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Study Material Law of Evidence-II B.A.Ll. B (Hons) Vi Semester Unit-3 Estoppel

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Javaid Talib
Prof. Md. Ashraf

Study Material
Law of Evidence- II

Doctrine of Estoppel is that provision which prohibits a person from giving false
evidence by preventing them from making contradicting statements in a Court of
Law. The objective of this doctrine is to avert the commission of fraud by one
person against another person. This doctrine holds a person accountable for false
representations made by him, either through his words or through his conduct.
Section 115
Estoppel : This section incorporates the meaning of estoppel as when one person
either by his act or omission, or by declaration, has made another person believe
something to be true and persuaded that person to act upon it, then in no case can
he or his representative deny the truth of that thing later in the suit or in the
proceedings. In simple words, estoppel means one cannot contradict, deny or
declare to be false the previous statement made by him in the Court.
1. Simran, a leading entrepreneur, wants to buy a car. Raj is her good friend
who owns a classic car of great worth. When Simran contacts Raj to help
her in purchasing a car, he says that she can buy his car which he has been
planning to sell for some time now. Simran buys his car. Later on, the car
becomes Raj’s property. Raj takes the defence that when he sold that car
to Simran, he had no title over it. The court held that Raj would be liable
and will have to prove his want of title.
2. If Thanos is an employee of company XYZ but in court, he denies to be an
employee of that company, then, later on he could not claim the salaries
and emoluments from that company.
3. A, an agent of C, mortgaged his property to B which he was in the
possession of but was not the owner. B, the mortgagee, in good faith,
believing the representation to be true took the mortgage. Thereafter, he
obtained a decree and the property was sold. The real owner of the
property, C, claimed that it was his property and that A had no power to
mortgage them. The court would stop A from making such a claim under
the doctrine of estoppel.
4. M, a tenant in the house of N, falsely representing to Q that he had
transferable rights over the property and thereafter transferring property to
Prof. Javaid Talib
Prof. Md. Ashraf

N, later on, cannot claim that he had no transferable interest in the property.
He would be estopped from doing so under the doctrine of estoppel.
Principles of Estoppel
Conditions for application of Doctrine of Estoppel
The following conditions are to be satisfied in order to apply the doctrine of

 The representation must be made by one person to another person.

 The representation made must be as to facts and not as to the law.
 The representation must be made as to an existing fact.
 The representation must be made in a manner which makes the other
person believe that it is true.
 The person to whom the representation is being made must act upon that
 The person to whom the representation would be made should suffer a
loss by such representation.

Nature of estoppel

The legal principle of the doctrine of estoppel is viewed as a substantive rule of

law, albeit, it has been described as a principle under the Indian Evidence Act,

Types of Estoppel
Estoppel by a matter of Record or Quasi-record
Alike res judicata once a court has given the judgement, the parties, their
representatives, their executors, etc. all are bound by that decision. This doctrine
stops the parties to a case, from raising another suit in the same matter or to
dispute the facts of the case after the decision has been made by the court.
Situations where estoppel by record or quasi record arises are as follows:
1. Where the dispute between the parties on the facts have been decided upon
by the tribunal which was entitled to take decision in the particular case,
and when the same dispute arises again in the matter subsequent to the first
one, between the same parties;
2. Where the issue raised between the parties which has been resolved by the
judiciary, incidentally comes again into question in the subsequent
proceedings between the same party.
Prof. Javaid Talib
Prof. Md. Ashraf

3. Where an issue raised on the facts, affecting the status of the person or
thing, has been willing determined in a manner that in the final decision it
be included as a substantive part of the judgment in rem of the tribunal that
has been setup to decide the particular case. This should take place when
the same issue comes directly in question in subsequent civil proceedings
between any party whatever.
For example, if Nano has been held guilty in a murder case, then neither he, nor
his representative, Mantro, nor his executor Berna, would be allowed to raise a
suit again in the same matter. Parties are stopped from doing so under this
This doctrine has been dealt in:
 Section 11 to 14 of the Code of Civil Procedure, and
 Section 40 to 44 of the Indian Evidence Act, 1872.
The judgements by the court can be of two types
Judgements in rem
Delivered by a competent jurisdiction, this type of judgements tells about the
status of the person or a thing. For example, family court dissolving or
establishing a marriage. Irrespective of whether the parties belong to the case or
not, a judgement in rem is binding on all.
Judgement in personam
The judgements which are binding on the parties and their privies, and which
determines the rights of the parties to a suit or the proceedings are called
judgements in personam.
Judgement not falling under the said jurisdiction
In case if the judgement given by the court does not fall under the respective
jurisdiction then the application of the doctrine of estoppel will have no
effect. Section 44 of the Indian Evidence Act, 1872 states that in case the party
wants to avoid the application of the doctrine of estoppel, he/she can plead that
the court delivering the judgement has no jurisdiction over the matter or that it is
fraudulently doing so.
Estoppel by Deed
It is the concept where two parties enter into an agreement by way of a deed as to
certain facts. This implies that neither he nor his representatives or any person
claiming under him can deny the facts mentioned and agreed in the deed.
For example, Mickey Shroff decided to make his will in favor of his two sons,
Lion Shroff and Wolf Shroff, and his daughter’s son Deer Shroff. Lion Shroff
Prof. Javaid Talib
Prof. Md. Ashraf

induced some third person to buy Deer Shroff’s share of the property. This deed
was attested by Wolf Shroff who was not aware of the facts mentioned in the
deed. Deer Shroff died without giving birth to a male child. Lion Shroff filed a
suit to recover the property from the third party. Here Lion Shroff would be
estopped but not Wolf Shroff as Wolf was not aware of the facts of the deed.
Estoppel by Pais or Estoppel by Conduct
The elucidated meaning of ‘Estoppel by Pias’ is ‘Estoppel in the Country’ or
‘Estoppel before the public’. It has been discussed in Ss. 115 to 117.
Estoppel by conduct means when a person through agreement, misrepresentation
or negligence makes the other person believe in certain things upon which the
other person had taken some action causing a change in their current situation,
then the first person cannot deny the veracity of the statements given by him in
the latter stages.
In the case of Sardar Chand Singh v. Commissioner; Burdwan Division, Chang
Singh, the Managing Director of Messrs., was denied any revolver license as he
was accused in a gruesome murder case and other cases. When the District
Magistrate issued an order that he could not hold any revolver license on the
grounds of public order and safety, Chand made no appeal. This planted a
reasonable belief that he has consented to it. Later on when makes an application
to the District Magistrate to reconsider his case, it was denied following the
doctrine of ‘Estoppel by Conduct’.
Difference Between Issue Estoppel and Res Judicata
Res judicata is the final decision made by the court. It prevents the parties from
relitigating the issues that were or could have been raised in the specific case.
Whereas, the issue estoppel is a legal principle which says that even if the court
has made a decision the relitigating of that issue would be prohibited on a
different course of action involving either of the parties from the first case.
Prof. Javaid Talib
Prof. Md. Ashraf

Estoppel Res judicata

Estoppel is that rule which Res judicata is that principle which prohibits the
prohibits a person from other courts from deciding on the same matter,
contradicting what was earlier between the same parties which has already been
said by him in a court of law. decided by a competent court.

Estoppel is based upon the rule of

Res judicata has been recognized by the law as a
2. equity which is the natural law of
legal procedure.
the land.

The rule of estoppel looks into

Res judicata deals only with the aspect of public
3. the aspects of equity, justice and
good conscience.
Estoppel arises from the words or Res judicata arises out of the decision taken by
the action or conduct of the party. the court, that is the final decision of the court.

Estoppel bans a person from In this case, the court is banned from hearing the
5. rebutting what has been once cases which has already been decided by a
said by him before the court. competent court.
Estoppel prevents the parties Res judicata prevents the court from performing
from performing certain acts certain action which is dealing with the same case
which is denying to what was which has already been decided by some other
earlier said by him. court.
The principle of estoppel has
The principle of res judicata has been
been incorporated from sections,
7. incorporated under section 11 of the Code of
115 to 117 of the Indian
Civil procedure, 1908.
Evidence Act, 1872.

Estoppel is implied through the

Based on previous decision given by a competent
8. actions or the conduct of the
court, Res judicata is claimed by the parties.
Prof. Javaid Talib
Prof. Md. Ashraf

Evolution of Doctrine of estoppel

The study of the evolution of the doctrine of estoppel can be done by comparing
its development in English law and Indian law.
Development in English Law
The foundation for this doctrine was first laid down in English Law, in the case
of Hughes v. Metropolitan Railway Co. In the particular case, Hughes leased his
land to Metropolitan Railway Company to carry out repair work. The defendants
were required to complete it in 6 months’ time period, and if it failed the lease
would stand forfeited. The parties to the agreement negotiated another agreement
by which the railway company was to purchase the freehold of the land.
Both the parties were under the delusion that transfer of property would take place
and therefore the defendants didn’t carry out the repair work. He believed that
sooner he would be having the freehold of the property and those repairs are of
no use to him. But towards the end of the 6 months period, the negotiation
dissolved and the plaintiff gave the notice to forfeit the lease.
The court upheld that when negotiation was initiated there was an implied
promise to forfeit the lease with respect to the limited time period. The Railway
company acted upon this promise which proved out to be detrimental to them.
The doctrine of estoppel was thus applied and the railway company was given
more time to complete the repair work.
Even after this case, the doctrine of estoppel had not gained much attention until
Lord Denning delivered his judgement in the case of Central London Property
Trust Ltd. v. High Trees House Ltd. The defendants, High Trees, rented his flat
to the plaintiff in return for a certain amount of money. Due to the outbreak of
World War II this amount was reduced to half as his occupancy rate was
decreasing. When the war ended the defendant continued to pay half of the
amount of rent, claiming that the plaintiff had not mentioned any time period
while entering into the agreement. Plaintiffs sued the defendant for payment of
the full amount of rent.
Applying the principle of estoppel laid down in the case of Hughes v.
Metropolitan Railway Co. the court said that it was implied that the reduced rate
is limited to the time till the war continues, and so the defendants are liable to pay
the full rent.
Development in Indian Law
The Doctrine of estoppel in general and promissory estoppel, in particular, was
recognized in India from the case of Sourujmull And Ors. v. The Ganges
Manufacturing Co., where the Calcutta High Court determined that this doctrine
would also apply in other situations where a person can be estopped from
Prof. Javaid Talib
Prof. Md. Ashraf

performing certain acts or depending completely upon particular arguments or

claim or contention. This implies, as laid down in the judgement, that the doctrine
of estoppel is not limited to the law of evidence.
Exceptions to Estoppel
Following are the exceptions to the doctrine of estoppel
 This doctrine does not apply when both parties have the entire knowledge
of the things in their matter.
 Estoppel cannot be applied against statutes and regulations. It should not
come in conflict with the statutes and regulations.
 It would not apply to cases where one party has exceeded his power while
acting or taking a decision.
 It cannot be applied against the sovereign acts or the government.
Difference between Estoppel and Promissory Estoppel
The Doctrine of promissory estoppel binds a party by his promise made to the
other party, having faith in which the other party has taken an action. The party
cannot make contracting or conflicting statements later on, neither he can go back
on his words. In Motilal Padampat Sugar Mills v. State of Uttar Pradesh And
Ors. the state of Uttar Pradesh first promised to exempt the new industrial units
from paying sales tax for an initial period of 3 years.
Based on this the plaintiff took a huge amount of loan to set up a new industrial
unit. Later on the government made a change in its promise and said that only
partial concession would be allowed to which the plaintiff agreed. But the
government yet again changed the policy and this time said that no concession
would be given.
The court said that the defendant made a representation to the plaintiff. Laying
his trust in it, plaintiff took a large sum of money as a loan. So, now the
government would have to exempt the plaintiff from paying taxes for an initial
period of 3 years as per the principle of the doctrine of promissory estoppel.

Estoppel Promissory Estoppel

Representation is made to an existing Representation of a future intention is

fact. made.
Prof. Javaid Talib
Prof. Md. Ashraf

It is supported by party’s It is supported by party’s future conduct and

consideration. not a consideration.

Estoppel has been dealt in section 115 There exists no provision in the Indian
3. to 117 of the Indian Evidence Act, Evidence Act, 1872 which defines
1872. promissory estoppel.

It can be used as a cause for action to obtain

4. It is only available as a defence
Promissory estoppel has been dealt in the
5. Estoppel has been dealt in tort law.
Indian Contract Act, 1872.

Difference between Estoppel and Waiver

A waiver is the deliberate or voluntary relinquishment or abandonment of a
known right or privilege. For example, an insurance company in its policy has
stated that the policy would stand cancelled in case of non-payment in 30 days
after the notice for the same has been given. Mr. X failed on payment and
requested the company to consider his application soliciting an extension of one
week. The company considers Mr. X’s application and by doing so has waived
the original deadline for payment.
The difference between estoppel and waiver was explained by the Supreme Court
in the case of Provash Chandra Dalui and Ors. v. Biswanath Banerjee and Ors. .
The court held that the most important element in case of waiver is that there must
be intentional relinquishment of a known right and should be willing done by the
party. Where waiver asks for an involvement of intention by the party to surrender
a right, in the doctrine of estoppel the element of intention is irrelevant. And what
becomes important in estoppel is that the party must suffer loss as a result of the
false representation made to him. In case of estoppel it is not required that the
part give up on the right, the doctrine of estoppel would anyway arise.
The Doctrine of estoppel prevents a person from denying his previous statement
made in a court of law as it could cause injury or loss to the other party.
Estoppel Waiver
Estoppel cannot be the cause of action Since waiver is contractual, that is, it is an
although it can facilitate or aid the agreement to release somebody out of an
1. enforcing of a cause of action by agreement by waving the previous set
preventing the defendant from not policy or to assert a right. Therefore, a
denying what was earlier said by him. waiver can be a cause of action.
Prof. Javaid Talib
Prof. Md. Ashraf

In this, the injured party will have to

2. prove that injury, loss or harm No such requirement is there in the waiver.

It is not necessary for the parties to In the case of waiver, the parties involved
3. know the truth or have the knowledge of have the knowledge of the real facts and
the reality. they know the truth.

There might be situations where In case of waiver, along with acquiescence,

acquiescence would amount to estoppel. some act or conduct is also necessary.
Parties use the doctrine of estoppel as a
Waiver can be used as a cause of action for
5. defence in a court of law and not as a
claiming damages.
cause of action.
Estoppel and admission
Though in both admissions and estoppels there are statements, an admission does
not ripen into an estoppel unless the person to whom the representation is made
believes it and acts upon such belief, whereas in the case of mere admission
evidence can be given to show that the admission was wrongly made. Admission
made in earlier suit as to the nature of property if proved valid in subsequent
proceedings are binding as estoppel
No Estoppel Against Minor
Section 3 of The Maturity Act’, 1875 defines a minor to be a person who is under
the age of 18 years and Section 11 of the Indian Contract Act, 1872 says that
parties entering into a contract should be competent, i.e. should be a major, of
sound mind and barred by no law to enter into a contract. A contract with a minor
is void ab initio which means void from the very beginning.
So, when a minor misrepresenting himself to a major enters into a contract, then
he cannot be made liable for it, not even on the grounds of estoppel. The minor
can always plead that at the time of entering into the contract he was a minor.
In the case of Ajudhia Prasad And Anr. v. Chandan Lal And Anr. two minors
fraudulently entered into a mortgage deed by concealing the fact that they were
minor as a guardian has been appointed for them under the Wards Act. The court
held that no estoppel would arise in this case.
Section 115, It defines estoppel as a principle which prohibits a person from
denying what was earlier said by him in the Court. The court in Pickard v.
Sears said that estoppel is where:
 One party by his words or actions makes a representation
 The other party believing in his words acts on that
Prof. Javaid Talib
Prof. Md. Ashraf

 Or alters his position

then the party would not be allowed to deny the things he previously said.
In the third clause, the altering of the position should be such that going back
would be unjust or unfair in the eyes of law, as established in the case of Pratima
Chowdhury v. Kalpana Mukherjee.
Necessary Elements of Representation
The representation made can be done in two ways:
 By words
 Through conduct which includes negligence
In Bhagwati Vanaspati Traders v. senior Superintendent of Post Offices,
Meerut the plaintiff purchased one N.S.C. for which he paid only a certain
amount and not the entire amount of money. The defendant closed the account of
the plaintiff and refunded the amount without any interest on the ground that it
was not opened in according to the rules and regulations. On the plea of estoppel,
the court said that the plaintiff himself had purchased the N.S.C. and that no
misrepresentation was made to him by the defendant.
Intention to deceive
The main requirement of estoppel is to bring the person into action based on the
representations made to him. It is not important that the person making the
representation has the knowledge or motive behind the representation being
made. It is also not necessary that the representation being made is fraudulent in
nature or that it has been made under a mistake or misapprehension.
Only the person to whom the representation is being made can act
The principle of estoppel would not apply to a person who got a piece of second
hand information about the representation, unless the representation was intended
to be made towards him or that it was a general representation where anybody
could act upon it.
For example, Tarak Mehta, head of a telecom company, makes an announcement
that upon a recharge of 200 rupees one would get unlimited talk time for one year.
Mr. Atmaram, a vendor, seeing the add started working hard and collect the
required amount. Now, acting upon it got the recharge done of the said amount.
After 2 months he complained that the offer has stopped on his phone. Later on,
he finds that the company has terminated its earlier policy and reduced the time
limit to 1.5 months. The doctrine of estoppel would apply as he had relied on the
representations made to him.
Prof. Javaid Talib
Prof. Md. Ashraf

Should be based on existing facts

In order to apply this doctrine, it has to be ensured that the representation made
should be based upon the existing facts and must not be a representation relating
to a future promise.
For example, if Donkey Pandey promises to his friend Monkey Pandey that
whenever he would be making his will, he would be signing it in his name. Later
on, when Donkey makes his will, not even a part of his will was in monkey’s
name. Now, such promises have no legal consequences as it is a de
future promise.
In Steel Authority of India Ltd. v. Union of India, it was held that once the party
has claimed that they are contractors and not employees of the company, although
they were one, they cannot, later on, change the plea and say that they are the
employees of the company.
Party is required to plead estoppel
Since the doctrine of estoppel is a rule under the Indian Evidence Act, it is
required that it should be pleaded. The party claiming the plea of estoppel must
clearly mention in its pleading the facts which point that he had acted upon the
representations made to him by the other party. In case the party does not mention
this in its pleading the above said requirement, then it cannot claim the doctrine
at a later stage.
Representation includes representation of law
Representation includes representation of facts as well as representation of the
law. Suppose, the director of a company withdrew bills on the grounds that a
private law gives them the power to do so. In this case, while the statement of
facts is true there has been an error in the inference of the law. The person making
the representation, i.e. the director, in this case, would not be estopped from
denying that the inference of the law was not correctly made. However, in the
particular case, the fraudulent representation made as to the legal effect of those
bills and gained some advantages out of it would be estopped from retaining the
advantages gained.
Representation being made should not be debatable
The representation being made should be clear and bereft of any ambiguity. It
might be that the representation has more than one interpretation but those
interpretations should be such that the purpose for which the representation is
being made should not be defeated, that is, the sense for which the representation
contended should not be destroyed.
Prof. Javaid Talib
Prof. Md. Ashraf

Acting ultra vires is not permitted

If a party through representation succeed at creating a state of things which he is
otherwise barred from creating by the law then he would be stopped from acting
beyond its powers. “Thus, a corporate or statutory body cannot be estopped from
denying that it has entered into a contract which was ultra vires for it to make.”
If the Truth is known to both the parties
If the party to whom the representation was being made somehow recognizes that
it was a false representation then he would not be entitled to the claim of the
doctrine of estoppel as decided in the case of Permanand v. Champa Lal.
In Madhuri Patel v. Addl. Commissioner, Tribal development the party who took
admission in a school by fraud was not allowed to continue studying in that school
upon the claim of estoppel.
Representation by the party seeking advantage
The plea of the doctrine of estoppel cannot be sought in a case where the
representation has acted as a breach of duty on the part of that party who was to
take advantage of such representation. If a party who was to make use of a
representation conceals certain facts than the doctrine of estoppel won’t apply.
If the party making the representation-
 Has the intention to act upon it in the same manner in which it was
represented to be acted upon
 Has made it in such a way that any reasonable, prudent person would
consider it as true, and makes the other person believe that he also has to
act upon it in the same manner
In that case it would not be necessary that the representation be false to the
knowledge of the party who is making it.
In B. Coleman & Co. v. P.P. Das Gupta it was observed that the doctrine of
estoppel does not apply unless the representation being made amounts to the
contract or license of the party who is making it.
The other party acted upon the representations made to him
It is an essential requirement for the claim of estoppel that the party to whom the
representation was made acted upon it by having faith in it. The party must make
a change in his position based on the representation made.
It has to be ensured that no other party or say, some third party take advantage of
representation being made to some party. For example, if A has made a false
Prof. Javaid Talib
Prof. Md. Ashraf

representation to B and planting his faith in it, B has acted upon the
representation, then only he can claim the plea of the doctrine of estoppel. Some
third party, suppose C cannot take advantage of the same.
Also, it is not sufficient that the party to whom the representation was made has
acted upon it by believing it to be true, it has to be proved that the representation
has influenced him and based on that influence he has altered his position.
The party making the representation can also revoke it
The party making the representation can anytime withdraw it even if it has been
acted upon by the party to whom it was made. After withdrawal the party can
make the same representation to some other party, acting in a manner that it has
never been previously made.
Representation after alteration in position
It is important that the party to whom the representation was made had altered his
position based on his belief in the representation made to him. Representation
after alteration in position would not allow a party to seek the claim of estoppel.
When an agent makes a representation
Representation made by the agent who was appointed by the principal to act on
behalf of him will invite the pea of estoppel and it would be as much effectual as
it would have been when made by the principal himself.
Party must act
It is imperative that the party to whom the representation is being made acts upon
it by having considered it to be true. The motive and knowledge of the subject on
which the representation is being made may not be known to the party who is
making it.
Representation by words
Cases of representation made through conduct or made negligently by the party
are more common than that of those made through words or statements. In a case
where the reversioner of the widow along with the widow fraudulently
misrepresented that the widow was a major and competent to handle her deceased
husband’s business. The plaintiff believing this to be true entered into a contract
with the widow. In the suit filed, the defendant was estopped from claiming that
at the time of entering into the contract, the widow was a minor.
Representation through action or conduct
Representation under estoppel means that a party through his actions or conduct
has intimated the other party that his actions is true and needs to be acted upon.
Prof. Javaid Talib
Prof. Md. Ashraf

The act should induce the other person to perform the act which he would
otherwise have not done.
In Mohammad Imdadullah v. Mt. Bishmillah, Mohammeden acquired a piece
of land in order to construct a school. For many years he made others believe that
he has been carrying out this work under the authority of some other school.
When he wanted to transfer the school building for making it an orphanage, the
court estopped him from doing so.
In Mahboob Sahab v. Syed Ismail the son of the Muslim father attested the deed
in the sale of land by his father. The son at the time of attesting the deed raised
no questions although he knew that it was not in his interest. So, later on when he
filed a suit, he was estopped from challenging the sale.
Who can take advantage?
Under the doctrine of estoppel, the party who is making the representation, to
whom the representation was made or to whom it was intended to be made can
seek advantage. In case the representation is general in nature then any party can
take advantage.
Evidence as a rule of law
As laid down in the case of Maritime E. Co. v. General Diaries that estoppel is
only a rule of evidence which can bring the party to an action. It cannot give rise
to a cause of action.
In Hard M.B. v. H. Electricity Supply Co. the court held that since estoppel is
only a rule of evidence which can be pleaded under certain circumstances, it
cannot be used to discharge a party from the legal obligation to obey a law.
Estoppel when applied to Educational Institutions
In Sanatan Gauda v. Bharampur University, the student took admission in a law
college and successfully complete his two years. In his final year university
objected from releasing his result of the pre and intermediate examination on the
ground that he is not eligible to do so. The Student had submitted all the required
documents at the time of admission and also has obtained the card for writing his
final examination. The court declared that the university would be estopped from
doing so, i.e. declaring the result of that student.
In Kumar Nilofar Insaf (Dr.) v. State of Madhya Pradesh, while taking the
admission in the medical college, the college released a merit list for house-job.
When the same merit list was released for the admission in the M.D. course, the
plaintiff filed a suit. The court estopped the plaintiff since he had consented to the
first merit list.
Prof. Javaid Talib
Prof. Md. Ashraf

Section 116
Estoppel of tenant; and of licensee of person in possession: No tenant of
immovable property, or person claiming through such tenant, shall, during the
continuance of the tenancy, be permitted to deny that the landlord of such tenant
had, at the beginning of the tenancy, a title to such immovable property; and no
person who came upon any immovable property by the licence of the person in
possession thereof, shall be permitted to deny that such person had a title to such
possession at the time when such licence was given.
The section states that during the continuance of the tenancy, the tenant of the
immovable property or any person claiming through such tenancy can deny to the
fact that at the beginning of the tenancy it was the landlord who had the title over
the immovable property. Further, the Section also explains that a person who
came upon an immovable property by the license cannot deny the fact that the
person from whom he got the license, that is, in whose possession the immovable
property, had the title at the time when he got his license.
Tenant- landlord relationship
A relationship between a tenant and a landlord can be created either by written
contract or verbal contract. The beginning of the tenancy can be marked by the
taking of possession of the land, or by the payment of rent, or other
If X leases his land to Y and Y takes the possession and starts paying the rent and
later on X sales the land to Z, then Y can make his payment to Z. Here, Y and Z
have formed the tenant-landlord relationship.
Scope of section 116
It is concerned with those estoppels which occurs between:
 Tenant and his landlord
 Licensor and licensee
Title of the landlord cannot be denied
Once a tenant enters into a relationship of landlord and tenant, receives the
possession of the property and finally enters into the premise, during the period
of such possession may deny to things or course of action by the landlord which
is against to what was mentioned in the agreement. A tenant in no case claim that
the landlord has no title over the property.
In Moti Lal v. Yar Md, the judge said that the tenant cannot say that the landlord
has no more interest in the property when the landlord filed a suit for default
payment and ejectment. It is only after leaving the possession can the holding of
title by the landlord be questioned as mentioned in Suraj Bali Ram v. Dhani Ram.
Prof. Javaid Talib
Prof. Md. Ashraf

In Sri S.K. Sharma v. Mahesh Kumar Verma, where defendant upon attaining a
higher post was allotted a premise by the railway company. In the case, it was
said that even when it was not known whether the land belonged to the railway
company or not, the officer will have to evacuate the premises after retirement.
Can landlord plead estoppel?
In the following situations, the landlord can plead estoppel:
 When the tenancy itself stands disputed then the tenant can challenge the
landlord’s title on the property. The tenant would not be estopped from
doing so.
 In cases where the tenancy has been moved by fraud, coercion,
misrepresentation or mistake.
If no such circumstances occur than the tenants would be restricted by the
doctrine of estoppel. However, the tenants are always at liberty to overturn the
lease or change its status as a lessee.
The Case is similar in the licensor- licensee relationship.
In E. Parashuram v. V. Doraiswamy, the Bangalore Mahanagar Palike owned
land which was leased to Mr. Dhanpal for the period of next 10 years. It was
found that Mr. Dhanpal had decreed the land to Mr. Doraiswamy. A decree was
passed in the name of Mr. Dhanpal whereby the vendors were directed to execute
the reconveyance of deed in Dhanpal’s favour. Thereafter, pursuant to the orders,
all the documents were to be kept in Dhanpal’s possession. Sooner it was found
that the vendors were trying to claim ownership over the property. This was
brought to the notice of the assignee, Mr. Doraiswamy, who filed a suit of eviction
in court.
In the second instance regarding the purchasing of land by Mr. Doraiswamy, it
was found that at the initial stage, the signature of Mr. Doraiswamy was also
taken along with Mr. Dhanpal and when this mistake was rectified by the
corporation by deleting the signature of Mr. Doraiswamy, he challenged it.
The court in the first instance upheld that the landlord could not be denied the
title to the land even though certain disputes still remain unresolved with the
corporation. In the second instance, the court said that no mural relationship
existed and thus exceptions under Section 116 of the Indian Evidence Act cannot
be pleaded.
Estoppel applied when tenancy is in existence
In Udai Pratap v. Krishna Pradhan, the continuance of tenancy was defined as
a period during which the tenant enjoys the possession of the property and is
seeking benefits from it.
Prof. Javaid Talib
Prof. Md. Ashraf

The Tenant cannot deny the title to the landlord, neither at the beginning of the
tenancy nor during its continuance. The Tenant would be estopped from denying
the title of the landlord only when the tenancy is continuing. Once the tenancy
ceases to exist, the tenant will have the right to deny title to the landlord.
For example, HUM is the tenant of land which belongs to TUM. As soon as HUM
takes possession of the property, the tenancy comes into existence and continues
until it comes to an end. During this TUM cannot be denied title to the property
by HUM. But once the tenancy lapses, HUM will have the right to question the
interest of TUM in the property.
Title at the beginning
The tenant cannot deny the title to the landlord at the beginning of the tenancy.
However, tenants can exercise certain powers like:
 He would not be estopped from claiming that on the death of the landlord
the property would be transferred or the title would be delegated to the
tenant and not to some third party.
 He can prove that till the day before signing the lease, the landlord had no
title over it.
 The tenant can prove that during the tenancy period the landlord lost his
title over the property either through his acts or because he was barred by
the law.
Licensor- Licensee relationship
In licensor- licensee relationship the same rule operates like that in the landlord-
tenant relationship. When a licensee obtains the possession through licence
cannot deny the title to the licensor unless the relationship ceases to exist.
A allowed B to use the washroom in his backyard. B fraudulently made the
duplicate keys of those washrooms and refused to vacate. In court A cannot in his
suit for ejectment say that B holds no title over those washrooms as he was the
one who gave him access to them.
Estoppel in mortgagor- mortgagee relationship
When upon the contract of mortgage, a property has been mortgaged by one
person to another and the person to whom it has been mortgaged, i.e. the
mortgagee, has taken possession, then the parties to the contract cannot deny the
right of each other under the contract as proposed in Arjun Singh v.
In a situation where the mortgage is about the end and payment has to be made
by the mortgagee, in that period if the mortgagee claims that the mortgagor seems
to have no interest in the property, he would be estopped from doing so. The rule
Prof. Javaid Talib
Prof. Md. Ashraf

under mortgagor-mortgagee relationship gives rise to the doctrine of estoppel

only when the claims under the suit filed is based on the contract of mortgage and
in cases of repudiation of the mortgage.


Section 118
Who may testify: All persons shall be competent to testify unless the Court
considers that they are prevented from understanding the questions put to them,
or from giving rational answers to those questions, by tender years, extreme old
age, disease, whether of body or mind, or any other cause of the same kind.
A lunatic is not incompetent to testify, unless he is prevented by his lunacy from
understanding the questions put to him and giving rational answers to them.
Section 118 deals with “who is a competent witness.” “The competency of
witness to testify as a witness is a condition precedent.” A witness is competent
one when he cannot be prevented from appearing in the court, and giving
evidence. Under this section all persons are competent to testify unless the court
is of opinion that he is not able to understand the questions or to give rational
answer to those questions.
These may be due to:
(a) tender years,
(b) extreme old age, disease, whether of body or mind, or
(c) any other causes.
Competence of witness:
It is absolute discretion of the court to prevent a person from being a competent
witness on above mentioned factors. According to Explanation appended to the
section a lunatic may be competent to testify unless he is prevented by lunacy
from understanding the questions and giving rational answers to them. Thus, the
competency of witness is a rule and their incompetency are an exception. “The
sole test is whether witness has sufficient intelligence to depose or whether he
can appreciate the duty of speaking truth.”
It is for the judge to satisfy himself as regards fulfilment of the said provisions.
Prof. Javaid Talib
Prof. Md. Ashraf

Although no age limit has been fixed, a child even of six or seven years of age
may be permitted to testify if the court is satisfied that a child has sufficient
capacity to give rational answer. With respect to child the competence of
understanding questions and giving rational answers have been main criteria,
Which the court must by preliminary test verify before recording evidence. Even
in the absence of oath the evidence of a child witness can be considered under
section 118 provided that such witness is able to understand the questions and
able to give rational answers thereof. The competency to testify assumes great
significance when the witness is a child. There is no bar in accepting the
testimony of a child witness but rule of prudence requires that it should be
Long back the Privy Council had also considered the matter of a child witness
who are most dangerous witness for tenderness of age. “They are capable of
cramming things easily and reproducing them. They repeat as to their own
knowledge that they have heard from others and are greatly influenced for fear of
punishment, by hope of reward and by desire of notoriety.” Their Lordships held
that it is a sound rule in practice not to act on uncorroborated evidence of a child,
whether sworn or unsworn, but this rule is of prudence and not of law.
Therefore, the evidence of a child witness is to be taken with great caution. The
Supreme Court has also laid emphasis in various decisions that adequate
corroboration of testimony and development of sufficient understanding of facts
are essential when a witness is a child. The evidence of a child witness is not
required to be rejected per se but the court as a rule of prudence considers such
evidence with close scrutiny and only on being convinced about the quality
thereof and rationality can record conviction, based thereon. It is also an accepted
norm that if after careful scrutiny of their evidence the court comes to conclusion
that there is an impress of truth in it, there is no obstacle in the way accepting the
evidence of a child witness.
“The decision of the question whether the child witness has sufficient intelligence
primarily rests with the trial judge who notices his manners, his apparent
possession or back of intelligence, and the said judge may short to any
examination while will tend to disclose his capacity and intelligence as well as
his understanding of the obligation of an oath. The decision of the trial court may,
however, be disturbed by the higher court if from what is preserved in the already
it is clear his conclusion was erroneous.”
Prof. Javaid Talib
Prof. Md. Ashraf

Value of Evidence of Child Witnesses:

A child indisputably to testify of he understands questions put to him and gives
national answers. However, there may be discrepancies in the testimony. If after
careful statutory of the evidence the court comes to the conclusion that there is
an impress of truth in it, there is no obstacle in the way of accepting the evidence
of a child witness. The court should look for corroboration, move way of
correction and prudence and not as by a rule of law.
Old age:
When a witness of extreme old age who has lost the power of understanding,
memory of recollection and capacity of observation is not to be considered
competent witness.
Rape Victim:
In Sakshi v Union of India the Supreme Court has prescribed few directions to be
followed in holding trial of child sex or rape case:
(i) A screen or some arrangement may be made where the victim or witnesses do
not see the body or face of the accused;
(ii) The questions put in cross-examinations on behalf of the accused insofar as
they relate directly to the incident, should be given in writing to the presiding
officer of the court who may put them to the victim for witnesses in a language
which is clear and is not embarrassing; and
(iii) The victim of child abuse or rape giving testimony in court should be allowed
significant breaks as and when required.
It has been found that most encouraging development, though the case law
relating to sexual assault, has been that convictions are increasing based on the
testimony of prosecutrix alone even in absence of eye-witness. A girl about
fifteen years was raped while returning to her house from the field. The court
affirmed the conviction of the accused on the basis of the convincing and
trustworthy evidence of the girl-prosecutrix well corroborated by the subsequent
chain of events and also the medical evidence. Evidence of girl aged 8 years
victim of rape was held reliable and the accused was convicted. In rape cases
corroboration is not always an essential criterion for conviction provided the
prosecutrix’s testimony is so reliable and trustworthy which convince the judge
to reach into conclusion that punishment is only alternative.

Application of Oath Act:

Under the Oaths Act oath or affirmation is compulsory for all witness except the
child below the age of 12 years or any witness does not understand the moral
Prof. Javaid Talib
Prof. Md. Ashraf

obligation of oath or affirmation. Oath is to be administered to the child witness

after recording an observation that the witness was able to understand one duty
of speaking the truth. Even though no procedure is laid down as to the manner of
recording the testimony of child witness the court should record the evidence of
a child in a question-answer form.
Section 120
Parties to civil suit, and their wives or husbands. Husband or wife of person
under criminal trial: In all civil proceedings the parties to the suit, and the
husband or wife of any party to the suit, shall be competent witnesses. In criminal
proceedings against any person, the husband or wife of such person, respectively,
shall be a competent witness.
Under section 120 the husband and wife may give evidence against each other.
In civil proceeding the parties to the suit are competent witnesses. Rule is also
applicable in criminal proceeding as well.
In maintenance proceeding under section 125 of the Criminal Procedure Code the
wife is competent witness. Both husband and wife is competent witnesses to give
evidence in order to prove non-access against each other.” The question whether
evidence given by husband, as a power of attorney is useful of deciding issues in
suit or not has to be decided by the court at time of disposal of case, but not at
stage or recording evidence.
Section 121
Judges and Magistrates: No Judge or Magistrate shall, except upon the special
order of some Court to which he is subordinate, be compelled to answer any
question as to his own conduct in Court as such Judge or Magistrate, or as to
anything which came to his knowledge in Court as such Judge or Magistrate; but
he may be examined as to other matters which occurred in his presence whilst he
was so acting.
(a) A, on his trial before the Court of Sessions, says that a deposition was
improperly taken by B, the Magistrate. В cannot be compelled to answer
questions as to this, except upon the special order of a superior Court.
(b) A is accused before the Court of Sessions of having given false evidence
before B, a Magistrate. В cannot be asked what A said, except upon the special
order of the superior Court.
Prof. Javaid Talib
Prof. Md. Ashraf

(c) A is accused before the Court of Sessions of attempting to murder a police

officer whilst on his trial before В, a Sessions Judge. В may be examined as to
what occurred.
“Sections 121 to 132 provide exception to the general rule that a witness is bound
to tell the whole truth and to produce any document in his possession or power
relevant to the matter in issue.” There are cases in which the witness is a
“privileged” with respect to certain matters and he cannot be made bound to
answer questions while giving evidence.
Under this section a judge or a magistrate is a competent witness. A judge or a
magistrate cannot be compelled to answer questions except: (i) upon the special
order of the court to which he is subordinate or (ii) as to his conduct in court as
such judge or magistrate in relation to a case tried by him.
This section makes it clear that privilege granted to the judge or magistrate cannot
be extended to the other kinds of witnesses. So long he or she is acting or has
acted as a judge or a magistrate no question is permitted to be asked as to his or
her conduct or judicial function. But the superior court by virtue of the section
has right to question as to his or her conduct. The Supreme Court has extended
the privilege to arbitrators also. According to the Supreme Court in no case an
arbitrator can be summoned to explain how he came at his award.
The privilege given by this section is the privilege of the witness, i.e., the judge
or magistrate of whom the question is asked. If he waives such privilege or does
not object to answer the question, it does not lie in the mouth of any other person
to assert the privilege. A session judge while trying a case cannot compel a
committing magistrate, except under the special orders of the court to which he
is subordinate.

Suggested Readings:
1. Indian Evidence Act, 1872 (Relevant Statutory Provisions)
2. Monir : Law of Evidence
3. Batuk Lal : Law of Evidence
4. Ratan Lal & Dhiraj Lal : Law of Evidence
5. Avtar Singh : Principle of Law of Evidence
6. Tandon : Indian Evidence Act
7. R. Dayal : Indian Evidence Act
8. Dr. Satish Chandra : Indian Evidence Act

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