Family Medicine: Is A Recognized Academic

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Department of Family and Community Medicine

Family Medicine: is a recognized academic development through constant

discipline and clinical specialty and, as such, its research on existing laws
inclusion in the basic medical education with its affecting the family and the
own specialty training is necessary. community
g. Manifest a healthy lifestyle and
Five-Star Doctor: appropriate behavior
a. Health Care Provider: c. Leader/Manager:
a. Apply the biopsychosocial a. Work harmoniously with
approach in health care; individuals inside and outside
Evidence-based, patient- the health system to meet the
centered, and community- needs of patients and
oriented care, and validated communities and/or manage
complementary/alternative projects in the community
healthcare practice b. Deal with other health
b. Provide care covering health providers through collaborative
promotions, disease prevention, endeavors and teamwork
early diagnosis and treatment, c. Identify and establish linkages
disability limitation, with government organizations,
rehabilitation and palliation non-government organizations,
c. Make appropriate use of and other people.
available health data d. Meet with community leaders
d. Practice self-directed learning and be involved in health
e. Manage health care facilities policies and legislation
b. Teacher/Educator: e. Conduct research generation
a. Show sensitivity to health and financial management and
beliefs, reinforce positive assist in the development of
knowledge and practices, leaders when applicable
bridge gaps, and correct f. Plan and propose projects and
misconceptions identify indigenous materials as
b. Apply effective communication well as appropriate community
by showing sensitivity to resources in their
feelings, articulating health implementation
concepts, and giving advice g. Discuss basic concepts and
c. Advocate a healthy lifestyle, methods of quality assurance
thereby empowering d. Researcher:
individuals and groups to a. Search relevant medical
enhance and protect health literature and critically
d. Utilize effective health teaching appraised journals
strategies based on the b. Utilize researches in clinical
principle of adult learning and decision-making through
local determinants of health clinical appraisals
and socio-cultural factors in c. Utilize health information for
disease causation. the improvement of the health
e. Organize, implement, monitor, of the population
and evaluate training programs d. Identify current problems as
for groups well as risk factors of the
f. Exhibit commitment to community
continuing professional

Department of Family and Community Medicine

e. Determine the type of research family as it deals with the

needed different stages of illness
f. Conduct research that has c. Preparation and maintenance
direct benefits and relevance to of the family health record
the community d. Conduct of family meetings for
e. Social mobilizer: various reasons from disclosure
a. Reconcile individual and to education to provision of
communal health requirements primary counselling and
and mobilize the community promotion of wellness of the
b. Advocate important relevant family
health issues b. Primary and Secondary Care:
c. Practice environmental a. Emphasizes the use of
awareness/protection biopsychosocial approach
d. Assist in community organizing b. Requires demonstration of
and community development adequate knowledge of the
e. Improve human relationships diseases of various age groups
through enhanced personal and encompassing its epidemiology,
interpersonal relationships etiology, pathophysiology, and
f. Integrate traditional practices symptomatology
of the community with western c. Management of common
medicine medical problems of children,
adults, and the elderly in
***With the desire for medical trainees to various settings – OPD, In-
become 5-star physicians, terminal patient wards, home
competencies were formulated for each role. d. Recognition of psychological,
Which of the ff roles is being fulfilled when a socio-cultural, economic,
physician practices environmental awareness political, and environmental
and protection? factors which affect the illness
A. Health Care Provider of patients
B. Teacher/Educator e. Provision of continuing,
C. Leader/Manager comprehensive, and
D. Researcher personalized care to patients
E. Social Mobilizer with chronic conditions
f. Coordination of care of patients
Foundation Courses: with other specialists or
a. Family Medicine Principles and Family agencies to achieve optimum
Practice: health for the patient.
a. It covers analyses of both the c. Acute Care:
biomedical as well as the a. Management of the common
psychosocial needs of the medical emergencies of
family as it goes through the children, adults, the elderly and
various transitions of family life triaging patients requiring
cycle urgent or emergent care or
b. Identification of the various both
factors that influence family d. Preventive Care and wellness:
systems applying such a. Directed towards children,
knowledge in assisting the adults, the elderly, the family
and the community

Department of Family and Community Medicine

b. Geared towards the recognition participatory strategies in the

and anticipation of specific conduct of health promotion
needs of each population group activities for the community
to prevent the occurrence of d. Promotion of education of the
disease or its complications and general public on health
existing risk factors matters
c. Leads to the preparation of a e. Advocacy on increasing
suitable periodic health efficiency of the health system
examination package for resulting in improvements of
patients inclusive of lifestyle health indicators
checks, screening tests, g. EBM:
immunization, a. Guides the learner in clinical
chemoprevention, and decision-making
promotion of healthy lifestyle b. Applies the appropriate
and behaviors translation of a clinical dilemma
e. Communication and Relational Skills: into a researchable/focused
a. Demonstration of the adequacy medical question
of communication skills in c. Search of a medical literature
different medical situations for the suitable medical
b. Adoption of correct non-verbal information that will answer
communication stances in the clinical dilemma
different situations: d. Critical appraisal of the
emergencies, bereavement, evidence of medical research on
cultural, and gender differences therapy, diagnosis, harm, and
c. Development of core values, prognosis
such as social responsibility, e. Determination of the criteria to
compassion, genuineness, and be used in any test to screen for
integrity or diagnose a clinical problem
d. Maintenance of harmonious h. QA:
relationships with patients and a. Hallmark in Family Medicine
their families as well as with globally
colleagues in the profession b. Clinical audit of a family
e. Presentation of clinical cases or practice following the steps of
researches to colleagues in the QA cycle is conducted and
small group discussions as well QA circles among PAFP
as in medical conferences members in the chapters are
f. COPC: created
a. Enable family physicians to i. Research:
follow the recognized steps of a. It will help family physicians
COPC to population groups such produce evidence of the effects
as the recognition of a of their care on people and
community as a “population at families
risk” b. Family physician constantly
b. Critical analysis of the health updates his or her medical
situations in the community knowledge
c. Analysis on how health systems c. Demonstrates adequate
and their components work, knowledge and skills in
such as the utilization of research protocol development

Department of Family and Community Medicine

d. Contributes to the growth of b. Time management for personal

medical knowledge and activities as well as
advancement of health care by organizational ones
conducting and publishing c. Collaborating with a health
relevant researches team in the promotion of the
j. Information Technology: health of Family Practice
a. Adjust to the development patients and working towards
through utilization of modern the achievement of goals
technological advancements whether they are those of a
that enhance patient care project or of an organization
through appropriate use of the n. Basic Occupational Health and Safety:
Internet to increase knowledge a. Acquaints primary care
and facilitate learning physicians with formal
k. Medical Ethics and Professionalism occupational health facilities
Courses: b. Family physician learns about
a. Include demonstration of the hazards in the workplace
ethical behavior in the and their effects on the health
managements of patients and of workers and the community
their families c. How their ill-effects can be
b. Recognition of one’s rights as a prevented through various
physician protective devices and
c. Documentation of accurate modification of operation or
medical information on legal equipment
documents such as medical d. Ergonomics and its application
charts, patient’s records, and in the workplace
certificates e. Plant inspection, sanitation, and
d. Consistently being mindful of industrial hygiene
one’s professional conduct f. Laws related to occupational
e. Appropriate action when health and safety
notified of unethical conduct by g. Standards set by the DOLE
a colleague
f. Coordination with an ethics
committee in the conduct of
medical research
l. Legislation on Health and the Family:
a. Family physician is able to
identify important legislations
that are relevant to health and
the family and become familiar
with the various policies of DOH
especially those that relate to
primary/family care
m. Practice Management and Health
a. Leads to the identification of
protocols and requirements in
the establishment of a family


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