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Analysis and Design of A Multi Storey Building With Flat Slab (C+G+9) Using ETABS

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ISSN 2321-8665

Volume.06, Issue.01,
WWW.IJITECH.ORG January-June, 2018,

Analysis And Design of A Multi Storey Building with Flat Slab (C+G+9)
Dept of Civil Engineering, SVITS, Mahbubnagar, Telangana, India.

Abstract: A popular form of concrete building construction ceiling, thus giving better architectural appearance and also
uses a flat concrete slab (without beams) as the floor system. less vulnerability in case of fire than in usual cases where
This system is very simple to construct, and is efficient in that beams are used.
it requires the minimum building height for a given number of
stories. Unfortunately, earthquake experience has proved that Basic definition of flat slab: In general normal frame
this form of construction is vulnerable to failure, when not construction utilizes columns, slabs & Beams. However it
designed and detailed properly, in which the thin concrete slab may be possible to undertake construction without providing
fractures around the supporting columns and drops downward, beams, in such a case the frame system would consist of slab
leading potentially to a complete progressive collapse of a and column without beams. These types of Slabs are called
building as one floor cascades down onto the floors below. flat slab, since their behavior resembles the bending of flat
Although flat slabs have been in construction for more than a plates. A reinforced concrete slab supported directly by
century now, analysis and design of flat slabs are still the active concrete columns without the use of beams.
areas of research and there is still no general agreement on the
best design procedure. The present day Indian Standard Codes
of Practice outline design procedures only for slabs with
regular geometry and layout. But in recent times, due to space
crunch, height limitations and other factors, deviations from a
regular geometry and regular layout are becoming quite
common. Also behavior and response of flat slabs during
earthquake is a big question. The lateral behavior of a typical
flat slab building which is designed according to I.S. 456- 2000
is evaluated by means of dynamic analysis. The inadequacies
of these buildings are discussed by means of comparing the
behavior with that of conventional beam column framing. Grid
slab system is selected for this purpose. To study the effect of
drop panels on the behavior of flat slab during lateral loads, flat
plate system is also analyzed. Zone factor and soil conditions --
the other two important parameters which influence the
behavior of the structure, are also covered. Software ETABS is
Fig1. Slab With Columns.
used for this purpose. In this study relation between the number
of stories, zone and soil condition is developed.
Drops To resist the punching shear which is predominant at
Keywords: Flat Slab, Flat Plate, Grid Slab, Storey Drift, the contact of slab and column Support, the drop dimension
Punching Shear, ETABS. should not be less than one -third of panel length in t hat
Flat slabs system of construction is one in which the beams Column Heads Certain amount of negative moment is
used in the conventional methods of constructions are done transferred from the slab to the column at the support. To
away with. The slab directly rests on the column and load from resist this negative moment the area at the support needs to be
the slab is directly transferred to the columns and then to the increased .this is facilitated by providing column
foundation. To support heavy loads the thickness of slab near capital/heads. Flat slabs are appropriate for most floor
the support with the column is increased and these are called situations and also for irregular column layouts, curved floor
drops, or columns are generally provided with enlarged heads shapes, ramps etc. The benefits of choosing flat slabs include
called column heads or capitals. Absence of beam gives a plain a minimum depth solution, speed of construction, flexibility

Copyright @ 2018 IJIT. All rights reserved.

in the plan layout (both in terms of the shape and column ground, earthquakes, frost, and so forth. Failure to fully
layout), a flat soffit (clean finishes and freedom of layout of reinforce a flat slab can cause it to crack or give along weak
services) and scope and space for the use of flying forms. The lines in the concrete, which will in turn cause instability. For
flexibility of flat slab construction can lead to high economy some sites, a flat slab is poured in situ. In this case, the site is
and yet allow the architect great freedom of form. Examples prepared, forms for the concrete are set up, and the
are; solid flat slab, solid flat slab with drop panel, solid flat slab reinforcing rebar or other materials are laid down. Then, the
with column head, coffered flat slab, coffered flat slab with concrete is mixed, poured, and allowed to cure before moving
solid panels, banded coffered flat slab. on to the next stage of construction. The time required can
vary considerably, with size being a major factor; the bigger
the slab, the more complex reinforcement needs can get,
which in turn adds to the amount of time required for set up.
Once poured, the slab also has to be examined and tested to
confirm that the pour was good, without air pockets or other
problems which could contribute to a decline in quality.

In other cases, a flat slab may be prefabricated off site and

transported to a site when it is needed. This may be done
when conditions at the site do not facilitate an easy pour, or
when the conditions for the slab's construction need to be
Fig2. Solid Flat Slab carefully controlled. Transportation of the slab can be a
challenge if it is especially large. Barges, cranes, and flatbed
trucks may be required to successfully move it from the
fabrication site to the site of the installation. The flat slab
foundation is not without problems. It can settle on uneven
ground, allowing the structure to settle as well, for example,
and during seismic activity, a slab foundation cannot hold up
if the soils are subject to liquefaction. A flat slab can also
become a major source of energy inefficiency, as structures
tend to lose heat through the concrete. Advantages of flat-slab
reinforced concrete structures are widely known but there are
also known the disadvantages concerning their earthquake
resistance. It is remarkable that both Greek codes, Reinforced
Fig3. Coffered Flat Slab. Concrete Code and Seismic Code do not forbid the use of
such structural systems however both Codes provide specific
compliance criteria in order such structures to be acceptable.

The advantages of these systems are:

 The ease of the construction of formwork.
 The ease of placement of flexural reinforcement.
 The ease of casting concrete
 The free space for water, air pipes, etc between slab and
a possible furred ceiling.
 The free placing of walls in ground plan.
 The use of cost effective prestressing methods for long
Fig4. Solid Flat slab with Drop Panels. spans in order to reduce slab thickness and deflections as
also the time needed to remove the formwork.
A flat slab is a flat section of concrete. These slabs are  The reduction of building height in multi-storey
classically used in foundations, although they can also be used structures by saving one storey height in every six
in the construction of roadways, paths, and other structures. storey’s thanks to the elimination of the beam height.
Depending on the size and complexity of a flat slab, it may
need to be designed by an engineer who is familiar with the These structural systems seem to attract global interest
limitations and needs of slabs, or it may be possible for a handy due to their advantages mainly in countries in which the
do it yourselfer to make one in an afternoon for a simple seismicity is low. The application of flat-slab structures is
project. Typically, a flat slab is made with reinforced concrete, restrained due to the belief that such structures are susceptible
in which rebar is criss-crossed in the forms to provide support to seismic actions. Moreover, it is known that in Central
and reinforcement once the concrete is poured and hardened. America, at the beginning of 1960’s, flat-slab structures
The slab design is designed to be reinforced in several displayed serious problems during earthquake actions.
directions so that it can withstand stresses such as shifting
International Journal of Innovative Technologies
Volume.06, Issue No.01, January-June, 2018, Pages: 0176-0183
Analysis And Design of A Multi Storey Building with Flat Slab (C+G+9) Using ETABS
III. METHODS OF ANALYSIS OF FLAT SLAB Finite element method: The structures having irregular
Behavior of two-way slab system under gravity and lateral types of plans with which the EFM has limitations in analysis
loads is complex. In the case of beam supported two way slabs, can be analyzed without any difficulties by the FEM. FEM is
100% of gravity loads on the slabs are transmitted to the a powerful tool used in the analysis of flat slabs. Most finite
supporting columns in both longitudinal at transverses element programs are based on elastic moment distribution
directions. The mechanism of load transfer from slab to and material that obey Hooke's Law. This works for steel
columns is achieved by flexure, shear & torsion in various plates but reinforced concrete is an elasto-plastic material and
elements. The slab beam columns system behaves integrally as ones it cracks its behavior is non linear. As a consequence the
a three dimensional system, with the involvement of all the support moments tend to be overestimated and the deflection
floors of the building, to resist not only gravity loads, but also of the slab is under estimated. Currently, one of the main
lateral loads. However a rigorous three dimensional analysis of criticisms of the FEM analysis is its reliance on the elastic
the structure is complex, & not warranted except in very solutions that result in high peaked support moments over the
exceptional structures. Unlike the planer frames, in which column. These support moments are unlikely to be realized
beam moments are transferred directly to columns, slab under service loads due to cracking and thus the service span
moments are transferred indirectly, due to tensional flexibility moments will be correspondingly increased. While using
of the slab. Also slab moments from gravity can leak from finite element method following considerations are important.
loaded to unloaded spans; this must be accounted for, in the  Choice of a proper finite element.
analysis. Presently, the Indian Standard Codes provide the  Degree of disceretisation
guidelines for design of flat slabs. These are basically empirical  Overall computational economy.
and are supported by the vast experimentation. But since the
standard experimentation has been done on standard layouts Hence various finite element models are possible for the
and configuration of the slabs; these design procedures are same problem. A model which can take into account all the
limited in their scope and applicability. Nowadays, irregular important structural effects at the least computational cost is
layouts are becoming common, and it is in this light that called as the best model. Dynamic Analysis
standard codal procedures seem Inadequate.  Coefficient Method
 Response Spectrum method
A. Code definition of flat slabs
 Time History Method
"The term flat slab means a reinforced concrete slab with or
without drops, supported generally without beams, by columns
with or without flared heads. A flat slab may be solid slab or
may have recesses formed on the soffit so that a soffit
A. General Building Behavior
comprises a series of ribs in two directions. The recess may be
The behavior of a building during earthquake is a vibration
formed of permanent or removable filler blocks. A flat slab is
problem. The seismic motion of the ground does not damage
reinforced concrete flat slab reinforced in two or more
a building by impact, or by externally applied pressure, but
directions to bring the load acting normal to its plane directly to
by internally applied pressure and internally generated
supporting columns without the help of any beam or girder."
inertial forces caused by vibration of building mass. It can
The above definition is very broad and encompasses the
cause buckling or crushing of columns and walls when the
various possible column supported two-way slabs mentioned
mass pushes down on a member bent or moved out of plumb
earlier. As mentioned earlier the code procedure is based on the
by the lateral forces. This effect is known as the „P-ᴧ‟effect
elastic analysis of equivalent frames under the gravity loads
and Greater the vertical forces, the greater the movements
and follows closely the 1997 version of the ACI code. However
due to „P-ᴧ‟. It is almost the vertical load that causes the
unlike the unified code procedure, there is no elaboration in the
building to fall down. The distribution of dynamic forces
I.S code for the particular case of two way slab with beams
caused by the motion and the duration of motion are of
along column lines.
concern in seismic design. Although the duration of motion is
an important issue, we do not consider it for seismic design.
B. Design Philosophy
In general tall buildings respond to seismic motions
There are three methods of analysis of flat slabs viz.
differently than low rise buildings. The magnitude of inertia
1. Direct Design Method (DDM)
force induced in an earthquake depends on the building mass,
2. Equivalent Frame Method (EFM)
ground acceleration, the nature of the foundation, and the
3. Finite Element Method (FEM)
dynamic characteristics of the structure. For a structure that
Out of this, first 2 methods are recommended by the I.S.
deforms slightly, the force 'F' tends to be less than the product
code for determining the bending moments in the slab panel
of mass and ground acceleration. Tall buildings are invariably
(approximate methods); either method is acceptable (provided
more flexible than low rise buildings, and in general,
the relevant conditions are satisfied).These methods are
experience much lower accelerations than the low rise
applicable only to two way rectangular slabs (not one way
buildings. But a flexible building subjected to ground
slabs), and in the case of direct design method the
motions for prolonged period may experience much larger
recommendations apply to the gravity loading condition alone
forces if its natural period is near that of ground period. Thus
(and not to the lateral load condition).
the magnitude of earthquake force is function of the
International Journal of Innovative Technologies
Volume.06, Issue No.01, January-June, 2018, Pages: 0176-0183
acceleration of the ground, the type of structure and its inadequate as a primary lateral load resisting system for
foundation. multi-storey structures in high seismic risk zones because of
problems associated with excessive drift. A system consisting
B. Building Behavior of shear walls and flat slab with proper bracing systems is
Tall buildings respond to seismic motions differently than low usually recommended for high rise buildings. Even there is a
rise buildings. The magnitude of inertia force depends on the concern as to whether the connection possesses sufficient
building mass, ground acceleration, the nature of foundation, lateral displacement capacity to survive lateral deformations
and the dynamic characteristics of the structure. Tall buildings which can be reasonably expected. The stiffness of the typical
are invariably more flexible than low rise buildings, and in wall or frame system is insufficient to protect the slab column
general experiences much lower accelerations than low rise connection from yield. Hence attention must be given to its
buildings. The magnitude of earthquake force is not a function inelastic seismic response. I.S. 1893-2002 says that "Since
of the acceleration alone, but influenced to a great extent by the the lateral load resistance of the slab column connection
type of response of the structure and its foundation. This system is small, flat slabs are often designed only for gravity
interrelationship of building behavior and seismic ground loads, while the seismic force is resisted by shear walls. Even
motion also depends on the time period. Some factors which though slabs and columns are not required to share the lateral
affect the building behavior are discussed here. forces, these deforms with rest of the structure under seismic
1. Influence of soil: The seismic motion that reaches a excitation. The concern is that under such deformations, the
structure on the surface of the earth is influenced by local soil slab column system should not lose its vertical load capacity."
conditions. Low to mid-rise buildings have time period
between 0.1 to 1 sec range, while taller more flexible buildings The slab column connections are subjected to gravity shear
have periods between 1to 5 sec or greater. Harder soils, and and unbalanced moment during earthquake. Transfer of shear
bed rock transmit short period vibrations (caused by near field and unbalanced moments is critical in flat slab behaviour,
earthquake) while filtering out longer period earthquakes especially for horizontal loading which requires substantial
(caused by distant earthquakes), whereas softer soils will unbalanced moment to transfer between slab and column.
transmit longer period vibrations. Unbalanced moment is transferred by combination of flexure,
torsion and shear in the flat slab around the periphery of
2. Structural response: If the base of structure is moved column faces. The shear from the unbalanced moment
suddenly, the upper part of the structure will not respond transfer is added to the gravity shear at connections. When
instantaneously, but will lag because of inertial resistance and combined shear becomes too large, a brittle punching failure
flexibility of the structure. Because earthquake ground motions will occur. If the connections are not properly detailed,
are three dimensional, building deforms in a same manner. But punching failure may lead to progressive collapse. The
inertia forces generated by horizontal components of ground concrete will provide a certain level of shear resistance
motions required greater considerations for seismic design around the columns but this may need to be supplemented by
since adequate seismic resistance to vertical seismic loads is punching shear reinforcement arranged on concentric
provided by member capacities required for gravity load perimeters. Thus during transfer of loads either due to gravity
design. or due to earthquakes, behavior of flat slab building depends
on strength and behavior of slab connection.
3. Load Path: Buildings are generally composed of vertical
and horizontal structural elements. A complete load path is a D. Structural Dynamic behavior of Multiple-degree-of-
basic requirement for all buildings. Seismic forces originating freedom (MDOF) systems
throughout the building, mostly in the heavier mass elements 1. Degree of freedom: Any mass can undergo six possible
such as diaphragms, are delivered throughout the connections displacements in space - three translation and three rotations
to diaphragm; the diaphragm distributes these forces to vertical about an orthogonal axis system. The number of independent
force resisting system such as shear walls and frames. Through displacement required to define the displaced position of all
frame these forces are transferred to foundation; and foundation the masses relative to their original position is called number
transfers these forces to supporting soil. Interconnecting, of degree of freedom (DOFS) for dynamic analysis.
members needed to complete the load path is necessary to  Single Degree of Freedom System
achieve good seismic performance.  Multi Degree of Freedom System
 Continuous System
C. Flat slab building behavior under lateral loading
The behaviour of flat slab structures for gravity loads is well 2. Classification of vibration
established. However, behavior under lateral displacement is  Free and forced vibration
not well understood and lateral design methods are not well  Undamped and damped vibrations
established. Frame action provided by flat slab and column is  Linear and non-linear vibration
generally insufficient for buildings taller than 10 stories. The
lateral behavior of flat slab structures is in doubt because of the Free and forced vibrations: If a system, after an initial
relative flexibility of the connections when compared with disturbance is left to vibrate on its own, the ensuing vibration
beam column joints. A flat slab column framing is generally is known as free vibrations. No external force acts on the
International Journal of Innovative Technologies
Volume.06, Issue No.01, January-June, 2018, Pages: 0176-0183
Analysis And Design of A Multi Storey Building with Flat Slab (C+G+9) Using ETABS
system. The oscillation of a simple pendulum is an example of targeted new special purpose algorithms for analysis and
free vibration. If a system is subjected to an external force design, with interfaces for drafting and manufacturing, is
(often a repeating type of force) the resulting vibration is redefining standards of integration, productivity and technical
known as a forced vibration. The oscillation is known as forced innovation. The integrated model can include Moment
vibration. The oscillation that arises in machines such as diesel Resisting Frames, Braced Frames, Staggered Truss Systems,
engines is an example of force vibration. If the frequency of the Frames with Reduced Beam Sections or Side Plates, Rigid
external of the external force coincides with one of the natural and Flexible Floors, Sloped Roofs, Ramps and Parking
frequencies of the system, a condition known as Resonance Structures, Mezzanine Floors, Multiple Tower Buildings and
occurs and the system undergoes dangerously large oscillation, Stepped.
failures of such structures as building, bridges, turbines and
airplane wings have been associated with the occurrence of F. Modelling steps
Resonance. As a case study, plan of existing flat slab building for
commercial building is selected which is located near Pune
Undamped and damped vibrations: If no energy is lost or (zoneIII and soil type II i.e. medium soil condition). Same
dissipated in friction or other resistance during Oscillation, the building is analyzed for other zones and soil conditions and
vibration is known as Undamped Vibration. If any energy is their storey drifts are compared. Existing structure consists of
lost in this way, however, it is called Damped vibration. In two buildings connected together. One part consists of only
many physical systems, the amount of damping is so small that offices and other part includes all utilities like staircase, lifts,
it can be disregarded for most engineering purposes .however washrooms etc. The part which consists of offices only is
consideration of damping becomes extremely important in built with flat slabs while other is beam column frame
analyzing vibratory system near resonance. structure. For the simplification in the analysis, the part
which consists of offices is selected. Software ET ABS is
Linear and non-linear vibrations: If all the basis component used for the analysis. For this, Plan dimensions of an existing
of a vibratory system, the spring, the mass and the damper flat slab building are taken as fixed dimensions.
behave linearly the resulting vibration is known as linear  With the same loading conditions, requirement of
vibration. If however, any of the basic component behave column free space, greater floor to floor height and
nonlinearly the vibration is called non linear vibration. number of stories of that of existing building, three
different types of slabs viz. grid slab, flat slab and flat
Analysis of Flat Slab: The seismic analysis and design of plate slab are designed.
buildings are traditionally focused on reducing the risk of loss  Models of all buildings are prepared in ETABS with
of life in the largest expected earthquake. Building codes are given loading conditions. To compare the behaviour of
based on their provisions on the historic performance of the floor diaphragm of the flat slab, grid slab and flat
buildings and their deficiencies and have developed provisions plate building during lateral condition, stiffness of
round life safety concerns i.e. to prevent the collapse under the columns is kept same. Columns are assumed to have the
most intense earthquake expected at site during the life of the same size at the particular storey level.
structure. These provisions are based on the concept that the  Edge beams of the same dimensions are provided along
successful performance of buildings in areas of high seismicity the periphery of the flat slab and flat plate building:
depends on combination of strength, ductility manifested in the  Thickness of the slab is provided according to the
details of construction, and the presence of the fully deflection requirement and to resist the one way and two.
interconnected, balanced, and complete lateral force resisting
system. F. Gravity Loads
Dead Load (DL):-DEAD LOAD is defined as the the load on
E. Advantageous Features of ETABS (Version 9.7.2) a structure due to its own weight (self-weight). It also added
Software ETABS (Extended Three Dimensional Analysis of other loads if some permanent structure is added to that
Building Structures) is used for seismic analysis and to study structure.
the behaviour of flat slab buildings. ETABS is the Integrated Live Load (LL):-LIVE LOAD Or IMPOSED LOAD is
Software for Analysis, Design, and Drafting of Building defined as the load on the structure due to moving weight.
Systems. ETABS is very useful for linear as well as nonlinear The LIVE LOAD varies according to the type of building.
analysis of buildings. Input for buildings becomes very easy For example generally for a Residential Building the LIVE
and also 'user interface' explains us various modelling and LOAD is taken as 2kn/m2.
analysis procedures. Engineering News Record has also
declared that ET ABs as the only reliable software for seismic 1. Dead Load Calculation: Main Wall Load (From above
analysis of buildings. For nearly 30 years ET ABS has been plinth area to below the Roof) should be the cross sectional
recognized as the industry standard for Building Analysis and area of the wall multiplied by unit weight of the brick. (unit
Design Software. Today, continuing in the same tradition, weight of brick is taken as 19.2 kn/m3). According to the IS-
ETABS has evolved into a completely Integrated Building CODE PLINTH LOAD should be half of the MAIN WALL
Analysis and Design Environment. The System built around a LOAD. Internal PLINTH LOAD should be half of the
physical object based graphical user interface, powered by PLINTH LOAD.
International Journal of Innovative Technologies
Volume.06, Issue No.01, January-June, 2018, Pages: 0176-0183
Parapate Load should be the cross sectional is multiplied by Characteristic strength of concrete in flexural member: It
unit weight. may be noted that the strength of concrete cube does not truly
represent the strength of concrete in flexural member because
Slab Load should be combination of slab load plus floor factors namely, the shape effect, the prism effect, state of
finishes. SLAB LOAD can be calculated as the thickness of stress in a member and casting and curing conditions for
slab multiplied by unit weight of concrete (according to IS- concrete in the member. Taking this into consideration the
CODE unit weight of concrete is taken as 25 kn/m^3).and characteristic strength of concrete in a flexural member is
FLOOR FINISHES taken as .1.5 kn/m2. taken as 0.67times2.6 the strength of concrete cube.

2. Live Load Calculation Design strength(ƒd) and partial safety factor(γd) for
Live Load is applied all over the super structure except the material strength : The strength to be taken for the purpose
plinth .Generally LIVE LOAD varies according to the types of of design is known as design strength and is given by
building. For Residential building LIVE LOAD is taken as ----
2kn/m2 on each floor and 2kn/m2 on roof. Design strength (ƒd) = characteristic strength(ƒck)

G. Critical Load Combinations Partial safety factor for material Strength (γm)
While designing a structure, all load combinations, in general
are required to be considered and the structure is designed for The value of γm depends upon the type of material and
the most critical of all. For building upto 4 storeys, wind load is upon the type of limit state. According to I.S. code,
not considered, the elements are required to be designed for
critical combination of dead load and live load only. For γm = 1.5 for concrete and γm = 1.15 for steel.
deciding critical load arrangements, we are required to use Design strength of concrete in member = 0.67ƒck / 1.5 =
maximum and minimum loads. For this code prescribes 0.446 ƒck ≈ 0.45 ƒck
different load factors as given below :
 Maximum load = wmax = 1.5(DL + LL) Generally concretes are strong in compression and very
 Minimum load = wmin = DL negligible respond (almost zero) to the tension. So reinforced
(steel bars) are provided to resist the tension and to counteract
The maximum positive moments producing tension at the the moment which can’t resist by the concrete. The partial
bottom will occur when the deflection is maximum or safety factor for concrete generally taken as 1.5 due to non-
curvature producing concavity upwards is maximum. This uniform compaction and inadequate curing and partial safety
condition will occur when maximum load (i.e. both DL and factor for steel is taken as 1.15.The compressive strength of
LL) covers the whole span while minimum load (i.e. only DL) concrete is always taken as because it is always lesser than
is on adjacent spans. the cube strength. So for the design work the maximum
strength of the concrete is taken as -0.67fck/1.5=.45fck and
consideration may be limited to combination of: Design for steel is fy/1.15=.87 fy.
dead load on all spans will full design live loads on two
adjacent spans (for obtaining maximum hogging moment.) Punching Shear Data: Flat slab exhibits higher stress at the
column connection .They are most likely to fail due to
V. PROPERTIES OF CONCRETE punching shear which will occur due to the concentration of
Grade of concrete: Concrete is known by its grade which is shear forces and the unbalanced bending and twisting
designated as M15, M20, M25 etc, in which letter M refers to moments . It has to be noted that the punching shear failure is
concrete mix and the number 15, 20, 25 etc. denotes the rather more critical than the flexural failure. Such a
specified compressive strength (ƒck) of 150mm size cube at 28 concentration of shear force and moments leads to
days, expressed in N/mm2. Thus, concrete is known by its unsymmetrical stress distribution around the slab-column
compressive strength. In R.C. work M20, M25 grades of connections. The local and brittle nature of the punching
concrete are common, but higher grades of concrete should be shear failure is in the form of crushing of concrete in the
used for severe and very severe and extreme environment. column periphery before the steel reinforcement reaches the
yield strain. The observed angle of failure surface is found to
Compressive strength: Like load the strength of concrete is vary between 26° and 36°. Thus the punching shear capacity
also a quantity which varies considerably for the same concrete of a slab (in absence of shear reinforcement) depends on the
mix. Therefore a single representative value known as strength of concrete, the area of tension reinforcement, the
characteristic strength,is arrived at using statistical probabilistic depth of the slab and the column size. The sudden disaster
principles. effect of the punching shear is a critical problem for any
designer. Punching shear is a type of failure of reinforced
Characteristic strength: It is defined as that value of the concrete slabs subjected to high localized forces. In flat slab
strength below which not more than 5% of the test results are structures this occurs at column support points. The failure is
suspected to fall,(i.e., there is 95% probability of achieving this due to shear:
value, or only 5% probability of not achieving the same).
International Journal of Innovative Technologies
Volume.06, Issue No.01, January-June, 2018, Pages: 0176-0183
Analysis And Design of A Multi Storey Building with Flat Slab (C+G+9) Using ETABS

Fig5. Punching Shear failure.

Fig20. Column Drop.

Fig6.Global collapse of the structure due to punching shear.

When the flat slab is exposed to a concentrated load larger

than the capacity, the effect on the slab is referred to punching
shear. In these slabs, the sheer force per unit length can become
high close to the area of loading. If the capacity for punching in
the slab is exceeded, a punching shear failure may occur within
the discontinuity regions (D-region) of the flat slab. This type
of failure is a brittle failure mechanism, and may cause a global
failure of the structure. Punching shear failure is a typical
failure for slab-column connection. The above figure shows an
example of a global failure of a structure due to punching
Fig21. Punching Shear
For improving drift conditions of flat slab in higher seismic
zones lateral load resisting system should be coupled with
slab column frame and or stiffness of column should be
increases. The negative moment’s section shall be designed
to resist the larger of two interior negative design moments
for the span framing into common supports. Drops are
important criteria in increasing the shear strength of the slab.

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International Journal of Innovative Technologies
Volume.06, Issue No.01, January-June, 2018, Pages: 0176-0183
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flat slab and grid slab and their cost comparison.
[8] L. Nguyen-minh, m. Rovnák, t. Tran-quoc, and k. Nguyen-
kim punching shear resistance of steel fiber reinforced concrete
flat slabs.

Author's Profile:
Syed Asim Aman, B.Tech student in the Civil Engineering
from Sri Visvesvaraya Institute of Technology and Science,

Mohd Abdul Khaliq, B.Tech student in the Civil Engineering

from Sri Visvesvaraya Institute of Technology and Science,

Mohd Jameel Uddin, B.Tech student in the Civil Engineering

from Sri Visvesvaraya Institute of Technology and Science,

Syed Imranuddin, B.Tech student in the Civil Engineering

from Sri Visvesvaraya Institute of Technology and Science,

Syed Khaja Rizwanuddin, B.Tech student in the Civil

Engineering from Sri Visvesvaraya Institute of Technology and
Science, MBNR.

Syed Sabeel Pasha, Asst. Professor Civil Engineering from

Sri Visvesvaraya Institute of Technology and Science,

International Journal of Innovative Technologies

Volume.06, Issue No.01, January-June, 2018, Pages: 0176-0183

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