Daa Question Paper

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III B.Tech II SEM - I MID Examination March-2020

Branch: CSE Date: 0-03-2020( )
Sub: DAA
Reg. No:

Time: 20min. Max.Marks:10 Sign of Invigilator

Choose the correct answer

1.In Knapsack problem, the optimized function is_______ profit. [ ]
A)Minimized B)Maximized C)Both D)None
2. Feasible solution subset consist of [ ]
A)input satisfying constraint B)input dissatisfying the constraint C)optimal solutions D)none

3.Spanning tree of G should have n vertices ___ edges. [ ]

A)n-2 B)n! C)n-1 D)n*n
4. _____ problem staring with one vertex and traverse the all vertices and return to [ ]
Same vetex.
A) 0/1 Knapsack problem B)Travelling sales man C)Single source shortest path D)ALL
5.In optimal storage on tapes the programs are stored in_____ permutations. [ ]
A)n-2 B)n! C)n-1 D)n*n
6. In _______ method based on rule principle of optimality. [ ]
A) A)Back tracking B)Dynamic C)Divide-and-conquer D)Greedy
7._____ formula is used to calculate no.of spanning trees of Connected graph. [ ]
A)n! B)n C)n D)n*n
8.The computing time of Kruskal’s Algorithm is__ [ ]
A)O(E log) B)O(nm) C)O(E logn) D)O(E)
9. ____Tree should not a allow the cycles . [ ]
A)Binary B)Spanning C)B-tree D)None
10. The Recurrence relation isT(n)= 9T(n/3)+n then what is the time complexity. [ ]
A)O(n3) B)O(n logn) C)O(logn) D) O(n2)

11. Each step of the algorithm must be clear and Unambiguous. [ ]

A)Finiteness B)Effectiveness C)Definiteness D)Generality
12.______ notation is used to find the lower bound of a function f(n) [ ]
A)Big-oh B)Theta C)Omega D)All

13. An algorithm call itself is called ______________ [ ]

A)Indirect recursive B)Direct recursive C)Both A& B D)ALL
14.The best case time complexity of linear search. [ ]
A)O(n logn) B)O(1) C)O(n) D)O(logn)
15.___notation is used to find the run time between lower bound to upper bound. [ ]
A)Big-oh B)Theta C)Omega D)All
16 .In theta notation ____ constraint to check f(n)=theta(g(n). [ ]
A )c1g(n)>=g(n)>=c2g(n) B)f(n) <= c*g(n) C)c1g(n)<=g(n)<=c2g(n)D)f(n) ==c*g(n)
17.In Big oh what is the meaning of O(n ) [ ]
A) constant B)Linear C)Cubic D)Quadratic

18. The worst case complexity of quick sort stands when the elements in the array are [ ]
A) increasing order B ) random order C) decreasing order D)ALL

19. ._____is the process of executing the correct program on data sets and measuring the [ ]
Time and space it takes to compute the results.
A)Profiling B)Analysis C)testing D)Debugging
20.In space complexity the Sp denotes [ ]
A)constants B)instance characteristics C)characteristics D)None


III B.Tech II SEM - I MID Examination March-2020
Branch: CSE Sub: DAA
Time: 90min. Date: 0-03-2020(N) Max.Marks:30
Note: Answer any three of the following questions

1. Write about Merge sort algorithm using example.

2. Explain Knapsack problem by using Greedy approach with Example?
(p1,p2,p3)=(90,100,50) (w1,w2,w3)=(6,8,3) and m=14
3. Explain Single source shortest path problem in detail using dijikstras algorithm?
4. Explain in detail about the Stressen’s matrix multiplication using example?
A= 2 4 B= 2 7
5 6 8 2

5.Explain in detail about all pairs shortest path using example?

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