Steelconnect Ex Hardware Guide: Models Ex580, Ex780, and Ex3080 December 2019
Steelconnect Ex Hardware Guide: Models Ex580, Ex780, and Ex3080 December 2019
Steelconnect Ex Hardware Guide: Models Ex580, Ex780, and Ex3080 December 2019
December 2019
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Welcome.................................................................................................................................................................... 3
About this guide.............................................................................................................................................. 3
Document conventions ................................................................................................................................ 3
Documentation and release notes ............................................................................................................. 3
Contacting Riverbed ......................................................................................................................................4
1 - SteelConnect EX Overview.............................................................................................................................. 5
Hardware and software requirements ....................................................................................................... 5
SteelConnect EX component requirements ..................................................................................... 5
Ethernet network compatibility ........................................................................................................... 5
Firewall requirements.............................................................................................................................6
SNMP-based management compatibility..........................................................................................6
EX580 and EX780 specifications.................................................................................................................6
EX580 and EX780 port assignments ...................................................................................................6
Front panel LEDs and buttons ..............................................................................................................8
Back panel ..............................................................................................................................................10
Power and technical specifications ..................................................................................................10
Environmental specifications ............................................................................................................. 11
EX3080 specifications ................................................................................................................................. 11
EX3080 port assignments ................................................................................................................... 11
Front panel LEDs and buttons ............................................................................................................ 13
Back panel LEDs .................................................................................................................................... 14
Power and technical specifications .................................................................................................. 15
Environmental specifications ............................................................................................................. 16
Contents | 1
3 - Replacing SteelConnect 1U EX3080 Components ..................................................................................23
Required tools ...............................................................................................................................................23
Removing the chassis cover ......................................................................................................................23
Replacing the disk drives ............................................................................................................................25
Before you begin...................................................................................................................................25
Replacing the HDDs in the 1U EX3080 appliance .........................................................................25
Replacing power supply units....................................................................................................................26
Replacing memory modules......................................................................................................................28
Replacing fans .............................................................................................................................................. 30
2 | Contents
Document conventions
This guide uses the following standard set of typographical conventions.
Convention Meaning
italics Within text, new terms and emphasized words appear in italic typeface.
boldface Within text, CLI commands, CLI parameters, and REST API properties appear in bold typeface.
<> Values that you specify appear in angle brackets: interface <ip-address>
[] Optional keywords or variables appear in brackets: ntp peer <ip-address> [version <number>]
{} Elements that are part of a required choice appear in braces: {<interface-name> | ascii <string>
| hex <string>}
| The pipe symbol separates alternative, mutually exclusive elements of a choice. The pipe
symbol is used in conjunction with braces or brackets; the braces or brackets group the
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problems. To obtain the most current version of the release notes, go to the Software and
Documentation section of the Riverbed Support site at
Welcome | 3
Contacting Riverbed
Examine the release notes before you begin the installation and configuration process.
Contacting Riverbed
This section describes how to contact departments within Riverbed.
• Technical support - Problems installing, using, or replacing Riverbed products? Contact Riverbed
Support or your channel partner who provides support. To contact Riverbed Support, open a
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• Documentation - Have suggestions about Riverbed’s online documentation or printed materials?
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4 | Welcome
SteelConnect EX Overview
This chapter provides the hardware and software requirements and technical specifications for the
SteelConnect EX appliances. It includes these sections:
SteelConnect EX appliance rack The SteelConnect EX580 and EX780 appliances are desktop
The SteelConnect EX3080 appliance requires a 19-inch
(483 mm) four-post rack.
SteelConnect EX virtual machine SteelConnect EX requires a deployed virtual machine. The virtual
deployment requires an Intel CPU that is Sandy Bridge or later.
SteelConnect EX supports:
• VMware VSphere ESXi 5.1 and later
• KVM—RHEL/CentOS 6.4, Ubuntu 12.04, 14.04
• Xen
• Hyper-V
SteelConnect EX Overview | 5
EX580 and EX780 specifications
Firewall requirements
Seamless connectivity must be enabled between SteelConnect EX elements across intermediary
firewalls and routing elements for the following ports.
TCP 3000, 3001, 3002 High availability (HA) between FlexVNF instances, if HA nodes
exist and are configured.
The SteelConnect EX580 and EX780 appliances are shipped with these initial port assignments:
6 | SteelConnect EX Overview
EX580 and EX780 specifications
• Port 2 WAN port - The WAN uplink that connects to the SteelConnect EX Controller and downloads
the configuration.
• Port 3 LAN port - The LAN uplink that you connect to your computer so that you can connect to
the onboarding GUI.
Important: You must set the console port baud rate to 115200 on your terminal application. If you do not use the
correct baud rate of 115200, the appliance will not connect via the console port.
After you download the configuration from the SteelConnect EX Controller and the appliance reboots,
the port assignments for ports 2 to 8 change. They can become WAN, LAN, interconnect, or unassigned
ports. For example, the LAN port (port 3) that you used to connect to the GUI can become a WAN port.
(You must disconnect your laptop and recable it appropriately).
Figure 1-2. EX580 and EX780 port assignments after initial configuration and connection to the GUI
SteelConnect EX Overview | 7
EX580 and EX780 specifications
Ports 4-8 Unassigned. These ports can be assigned as WAN, LAN, or interconnect ports.
Ports 9-10 SFP+ ports. These ports can be assigned as WAN, LAN, or interconnect ports.
Important: You must set the console port baud rate to 115200 on your terminal application. If you do not use the
correct baud rate of 115200, the appliance will not connect via the console port.
Figure 1-3. EX580 and EX780 front panel LEDs and buttons
8 | SteelConnect EX Overview
EX580 and EX780 specifications
System LEDs The combination of LED 1 and LED 2 defines the system state:
Power = Green
LED 2 Status (for details, see “System LED 2 status” on page 9):
Connecting/Reconnecting = Blinks green
Connected = Green
Error (WAN IP) = Blinks yellow
LED 3-4
Default is off.
Reset button Press for five seconds to restore the factory defaults.
Console port (RJ45) You must set the console port baud rate to 115200 on your terminal
application. If you do not set the correct baud rate of 115200, the
appliance will not connect via the console port.
SteelConnect EX Overview | 9
EX580 and EX780 specifications
• R <nseconds> = Yellow for n-seconds
• G <nseconds> = Green for n-seconds
• P <nseconds> = Pause for n-seconds
• — = LED off
Back panel
Figure 1-4 illustrates the back panel of the appliance.
Figure 1-4. Back panel
Button Description
VA 48 78
RAM 16 GB 16 GB
10 | SteelConnect EX Overview
EX3080 specifications
Environmental specifications
This table summarizes the environmental requirements for the appliances.
Operating acoustic 45 dBA Sound pressure (typical) 45 dBA Sound pressure (typical)
EX3080 specifications
This section describes the port assignments, LEDs, buttons, and technical and environmental
specifications for the 1U SteelConnect EX3080 appliance. It includes these sections:
When the SteelConnect EX3080 is shipped it has these initial port assignments:
SteelConnect EX Overview | 11
EX3080 specifications
• Port 2 WAN port - The WAN uplink that connects to the SteelConnect EX Controller and downloads
the configuration.
• Port 3 LAN port - The LAN uplink that you connect to your computer so that you can connect to
the onboarding GUI.
Important: You must set the console port baud rate to 115200 on your terminal application. If you do not use the
correct baud rate of 115200, the appliance will not connect via the console port.
After you download the configuration from the SteelConnect EX Controller and the appliance reboots,
the port assignments for ports 2 to 8 change. They can become WAN, LAN, interconnect, or unassigned
ports. For example, the LAN port (port 3) that you used to connect to the GUI can become a WAN port.
(You must disconnect your laptop and recable it appropriately).
Figure 1-6. EX3080 port assignments after initial configuration and connection to the GUI
12 | SteelConnect EX Overview
EX3080 specifications
This table summarizes the port assignments on the front of the appliance.
Ports 9-12 SFP+ ports. These ports can be assigned as WAN, LAN, or interconnect ports.
Important: You must set the console port baud rate to 115200 on your terminal application. If you do not use the
correct baud rate of 115200, the appliance will not connect via the console port.
SteelConnect EX Overview | 13
EX3080 specifications
This table summarizes the LEDs and buttons on the front of the appliance.
System LEDs The combination of LED 1 and LED 2 defines the system state:
Power = Green
LED 2 Status (for details, see “System LED 2 status” on page 9):
Connecting/Reconnecting = Blinks green
Connected = Green
Error (WAN IP) = Blinks yellow
LED 3-4
Default is off.
Reset button Press for five seconds to restore the factory defaults.
Console port (RJ45) You must set the console port baud rate to 115200 on your terminal application. If
you do not use the correct baud rate of 115200, the appliance will not connect via
the console port.
14 | SteelConnect EX Overview
EX3080 specifications
This table summarizes the status lights on the back of the appliance.
LED/button Description
Specification EX3080
VA (max) 90 V
Voltage 100—240 V
PSU 2 x hot-swappable/redundant, 550 W
W = 100—240 VAC/7.1/3.4A, 47-63 Hz
SteelConnect EX Overview | 15
EX3080 specifications
Environmental specifications
This table summarizes the environmental requirements for the appliance.
Specification EX3080
16 | SteelConnect EX Overview
Rack Mounting Desktop SteelConnect
EX580, EX780, and 1U EX3080 Appliances
This chapter describes how to install SteelConnect EX580, EX780, and 1U EX3080 appliances in a
standard rack. It includes these sections:
• Do not attempt to service the EX580 and EX780 appliances. This sealed unit contains no user-
serviceable parts or adjustments. Do not open or tamper with the power supply.
• Carefully inspect the work area in which the appliance will be located to ensure against hazards
such as damp floors, ungrounded power extension cords, and missing ground connections.
• Before you connect the appliance to power, locate the power OFF switch on the appliance and
locate the main circuit breaker for the room in which the appliance is installed. If an electrical
accident occurs, turn power OFF immediately.
• Before operating the appliance, ensure that external power sources comply with the requirements.
• Ensure that the ampere rating of all equipment plugged into wall outlets does not exceed the
capacity of the outlet.
• If you require an extension cord, ensure that the ampere rating of all equipment plugged into the
extension cord does not exceed the cord’s ampere rating.
• If the appliance is exposed to moisture or condensation, disconnect it from the power source
immediately and obtain service assistance.
• If the appliance exhibits unexpected behavior, such as smoking or becoming extremely hot,
disconnect it from the power source immediately and then obtain service assistance. Do not block
or cover the openings to the appliance.
• Never push objects of any kind through openings in the appliance. Dangerous voltages might be
• Do not use conductive foreign objects; they can produce a short circuit and cause fire, electric
shock, or damage to your appliance.
• Observe local occupational health and safety requirements and guidelines for manual materials
• The rack can’t have solid or restricted airflow doors. You must use a mesh door on the front and
back of the rack or remove the doors to ensure adequate airflow to the appliance.
• The rack width and depth must allow for proper serviceability and cable management.
• Ensure that there is adequate airflow in the rack. Improper installation or restricted airflow can
damage the appliance.
• Models EX580 and EX780 are designed for the desktop. If you install them in a rack, do not place
equipment on top of the appliance as it restricts airflow and might cause damage to the appliance.
• Verify that the AC power supply branch circuit that provides power to the rack isn’t overloaded.
Overload power increases the risk of personal injury, fire, or damage to the appliance. The total rack
load should not exceed 80 percent of the branch circuit rating. Consult the electrical authority
having jurisdiction over your facility wiring and installation requirements.
• Do not install the appliance in or near a plenum, air duct, radiator, or heat register.
For detailed safety information, see the Safety and Compliance Guide.
Caution: Desktop appliances are designed for side-to-side airflow. If you install these appliances in a rack, do not
place objects on the sides of the appliance; it restricts airflow and can damage the appliance.
2. Mount the ear brackets onto each side of the chassis using the four screws that are included in the
kit. (See Figure 2-1.)
Figure 2-1. Mounting ear brackets on the desktop appliance
3. Slide the appliance into the rack and secure the ear brackets using four screws.
Figure 2-2. Installing the desktop appliance in a rack
4. Apply power by connecting the power cord from the AC inlet to the power source.
1. Mount the ear brackets onto each side of the chassis using the screws that are included in the
accessory kit. Each ear bracket requires four screws.
Figure 2-3. Mounting the ear brackets
2. Secure the chassis to the rack with the four screws included in the accessory kit.
Figure 2-4. Securing the appliance to the rack
3. From the back of the rack, slide the rail onto the appliance. Make sure the center of the rail aligns
with the center-screws on the side of the appliance.
Figure 2-5. Securing the rails on to the appliance
4. Facing the back of the rack, attach the four screws on each side of the appliance to the back of the
Figure 2-6. Attaching the screws to the back of the rack
Required tools
You need the following tools and equipment to replace appliance components:
• You must use approved components for the appliance to function properly. Installation of
unapproved components will result in boot failure. To order components, contact Riverbed Support
• When you replace appliance components, you must wear a grounded ESD antistatic strap to protect
the hardware against electrostatic discharge. Make sure that the strap makes skin contact prior to
handling equipment.
• Use the Riverbed magnetic reversible screwdriver (that is, Phillips and flat head) enclosed with your
shipment to remove screws in the appliance. The magnetic screwdriver ensures screws aren’t lost in
the appliance.
1. Power down the appliance and unplug all peripheral devices and the power cable.
2. Facing the back of the appliance, remove the 14 screws from the appliance: four on the front and
back, and three on the right and left side.
Figure 3-1. Removing the screws
3. Lift the cover straight up to remove the chassis cover from the appliance. For details, see Figure 3-2.
Figure 3-2. Removing the cover
Caution: Use caution when you remove or replace components; they can become hot to the touch.
4. To unlock the drive, using a Phillips-head screwdriver, turn the screw-head on the drive 90 degrees
to the left.
9. Slide in the new disk drive until it mates with the back connectors in the chassis.
10. Push in to secure the locking lever until it clicks into place. The disk drive LED lights green when
Figure 3-4. Securing the locking lever
11. To lock the drive, turn the screw-head on the drive 90 degrees to the right.
The PS units are numbered. Facing the rear of the appliance, PS1 is on the right and PS0 is on the left.
Caution: Use caution when replacing the power supply units; they can become hot to the touch.
1. Locate the defective power supply unit and remove the power cord.
3. Press in on the orange lever (see Figure 3-5, letter B) and pull the power supply unit toward you (see
Figure 3-5, letter C).
Figure 3-5. Removing the power supply unit from the 1U EX3080 appliance
Caution: Put the defective power supply unit aside; wait until it cools down before touching it.
5. Press in and hold the orange latch (see Figure 3-6, letter A) and push the power supply into the
chassis (see Figure 3-6, letter B).
Figure 3-6. Inserting the power supply unit for the 1U EX3080 appliance
6. Press the lock handle down (see Figure 3-6, letter C).
7. Plug the AC power cord into the new power supply unit.
When replacing memory on the 1U EX3080 appliance, place the new memory module in the slot from
which the faulty memory module was removed.
2. Remove the chassis cover. For details, see “Removing the chassis cover” on page 23.
3. Press the locking clips outward to unlock them and gently pull the memory module out of the slot.
Figure 3-8. Releasing the locking clips
Note: Replacing the existing memory module with a module of a different size causes the appliance to fail. You must
use approved memory modules. Contact Riverbed Support at to obtain the correct
memory modules.
4. Align the memory-module edge connector and insert it into the slot. When inserted properly, the
memory slot locking levers lock automatically onto the indentations at the ends of the module.
Figure 3-9. Inserting the memory modules
7. Replace the chassis cover. For details, see “Removing the chassis cover” on page 23.
Replacing fans
This section describes how to replace fans in the 1U EX3080 appliance.
The 1U EX3080 appliance is equipped with two fans that are contained in a single fan unit. You must use
approved fans. To order fans, contact Riverbed Support at
Important: The fans aren’t hot swappable; you must power down the appliance before replacing the fans.
2. Remove the chassis cover. For details, see “Removing the chassis cover” on page 23.
3. To remove the fan unit, pull straight up on each side of the unit. The fan is removed as a single unit.
Figure 3-11. Removing the fan
4. Insert the new fan with the attached bracket into the fan slot.
Figure 3-12. Inserting the new fan
5. Replace the chassis cover. For details, see “Removing the chassis cover” on page 23.