Chiongbian vs. Orbos
Chiongbian vs. Orbos
Chiongbian vs. Orbos
Constitutional Law 1
Topic: Tests for Valid Delegation
Pursuant to the Constitution, Congress passed R.A 6734, the Organic Act for the Autonomous Region in Muslim
Mindanao calling for a plebiscite to create an autonomous region. The provinces of Lanao Del Sur, Maguindanao,
Sulu and Tawi-Tawi, which voted for the creation of such region were later on known as the Autonomous Region
in Muslim Mindanao. Consistent with the authority granted by Article XIX, Section 13 of RA 6734 which
authorizes the President to merge the existing regions, President Corazon Aquino issued E.O No. 429 providing for
the Reorganization of the Administrative Regions in Mindanao. Petitioners contend that Art. XIX, Section 13 of R.A.
No. 6734 is unconstitutional because it unduly delegates legislative power to the President by authorizing him to
merge by administrative determination the existing regions or at any rate provides no standard for the exercise of
the power delegated and that the power granted is not expressed in the title of the They also challenge
the validity of E.O. No. 429 on the ground that the power granted by RA 6734 to the President is only to merge
regions IX and XII but not to reorganize the entire administrative regions in Mindanao and certainly not to transfer
the regional center of Region IX from Zamboanga City to Pagadian City.
Whether or not the R.A 6734 is invalid because it contains no standard to guide the President’s discretion.