Employability Skills - Quality Tools Theory 2.5.65 Purpose of House Keeping and Practice

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Employability Skills - Quality Tools Theory 2.5.

Purpose of house keeping and practice U
Objectives: At the end of this lesson you shall be able to L
• learn the importance and usefullness of house keeping I
• learn the japanese 5’s technique T
• understand the effects of 5’s implementation. Y

Cleaning and house keeping: T

Cleaning is the process of removal of unwanted matter O
contaminants or pollutants from the surrounding of shop- O
floor which will ultimately result in overall improvement. L
House keeping not only ensures safety but also improves S
the health of employees and prevents possible accidents
hazards etc.,
House keeping results in improved efficiency, increased
produtivity, reduce scrap, reduction of downtime, better
control of inventory etc.,
Japanese who always aims at quality and overall
improvement have invented a new technique called 5s, a
system of effective house keeping which is purely people
involved and practice oriented approach. Each ‘S’
represents a Japanese word namely Seiri, Seiton, Seiso,
Seiketsu, and Shitsuke, which are explained below.
5’S - Concept
5’S is a people - oriented and practice - oriented approach.
5’S expects everyone indeed - every one to participate in
it. Items are pending inspection or testing should be
separated from items already inspected and accepted.
It is based on the belief that every individual can contribute
to improving his workplace where he spends one third of Tools should be kept separately, fixtures should be
his life. available in one place, dies should be in another place,
5’S is an employee participation program which has been
found very effective in improving environment leading to Even stationery, forms should be maintained according
total quality. It becomes a basic for continuous to its type and kind. Following Questions may help you
improvement in the organization. in deciding what action is to be taken.
The terms 5’S (Fig 1) are: Following Questions may help you in deciding what
action is to be taken
• SEIRI - (Sorting out)
• Do you find items scattered in your workplace ?
• SEITON - (Systematic arrangement)
• Are there boxes, papers and other items left in
• SEISO - (Shine - Cleanliness) disorganized manner?
• SEIKETSU - (Standardization)
• Are there equipment and tools placed on the floor?
• SHITSUKE - (Self Discipline)
• Are all sorted out items, placed in designated spots?
Step - 1 : SEIRI (Sorting Out)
• Are tools and stationery properly sorted and stored?
• Look around your work place and Sort out items into
what you need and what you don't want Step - 2 : SEITON (Systematic Arrangement)

• Separate the GOOD, Re-Workable & Rejected items Means "arrange". The motto here is
• Rework the Re-workable items and dispose off rejected “A place for everything & Everything in its place”.
items We have to allocate a place for each and everything. For
• Return the Unwanted items example, a separate shelf for dies,
Every employee is expected to avoid mix up of item by A separate rack for tools, separate rack for machinery
grouping them together according to its type & kind for spares, an almirah for stationery, etc. should be
example, maintained.
The raw material should not get mixed up with work in The aim here is that a particular item should be available
process (WIP). in a particularly earmarked place.

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