The Great Clock of Time PDF
The Great Clock of Time PDF
The Great Clock of Time PDF
Greetings, Army of Youth, we want to cover much ground today so we will get
right into our study.
We now understand the basic principles behind the sanctuary and the plan of
redemption. We realized that the whole plan of redemption is illustrated in the
sanctuary and its services. We saw that there are three parts to the sanctuary and
In heaven's council the this implies that there are three phases/parts to the plan of redemption represented
hour for the coming of by the work in the outer court, the work in the holy place and the work in the most
Christ had been deter- holy place.
mined. When the great
clock of time pointed to
that hour, Jesus was
born in Bethlehem. . . . The whole plan of redemption in type
Providence had directed
the movements of nat-
ions, and the tide of
human impulse and infl- 1
uence, until the world
was ripe for the coming 3 2
of the Deliverer. . . .
{AG 11.2} 2 2
I have tried to illustrate these three phases in the redemption plan. It is important
to note that each phase has an allotted time. In the sanctuary everything happens
on time. We will look more into that in our next study. I want us to understand
rather that when Christ died on the cross as “a Lamb” He ended His work in the
outer court and began His work in the holy place as our High Priest for 1810
years He ministered on men’s behalf until on the 22nd of Oct. 1844 he entered
upon His ministry in the most holy place and ended His intercession for men in
the holy place. This is important for us to understand because Christ cannot
minister in both apartments at the same time. This also means that we cannot be
Receive any blessing if we are still in the outer heaven. We must by faith enter within the veil,
court or in the holy place, to receive the grace "whither the forerunner is for us entered."
and blessing of Christ we have to be where He Hebrews 6:20. There the light from the cross of
is. Read this inspired statement on this point: Calvary is reflected. There we may gain a
“But while it was true that that door of hope and clearer insight into the mysteries of redemption.
mercy by which men had for eighteen hundred The salvation of man is accomplished at an
years found access to God, was closed, another infinite expense to heaven; the sacrifice made is
door was opened, and forgiveness of sins was equal to the broadest demands of the broken law
offered to men through the intercession of Christ of God. Jesus has opened the way to the Father's
in the most holy. One part of His ministration throne, and through His mediation the sincere
had closed, only to give place to another. There desire of all who come to Him in faith may be
was still an "open door" to the heavenly presented before God. {GC 489.1}
sanctuary, where Christ was ministering in the Friends do you know that the sacrifice made by
sinner's behalf.” {GC 429.2} Christ on the cross would be, itself, of none
“It is those who by faith follow Jesus in the effect if there was no ministration in the
great work of the atonement who receive the sanctuary above. The prophet says, “When
benefits of His mediation in their behalf, while Christ cried out, "It is finished," all heaven
those who reject the light which brings to view triumphed. The controversy between Christ and
this work of ministration are not benefited Satan in regard to the execution of the plan of
thereby.” {GC 430.2} salvation was ended.” {SDA Bible Commentary
vol. 5 1149.10}. By His death Christ was able to
Friends let us enter in within the veil, “whither begin His intercession for us before God. His
the forerunner is for us entered, even Jesus” for death ended the controversy that was there
those that are translated and go through the time between Christ and satan in regards to the
of trouble, “follow the Lamb whithersoever he carrying out of the plan of redemption. Thus
goeth.” Heb. 6:20; Rev. 14:4. We need to go into Christ having won at the cross He had still work
that most holy place. to carry out in the two apartments of the
heavenly sanctuary in order to finish the work of