Analysis and Design of A Multi Storey Building With Flat Slab (C+G+9) Using ETABS
Analysis and Design of A Multi Storey Building With Flat Slab (C+G+9) Using ETABS
Analysis and Design of A Multi Storey Building With Flat Slab (C+G+9) Using ETABS
Volume.06, Issue.01,
WWW.IJITECH.ORG January-June, 2018,
Analysis And Design of A Multi Storey Building with Flat Slab (C+G+9)
Dept of Civil Engineering, SVITS, Mahbubnagar, Telangana, India.
Abstract: A popular form of concrete building construction ceiling, thus giving better architectural appearance and also
uses a flat concrete slab (without beams) as the floor system. less vulnerability in case of fire than in usual cases where
This system is very simple to construct, and is efficient in that beams are used.
it requires the minimum building height for a given number of
stories. Unfortunately, earthquake experience has proved that Basic definition of flat slab: In general normal frame
this form of construction is vulnerable to failure, when not construction utilizes columns, slabs & Beams. However it
designed and detailed properly, in which the thin concrete slab may be possible to undertake construction without providing
fractures around the supporting columns and drops downward, beams, in such a case the frame system would consist of slab
leading potentially to a complete progressive collapse of a and column without beams. These types of Slabs are called
building as one floor cascades down onto the floors below. flat slab, since their behavior resembles the bending of flat
Although flat slabs have been in construction for more than a plates. A reinforced concrete slab supported directly by
century now, analysis and design of flat slabs are still the active concrete columns without the use of beams.
areas of research and there is still no general agreement on the
best design procedure. The present day Indian Standard Codes
of Practice outline design procedures only for slabs with
regular geometry and layout. But in recent times, due to space
crunch, height limitations and other factors, deviations from a
regular geometry and regular layout are becoming quite
common. Also behavior and response of flat slabs during
earthquake is a big question. The lateral behavior of a typical
flat slab building which is designed according to I.S. 456- 2000
is evaluated by means of dynamic analysis. The inadequacies
of these buildings are discussed by means of comparing the
behavior with that of conventional beam column framing. Grid
slab system is selected for this purpose. To study the effect of
drop panels on the behavior of flat slab during lateral loads, flat
plate system is also analyzed. Zone factor and soil conditions --
the other two important parameters which influence the
behavior of the structure, are also covered. Software ETABS is
Fig1. Slab With Columns.
used for this purpose. In this study relation between the number
of stories, zone and soil condition is developed.
Drops To resist the punching shear which is predominant at
Keywords: Flat Slab, Flat Plate, Grid Slab, Storey Drift, the contact of slab and column Support, the drop dimension
Punching Shear, ETABS. should not be less than one -third of panel length in t hat
Flat slabs system of construction is one in which the beams Column Heads Certain amount of negative moment is
used in the conventional methods of constructions are done transferred from the slab to the column at the support. To
away with. The slab directly rests on the column and load from resist this negative moment the area at the support needs to be
the slab is directly transferred to the columns and then to the increased .this is facilitated by providing column
foundation. To support heavy loads the thickness of slab near capital/heads. Flat slabs are appropriate for most floor
the support with the column is increased and these are called situations and also for irregular column layouts, curved floor
drops, or columns are generally provided with enlarged heads shapes, ramps etc. The benefits of choosing flat slabs include
called column heads or capitals. Absence of beam gives a plain a minimum depth solution, speed of construction, flexibility
2. Live Load Calculation Design strength(ƒd) and partial safety factor(γd) for
Live Load is applied all over the super structure except the material strength : The strength to be taken for the purpose
plinth .Generally LIVE LOAD varies according to the types of of design is known as design strength and is given by
building. For Residential building LIVE LOAD is taken as ----
2kn/m2 on each floor and 2kn/m2 on roof. Design strength (ƒd) = characteristic strength(ƒck)
G. Critical Load Combinations Partial safety factor for material Strength (γm)
While designing a structure, all load combinations, in general
are required to be considered and the structure is designed for The value of γm depends upon the type of material and
the most critical of all. For building upto 4 storeys, wind load is upon the type of limit state. According to I.S. code,
not considered, the elements are required to be designed for
critical combination of dead load and live load only. For γm = 1.5 for concrete and γm = 1.15 for steel.
deciding critical load arrangements, we are required to use Design strength of concrete in member = 0.67ƒck / 1.5 =
maximum and minimum loads. For this code prescribes 0.446 ƒck ≈ 0.45 ƒck
different load factors as given below :
Maximum load = wmax = 1.5(DL + LL) Generally concretes are strong in compression and very
Minimum load = wmin = DL negligible respond (almost zero) to the tension. So reinforced
(steel bars) are provided to resist the tension and to counteract
The maximum positive moments producing tension at the the moment which can’t resist by the concrete. The partial
bottom will occur when the deflection is maximum or safety factor for concrete generally taken as 1.5 due to non-
curvature producing concavity upwards is maximum. This uniform compaction and inadequate curing and partial safety
condition will occur when maximum load (i.e. both DL and factor for steel is taken as 1.15.The compressive strength of
LL) covers the whole span while minimum load (i.e. only DL) concrete is always taken as because it is always lesser than
is on adjacent spans. the cube strength. So for the design work the maximum
strength of the concrete is taken as -0.67fck/1.5=.45fck and
consideration may be limited to combination of: Design for steel is fy/1.15=.87 fy.
dead load on all spans will full design live loads on two
adjacent spans (for obtaining maximum hogging moment.) Punching Shear Data: Flat slab exhibits higher stress at the
column connection .They are most likely to fail due to
V. PROPERTIES OF CONCRETE punching shear which will occur due to the concentration of
Grade of concrete: Concrete is known by its grade which is shear forces and the unbalanced bending and twisting
designated as M15, M20, M25 etc, in which letter M refers to moments . It has to be noted that the punching shear failure is
concrete mix and the number 15, 20, 25 etc. denotes the rather more critical than the flexural failure. Such a
specified compressive strength (ƒck) of 150mm size cube at 28 concentration of shear force and moments leads to
days, expressed in N/mm2. Thus, concrete is known by its unsymmetrical stress distribution around the slab-column
compressive strength. In R.C. work M20, M25 grades of connections. The local and brittle nature of the punching
concrete are common, but higher grades of concrete should be shear failure is in the form of crushing of concrete in the
used for severe and very severe and extreme environment. column periphery before the steel reinforcement reaches the
yield strain. The observed angle of failure surface is found to
Compressive strength: Like load the strength of concrete is vary between 26° and 36°. Thus the punching shear capacity
also a quantity which varies considerably for the same concrete of a slab (in absence of shear reinforcement) depends on the
mix. Therefore a single representative value known as strength of concrete, the area of tension reinforcement, the
characteristic strength,is arrived at using statistical probabilistic depth of the slab and the column size. The sudden disaster
principles. effect of the punching shear is a critical problem for any
designer. Punching shear is a type of failure of reinforced
Characteristic strength: It is defined as that value of the concrete slabs subjected to high localized forces. In flat slab
strength below which not more than 5% of the test results are structures this occurs at column support points. The failure is
suspected to fall,(i.e., there is 95% probability of achieving this due to shear:
value, or only 5% probability of not achieving the same).
International Journal of Innovative Technologies
Volume.06, Issue No.01, January-June, 2018, Pages: 0176-0183
Analysis And Design of A Multi Storey Building with Flat Slab (C+G+9) Using ETABS
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Author's Profile:
Syed Asim Aman, B.Tech student in the Civil Engineering
from Sri Visvesvaraya Institute of Technology and Science,