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Chapter 10

The Strategy of International Business

Presented by Ragia Grace Alabro



- Micheal Porter defines strategy as “a broad formula for how a business is going
to compete, what its goals should be, and what policies will be needed to carry out
these goals
Strategy Must Decide on a Few Parameters

• What are these Parameters?

• Who will be its targeted customers and who it will not target;
• What products or services it will offer its chosen customers and what it
will not offer them;
• And how it will go about achieving all these activities it will perform
and what activities it will not perform.
The firm as Value Chain
Value Chain is a strategy tool used to analyze internal activities. Its goal is
to recognize, which activities are more valuable.

Primary Activities Support Activities

-the primary activities of a firm have provide the inputs that allow the
to do with creating the product, primary activities of production and
marketing and delivering the product marketing to occur.
to buyers, and providing support and
after-sale service to the buyers of the
A firm’s strategy can be
defined as the actions
managers take to attain the
goals of the firm.

Role of
A plan for the organization
to position itself positively
from its competitors and
configure its value-adding
activities on global scale.

• It is the primary aim of any business entity. Creating value for customers
helps sell products and services, while creating value for shareholders, in
the form of increases in stock price, insures the future availability of
investment capital to fund operations.
• It is the purpose of the institution: to create and deliver value in an
efficient enough way that it will generate profit after cost.
• International expansion here refers to international business expansion and
primarily international expansion strategy.
Transferring Core Competencies
Core Competencies - refers to skills within the firm that competitors cannot
easily match or imitate.

• Location economies- as the economies that arise from performing value

creation activity in the optimal location for that activity, wherever in the
Realizing Location
world that might be (transportation costs and trade barriers permitting).

• Location economies- as the economies that arise from performing value

creation activity in the optimal location for that activity, wherever in the
Realizing Location
world that might be (transportation costs and trade barriers permitting).

• Refers to the systematic reductions in production costs that have been

Realizing observed to occur over the life of a product
Experience Curve

Realizing Experience Curve Economies

Strategic Economies of
significance Scale
“Good leaders need a positive agenda, not just an agenda of dealing with crisis."
- Michael Porter

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