Micom P241 Motor Management Relay
Micom P241 Motor Management Relay
Micom P241 Motor Management Relay
Motor Management
MiCOM P241
Motor Management Relay
Protection & Control
MiCOM P241
Motor Management Relay
Time in sec
loading. • Comprehensive measurement values: Accelerating thermal
limit curve
The P241 relay provides user instantaneous and integrated rated
voltage Permissible locked
programmable scheme logic (PSL) to afford • Accuracy: less than 1% for direct rotor time
3. Detection of a stalled rotor during start: Resistive Temperature Detectors (26) Authorisation of reacceleration
this feature is normally applied when Up to 10 RTDs can be connected to the Following a transient dip in the supply
using high inertia motors, and where MiCOM P241 relay, in order to monitor voltage, a motor will attempt to
the start time exceeds the stall time. To the temperature of the stator windings, spin re-accelerate. The P241 relay can then be
distinguish between start and stall, an bearings cooling liquid and also the configured to allow a successful
input is provided to accommodate a ambient temperature. re-acceleration of the motor, in order to
speed switch.
For each selected RTD, both alarm and trip guarantee a better continuity of the
Number of starts - Time between stages can be set and followed by a operating process.
starts (66) definite time delay. Residual overvoltage (59N)
Hot/cold starts are supervised during a Residual overvoltage protection is available
settable period : as soon as the set amount Thermal constant times
for detecting earth faults in high impedance
of starts is reached, any other start is - overload condition: Te1 = 12 minutes
- Startup condition: Te2 = 6 minutes
earthed or insulated systems. The neutral
inhibited for a defined time. 10 000
voltage is derived from the three phase
In addition, a minimum time between starts voltage inputs or a residual voltage input.
can be set, to avoid frequent starts and to Two independent measuring elements with
protect against overheating both the motor 1 000
definite time characteristics are available,
and the system used for the start. one of the elements can also be configured
Operating time (seconds)
Cold curve
Emergency restart Thermal status = 0 %
to have an inverse characteristic.
By removing all start inhibits, this function 100
permits the user a hot motor restart, via an Stator protection (50N, 51N, 67N)
opto-input, the user interface or the remote The earth fault current, which will appear
communication facility. 10 following a stator earth fault, can be
detected by two manners: either from a
Motor running Hot curve core balanced CT, or from the summation
Thermal status = 90 %
Stall protection (48) 1 of the three phase CTs. Both methods can
Following a successful start, this feature be used simultaneously in the MiCOM
protects the motor from a stall condition P241; a typical application could be the
during running, by comparing the current 0
0,1 1 10
protection of a motor associated to a
with the set threshold for a set time delay. Thermal equivalent current Ieq in terms of
the current thermal threshold Iθ> transformer. Each function can be
Following a low voltage condition on the directional, in order to ensure the selectivity
system for a definite time, the current can for isolated neutral systems.
exceed the stalling current threshold upon Figure 2: Thermal image characteristic curves
recovery of the voltage; in order to allow Wattmetric earth fault (32N/64N)
motors to re-accelerate, the stall protection The sensitive earth fault protection is also
can then be disabled. Negative sequence overcurrent (46) suitable for Petersen Coil earthed systems
Thermal overload (49) Two elements are provided to detect a by enabling a wattmetric element. This form
phase failure or unbalanced loads. Definite of protection uses the same earth fault
To monitor the thermal state of the motor a protection directional characteristic but with
thermal replica method is used. This time or inverse definite time characteristics
can be selected, to differentiate between a a current, a voltage and a residual power
function provides complete protection of
the motor, whatever its design in any temporary unbalanced condition and a threshold providing additional qualifier on
abnormal conditions of use. phase failure. operation.
Reverse power (32) Circuit Breaker Control Integrated values:
When a shutdown of the voltage occurs at Circuit breaker control is available from the • Wh, VArh
the busbar level, synchronous motors will front panel user interface, optically isolated Peak and fixed demand (from 1
become generators. The aim of the “reverse inputs and remotely via the substation min to 99 min):
power” protection is to avoid that the motor communications.
• W, VAr
supplies power to the connected system
Measurement and recording Maximeters:
and therefore to the existing fault.
One stage is available in the
facilities • I and V
MiCOM P241, based on the active power The MiCOM P241 relay is capable of
measuring and storing the values of a wide Post fault analysis
range of quantities. All events, fault and Events records
Control disturbance records are time tagged to a Up to 250 time-tagged event records are
resolution of 1ms using an internal real time stored in non-volatile memory and can be
Independent protection settings clock. An optional IRIG-B port is also extracted using the communication ports or
groups provided for accurate time synchronisation. viewed on the front panel display.
The settings are divided into two A lithium battery provides a back-up for the Fault records
categories: protection settings, control and real time clock and all records in the event Records of the last 5 faults are stored in
support settings. of supply failure. This battery is supervised non-volatile memory. The information
Two setting groups are provided for the and easily replaced from the front of the provided in the fault record includes:
protection settings to allow for different relay.
• Indication of faulted phase
operating conditions and adaptive Measurements
relaying, in particular for the protection of • Protection operation
The measurements provided, which may be
dual-speed motors. • Active setting group
viewed in primary or secondary values,
Programmable scheme logic can be accessed by the back-lit liquid • Currents, voltages, power and temperature
Programmable scheme logic allows the user to crystal display (LCD) or the communications Disturbance records
customise the protection and control functions. ports. Phase notation is user definable The internal disturbance recorder has 7
using the MiCOM S1 text editor. analogue channels, 32 digital and 1 time
channel. Data is sampled 24 times a cycle
Non - LED 2
and typically 20 disturbance records, each
Latching DDB #065
of up to 10.5 seconds duration are stored
CB closed 3ph
DDB #073 in non-volatile memory. All channels and
the trigger source are user configurable.
DDB #032
1 CB open 3ph
DDB #074
Thermal Lockout
DDB #085
MiCOM S1 or any suitable software program.
1 Straight
DDB #000
Plant supervision
3Ph. Volt.Alarm
DDB #082
Cold Start Nb. RELAY 2
Circuit breaker state monitoring
DDB #128 DDB #001
Local communications 8 off holes Dia. 3.4
23.30 155.40
The front serial communications port has AB BA
been designed for use with MiCOM S1, Sealing strip
which fully supports functions within the 159.00 168.00 177.0
relay by providing the ability to program AB BA
the settings off-line, configure the 10.35 181.30
programmable scheme logic, extract and 202.00 483 (19'' rack)
view event, disturbance and fault records,
view the measurement information 200.00
Flush mounting panel
dynamically and perform control functions. Panel cut-out detail
Note: If mounting plate
Automatic tests performed including power- is required use flush
on diagnostics and continuous self- mounting cut out dimensions
Relay failed
Relay healthy
+ F8
52 C19
B kA, kV, Hz supervised field voltage
27 59 59N 1 4 0 0 kW, kVA, kVArs + F7
kWh, kVArh F9
Sequence components
47 27LV 55 -- F1
Measurements Thermal state Auxiliary voltage
+ F2
81 37 32
C24 IN > 1 Start ON
250 00:12:00 01/01/99
A records Trip A B C ON IRIG-B Time Synchronisation (option)
C2 B 00:12:01 01/01/99
C4 50 51 51LR RS232 MiCOM S1
C7 48 49 46 20 RS485
C8 Disturbance Courier/KBus F16 (SCREEN)
66 86 records Modbus RTU F17 (+)
IEC60870-5-103 F18 (-)
32N 64N
5 Fault A-B-C 15ms
Fault Ia = 1000 A
See note 3 67N 50N 51N reports Ib = 1000 A
Ic = 1000 A
See note 2
– 8 LEDS
D4 + (User programmable)
Programmable scheme logic
D3 –
D6 +
D5 – Circuit No. trips = 100
D8 +
D7 – Breaker SUM I2 = 1000 kA
monitoring CB opt time = 100 ms
D10 + E2
D9 – RL2
D12 + 8 opto inputs E4
. optional: E15
38 E16
. 10 RTD, E17
B28 . PT 100
RTDn 10 26
Note 1: All CT connectors have integral shorting. These contacts are made before the internal CT circuits are disconnected.
Overcurrent protection elements:
Negative sequence overcurrent elements (46): Short circuit element (50/51): I> and I >>
I2> and I2>>
1st current threshold: 0.05 – 0.8 In 0.025 In Current thresholds: 0.2 – 15 In 0.01 In
Definite Time: 0.04 – 200 s 0.01 s Definite Time delay: 0.04 – 100 s 0.01 s
2nd current threshold: 0.2 – 0.8 In 0.05 In
Inverse Definite Time: T = TMS*[ 1.2 / (I2/In) ] for 2 ≥ I2/In ≥ 0.2
T=TMS*0.6 for I2/In > 2
TMS 0.7 – 2 0.025
Directional stator earth fault elements (50N/51N/67N): ISEF> and ISEF>>, IN> and IN>>
1st threshold:
Measured current (ISEF>) 0.005 – 1 Ion 0.001Ion Directionality ISEF> and ISEF>> :
Derived current (IN>) 0.08 – 32 In 0.01In Characteristic angle -180° to +180° 1°
Definite time 0.04 – 200 s 0.01 s Voltage pol. threshold 0.5 – 25 V 0.5 V
Inverse Definite Time 5 ANSI and 4 IEC curves
Time Multiplier Setting 0.025 – 1.2 0.025 Wattmetric sensitive directional earth fault
Time Dial Setting 0.5 – 15 0.1 element (32N/64N): Po>
Reset Time Curve DT/IDMT Current threshold 0.005 – 1In 0.001 In
Reset Time Delay 0-100s 0.01 s Voltage threshold 0.5 – 80 V 0.5 V
2nd threshold: 0.002 – 1In 0.001 In K Coefficient 1 – 10 1
Measured current (ISEF>>) 0.005 – 1 Ion 0.001Ion Definite time delay 0.04 – 100 s 0.01 s
Derived current (IN>>) 0.08 – 32 In 0.01In Directionality :
Definite Time 0.04 – 200 s 0.01 s Characteristic angle -180° to +180° 1°
Circuit Breaker monitoring Circuit Breaker control
Broken I^x X = 1 to 2 0.1 Delay time before close 0 – 60 s 1s
I^ Maint Alarm 1 A - 25 kA 1A Close pulse time 0.1 – 5 s 0.1 s
Nb. CB Ops Alarm 1- 10 000 1 Trip pulse time 0.1 – 5 s 0.1 s
CB Time Alarm 5 - 500 ms 1 ms
Technical data:
Phase and earth Current Inputs Optional RTDs Inputs
CT primary 1 A - 30 kA 1A RTD type PT100
CT secondary (In) 1A/5A dual rated AC RMS Maximum Nb 10
CT phase requirements 1A : 5 VA 10P20 Connection type 3 wires + shield
5A : 7.5 VA 10P20 Isolation 2kV, active source
CT earth requirements Residual connection or core balanced CT Range -40°C, +300°C
Burden (phase and earth) < 0.1 Ω at 1A
< 0.02 Ω at 5A Digital Inputs
Thermal withstand 4 In continuous
30 In for 10 s Number of opto-inputs 8 programmable inputs
100 In for 1s Opto-isolated inputs May be energised from the
Auxiliary voltage supervised 48 V field voltage, or an
external 48/50 V battery
Nominal (Vdc) Operative range (V) Operating voltage 30 – 60 Vdc
Vdc Vac AC immunity 50 V rms (thermal limit)
24 - 48 19 to 65 Burden 5 mA per input at 48 V
48 - 110 37 to 150 24 to 110
110 - 250 87 to 300 80 to 265
Outputs contacts
Number of contacts 7 programmable outputs
Voltage Inputs
Contact ratings: Make: 30A and carry for 3s
VT primary 100 V – 1000 kV 1V
Carry: 5A continuous
VT secondary (Vn) 80 – 140 V 1V
Break: dc 50W resistive (30W for
Thermal withstand 240 V continuous the watchdog)
312 V for 10s 25W inductive (L/R = 0.04s)
Burden < 0.02 VA at 110 V (15W for the watchdog)
ac 1250VA resistive load
Voltage output 1250VA inductive load (cos ϕ = 0.5)
Field voltage supply 48 Vdc 375 W inductive load (cos ϕ = 0.7)
for the watchdog
(current limit: 112 mA)
Subject to maxima 5A and 300V
Frequency Loaded contact 10,000 operations minimum
Rated frequency 50/60Hz Unloaded contact 100,000 operations minimum
Operative range 45 to 65Hz
Rear communication port Front communication port
Connection Multidrop (32 units) Connection Point to point
Cable type Screened twisted pair Cable type Multi-core
Cable length 1000 m max Cable length 15m max
Connector Screw terminals Connector RS232 DTE, 9 pin D-type female
Signal levels RS485 Signal levels RS232
Isolation SELV Isolation ELV
Synchronisation port (IRIG-B) Front tests port
Carrier signal Amplitude modulated Connection Point to point
Connection BNC Connector 25 pin SUB D – type female
Cable type 50 Ohm coaxial cable Isolation ELV
Isolation SELV This port is dedicated to tests and to download the relay software.
Type tests
High voltage withstand
Dielectric withstand: IEC 60255-5 : 1977 ANSI/IEEE C37.90-1989 (r 1994)
• 2kV rms for 1 minute between all case terminals connected together • 1kV rms for 1 minute across the open contacts of the watchdog
and the case earth. relays and the changeover output relays
• 2kV rms for 1 minute between all terminals of independent circuit • 1.5kV rms for 1 minute across open contacts of normally open
with terminals on each independent circuit connected together. output relays.
High voltage impulse: IEC 60255-5 : 1977
• Three positive and three negative impulses of 5kV peak,1.2/50µs,
0.5J between all terminals and all terminals and case earth.
This is not applicable to the RS232 and download/monitor ports
Electrical environment
DC supply interruption: IEC 60255-11: 1979 Surge withstand capability: IEEE/ANSI C37.90.1: 1989
• The unit will withstand a 20ms interruption in the auxiliary supply, • 4kV fast transient and 2.5kV oscillatory applied directly across
in its quiescent state . each output contact, opto input and power supply circuit.
AC ripple on dc supply: IEC 60255-11: 1979 Radiated immunity: C37.90.2 – 1995
• The unit will withstand a 12% ac ripple on the dc supply. • 25MHz – 1000MHz, zero and 100% square wave modulated.
High frequency disturbance: • Field strength of 35V/m.
IEC 60255-22-1: 1988, Class III, at 1 MHz, for 25 with 200 Ω source impedance Electrostatic discharge:
• 2.5kV peak between independent circuits and independent IEC 60255-22-2: 1996, Class IV
circuits and case earth. • 15kV discharge in air to user interface, display and
• 1.0kV peak across terminals of the same circuit exposed metal work.
Fast transient disturbance: IEC 60255-22-2: 1996, Class III
IEC 60255-22-4: 1992, Class IV • 8kV discharge in air to all communication ports. 6kV point contact
• 4kV, 2.5kHz applied directly to auxiliary supply discharge to any part of the front of the product.
• 4kV, 2.5kHz applied to all inputs. CE compliance: 89/336/EEC
• Compliance to the European Commission Directive on EMC is
claimed via the Technical Construction File route. Generic
Product safety Standards were used to establish conformity:
Product safety: 73/23/EEC EN 50081-2: 1994
EN 50082-2: 1995
• Compliance with European Commission Low Voltage Directive.
Compliance is demonstrated by reference to generic safety standards.
EN61010-1: 1993/A2: 1995
EN60950: 1992/A11: 1997
Atmospheric environment Mechanical Environment
Temperature: IEC 60255-6:1988 Vibration: IEC 60255-21-1: 1996
Operating: -25°C to +55°C Response Class II
Storage and transit : -40°C to +70°C Endurance Class II
IEC 60068-2-1: 1990/A2:1994 Cold Shock and bump: IEC 60255-21-2: 1995
IEC 60068-2-2: 1974/A2:1994 Dry heat Shock response Class II
Humidity: IEC 60068-2-3: 1969 Shock withstand Class I
56 days at 93% RH and +40°C Bump Class I
Enclosure protection: IEC 60529 : 1989 Seismic: IEC 60255-21-3: 1995, Class II
IP52 Protection against dust and dripping water at 15°
to the vertical (front panel)
Additional information
Service Manual - MiCOM P241 TG1.1555 MiCOM S1 User Manual R8610
Courier Communications R4113 MiDOS pieces catalogue and instructions
for assembly R7012
How to specify MiCOM P241 device ? Programming of the device is possible using a front panel user interface,
local and remote communications ports. The front panel user interface
The following will help you incorporate one P241 relay into your provides independent keys for the viewing and acknowledgement of
specification. alarms. Programmable scheme logic for configuring custom logic
Thermal overload, stall protection, unbalanced protection are provided, schemes are provided.
but sensitive earth fault and short-circuit detection are also possible. Time-tagged event, fault and disturbance records are stored in non-
Underfrequency, out-of-step and reverse power protection will be applied volatile memory. The internal disturbance recorder have a capacity to
store 20 records, each record stores sampled data from 7 analogue
for the protection of the synchronous motors. and 32 digital channels over a period of 10.5 seconds.
Up to 10 Resistive Temperature Detectors (RTD) can be connected to The vendor shall be able to provide software support for local and
monitor the external or internal temperature, and to modify the thermal remote programming, and extraction of records from the device.
replica characteristics. A comprehensive range of instantaneous and integrated measurement
values are available for viewing on the user interface and the
communications ports.
Information required with order
MiCOM P241 1 A 0 0 0 0 A
Vx aux rating
28 - 48 Vdc 1
48 - 110 Vdc (30 - 100 Vac) 2
110 - 250 Vdc (100 - 240 Vac) 3
Vn rating
100 - 120 Vac 1
Hardware options
Standard version 1
IRIG-B input 2
Fibre Optic Converter (IEC 60870-5-103) 3
IRIG-B & Fibre optic Converter modules (IEC 60870-5-103) 4
RTDs options
Without A
With RTDs monitoring B
Protocol options
K-Bus 1
ModBus 2
IEC 60870-5-103 (VDEW) 3
DNP 3.0 4
Accessories: Code:
• Rack frame (in accordance with IEC 60297) FX0021 001
• Case to rack sealing gaskets are available to improve the overall IP rating of the panel (10 per order) GN2044 001
10TE size GJ2028 002
• Blanking plates 20TE size GJ2028 004
30TE size GJ2028 006
40TE size GJ2028 008
• Secondary cover, 40 TE size GN0037 001
• M4 90° pre-insulated ring terminals (100 per order) :
blue (wire size : 1.04 - 2.63 mm2) ZB9124 900
red (wire size : 0.25 - 1.65 mm2) ZB9124 901
ALSTOM T&D Protection & Control Business contact addresses
T R A N S M I S S I O N & D I S T R I B U T I O N Protection & Control, HQ, 60 Route de Sartrouville, BP58, 78230 Le Pecq Cedex. France
Tel: +33 (0) 134 80 79 00 Fax: +33 (0) 134 80 79 13 Email: protection.control@tde.alstom.com Internet: www.tde.alstom.com
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Our policy is one of continuous development. Accordingly the design of our products may change at any time. Whilst every effort is made to produce up to date literature, this
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