Virgenmilagrosa University Foundation Martin P. Posadas Ave., San Carlos City, Pangasinan Virgenmilagrosa Special Science High School

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VirgenMilagrosa University Foundation

Martin P. Posadas Ave., San Carlos City, Pangasinan

VirgenMilagrosa Special Science High School


Content Standard:
The learners demonstrates understanding of principles and concepts of excretory system, understanding
the major parts of the excretory system.

Performance Standard:
The learners transfers learning by; explaining and analyzing the functions and the major parts of the
excretory system.

Learning Objectives:
At the end of the lesson the learners should be able to :

 Discuss the excretory system

 Name and explain the major parts of the excretory system
 Explain how the kidney removes waste
 Differentiate the male and female urethra
 Discuss the nephron


Humans must eliminate a variety of waste materials I order to function properly. Different organ
system help in this process. Art of the digestive system moves undigested matter out of the body as solid
waste. Wastes are also excreted through the skin in sweat.
The human excretory system is specialized for removing most of the body’s nitrogen-containing waste.
The nitrogen-containing waste produced by the human body is the UREA. The excretory system also
plays a crucial role in maintaining the homeostasis of body fluids. HOMEOSTASIS is the maintenance of
a stable set of internal conditions within an organism.
The excretory system is also known as the URINARY SYSTEM is a group of organs in the body
concerned with filtering out excess fluid and other substances from the bloodstream. The substances are
filtered out from the body in the form of URINE. URINE is a liquid produced by the kidneys, collected
in the bladder and excreted through the urethra. Urine is also used to extract excess minerals or vitamins
as well as blood corpuscles from the body. The urinary organs include the KIDNEYS, URETERS,
BLADDER and URETHRA. The kidneys are main organs of homeostasis because they maintain the acid
base balance and the water salt balance of the blood.
Why do we drink water?
Our body is about 70% water. Some parts are more or less watery: the grey
matter of the brain is about85% water; fat cells contain only about 15%
water.A person normally takes in between 1.5 and 3.5 litresof water each
day (in both food and drink), depending on how hot and dry the weather is.
Obviously we cannot keep accumulating all that water - our body gets rid
of the same amount of water as it ingests.
So why do we need to keep taking in water each day?
(1) To sweat. When we sweat, water evaporates fromour skin, which
removes excess heat from our body. So the hotter we get, the more water
we need to drink. About 40% of the water we take in leaves as sweat.
(2) To wash the insides of our bodies - to remove waste products. This is
what the urinary system does. About 60% of the water we take in leaves as

One of the major functions of the urinary system is the process of excretion. EXCRETION is the process
of eliminating from an organism, waste products of metabolism and other materials that are of no use.
The urinary system maintains an appropriate fluid volume by regulating the amount of water that is
excreted in the urine. Other aspects of its function include regulating the concentrations of various
electrolytes in the body fluids and maintaining normal PH of the blood. Several body organs carry out
excretion, but the kidneys are the most important excretory organ. The primary function of the kidneys is
to maintain a stable internal environment( homeostasis) for optimal cell and tissue metabolism. They do
this by separating urea, mineral salts, toxins and other waste products from the blood. They also do the
job of conserving water, salts, electrolytes. At least one kidney must function properly for life to be
The kidneys are a pair of bean shaped , reddish brown organs about the size of your fist. They are covered
by the renal capsule, which is a tough capsule of the fibrous connective tissue. Adhering to the surface of
each kidney is two layers of fat to help cushion them. There is a concaved side of the kidney that has s
depression where a renal artery enters and a renal vein and a ureter exit the kidney. The kidneys are
located at the rear wall of the abdominal cavity just above the waits line and are protected by the ribcage.
They are considered retroperitoneal. Which means they lie behind the peritoneum. There are three major
regions of the kidney, renal cortex, renal medulla and renal pelvis. The outer granulated layer is the
RENAL CORTEX. The cortex stretches down in between a radially striated inner layer. The inner
radially striated layer is the RENAL MEDULLA. This contains pyramid shaped tissue called RENAL
PYRAMIDS, separated by renal columns. The ureter is continuous with the RENAL PELVIS and is very
center of the kidney.
How do the kidneys remove wastes from the blood?
Each kidney contains millions of nephrons, which filter the blood that passes through them. In the
nephron, capillaries pass through the glomerulus. Slits in the glomerulus prevent blood cells and larger
molecules from passing out.
The acidity and concentrations of various substances in the blood are maintained by diffusion and active
transport of excess amounts into urine collecting tubules.
The urine is composed of water (about 95%), potassium, bicarbonate, sodium, glucose, amino acids, and
the waste products urea and uric acid

The renal veins are veins that drain the kidney. They connect the kidney to the inferior vena cava.
Because the inferior vena cava is on the right half of the body, the left renal vein is generally the longer of
the two. Unlike the right renal vein, the left renal vein often receives the left gonadal vein (left testicular
vein in males, left ovarian vein in females). It frequently receives the left supra renal vein as well.
The renal arteries normally arise off the abdominal aorta and supply the kidneys with blood. The arterial
supply of thekidneys is variable and there may be one or more renal arteries supplying each kidney. Due
to the position of the aorta, the inferior vena cava and the kidneys in the body, the right renal artery is
normally longer than the left renal artery. The right renal artery normally crosses posteriorly to the
inferior vena cava. The renal arteries carry a large portion of the total blood flow to the kidneys. Up to a
third of the total cardiac output can pass through the renal arteries to be filtered by the kidneys.
The ureters are two tubes that drain urine form the kidneys to the bladder. Each ureter is a muscular tube
about 0 inches long. Muscles in the wad of the ureters send the urine in small spurts into the bladder (a
collapsible sac found on the forward part of the cavity of the bony pelvis that allows temporary storage of
the urine.) after the urine enters the bladder for the ureters, small folds in the bladder mucosa act like
valves preventing backward flow of the urine. The outlet of the bladder is controlled by a sphincter
muscle. A full bladder stimulates sensory nerves in the bladder wall that relax the sphincter and allow
release of the urine. However, relaxation of the sphincter is also in part a learned response under
voluntary control. The released urine enters the urethra.
The urinary bladder is hollow, muscular and distendible or elastic organ that sits on the pelvic floor
(superior to the prostate in males). On its anterior border lies the pubic symphysis and on its posterior
border, the vagina (in females) and rectum (in males). The urinary bladder can hold approximately 17 to
18 ounces (500 to 530 ml) of urine; however the desire to micturate is usually experienced when it
contains about 150 to 200 ml. when the bladder fills the urine (about half full ) stretch receptors send
nerve impulses to the spinal cord, which then send a reflex nerve impulse back to the sphincter (muscular
valve) at the neck of the bladder, causing it to relax and allow the flow of the urine into the urethra. The
INTERNAL URETHRAL SPHINCTER is involuntary. The ureters enter the bladder diagonally from its
dorsolateral floor in an area called THE TRIGONE. The trigone is a triangular shaped area on the
postero-inferior wall of the bladder. The urethra exits at the lowest point of the triangle of the trigone. The
urine in the bladder also helps regulate body temperature. If the bladder becomes completely void of
fluid, it causes the patient to chill.
The urethra is muscular tube that connects the bladder with the outside of the body. The function of the
urethra is to remove urine from the body. It measurers about 1.5 inches in a woman but up to 8 inches in
man. Because the urethra is so much shorter in a woman it makes it much easier for a woman to get
harmful bacteria in her bladder this is commonly called a bladder infection or UTI. The most common
bacteria of a UTI are E-coli from the large intestines that have been excreted in fecal matter.
FEMALE URETHRA in the human female, the urethra is about 1-2 inches long and opens in the vulva
between the clitoris and the vaginal opening. Men have a longer urethra than female. This means that
women tend to be more susceptible to infections of the bladder (cystitis) and the urinary tract infection.
MALE URETHRA in the human male, the urethra is about 8 inches long and opens at the end of the
penis. The length of a male’s urethra and the fact is contains a number of bends, makes catheterization
more difficult.
The urethral sphincter is a collective name for the muscles used to control the flow of urine from the
urinary bladder. These muscles surround the urethra so that when they contract , the urethra is closed.
There are two distinct areas of muscles; the internal sphincter at the bladder neck and the external or
distal sphincter.
Human males have much stronger sphincter muscles than females, meaning they can retain a large
amount of urine for twice as long as much as 800 ml.
A Closer Look at a Nephron:
The aorta brings in blood to the kidney, branching into smaller and smaller blood vessels.
Inside each kidney are around a million nephrons (tiny filtering units).
Nephrons consist of a bowl-shaped structure and a tubule that serves as a collecting tube.
Inside the bowl-shaped structure are capillaries (tiny blood vessels). They carry blood that needs
filtering from the arteries.
Water, salts, and wastes from your blood pass into the bowl-shaped structure.
Liquid is squeezed into the tubes, where capillaries surrounding them reabsorb needed water, salts, and
sugar, and send them back in the purified blood. Unneeded materials and waste flow into the collecting
tubules to maketheir way to the bladder and out of your body.
The renal vein carries the filtered blood back the heart where it can be pumped to the rest of the body.


Prepared by: Checked by:

Subject Teacher Principal

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