FO51 - Student Performance Contract (SPC) PDF
FO51 - Student Performance Contract (SPC) PDF
FO51 - Student Performance Contract (SPC) PDF
1. I understand that in the first two curriculum years, I shall take uniform courses regardless of the
specific accounting program, i.e., BS Accountancy (BSA), BS Management Accounting (BSMA) and BS
Accounting Information System (BSAIS).
2. I understand that at the end of the second curriculum year, I shall be subjected to the following
classification process:
2.1. Students with no failing grade in any course and earn at least 2.50 in all
ACCOUNTING, LAW and TAX courses during their first and second curriculum years may
choose among the three programs (BSA, BSMA, and BSAIS).
2.2. All other students will be ranked according to their General Weighted Average
(GWA) and may be allowed to take the BSA program subject to availability of slots.
2.3. Students who are not accommodated under 2.1 and 2.2 will have to shift to
either the BSMA or BSAIS program or they may transfer to another institution.
3. I agree to the following University debarment policy in accordance with PPS 1018:
3.1. First year students who in their first term incur failures corresponding to nine
(9) units, or equivalent of one-half of their load, shall be allowed to enroll under probation
in the second term but only in courses authorized by the Dean. First year students on
probation who failed to clear all existing deficiencies by the end of the special term shall not
be admitted to second year.
3.2. Second and third year students with failures corresponding to nine (9) or more
units shall not be readmitted. Students who did not take the regular full load and incurred
failures equivalent to one-half of the load carried shall likewise not be readmitted.
3.3. Only senior students (those who completed all courses in the first three
curriculum years) are exempted from the debarment policy of the University.
IN WITNESS THEREOF, we have affixed our signatures this ___ day of _______________ at the City
of Manila.
______________________________ ______________________________
Signature Over Printed Name of Signature Over Printed Name of
Permanent Address
Contact Number
Dean / Representative
Date Signed
UST: A016-00-FO51