrison
firsthand and is rarely forgotten. of making sure all the fluid levels Forest Service Road (FSR) to-
I chuckled, imagining the bounc- were adequate, from the differen- wards the first obstacle, the pow-
ing in each rig, which is much tials to the brakes. erline. Here, students would be
like being in a massage chair on Then it was time for the stu- able to practice their first lessons
overdrive, or on an out of balance dents to become familiar with in the differences between low
Discovering newfound
freedom on the trail.
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Capable of handling any terrain in its path,
the PRO-TRUCK-LIFT is a system of Eibach
springs and shocks developed to give your
truck a lifted and leveled stance.
A “Must Attend” Event for all Overland Enthusiasts
A show attendee
running the
fter completing a series of exciting featured track.
overland trips in 2019, we rounded
out our season by attending the an-
nual Overland Expo East, one of the premiere
overland and outdoor adventure events that
brought together industry representatives,
vendors, off-road enthusiasts and adven-
ture travellers for three days in Arrington,
Held at Infinity Downs last October,
Overland Expo East is one of the world’s most
unique events for outdoor adventure enthusi-
asts where industry experts hosted insightful
seminars, inspirational programs, roundtable
discussions along with a large expo featuring
vendors showcasing adventure travel equip-
ment, camping gear, vehicles and services you
need to further enhance outdoor experiences.
VIP Ultimate Experience tickets provide
full access to the event, the many seminars,
and the chance to drive your own rig under attendance was going to be new people. In total, Even though Overland Expo East is small-
the supervision of a professional guide on a there were more than 12,500 attendees from er in attendance and number of exhibitors, I
challenging off-road track. around the world with 188 registered exhibitors, found it just large enough to easily roam and
For 2019, event organizers moved the 200 seminars, plus several demos and activities, visit comfortably with vendors, discussing my
Overland Expo East approximately 480 km which totaled 440-plus session-hours by 125 current projects and checking out the latest
(300 mi) north from its original location presenters and instructors. This was our second gear. We purchased the VIP package, which
in Asheville, North Carolina to Arrington, time attending the event after experiencing the allowed us to camp on the premises, meet
Virginia. By changing the venue, organizers Overland Expo East in Flagstaff, Arizona, and other overlanders, and walk to the venue (and
estimated that more than 40 percent of the once again, we weren’t disappointed. the beer tent). We took in various insightful
16 Subscribe at suncruisermedia.com/4WDrive
One of many vehicles on display. An overview of the
training sessions presented by overland and open discussion topics. any overlander’s list of events to attend. Be
4x4 experts. As both events have become so popu- sure to visit www.overlandexpo.com for all
Some of the lectures we attended were lar among the overland community, event the details in 2020. Or, plan to visit Overland
really well presented and provided diverse, organizers added a third event for 2020 – Expo West in Flagstaff, Arizona, May 15 to
valuable information for both beginner and Overland Expo Mountain West – in Loveland, 17; Overland Expo Mountain West in Love-
intermediate overlanders. The seminars in- Colorado, approximately 100 km (54 mi) land, Colorado, August 28 to 30; or Overland
cluded overlanding through South America, directly north of Denver. Expo East in Arrington, Virginia, October 9
basic recovery procedures, along with various Overland Expo should be on the top of to 11.
SnoMaster.ca | 902.467.0250
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with the
Words and photos by Mathieu Godin
Instagram @math_godin
Cherokee KL?
There may be larger rigs for exploring, but great
performance can come in smaller packages.
18 Subscribe at suncruisermedia.com/4WDrive
Although it has one of the smallest cargo
areas, there’s space for all my gear.
ith the popularity of crossover “ Once you hit the trail with a Cherokee Trailhawk, chances
W vehicles, Jeep didn’t miss out on
the chance to offer some models
for the more adventurous crowd. In fact, they
are you’ll be impressed by what this crossover can do, and how
much gas you saved to get there…”
managed to design a series of models with
some real off-roading capabilities, including The New Jeep Cherokee KL and the rear locker compensate for it. You just
the Trail Rated Renegade, Compass, Chero- Not everyone was a fan when the Cherokee need to pick your line, steer where you want to
kee, and Grand Cherokee, which all adorn the was re-introduced for 2014. Some would say go and trust the Traction Management System,
company’s popular Trailhawk trim. “what is that thing? It’s not a real Jeep” (and even if you have a wheel or two in the air.
they still do). While I didn’t like its original
Trail Rated? design, it was redesigned in 2019 and I like For Soft to Medium-Core
Since 2004, Jeep has been placing Trail Rated its new profile. Plus, the KL has since proven Overland Duties
badges on its trail-worthy 4WDs to commu- it can hold its own pretty well on the trail. When I was browsing for a new daily driver
nicate its legendary 4x4 capabilities. While all Of course, it’s not as capable as a Wrangler with overland capabilities, I had my eyes set
Jeep Wranglers are Trail Rated regardless if Rubicon, no matter how much you modify it, on the 2015 Jeep Grand Cherokee WK2. As
they wear the badge or not, the branding helps but it can still follow its big brother down some much as I preferred its look and size over the
differentiate other models that are specifi- of the trails. Cherokee, I couldn’t help but see the potential
cally-tuned for off-roading over models that Trail tackling specifications are respectable of its smaller counterpart. The Cherokee is the
should remain on the tarmac and the occa- with a ground clearance of 8.7,” an approach only one available under the Trailhawk trim
sional dirt road. angle of 29.9 degrees, a departure angle of that comes with a driver-selectable rear locker.
According to Jeep, a Trail Rated badge is 32.2 degrees, and a breakover angle of 22.9 I wanted to give the Cherokee Trailhawk
not given but earned. To deserve this honor, a degrees. Since the Cherokee Trailhawk comes a try as I was curious about its potential as an
Jeep needs to pass a few tests. While the exact with Jeep’s Active Drive Lock, you get a 4WD overlander. When I found out about a special
testing criteria are unknown, completing the system with low-range, Hill Descent Control rebate applicable to brand-new Cherokee
Rubicon Trail in California is not a prerequi- (Hill Start Assist is standard on the Cherokee), Trailhawks that were equipped with the V6,
site. However, it is one of Jeep’s known testing Selec-Speed Control, and a driver-selectable I jumped on it and traded in my 2006 Nissan
grounds. mechanical rear locker. Moreover, Jeep’s Pathfinder, which required too much TLC.
In fact, to get their Trail Rated status, we Selec-Terrain Traction Management System It may not come with the same expedition
know they are tested under five categories provides four modes including Auto, Sport, vibe as a fully-outfitted Wrangler, 4Runner, or
including traction, water fording, maneuver- Snow, Sand/Mud and Rock. any other popular overland vehicle and it may
ability, articulation, and ground clearance. One The Cherokee Trailhawk has some pretty not be as robust as a body-on-frame rig with
thing is certain, Jeep’s Trail Rated 4WDs are good off-road chops right from the factory. live axles, but for some overland travelers, it’s
designed to do more than take you to the mall It doesn’t have much wheel travel, but Jeep’s a good compromise. Sometimes, long distance
or grocery store. Selec-Terrain Traction Management System travelling on the pavement and dirt roads will
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Typographical, description, or photography errors are subject to correction. Please check your local laws/regulations.
https://www.youtube.com/c/4WDMagazine Volume 22/2 23
Words and photos by Mercedes Lilienthal
7+ Ways
Ramp up your arsenal with this
vital gear to get a hold on risky
situations safely and securely.
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Recovery gear is essential for
off-roading and overland trav-
el. It doesn’t matter if you’re
pounding pavement, crawling
up boulders, or slashing through
sand, a good basic kit could help
you turn a precarious recovery
situation into a successful one.
There are many items that could
be included in a worthwhile kit.
After speaking with two industry
experts about recovery kits, here
are some of the important basics.
One of the companies I spoke to was
Overlanding BC, which is based in British
Columbia and a training provider for all
aspects of off-road driving (recreational or
commercial) in North America. They currently
use equipment from WARN, ARB, Factor 55
and others.
They also use gear from the lifting industry
because of the way each piece of that equip-
ment is labeled. It’s very important to Over-
landing BC to ensure each piece of equip-
ment has very clear markings and labeling
that shows working load limits and minimum
breaking strength numbers.
Warn Industries is a leading manufacturer
of winches, winch bumpers, recovery products,
as well as a variety of off-road accessories. It
has been in business for more than 70 years
and employs a few hundred associates at their
Pacific North West manufacturing plant near
Portland. Both Overlanding BC and Warn
have in-depth knowledge of not just recovery
gear, but how to use each piece of equipment.
They recently shared their top basic recovery
items and how to use them correctly.
A good set of gloves is critical when doing
any kind of vehicle recovery. Not only will
they protect your hands, but they provide
extra grip. Specialized winch gloves incor-
porate features like Kevlar reinforced areas
where abrasion may occur, padded palms to
absorb shock, plus terry cloth on the top or
sides to help wipe away sweat. If you don’t
Quality gloves offer want to spring for winch-specific gloves, any
protection and grip durable leather or suede set purchased from
your local store is better than having torn up
Recovery Boards
Next to a good shovel, having traction devices
or recovery boards are key. When you don’t
have a winch or another means to pull yourself
out, recovery boards are the way to go. I use
the MAXTRAX, which are manufactured by
an Australian company that creates its prod-
uct from a high quality engineering-grade
reinforced polymer (otherwise known as nylon)
and are designed to carry loads up to 3,500 kg
(7,750 lbs). Although originally meant for sand,
the MAXTRAX also works well in snow and
has been used successfully in mud, pea gravel,
and even slush.
To use, plan your escape route. Dig yourself
out in front, behind and underneath your tires
as best as you can to suite your escape route.
Place the boards parallel and as flat as possible Recovery boards func-
tion on their own and
to the ground in front of or behind your tires,
can be used in con-
then kick them into place under the tires until
junction with kinetic
the protruding nubs make contact with your tire ropes and winches.
tread – this is key. It will allow the board fronts
to sit partially under your tires, providing grip as
you crawl your way out. Note: you may need to
dig and reset the boards a few times. Don’t spin
your tires or accelerate too quickly as you may
melt the nubs protruding from the boards.
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Alyssa’s Jeep. ®
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When she isn’t pulling wheelies on her dirt bike or performing inverted 360s on her wakeboard,
Alyssa Roach can be found rock crawling the Trinity Alps, with Mt. Shasta looming in the background
at over 14,000 feet. The girl’s got moxy, and thanks to her sweet 2014 JKU and a little help from
Rugged Ridge, she’s definitely Queen of the Hill—prepared to crawl up and over justabout anything.
Rugged Ridge. Your Jeep. Your Adventure.™
JEEP® is a registered trademark of FCA US LLC, Truck Hero Inc,® is not affiliated with FCA US LLC
2014 JKU
XHD Front & Rear Bumper / HD Tire Carrier / Trekker Winch 10K with
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Using a shackle is extremely useful for vehicle
recovery and two or three should be in every-
one’s kit. Whether it’s attached to a bumper
or used to loop the ends of a strap together,
shackles are crucial. Known as screw-pin, bow,
or even D-shackles, these items allow different
rigging configurations and can be connected
or disconnected quickly. They’re great for
connecting winch lines or recovery straps to
any stuck vehicle.
When purchasing shackles, forged is
considered better than cast as forging doesn’t
cause air pockets, which can occur in the
casting process and may compromise strength.
However, soft shackles are another alternative,
which Overlanding BC uses a lot. Soft shackles
are made from synthetic rope making them
lightweight and easy to handle. Unlike metal
shackles, they can be more prone to abrasion,
heat and ultraviolet radiation.
“Using a shackle is probably one of the
most basic things you can do in a recovery,”
Warn Industries states. “If you’re using it with
a strap, simply nest the loops inside the shackle
and screw the pin back in. The biggest thing to
consider about screw-pin-style shackles is not to
over tighten them. While it might seem intuitive
to crank down on the pin as hard as you can,
this is not what you want to do. You’ll want to
hand-tighten the pin and the back it off about
¼ of a turn. This will ensure you’ll be able to re-
lease the pin when needed.” This is such a nota-
ble tip. I’ve seen pliers come out plenty of times Eyed Strap used as a
to help get rigging undone after a recovery. winch line extension.
28 Subscribe at suncruisermedia.com/4WDrive
Static straps and slings
are designed to attach
to anchor points and
not stretch.
30 Subscribe at suncruisermedia.com/4WDrive
riding the
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Bypass Electrical Hiccups
We find the
right fix for
a stubborn
battery on a
1976 Toyota
FJ40 project
32 Subscribe at suncruisermedia.com/4WDrive
any off-roaders have had their vehicle DC electrical source. It comes complete with a
M break down at one point or another,
whether on a trail, on a highway or just down the
built-in circuit breaker to keep from frying any-
thing down the line. Although it’s not as universal
street from their home. Not everyone has days as a multi meter like the CL800, it’s great for
on end to repair these automotive SNAFU’s. And tracing wires, testing lamps, circuits, and finding
if the problem is an electrical issue the level of common hiccups. We keep our kit close at hand
difficulty moves up a tier. and it costs anywhere from $120 CAD for a basic
In my past life as a certified electrician and kit to $340 CAD to our master kit shown here.
an off-road enthusiast in my current one, it’s Short of getting into an exceedingly boring
been my experience that there isn’t an off-road electrical fundamentals course (there are no oth-
or automotive guide, such as “electrical trouble- er kinds), we’re going to use the “water” analogy
shooting for dummies”, worth paying a penny for. to explain some of the aforementioned electrical
There just isn’t an efficient guide to follow when lingo.
it comes to sorting out electrical issues or dealing Basically, think of electricity as water flowing
with the numerous types of electrical problems through a pipe. The pressure of the water can
that can arise. be considered the voltage and the volume of
Troubleshooting electrical issues successfully water can be viewed as electrical current. Any
takes experience to narrow down the possibili- restrictions in the line can be viewed as electri-
ties of error – all in a logical order. A good start, cal resistance. Again, this is very rudimentary
however, is understanding the type of metering and not all things relate across cleanly, but if
equipment to use and how to use it. A reliable you use the water-in-a-pipe analogy to root out
multi-metre is a great tool to have at home or in electrical gremlins, it will get you by in most
your vehicle. It’s important to learn how to mea- circumstances.
sure voltages and resistances, know where your
leads need to be plugged in, and what setting (s) The Tools and Effective
you are required to use. Learning how to do this Troubleshooting
on the trail may get you home in the event of an Back to troubleshooting. In one circumstance we
electrical failure. had to track down an electrical problem with the
Our multi-metre of choice is a Klein Tools battery in our 1976 Toyota FJ40 project rig, ‘Tim
CL800. Some key features include a voltmeter Toyota.’
for measuring voltage potential, an ohmmeter The troubleshooting process could have been
for determining resistance, and a large clamp that made easier if the electrical system of the Toyota
indicates AC and DC currents. Another advan- was not in such disarray. Our ambition to rewire
tage is the price. We bought ours from Summit the entire rig was at an all-time low. We decided
Racing for $172 CAD. to deal solely with the electrical hiccups. Just
We also like using a Power Probe kit to find recently, the Toyota’s battery kept dying after it
all the demons within electrical systems. The sat for a few days. It was becoming an annoying
probe is an automotive wiring and troubleshoot- case of Deja-vu and it inevitably required our
ing tool that’s used as a ground source or a 12V attention.
capabilities with its clamp were
7. handy. With the clamp on the nega-
tive battery post (positive could be
used as well) we were able to see
(with the ignition ‘off’) that we had a
draw of 190 milliamps. In reality, we
would’ve liked to see less than 35 in
a new vehicle with multiple systems
and running in the 'off’ position.
Discoverer AT3 4S
Tough on Dirt, Rocks and Snow
36 Subscribe at suncruisermedia.com/4WDrive
A new tread compound and
innovative design earn it a
severe weather rating.
ooper Tires are known to offer some
of the best tires for many off-road ap-
plications. The Discoverer AT3’s new
lineup caught my attention and one model in
particular – the Discoverer AT3 4S – seemed
like a viable choice for my needs.
For starters, this P-metric-only tire is
severe-weather rated and as a bonus, it features
the company’s Adaptive-Traction Technology,
which is designed to provide a better grip in
hot and cold weather conditions.
It’s constructed with an innovative sil-
ica-based tread compound and a specially
designed five-rib, all-terrain pattern for better
off-road capabilities with improved wet/dry
traction. Other attention-grabbers are mi-
cro-gauge zigzag sipes for greater stability and
grip, deep centre grooves to improve resistance
from hydroplaning, and Cooper’s patented
saw-tooth technology for reliable traction in
the snow.
The AT3 4S is advertised as an all-weather,
all-terrain tire for pickup trucks and SUVs and
is just as appropriate for daily commutes as it is
for weekend off-road trips. To gain a bit more
ground clearance, I ordered a set of 245/70R17
(30.5”) over the stock 245/65R17 (29.5-inch),
which was the largest size I could use without
a lift.
During a short trip to Nova Scotia, the
Cooper’s performed surprisingly well in mud
for an all-terrain tire. The only time I was
stopped in my tracks was on the Cape Spencer
trail near Saint John, New Brunswick when I
was climbing a clay-covered hill, but in their
defense, my Jeep’s lower control arms and belly
were dragging. Following the tracks left by a
JK on 37” mud tires added to the challenge.
Exploring the Cape Spencer trail. Ironically, I discovered that JK was sitting on
Cooper Discoverer STT Pro’s, a mud tire more
suitable for these conditions. Nonetheless, the
AT3 4S’s bit right into my set of MAXTRAX’s
and I was able to get out of the sticky situation
with a few other recovery ramps from my trail
I also had a chance to test these Coopers
on snow-covered mountain roads after visiting
Quebec’s Laurentides. Nothing beats a real
dedicated tire for driving on snowy and icy
conditions, and the AT3 4S performed well in
these situations.
In addition to these travels, I completed a
two-and-a-half week overland trip in south-
ern New Brunswick through some very rocky
conditions. Had I experienced a puncture, I
would have considered it to be normal for a
P-metric tire. Yet, the AT3 4S managed the
terrain flawlessly. At one point, I was driving at
full road pressure on a rocky ATV trail while
on Grand Manan Island; it was practically a
river of sharp rocks. That was a nerve-racking
I have pushed my Jeep near its limit with
these Coopers and the scars on my skid plates
and rock sliders prove it. I haven’t experienced
any tread block chipping. I usually run them at
35 psi (street pressure) but had them between
38 Subscribe at suncruisermedia.com/4WDrive
Exploring New Brunswick’s Appalachians.
his could also be the mantra for al- than what we have listed – shop around. In no gives us a larger footprint when we air down (a
Go Topless
4-door JK Bowless Top
Rugged Ridge
SKU 13750.38 -$520 CAD,
$440 USD
I originally purchased my 2015 Wrangler JKU
with the OEM soft top – a $1500 add-on. It
was great for the dealer, but not so great for
me. I prefer a bowless design like this, which
lowers the profile of the roof, is lighter in
The Stainless Steel Axle Back dual pipe exhaust.
weight, and in this case, has a fastback design.
The roof can do without a bulky frame by
using the roll bars for support. The rear
window is not removable, but it does roll up
and out of the way. The top is very affordable,
well-made, well-designed and easy to install.
We’ll feature the install in a future issue. It’s
available for both 2- and 4 door JK’s from
Perry Mack
We installed this stainless-steel dual-tip
axle back exhaust for two reasons: 85 per-
cent custom bling and 15 percent sound
and horsepower. It’s a very simple bolt-on
installation and all the parts are included. I
would suggest you spray all the hangers and
bolts with something like WD-40 the night
before your install to loosen corrosion and
Perry Mack
dirt. The muffler mellowed the sound of the
engine, which had a distinct rumble since we
installed the Volant cold air intake. Now that
we have decreased back pressure to accompa-
ny the increased air intake, there are a couple
extra ponies under the hood. Don’t expect a
blow-your-hair-back experience, but we did
feel better acceleration on the street, attacking
the on ramp and while in the passing lane.
I was originally concerned I might bang
it up on a trail ride but my move to more
overland adventures has taken some of the
‘extreme’ out of my off-road adventures. After
roughly 5,000 km (3,106 mi) of road and trail, The Windshield Mounted
the pipes remain unscathed. Rugged Ridge Light Bar Kit - an easy bolt-
says it’s a two-plus hour install but we were on installation with spectac-
done in just over an hour. ular results.
42 Subscribe at suncruisermedia.com/4WDrive
Act now before it is too late! Rugged Ridge’s Trail Access Program is designed to support the
4WD community by protecting trail access. Grants are now available for 2020. This easy grant
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Grants now available for US & Canadian trails.
JEEP® is a registered trademark of FCA US LLC, Truck Hero Inc,® is not affiliated with FCA US LLC
Perry Mack
mount with included light bar mounts replac-
ing the body work corners at the bases of the
Three 34 cm (13.5 in) 72-watt LED lights
come with the kit (light covers included to
keep you legal). Sold separately however, you’ll
probably need the Off-Road Light Installa-
Using the high beam LED’s.
tion Harness Kit for three lights (RR SKU
15210.63), which includes a switch. Our install
was a little different as we have the A-Pillar
Switch pod with switches (RR SKU 17235.71).
The challenge we found with the install is that
there is no ‘kit’ install instructions as the lights
are also sold separately. You get generalized
install instructions for a light, but not how to
install the three lights to the mount, and then
how to wire them into your rig.
If you have no automotive electrical expe-
rience it is best if you find a buddy who does.
Better yet, have it installed professionally. We
Perry Mack
will get our install feature and video out as
soon as possible.
Regardless of your install choice, the results
are nothing short of spectacular. Having three
separate lights means you can keep the middle
light tilted higher for more distance, while the
other two are tilted slightly lower to light the
The full performance of the Rugged Ridge Light Bar.
road closer to your Jeep. Change it up as the
light conditions, terrain and weather dictate.
The three images are all shot at the same
exposure, which makes the LED headlights
look darker than they actually are, so you can
accurately see the illumination provided by
the lightbar, and the difference it makes. At an
exposure which accurately represents the LED
headlights, the lightbar photo is so bright there
is no detail in the image – it makes that much
44 Subscribe at suncruisermedia.com/4WDrive
temperatures can happen when crawling in
The clean design of the the summer, but it can also happen while
Vented Performance Hood. wheeling in the winter as deeper snow
creates more friction, making your engine
work harder.
This stamped steel hood fits perfectly
and looks fantastic, all while venting out
that nasty heat building up around the
engine. It comes in a black primer, which
you can then paint to match your Jeep, or
another colour.
Rugged Ridge
$300 USD
More light and a tough look, we love it. This
injection molded grill is tough, arrives in
a black matte finish that is easily paintable,
and comes with an interchangeable steel
mesh insert so you can change the look of
your Jeep just by changing the mesh (so far
we’ve seen a star, flag, skull, and shark teeth
from Rugged Ridge). We chose the mesh
insert that includes two 9 cm (3.5 in) round
LED driving lights as we seem to have a
light fetish and haven’t reached the point of
‘too much’ - yet.
Without the lights (SKU 12034.01 - $338
CAD, $220 USD), the grille is less money
and the only tools you need are a flat head
screwdriver and a utility knife. It’s very
close to a ‘plug ‘n play’ install, especially
if you’ve taken your grille off once or four
times before installing LED headlamps,
Rugged Ridge
Under Armour
Skids plates are one of the best aftermarket accessories,
and a set from American Expedition Vehicles is worth
the install for underbelly defense against tough terrain.
46 Subscribe at suncruisermedia.com/4WDrive
Installation was pretty simple and Having the right under-
the kit easily bolted to my truck. belly protection is essen-
tial for extreme off-road
Mention this ad to receive
nor shortcomings include added weight and reduced ground clearance. free ground shipping in Canada.
One option to counteract the added weight is to choose skid plates made
of aluminum. Here are a few points to consider:
Aluminum is lighter in comparison to the same gauge of steel, but
it’s much weaker. You have to use a thicker plate to compensate for the
lack of strength, which will add weight with minimal loss of ground
clearance. Steel is heavier and a thinner gauge will increase clearance (I
am talking millimeters here). Typically, steel skid plates are 3/16” thick
and aluminum are 1/4” thick.
If a plate gets dented, aluminum cannot be hammered back into
shape without the risk of fracturing it. Steel can usually be bent back
into shape with the assistance of a BFH (a big friggin’ hammer). Since
aluminum is softer, it can cause the truck to get hung up more easily
when sliding over obstacles such as jagged rocks as these can gouge the
material more easily.
Cost is also a factor. Aluminum is more expensive than steel. The CUSTOM SPACERS
thicker the plate to meet the strength requirements, the more it will cost.
As a result, steel is the most cost-effective option and various choices are SPACERS
Two reasons finalized my decision to buy the AEV skid plates. The ADAPTERS
first one was the company uses Hot Stamped Boron Steel (HSBS) for
the majority of the set. This type of steel yields a much higher strength- HUB RINGS
to-weight ratio than the regular steel found on other skid plates. It’s
commonly used in the automotive industry as it is lightweight and
has extremely high yield strength, which is approximately 200,000 ksi
(kilopounds per square inch) versus mild steel at only 25,000 ksi. The
increased strength means a much thinner plate can be utilized and
that equates to major weight savings. The hardness of HSBS also resists
gouging. 1-866-921-3335 | ws@wheelspacers.ca
https://www.youtube.com/c/4WDMagazine Volume 22/2 47
designers to ensure its bumper met the vehicles
crash and cooling requirements. Rear differential skid
Cooling also comes into play with one
plate fresh out of its
of a vehicle’s most important components,
the transmission. Chevy and AEV designers
realized that with a plate, even a vented plate,
the transmission can’t meet the necessary
cooling requirements, which led to another
solution – heavy-duty DOM steel tubing. It’s
the same kind used in roll cages for race cars
and monster trucks.
I called up Brad Peden of Peden 4 Wheel
Drive just in time to secure one of the last sets
of AEV skid plates that were in stock. Peden
mailed the set out, and I received it two days
after the order was placed.
Upon arrival, the parts were well packed,
organized, and the instructions were clear,
though some steps may challenge a novice.
Even though my factory front skid plate mount
on the Colorado was bent, the kit easily bolted drill, so I utilized my plasma cutter to make a designed skid plate sets on the market. I did
up to the truck, thanks to its slightly oversized small hole for the supplied fastener. The whole manage to bend one of the transmission skid
and slotted mounting holes. kit took me a little longer to install than I had tubes slightly, but there’s still plenty of space
My only real complaint is the outer mount anticipated, but I did take my time and didn’t between it and the transmission housing. The
on the back of the fuel tank skid plate requires rush it. rest of the skid plates have some scratches, but
a special 90-degree drill or another specialty After thorough testing over the last few otherwise they remain in great shape.
tool as the space between the frame and the months, I have to commend AEV on design- www.aev-conversions.com
leaf spring is minimal. I don’t have a 90-degree ing what I consider to be the one of the best www.peden4wheeldrive.com
902-467-0250 | www.wildcoasttents.com
48 Subscribe at suncruisermedia.com/4WDrive
The quick install and great results GEAR
will appease any wheeler.
fter 10-plus years and almost 300,000 Heat is a major killer of LED lamps and these
km (186, 411 mi) of running the fans plug right into the power regulators. The
family patriarch’s 2008 Jeep Grand whole setup simply plugs into the factory lamp
Cherokee, I was getting a few family com- ends, even the CANbus modules, eliminating
plaints (i.e. from my dad) that the headlights the need for any cutting or splicing of wires.
were leaving a lot to be desired. Sure, maybe After the 10-minute install on the old Jeep, we
the old man’s eyes are not what they used to be, were pleasantly surprised with the super-sharp We were pleasantly sur-
but the stock halogen bulbs tend to lose their horizontal cut-off of the lamp, which was not prised with the super-sharp
wattage output over time. For now, we’ll blame nearly as apparent with the halogens. Of course, vertical cut-off of the lamp.
the lights. this was the low beams as the high beams spread
After some scouring, we came across the light evenly and threw it a distance in front of the
Phillips X-TremeUltinon LED replacement vehicle not seen in the past. Although the light
bulbs for both high and low beams (9005XUX2 was much whiter (they are rated at 6000 K) the
and 9006XUX2) from an online retailer for spectrum of light was quite wide making objects
about $140 CAD per set. Not exactly cheap, of all different colours in front of the vehicle light
but we expect more from Phillips than the up. No dark spots were apparent and to this day,
low-grade offshore garbage we typically get we have yet to get flashed from an oncoming
pinching pennies. We also grabbed a set of driver.
CANbus communication modules (18956C2) So, are we happy? Well, the family complaint
to avoid any flickering or other errors with the box is suspiciously empty and the male head of
dash lights. Although they are not completely the Irons clan is very comfortable night driving
necessary, we wanted to keep the number of whenever he gets the chance. Sounds like a “win”
family complaints to a minimum. all around. Whether used for commercial or
A few days of thumb twiddling later, we home applications, Phillips has never let us down
were the proud recipients of the aforementioned and again, we have a winner. Don’t consider the
lamps. The power regulators are nice and small X-TremeUltinon lamps as a replacement bulb.
with quick connectors for easy installation. Our They are certainly an upgrade over stock lamps
particular units require fans for cooling LED and will safely lead the way in the dark.
bulbs as there are areas with little air movement. www.philips.ca Old versus new.
for Off-Roading
(and everything else)
e look at any project as a chal-
lenge rather than an obstacle.
Don’t get us wrong, we’re not
adrenaline junkies looking for an ‘honourable
mention’ Darwin Award, but a win is a win.
Our adversities come in many forms. Some
are home projects while others are work-to-
be-accomplished in the shop or on the trail.
However, the scariest kind of project of all is
the dreaded ‘honey-to-do’ list.
One of the most recent projects involved
my lovely wife’s purchase of a derelict travel
trailer and her firm belief that ‘we can fix any-
thing.’ The first step for getting any job done is
knowing what tools are required to vanquish
the cobwebs, spiders, the monster from under The 600R comes complete with
our kids’ bed, or whatever else may languish both the Li-ion and AA battery hold-
in the shadowy recesses of a project. To begin ers, and batteries are included.
with, we needed light, lots of light. We grabbed
a few additional flashlights from Coast Prod-
ucts to go with the arsenal we already have, in winter. The 600R can be plugged into a The most recent handheld for monster duty
which would enable us to see what we were up USB port to recharge the included Li-ion is Coast’s HX5R aluminum-bodied LED and it
against. battery and it can also accept standard AA is a great light to keep in your pocket. The light
The Polysteel 600R has been with us on alkaline batteries. Remember, a micro USB includes two output settings and an adjustable
the trail for some time. It has an extremely is required for charging so make sure not to beam pattern. What we really like is it doesn’t
bright LED unit with three different light leave it at home. We keep the light and cable require a charging cable or the need to pack
settings and an adjustable focus that makes in the glove box of our Jeep so it’s always batteries. The back-sealing cap of the light can
it perfect for everyday use. Plus, with the po- there when we need it. The Li-ion cell can be unscrewed, and a standard USB connection
ly-nylon exterior, it won’t freeze to the hands also be used to charge other USB devices. is right there – no cables or widgets required.
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Skip the man-made track –
let’s get deep in the wild!
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Loose rocks, steep climbs and tight
turns – the Rebel took it all on.
Jared Balfour
that time, sales have grown by 177 percent in improvement for seri-
the NAFTA countries (Canada, Mexico and ous off-road trails, but
USA), which is far greater growth than GM the rear locker got us
at 71 percent or Ford at 101 percent. With through.
Canada being the shining star with 15 percent
of global sales, we Canadians punch far above
our weight when choosing Ram as our truck
of choice. Holding the truck up are Bilstein mono-tube The 2020 Rebel comes standard in 4x4
The Rebel is Ram’s most capable half-ton dampers and the rear suspension gets external (shift on the fly transfer case by dial), a crew
off-road truck. For most folks, it requires no reservoir shocks. There’s an optional four-cor- cab and the 5.7L V-8 Hemi cranking out 395
aftermarket mods to take them everywhere ner air suspension system, the drivetrain has an hp and 410 lb-ft of torque. Regardless of your
they need to go, and with everything they want electronically actuated locking rear differential, engine choice, you get a very smooth shifting
to take. You can add an off-road package to the steel front bumper has a couple of tow automatic 8-speed transmission to deliver
other Ram 1500’s, but you don’t get the same hooks, and the under carriage has steel plate that power to the road. It impressively wound
degree of off-road capability as you do when protection for the transfer case, steering, front up the narrow, steep mountainside of loose
you choose the Rebel. suspension, fuel tank and oil pan. Nice! dirt and gravel on a trail that’s solely used by
56 Subscribe at suncruisermedia.com/4WDrive
Testing the approach and de-
parture angles.
Perry Mack
58 Subscribe at suncruisermedia.com/4WDrive
Tight trails add off-road
pinstriping to the new
included a link below with some other config-
urations. If you’re out shopping for any truck,
check the door label and owner’s manual to get
accurate payload numbers as they could be half
of the max payload promoted by a manufactur-
er. We’ve also included a link to a great article
on real world payload numbers.
After our day-long crawl up coast mountain
trails, we’ve decided that yes, there is function
to go with form in this truck. The Ram Rebel
provides refined luxury inside and also has the
raw off-road chops to enjoy serious backcountry
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otos by Mercedes Li
Words and ph
Re b e l l e
ardcore desert
These h
lti-day power
endured a mu t,
ng of high hea
event consisti e
a ll e n g in g te rrain and intens
p e ti ti o n th ro ugh California
and Nevada.
66 Subscribe at suncruisermedia.com/4WDrive
Team Anam Cara Long days, short nights, dust, dirt, and determination encom-
(#164) following its
roll over late in the passes each competitor as they participate in the 2,414 km
game. Fortunately, no
one was injured. (1,500 mi) off-road traditional navigational run known as the
Rebelle Rally.
The Rebelle Rally is a unique 10-day event that’s held every
year in October and guys can’t be a competitor at this rally, it’s
only for women. As 2019 marks its fourth year, this off-road
event starts north of Lake Tahoe, CA, and winds its way south
to the Mexican border. While the course is top secret, Rebelle
women drive their way through the Nevada and California
deserts – navigating through an endless array of dirt, rock, mud,
and sand. It’s the perfect setting to offer limitless chances to test a
competitor’s stamina. Two Canadian teams, as well as two half
Canadian/half US teams ran the 2019 Rebelle.
Team: #102
Driver: Martine Béliveau (rookie, Canadian Nathalie Lanthier.
Navigator: Nathalie Lanthier (rookie,
Canadian participant)
Vehicle: 2013 Jeep Wrangler Sahara Edition
2019 build list:
• Rubicon Express 2.5” Lift
• Poison Spyder Rock Sliders
• Aftermarket Flat Fenders
• 33” BF Goodrich KO2 Tires
• Pro Comp Wheels
• Smittybuilt Front Winch Bumper
• Runva 10,000 lb. Winch with synthetic rope
• TrailFX Rear Bumper
• FrogFab Skid Plates
• Body Armor Roof Rack and Roof Basket
• Teraflex Steering Component
68 Subscribe at suncruisermedia.com/4WDrive
Team: #145 Fast ‘N Curious
Driver: Kris Vockler (returning Rebelle and Elise Bent
US participant) of Fast 'N
Navigator: Elise Bent (2018, 2019 Rebelle Curious.
and Canadian participant)
Vehicle: 2014 Jeep Wrangler Unlimited
2019 build list:
• Dana 44 Heavy-Duty Axles
• 3.5” Rubicon Express
• Teraflex 3.2 Shocks
• Fuel and transfer Case Skid Plates
• Ace Engineering Rock Sliders
• Eagle Alloy Wheels
• Goodyear Wrangler Duratrac 35” LT35X-
12.5R17 Tires
• Barricade Trail Force Front and Rear Bum-
• Teraflex Heavy Duty Tire Carrier
• Teraflex Nebo Roof Rack
• WARN 9.5xp-s Winch With Synthetic Rope
How did you two meet each other? we had both done this before and knew what
• ARB Twin Air Onboard Air System
EB: When Kris’ partner and cousin had to to expect. We were comfortable with our navi-
• EVO Oil Pan Armor
drop out in August, Emily Miller recommend- gation abilities and (miraculously) didn’t forget
• ARB Differential Covers
ed me as an alternate navigator. Although I’d anything. This year was more about really
• Goose Gear JKU Plate System and Cubbies
been planning to skip 2019 and come back in challenging ourselves to give 100 percent every
2020, I just couldn’t resist this opportunity. We day to improve and learn as much as possible
Elise Bent, a native Canadian living in Boz-
met in person for the first time two days before for future years.
eman, MT, is a two-time Rebelle competitor. In
tech inspection and hit it off right away.
2018, she rallied with me as Team Free Range
What did you think of the rally
Dames (I was the driver and Bent was the nav-
Were you prepared for the Rebelle course?
igator). This year Bent navigated for Team Fast
Rally? If not, how did you compen- EB: The course this year was phenomenal. It
‘N Curious (as Vockler drove). Bent, who has a
sate for that? was beautiful, fun, and the driving was more
background in animal agriculture and geospa-
EB: I have to say, this year we were very interesting. I really enjoyed the diversity of the
tial data science, spends a lot of time outdoors.
prepared. There are always things that can be terrain throughout the course as it challenged
She enjoys hiking, camping, and skiing, and
improved on and having six weeks notice on driver and navigator in different ways every
going on road trips to visit National Parks or
my end meant little time to practice. However, day, and kept things fresh.
other beautiful destinations.
Thayer Low Team: #164 Team Anam Cara Penny Dale, a resident of Vancouver, BC
(foreground) Driver: Thayer Low (returning Rebelle and and native of Salt Spring Island, is a registered
and Penny Dale US participant) interior designer and owns her own business.
of Team Anam Navigator: Penny Dale (2018, 2019 Rebelle Penny rallied with her US teammate, Thayer
Cara (#164) and Canadian participant) Low, for the 2018 and 2019 competitions in
looking for a Vehicle: 2013 Land Rover LR4 Low’s 2013 Land Rover LR4. These two-time
checkpoint. 2019 build list: Rebelles took the custom-wrapped Rover
• Voyager Racks: Skid Plate, Roof Rack, Tire through 2,424 km (1,500 mi) of dirt, rock,
Carrier, Rock Sliders mud, and sand. They tested their endurance,
• WARN 9.5xp-s Winch With Synthetic Rope navigational skills, and driving prowess.
• Hidden Winch Mount Sometimes the unexpected can happen, which
• Compomotive Wheels 18” Rally Raid can turn even a seasoned off-roader’s world
Wheels upside-down.
• Knightsbridge Overland Tactical Seat
Covers Were you prepared for the Rebelle
• BritPart 2” Fully Adjustable Suspension Lift Rally? If not, how did you compen-
Rods sate for that?
• BFG K02 All-Terrain Tires PD: I felt much more prepared this year, but it’s
• Baja Designs Driving Lights inevitable to think you could be more prepared.
No matter what happens during the Rebelle Rally, people
are there to help. Things happen but the community of
competitors and organizers quickly rally around those in
need. That’s one of the many things that make the Rebelle
Rally truly special. It’s a rally that tests skill, time manage-
ment, and determination. I can’t wait to see what next year